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A Style Sheet Guide

Brooke Johnson, Joseph Samson, and Sabrina Terry

Page Format
Size - Default
orientation (tall or wide) - Tall
margins 1 by 1
headers (content, page #, rules, etc.) N/A
footers (content, page #, rules, etc.) - used roman numerals for the first three pages, and regular numbering
for the rest of the document
columns (number, width of each) Five columns, width varies
graphic placement and width Width is 6.2
colors (screens, text, graphics, none) - black
document title (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis) Arial, 24 pt, bold, centered
heading 1 (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis) Arial, 14 pt, bold, left-justified
heading 2 (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis) Arial, 12 pt, bold, left-justified
heading 3 (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis) Times New Roman, 12 pt, left-justified
captions (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis) Arial, 12 pt, bold, centered
menu items, as represented in the text (icon or font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis)
key strokes, as represented in the text (icon or font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis)
lists (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis) Times New Roman, 12 pt, left-justified
acronyms to use after first reference OCLC, UNCC, JM.
hyphenation (on or off?) Off
quotation marks (straight or smart quotes) Straight quotes
spelling (U.S. English, British English, other?) U.S. English
steps: (numbers, bullets, or dingbats) - Numbers
active or passive voice Active voice
second person direct address of reader? (You should . . .) Yes, we used second person.
gender references (acceptable pronouns) He / She
Figures & Tables
captions (numbers & titles) Figure 1.1- Figure 1.7
size & placement 12 pt, centered

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