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‘Town of Franklin Board of Aldermen Agenda May 2, 2016 7:00 pum. 1. Call to Order- Mayor Bob Scot 2. Pledge of Allegiance- Vice Mayor Patti Abel 3. Adoption of the May 2, 2016 Town Board Agenda, 4. Approval ofthe April 4 and April 18, 2016 Town Board minutes 5. Public Hearing 7:05 p.m. on Proposed Flood Ordinance 6. Publie Session 7, New Business A) Board Action on Proposed Flood Ordinance B.) Road Name Request for Harrison Oaks Drive- Land Use Administrator Justin Setser C) Forward ETS Request to Town Planning Board Land Use Administrator Justin Setser & Town ‘Attomey John Henning Jr 1D.) Budget Amendment- Finance Officer Kyra Doster .) Street Closing Request for Freedom Rocks the Square- Town Manager Summer Woodard F}) Appointment of Wayne Swank as Chairman of the Alcohol Beverage Control Board- Town Manager Summer Woodard G) Proposed Improvements to Memorial Park- Town Manager Summer Woodard 1H) Official Notification and Acceptance of State Revolving Loan for $3,578,750- Town Maneger Summer Woodard 1) Budget Amendment for Water Plant Upgrade and Expansion Project- Finance Officer Kyra Doster J) Proposed Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Town Budget- Town Manager Summer Woodard. 1.) Presentation of Proposed Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Town of Franklin Budget 2,) Sot Budget Work Session for Seturday May 14, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. 3.) Set Public Hearing for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Town of Franklin Budget for Monday June 6, 2016 at 7:05 pam, 8. Announcements A) Meet and Greet with Fire Chief Kevin Rohrer Wednesday May 11, 2016 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 pam. at Franklin Fire Department. B.) Town Hall Offices will be closed Monday May 30, 2016 in observance of Memorial Day 9. Adjourn DRAFT The regular meeting of the Town of Franklin Board of Aldermen was held on Monday April 4, 2016 at 7 p.m, in the Town Hall Board Room. Mayor Robert S. Scott presided. Vice-Mayor Patti Abel, Aldermen Joe Collins, Adam Kimsey, Billy Mashburn, Brandon McMahan and Barbara McRae were present. April 4, 2016 meeting, The Pledge of Allegiance was dene. Adoption of the April 4, 2016 Town Board Agenda ‘Summer Woodard ~ Town Manager ~ Council and I wauld like to add a closed session. John Henning Jr. ~ Town Attorney — | believe we want to add this to discuss a real estate matter in pursuant to General Statutes §143-318.11, ‘Motion was made by Collins, seconded by McRae to adopt the April 4, 2016 agenda with the addition of a closed session. Motion carried. Vote: 6 to 0. FY L of the March 7, 2016 Town Board minutes Motion was made by Kimsey, seconded by Abel to approve the March 7, 2016 Town Board minutes. Motion carried, Vote: 6 to 0. Public Session No person spoke during the public session, ‘New Business: Proclamation for Tartan Day 2016 Mayor Scott read the proclamation Motion was made by Collins, seconded by McRae to approve the Proclamation to designate April 6, 2016 as Tartan Day in Franklin. Motion carried. Vote: 6 to 0. New Business: Recreational Concept Involving the Whitmre Property Jim Ledford presented a recreational concept for the Whitmre Property, A copy of the PowerPoint presentation is attached. Mayor Scott — Alright. We do have a Recreation Committee, with Alderman Collins serving on it. What ‘would the Board like to do? Where are we? Alderman Mashburn ~ 1 think it’s premature. ‘Alderman Collins ~ Alderman Mashburn and I have been here the longest | guess, and it’s been a hard struggle because of the acquisition and ownership of the Whitmire Property. It is our ace in the hole, and I think our Board's atmosphere and politics are such that decisions can be made that could not have been in years past. So | think it is a new day. That said, this certainly is one concept that looks good. But the Board is really going to have sit down and figure out what the best use is. And other Board’s were not in the position to do it. | do appreciate the presentation. DRAFT Alderman Collins ~ We need more time to figure out what we want to do with the property. We need to really figure out where this Board is, April 4, 2016 meeting minutes, Alderman Mashburn ~ And | don’t want to promise anyone anything because there are different options out there. John Henning Jr. ~ Town Attorney ~ We still have planning materials that we went through a great deal to get. Those plans exalore alot of options. Alderman Mashburn ~ 1 don’t want to push it. | realize these guys have put forth a lot of effort, but there are other things that we need to be aware of before we start down a particular path. Mayor Scott That's why we should look at options soon. ‘Alderman McMahan — How long have we owned the property? Mayor Scott— Since 2004, Alderman McMahan — | guess my question is how much longer do we want to hold onto the property to wait for other options to arise? Alderman Kimsey | definitely want to start looking at all of the options. Alderman McMahan ~ I'm not in any way suggesting we vote on this tonight. But we need to start some forward movement, or it will continue to sit there for another twelve years. Alderman Collins - Yeah. You are right. Mayor Scott Itis time, New Business: Consideration of Proposed Rate Increase for J&B Disposal Bonita Hemstra— 1&8 Disposal - Thanks for having me again. | have attached some figures for you to look at, quarterly operations. Please let me know if you have any questions. | do want to say that the service Is not mandatory. | don’t feel my rates are putting anyone in a position of not being able to afford it. ‘Motion was made by Collins, seconded by Kimsey to approve the J&B Disposal rate increase as requested. Motion carried. Vote: 6 to 0. New Business: Street Closing Re 9F the Taste of Scotland Doug Morton - Taste of Scotland - We know closing down Friday will impact businesses, So instead what we would like to do is to have entertainment at the Gazebo. DRAFT Motion was made by Mashburn, seconded by Collins to close down lotla and Phillips Streets on Friday June 17, 2016 from 6 p.m. through Saturday, June 18 until 6 p.m. and to close Main Street on Saturday June 18, 2016 from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Motion carried. Vote: 6 to 0. April 4, 2016 meeting continued, New Business: Set Public Hearing for Text Amendment Re Neighborhood Mix Use Zoning Justin Setser- Land Use Administrator ~ Back at our Planning Board meeting in March we discussed a potential text amendment to our Unified Development Ordinance. This would change the maximum footprint in the Nelghborhood Mix Use (NMIU) to maximum gross floor area of 10,000 square feet. You will see that they voted against the recommendation because it would apply to the entire (NMU) Neighborhood Mix Use district. John Henning Jr. ~ Town Attorney ~ If you go through a zoning amendment you can’t consider the proposed use, You have to look at how the Town will develop overall ‘Alderman Mashburn ~ I think we should go with the Planning Board's recommendation and deny it. There is no need for a public hearing, ‘Motion was made by Mashburn, seconded by McRae to deny the request to set a public hearing for a ‘text amendment regarding (NMU) Neighborhood Mix Use Zoning. Motion carried. Vote: 4 to 2. Voting Yes: Alderman Abel, Collins, Mashburn and McRae. Voting No: Aldermen Kimsey and McMahan. A cony of the text amendment is attached. Alderman McRae ~ It seems like a special use permit process would be the better route for this application. ‘New Business: Recommendation to the Macon County Board of Commi: Jones to the Town of Franklin Planning Board as the ET) Representative ers to Re-Appoint Dave Justin Setser— Land Use Administrator ~ Dave Jones has served his term and he still wishes to serve. ‘Motion was made by McRae, seconded by McMahan to recommend to the Macon County Board of Commissioners to re-appoint Dave Jones to the Town of Franklin Planning Board as the extra- territorial jurisdiction representative for a three (3) year term beginning April 4, 2016 and ending April 4, 2018. ‘New Business: Forward Proposed Flood Ordinance to Town Planning Board Justin Setser — Land Use Administrator ~ This will enable the Planning Board to review the draft ordinance. This is also required. John Henning ir. - Town Attorney ~ The ordinance is based on the suggested model. The other thing | wanted to mention that this requires 2 public hearing before it is adopted, so I'm asking you to set @ public hearing on this for next month at 7:05 p.m. DRAFT ‘Motion was made by Kimsey, seconded by McMahan to forward proposed Flood Ordinance to the ‘Town Planning Board, and to set a public hearing on the proposed Flood Plain Ordinance for May 2, 2016 at 7:05 p.m. in the Town Hall Board Room. Motion carried. Vote: 6 to 0. April 4, 2016 meeting continued, New Business: Budget Amendment ‘Summer Woodard - Town Manager — This is a budget amendment for legal. It’s in the agenda packet. This was an administration mistake. We need to increase Professional Services Legal by $20,500.00, New Business: Engagement Letter for Martin Starnes LGERS Pension Attest Audit for 2015 ‘summer Woodard ~ Town Manager - The Town of Franklin out of 41 towns and counties were chosen by the State for an audit of the retirement system. We don’t have a choice In the matter. | think this is poor planning on their end. It will cost us $5,000 to do this. Motion was made by McMahan, seconded by Abel to approve the engagement letter for Martin Starnes LGERS Pension attest audit for 2015, and to authorize Mayor Bob Scott to senda letter to ‘Senator Jim Davis and Representative Roger West to voice the Town's disapproval of the unanticipated audit expense. Motion carried, Vote: 6 to 0. A copy of the letter is attached. New Business: Permission to Advertise Vacancy on Alcohol Beverage Control Board ‘Summer Woodard ~ Town Manager ~ This will allow us to advertise the vacancy on the Alcohol Beverage Control Board. Applications will be due Monday, April 25 by 5 p.m. Applications will be available on the town website and in the newspaper. Motion was made by Kimsey, seconded by Abel to grant permission to Town Manager to advertise vacancy on Alcohol Beverage Control Board in local newspaper and on the Town’s website. Motion carried. Vote: 6to 0. egal: Closed Session ‘Motion was made by Abel, seconded by Kimsey to go into closed session to discuss the real estate acquisition of 517 Industrial Park Road pursuant to §G.S. 143-318.11. Motion carried. Vote: 6 to 0. DRAFT ‘Motion was made by Collins, seconded by Kimsey to come cut of closed session. Motion carried, Vote: 6tod. April 4, 2016 meeting continued, No action was taken. Motion was made by Abel, seconded by Kimsey to adjourn the meeting at approximat ‘Motion carried, Vote: 6 to 0. ty 8:20 p.m. Robert 5. Scott, Mayor Chad B. Simons, Town Clerk DRAFT ‘The Town of Franklin Board of Aldermen held a special called meeting on Monday April 18, 2016 at 5:30 p.m, in the Town Hall Board Room. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss revenue projections, debt service and the proposed budget for the 2016-2017 fiscal year. Mayor Robert S. Scott presided. Vice Mayor Patti Abel, Aldermen Joe Collins, Adam Kimsey, Billy Mashburn, Brandon McMahan and Barbara McRae were present. April18, 2016 meeting, Projected Revenue for Fiscal Year 201 017, ‘Town Manager Summer Woodard discussed revenue projections for the 2016-2017 fiscal year. A copy of the revenue sheet is attached. Mayor Scott One comment | would like to make. On the occupancy tax the League of Municipalities is really lobbying the state to allow towns to use that money on infrastructure projects. So they are lobbying hard, and if that goes through we will be able to use a portion of that money for other things. Alderman McRae ~ Do we have the same number of hotel rooms in town? I know Franklin Terrace just reopened. ‘Summer Woodard - Town Manager ~ That's excellent news. Every little bit helps. Debt Service for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 ‘Town Manager Summer Woodard and Finance Officer Kyra Doster discussed debt service payments for 2016-2017 fiscal year. A copy of the debt service payment sheet is attached, ‘Summer Woodard ~ Town Manager —The Board does need to be aware of this. It does look like this will ‘occur fiscal year 2017-2018. The fire truck payment of $177,615.00 does not close out this lease. There will be an additional buyout. What that will be is yet to be determined. Ms. Doster, Mr. Henning and |are working on this. ‘Alderman Collins ~| think it was a buck is what we thought it was going to be, Have you thrown some numbers around? This was something we thought would be paid off for a $1.00 this year. ‘Summer Woodard — Town Manager ~ Right now it is $210,000. That's the number that’s on the table and we have challenged that to get a separate appraisal iscussion on Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Summer Woodard ~ Town Manager — We have broken it down where we are at debt wise, in both funds. We have met with department heads to see what we expect expenditure wise, We plan in the next couple of days to look at water and sewer revenue. With that being said there are some definite needs on the expenditure side in the general fund, The police department needs a generator, for example. Software is also something to consider. There are some needs to consider in addition to what we have budgeted. There are some water and sewer projects we need to look at, one is Forest Avenue and Fox Ridge. DRAFT April 18, 2016 meeting continued, Alderman Collins ~ Did we balance last year? ‘Summer Woodard - Town Manager ~ You did balance last year. Mayor Scott - We are coming along, | see it almost every day. I'm sorry, some of this is not thelr making. Alderman McRae - Would new software help speed things along? ‘Summer Woodard ~ Town Manager — It would. Alderman Collins — sit too early to say if we are going to have sufficient revenues for next year? ‘summer Woodard —Town Manager ~ | think on your general side you should have sufficient revenues to balance. 'm not so sure about water and sewer. Alderman McRae — Will we see new tax revenues with economic growth? ‘Summer Woodard - Town Manager — It helps. But water and sewer tap fees have declined substantially In the last five years, but hopefully that is starting to come back. It is better than it was three years ago. But I'm not sure we will ever get back to where we were ten years ago when those tap fees were supporting your enterprise fund. late on Crosswalk Project for Fiscal Year 20: 016 ‘Town Manager Summer Wooderd discussed the proposition of using budgeted funds originally planned for updating seven existing crosswalks, and using those funds for resurfacing Franklin Memorial Park parking lot and installing mulch or rubber matting on all playground equipment, and revamping the basketball/tennis court. ‘Summer Woodard ~ Town Manager ~ If you didn’t want to move forward with the existing crosswalks you could knock out three projects in one, You could do the parking lot, playground matting and the court. A conservative estimate would be about $46,234.21. | throw this out because | know this Board is progressive and wants to knock out some projects. Alderman Collins ~Is there any money to look at the Town Gazebo? ‘Summer Woodard - Town Manager ~ That would be up to the Board. | would like for the Board to look at the contract. That contract is actually up for renewal in 2018. There is some language in that contract, that | think the Board should consider allowing myself and the Town Attorney to renegotiate. One example is that no mejor improvements can be made without Macon County blessing those improvements. Also, if we put $100,000 into this project the county can basically say they want It back and not be obligated to pay the Town anything. I’m just cautioning the board about funding this project next fiscal year. DRAFT [Alderman McRae — The clock tower was built by a private non-profit group. Maybe there is another group, along with the county, that will help us out. April 18, 2016 meeting continued, ‘Alderman Mashburn — What about owning it? ‘Alderman Collins - We should look at it. Mayor Seott- Any objection to approaching the county about this? Alderman Collins —| think we need to figure out what we want to do with it first ‘Mayor Scott ~ I think we should take care of this st, and then decide what we want to do with it ‘Alderman McRae — Historically, this is the heart of the town. I think it would be right and proper for the ‘county to assist us. It’s our square. It’s been there since 1820. Alderman Collins ~ | think this Board must decide on what we want to do with it, and we need to take the lead in doing that. The Board of Aldermen discussed the possibilty of funding other projects at length. Summer Woodard ~ Town Manager ~ Can | get a preference on the projects? ‘Alderman Abel ~ How much revenue does it bring In, the Memorial Park? ‘Summer Woodard - Town Manager ~ It’s about $3,600. We charge $50.00 for an all-day rental. ‘Alderman Collins ~ It appears the crosswalks are out. ‘Summer Woodard ~ The funding is for this year. ‘Alderman Collins ~| think we need to go ook at it, and then decide on it leter. ‘Summer Woodard ~ Town Manager ~ Maybe we can make a formal vote at our next board meeting, Mayor Scott -1 was at a league meeting last year and all towns are in the same boat. The cuts from the state are very deep. | just worry sometimes about our infrastructure. | think we need to look at that. | just want to add this. The department heads and employees have worked really hard on this budget. “The state is looking at getting rid of the Dillon Rule. The House Bill 2 was not about bathrooms, but more ‘about home rule when you get down to it. DRAFT ‘Motion was made by Collins, seconded by McMahan to adjourn the meeting at 6:25 p.m. Motion carried. Vote: 6 to 0. April 18, 2016 meeting continued, Robert 5. Scott, Mayor Chad Simons, Town Clerk Agenda Item — Board of Aldermen Meeting Date: May 2, 2016 Agenda Item # 5 Department/Agency? Land Use ‘Subject Matter: Public Hearing 7:05 p.m. on Proposed Flood Ordinance. Department Head’s Comments/Recommendation* N/A ‘Town Manager's Comments/Recommendation: N/A Suggested Motion: N/A Attachments* Yes __ No _X Action Taken: Agenda Item — Board of Aldermen Meeting Date: May 2, 2016 Agenda Item #: 7 (A) Department/Agency: Town Board Subject Matter: Board Action on Proposed Flood Ordinance. Department Head’s Comments/Recommendation: N/A ‘Town Manager's Comments/Recommendation: Approval Suggested Motion: If (favorable) Town Attorney will provide wording. Attachments: ‘Yes _X No Action Taken: TOWN OF FRANKLIN Post Office Box 1479 Franklin, North Carolina 28744 (828) 524-2516 To: Mayor Bob Scott Town of Franklin Board of Aldermen Summer Woodard, Town Manager From: Justin Setser, Land Use Administrator Date: April 26, 2016 Subject; Flood Ordinance Planning Board Recommendation On April 25, 2016 at a continued meeting from April 18, 2016 of the Town of Franklin planning board. The planning board finished reviewing the drafted Town of Franklin Flood Ordinance. At that meeting on April 25, 2016 the planning board voted to recommend to the Town of Franklin Board of Alderman for them to adopt the new flood ordinance as amended by the Town Attomey. The vote was 4-0 unanimous for adoption. FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION ORDINANCE FOR ‘THE TOWN OF FRANKLIN ARTICLE. 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Goverment (CLO) Progen ‘cei cal Goverment (C10) Progen te approved ye US Deparment of te tei coopera wh tbe Noth Crone parent of Cok! Resonce gh the Ste Hater Preserson Or svg ma ‘eguromenh of te Nato Hore reeration Aco 1086 a emended it 150. “Lene Map ChaneecLOMCY mean cl dernton utlby FEMA ta eds oss an eectve Fed Tsuance Rte por Flord Ieee Soy. Late of Map Chage tee (0) Ler of Mp Amendnc (LOMA): Aa ancatneat based on echnzl data sowing thaw prope was Incomes neha ns dpa spel bod hud tes" LOMA aes te cea eee Pood tenance Rat ap and cates at pele propery, prton os per, eset a ated in ‘pec od arc are (o) Keter ef sp Revision (LOM): A cevon bused x ec dat at may show changes fo Mood 2005 feed. shims, specs) foal are ane bounds and feaday deleeaens and cer nese fer (©) Later fap Rovsion Based on Fl (LOME-FY. A deeemination tata seve oF pte flan as been ‘lente hy fil above fe bse Pood devon and teers no lager Joaued win ie spell Neos [end eh. In ede to lity fx hs cert oe fil ust fave baa poll end paced ‘Screven he comnts Soon mesagee tons (Genicot Lata of Map Hevisen(CLOMI), A forpal view and comet so Wet props fod ct prose oerpvsst somes wih he minum NFP reuene for ch projets wi respect {Eelneon of spel ford sad aes. CLOME dees trv th eect Hod sac ate Map ‘Road Insane Stuf ugon suis ard pose eid asa casein ete Of Map Resse mayne aed FEMA Worer seth eae FIRM (€3-oon3496300%)4 “Lonec Adasen Graded AY” meas de leva fhe groan iwi or psi sb Inessey se 1 bing or ded spor er couplets othe bling, “Lowest at” as he owest No of ie loves eeloed at (ing bsemt) An fad or Hod sn ETRE) for puting of thick, balding ssn raed sorige nan sober th 9 Basement ss Seeing wes face, prove ha sch oneness ob 0 af ender he ste wtion Ue aplicableton sain devgn equines o as arc. ‘natal Hae” mean sens, senserable on moe Scie, wi su ons pemanen chai a RADE Win or maou 2 peomoctt Countian when comectd fo the cequed ills, The tem ‘Sfatactted howe des not lade receonal vei * oe. 1 means «ps (or coin pre) of Ind ds Io oma ere ‘ature tome es fore ee “Mise Vale” mens the bulking vl nt icatig he nd value wn tat of ay accsory snes oF oe se Mae ne be Mhvlveray beet Wy indrpnaet ced ara elarcot cst ered [efage but ane quay of constustien Atua Cash Vale) or asd ax sae abe cso Sg Le” mus, for pups of ssa, National eae Vie! Daum (NGYD) as corm TSS SRA eS eal amen (UAVD) a cvs In 988, ore ver ea coil aun used a a afleaee TE ESicnoy copy cleaonswihin be Nonslm to whlch Bose Wood Hewes (BPE) shown ona FRM we telernced, Hale ee IRA pane dene ase ved, gn Constba” sean strcnses oe which the at f corm” commence on oat th ete dite of te RS-SOSRINSE serene erin ed icra subsequent impeoverens ws SACU Non-Eqccinng fre meses the uoel of «ver of cher secure un healer asd seas ht mst Be Feet ge bast fos ran cna Scresing te wate sure evan ar than one) {lorasdexigtein fe Fd Insurance Stay eon boa fIRM mens comton ooherdeekpmet or which he “sat of emit” occured oor afer the effisve ‘Sie the nth Flee Tosrance Re Map “pe EuRME rem ett tober Covelapnen fr which te “sar of onstin”accumed eter the five dt oti nal Hb! sree Rat Mp, “rnc Abuse Gea nn a eet SI‘ ofthe eal cash abe ofthe struc hove ren Public Safety” “Nusa” meas anything which i ij © testy oF he of an emi communty cr TORISSOS ny conadeile numberof pasern, or unowilyobstees fe ce Pnge OF wn the osty ‘Shc ofan avg ko eb, en, cal isn “sranion WtlclecRVT enn vehi ch (batons sige cass, (8) Sopsqune fst x ese when eau at eng haztl pectin (G)__ dsigedto te selegrocted ce penne towable by it ty ck nd (3) SS penne sperm dk bt rs ig qa etn ‘sping eel of esoal se, atesass Lethe ofthe fost oer sauces wii Spel lod ant Are esigaeda Zine A A Aw or AO. -Regutgy Fn Eten Eka’ ean the "Bate od Elevation” ps the“Freeoare Inspec od amd eee Binal Fowles (DFTs) hae ben dommine, hs evan salle te BFE pis wo @) fet of PDE Ghecal Pot Hare! Ares whet no BFE has br else, dip elevation sal be aes ovo 2) et ove te Bigs obeet ee. {es unsess 0005 Rersdy-& Vion” mews to brig he sche ther development nto complance wk State a comnts Peas rage replat of ths ot poset resace he impasse ss soncorglinne Ways dt inp ny be fecued ucla ping the scare ot ae feed develgnent foe Hood damages, mpeg Oe Ba Eee poner of the ondosne or obevie Goering fre sen Velbon or reticag Feder feancsl ‘Epc wit ep fade srucurer abe deep “vering” meaning 6, farmed yor venBling wiv (ching tbe) seas, brooke Suaze Yard” eats any moore propery ued or be sage. callocin anor seeing of any OE of CSRSIISS nnn bl ot a eo vee, ppliages sree machin. soté Waste Dinas Eauy” means my lity lvoe he days of cll wa a died in NCGS 1308 HOO, Sod vate Diss ste” means defn la NOGS 19282900136) any Pacem which sot wanes spss by ‘neon rnsry aul or any ober bod oe Pood Haat Arc SEA” eas th an inte lpn sj 1 8 oe pct (8) oer cane of ‘eb hnded ny shen our aston fo Arie 3, Sctn B of is ori. “snc Consnson” neues eben enprovernes and mens the date he ui pct wos fas, provided he ee on ree ecomtmcton eaten sedan cee er oe inrovencit was win 180 see ite peta, The gol statanean ether he fst platen of penne consmocon of «sarin i SORE pots ora or fongs te tation ofl he cect of cols, ray we ead he io heen or ae Pos of a awed one ona feudaton Pema cstran dct oot iced ind Par Sick ad canned, a og 20 doe ince te asalliton cf sens and wakays nr oi Sere icra basen, lates ies or ouaons or heen of erp Tras nr dos nade ie ‘Ebsnon o epcpry a nes tidings sree ocd ot ope = dveling ws 0 ECF Ne ree dcr, Ge armas inprvensa al vt of Sosteuecn each ft eatin fy wa cig, Fee ene ccnp of he bldg. wero not sera afecs te exter cera fe bing “Sung” mens a wledand ofl tlling, manfecured bem. o gu, feted gs sre tak tht in ‘prt boweproid “Suton Damage’ meu dasoge of ay oii sie by» smacure dun any eet prod whey te cost of ‘SRGET esto ls befoe seal coon woul equ or eee 0 percent of fe art vale ofthe Roce EESe he damge octet Soe fave of sulsanta impeovenes™ Sobsantl cuage lo mess Cec-ehved Tre cet by antactre o two spss cna rng yee pt for whic the ost of eas ibe ie of se ae dsdcnce on ie evap eqs excote 25 pete he hes ve te stu ef the Sage ‘cone, ' sa mem sy cbt of reps. eons, bilan, sono oe improve “ESSERE dra ony one year uf which tec eqs tne 20 percent of he mks vale of fie most bere he “srt of eouston” of ee eapeoveret Thi erm Int scutes Mich ve ine eum eaige”tegeessof be cal isle workpeermud. Theters dese, hows, neler (a) ey corston of exsig vention of Sato comeiy heh sua, cst code spots nich FZSRER" Shree! oy he community code efoeemert fe! and whic ae te mina news 1 Sone ule ing cnn () iynioation of» serie stucae, provided fat dhe aon wll rt prec the sau contines ‘Eigmion ov abate sev sede atenton iv appevedy vane Rued pura > Arle 4 Sector Botehsocnnee sane” ram fet rm te eines fis ons. “Yintan” mans de flr fa sce or ohe evelopeent ob fly compliant wih he iesunin’s Reda creer crcl. A stucco her development mata bo elvaton eerie, cher erfnes, of Ober Care catia qa in Aces 44nd Se presumed abe a vlan until sch ie ss Hat Goce (csoumuseapocxs provid vice See Dzvton QUSEY" mets te Beg, eon te mean sex evel. of Abode of vais agi and ‘ieqvenaes in be foodpsn of iverine ares, wines” mens lake, ver, el, sm van, cnn! ooh oporph exe on ot over nich wats ow a TEMS. watrcoune ncaa geil digit aus nich aban lod dagen oes ARTICLES. GENERAL YROVISIONS. SECTION A LANDS 70 WHICHLTHIS ORDINANCE ARPLIES. “tis rtinace sal apy al Spel Food Hazat Aree within he union. nsuing Pair Terrialuieton (Eliot the Towset Pan SECTION, BASIS EOR ESTABLISHING THE SPLCIAL ELOOD HAZARD AREAS. “tp Speci! Fad Haare Aves are os iden under he Coopating Tesi Sat (CTS) sereentdewee the ‘Sate North Colin nd AMA hr FS de May, 209 fer Mason County end ancl DFIRM pas Incas Ber al dns develped spurt ofthe Bnd Inve Sey, whe ne ope by reference ad esr at of ht rset Ria evsoes othe FS and DFIRM pel tat co nex change Noo bazar és win the Sra erty ote Tow Pras ab opal by ference and dered art of is crac SECTION, ESTABLISHMENT OF FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT. [A loolsa Deelgmet Permit sal be tego i cofenzane withthe poisons of this onance ra 10 the acai of i devepen avin within Specs Food Haexd Aves detained acrorconce With He [poviens of Al 3 Seon 8 fbi crore SECTIOND, COMPLIANCE, ‘suet rhe stl eer a extend. coavet; ako deepen any may without compen ‘vibes ef sedition te apie repos SECTION ABROGATION AND GREATER RESTRICTIONS, “This ovtnancs imo vended 0 copes svat, ot impr ony xing seme, covenants dead eis Tobie is eden end wots sont o Overap waksev inp the mse Sigs resins soll preva SUCTION. INEERPRETATION Ine ietepersion an apletono hice, al proviso hl be (o) casi se minioum egret {b) aly conercdin vor othe povering bey ad (@)__ Geen eter oii no repeal thes powers gamed under Sate tases SECTIONG. WARNING AND DISCLAIMER OF LIAMILITY. “te deg of od protein equi byt onc coer esse for reply prpsts ad i xed 22 FEES ining const. (arg fool can and wll exci. Acta food fight ms De nese y aa ese ins ence ccs vv thy fm land eis he Special Foe aa Are wes pred ‘Sohal ss wi be es fom Rctng cro cages This orate all nt ete Labilty on he pat of te Tene yeh thnorby sy flee er nploye efor Nand camages fst res om retance e is osans & 2a ecminstave ccs awl aeheosn. SECTION v101 es: 00863,.000x)7 Viotion of te ovis ofthis erence ec faa to cmp wih any of is reqitnents seaig voeaton of Meares Gal guns eblshed in comecion sith rte of valaace of spel exes ball costae 2 ‘SRldncmor any pesoe whole ls rane ae comp wi any fs elements a upn cnvicon RSP Best nce dn $00.00 ce tpn for oltre ha iy (3 eas, ce Pts Fach dy sch van aerate becontieed squat oene, Noting heels coed sll sven he Town of Fea rom aking Sch oer loft ueconas i ossary to preven creed en won. ARTICLE ADMINSERATION. SECTION A. DESIGNATION OF FLOODPLATS ADMINISTRATOR, “re Land Ue Anita heiae feed to he “Roogpaip Anita’ sey spotted adit ad ‘recat te peso of fs nace, sett rnspmn of hese ais inthe seton 3 te Tom RAE SECKIOND. An m1 ‘REQUIREMENTS, (1) Auplcatio Regursments, Arpicaton for» Roopa Development Pemit sll be mace he loan da Tr ta Sivcopment ces cre wit Spec Feed Tad Aras. Tapes gy rae ie hy anpleauee pata a aut Se eet gud ase sa Ae 0 2 eee ras nigcli | follwing nu dailte reseed oe — (Commend DIE Rane Dostvmi OR) ‘dseaon she Fava Monags FRoodpine alse ap for 2 Aon develope pom (3) At pn dame ose which al nea, ta salar be Une ah following pei dei of he ‘ps8 Hooiisindevsopnen: te ast, cto, dinersion, and eto ofthe wes of dvelopmestbuce: exising and pops acute, wy stem degpaveneac or Fl mira stcge se dane fai, an ober development iy te punta of he Spc Fld Hazard Aca os éefineted onthe FIRM ote dood map 3 {lseined nar Section cr Sneed he Spoil Fed Hara ‘neat i) dt ont desiaton of he proessd development se deena onthe FRM or oer Hood top termined neice 3, Sesto B (ote bout of the odnay) ono enortchen zl) s determin Article, Seen B: (0) te Bas Pood Evan (FE) where provided set fo in Ate 8, Seton B; Ale 4 Secon (rare 5 Sesion (09) oid an new eatin o ony teers tht wl be auc oe eloed 6 res ope even and (oi) @eceritcaton ofthe plot pin by aregieret nad surveyor er rofesonsengeet, (0) Repose eteaton and meted ee of developca! wii» Ses Flood Hee Ars lec bat tld (0) cevatn in eatin fe wean so level of the proposed eee eel (acting semen) of i) csv in selon fo mean es evel to which any nonsense in Zane AB, Aer AO wl eeadootd and (it) cova in slain tomes seve to which any proposed wily aytens il be eloated ooaoote (cs:otamesp0cxI8 o ° (ot frodywofing, 2 Foudproing Cette (FEMA Fora 0860-34 (12)) with spporting dit a8 ‘peston paw and an inpecton an sennce pla ht cade, but ee oot Hines, iin hectend sina Redpotng messes. (6) A Rupa Plan ern 0 sale, whh sl inde deta te propos fountin sytem tease potston of te re rere. These dell ole bt a not ito: 6) teprccosl neti of elvson open sel ountin prince wal, alibi ‘fenton ep foaneon co chimera wal 2 (8) oping A alte somatic equation of hye hed forces on wal seconde with Brice’, Seaton BC) when so ound pate ws ested ln Zones A, AO, AE, A 3 (© Unge desis af any eos aes elo te loves or Plas anos det for fe potoson of ube wn aod eis sc sewers. ci a water ‘remind and connvted omisinize ood damage. @ Cetfaion fat aloes Lose, Stat ae Fest pms ee lor ois developesat permit Sonos avebeen reed, (@) Decimetatn for placement of Receaonal Vehicles sade Tenponey Seacures, when epplebl, © ‘ure atthe preston of Anil, Seo, stsetons (6) and) his rinse rt A dscnton of roped waco sean a relcetion, when spgBeble, incising an ngsrng oer onthe dec of he rome ret onthe Roe eying capac ote waa 8h ot © ‘ert lsd ot peter an owrsteons a1 ap (ioe shova on let is) owl he eatin Erde propo! waco shersion reson ‘Remit Rsouiemssts, Te Ponsa Deveoptent Perit sl ines bu be ited (a) Adsctpiona ie deslpment oe mite under the Rodi deepen! px (@) The Spext Poot Hara Aa dtsnion forthe peoposel development in acinance with vase ‘ood Arle, Section. 6) TheRegletoy Foo Ptecton Bleton gue forthe reference eel dal stent ites, (@)TieReuaty Food Prteon Elvan oui forth rotton of pubic wes, (© Alcesionon mata regan wih mos, ()Axavetent ato fill mit caer develomet sal enone in the ody ce or-neecnent evo saeco, ae app eb G) Tee Nod apeags reins Zo A, AO, Ar AL. (0) Liitatns fiw A estore ws apkable: eet uses ny be ii puny bling sess abd ited org oy) Sinifiotin Reaw, (0) Bova Criioner (Ax aon Catia FEMA Form 0860-35 9/12) requ pie othe aoa sta oy ‘oamsion Isl be te ety fe pel ole o uhm the Poopaia Adhismor & ‘Sitanoe of te evasion cf he efeoe eve mre to mean sea evel The Podplein (es:o1si9e5 p00x)8 ® © @ © Aduininetor al eviw the sented stmt Defenses det by enc evie sal be ERElby the pent toler poor fe tepning of cosclon. Faire to submis ofan ‘rare mike eqn coronas because ony» Moodpiin develope emi (i> An Eletion Coniine (MA Form 0960-33 (72) is reqied aftr te refsence love i ‘Rlhot Wikia soyn (7) clad dys of ennbsiren fe eeecs eel lovato, sal Ben at peas telder surat sothe Peeepnin Aaninsou a ertinion fe elvan of Reece trenton to ean se level Anywork dns wit he seven () xy coer (td doef rhsisen of he ean wal be tthe peri td's, The Pedpin ‘Retinal seve he conte dvs ited. Defences eet by such evi Sah SSEE(S by te peni olde: ineednly apn Abe wor beng pened co proce. Fale ‘Sumi me eciteaton e fare make que sro eal be cae o Be ope. fn fest (aly A faa sti Beaton Cerificate (FEMA Form OF60238 (1/12) sree alr conse is eee talpron Cae of ComplaneOenpany swan, Mal be he iy ofthe peat fester frat i the Honda Adniitaor a cafeen of fil asi constuction of te “ltain rite erence level eae stent lies. The Pootplain Administ sl eview the Gil don abate. Detece reae by sud review sal be comet bythe erm boee SEheduly td pene Cevihene of CouplanesOscpancy Senses. Ta sone heey tthe ‘Soctn my bevel cerifycomate ble consircion, Fit to tba the erfeation rst to noke repel come sail be cae fo wish Ue meaner of a Coren of CpimestOaary FmsprsfingCeifete 1 aa-ridenie Moodpofing i wed to met he Reglaary lod Potton Eleation reguees = TiSEprating Cenione (HEN Porn OS 0-3 7/2), wah suppring dat at peal pss and 8 Frou alten lana rece pace to te galt of any rew corset, Mt al e he ‘Bib te pert bole o slat to fe Poppa Aaa ein of he Modproafed esi seaton of oe tele lene td stent lies a Teaion co mean se level,” Reodpoong GHGS a be pepe by or ude tae Get epervston ctx potion eager ct wets nd Srey cine. ihe Faodplle Admini sal een crete cd, te eran pa, sa ‘Sect at mina pan, Desens Gece by such evi hl be cece by hs ppc rice {Seana mpval aie fo aa he cenenton ofl make reed cometins sl eat SEP eESi Developmen emi Fae to cst cree wi Be ceria le al be inst iol the anc of» Creat of Camplsncetecipacy. Wsmamfacuted tome paced win Zane A. AO, AE, ot A-30 an the clean of he chan is re ov 3elachcs ei above pa enpewedeulton erie read seeds wi ae ‘Prise of Arce, Secon BOY) es watzcouse be alee or elas, dessin oft ete of wateroune stern ocean: aterm inar's cece rep an heeft ofthe propre pet on fe Noob erring erat of Peet andthe ef to proper loess sce ab Cope: td 2 mp sowing he Perens waren seria clean lab ubmoted by te perk pea pe tousvume ea abpiin delet perm criesin excantion The fllonng ste (Fete win Zane A, AO, AB AIO, se exempt ‘fan eetealowfontronig erica eure pied tens (3) 96) of is bet: @ccetna vei mesingrequemens of Aric 5, Sexton BV (> soppy sce esting eget of An, Seton 87) a i) scosory sts es th 80 sue et mesg elements o Ate 5, Seton BO, (cs-000s4963. 00X10 2) Determinations for etn blag ond autuns, Fx spl forbes to apo lias ea ecto tiene movement else, eplscesnttepe charge of sce, rs. ‘etna, rerovione sail provements eps. substan dag, ad any oer igrovene fo bso buidiags nse, ee Hodpnin Austr, neces wit he Bing OM (@) tase e make ee or ei he splot to abs an april ofthe make abe pepo by 8 ‘Ruud depen spi ofthe tug or rome elas De sb constuction ote pepo ‘fet he ce of, he cer oe fhe bullae ve she sal be he et vale eer fae ‘Sings eed nt tre any eps eee (©) Congore he cat te pefrm fe igcevemeny, he oot te pues damaged bulding 10 Is peanaged onuton or or combs cos provera dept pple, the mike abe of fe bulig (© Drom cnt whee pop! wok cnn wt impwene r of #)_Notty espe itis decd tte work consis subst imroveren oi of bt ‘Some tat complance wit he Dod rests cesuuction egutements ofthe NC Buliding Coe 2 ‘hrednnce sre sucrionc. 01 ws “The Fodolein Aesth pesfoam, bat eine te flowing us i) _ Review a gpa devtopntapltions a isu ann fer al roped development within Spe od Fran Ast osteo eee fis odinucehavebeen snsied (2) Review allpopsed development witha Speci Flood Hazard Aras to ase hat al necesay teal, Ste at ich puma uve boon ue elon Sexton 8D of he Fadea! Wate Plkion Conta Act Aenness of wom, susc (0) Noufy sdtcen coxmnics ad the Non Cuan Deparment of Puc Safey, Diikim of Enemy Negene, Ste Coons or he Mata eos ssiace rogram pce o ay aerate or econ of « NS at bea evldence of sch weston ote Feel Gnergecy Managemen Agency (MA), Assure atric jp provided win the sb or cated pt of sab ware 30 a he od ‘eying aul ismsiined (6) Prevntextoudimets io aguas and nen-enrachmeat eas net he cee al oad hazard recon Drovilem of Atle, Section Fae (6) Obtain acta eevaon (lo rebaton ty mean 0 eve ofthe frac evel eg basement) A tent ‘iis etl ewan stotally improves uct, n accords with te Povos 0 Ace 4, Seon BO). (2) obtain saat eevain Ca elon 1 en to evel f0 whl all ew and satay improved sce a (ais ave been foodate, In esrnce Ni i province, Setun BCD (Obtain ona cevodin (in telan to men eleve) ope ites in aconance wih fe proisns of Arle Seka BO) (©) When tpg i wine or pa stucse, carn cenit fom eit profil exper (rales fnscotenoe ws provons of Aes Secon RQ) and Ae 5, Sex BD {csro0nsea. DOCH (10) Wess inpcton seeded as he ext eon a Bounes ofthe Spel Fb Huard Ares Osea SGEEUtghinar ores fr exunple whose the penn fo Bea coc wen 9 supped foundry and st eld canis) nae he cena isspreten. ‘he pton comeing de atone Boudry shal be given 2 reson cpruniy tapes terre as oie a is ari (at) Whe mae Fond Hevton (BFE) data ts ben rosie a acorance wt he provisos of Ate 3 Seaton Pr Eich andes lac ay BFE ay sng wit Baodeay oro eneactnet are aa abe oma Fear Ste or ober sus adiding da veld pasos Ace §, Secon D0) ioe ‘ature pevisans of us ortnnc, (2) When Base od Feration (BEE) de rvied bce Hoody or or-netecet re data hs eta provid Traccorsus ite provsonsof Arise Seca B, ba, rere. ed recsmtby ize any egy dt or ‘hanson se an mote fam # Fea, Soto ele soc node fo amine fe provisos of ts cdaane. (83) When fetes for and te lest aor! see of sce ote lower rod elevation of x pc ina Spl Food lard Ara nee Bar led Elton (FE, ae the prope ower of te option sen RES dee of Mop Arends (LOMA) fom PEMA Mul» py of the LOMA ised by FEMA fhe fopindveepr pet fl (6) Pemanesty mata al cos a pe fhe aden of is eric nd me ese recor rnibie psec econ ht uch oor ny be eet he Pivacy Act cf 1978 a one (15) Make ons recon of workin ogres. As the work pruat 2 odin develpment permit OES, {Se Flodtin maar sal ne ty isons ofthe werk s my be secs) evel he wor Pe eer ceting ot prvi ofthe oel rinnce nde ems be pel. exer i owe, the Foipinrasun ns igh upen preset prope eset, entero ay pees win he [ein tr comms ay eau hur fore ppc of mapecton cr ter ents con. (16, see sepvoekonden sre, Where: bling ofa treo eng conse eons, seed ot ‘one! a isilon ot is oan, he Fp Adtran may oder the work toe oneal sopne Faerie al wig Greed te pon deg oe rg othe won The sep sk ur al state pei work be stipe he see esol) forte apne and the ceo) ue: “Wiehe vorkine becenmed Voor sa kopoik or conse amiveesra, (17) evoke din ceveopnen: emits rir, The Peon Anistormay revoke ab eae he ree Pee lcpsdercpeat prt y ting he pert wing wtng th ass) fhe eraser. ‘emis dll be eevee for oy sean ceparre om the approve aol i, and sien for Pere testo cemply wit he egaterents of Seo oz he fr fake saree ee meres TSod oseciigtspeit. Ary Randi eelomens peat misateny sued nveioa of nappa Se (eal ry alae revoke (08) Mate pipers reat he Ses! Hood Maza Aves win te uo of dhe communi, Tae Honig Adnsceorond ext star of his oh pesos epartaet sal have a gwen presi [a paper xen octes eon ence within he teal usin ofthe depron ny reso our fr te pipe of lspesion fe enforcement E08 (09). Fellow dhighwithconetve rece of Arie, Seton D. (20) Revion vid pos, an ake reromnenttons fr vane ee (21) Msienina erent map pos to de, bet pte te FS Report, ARNE ser fic! fo aps elses atte cern wt de poss of Aree 2, Section Bo is oes elegy eons ‘hertstelaap etn o Map Chang, sue by FEMA. Nl Sue und FEMA of supping ees. (22) Coordin revi 0 FS reports an FIRM, ining Lone of Map Revision Rass on Fil (LONE) ad {ei Map Revs (LOM). {cs-00034883 000) SECTION. CORRECTIVE PROCEDURES, (1) Viotsonts be Comm: When he Pldpin Adin id vitons of ple State ad oa ta Db sor etry te ay te mero cepa othe ul of he van. The one ocr sah [Ratolitehromaly coh othe von feted asic otenion (0) Actions n vex Falueto Tike Conese Aan: Ife owner fs bulking pop al fil wo te ome ‘crete ton fe omigla Aamir shal ive We nner wen ste ty ceed ora epee mat {Stic owas nw hac deeb peso servi, tng (2) hatte ting or pope tin vison fhe Boeplin managements: (0) shaheaag wil beheld bef the onda Aamir ata dxgntd place and ine at te than Hae the se fhe note, a eich ete ner sabe eit wo be had a pen o by (omelet argument el edcce pean he mae a (6) tua blloving he Hesag. he Flendpie Adinsaor may sie anode es, Yas, oF moi te bung osomove las pp Gute Tike Cnesive Acton: Hue a eas ed puss 1 thence pressed above be Bonin ‘Xtras al id tn te bung deepen isin veto of te Food Damage Prveten Orde Apr Eauc tn cer ring oe oat rex the omer ead te yon win apes tine pest ns Lew Un shy (62) clenar da, or ve an 180 cum Gigs Where he Foipbin “Resa fas ae bens das 0a te property e or she ay order a eretve ee ‘takes aches pau ab maybe tee Appeal: Any owner who fussed a ore ako omecivesson may apn the ost be fled forening vodyZont ole! en be ‘Rgeiaieefanie a g-appeu bo) y gg not appeal in wring We oasis Atzinsen ‘OGTR ck wihan x (0) cope folowing uae of he Ol ods te abene fan appeal feeder te Footpuin Anite gall te faa The lest eotersng-sozerpa us sal Hea an opal iin 8 nie ime tay ein mec dai, oc evoke vr, (6) FaiuretoComly wih Orde: tf toe owace ofa bang oF pepeny lls oeomoly wit an nef take eometve Fae pico pei es ecco ecm wi sac oe poveming boy folowing ona, ‘Sewer snail gat efamisentoa nd sal be panies te deeion of cot SECTIONE — YARIANCE: us (0) The Zong Bande Aasnmrerelnedythe Board of Aman for hee ein brain akc Soppa Sone ant bt hal ears del ues fr varios rom te ogre Of Ihiverdnace (@) dey porn apie bythe dso of he ape board my apes ach és ome Cou, os rove ia hapten oft Ne Cty Genel Sas ©) Varanasi be lined ()teepséceehbilaton oir tire pom ke deberiantion hath proposed ep réaiaton ile prcme te seocwes contol desipntion sb tore secre and ht the trance ie ‘Grint nnesary to paseve tei arc and sgn fhe se (@)ielly depend aii determing to meet he define ae se in Ale 2a his nance olde prvi cf Arle Setar SOM), (and () lve been stig, and eck faces ae Facet! by mesos at minimine Ree curages cing he base Nod and cate no ace! Greats 0 pb tor [cs-ones963 0013, e o 6 o © o (0) snyeer pect devspme, prove eet the requirements is Seton, {a pesing om rane he spel nr kl bse a ‘psined netersecons ohne, ok erations llevar acer al sands (a) edaagertat mele my beste noche ns toe iy foe (©) thedingerto ean rapt dae 0 Noodng or eson dag (© Hesse oyna mse Wl ent et fc mean Inaual owes (he imporace ot te series povided bythe proposed ety othe commy (e) these the ality fe watecon orton as defo une Atle 2 his rina as focally ‘dpeent aly, where oil, ( eanibility aterm eats, no sijelo o esi mage fr the ropes (theeompuly of he proposed with esting and mpd evelopment (i) toretatnaip of he propolis ote compen plan snd Moodlsia manager” progam fr tt (9) testeyof acess he propery of od fr oda and emergency webs )heepei! eit, selociy, duran ate fe and sere spr of he laters ante ets trove scion opps expected at he ste a (o tecost of proving govern services ding su afte food codons icing maintenance nd (Robo uns and cies nc ay ewe es elec nd water pens, ad ees a ed, “Avwitenreponadesing each of above fate tale ssl wt dhe potion fora vee ‘Upon csr fhe facto ed above an he urpores of ha artnet spent owd ay at ch See, he peng of vrnon a ce nase fre In ppes nd cjectes of his race ‘Any appl wc avant is gant shall given writes note spesyng he deen between the Bs ‘AE Beoren (BE) andthe evan wich We stocare sto be ul and st sc constuction be the BFE eee eaks wifes propery and at sane waar=to cosa nsec Below te BFE will eee ached penis taser god imanos vp 325 per 10D of insance coverage. SA norifcaon ‘Sites mimhed with orrord of al yrsnee ein, nh justiftion fr he inc. “the Fed Adeinstor stall tan te eo lapels ad eps say vag fhe ede ‘istry Nengement Agee) an Sate of Nee Cal up eB ‘Conds or Varnes (a) Vora shll gt be ined whe he asians wi ake ee see in vltion of er Feder St of lea nv, elas, odnaces. () Wes sat ot be id wn ay desipratd Noodvay or aoo-neoncmen ae if th vate woul ‘ot any ncenefood eve dag he bse ood cree. o. Wwinncy sai onty be sel spon u deere tat ue vane is he aman pesessry, costing Aiellood part fore lessemosises ocx} Valances sal ony ese eo devlopmer emi spre (9) Vorknos shal cy be sued wpe: 0) stowing of geod and steer ease, (i) acsteminton tht sg the vroce woul eis in excepts ai: sh (i) 2 detention tat he granting of a vnrinsce will ctr in inceaseé food Highs, ans fees pubis or emurry pi expen, rie unis case td oor viata Fb pe oon wel eal es reas (00) A vase ny be ie or sl waste daposl ates oss, bazarous wane management aie, avage {ean chen sage ies aoe ate Spe lod Hazard Aas provides om ef elowing, Sree are wet (©) Tewsesrvess aia acdin the commas. (©) Nofease etn ents forties ouside he Special Pood Fad Are, (© Tre refence Kee of any sce i elated ce Moodpocted fo test he Reguary Fost Froecton Eloatice (@)Theuse compos hall ober apple Fea Sean ea (2 The Town of Flin as noe the Seery of the Nort Carn Depart of Pubic Sty of inex as vara aes ity (0) ear dys pe ving he are ARTICLES, PROVISIONS POR FLOOD HAZARD REDUCTION, SHCTION A. GENERAL STANDARDS, ‘wallSpcin Fd Hist Aves the following provisions we ree (All-new cation and abana improvement sill be dsigaed (or mod) and adequately anshred to ‘freee eae, colepn andl mevenes a estore. (2) Allnew consti an sani improve sal be onset Wh mabe 88 wy eqpment eat {oto mage (©) Allnew constuction and subi inpoveneats sal corse by methods na paces tht minnie Rood anes ()Ehewietewing venslaton, plug. arcondering eum abd er sevice facies ll be dent Under bated ses t prevent water Ho erring oe Sonning ibis he capone dui coon Soong the Rely Food Pete Elevate Ths che, bl rat iat HVAC epee ‘Stent wit ttc Lars, ducwor, essa nar puralbones, teste Bos, ho ater Rees Idee osetres (5) Ailsew eel placate supply een al be designed to minnie elation of Modes init sten (6) Now anbseplcnnt santa semapesstans sal be sgn to mina or ekiminte limsion of Nodes {no thesytons and dap om the syne in fod vate. (©) omste wascedispesl stems al bec and cence avid ingest to mcr centamianon om ‘tem ding food (6) avplus-sxsn ofanssension pty resonant nprovemsts sree, which Win compinee with (es:0ans4se3. 008115 the proves oferta, cern i caste. cc inerosente sites the euienens of “em eesti a sonnei is ance (9) Nowhing ns ctintesal pve tho api recnsbucton,orpcement os Bling or uc xing o& NOMRESRS de of ontnnce and ted foal of ply win the fod. soecerachuet ec et vid ere sn atonal encroachment elo fe Repair Fe Poet Elevation te seam soak imate eve sts and provided th sth ep reenact, or epacement nets ae ober euacners of irae, (Uo) New sold wate dgpn! facies an Sie, zalos waste mangement fie, sage yrds, ed chemical Nest taciten allot be pert ext ranmce ms eid mn Avcle Seton LLU. sot a Fee crag niet oa aligned ue cto heepertio of» walt eatin or Wanenater tse nay be un in osc Food Hazard Ares ely che sete o nk ber lv seaane toa cate Rept) Fad Prteson Elevator aml cried in score with heroes of ‘Aele Sction BG (a1) All savom proposals and ober development popes all be conser wih he nes! © mnimice od fume 12) Att pdnsion roped or Geveopent root sl ve public esa faites sucha ewe, 05 (Graven end wer yes lod snd czsraced fo minnie Noe Snag (19). Allsaeion pops te oed or 1 ote velop proporals al ave adequate diape pov 0 eee expose (04) All eeblon procs and er deveopmet proposal hae retvd al sory pas fo se Cerne eager nbih apporl ie reqied by Feel o Sine hw, facdading Seton 40 of the dee Sims Paton Cone Ax Arends of 1972, 39 USC 133, (05) When srctre i pal ae aa Speci od Hemet Ate te ete scr sa net ie reuirenets Arne oaettion 4 sista inporea=. (06) When ruc ioctl in malin od nad ones rn a Mod baad ik zoe wits mp Base Dot SOE SUG un rhe mon este Hud se zeal he gist Base lod Eaton BPE) al es SECTION. STECIFICSTANDAKDS. tn all Spoil od Maza Aris whete Bake Rood Levan (BERD dts hs bse prove, st far Anil 3, Fa ee Maia s Soshn Dye follwing proviso aban tothe powisons of Arie 5, Secon A. ree: (2) Resets Camron, New ccatngion and sbstnl improvement f ay resietal srucue inn Bee ena sate ie rence eel, eting been let n love hn te Reuaory Pood ‘Proteeos Elton oe dein i Aticie 2 fis eine (2) NonRepiuaja.Censuusian New costetin and subset proves of ny commu nds or cr Nee eters al fave be elerenc evel lung tema, clei ower fun the Regu a eatcs Devas doin! Aric 2 of Wis clo Siructs lose A, AE AO, ard AL 30 Flo Resi Tipe othe Regunny Food ProecheeHeraton i eu of evan provide hl arts of Feea ere eter wits tan ty a srry Suede, bebo te Repusry Foot Frotton Bin ste aera idtoat masantnlytmpetamble to fe puso of wal, sing Sua composts having cee ie ng Hyrule ant iysrdynamie Noa and se eflcs of tampaey, For AO Zones SEE ot eS, Wat et actednes wih Ao 5, Secon G2. A ceed putesins naar or sere cey tte ocproing soars of ti sabecon ae ses St eeriaton sel eee ope cpa Aso tt forthe Ace Scion UD, sen Win operation plan wd che Tipped rans, (cs:onn3i963 00016 ° ® Manuf! Hones (a) Now and mplieznet matte! baie ill be elevate So that he reference evel of te menue SSUDEEBSSTban he Regan oo Proeten Hewson 4s deed in Ai 2 of is rena, (©) Mnticue tomes ll be sel schon 9 a edequey anchored fovea co rest facon, 2G) teat novemen: cer by ceed espzereg foundation nae ors accordance wih be ‘Som catatelsjon of fe Sie of Noth Cereva Repos for Mafaced Homes adeptd by te re sear a nose pan © NOGS {43-102 13. Adoal, whes the lvaun woul be et by Cre fine ome detyalc (0) incon flee above te ged me sl, the Cow all Be ‘pure scale! plese agsred fosdie When te elevation of ie css above Byte (Gofacns nig an npg ceca sre. (6) _Alleretosuesor siting ow lve lor shall mest he equiements oF Ae 5, Seaton BUD. (@ Anesucusion plas must be éevelpe fr evo ofall resides ofall no, snbusally improved Seay Waged meustosured he ps or stolons eee wis food pone aes, Tis pt Sere tke ai and approved by te Roodpnin Amaiseur ana Tie ou Beane Messer teed Riis. Fully enced ae cf new cnston nutty improved str which 8 below ‘hemes oor © (a) Shllactbe desig ce wed frm baba, bt sal only be use fr parting of whic, biking eso ited oage tsmaennee sped tn hepa AGE ‘Shcenec cra rhe umm pose to alow for ring of weil (grag do) Unk sre Neen cgunmen and cies soe), or ety tthe Hog re (swe) eran, The ci pee onc eee sea hl nee ised oe pone nto separate eons, xe ence (©) Save onsectd eviely of Ad esta mata he Reply Flood Preston Hevtion; (Sad inde, a Zone A, AO, AB, and AL-30, Nos opegs © micmatlly eqns hye Mes SLOANE yoming fe en and ext of feedwater To mee is erence operings nt (ShC te consi byt pote engner oF wl oe ret er exceed he flowing meses desi (minimum or Nee peng ozs cach elves are subet ding (Ga tout tae ofl 60d cpeings mst be at est one (1) sae In Fer eich eure fot of ‘Sener suet ding tg nine a ne eh min ove fwd pn a to msl ee ae x (hte Box of eg ood opening saben igh han ee () oo sovethe aioe, (0) ood openings nye equppad wah sees, loners or oer coveings of devios provided thy Termite aterm tow of feccvaes nba tans nd (0) eaclowes mate of Bev sling a oot easier ealomres or eegbery paposes, and etre aot cog foo oenngs. Master) cr Woot undzping, earls rou! 9s ‘mired an sacar nd egies ood openings tind hve Addieesimpowmeas, a) Aidtion abo prone o pre IRN stctres whence ation mao njroveres eominton [css ooaneses00x)17 i ny interior mosfeasoos ote existing soca nota ssmaniainproremen the tion mae inprovemens must be designed Wo mnie Mast ‘emagesand mart Dany more er-cenorig on he xing race. (Ga ssn enprovsiet, toh the exsing siucuse und Ge non enor Improvements mst Cents wit Be ders fe ow censution (©) Aso fo yor-FIRM sractes th ae waa urprovement with no modes wth euing ‘Greate ve tana siocard dec me cmon wal sl ree ely the wo we eoply Wits Sandrds ers costacton. (© Adio, andor improvements 10 pistFIRM suucures when tie adhion ane knprovenens in ‘tino wih ty tse mont fe esg svt r= (© ts ntl inom in rine ny a oy wh ens soroe coon (Gs ada mprveset, btn te esas seucure and he soa endo ipoveness rs cep with nda oa ooostcton (8) day conbintic of vpn, cenit, tear ston or provement ofa ulding or sbvete ‘BLgSfe cog theoe year posed cumulates cat of bai equ o exci $0 pram of he ‘SIRE Sahu srucare ble he improvement repaid sux comply wit he tna fc ‘or cuctnstnn, foreach billing or smsire ibe tee year peed begin onthe date of fet ‘Epeowemes repair of th lg oe sce beet te effive dt of is once. the ABRare hs ancloed subotinleasage ay rept re conse subst mproverent reps Bese par mrt peso The repeal does an oweve, ede ti (any pret for improve of» Wading zeae fo comet exis ea, sanitary sey ode aera by ie balay cficel oe atte he mswoum aes) fo ssune sf ing rein (Gay aman of 9 bistre sre ried tte eatin wi ot pede te neues ‘Suita deseton rose sacre (6) Resta Wicks Reretonn vis sal er (Tempoary Phcenent (bron or foer tha 10 conteutve dts oF (Ge fies ad ey for ihn we (retina ele sey fr highway ws its 08 8 Woo ov kg sys, abide este nly BY Uk Scones ye CE, an has 99 permanesy ached aca) (Pernt Phen, Retest ei dat o ot meet he elatons oF Tempo placeren sal met ‘ite alent forse’ ation Queso \ebine Pats Subiaco He ease ota fopbabin deloamsot oe ese) Wnice Puk io i sical Vs aw lf sea se cen 7 Es “ ‘tena! wae fsa ge rad oa ae lean es-00034963. 00018 Gh unm an hn aca maa ra zrms3 Pav as ae O77, ine) (Gi) De Enexeney Ercutin Pon fr ech RY Pak ting orp inthe Spec ed za ANI ~~ [rats Ra eee Lae 7 en sca = ® a eee lis rote i: 1 Formtd soit a B78 Fine) o_o tin en uit Bnd cos asc RY PALO -— [ptt ol ee 07 MS a caethercomeianiaaraseets (|_Tiepartguons salina minute lowine eens, ~ [Frm at Tongh tee aah = ‘cores we eonge vanes at + _ |e 2 SSE i se st Ba ch RY Fuk tbe Spel Hood Haus aun [Fermi Nope cb at FIO ‘Sle frre snd eo Sag Se Fey atacand ane bo) tre none ofthe RY guns Res of Lisi male fon ne RY Fvk Ou vin the 2 ~~ (Formed al Sao GI Tile van: pester eh sve whe RV na af sain atch a Se : soon a Dts Ta RY Ek oar les sn + {fossa bat 1, Reg OOF agus oh {vise the RY owe tial wats ‘4 Bave Flood or aaa aE eg OF) soit ~ (Ron wa. ee WE Fe) 7 cestuan tego BYE 2 - ER EO icbere csi Be Puk Onerar Obes (atest ‘ulus of nonsnatiace sles js wsten Nie ot Vsinere -- Fometadtora awe RO) nO ire ee i med Sule a i syn f ann sie: a sites ‘pArles seciea ~~ {Fomatad tama boo OA ie oT) (cs:cu0spsa DocK9 we) _Eavtng RV fis 2 bison fo wih ey puto he pcos soe in he Soto Fleas Hz ~~ [Fanmail eas OS, aro 03H) eos BOD pe aha (2. on ae beste ‘oa semen seas Fl Beason Pan igual tallies Vidanaidstea'® egsoutes defaee eagle} Secon @ ‘Tengoray Nos Resist Sincure. Pro we lsane of «Hoan devekpmest permit fora Fe FER Ie apes mostsabait fe Fanpop fr he removal of ich scar) i Be SNeuruf stnrane ast fend over pe of food worse soon. The flavin information stall be ‘ited ewig te Hocglan Adios for eviow nd wee appro: lo) aspen ped er whch be tempecry ute wl be pemived, Tine pif my oo excet ee) this ale wp one (0 (eames apne mer of he inal esponile for he Ferra temporary sae (6) thetine fame oto he event which raat bo eves (asm of Thos before ll ‘ofthis uedtely yon lod warring nesta) (® acepy ofthe sins ce oter sate nsrunent with the enity eaponsbe ‘iced for phil moval he (e) ccxnatin,scompanel by decumentiten, of eto extide he Special Food Hara Arc, whi tenpiray tree wllbe move. (2) Accesso Smusumss When seosary nrctirs (heds, deuce nage) are tobe placed WHE a Spec fed Hane A, floing eters sale mec 4) Acssrysttare lot be ed for Haman bition tig working, ‘emma (0) Acessories shall at be apres 66) Acossary uectresshllbe dient have ow Ned damage pote oping ng, coking (6) _Accsay sts sal be eos a pled th lg se oa fe fe minim resin (ie few fees: (© Acessry sete shal fly anchored a asada wih he roves of Ate 5, Sesion AD: (© Alscrvce Gees sch ox leila eel secorsnce wt he pros of Ace 5, Sesion ‘As ant @) Fed cenigs to faite masaate nition of hyo Good fers sll Ye provided eo Replay Fined Poston Eleven conformance wis he frovsons ot Arce 3, Secon BN. ‘an sessory smice ws fot es hin 5 sae fet rat iin osteo $2 400.00 es {Su ante te exer ated shove nt eq To mst he era er odroctng saad of Ai 5 Sey Stn ox foudpostng setieatone re ogare foal recs suche In accra sith Are Seton BO, (408) Tanks. Waensnand sd stomge aks ee tobe peed wii Spec lod Maan Arete folowing tia Sal bent {cs:ot0n490.D00%)20 Vaden unk Undrentide as sl eancheredopevent tin Oe oF [alate ut one tom hyireyrame aod hydosar lds during cons of te ign Hood, ‘eg de efecto boayae) asin ek i (@) Absarokee, Above qr wks od hard ares shal be tached and eles 0 ie leven pn a tporing src sac to preset Notion, lapse era oe eitag canons ofthe deage bos Taskspponing ctr stall ret the fev ‘umes oft splable ed bard an: Go sbwaperou us 2c stad, Above grand hs tht do mot et he loan quent Secon Na re kh be permuted foo haar vex pond the as are michared o tert aoe en ceria egret fosice, colape neal moveent retig an Rydodysamic ed ESE Meas rng nnd of te devgs Noo, rudng be cts Bogen sung ie ks ‘append fe eet of otere des (@) Tesinlsanueus Tonks il penne, cut and vers shal be ( _ meakovo he eign fod elevation oi with coves designed to preven te inflow of footer SES ERin ok comes ofthe tks cri conions of the ds Ga 28 (6) anorl to prevet aera moveten ring om ody we yest ods, cing he ‘eos of uyeney, Sang constons Fhe sign Nod rior the kaance ofa fools development perm oa temporary smut esis i Dean pin Arisa pn fore renova of suche) the eve’ of «ae Fe oe a hod wating ntteaton The ong infomation sa bs submited writing oodpnb Aduiisseef vew rd tonsa: Feces integlte soodnay nd NEA dt have the pri fo block pase of Hott st Na eed we ss ences sot met he btaonsof Arles Seton F of hi cranes (e) _Resining wall, owas and dieway in regltedlotnaye mot NEAS Ring walls and ideas Beate ufone te phe fila ezlted floodway bal met he tons of Ariel $, Seon Po sedans oy Roots aod notaries crsings In repud fosewass and NEAS. Rows ant waterecue cosine Fees suger, certs lonvter eng el ser ran or eels pestis Veh ens ee misc ftv othr de, bt encod, hno rept floss ball se te Fates of Ace 3, Soston Fo i rdinanes, SECTIONC. RESERVED. SECTIOND. STANDARDS FOR /OODPLAINS WITHOUT ESTARLISHED BASE ELOOD vin he Spel Foo Hana Aves designed at Appeoniate Zone A and caida Aree 3 Secon Mi Se as un bee priced by FEMA. We flowing novos. alien he prosiat cE ‘aril Ses A a2 o ® Noeectchens achiing fl ye incon, shut Inprovenents of ew development sal fei Oe ee ray 0) cach side em top 8 tsk Fe neste wih of he ee wheres vi rica wid suppring feel a by 0 regs profesiona caret © proved at a gar enue lo ro a cease Hod eee de he oceans of ie be ol i “toe BF use In ering ihe Regltory ood Potton Elevation sal be deere bse ee allowing rte: cs. o0ns4965 004/21 e) Woes Bove Fld Blea (BE) st ave tom ober sores ll cpt and sb es Ria atlas ern aa alo comp wih allspice proviso of is ordnance an abe arr Rocdrefed aaecrdace wih mands in Ace 5, Secs Aud (0) What flowinay ce oeerorchnent dat valle fom « Feder, Sure of other sce. al Boe: Some Siusuntl provements win Sesdve) and mocnerachmen! aes sil to cmp ‘Sve eprences of Arie 5, Setons Bund F (Ge) _Altdnvon nate home pt noe development popes hl prove Bas Flood Feation ara IREAD mene psc ta ve) ares or se tn fy (50) huzutocted ome CO er Boot Eiedlon (BFE) dun sbel te apd by reference accordees wi Are 3, ‘Sean Band wat ntplemoning is tian. ay Woex Bose Flot Elevate (BFE) da ot ble fom 3 Fea, Suto her source a tie atone, dee etna be cevond ee oot (nomesidenal) co or ave the Regusory Hood ee as denne! in Ase 2 Aloe aplcaeprovlos Ai 5, Sesson B shal a sah. SECTION. u 004 Fr ‘SITHOUTESTABLISIID £1.GODWAYS OF NON-ENCKOACHMENT AREAS. ‘along ses a sean were Base Hod Klevatlon (7) dat povidd by FEMA ot ig arable rm ss srs an ae ecto oes oe ete or a Special Fd Hazan Arca nthe FRM cr he FS eeee long rapirnects sal al ton developmen wn ch es: © ® standardef Arle Sees A a Bat Unit 2 equkiory Coodvay o: soveomoxcinen sre Is deigsel, no eneoadnen ialaing 68, om ee er tapmoent, be ue development sal be peed vss ceieatn wih orig Ra ea cd prfesto eapneer prvied densest te came ft of te ce etc men cme sil oh esing and antiptd eelpea: wl oo ose ree hot of he be Hood ore a one (1) fot st any okt min te extn SECTION, ELOODWAYS ANDNOS-ENCROACHMIENT AREAS, ‘Arcos designe odnaysce non-encenchent sae lose win the Spec Poa Haza) Asis cubist ao The footway npg norenzonciert es are exterey arr reas Ge f De wea of ‘ati 9, Sein craon tet cy tis nese pct, Te follwing provisos on to aon nick 3 Soot A snd B al py tal deveopent win sud aes o a ® vo excuses insdg il et cosruccn, btn Improvennts and aber developments sabe pemitatunless (a) indented hat te propre enroschet woul ut et ty arate od ee ding he ans face, nied hydrops and hykelesmlyes peed accra oi sear eesiag pocice and preeed 1 he Heolpin Adinser pr 10 ssiance of Aoi ttetopneat pers («Conon eter of Map Revision (CLOME) hs besa appre by FEMA. A Lat of Map Revision ‘ABSa anon Hebe cba wibin oro of cleo the ropare neat, ani 5 Seton i) sti ll development sal ccmply with applicable od heed rection provi of 8 eimsce Manfred ome maybe prized rove he flowing provblens eet (0) eancorng ante elation sna of Arie 3, Socom BO and es. cons6s 00x22 (0) teeoodimet andar o rice 5, Sein FD. ‘STANDARDS FOR ARTAS OF SHALLOW HLOODING (ZONE.AO), toe event ht ny are ated within he Spec Flood Hazard eas esis in Ale 3, Secon Bt int a en a ica, Ge gues of i seebos Sul ly. These aes have speci ood hat acted ae er eo (1 tice @) ft where a clety deickd chanel does oot cit an here of Fea aac anifeermnte. Tn ean Ate 3 Seoboes A and al ow sce ad sca improvements taller the lowing elements: IBkCMION 6. (Gy The veers eel hn be eleeed et igh ste depo number ssf on he Fea naan Rat Msp TabAa "Wigs huss hecend ef vo @) fst sbove the ghost adjacent aa: oat ast our (fe shove the Aight add gs fo dep es spe, 2). Nemesia ces yin of ele, be endothe sme vel negate in Ace Sen GS Uatae soucore ger wi acnt ky and anita Titi, ew at ee sale watt wis ea sly inpecmaiet he psrge of wet aad wt seca! eomeponensbuvng the copay of aa ere adIyesmam foes and eens of Duane. Ceiesienf od santas with Ihre 4 Soon (3 end Aree 5. Sete 2). (6) Adequate eninge pu tal be provid rund cases en sls to sie Hoes wound and avy fon roponed sae ARTICLES, _LEGALSTATUSTROVISIONS. SUCTION A. EEERT ON RIGHTS AND LIABILITIES UNDER THE ESISTING FL2OD DAMAGE [ESEVENTION ORDINANCE. “ris edu ia part comes fa by reezctnet of sms of he provisos ofthe Rongnays Onan enced oe ‘Fu sete Panes and he enti fo een Dt cat to enact ad conve to eres wat Decemsh Cena proviso et gs bis hve ced ener re eed a 3 sachs "tne nacinent of lr croc sal offs! ny aon, st OF Tasinced ee pening A or fs convysOndance oe Tova of Fahne on Deeb 6 191-3 nc: ch ek ovina wes sca pov ae ae Sung tha hereon forth ti oa 0 ‘Which cave ie mere ing provi hl eso “Tae dato tial Flot Damage Preveton Orin or Macon Cony Aust 7, 2000, EXECT UPON OUTSTANDING FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMITS, thing hess catelaed all ure any cage othe pets coast, eo desi use af ny deve of Ne nic bln dvr pert as been arced fy the Hoodpsi Ant oo ee mB a Pe eine pssge ota nace prove. omer, ft whe constructions ot eB wr a eee pins pool fan ©) sone sesequn te dat of wan of he essing pee Soho roe sll ecto id provision of is odinmce SECTION. SECTION. SEVBRABILITY. any seston ao serene pease fhe Ona el be vali utcontzony aby cu of pst Hearslihltng alin no eu eect he vat fhe reining potion cf is Oren SUCTIOND. EEECTIVEDATE, ‘Tis cudnnce sal eeome eecsive vpn adopts SECTION X, _ADOPTION CEITHGATION. 1 percby xt iti i ru and comet cay oft hod Doses Prevents Onnace saps te Boar of (cs:on0 6s pocxs23 Serre a ass recente it tre fe ec ofa on” a OH sept ate eoaaoes i nol mca, Agere ofthe Town of Prk, North Culie,on 2! yo 2016. [WITNESS my tecamdthe ffi lof Town of Fran hs th 2 yo Ms, 2015 Gh Senos Tom Oo (cs:otnnesea. ocx Agenda Item - Board of Aldermen ‘Meeting Date: May 2, 2016 Agenda Item #: 7 (B) Department/Agency: Land Use Subjoct Matter: Road Name Request for Harrison Oaks Drive. Land Use Administrator Justin Setser will present this item. Department Head’s Comments/Recommendation: N/A ‘Town Manager's Comments/Recommendation: Approval Suggested Motion: If Gavorable) to approve proposed road name request from Sutton Place to Harrison Oaks Drive. Attachments: Yes _X_ No__ Action Taken? Maweipaley ] auton Macon County E-911 Addressing Roguest to Chane Ant xisting Road Maric Existing Road Name Sud wn Place Proposed Road Names: 1._Horvivon Oaks Driv . 2. 3. Property Owner Information Please print Name Current Mailing Address Phone Signature Date From: Angie Kinsland (mailto:akinsland@maconnc.cral Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2016 9:17 AM Tor Subject: Harrison Oaks Dr Justin, Good Morning, just checking to make sure you got my email regarding the current Sutton Place that is now owned by Reggie Holland. He is requesting the name be changed to Harrison Oaks Dr. Can you give me a timeframe as to when you will bring this before the Board? ‘Thanks, Angie Justin Setser From: ‘Angie Kinstand Sent: ‘Tuesday, April 05, 2016 11:40 AM To: ‘Justin Setser’ Subject: RE: Harrison Oaks Dr That will be great, thanks From: Justin Setser [ ‘Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2016 11:03 AM To? Subject: RE: Harrison Oaks Dr it will have to be on the May 2 board meeting. Justin Setser, CZO ‘Town Planner / Land Use Administrator Town of Franklin P.O. Box 1479 Franklin, NC 28744 (828)524-2516 (828)524-4540 Fax www Agenda Item — Board of Aldermen Meeting Date: May 2, 2016 Agenda Item #: 7 (©) Department/Agency: Land Use Subject Matter: Forward ETJ Request to Town Planning Board, Land Use ‘Administrator Justin Setser and Town Attorney John Henning Jr will present this item. Department Head’s Comments/Recommendation: N/A ‘Town Manager's Comments/Recommendation: Approval Suggested Motion: If (favorable) to forward ETJ request to Town Planning Board. Attachments Yes _X aa Action Taken: Petition for Rezoning wn of Franklin P.O, Box 1479 Franklin, NC 28744 Phone: 282-524-2516 ‘Name of Applicant Panny C. Bates [Asien ot ngpone ODOKOSTonlin NCTM paar Dany C Bates Leoetion Property 198 Wie Horion Dr. ral, NC2872 igs of Propeny_ SAT (£584808338 Tex Map Number_210208)_ in Town in BTS Parcel Number ‘Current Zoning Designation: NOP Current Use _PesidenaliComimecisl Change in Use ‘Curent Development on all Adjoining Lot: North SRL South East Nome West S ‘Site served by Municipal Water Yes Notes Site served by Municipal Sewer Yes No = Petitioner is required te submit three (3) copies of « registered survey indicating the exact ‘boundary Hnes of the parcel to be rezoned, the names of the owners of adjoining properties, and the loestlon of any existing buildings on the subject property. {certify that all information provided in this application ts accurate to the best of my Knowledge, information, and belief, Farthermore, by signing this request, I agree to pay ig costs anvocinted with this petition. the Board of Aldermen held « Public Hearing concersing this request. By vote the Board they Approved {Denied (2 Atos, Agenda Item — Board of Aldermen Meeting Date: May 2, 2016 Agenda Item #: 7 (D) Department/Agency: Finance Subject Matter: Budget Amendment. Finance Officer Kyra Doster will present this item. ‘Department Head’s Comments/Recommendation: N/A ‘Town Manager's Comments/Recommendation: Approval Suggested Motion: If (favorable) to approve budget amendment as presented. Attachments: Yes _X No Action Taken: BUDGET AMENDMENT AMENDMENT # BUDGET CHANGE #5: FROM: DEPARTMENT: FESTIVALS & EVENTS EXPLANATION: TO APPROPRIATE AD’L FUNDS RECEIVED FROM PUMPKIN FEST EVENT ‘ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION INCREASE DECREASE. REVENUE 10-3833-850 ‘SPECIAL EVENTS: 10,744 10-4920-699 ‘CONTRIBUTIONS 16,744 UESTEI EP! ENT HEA| IMI ED BY FINANCE OFFICER PPI BY TOWN MANAGER ACTION BY BOARD APPROVED AND ENTERED ON MINUTES DATED. DATE CLERK ENTERED. Agenda Item — Board of Aldermen ‘Meeting Date: May 2, 2016 Agenda Item #: 7 (E) Department/Agency: Administration Subject Matter: Street Closing Request for Freedom Rocks the Square. Town ‘Manager Summer Woodard will present this item. Department Head’s Comments/Recommendation: N/A ‘Town Manager's Comments/Recommendation: Approval Suggested Motion: If (favorable) to close Iotla Street Friday May 27, 2016 from 6:00 p.m. until 9:30 pam. Attachments: Yes _X No Action Taken? Summer Woodard From: Bobbie Contino Sent: Friday, April 08, 2016 4:54 PM To: Town Woodard ce BOD Anderson N; BOD Ramsey Subject: Reugest Gazebo Friday May 27 Attachments: Gazebo use street close request May 27.doc Helio, Summer! “The Arts Council requests the use of Town Square Gazebo Friday, May 27, for our annual “Freedom Rocks the Square” concert / street dance. We ask that the Town block off lalla Street from Main Street to the Crabtree General Store between 6:00 pm. and 9:30 Pm. And if that's not asking enough, we'l also appreciate your allowing us to hang a highly tasteful (artistic, even) banner on the Gazebo rail form May 23-27, announcing the event. “The concert opens at 7:00 with C-Square & Co, - keyboardist Lionel Caynon, vocalists Bobbie and Nike Contino, and vooalisUancer Selma Sparks — playing 1950s-70s era pop hits and familiar patriotic songs, with lots of audience participation, Its free, family-tiendly event open to everyone. Thank you for your consideration, Cordially, Bobbie Contno, Director Agenda Item — Board of Aldermen. “Meeting Date: May 2, 2016 Agenda Item #: 7 (F) Department/Agency: Administration Subject Matter: Appointment of Wayne Swank as Chairman of the Alcohol Beverage Contro} Board. Town Manager Summer Woodard will present this item. Department Head’s Comments/Recommendation: N/A ‘Town Manager's Comments/Recommendation: Approval Suggested Motion: If (favorable) to appoint Wayne Swank as Chairman of the Alcohol Beverage Control Board beginning May 2, 2016 through December 4, 2017. Attachments: Yes _X No Action Taken: FRANKLIN A.B,C. Boarp RO, Box 719 April27, 2016 Ms, Summer Woodard, Town Manager Town of Franklin P.O. Box 1479 Franklin, NC 28744 Dear Ms. Woodard: Ata recent meeting, the ABC Board of Directors recommended Mr. Wayne Swank to serve as Chairman to the board and would like to submit his selection for approval from the Town of Franklin Board of Aldermen. ‘We appreciate all you have done during our transition upon the passing of Mr. Pattillo, who served admirably during his 22 years of service. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Todd Mason, Manager Franklin ABC Board Agenda Item - Board of Aldermen. Meeting Date: May 2, 2016 Agenda Item #: 7 (G) Department/Agency: Administration Subject Matter: Proposed Improvements to Memorial Park. Town Manager Summer Woodard will present this item. Information will be distributed at board meeting. Department Head’s Comments/Recommendation: N/A ‘Town Manager’s Comments/Recommendation: Approval Suggested Motion: If (favorable) to authorize Town Manager to proceed with proposed Memorial Park improvements as presented. Attachments: Yes No _X. Action Taken? Agenda Item — Board of Aldermen Meeting Date: May 2, 2016 Agenda Item #: 7 (H) Department/Agency: Administration ‘Subject Matter: Official Notification and Acceptance of State Revolving Loan for $3,578,750. Town Manager Summer Woodard will present this item. Department Head’s Comments/Recommendation: N/A ‘Town Manager's Comments/Recommendation: Approval Suggested Motion: If favorable) Town Attorney will provide wording. Attachments: Yes _X No Action Taken: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF STATE TREASURER STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE DIVISION AND THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION JANET COWELL ‘TREASURER April 6, 2016 ‘The Honorable Mayor ‘Town of Franklin clo Summer Woodard ‘Town Manager PO Box 1479 Franklin, North Carolina 28744 Re: Town of Franklin $3,578,750 - Water Revolving Loan Dear Mayor: GREGORY C. GASKINS DEPUTY TREASURER ‘The N.C. Local Government Commission on April 5, 2016 formally approved the above- referenced is eligible to receive a Revolving Loan for a term of twenty (20) years, this determination of eligibility is not a loan offer. Funding of the loan is dependent on the availability of DENR loan allocations. The rate as established under this program for the respective loan, State or Federal, is not to exceed 4%. We are pleased to have had this opportunity to serve you Sincerely, C1 aude Greg@, Gaskins, Secretary Local Government Commission GCGfilm ce: Summer Woodard Town Manager Mark L. Hubbard, P.E., Assistant Chief Division of Water Infrastructure 3200 ATLANTIC AVENUE, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27604 ‘LONGLEAF BUILDING Courier #56-20-45 Talephone (919) 814-4300 Fox (919) 885-5812 Website: Agenda Item — Board of Aldermen Meeting Date: May 2, 2016 ‘Agenda Item #: 70 Department/Agency: Finance Subject Matter: Budget Amendment for Water Plant Upgrade and Expansion. Project. Finance Officer Kyra Doster will present this item. Department Head’s Comments/Recommendation: N/A ‘Town Manager's Comments/Recommendation: Approval Suggested Motion: If (favorable) to approve budget amendment as presented. Attachments' Yes _X No Action Taken: ee BUDGET AMENDMENT AMENDMENT # BUDGET CHANGE #8: FROM: DEPARTMENT: WATER TREATMENT PLANT UPGRADE & EXPANSION EXPLANATION: TO APPR ADD’L FUNDING AWARDED FOR WATER TREATMENT PLANT UPGRADE AND EXPANSION CAPITAL PROJECT-#WIF1874 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION INCREASE __ DECREASE REVENUE (60-5920-892 TOAN PROCEEDS-WATER PROJECT _| 78,750 EXPENDITURE (60-7200-601 ‘CONSTRUCTION 78,750 REQUESTED BY DEPARTMENT HEAD. RECOMMENDED BY FINANCE OFFICER APPROVED BY TOWN MANAGER. ACTION BY BOARD. eee eee APPROVED AND ENTERED ON MINUTES DATED. DATE CLERK ENTERED. Agenda Item — Board of Aldermen Meeting Date: May 2, 2016 Agenda Item #: 7 (J) — (1) Department/Agency: Administration Subject Matter: Presentation of Proposed Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Town of Franklin Budget. Department Head’s ‘Comments/Recommendation: N/A ‘Town Managor’s Comments/Recommendation: Town Manager Summer Woodard will prosent the recommended budget for fiscal year 2016-2017 at Monday night's board. meeting. Copies of the proposed budget and budget message will available at that time. Suggested Motion: If (favorable) to acknowledge receipt of the proposed fiscal year 2016-2017 Town of Franklin budget. Attachments: Yes __ No_X Action Taken‘ ‘Agenda Item — Board of Aldermen ‘Meeting Date: May 2, 2016 Agenda Item #: 7 (3) ~@) Department/Agency: Administration Subject Matter: Set Budget Work Session for Saturday May 14, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. ‘Town Manager Summer Woodard will present this item. Department Head’s Comments/Recommendation: N/A ‘Town Manager's Comments/Recommendation: Approval Suggested Motion: If (favorable) to set a budget work session for Saturday May 14, 2016 at 9:00 a.m, in the Town Hall boardroom. Attachments: Yes __ No_X_ Action Taken: Agenda Item — Board of Aldermen ‘Meeting Date: May 2, 2016 Agenda Item #: 7 (J) - (3) Department/Agency: Administration Subject Matter: Set Public Hearing for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Town of Franklin Budget for Monday June 6, 2016 at 7:05 p.m. Department Head’s Comments/Recommendation: N/A ‘Town Manager's Comments/Recommendation: Consideration Suggested Motion: If (favorable) to set a public hearing for fiscal year 2016-2017 ‘Town of Franklin budget for Monday June 6, 2016 at 7:05 p.m, Attachments: Yes __ No _X Action Taken‘ Monthly Report David P Adams Chief of Police Franklin Police Department PO Box 1479 Franklin, North Carolina 28744 Phone: 828.524.2864 Established 1855, Departmental Report The Police Department responded to 660 calls from March 30, 2016 Reports Filed Accident ‘Arrest Incident / Investigation Enforcement Actions Arrest Dwi's Citations Criminal Papers Obtained Warning Citations 29 47 29 "1 39 Eleven officersattended "Surviving the First 3 Seconds” training. Officer Noman attended the Police Chaplain Conference. until Summer Woodare Town Manager April 25, 2016 — Franklin Fire & Rescue |Franklin, NC This report was generated on 4/22/2016 4:47:09 PM Incidant Tune Count ner Station for Data Rance Sart bate 030018 | End Date: O4/9979016 (ERE station: 11 - FRANKLIN FIRE-RESCUE F711 - Building fre Frid = Chimney or flue fre, confined to chimney or fue, [118 - Trash or rubbish fre, contained [120 -Fire in mobile prop. used as a fixed struc. other, [iat - Forest, woods or wildland fire 142 - Brush or brush-and-grass mixture fre F152.- Garbage dump or sanitary landffl fire [300 - Rescue, EMS incident, other [Sif - Medical assist, assist EMS crew [300 - Emergency medical service, other [527 - EMS call, excluding vehicle accident with Injury {322 - Motor vehicle accident with injuries [324 - Motor vehicle accident with no injuries. [474 - Gasoline or other flammable quid spill [412 - Gas leak (natural gas or LPG) 1403 - Venicle accident, general cleanup [500 - Service Call, olher 10 Person in distress, other [511 -Lock-out [556 - Defective elevator, no occupants [500 - Good intent call, other [511 - Dispatched & cancelled en route [581 Authorized controlled buming [532 Prescribed fre [651 - Smoke scare, odor of smoke [700 False alarm or false call, other [745- Alarm sysiem activation, no fire -unintentionat # Incidents for 11 - Franklin Fire-Rescue: 129 Only REVIEWED incidents included. emargeeyreporing com oe 257 eget TOWN OF FRANKLIN Post Office Box 1479 Franklin, North Carolina 28744 (828) 524-2516 Public Works Monthly Reports Service Calls ‘Meter Reads (New Customers) 44 Reconnects 23 Disconnects(Customers Request) 16 Disconnects (Non-Payments 45 Disconnect (NSF) ° Customer Request (leaks,ete.) 4 Replacement of Meter Boxes 1 Data Profiles 7 No-Reads 2 Brush Pick up 8 140 One Calls for 811 48 ‘Animal pickup o 188 2000 Ft of Root Control Sewer Line on Doraul Street Water tap on Golfview Drive Water tap for New Brewery Sewer Line problem on Hays Circle Jay Gibson Public Works Director ADJUSTMENTS FOR APRIL DATE NUMBER NAME GIVEN AMOUNT 4/1/2016 13872 Patricia Martin Addi Reading $3.12 4/1/2016 12148 Kevin Dooley Addl Reading $8.89 4/1/2016 3209 Don Ries Addl Reading $6.99 4/1/2016 2291 ‘Franklin Terrace Addl Reading $9.62 4/1/2016 13915 Cynthia Cabe Addl Reading $9.01 4/1/2016 5889 First Christian Outside Leak -$256.04 4/1/2016 13425 — Sophia Gialanatzis Addl Reading $14.30 4/11/2016 1878 Oak Forest Meter Problem -$308.93 -$513.04 To: Summer Woodard, Town Manager From: Justin Setser, Land Use Administrator Date: March 29, 2016 — April 25, 2016 Subject, Planning Monthly Report ~ April Boards: Town Planning Board/BOA: The BOA didn’t meet in April. The Planning Board met on April 18 and April 25! to discuss the wording and comment on the ‘adoption of a New Floodplain Ordinance for the Town of Franklin, The Planning voted to recommend the new Floodplain Ordinance as amended. Courety Planning Board: The county planning board met on April 21 and discussed the continued process of updating the County's Comp Plan. The board also looked over maps of broadband coverage in the County as the board continued its discussion on how the improve coverage in the county. Code Enforcement: Land Development Permits: (4) permits were issued. Sign Permits: (7) sign permits were issued. Sign Ordinanee: 3 business were issued violation notices for not submitting @ permit for new sigs. Minimum Housing Code: N/A Nuisance Ordinance: N/A Complaints: N/A Other: Bike Walk Franklin Plan Community Biking event was held on Saturday April 2". 34 people attended the bike ride. ‘Town Planner attended a seminar in Waynesville on April 13" on Rural Economic Development by the Rural Center. Justin Setser, CZO Town Planner / Land Use Administrator Memo Tor Summer Woodard From: Finance Office Date: Apri 26,2016 Re: Monthly Department Report Report for April 2016 {This month the all departments submitted completed budget documents wich included budget justification sheets for each line tem and expenditure projections for current year. Held budget review meetings with each department head during the ‘weeks of April 4"— April 15, Met with Town Manager to discuss and project revenues for year ending and for upcoming FY 16-17 and reviewed debt service as, well. Attended scheduled board meeting on April 18" for discussion on upcoming proposed budget. Currently we ate completing proposed bucget to present at May board meeting. 4 This month also attended class at School of Government for training in Governmental Accounting. 4+ Working with auditors to prepare for upcoming state mandated LGERS Pension Attest whichis scheduled forthe month of May, Preparing reports and data needed for OPEB and LEO Separation Allowence Actuarial Studies for the audit. Wil also be preparing for end o fiscal year procedures as necessary. M. Doster ‘Town of Franklin Finance Officer 828-524-2516 Ext. 304 TOWN OF FRANKLIN Post Office Box 1479 Franklin, North Carolina 28744 (828) 524.2516 April25, 2016 ‘To: Summer Woodard and Board of Aldermen From: Jessie Wilkins Re: April 2046 Ad Valorem Tax Report ‘As of 4/21/2016 97% vs Budget of 2015 taxes are collected. 93% of 2015 total ad valorem taxes are collected. {83 Ten Day demand letters sent out for delinquent taxes on April 4, 2016. $17,500.00 collected asa result of these letters to date, {have attached an unpaid balance report as of 4/25/2016 and a collection report as of 4/21/2016. Please contact me if you have any questions. Respectfully submitted, lent Uitte Jessie Wilkins Tax Collector Attachment o0'00s'98e'Ts ooro00'9§ = 00000TS oo-o00'ts oo'oas'z$ ooGo0'sr$ —o'000'Tes'TS — LaDaNe SLOLS7aLT$ —-WLOL ze'sev'TTS — SPUTYON BS'Sps'pER'TS: zereav‘6s ey'609$ Lv 9se$ Tr86y'2$ egezw'z7s —-LO'690'PEL'TS —TWLOL 00° 00'0$ ooros 00'0$ 00'0$ o's Nor 00'0$ 00'0$ oor0$ o0'0s 00°08 o0'0$ 00's aww goe'ben'sts — 7s'zsb'TS ogreRes 00's Toss £699S'TS PE'DPG'TIS. adv oo'bars 6L's9$ seects 98'6e2S 2920 9N JEW, ET'paz'6st$ — £0'VT9'TS oo'0s serves ev7se'Ts BETES ——”6'009'ETS VIN petav‘Zo1s €8'Z0S'ES vOr6uS varsss o8'6Tz$ e0'0L6'S wv v99'06S aaa gorver'zz$ Be'vTO'TS 1980S ooros ooros o€'spTs eset'sezs ne ES'BLY'TSOS —OT'WSES L6'L¥S 0's evors ee'ssc'ss —-pT'089'T 9S aa e'se0'ezt$ — ET OTS o0'0$ 00'0$ og'etzs 75/6098 TUTE ELTS AON cvees'66$ = 9S9LTS 00°08 y'86$ Ly L82S ar'vv6s vys'TE0'86$ 0 T9'wwO'GETS §— ET LZTS 00°08 wes e60S sysess LS TLE'RETS 143s STEBL'6EES — vO'REZS eos 9'86$ sozes BTESTS ——BG'WLELEES onv isory'zs = EE'ZLIS ov'evs ‘9e'ptts 8z'ae$ or9so'es oo'0$ ant aun AssuaLN YON BLY ztoz e10z ro stoz gt0z/tz/y 62°59 + ISAUBINI SE'BLT + ELOZ 98°6ET+ VTOZ 44O 13S 1830 IN 9T0C/8/E Ze-RGD'TTS = E9'EL$ “ES'EOH'TTS ‘98'ETS ‘0E'Z SiaUUAedsano Jo spunjo4 BUIMOIIO} 242 G319ITIOD 482K wO14N9 woA} YeNANS coos SCS o0'0$ “qvldl Sz'9s0'szo'zs | ESER'SBTS © Zo'OSE'NEBTS wiol 0070s 0010S o0'0$ wOrdd HIP eygoz' Tes £9°608'S 18'969°E7S wOWd Hy 000s 00s 000s z10z Bezsy'6s © 6SL6T'TS og'ysz'8s zr0z 00s ons 000s e107 wy scr'gts erties, ve zov'sts eroz oo'0s ons 000s voz v6'8VE'9SS BL'26LS sr9sr’oss vtoz aos, 00s ‘oyr0s stoz TOOLRTIOTS LVeer'ects —veTRE'EEL'TS stoz qwioL TWNosu3d = 3H (9T0Z/0E/940SV OL ‘aWNOSUad Wau st0z/t/2d0S¥,aIveNN ASHVINIM YORE BHLvm qrOzm ElOZm yTOTM STOTm 120 Nor AWN (ey ONEIN BY HN 030 AON 1903S ONY - cots ooors ooo0t$ 00°000'rS. ‘007000'0r$ 0'000'00T$ ‘00"000'000'r$

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