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Desai 1

Annotated Bibliography


Vishal Desai
Professor Malcolm Campbell
March 16, 2016

Desai 2

Higgins, Kristin. "Vegetarianism; the Pros and Cons of a Meatless Diet." Vegetarianism; the
Pros and Cons of a Meatless Diet. Vanderbilt University, n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2013. <>.

This academic article explores the benefits and disadvantages of vegetarianism. The
author examines the average American diet and how much of every nutrient they get. The
authors states that diets with too many calories and fat cause a plethora of health problems like
heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, and even cancer. The author then goes into
the different types of vegetarians. The main question raised in this article is whether going
vegetarian is beneficial to health. The author uses sources from other articles to prove points on
how being a vegetarian can reduce the risks of various diseases. She also lists the disadvantages
of being vegetarian you can get deficiencies in vitamin and mineral levels. Many vegetarians
have vitamin B12 deficiencies due to the lack of red meat intake. The information presented in
this article is backed by a lot of trusted sources and studies. The authors of the sources evaluated
the benefits and setbacks of vegetarianism. I will use this source to evaluate how being
vegetarian benefits the human body. Also this article will be helpful in refuting the fact that being
a vegetarian can be bad for you. This source also had filled in some gaps that the other sources
have left.

Desai 3

Lusk, Jayson L., and F. Bailey Norwood. "Some Economic Benefits and Costs of
Vegetarianism." AgCon: Research in Agricultural and Applied Economics. N.p., Oct.
2009. Web. 5 Nov. 2013. <>.
In this source the author examines the economic benefits and costs of vegetarianism. The
author is biased because his point of view is that vegetarianism is very fashionable. This articles
shows three different analyses one is that it is much costlier to produce energy and protein rom
animal based sources, the next one is that sizable demand shifts away from meat consumption,
the last one is that the average U.S consumer places a higher value on have meat in his/her diet.
The author uses examples from the bible to show that vegetarianism was enforced in it. The
contents of this book are drawn from studies that studied how being a vegetarian would affect the
economy. They concluded that many crops undergo significant transformation making it costlier
to produce that animal based products. They also concluded that meat is the most valuable food
category to consumers. It found that the value of meat consumption would change once people
became accustomed to eating no meat. The authors considered each study and evaluated how not
eating meat would affect the economy. As I compare this source to my other sources, this might
be cited more than any other sources that I have. This source fits very well with what I have to
write in my main essay. The conclusion of the studies has given me a greater outlook into how
much the economy could change if people started a vegetarian diet.

Desai 4

"Manas: Culture, Cuisine of India, Vegetarianism." Manas: Culture, Cuisine of India,

Vegetarianism. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2013.

This source is about vegetarianism in India. Most of the country is vegetarian due to the
high popularity of Hinduism in the country. Hinduism bans all Hindus from eating beef because
the cow is sacred. The article pulls sources from historians and a nationalist writer about the
history of vegetarianism in India. There are many places in India that do in fact eat meat. Places
like Kerala and West Bengal and the entire west coast of India are renowned for there seafood
dishes. In Northern India, Punjabis eat dishes with mutton and chicken. There are also many
Hindus that do not eat onions or garlic in addition to being vegetarian. The reason for this is that
onion and garlic are generalized as hot foods. Consumption of meat is sometimes related to
masculinity. If someone eats an animal, they will turn into the animal itself. This article will help
me with my essay because it shows that vegetarianism is prevalent in many religions. It shows
that meat can affect your emotional life too by making you madder. This article will also help me
write more about the history of vegetarianism because it is based mainly on how vegetarianism
came to be in the Hindu religion.

Desai 5

"Becoming a Vegetarian - Harvard Health." Harvard Health. Web. 17 Mar. 2016.

This web page article uses many sources to show how you can change your lifestyle and
become a vegetarian. The author points out specific ways to use vegetables and fruits as a
substitute for meat. The author points out that about 8 million adults in the United States eat no
meat, fish, poultry. About two million are vegans, choosing not only to not eat meat but other
animal based products such as eggs, cheese, and milk. The author uses a source from the journal
of the American dietetic association saying that being a vegetarian reduce many chronic
illnesses. The author then lists the various types of vegetarians, there are many types of
vegetarians; lacto-ovo vegetarians do not eat meat, poultry, fish but do eat eggs and dairy
products, Lacto vegetarians also dont eat meat or eggs but do drink milk. The author then goes
into explaining the potential diseases you can avoid by becoming a vegetarian, The author
explains that heart disease can be prevented by eating high fiber whole grains and legumes. They
help keep blood sugar levels steady and also help reduce cholesterol levels. You can also avoid
cancer. Hundreds of studies shows that vegetarians have a lower incidence of cancer. Red meat
causes colon cancer so if you eliminate that from your diet you will be fine. This source will help
me in backing up the statements I make in my essay. This source will also help me fill in gaps
left behind by the other sources.

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