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Objective : Today, I will create a research plan for next week.

This will include:

Identifying my groups role,
Determining the problem I must solve,
Brainstorming what I must find out in order to become an expert on my
Creating questions to research in order to find out more about my topic
Your Topic: Inventions and Innovations
The Prompts:
You are a museum curator and you are tasked with showcasing a film about
inventions used for surviving and thriving in ancient_____________.
You are a director who is creating an episode of 1001 Ways to Survive, Thrive,
and Stay Alive. You are tasked with creating an episode that discusses three examples
of inventions/innovations for surviving/thriving in ancient _________.
You are a jewelry designer and you are tasked to create a line of jewelry (5
pieces) that showcases inventions from __________ that helped people survive, thrive
and stay alive in a video advertisement.
Group Roles
Manager: Onniea
Supervisor: Sura
Recorder: Haya

1) Empathize (your role/pesona/job)

Please copy and paste the prompt you and your group have chosen into this box. Fill in
the blanks in the prompt based on what your group is interested in studying.
Who are you empathizing with? (Highlight that person or group of people in yellow).
You are a director who is creating an episode of 1001 Ways to Survive, Thrive,
and Stay Alive. You are tasked with creating an episode that discusses three
examples of inventions/innovations for surviving/thriving in ancient Rome .

Who are you empathizing with? (Highlight that person or group of people in yellow).
2) Define the Problem (be as specific as possible and explain everything)
What are the needs of the person you are empathizing with? (What do they need to
effectively solve their problem?)
We, as director,need to create an episode/film of 1001 ways to survive, thrive, and stay
alive using examples and inventions from ancient Rome .
1. We need camera for film
2. We need scripts to know what are we working for.
3. We need cloth and make up for acting roman
4. We need places that roman use to fight.

3) Research Plan: In order to ideate solutions to this problem, you must first research
and find out information about the topics you have selected. This involves two steps: 1)
Brainstorming information you need to learn and 2) Creating questions based on what
you need to find out.

Information you need to learn about my

How do they build the
Why did they build the
How did they use the
What other ways did they
use the Aqueducts for
Did other city use the
Did they use to sale the
water to other city's (economy)
How did they can make the
Surgery tools and techniques
Why they make the Roads
and highways.
Why do they made
How did they use the bound
How did they use the Arch
Why do they need to use the
Why did they build the
twelve table and the corpus juris

Questions you need to answer when

How did they build the
Did they use to sale the
water to other city's (economy)
How did they can make the
Surgery tools and techniques?

Why do they made

How did they use the bound
How did they use the Arch
Why do they need to use the
Why did they build the
twelve table and the corpus juris
What kind of job did they
What the reason did they
fight for?
What was the effect to
building the Aqueducts?
What was the effect to
building Roman Roads?
What was the king control
on them?
What did they invent?
Why did they build aqueducts?
How did they build aqueducts?
How did aqueducts help them to survive?
Why did they use calendars?
How did the calendars help the Roman in
their life ?
How did they use bound books?
Why did they invent bound books?
How did they they use use the arch?
Why did they use the arch?
How did inventions help the Romans?

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