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Student Name: Lisa Lisason

DOB: 20/04/2008
Age: 8 years
Grade: Year 3
School Learning Support Team:
Campbell Sloane
Jordan Muench
Reuban West
Teacher Teacherson

Dr. Birkenstock

Role in ILP
Class teacher - To develop and further Lisas abilities and development
socially, emotionally and cognitively.
Counsellor - To give Lisa strategies to express her emotions and
communicate effectively with peers and teachers.
Learning support assistant - To support Lisa with her various extension
work where possible whilst in the classroom.
Learning support teacher collecting formal assessment, and
establishing and maintaining contact between, counsellor, LSA and Dr.
Birkenstock. Ensuring all relevant information is given to class teacher,
parents and Lisa.
Science professor at University of Canberra - To provide expert
knowledge in the science fields, and extend her knowledge of scientific
procedures in a real world context.

Student IDs: S00165739, S00168016, S00165779


Assessment Task 2: Part C

Assessment Results & Identified Needs

Lisa has been identified as a student that is gifted and talented, the following assessment results support these claims and can help us to work towards
supporting Lisa to reach her full potential.
WISC-V results Used to assess the cognitive ability of children, this testing uses various areas to assess such as verbal comprehension, visual
spatial, fluid reasoning, working memory and processing speed. The WISC-V results of Lisa shows that she is operating well above the average in all
of these areas, and according to her composite score of 135 she is extremely high on the WISC-V scale. This shows that she is a representative of
2.2% of all other cases (Maccow, 2014).
Reading level in order to evaluate Lisas reading skills we have used levelled readers and first began with PM readers but soon found that she far
exceeded the readers. So next we moved on the PROBE, 2nd edition in order to test Lisa. This was used in order to assess her reading comprehension
including, vocabulary, literal understanding, evaluation and reaction to texts (Victoria Education and Training, 2014). We found that she is reading at
a PROBE level of 17 which shows that she is reading at the level of a 13 to 14 year old. We can work further with Lisa to ensure that she reaches
level 18 by the end of this semester.
Mathematics results Lisas mathematics results have been determined using Schedule for Early Numeracy Assessment (SENA) 1 and 2, but again
we found that she far exceeded both SENA tests and needed to use other testing in order to evaluate her understanding. For this we used the
Progressive Achievement Tests in Mathematics (PATMATHS), and we found that Lisa is operating at a year 7 level, so we need to ensure that we
give her relevant tasks using Mathspace that correspond to her level of knowledge.
Research project as one of the major assessments this semester Lisa will be conducting a science research project, focusing on gravity and the year
7 descriptor, Change to an objects motion is caused by unbalanced forces, including Earths gravitational attraction, acting on the object
(ACSSU117). To start with we will go through a I want to know worksheet with Lisa which outlines the topic, what she wants to know and what
she wants to know and is going to find out for herself (Ryser & McConnell, 2015). She will be working with Dr. Birkenstock from the University of
Canberra on a weekly basis, and continuing work with ICT two other times during the week. There will be interim progress reports throughout the
semester (every 3 weeks), to assess how Lisa is progressing and what she needs to work on. At the end of the semester the project will be assessed in
collaboration with Dr. Birkenstock, and it can be discussed with Lisa how she can make improvements and what she wants to move onto in the next
Group work observation We have identified through past teacher reports that Lisa has trouble working with other students and particularly in
larger groups. Her previous teachers have said that Lisa tends to sit back and let all of the other students do the work. This is quite common and can
be a result of interests not being shared with other students and perfectionism common to students that are gifted and talented (Department of
Education and Training, ACT Government, n.d.). It is also important that the teacher tries to put Lisa into groups of students that are of the same
ability or children with the highest possible ability in her age group. The reason for this is that it is found that gifted students benefit from working
with those at the same level, as students at different levels have different thought processes and it can be frustrating to all students involved, when
these thought processes are different (Department of Education and Training, ACT Government, n.d.). It is also useful as working with lower level
ability students does not add to Lisas sense of achievement as much as it would, compared to if she was working with students at the same ability
level of herself (Department of Education and Training, ACT Government, n.d.). We will need to conduct informal formative assessments throughout
the semester, and discuss the developments of the findings at the end of the semester and what steps can be taken next.
Student IDs: S00165739, S00168016, S00165779


Assessment Task 2: Part C




Communication (Effective
communication with peers and


Social & Emotional Development (Group

work, peer interaction and self-esteem)

Talks to herself when she is unable to

convey feelings to others
Uses sentences and phrases beyond peer
Will utilise hand signs and actioning when
communicating with peers
Is shy and unwilling to communicate

Unable to effectively communicate with

Cannot convey her feelings and needs to
classroom teachers and school staff
Finds it difficult to interact and include
herself in peer communication and group
Does not assert herself out there in peer
based situations

Ensure to create opportunities for Lisa to

express herself with the whole class
Create an open dialogue with Lisa so she
feels safe coming to teachers and school
staff when she has issues
Give Lisa confidence building strategies so
she can assert herself in group situations
Give Lisa relevant communication skills to
foster appropriate conversations with her

Student IDs: S00165739, S00168016, S00165779

Classroom behaviours (Withdrawn,

boredom, laziness, frustrated)

Has formed strong relationships with library

staff as well as classroom teacher
Interacts well with older students
Lacks confidence in communicating with
Finds it difficult to join in on activities

Suffers from low self-esteem from lack of

quality friendships
Will retreat by herself during school breaks
Sits quietly and doesnt participate during
group activities
Is alienated by peers and alienates herself
when in groups

Ensure that she is in same ability groups

when possible
Encourage Lisa to contribute during group
Develop Lisas confidence to integrate in
peer discussion and activities
Give Lisa the opportunities to develop selfefficacy and positive self-esteem through
positive peer response and success
Give Lisa the opportunity to work with
students she trusts and can be open with,
while still ensuring she attempts working
with other students


Finishes work quickly and effectively

Will appear bored and off topic if work is
finished early
Talks to peers when finished early with work
Draws and plays with pencils
Perfectionist tendencies

Distracts herself from extension work

Distracts other students who are doing work
Can alienate herself when she finishes group
work early
Will only complete some aspects of work
when she believes it is finished
Will stay in during lunch/ recess to finish
Can become frustrated if shes not happy with
Ensure that Lisa is provided with work that
not only extends her but is relevant, is
authentic and helps her to reach her full
Work with Lisa to help her to understand that
mistakes are a part of learning, and give her
opportunities to make mistakes and learn from
Give Lisa suitable extension work or activities
to do when she finishes early
Develop Lisas interpersonal skills to help her
cope with being distracted in class

Assessment Task 2: Part C


Major Outcome(s)/Goals Focus areas from curriculum document
Review Dates:


Earths rotation on its axis causes regular changes, including night and day (ACSSU048)
Heat can be produced in many ways and can move from one object to another (ACSSU049)
Predictable phenomena on Earth, including seasons and eclipses, are caused by the relative positions of
the sun, Earth and the moon (ACSSU115)
Some of Earths resources are renewable, including water that cycles through the environment, but
others are non-renewable (ACSSU116) Change to an objects motion is caused by unbalanced forces,
including Earths gravitational attraction, acting on the object (ACSSU117)


End of the semester:

Her report is to be assessed by Dr.
Birkenstock and class teacher

Understand and explain how the text structures and language features of texts become more complex in
informative and persuasive texts and identify underlying structures such as taxonomies, cause and
effect, and extended metaphors (ACELA1531)
Understand that the coherence of more complex texts relies on devices that signal text structure and
guide readers, for example overviews, initial and concluding paragraphs and topic sentences, indexes or
site maps or breadcrumb trails for online texts (ACELA1763)
Understand the use of punctuation to support meaning in complex sentences with prepositional phrases
and embedded clauses (ACELA1532)
Recognise and understand that subordinate clauses embedded within noun groups/phrases are a common
feature of written sentence structures and increase the density of information (ACELA1534)
Understand how modality is achieved through discriminating choices in modal verbs, adverbs,
adjectives and nouns (ACELA1536)
Analyse how point of view is generated in visual texts by means of choices, for example gaze, angle and
social distance (ACELA1764)
Investigate vocabulary typical of extended and more academic texts and the role of abstract nouns,
classification, description and generalisation in building specialised knowledge through language
Understand how to use spelling rules and word origins, for example Greek and Latin roots, base words,
suffixes, prefixes, spelling patterns and generalisations to learn new words and how to spell them

Student IDs: S00165739, S00168016, S00165779

End of term:
Discussion with Lisa on her
progression through her report


Short discussion with Lisa on her
progression through her text and her
text analysis
End of the semester: reflection on
Lisas text, to be assessed by her

Assessment Task 2: Part C


Investigate index notation and represent whole numbers as products of powers of prime numbers
Investigate and use square roots of perfect square numbers (ACMNA150)
Apply the associative, commutative and distributive laws to aid mental and written computation
Compare, order, add and subtract integers (ACMNA280)
Establish the formulas for areas of rectangles, triangles and parallelograms, and use these in problemsolving (ACMMG159)
Calculate volumes of rectangular prisms (ACMMG160)
Recognise, model, represent and order numbers to at least 10 000 (ACMNA052)
Apply place value to partition, rearrange and regroup numbers to at least 10 000 to assist calculations
and solve problems (ACMNA053)
Recognise and explain the connection between addition and subtraction (ACMNA054)
Recall addition facts for single-digit numbers and related subtraction facts to develop increasingly
efficient mental strategies for computation (ACMNA055)

Student IDs: S00165739, S00168016, S00165779


Each week:
Lisa will complete her Mathspace
tasks at home, to be checked by
Interim testing of Lisas learnt
End of the semester: Assessment and
summary of Lisas development

Assessment Task 2: Part C

Specific Goals
Specific objective
Science investigation report:
Lisa will conduct and
investigative science report with
guidance by Dr. Birkenstock
demonstrating questioning,
investigation skills and report

Peer communication and

Be able to actively and effectively
communicate and interact with
peers both inside and outside the



Assessment / Date Achieved

Complete an investigative report on Objects in

Lisa, Classroom
Motion, in accordance to the Australian
teacher, LSA, Dr.
Curriculum. This will be accompanied by a
proposal demonstrating what Lisa is
investigating and her reasoning as to why.
Lisa will conduct this report with the assistance
of school ICT and in collaboration with Dr.
Birkenstock of the University of Canberra. Lisa
will be allotted 3 opportunities a week to further
her report with the assistance of classroom
teachers or LSAs where necessary. Of the 3
opportunities Lisa will have 2 to use school ICT
supplies and the other will be a one on one with
Dr. Birkenstock to enhance Lisas scientific
report skills and understanding of scientific

3 weeks: Every 3 weeks Lisa will

supply her classroom teacher with
a progression report that details
what she has learned, wants to
learn and any things that may
support her.

With the assistance of her classroom teacher

and school counsellor Lisa will develop
enhanced communications skills as she is
finding it hard to communicate with students
her own age. This is affecting her self-esteem
and is making it hard for her to interact with her
peers in and outside of the classroom, affecting
her ability to form and sustain relationships.
Throughout the semester Lisa will enhance her
ability to communicate with her peers, increase
the amount of peer based activities she
participates in both in and outside the
classroom. Lisa will be encouraged to interact
with her peers during school breaks instead of
resigning herself to the library or individual

2 weeks: Within a 2 week span, a

discussion with Lisa and her
classroom teacher will demonstrate
how she feels about her
communication and interactions
with her peers.

Student IDs: S00165739, S00168016, S00165779


Lisa, school counsellor,

classroom teacher, peer

End of the semester: By the end

of the semester Lisa will have
completed her report to a high
standard and will be assessed by
her classroom teacher in
collaboration with Dr. Birkenstock

End of the semester:

By the end of the semester Lisa
will have demonstrated to her
classroom teacher and the school
counsellor her developed
communication skills and positive
interactions with her peers.

Assessment Task 2: Part C

Further, reading ability as well as
enhance writing skills and
grammatical understanding.

Enhance the quality of reading materials Lisa is Lisa, LSA, classroom

reading as well as enhance her story writing and teacher
grammatical abilities. Lisa will read high
quality chapter book literature, Lisa be writing a
book review, ensuring it is high quality and
informative. It must include detailed
information about characters, setting, themes
and structure.
Her Reflection will include her own personal
feeling and thoughts about the book and any
knowledge she has gained from the book, as
well as any questions she has.

Student IDs: S00165739, S00168016, S00165779


End of the term:

By the end of each class text she
reads Lisa will have completed a
short review of this text,
identifying its characters, settings,
themes, and giving a personal
reflection on her thoughts and
feelings of the book.

Assessment Task 2: Part C

Classroom Differentiation to include the ILP

Each subject within the Mathematics, Science and English units will be differentiated to accommodate for Lisas interests and prior
knowledge to extend her capability in each subject.
Due to her prior knowledge in the subjects, Lisa will be learning at a Year 7 level for Earth and Space and Physical Sciences when the unit is
introduced to the Year 3 class.
Lisa will be given a research assignment on Objects in Motion to assess her learning.
As part of her introduction, Lisa will be given additional information from her learning support teacher and will develop her understanding of
her new tasks.
For her English units, Lisa will be delving more into her knowledge on Text Structure and Organisation through studies of text structure and
expressive writing.
As part of her assessment in the subject, Lisa will be completing a refelctive writing piece.
Lisa will be given an introduction into Year 7 Algebra and Geometry through the use of Mathspace.
Lisa will be given an opportunity to shape her curriculum through small meetings with her class teacher and learning support teacher, and will
discuss what assessment and extension for her subjects.


Lisa is seated with peers who promote her to participate in group activities and discussions.
Lisa has an allotted space to deposit her chapter books.
Lisa will actively seek deeper/ further learning opportunities when she completes work early.
Lisa will be in charge of her research task and time management.
Lisa will be given opportunities to further her reading time if she finishes early.
Lisa is paired with students for group activities who she communicates with better.

Student IDs: S00165739, S00168016, S00165779


Assessment Task 2: Part C

Parent/Guardian Support
I will support this ILP for my child by:

Giving my child the opportunity to visit outside agency allowing her to socialise with other children who are gifted and like-minded.
Give my child opportunities to visit local sites, such as museums that both interest and further my childs learning.
Support my childs additional readings outside of the school where possible.
Give my child opportunities too further their research task at home where possible.

ILP Evaluation and Comments

Did Lisa complete her proposed research task to a high standard with relevant information?
Has Lisa improved her communication skills with her peers?
Has Lisa been able to form and sustain relationships with her peers and students her age?
Did Lisa complete her book review having it contain the relevant criteria?
Has Lisa completed her desired curriculum outcomes?
Has Lisa developed skills to communicate her feelings and needs?
Parent/ carer:
Has the ILP positively affected Lisa and her development?
Do you feel supported and comfortable with your role in the ILP?
Do you have any suggestions for support of future ILPs for Lisa?
Have you seen Lisa develop socially?
Has Lisa achieved her desired curriculum outcomes?
Has Lisa shown signs of social improvement with the implementation of the ILP?
Has Lisa developed skills for communicating her feelings?

Lisa completes a discussion with her teacher and the counsellor about her thoughts and opinions of her development after the implementation
of the ILP.
Were you comfortable in the way the ILP was implemented in class?

Student IDs: S00165739, S00168016, S00165779


Assessment Task 2: Part C

Any suggestions for future ILP development?

Proposed Future Goals

Further Lisas development socially and emotionally, giving her the tools to sustain the relationships she has formed and continue to thrive in
social situations with her peers.

Further her scientific interest and talent, giving her opportunities to further study areas she is interested in and develop deeper scientific

Suggested that she keeps in contact with Dr. Birkenstock, and uses him as a resource in future scientific endeavours.

Continue to develop Lisas mathematical abilities through extension work and curriculum differentiation. Ensuring she is engaged and
continues to push herself to learn.
Engage Lisa with more difficult text where possible, as well as expose her to different types of texts, such as informative textbooks and
If Lisa continues to excel and be under challenged possible acceleration should be considered. Only if Lisas social and emotional
development will allow for her to integrate successfully into a higher class. This must be discussed with Lisa, her parents, the school
counsellor and her teachers.

Department of Education and Training, ACT Government. (n.d.). Myths and Facts. Retrieved 5th May from
Maccow, G. (2014). Clinical Utility of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Fifth Edition (WISC-V). Retrieved 5th May 2016 from
Ryser, G., & McConnell, K. (2015). Proven strategies that really work for teaching gifted and advanced learners. Prufrock press.
Victoria Education and Training. (2014). AusVELS Levels 3 to 10 - 6 PROBE: Prose, Reading Observation, Behaviour and Evaluation. Retrieved 5th
May 2016 from

Student IDs: S00165739, S00168016, S00165779


Assessment Task 2: Part C

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