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In regards to the staffing plan, the estimated overall time from phase A through D covers

from January 20, 2015 to February 28, 2018, so roughly a little more than three years. Although
the plan for staffing does appear to be adequate in the initial phases A-C, there are some general
concerns that do arise, particularly during the construction phase during phase D.
During phase D the actual construction is set to take place over a 24 month time frame.
This seems a bit aggressive when taking into account the more recent weather patterns we have
seen in eastern Kentucky. Inclement weather, such as some of the harsh snows we have gotten,
can almost or completely stop construction. Unfortunately there is no alternative for these type of
incidents. The only thing to do is to compensate for the delays. This can completely agitate the
staffing plan and change in general the completion time of the project.
Another concern in regards to staffing plans, which is an unlikely event but has happened
in other construction work, is the possibility of the contractor to default. This could be due to
several reasons as they vary in many instances. This could bring an immediate stop to
An alternative to this happening is to always have a Subcontractor Default Insurance
(SDI). As it isnt mentioned in Submittal ADUC renovation Expansion project outline, this is
something that is more than likely going to be compensated for during phases A-C. This is just
another one of the up and coming concerns for the project.
Overall a majority of the phases A-C, are predominately meetings and planning stages.
Whereas it can be foreseen that there are alternatives to unavoidable weather and variables such
as long distance communications such as: Skype, social media, and phone. The primary concern
in regards to staffing lies in the actual construction phase D of the project.

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