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Sustainability/ Climate Change Challenge Board

Volunteer with an
organization that is
working towards
sustainability. See
me for suggestions.

Write a song
about the
process of
climate change
and be
prepared to
perform in front
of the class.

Research and
write a paper
the ideas of
climate change
Make a model of a
house or
neighborhood that
contains multiple
sustainable parts.
Design your own
challenge. Write
and submit a plan
to me for approval
before starting the

Design a board
game that
demonstrates an
understanding of
climate change
and sustainability.

Create a display
board that
highlights the
most important
points of climate
change and
Write a story
Work with a group
imagining you
of your peers to
have unlimited
create a
resources to
committee that
stop climate
would like to see a
change. What
steps would you practice added to
take to prevent your school! Work
further climate
together to submit

change? Be

a proposal.

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