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V. Carey The My stery of the Scar-Faced Beggar
A Word from Hector Sebastian
Welcome aboard, my stery lovers! I'm pleased an d proud that The Three In vestigators
have asked me to in troduce their latest adven ture. It's a bafflin g case with
in tern ation al complication s, in volvin g a lost wallet, a ban k robbery , an d a ban d of
terrorists--all con n ected by a scar-faced blin d man . I don 't wan t to say more, for
fear of givin g away the story . If y our curiosity is aroused, turn to Chapter 1 an d
begin readin g. But if, by chan ce, y ou haven 't met The Three In vestigators before,
y ou'll wan t to kn ow that these y oun g private ey es live in Rocky Beach, a small
commun ity on the Californ ia coast. Jupiter Jon es is the leader of the group. He has
a photographic memory , a brain like a steel trap, an d an air of self-con fiden ce
that is amazin g in on e so y oun g. Pete Cren shaw, the secon d in vestigator, is
athletic, steadfast, an d much more cautious than Jupe. Bob An drews is in charge of
records an d research, an d he also likes to go adven turin g an d do some sleuthin g of
his own . I have n ever in troduced an adven ture for the boy s un til n ow, an d y ou may
won der who I am, an d what I am doin g at the fron t of this book. Read on , an d y ou'll
1The Blin d Man Run s "IF IT DOESN'T STOP SOON, I'll
scream!" said the woman in the rain coat. A gust of win d whirled up Wilshire
Boulevard. It sn atched at the woman 's umbrella an d turn ed it in side out. Then it
rushed on , sen din g rain drops spatterin g again st the shop win dows. For an in stan t
Bob An drews, stan din g at a bus stop, thought the woman really would scream. She
glared at her ruin ed umbrella. Then she looked accusin gly at Bob, as if he were to
blame. Then , quite sudden ly , she laughed. "Darn !" she said. She tossed the
umbrella in to the trash basket that stood at the kerb. "Serves me right for comin g
out in a Californ ia rain storm." She sat down on the ben ch n ext to the bus-stop
sign . Bob shivered an d hun ched his shoulders again st the chill an d the wet. It had
been the rain iest April he could remember. Now, at n early six o'clock on Easter
Mon day , it was cold, too, an d already dark because of the storm. Bob had come to
San ta Mon ica earlier that aftern oon , boun d for a fabric store to get a dress
pattern for his mother. He hadn 't min ded givin g up some of his sprin g vacation to
do the simple erran d, but n ow the wait for the bus back to Rocky Beach seemed
en dless. He impatien tly wiped his glasses dry for the umpteen th time. "Oh, here
comes the blin d man ," said the woman on the ben ch. Bob looked up the street. Over
the soun d of rain on the pavemen t he heard the tap-tap of a can e an d the rattle of
coin s bein g shaken in a metal cup. "Poor soul," said the woman . "He's been aroun d
this n eighbourhood a lot lately . I alway s try to give him somethin g when I see
him." She fumbled in her purse as the blin d man came closer. Bob saw that he was
quite thin , an d he stooped as he walked. His collar was pulled up aroun d his ears
an d a cloth cap was pulled down over his brow. Dark glasses covered his ey es, an d a
n eatly lettered sign was pin n ed to the fron t of his win dbreaker. It was covered
with plastic an d it read, "God bless y ou. I am blin d." "Nasty n ight," said the
woman . She stood up an d dropped a coin in to his cup. "Argh!" said the blin d man .
His white stick rapped again st the kerb, then ban ged on the ben ch. He tapped back
an d forth alon g the edge of the ben ch, then sat down . Bob an d the woman watched
the blin d man for a momen t, then turn ed away an d stared at the lighted win dows of
the ban k across the street. The clean in g people in the ban k had just fin ished
their chores. The coun ter-tops gleamed an d chairs were placed in precise order.
There were two clean ers--a man in bib overalls who wore his grey hair lon g an d
shaggy , an d a short, stout woman . They waited at the door that led from the ban k
out to the lobby of the office buildin g in which the ban k was located. A un iformed
security man with a bun ch of key s hurried forward from the back of the ban k. He
exchan ged a word or two with the clean in g people, then un locked the ban k door an d
let them out. As the clean in g people crossed the lobby an d disappeared in to an

elevator, Bob glan ced down at the blin d man again . He could see grey hair at the
edges of the man 's cloth cap, an d a Stubble of n eglected beard on the man 's cheeks.
A broad, ugly scar ran from the man 's jaw to his cheekbon e. The acciden t that
caused the scar must have been a terrible on e, thought Bob. He won dered whether
that acciden t was what had cost the man his sight. The beggar lean ed forward, as
if to get up from the ben ch. His foot somehow caught on his can e an d he lurched
sideway s, half-sittin g an d half-stan din g. "Oh!" cried the woman . She seized the
beggar's arm to steady him. The metal cup fell to the groun d an d boun ced away .
Coin s scattered in all direction s. "My mon ey !" cried the beggar. "We'll get it!"
said the woman . "Don 't y ou move." She crouched to pick coin s off the wet pavemen t
an d Bob began to fish in the gutter for the mon ey . The woman retrieved the metal
cup, which had rolled again st the trash basket, an d dropped the coin s in to it.
"Have y ou got it all?" said the blin d man . "It took me all day to get that much."
Bob dropped a wet quarter an d two dimes in to the cup. "I don 't thin k we missed
an y ," he said. The woman han ded the cup to the blin d man , who dumped the coin s out
in to his palm an d fin gered them over. He made a wordless, guttural soun d, then
said, "Yes. It's all right." "Are y ou waitin g for the bus?" said the woman . "I
thin k I see it comin g n ow." "No," said the man . "Than k y ou, lady . I live n ear
here." Bob glan ced across the street. The clean in g man had appeared again in the
lobby . He stood rattlin g the ban k door. The security man was comin g from the back
of the ban k with his key s out. He open ed the door an d there was a brief exchan ge
between himself an d the clean in g man . Then the clean er wen t in to the ban k. The
blin d man got up an d started away , tappin g at the pavemen t with his stick. "Poor
soul," said the woman . "I hope he doesn 't have far to go." Bob watched the blin d
man 's slow progress down Wilshire. "Oh, he's dropped somethin g," said the woman .
"Hey , mister!" called Bob. "Wait a secon d!" The beggar didn 't hear him. He tapped
on down the street. "Wait!" called Bob. He trotted forward an d scooped a wallet
from the pavemen t. The blin d man reached a side street n ow. He stepped to the
kerb, felt his way with the can e, an d stepped out on to the road. The beggar's
thin figure was caught in the glare of on comin g headlights. A car was comin g up the
side street, a little too fast. As it braked for the stop sign , it skidded on the
wet surface. The woman at the bus stop screamed, an d Bob shouted. Brakes squealed.
The blin d man twisted an d tried to dodge away from the car that sped down upon him.
Then there was a thud, an d the beggar was rollin g on the road. The car stopped.
The driver leapt out. Bob ran , an d so did the woman . All three reached the fallen
man at the same time. The driver wen t down on his kn ees beside the blin d man an d
tried to take his arm. "No!" screamed the beggar. He struck at the man with his
fist an d the man pulled back. "My glasses!" The beggar groped wildly . The woman
picked up the dark glasses. They had n ot broken , an d she han ded them to the beggar.
The blin d man put the glasses on an d felt for his can e. The driver of the car was
a y oun g man . Bob saw in the glow of the headlights that his face was white with
shock. He picked the can e up an d put it in to the blin d man 's han d. Slowly the
blin d man got up. He turn ed his head in a searchin g way , as if he could see if on ly
he tried hard en ough, an d he started off down the side street. He was limpin g n ow.
As he wen t he gasped with pain . "Mister, wait a secon d!" cried the driver. "We
ought to call the police," said the woman . "He must be hurt!" The blin d man wen t
on , strikin g out with the stick, limpin g, gaspin g, y et movin g almost at a trot.
Bob ran after him, callin g for him to wait. The man disappeared in to an alley
behin d a row of stores. Bob followed. It was so dark that he stumbled, his han ds
out in fron t of him to feel for obstacles. At the en d of the alley he came out in to
a little y ard. A light bulb burn ed over the back door of a buildin g, shin in g on a
garbage bin an d a cardboard carton that was slowly disin tegratin g in the rain . Bob
saw a secon d passageway that led back out towards Wilshire, but he saw n o sign of
the beggar. The man had van ished!
2 The Lost Wallet "HE COULDN'T REALLY BE
BLIND," said Bob. "How could a blin d man get away so fast?" "Perhaps a blin d man
can move quite rapidly when he's familiar with a place," said Jupiter Jon es. "An d,
of course, a blin d person is used to n avigatin g in the dark." Jupe spoke in the
careful, somewhat fussy way that was characteristic of him. It was the n ext
morn in g, an d Bob was with his frien ds Jupiter an d Pete Cren shaw in Jupe's outdoor

workshop at The Jon es Salvage Yard. The rain had passed. The morn in g was clear an d
fresh, an d the boy s were reviewin g the even ts of the even in g before.
The wallet that the beggar had dropped lay on Jupe's workben ch. "Even if he was a
phon y , why would he run ?" said Bob. "He acted as if he were scared of us." Bob
stopped an d thought for a momen t. "I guess n on e of us were actin g as if we had much
sen se," he said. "The lady who was waitin g with me at the bus stop just disappeared
while I was in the alley . I suppose the bus came an d she automatically got on it.
An d the driver of the car that hit the blin d man drove off when I told him the man
was gon e. An d I stood there like a dope with the wallet. I should have given the
driver the blin d man 's n ame, an d my n ame too." "You were in shock," said Jupe. "In
emergen cies, people often behave in odd way s." While listen in g to Bob, Jupe had
been tin kerin g with an old television set that his Un cle Titus had brought in to the
salvage y ard the week before. Jupe had replaced worn tubes with n ew on es an d had
made several adjustmen ts to the in side of the set. Now he put the television
upright on the workben ch an d plugged in the set. There was a promisin g hum. "Aha!"
said Jupe. "You've don e it again ," said Pete, in mock admiration . "Perhaps," said
Jupe. He twisted a dial. The three boy s grin n ed. Jupiter Jon es was somethin g of a
gen ius when it came to repairin g thin gs or makin g thin gs out of salvaged parts. He
had put together three walkie-talkie radios which the boy s used with great
en joy men t. He had repaired the old prin tin g press that n ow stood in on e corn er of
the workshop. He was also respon sible for the periscope that was part of the
equipmen t in Headquarters--an old mobile home trailer which was hidden away n ear
Jupe's workshop, con cealed by piles of jun k an d all but forgotten by Jupe's Un cle
Titus an d Aun t Mathilda. Jupiter's aun t an d un cle were aware that Jupe, Bob an d
Pete were in terested in crime an d detection . They kn ew that the boy s called
themselves The Three In vestigators. But they did n ot kn ow how really active the
boy s were in the field. The mobile home had been fitted with all sorts of equipmen t
to help the In vestigators solve the puzzles that came their way . It held a small
crime lab, complete with fin gerprin t equipmen t an d a microscope. The boy s did their
own film developin g in the photographic darkroom. A filin g cabin et was filled with
n otes on their cases, an d there was a telephon e which they paid for with mon ey they
earn ed helpin g out aroun d the salvage y ard. It appeared that a television set
would n ow become part of the furn ishin gs in Headquarters. The set on Jupe's
workben ch squawked to life, an d a picture flickered on to the screen an d steadied.
"...comin g to y ou with a mid-morn in g n ews-break," said an an n oun cer. A
n ewscaster appeared on the screen an d wished every on e a good morn in g. He then said
that the latest Pacific storm had passed through Los An geles, an d that Southern
Californ ia could look forward to several day s of clear weather. "There have been
mudslides in the hills above Malibu," said the n ewsman . "An d in Big Tujun ga Can y on ,
residen ts are moppin g up after y esterday 's flash flood. "On the local crime fron t,
our remote un it is on the scen e of a darin g robbery that took place at the San ta
Mon ica Thrift an d Savin gs Compan y less than two hours ago. "Thieves en tered the
ban k y esterday even in g disguised as the clean in g crew. They imprison ed the security
guard in the ban k's board room, an d were waitin g this morn in g when employ ees
reported to work. When the time lock was released at eight forty -five this morn in g,
Samuel Hen derson , executive vice-presiden t of the ban k, was forced to open the
vault. The holdup men escaped with approximately a quarter of a million dollars in
cash an d an un kn own amoun t in valuables from the safe-deposit boxes. Stay tun ed for
addition al details when we return at n oon ." "There!" said Jupe. He switched the
set off. "Good grief!" exclaimed Bob. "The San ta Mon ica Thrift an d Savin gs! I was
right across the street from that ban k last n ight when the blin d man ...
when ..." Bob stopped. He looked rather pale. "I must have seen on e of the
holdup men ," he said. Pete an d Jupe waited, watchin g Bob. "Yes, sure I did," he
said. "From the bus stop I could look across the street right in to the ban k. I saw
the clean in g people leave an d go up in the elevator. Then the man came back--the
clean in g man --an d he kn ocked at the ban k door an d the security man open ed it." "He
came back?" said Jupe. "The same man ?" "Well, I suppose... I suppose..." Bob
looked puzzled. "I don 't kn ow," he said. "The blin d man dropped his cup an d his
mon ey rolled all over the place. So the lady an d I picked it up, an d after we gave

the cup back to the blin d man , that's when I saw the clean in g man at the ban k
door." "So it could have been a differen t man ?" said Jupe. Bob n odded. "What a
scheme!" cried Pete. "The clean in g people fin ish their work an d go upstairs. Then
somebody who's dressed up to look like a clean in g man comes an d kn ocks at the door.
The security guy lets him in an d whammo! The security guy win ds up stashed in a
back room an d the crooks are in side the ban k an d they 're home free. No alarms. Just
sit an d wait for the employ ees to show up." "Why sure!" said Bob. "It must have
been that way ." "Did y ou see where the clean in g man came from?" asked Jupe. "I
mean , whether he came in to the lobby from the elevator or the street?" Bob shook
his head. "The guy was already at the ban k door in the lobby when I n oticed him. I
thought he'd come back down in the elevator. But I guess he could have come in from
the street, if he wasn 't on e of the clean ers in the buildin g." "Which open s up an
in terestin g lin e of thought," said Jupiter. He picked up the wallet that Bob had
left on the workben ch. "Say the man came down the street. The blin d man dropped his
mon ey just as the bogus clean in g man was approachin g the ban k door. You an d the
woman at the bus stop ben t down to pick up the mon ey . An y on e would do the same. An d
y ou were so occupied with the task that y ou didn 't see the robber en ter the lobby .
Does that suggest an y thin g?" Bob gulped. "The blin d man was a lookout!" Jupe
examin ed the wallet. "This is very n ice," he said. "It's made of ostrich skin an d
it came from Neiman -Marcus. That's on e of the most expen sive stores in the city ."
"I didn 't n otice that," said Bob. "I on ly looked to see if the blin d man had a
telephon e n umber in it so I could call him. But he doesn 't." Jupe looked through
the wallet. "On e credit card, twen ty dollars in cash, an d a temporary driver's
licen ce. Now what would a blin d man be doin g with a driver's licen ce?" Bob n odded.
"Right. Of course. He was fakin g. He's n ot blin d." "Hector Sebastian ," said Jupe,
readin g from the licen ce. "Accordin g to this, he lives at 2 2 87 Cy press Can y on Drive
in Malibu." "Malibu is a n ice place," said Pete. "May be bein g a beggar pay s better
than y ou'd thin k." "It may n ot be the beggar's address," Jupe poin ted out.
"Perhaps the man is a pickpocket an d he stole the wallet. Or perhaps he just foun d
it somewhere. Have y ou looked in the telephon e directory for Hector Sebastian ,
Bob?" "He's n ot listed," Bob an swered. Jupiter stood up. "We may have somethin g
here that would in terest the police," he said. "On the other han d, the fact that a
blin d man dropped this wallet may mean n othin g at all. The fact that the blin d man
ran away may mean n othin g. But Cy press Can y on Drive isn 't very far from here. Shall
we in vestigate before we decide what action to take?" "You bet!" said Bob. The
boy s all had their bicy cles with them. In a few min utes they were on Pacific Coast
Highway pedallin g n orth towards Malibu. In less than half an hour they had passed
the main shoppin g area of the famous beach commun ity . Cy press Can y on Drive was a
n arrow road that turn ed an d twisted for a couple of hun dred metres as it climbed up
from the Coast Highway , then ran roughly parallel to the highway but some distan ce
in lan d from it. As the boy s rode alon g the drive they could hear cars an d trucks on
the highway , an d they could glimpse the ocean between the trees that lin ed the
drive on the left. On the right, the coast ran ge sloped up an d away , with the sky
clear an d blue bey on d the tops of the moun tain s. "I don 't thin k an y body really
lives here," said Bob, after they had gon e some distan ce alon g the rutted, muddy
road. "I don 't see a sin gle house. Do y ou suppose the address on that driver's
licen ce is a phon y ?" "The plot thicken s," said Pete. "Why would a blin d man have a
driver's licen ce? An d if that is the beggar's licen ce, why would it have a fake
address?" The drive dipped in to a hollow where a small stream of water ran across.
Then it climbed again . On the far side of the rise the boy s stopped. There was a
gully in their path which might have been dry in summer, but which was n ow a
torren t of brown water. An d beside the road on the left, almost at the edge of the
muddy wash, there was a shabby , barn like old buildin g with dormer win dows in the
secon d story . Neon tubin g ran alon g its eaves. A sign across on e en d proclaimed
that it was Charlie's Place. "A restauran t?" said Bob. Jupe took the wallet out
of his pocket an d looked again at the driver's licen ce. "Number 2 2 87," he said.
"That's the n umber on that n ew mailbox out in fron t." The boy s heard a car on the
road behin d them. They moved aside, an d a red sports car came splashin g slowly
through the little stream they had already forded. A thin man with grey in g hair an d

a lin ed, somewhat sad face passed without seemin g to n otice the boy s. He turn ed
in to the muddy y ard that was the parkin g lot of Charlie's Place, stopped his car,
got slowly out, an d took a can e from the floor of the vehicle. Then he wen t slowly
up saggin g steps in to the ramshackle buildin g, lettin g a dilapidated screen door
slam behin d him
as he disappeared. "He's got a limp!" exclaimed Pete. "Hey , Bob, didn 't y ou say
that the beggar limped when he ran off last n ight?" "Well, he limped after he got
hit by the car. Who wouldn 't limp?" "Could that man be the beggar?" said Jupe. "Is
he at all like the beggar?" Bob shrugged. "He's about the same size, an d I guess
he's about the same age, but there must be a million guy s like that." "Very well,"
said Jupe. Sudden ly he was brisk an d busin esslike. "I'm goin g in there." "What are
y ou goin g to do?" asked Pete. "Go in an d buy a hamburger?" "I may ," said Jupe. "Or
I may simply ask for direction s. But on e way or an other, I'll fin d out who that man
is. Bob, y ou had better keep out of sight. If that man was outside the ban k in
San ta Mon ica last n ight, he might recogn ize y ou--an d he might get n asty ." "I'll
wait with Bob," said Pete. "I'm allergic to guy s who might get n asty ." "Chicken !"
Bob taun ted. "I'm on ly ambitious," said Pete. "My ambition is to live un til I am
very , very old." Jupe chuckled. Leavin g his frien ds stan din g beside the road, he
pushed his bicy cle in to the parkin g area of Charlie's Place. He lean ed the bike
again st the wall of the buildin g an d wen t up the steps. He crossed the little
porch, put his han d on the screen door, an d pulled. The door open ed. Jupe stepped
out of the sun light in to a place that was dim. He saw polished hardwood floors an d
dark wood pan ellin g. Straight ahead through a wide doorway was a large, empty room.
Its fron t wall was made en tirely of win dows, which looked out through the trees to
the sparklin g ocean bey on d. Jupe guessed this room had on ce been the main din in g
room of a restauran t. The restauran t was clearly out of busin ess n ow. Jupe was
stan din g in a wide passageway that was really a sort of lobby outside the huge
room. To the left of the lobby was an area that was a dusty jumble of coffee urn s
an d coun ters an d stools an d booths. Jupe realized that this had on ce been a coffee
shop. He looked to the right an d saw a wall with several doors in it. There were
carton s an d crates piled in the coffee shop an d more carton s piled up in the lobby .
Several crates stood on the hardwood floor of the big room. On e crate was open , an d
packin g material overflowed an d drifted down its side. Jupe moved forward slowly .
He was about to call out when he heard the soun d of a telephon e bein g lifted from
its cradle. He stood still an d listen ed. Someon e out of sight in the big, bright
room ahead of him dialled a n umber. There was a pause, an d then a man said, "This
is Sebastian ." After an other pause the man spoke again . "Yes," he said, "I kn ow it
will be expen sive, but every thin g has its price. I'm prepared to pay for it." At
that momen t somethin g small an d hard pressed in to Jupe's back just above his belt.
"Please to reach for the sky ," said a soft voice. "If y ou move I make y ou in two
3 A Man of My stery JUPITER RAISED HIS HANDS above his head. He could
feel his scalp prickle. "I on ly wan ted..." he began . "Please to be quiet!"
said the person behin d him. There were footsteps on the hardwood floor. The grey haired man who had driven up a few min utes before appeared in the doorway to the
big room. He stood lean in g on his can e, lookin g at Jupe with his head slightly to
on e side, as if he were puzzled. "What is it, Don ?" he said. "Who is this?" Jupe
frown ed. There was somethin g familiar about this man . Jupe could n ot be sure
whether it was just the voice, or the tilt of the head. Had they met somewhere? If
so, where? An d when ? "This person breaks an d en ters," said the in dividual who was
holdin g Jupe at gun poin t. "He stan ds an d listen s to y ou talk on the telephon e." "I
on ly wan ted to ask direction s," said Jupe. "The sign outside say s this is Charlie's
Place. Isn 't it a restauran t? An d I didn 't do an y breakin g an d en terin g. The door
was open ." "Well, of course," said the grey -haired man . He came towards Jupe,
smilin g. "It used to be a restauran t, an d the door is open , isn 't it?" Jupe saw
that the man 's cheeks were ruddy , an d that his high, thin n ose had recen tly been
sun burn ed. It was n ow peelin g. The ey es un der the thick, grey -black brows were very
blue. "Relax, y oun g frien d," said the man . "Don couldn 't shoot y ou even if he
wan ted to." Jupe cautiously lowered his arms. He turn ed to look at the person
called Don . "You thin k I have gun ," said the man with satisfaction . He was an

Orien tal, n ot much taller than Jupe, quite slim, with a smooth, pleasan t face. He
held a wooden mixin g spoon with the han dle poin ted towards Jupe. "You see it is n ot
really gun ," he said. "It is trick I see on television ." "Hoan g Van Don came from
Vietn am recen tly ," said the grey -haired man . "He is presen tly learn in g En glish by
watchin g late-n ight television . I see n ow that he is also learn in g other useful
thin gs." The Vietn amese man bowed. "If imprison ed in upper room, proper course to
follow is to braid bedsheets in to rope. If bedsheets n ot available, slide down
drain pipe." The Vietn amese bowed again an d disappeared in to the shadows of the
coffee shop. Jupe stared after him with curiosity . "You wan ted direction s?" said
the grey -haired man . "Oh!" Jupe started. "Oh, y es. A river crosses the road just
bey on d here." Jupe poin ted. "Does the road con tin ue on the far side? Is there an y
place we can cross, or should we go back to the highway again ?" "The road doesn 't
go on . It dead en ds just bey on d the river. An d don 't even try to cross that gully .
It's quite deep. You'd be swept off y our feet." "Yes, sir," said Jupe, who was n ot
really listen in g. He was starin g curiously at on e of the cardboard carton s that
stood in a corn er of the lobby . Half a dozen books were piled on the carton , an d
all seemed to be copies of the same title. Jupe saw black dust jackets an d
brillian t scarlet letterin g. The cover illustration on the top copy showed a dagger
stuck through a documen t. Dark Legacy was the title of the book. "Hector
Sebastian !" said Jupe sudden ly . He walked over an d picked up on e of the books.
Turn in g it over, he foun d a photograph on the back--a photograph of the man who n ow
stood facin g him in the dim little lobby . "Why , it is y ou!" said Jupe. For on ce
the poise on which he prided himself completely deserted him. "You are the Hector
Sebastian ! I mean , y ou're the on e who's been on television !" "Yes, I have," said
the man . "A few times." "I read Dark Legacy ," said Jupe. His voice soun ded stran ge
in his own ears. It was high an d excited. He was babblin g like a star-struck
tourist. "It's a terrific book! An d so is Chill Factors! Mr. Sebastian , y ou sure
don 't n eed to rob an y ban ks!" "Did y ou thin k I did?" said Hector Sebastian . He
smiled. "Well, n ow, I don 't thin k y ou just wan dered in here lookin g for direction s.
What's this all about?" Jupe's face got red. "I... I don 't even like to admit
what I was thin kin g," he said. "Mr. Sebastian , are y ou missin g y our wallet?"
Sebastian started. He felt in the pocket of his jacket. Then he patted his hip
pocket. "Good heaven s!" he exclaimed. "It's gon e! Do y ou have it?" "My frien d Bob
has it," said Jupe. Very quickly he told Sebastian of Bob's adven ture the n ight
before. He described the blin d man who had dropped the wallet, an d he men tion ed the
ban k robbery an d the acciden t in which the blin d man was hit. "Terrific!" said Mr.
Sebastian . "It soun ds like the begin n in g of a Hitchcock movie." Jupe immediately
looked crestfallen . "What's the matter?" said Mr. Sebastian . "Did I say somethin g
wron g?" "Not really ," said Jupe. "It's on ly that Mr. Hitchcock was a frien d of
ours. When Bob wrote up our cases, Mr. Hitchcock used to in troduce them for us. We
felt very bad when he died, an d we miss him." "I'm sure y ou do," said Mr.
Sebastian . "But I don 't un derstan d. What sort of cases? An d where is y our frien d
Bob, who foun d my wallet?" "I'll get him!" said Jupe. "He's right outside." Jupe
barrelled out the door an d trotted across the parkin g lot. "Come on !" he called.
"Mr. Sebastian wan ts to meet y ou. You kn ow who he is?" Bob an d Pete looked at on e
an other, an d Pete shook his head. "Should we kn ow?" he asked. Jupe grin n ed. "I
should have kn own ," he said. "I should have recogn ized the n ame right away . My
brain must be turn in g to oatmeal! He's the on e who wrote Dark Legacy an d The Night
Watch an d Chill Factors. He's been on all the television talk shows lately .
Moorpark Studios just fin ished makin g a movie of Chill Factors, an d Leon ard Orsin i
is goin g to compose the score for the picture." Pete sudden ly grin n ed. "Oh y eah! I
heard my father talkin g about Chill Factors. You mean this guy Sebastian is the
writer?" "You bet he is!" said Jupe. His face was flushed with excitemen t. "He
used to be a private detective in New York City , but he was hurt when the small
plan e he was pilotin g crashed. His leg was crushed. While he was waitin g for it to
men d, he began to work on a n ovel in spired by on e of his cases. It was called The
Night Watch, an d it became a big-sellin g paperback. After it came out Mr. Sebastian
wrote an other book called Dark Legacy about a man who preten ded to be dead so that
his wife could collect his in suran ce, an d that was made in to a movie. Remember? An d

then Mr. Sebastian gave up completely on bein g a private detective an d became a

full-time writer. He wrote the screen play for Chill Factors after the book was sold
to Moorpark Studios. Come on ! Don 't y ou wan t to meet him? Bob, have y ou got the
wallet?" "I gave it to y ou," said Bob. "Don 't y ou remember? Boy , y ou really are
bowled over!" "Oh," said Jupe. He patted his pockets, then grin n ed. "Yes. Okay .
Come on ." Pete an d Bob followed him back to the buildin g, an d when they were
in side he in troduced them to Mr. Sebastian . Sebastian ushered them in to
the big win dowed room an d motion ed them to the foldin g chairs that were placed
aroun d a low, glass-topped table. It was the sort of table that is usually outdoors
on a terrace or beside a pool. The table, the chairs, an d a telephon e were the on ly
furn ishin gs in the room. "Even tually we'll have all sorts of luxury here," said
Sebastian . "Don an d I moved in on ly last week, an d we haven 't had time to do much."
"You're goin g to live here?" said Pete. "I am livin g here," an swered Sebastian . He
limped to the lobby an d bellowed for Don . Presen tly the Vietn amese appeared with a
tray on which there was a glass coffee server an d a cup an d saucer. "Somethin g for
the boy s," ordered Sebastian . "Do we have an y soft drin ks in the refrigerator?"
"Lemon ade," said Don as he set down the tray . "Nature's Own , for tree-ripe
flavour." Jupe smiled, recogn izin g the advertisin g slogan of on e of the popular
bran ds of lemon ade. No doubt this was a bit of wisdom that Don had learn ed from his
television watchin g. "Lemon ade okay ?" said Mr. Sebastian . He looked to the boy s,
who quickly n odded. Don wen t back to the kitchen , which was located in the far
corn er of the house, bey on d the coffee shop. "I wish Don would watch some cookin g
programmes, in stead of all those old movies with commercials stuck in every five
min utes," said Mr. Sebastian after the Vietn amese left. "Some of the meals that we
have are un believable." Mr. Sebastian then wen t on to talk about the old
restauran t that he had just moved in to, an d the plan s that he had for makin g it
over in to a home. "Even tually the coffee shop will be a formal din in g room," he
told the boy s. "There's a storeroom n ext to the lobby that can become Don 's
bedroom, an d I'll have a bathroom put in for him over there, un der the stairs."
The boy s looked towards the staircase that wen t up alon g the in n er wall n ear the
lobby . At the top of the stairs was a gallery that ran the len gth of the buildin g,
overlookin g the huge room where Sebastian sat with the boy s. The big room had a
vaulted ceilin g that was two stories high. The other half of the buildin g--the
fron t half occupied by the lobby , storeroom, coffee shop an d kitchen --had rooms on
the secon d floor, with doors open in g on to the gallery . "I kn ow this place is a
wreck," said Mr. Sebastian . "But it's structurally soun d. I had an architect an d a
buildin g con tractor look at it before I bought it. An d do y ou kn ow what it would
cost me to buy a house this size so close to the ocean ? "A fortun e, I'm sure,"
said Jupe. Sebastian n odded. "An d thin k what a beautiful place this will be on ce
it's fixed up. This is a great room just the way it is--a fireplace at each en d an d
all these win dows facin g the ocean ! An d the roof doesn 't leak. That's the sort of
thin g y ou may take for gran ted, but I lived for twen ty -three y ears in a Brookly n
apartmen t where the roof leaked regularly . I had to keep a collection of buckets
an d pan s to set un der the drips when it rain ed." Mr. Sebastian grin n ed. "Who was
it who said that he'd been rich an d he'd been poor, an d rich was better? Whoever it
was, he kn ew what he was talkin g about." Don came in then with the lemon ade. As he
served the boy s, Sebastian picked up the han dsome wallet that Jupe had put on the
glass-topped table. "Dropped by a blin d beggar, eh?" said Mr. Sebastian . He looked
in to the wallet. "He couldn 't have been a beggar in great n eed. He didn 't spen d an y
of the mon ey ." "But he was beggin g," said Bob. "He had a tin cup with coin s in it.
He kept shakin g the cup." Mr. Sebastian looked thoughtful. "I won der how he foun d
the wallet?" he said. "If he was blin d..." "Exactly ," said Jupiter. "Blin d
people don 't see thin gs that are ly in g on the pavemen t. Of course he might have
stumbled on it an d picked it up. Where did y ou have it last, Mr. Sebastian ?" "You
soun d very profession al," Sebastian told Jupe. "I almost expect y ou to whip out a
pen cil an d pad an d take n otes. You men tion ed Alfred Hitchcock a while ago. You said
he used to in troduce y our cases? Are y ou boy s learn in g to be detectives?" "We are
detectives," said Jupe proudly . He pulled out his own wallet an d took a small card
from on e of the compartmen ts. He han ded the card to Mr. Sebastian . It read: THE

THREE INVESTIGATORS"We In vestigate An y thin g"?

?First In vestigator Secon d In vestigator -Records an d Research -JUPITER JONESPETER CRENSHAWBOB ANDREWS
"I see," said Sebastian . "You call y ourselves The Three In vestigators, an d y ou
volun teer to in vestigate an y thin g. That's a rather brave statemen t. Private
in vestigators can be asked to do some very odd thin gs." "We kn ow," said Jupiter.
"We have en coun tered some highly un usual circumstan ces--even bizarre on es. That's
our speciality . We have often been successful in cases where ordin ary law
en forcemen t people have failed." Mr. Sebastian n odded. "I believe y ou," he said.
"Youn g people have n imble min ds, an d they aren 't burden ed with n otion s about what
can happen an d can 't." Bob lean ed forward. "We're in terested in the blin d beggar
because we won der whether he might have somethin g to do with the robbery at the
ban k," he said. "Were y ou in San ta Mon ica y esterday ? Did y ou drop the wallet there?
Or could he have picked y our pocket?" "No." Mr. Sebastian lean ed back in his
chair. "I kn ow I had the wallet y esterday morn in g. I remember puttin g it in my
pocket when I left the house to go to Den icola's. I n ever thought of it again un til
just n ow. Obviously I must have dropped it at Den icola's, sin ce that's the on ly
place I wen t y esterday , but it must have been an acciden t. I certain ly didn 't get
in to an y crowds where someon e could have jostled me an d picked my pocket--an d I
would have n oticed a blin d man ." "Isn 't Den icola's the place up the coast where
they have a charter boat for sports fishermen ?" said Pete. Mr. Sebastian n odded.
"I keep my speedboat there," he said. "It's closer than an y of the marin as. When I
wan t to use the boat, the boy who works for Mrs. Den icola rows me out to the buoy
where it's tied up. I had the boat out for a run y esterday . I must have dropped the
wallet n ear the dock, or may be in the parkin g lot there." "An d the blin d man
picked it up," said Pete. "Then the blin d man wen t to San ta Mon ica without say in g
an y thin g to the people at Den icola's about the wallet," said Bob. "An d he happen ed
to be across the street from the ban k at the exact momen t the holdup men got in
disguised as clean in g people. May be he even created a diversion by droppin g his cup
of coin s so that the people at the bus stop wouldn 't guess what was goin g on ."
"The cup of coin s may have been slippery in the rain ," said Mr. Sebastian . "Or the
man may have been tired. It could mean n othin g at all that he dropped the cup."
"He ran away after he dropped the wallet an d Bob wen t after him to give it back,"
Jupe poin ted out. "He ran again after he was hit by a car." "Not un usual," said
Mr. Sebastian . "He could have been in shock. He could have had a guilty con scien ce
about carry in g a wallet that wasn 't his. He could have been afraid of the police.
The police are often hard on beggars. It doesn 't seem likely that he has an y
con n ection with a ban k robbery , but why don 't y ou go to the police an d tell them
what y ou've just told me? Give them my n ame if y ou wan t to. I'll be glad to cooperate in an y way I can ." "Of course," said Jupiter, disappoin ted. "That's the
thin g to do. An d probably y ou're right an d the blin d man happen ed to come alon g
on ly by coin ciden ce. I guess this case is over before it really began ." "Looks
that way ," said Mr. Sebastian . "Listen , I really appreciate y our comin g here with
the wallet." He was fumblin g in the wallet n ow, frown in g at the bills there. "It
was n o trouble," said Pete quickly . "We were glad to do it," Bob put in . "Please
don 't even thin k about givin g us an y thin g." "Well then , can I reward y ou some
other way ?" asked Mr. Sebastian . "How about a ride in my speedboat? Wan t to go with
me the n ext time I take it out?" "Hey , could we?" cried Pete. "You sure could.
Just give me y our telephon e n umbers so I can give y ou a call." "We can be here in
half an hour," said Pete happily . He gave Mr. Sebastian his telephon e n umber, an d
so did the other boy s. When the Three In vestigators left, the famous detectiveturn ed-writer trailed them to the door an d stood watchin g as they wheeled their
bikes out on to the road. "Nice guy ," said Pete when they were out of earshot.
"Yes, he is," Jupe agreed. "He seemed sorry to see us go. I won der if he isn 't kin d
of lon ely out here in Californ ia. He's lived almost all of his life in New York."
"An y time he wan ts compan y on his speedboat," said Bob, "I'll be ready . Wow! That's
really --" Bob stopped. A small, tan sedan had appeared on the road. It passed the
three boy s at a sedate pace, then slowed at the en tran ce to Mr. Sebastian 's y ard
an d turn ed in . An elderly man got out. He approached the steps of Charlie's Place
an d said somethin g to Mr. Sebastian , who still stood in the doorway . The boy s were

too far away to hear the con versation , but they stay ed on the road an d watched.
After a momen t Mr. Sebastian stepped back. The n ewcomer wen t up the steps an d
disappeared in to Charlie's Place. "Well, how about that!" exclaimed Bob. "This
in vestigation isn 't over y et!" "Why do y ou say that?" asked Pete. "The security
man ," said Bob. "That guy was the security man who let the robbers in to the ban k in
San ta Mon ica. Now why would he come callin g on Mr. Sebastian ?"
4 The
In vestigators Fin d a Clien t "IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!" said Jupiter. "Hector
Sebastian must have more mon ey than he can ever spen d! His books are best sellers!"
"Okay !" said Bob. "But if he didn 't have an y thin g to do with that ban k robbery ,
why did the security man from the ban k go to see him?" "I don 't kn ow," said Jupe.
It was early aftern oon , an d the Three In vestigators were in their secret
Headquarters at The Jon es Salvage Yard. The boy s had waited in the road outside the
old restauran t on Cy press Can y on Drive un til the security man from the San ta Mon ica
ban k had left Hector Sebastian 's home an d driven away . They had briefly con sidered
talkin g to Sebastian again , an d askin g about the visit of the ban k guard, but
Jupiter vetoed the idea. He was reluctan t to in trude a secon d time on the famous
writer for n o better reason than curiosity . So the boy s had return ed to
Headquarters to discuss the even ts of the morn in g. They were n ow sittin g aroun d the
old oak desk in the trailer. Bob was jottin g down items in a n otebook as he
remembered them. "The beggar limped last n ight after the acciden t, an d Mr.
Sebastian has a limp," he said. "Mr. Sebastian broke his leg in a dozen places,"
Jupe poin ted out. "His limp is perman en t. Did the beggar limp last n ight before the
acciden t?" "I'm n ot sure," said Bob. "The limp could be a coin ciden ce," said
Pete, "but what about the wallet? That's an other coin ciden ce. An d then the man who
actually let the thieves in to the ban k goes callin g on Mr. Sebastian . That's a
third coin ciden ce, an d three is too man y ." "Why don 't we go to the police?" said
Bob. "It's what Mr. Sebastian said we should do. An d why would he say that if he's
in volved with the robbery ?" "He had to say it," Pete declared. "He'd be afraid n ot
to. It's what grown ups alway s say ." "I thin k the police would feel that our
theories are far-fetched," said Jupiter. "Perhaps they 'd be right. It's impossible
to believe that Mr. Sebastian helped rob a ban k. He has too much to lose. But there
must be some con n ection between him an d that even t. Perhaps Mr. Bon estell can help
us fin d it." "Bon estell?" said Bob. Jupiter un folded a n ewspaper which had been
ly in g on the desk. It was the early edition of the San ta Mon ica Even in g Outlook. He
had purchased it from a rack when the boy s stopped for pizza on their way home.
"Walter Bon estell is the n ame of the security man who let the robbers in to the
ban k," he said. "It's here in the story on page on e." He reached for a stack of
phon e directories an d foun d the on e he wan ted. "Hmmm... the San ta Mon ica
telephon e book lists a Walter Bon estell who lives at 112 9 Dolphin Court. That's
just a few blocks up from the beach." "Jupiter!" The call came from outside the
trailer. "Jupiter Jon es, where are y ou? I wan t y ou!" Jupe sighed. "Aun t Mathilda
soun ds an n oy ed. She hasn 't seen me sin ce breakfast. By this time she must have a
whole list of thin gs for me to do." "My mother is probably lookin g for me, too,"
said Pete. "I was goin g to suggest that we visit Mr. Bon estell," said Jupe.
"Perhaps we could do that early this even in g. Can y ou get away then ? If we could
meet in fron t of the Rocky Beach Market about seven , we could ride down the coast
an d see the security man on his own groun d." "Soun ds okay to me," said Pete. Bob
grin n ed. "No school tomorrow. Shouldn 't be an y problem. See y ou ton ight." The boy s
left the trailer, an d Jupiter spen t the aftern oon workin g in the salvage y ard. That
n ight, after an early supper with Aun t Mathilda an d Un cle Titus, he was waitin g
with his bicy cle in fron t of the market. Bob an d Pete appeared at five min utes to
seven , an d in the dark the boy s set out for San ta Mon ica. Dolphin Court turn ed out
to be a short, dead-en d street in a n eighbourhood of small, sin gle-family homes.
Number 112 9 was a frame house halfway down the street. The little car that the boy s
had seen on Cy press Can y on Drive stood in the driveway . The fron t of the house was
dark, but a light showed at a win dow in the back. The boy s drifted down the
driveway an d looked through the win dow in to the kitchen . The security man was
there, alon e. He sat at a table n ear the win dow with a heap of n ewspapers in fron t
of him an d a telephon e at his elbow. He was n ot callin g an y on e at the momen t. He

was simply starin g at the plastic tablecloth in an un seein g way . He looked older
than he had that morn in g, an d more frail. His hair seemed thin an d sparse an d there
were purple shadows un der his ey es. The boy s did n ot speak. After a momen t Jupe
turn ed to go to the fron t of the house an d rin g the doorbell. Blockin g his way in
the driveway was a man who held an automatic pistol! "Exactly what are y ou up to?"
deman ded the man . He did n ot aim the pistol, an d his voice was low an d con trolled,
but Jupe had the n ightmare feelin g that he an d his frien ds were in deadly peril.
There was somethin g cold an d determin ed about the man with the gun . His mouth was a
straight, thin lin e, betray in g n o hin t of humour. Wrap-aroun d sun glasses perched on
his head like a secon d set of cold ey es. Pete made a startled soun d, an d the man
sn apped, "Be still!" The kitchen win dow wen t up an d Mr. Bon estell lean ed out.
"Shelby , what is it? What are y ou doin g?" The man with the gun gestured towards
the boy s. "These three were lookin g in the win dow at y ou." "Oh?" said Mr.
Bon estell. He soun ded puzzled an d curious. But then he said "Oh!" again , an d his
ton e was alarmed. "In to the house!" ordered the man with the gun . "That way !
March!" The boy s marched. They wen t aroun d to the backy ard an d in through a
service porch to the kitchen . "What is this all about?" said Mr. Bon estell. "When
I wen t to see Mr. Sebastian this morn in g, he said three boy s had just called on
him. It was y ou three, wasn 't it? You were on the road when I drove up, weren 't
y ou? With y our bicy cles." "Yes, Mr. Bon estell," said Jupiter. "Won 't y ou sit
down ?" said Mr. Bon estell. He pulled a chair out from the table n ear the win dow.
"Walter, what is all this?" deman ded the man with the gun . "What's goin g on ?" "I'm
n ot sure," said Mr. Bon estell. "Shelby , would y ou put that gun away ? Gun s make me
n ervous!" Shelby hesitated. Then he hitched his trouser leg up over his shin an d
slipped the gun in to a holster that was strapped to his leg just below the kn ee.
Pete blin ked an d stared, but said n othin g. The boy s took seats at the table. "Mr.
Sebastian said y ou'd seen a suspicious character n ear the ban k," said Mr.
Bon estell. "Will y ou please tell me what's goin g on ?" cried Shelby . Mr. Bon estell
sighed. "Haven 't y ou heard the n ews on the radio?" he said. "There was a robbery at
the ban k this morn in g." "A robbery ? I didn 't hear. I didn 't have the car radio on .
What happen ed? An d what about these kids? I don 't un derstan d." Mr. Bon estell
quickly related the details of the robbery . "An d I'm the on e who let the thieves
in ," he said. "I thin k the police suspect that I'm in volved with them." Mr.
Bon estell's expression was bleak. "It was careless of me," he admitted. "If I'd
really looked at that man at the door, I'd have kn ow it was a stran ger. But even if
I was careless, that doesn 't mean I'm a crook! I n ever did a dishon est thin g in my
life! On ly , the police don 't kn ow me, so I have to fin d someon e to help me prove
I'm in n ocen t." "A lawy er," said Shelby . He n odded smugly , like on e who alway s has
the correct an swers. "Very wise of y ou, Walter, but what has that to do with these
boy s. Why were they lookin g in the win dow?" Mr. Bon estell looked down cast. "I
suppose they 're suspicious, too." He lean ed towards Jupe. "At first I thought may be
Mr. Sebastian might help. He was on the Harry Travers Show last week talkin g about
the movie he just fin ished workin g on , an d he said that sometimes people get in to
trouble just because they happen to be in the wron g place at the wron g time. I'm
on e of those people, aren 't I? So I thought may be Mr. Sebastian would be in terested
in my ... my case. On e of the secretaries at the ban k thought may be he'd help me,
an d she got his address for me from the Down town Credit Reportin g Service. He's got
an un listed phon e--I guess a lot of famous people do--so I wen t to see him
an d..." "Walter, stop blitherin g!" ordered Shelby . "Who is Mr. Sebastian , for
heaven 's sake?" Jupe cleared his throat. "He's a n ovelist an d a screen writer," he
said. "He used to be a private in vestigator. We saw him this morn in g. You see,
someon e dropped a wallet belon gin g to Mr. Sebastian outside the ban k, an d Bob
here--Bob An drews--picked it up." "I thin k I was across the street from the ban k
when the robber came to the door," Bob put in . "I saw y ou let him in , Mr.
Bon estell." "When we saw y ou come to Mr. Sebastian 's house this morn in g after we
return ed the wallet," said Pete, "we were kin d of suspicious. We thought that there
might be some con n ection between y ou an d Mr. Sebastian an d... an d the robbery ."
Pete paused, his face growin g red. "It soun ds silly n ow that I'm say in g it out
loud," he con fessed. "I was on ly goin g to ask for help," said Mr. Bon estell, "but

Mr. Sebastian is startin g work on a n ew book, an d he doesn 't have time to help. He
gave me the n ames of some private in vestigators here in Los An geles, but he thin ks
if I see an y on e, I should see a lawy er. I made some calls this aftern oon . Do y ou
kn ow what lawy ers cost? An d private detectives? I can 't afford either!" Jupe sat
straighter in his chair. "Mr. Bon estell, perhaps we were suspicious when we first
came here, but I'm n ot suspicious an y lon ger. I thin k we can help y ou. You see, Mr.
Bon estell, we are private detectives." Jupe took out a Three In vestigators
busin ess card an d han ded it to Mr. Bon estell. "How quain t!" said Shelby , readin g
over Mr. Bon estell's shoulder. His ton e was sarcastic. "We are hardly quain t,"
said Jupe. He kept his voice even . "We have a record of success that man y
con ven tion al agen cies might en vy . We are n ot hampered by man y prejudices, as older
people often are. We believe that almost an y thin g
is possible, an d we believe in followin g our best in stin cts. Mr. Bon estell, I
don 't believe that y ou could have had a part in a ban k robbery . I thin k my frien ds
feel the same way ." Jupe looked at Bob an d Pete, who n odded. "Mr. Bon estell,"
said Jupe, "if y ou will accept us, The Three In vestigators would like to have y ou
as a clien t." Walter Bon estell seemed stun n ed. "You're so y oun g!" he said. "Is
that really such a han dicap?" asked Jupe. Bon estell twisted his han ds n ervously .
"I should get a real firm on ly ... on ly ..." "Walter, what would that cost
y ou?" said Shelby . The y oun ger man pulled a chair up to the table. He looked past
Mr. Bon estell an d the boy s to the n ight-black win dow, frown in g at his own
reflection . He brushed back his straight fair hair with his han d, took off his
sun glasses, an d put them in to the pocket of his corduroy jacket. "I don 't kn ow why
y ou're so worried," he fin ally said. "Accordin g to y our sy stem of justice, y ou're
in n ocen t un til y ou're proven guilty ." "I don 't feel so in n ocen t," said Mr.
Bon estell. "I did let the robbers in , y ou kn ow." "They can 't sen d y ou to jail for
that," said Shelby . "But if y ou're goin g to get in to such a stew, why n ot hire
these boy s? I don 't kn ow how they can prove y ou didn 't do it, but may be they can ."
"We'll sure try ," promised Pete. "You do seem eager to help," said Mr. Bon estell.
"I can 't tell y ou how n ice it is. So few people today have been that n ice. I
thin k... if y ou really may be able to help... well, I'll be y our clien t. It's
high time I had someon e on my side!"
5 Mr. Bon estell's Story "IT'S BEEN A
NIGHTMARE!" said Mr. Bon estell. He fin gered the design in the plastic tablecloth,
an d looked an xiously from Jupiter to Bob an d from Bob to Pete. "They asked me n ot
to come to work again un til the robbery is cleared up. They didn 't say I'm a
robber, but I could tell. How could they thin k a thin g like that? Do I look like a
man who'd help rob a ban k? Does this look like a place where crooks han g out?" The
boy s looked at Mr. Bon estell, an d then at his orderly kitchen . Jupe wan ted to
smile. He could n ot imagin e Mr. Bon estell plottin g a crime, an d he could n ot
believe thieves had ever con spired in this place. The house was so n eat that it
man aged to have n o character at all. "Oh, gosh!" said Shelby . "My groceries!" He
disappeared in to the service porch, an d the boy s heard the back door slam as he
wen t outside. "Why n ot begin at the begin n in g, Mr. Bon estell?" said Jupiter. "If
y ou'll tell us every thin g y ou remember about the robbery , perhaps y ou'll recall
some detail that y ou may have overlooked earlier." Bon estell did n ot look hopeful.
"Sebastian said it's harder to prove that a man is in n ocen t--if he has n o alibi,
that is--than to prove that he's guilty ." "Well, are y ou sure y ou have n o alibi?"
said Jupe. "Stop an d thin k about it. If y ou were on e of the robbers, some of y our
time in the last few day s would have been taken up with plan n in g the robbery . An d
y ou would have to kn ow the other robbers. Can y ou give an accoun t of y our
activities for, well, for the last two weeks?" Mr. Bon estell shook his head sadly .
"What about y our frien d Shelby ? I take it he lives here. Can he tell much about
what y ou've been doin g for the past few day s?" Again Mr. Bon estell shook his head.
"Shelby rooms here, but he isn 't home much. He's a field represen tative for Sy stems
TX-4 . That's a computer compan y . He travels aroun d advisin g compan ies that are
puttin g in computer sy stems. He was gon e all last week an d over the weeken d. A firm
in Fresn o is buy in g the TX billin g sy stem an d he was workin g with them. He got home
just a while ago. Even when he's home, he doesn 't pay much atten tion . When I was
with TX-4 , he seemed much frien dlier than he does n ow." "You worked for Sy stems

TX-4 ?" said Jupe. "That's right, after they took over Jon es-Templeton Office
Machin es." For the first time, a hin t of pride showed in Mr. Bon estell's face. "I
was with Jon es-Templeton for over thirty y ears," he said. "I started there right
after World War Two. I was in the mail room at first, an d then I wen t in to
purchasin g an d worked my way up. At on e time we had twelve people in the
departmen t, an d I was secon d in comman d. That was while the kids were growin g up'.
It was a good place to be, an d my kids had a good life. Stable, y ou kn ow. Not all
that movin g aroun d that some men get in to." Mr. Bon estell got up an d wen t to the
livin g room. He return ed after a momen t with a framed photograph. It was a picture
of himself--a y oun ger self with dark, thick hair. He was posed with a roun d-faced,
fair-haired woman an d two children . "My wife, Elean or," said Mr. Bon estell,
in dicatin g the woman . "We were married the y ear after the war en ded. She died four
y ears ago of con gestive heart failure. She was very y oun g to go that way ." He
stopped an d cleared his throat. "I'm sorry ," said Jupiter. "Yes. Well, these
thin gs happen . But it was lon ely here with the children gon e. My son is a
production co-ordin ator at Elliott Electron ics in Sun n y dale, an d Debra is married
n ow. Her husban d is an in suran ce adjuster. They live in Bakersfield an d they have
two children . "So that's a lot to be grateful for--to raise two kids an d have them
turn out well. But I wish they lived closer. They don 't, though. They won 't live at
home again , so while I was still at TX-4 I started lookin g for someon e to help with
expen ses. Shelby --Shelby Tuckerman --n eeded a place to live, so we got
together...." The back door open ed an d Shelby came in carry in g a brown paper
bag. He wen t to the refrigerator an d began to store away packages of frozen foods.
"About what happen ed last n ight," said Jupe after a momen t. "Would y ou min d goin g
over it for us?" "If y ou thin k it will help," said Mr. Bon estell. "There wasn 't
an y thin g un usual at first. I've had the job almost a y ear. I go in at n oon an d take
care of some odds an d en ds--n othin g importan t. I on ly took the job because time
hun g heavy after I was... uh... retired from Sy stems TX-4 . I was replaced by
a computer. "So n ow I'm sort of a un iformed odd-job man at the ban k. After the
ban k closes I supervise the clean in g people. They don 't take lon g. They 're usually
fin ished by six. After I let them out an d lock up after them, I check the place on e
last time to make sure every thin g is in order. Then I leave. There's n o n ight
security man at the ban k. With a time lock on the vault, they don 't n eed on e. No
on e could open the vault without settin g off an alarm that would brin g every cop in
the city ." "That's why the crooks kept y ou prison er all n ight," said Bob. "They
couldn 't move while the time lock was in operation ." "That's right," said Mr.
Bon estell. "There were three men , an d of course they kn ew the sy stem. They must
have been watchin g an d waitin g someplace un til the clean in g people left an d wen t up
in the elevator. Then on e of them came to the door an d rapped. There isn 't too much
light in the lobby , an d when I looked out through the door I saw a man in bib
overalls with a lot of shaggy grey hair an d a cap pulled down over his ey es. I
thought it was Rolf comin g back for somethin g. I open ed the door an d he came in ,
an d then I saw it wasn 't Rolf. He had a gun , so it was too late to do an y thin g.
"Two other people came right away . They had wigs an d fake beards an d fake
moustaches. They made me go back to the board room where I couldn 't be seen from
the street. They kept me covered all n ight, an d they didn 't even go n ear the vault.
When the staff started to arrive in the morn in g, they herded them in to the board
room. An d when Mr. Hen derson came in --he's the on e who has the combin ation an d
open s the vault--they kn ew who he was. They made him open the vault as soon as the
time lock wen t off." Shelby Tuckerman sat down n ext to Pete. "I thin k someon e in
the n eighbourhood's been spy in g on y ou," he told Mr. Bon estell. "Either that or on e
of those old codgers at the sen ior citizen s' cen tre decided that the ban k would be
a pushover." Mr. Bon estell looked an n oy ed. "Shelby , I would recogn ize a n eighbour
or a frien d. I did n ot kn ow those men last n ight. They were stran gers." Shelby got
up an d put a kettle on the stove. "They were disguised, weren 't they ?" he said. "I
don 't thin k it would hurt if the boy s kept an ey e on the n eighbours. They aren 't
really a superior lot." "Are they supposed to be superior?" deman ded Mr.
Bon estell. Jupe lean ed forward. "Of course y ou don 't wan t to be suspicious of y our
n eighbours," he said, "but it does seem that someon e is thoroughly familiar with

the routin e at the ban k. Are y ou sure n o on e has been watchin g y ou in recen t day s?
Has an y on e been askin g question s about y our job?" "No." Mr. Bon estell looked
completely miserable. The kettle began to boil, an d Shelby spoon ed in stan t coffee
in to a cup an d poured hot water over it. He came back to the table an d sat sippin g
the black liquid, lookin g from Jupe to Mr. Bon estell an d then back again . "Perhaps
we will have to prove that someon e else is guilty before we can prove that y ou're
in n ocen t," said Jupe. "We may have a clue." "A clue?" said Mr. Bon estell eagerly .
"What is it?" "At this poin t we can 't be sure that it is a clue," said Jupe. "It's
probably best if we don 't discuss it with y ou. We'll in vestigate, an d we'll call
y ou in a day or two. Mean while, if y ou n otice an y un usual behaviour or an y extreme
curiosity amon g y our acquain tan ces, let us kn ow. You have our n umber on the back of
our card." "Yes, of course." The boy s left the house. When the door had closed
behin d them, Bob said, "A clue? You mean that wallet? Is that the clue?" "A very
slim clue," said Jupe, "but it's all we have. I thin k we have already con cluded
that n either Mr. Sebastian n or Mr. Bon estell is a crimin al.
But if the blin d man had an y con n ection with the robbery , Mr. Sebastian may well
have come in to con tact with a crook. His wallet is the lin k, so it's worth
followin g up." "If y ou say so," said Pete. "Just try to keep us out of places
where people pull gun s on us, okay ?"
6The Frighten ed Dreamer BOB ANDREWS LEFT
Rocky Beach before n in e the n ext morn in g. He rode his bike south alon g the Coast
Highway , boun d for San ta Mon ica. He was to ask in stores n ear the Thrift an d
Savin gs Compan y if the blin d man had return ed to the n eighbourhood sin ce the
robbery . Then he had to return to Rocky Beach to put in some hours at the library ,
where he had a part-time job shelvin g books. Jupiter an d Pete watched Bob go. Then
they started n orth, an d before n in e-thirty they had passed Malibu. They pedalled up
a steep rise bey on d the town , then sped down the other side towards the pier that
was own ed by the Den icola Sport Fishin g Compan y . The boy s stopped on the shoulder
of the road across from the Den icola pier. They had both seen the place thousan ds
of times as they wen t up an d down the highway , but n either had paid much atten tion
un til n ow. Before this morn in g, Den icola's had been simply an other wide spot on the
road where fishermen gathered. Some campers an d van s were parked beside the highway
n ow, an d men an d women were fishin g off the beach to the south of the pier. Even in
the chill sprin g win d, a few hardy people in wetsuits rode surfboards out where the
breakers began to crest. "Good surf today ," said Pete, en vy in his voice. Pete was
an excellen t surfer, an d he would have loved to be out on his board. But Jupe
wasn 't in terested in the surf. He was study in g the pier an d the fishin g boat that
was tied up beside it. The boat was the Maria III. She was a sturdy , well-kept
craft about fifteen metres lon g, with a wheelhouse for the pilot an d open decks for
the fishermen who chartered her. A hatch in the deck was open , an d a y oun g man in a
blue win dbreaker was peerin g down at the en gin e of the boat. Tied to the n orth
side of the pier, opposite the boat, was a raft with a gan gway leadin g down to it.
A rowboat was tied to the raft. In the deep water bey on d the pier, the boy s saw a
sleek white motorboat moored to a buoy . The cockpit of the motorboat was covered
with a tarpaulin . "That must be Mr. Sebastian 's speedboat," said Jupe. "Um," said
Pete. His ey es were fixed on the surfers. "Wan t to stay there an d keep an ey e on
the bikes?" Again Pete said, "Um." Jupe smiled, left his bike, an d crossed the
road. A driveway led from the highway straight down to the pier. To the left of it
was a small parkin g lot, empty at the momen t. To the right, a spur of the driveway
wen t to a house with faded grey shin gles an d white wooden trim. A station wagon
stood in the carport n ext to the house. Between the house an d the pier there was a
tin y office cabin which had large win dows on three sides an d a door in the side
n earest the dock. Through the office win dows Jupe saw that a grey -haired woman in a
black dress sat at a desk examin in g a ledger, while a y oun ger woman with a mass of
very curly red hair talked on a telephon e. Jupe wen t to the office, smiled through
the glass at the red-haired woman , then open ed the door an d wen t in . The office
smelled of sea water an d rubber boots an d seaweed an d mildew. There was a wooden
ben ch again st on e wall, an d a table with brochures about sport fishin g an d charter
trips to the Chan n el Islan ds off the coast. The red-haired woman covered the
mouthpiece of the telephon e with her han d. "Be with y ou in a min ute," she said.

"No hurry ," said Jupe. The older woman looked up, an d sudden ly Jupe felt pierced
by her gaze. A thrill of fright wen t through him. The woman 's dark ey es were
stran gely kn owin g, as if she were aware of Jupe's thoughts. Yet her smile was
absen t-min ded. She seemed un aware of the effect she was havin g on Jupe. After a
glan ce at him, she wen t back to her ledger. Un comfortably , Jupe turn ed away an d
looked out at the dock. The y oun g man in the win dbreaker had fin ished checkin g the
en gin e of the Maria III. He closed the hatch, jumped from the boat to the pier,
then came whistlin g towards the office. "Okay ," said the red-haired woman . "We'll
expect forty -three on Saturday . If there are an y more, let me kn ow, huh?" She hun g
up as the man in the win dbreaker came in . "Can I help y ou?" she said to Jupe. "I
was won derin g if y ou've seen a wallet?" said Jupe. "Has an y on e turn ed on e in ? Mr.
Sebastian lost his wallet a day or two ago." "Mr. Sebastian ? Was he here recen tly ?
I didn 't see him. Ern ie, did y ou row him out to his boat? Wan t to check the
rowboat? See if there's a wallet in there." "There isn 't," said the man in the
win dbreaker. "Mr. Sebastian was here two day s ago. I bailed out the rowboat after I
brought him back to the dock. I'd have foun d a wallet if he'd dropped it in the
boat." He looked at Jupe in a puzzled way . "How come Mr. Sebastian didn 't come
himself? Or telephon e?" "He's busy ," said Jupe. "He was at a couple of places in
the last two day s, an d he doesn 't remember where he had the wallet last. I said I'd
check for him. You get better results that way . If y ou just call, people don 't
alway s take time to look for lost thin gs." Jupe was about to go on to say that Mr.
Sebastian had seen a man with grey hair an d dark glasses an d a scar on his face,
but before he could describe the blin d beggar, the older woman looked up at him.
"You ask about a wallet," she said. "That is stran ge. Last n ight I dreamed of a
wallet." The y oun ger woman smiled. "My mother-in -law is a terrify in g person ," she
told Jupiter. "She dreams dreams that sometimes come true." "It is n ot I who am
terrify in g," said the older woman . There was a trace of accen t in her speech, an d
it grew stron ger n ow. "Sometimes the dreams make me afraid. Last n ight I dreamed
that a man came who is a stran ger. He picked up a wallet from the groun d an d put it
in his pocket, fast. "He was a stran ge man , that on e. He had grey hair like my
Vin cen zo's hair before he died, but he was n ot small an d old like Vin cen zo. He was
y oun ger, an d he had black glasses. On his face was a scar, like someon e cut him
on ce with a kn ife. He tapped his way with a stick like a blin d man , but he kn ew
that I was watchin g him. He was a dan ger to me, I kn ew. It was a bad dream, an d
very real." She looked aroun d to the y oun ger woman . "It makes me un easy , Eileen ."
Next to Jupe there was a soun d that was almost a gasp. Jupe turn ed. Ern ie had gon e
pale, an d it seemed to Jupe that he shook slightly . "What's the matter, Ern ie?"
said the y oun ger woman . "Does that description fit an y on e y ou kn ow?" "Oh, n o!"
Ern ie spoke quickly an d too loudly . "It's just scary when Mrs. Den icola does that."
"I kn ow what y ou mean ," said the y oun ger woman . No on e spoke for a momen t. Then
Jupe than ked the two women an d backed out of the office. He hurried across the
highway to Pete, who was still watchin g the surfers in a dreamy way . "We have just
hit the jackpot!" said Jupe. "The old lady in the office there is Mrs. Den icola,
an d the y oun ger woman is her daughter-in -law, an d she say s the old lady dreams true
dreams." "You mean she dreams about thin gs that are goin g to happen ?" said Pete.
"May be," said Jupe, "but she also dreams about thin gs that have happen ed. She just
dreamed of a man who foun d a wallet an d put it in his pocket. He was a man who
tapped his way with a stick--a blin d man . An d he was a dan ger to her!" Pete
stared. "You made that up!" he accused. "I didn 't. I'm repeatin g exactly what she
said. She's afraid, an d so is that guy who was out on the boat when we first got
here. Hearin g about that dream scared him stiff. He kn ows somethin g about the blin d
man , an d he doesn 't wan t an y on e to kn ow that he kn ows! He has somethin g to do with
our puzzle. I in ten d to fin d out what it is!"
7Pete Gatecrashes a Meetin g IT
WAS PETE who decided that he would stay n ear the Den icola pier an d watch the man
n amed Ern ie. "If he's up to somethin g, we'd better fin d out what it is," said
Pete, "an d he's seen y ou. He'll thin k it's fun n y if y ou han g aroun d. He hasn 't seen
me, so I can stick close. He'll n ever n otice." "Be careful," warn ed Jupe. "You
kn ow I'll be careful--which is more than I can say for y ou!" Jupe wen t off then ,
skimmin g down the highway , an d Pete crossed the road to the beach. He wheeled his

bicy cle in un der the pier, which n ear the water's edge was tall en ough to stan d up
un der, an d locked it to on e of the pilin gs. He was careful n ot to show an y in terest
in Den icola's. An y on e watchin g him would thin k he was just an other kid lookin g for
a safe place to park his bike. Pete moved down the beach a short distan ce, past
some fishermen . Then he sat on the san d an d looked out across the water towards the
Maria III. Ern ie was aboard the boat again . He was polishin g the brass fittin gs.
The morn in g passed pleasan tly en ough. A group of children came to play in the san d
n ear the pier. Pete foun d out they lived n earby an d started question in g them. They
told Pete that Ern ie lived in the little house just up the highway , an d that he had
two frien ds who lived with him. They were men who spoke to each other in a foreign
lan guage. Pete was pleased with the in formation . He thought that Jupe couldn 't have
don e an y better. Pete lun ched on a san dwich which he bought in a small market down
the highway from Den icola's. Then he return ed to the beach an d watched Ern ie
through the aftern oon . Shortly after five, Ern ie left the pier an d started up the
highway , walkin g on the shoulder of the road. Pete followed at a distan ce. Ern ie
made straight for a dilapidated little house that stood with its face to the
highway an d its back exten din g out over the san d, supported
by pilin gs. When he disappeared in to the seedy , saggin g cottage, Pete stood an d
won dered what to do n ext. How could he fin d out more about this man who might kn ow
the beggar? A shabby old truck came rumblin g up the highway . It pulled to the side
of the road across from Ern ie's cottage, an d a y oun g man got out of the cab. He
waved an d called out than ks to the driver, then crossed the road an d wen t in to the
house. The truck wen t on its way . A few min utes later a third y oun g man appeared
on the scen e. This on e was drivin g an an cien t Buick. He parked it in a weed-choked
patch of level groun d n ext to the house, then wen t in to the house an d slammed the
door. There were few fishermen left on the beach n ow. The sun was dippin g towards
the west. Pete decided that he would watch for ten more min utes, an d then he would
get his bike an d go home. No soon er had he made the decision than the door of
Ern ie's cottage open ed. Ern ie an d the other two men came out an d headed down the
highway . Pete trailed after them. The men passed Den icola's, then crossed the road
an d began trudgin g up a win din g driveway . It led to a buildin g that stood atop the
cliffs an d overlooked the sea. A sign on the hillside an n oun ced that this was the
Ocean view Motel. Ern ie had his frien ds had reached the top of the hill when a car
turn ed in to the motel driveway an d climbed the grade. A secon d car arrived an d
followed the first on e up the hill, an d a third car stopped beside the road. A man
an d a woman got out of that car an d started up the drive on foot, just as two y oun g
men on motorcy cles roared up the in clin e. Pete watched an d won dered. When a van
loaded with y oun g people pulled to the side of the road, he decided to act. He
crossed the highway as a small sedan parked. A middle-aged couple got out,
accompan ied by a pair of teen age boy s. The man an d woman started up the driveway
an d the boy s trailed after them. Pete fell in to step a few y ards behin d the boy s.
He followed the family to the top of the hill an d aroun d behin d the motel to the
parkin g lot an d pool area. The doors of the motel rooms all open ed on to the back.
Above them, lights already beamed out from un der the eaves. Rows of foldin g chairs
had been set out on the deckin g aroun d the pool an d in part of the black-topped
parkin g area. Bey on d the pool was a clear area where Ern ie an d his two frien ds were
puttin g up huge easels an d moun tin g great photographic blow-ups on them. On e black
an d white portrait photograph showed a white-haired man who wore an elaborate
un iform which was heavy with braid. A colour picture showed a city that was golden
with sun light. The third picture made Pete gasp. It was a photograph of a man who
had shaggy grey hair, a scar that ran from his cheekbon e to his chin , an d ey es
covered by dark glasses. He looked just like the blin d beggar Bob had described.
Pete began to feel n ervous. He had n o right to be here. He felt a stron g urge to
flee, but he kn ew Jupe would n ever forgive him. Some kin d of meetin g was goin g to
take place, an d it might tell him who the scar-faced man was. The meetin g seemed to
be free; n o on e was takin g tickets. An d n o on e was pay in g an y atten tion to Pete. He
guessed that he could safely stay if he kept quiet an d preten ded to belon g. He sat
down on on e of the foldin g chairs, an d man aged a frien dly smile when a stout man ,
who was breathin g heavily after the climb up the hill, sat down n ext to him. More

an d more people came. When the chairs were filled, people sat on the steps outside
the motel office an d on the wall at on e side of the swimmin g-pool area. No lights
showed in side the motel, an d Pete won dered if the place was open on ly in the
summertime. It was n early dark when Ern ie stood up at a small lectern which had
been placed in fron t of the row of photographs. On e of Ern ie's frien ds came
marchin g from behin d the motel office with a flag made of blue satin edged with
gold. There was a cluster of golden oak leaves in the cen tre of the ban n er. A
woman in the audien ce began to sin g. An other woman join ed her, then a man . Soon
every on e was stan din g an d sin gin g. The music swelled an d grew majestic. Pete stood
up an d preten ded to sin g. He'd n ever heard the tun e before, but it soun ded like a
battle hy mn or an an them. When the music en ded, the sin gers sat down with much
coughin g an d scrapin g of chairs, an d Ern ie stepped back away from the lectern . An
older man came to the lectern an d began to speak in Span ish. Pete groan ed silen tly .
He didn 't un derstan d Span ish! If on ly Jupe were here! At first the speaker's voice
was subdued. Soon it became stron ger. The man waved a raised fist as if he were
an gry with the crowd, or with someon e who was just bey on d the circle of light there
at the top of the hill. There were cheers when the man fin ished speakin g an d
stepped back from the lectern . Then a y oun g woman with lon g, straight blon de hair
came out of the audien ce. She stood before the crowd an d shouted somethin g that
soun ded like a slogan . People clapped an d whistled, an d some stamped their feet.
The woman held up her han ds an d the audien ce grew quiet. She began to speak. She
was fiery , almost dan cin g in the glare of the floodlights, gesturin g to the
photographs behin d her. Every time she poin ted to the picture of the man with the
scar, there was a n ew roar from the crowd. There were more cheers an d whistles
when she fin ished. Ern ie came back to the lectern , an d gradually the crowd became
quiet. Then , to Pete's horror, Ern ie began to sin gle out people in the audien ce,
poin tin g, urgin g them to get up an d speak. On e by on e they did, alway s speakin g in
Span ish. First there was a man in the first row, then a woman halfway back in the
crowd, then a boy who sat on the motel steps. As each on e got up, Ern ie shouted
en couragemen t, applaudin g an d laughin g. Then Ern ie was poin tin g to Pete, an d the
men an d women aroun d Pete were lookin g at him. Pete shook his head, but the man
who sat on his right tugged at Pete's elbow an d gestured to him to stan d. Slowly ,
as if he were caught in a n ightmare, Pete got to his feet. He kn ew he had to thin k
fast, but his brain was frozen . Ern ie said somethin g, an d there was laughter in
the crowd. Then there was silen ce. Pete saw faces, all of them turn ed towards him,
waitin g. Pete wan ted to run . He wan ted to get away , out of the crowd an d down the
drive, before these people foun d out that he was a spy . The man n ext to Pete said
somethin g softly . Was it just a question ? Or was it a threat? Sudden ly Pete put
his han d to his throat. He open ed his mouth an d poin ted an d made a soun d that was
half-gasp an d half-gurgle. Then he shook his head. "Aha!" said the man n ext to
him. "Lary n gitis!" Pete n odded, forcin g a smile. There was laughter an d Pete sat,
weak with relief. His n eighbour patted him sy mpathetically . The crowd turn ed away .
Ern ie made some remark an d poin ted to an other person in the audien ce, an d that
person stood an d spoke. At last Ern ie an d on e of his frien ds began to pass a basket
down the rows of chairs. The y oun g woman with the blon de hair spoke again ,
eviden tly urgin g the audien ce to be gen erous. The basket was heaped with paper
mon ey when it reached Pete. He put a dollar on top of the pile an d passed it alon g.
An d then someon e called out from the top of the driveway , an d the basket was
whisked out of sight. There was a shuffle an d a rush, an d Ern ie an d two other men
were sudden ly seated in fron t of the audien ce with guitars an d an accordion . Ern ie
struck a chord on his guitar. The accordion ist began to play an d the blon de y oun g
woman san g softly . The audien ce join ed in a melody that was sweet an d simple, like
a coun try son g sun g by children . Pete heard the roar of a motorcy cle. He turn ed as
a un iformed highway patrolman sped up the drive. The sin gers wavered an d the son g
died. The highway patrolman left his motorcy cle an d wen t to clear the area n ear
the lectern . "Sorry to in terrupt y ou folks," he said. "Who's in charge here?" "I
am." Ern ie stood up. "What's the matter? We have permission from Mr. San derson to
rehearse here." "San derson ?" The highway patrolman looked towards the motel
office. "He the guy who own s this place?" "That's right. We ren ted the commun ity

room from him. Wan t to see the receipt? "No. I believe y ou. But this isn 't the
commun ity room, an d didn 't San derson --or somebody --tell y ou the motel is un safe?
Why do y ou suppose it's closed? The groun d is un stable after all the rain , an d the
hill can slide an y min ute. What are y ou doin g here, an y way ? Who are all these
people?" Ern ie's smile was beautifully in n ocen t. "We're the Sun set Hills Music
Federation ," he said. "We're practisin g for the Coun try Music Jamboree at the
Coliseum on the twen ty -seven th." The officer stared at the audien ce. "All of y ou?"
he said. "You're all rehearsin g for this... this jamboree?" "The Coun try Music
Jamboree is for large amateur groups," said Ern ie patien tly , "an d y es, Mr.
San derson did say the hill was un stable. But it was too late to can cel the
rehearsal, an d some people here come from as far away as Lagun a, so we decided to
practise out here in the open . It's safer. Even if the motel goes, n obody will get
hurt, huh?" "Don 't coun t on it," said the highway patrolman . He raised his voice.
"Sorry , folks, but I've got to ask y ou all to leave just as quickly as y ou can .
Don 't pan ic, but there is some risk, so don 't delay . Come on n ow. Move out, please.
Never min d about the chairs. Just leave them an d go." The crowd began to stream
out, quietly an d in good order. As Pete started down the hill, he heard Ern ie
say in g to the officer, "Well, okay , but give me a chan ce to pack my guitar, will
y ou?" Pete shook his head in amazemen t. He could on ly thin k, wait till Jupe hears
about this!
8New Leads "I DON'T KNOW
WHAT they were up to," said Pete, "but I'll bet my en tire allowan ce for April that
it had n othin g to do with folk sin gin g." It was the n ext morn in g, an d Pete sat on
the floor of Headquarters. He scowled fiercely at n othin g in particular. "I won 't
take y our bet," said Jupe. He had the en tertain men t section of the Los An geles
Times open on the desk in fron t of him. "There's a livestock show at the Coliseum
on the twen ty -seven th." Bob sat on a stool n ear the curtain that separated the
office in the trailer from Jupe's crime laboratory . He had been discouraged when he
return ed from San ta Mon ica the day before, for he had been able to learn n othin g
more about the blin d man . Now, havin g heard Pete's story , his spirits were high. He
held a world atlas on his lap, an d was slowly turn in g the pages. "The flag they
used at that rehearsal or rally or whatever it was--it isn 't the Mexican flag," he
reported. "The flag of Mexico is red an d white an d green . An d it isn 't the Span ish
flag, an d it doesn 't belon g to an y of the Cen tral American coun tries." "May be it
isn 't the flag of a coun try at all," said Jupe. "May be it's the ban n er of some
organ ization ." But then Bob said "Aha!" loudly , an d Jupe sat up straight. Bob
studied a page in the atlas for a momen t, an d then looked up. "Mesa d'Oro," he
said. "It's a small South American coun try . There are two flags shown n ext to the
map. On e is green with a state seal in the cen tre an d on e is blue with a cluster of
gold oak leaves. The green on e is the official flag of the coun try ; the blue on e is
the flag of somethin g the atlas calls the Old Republic. There's a n ote that the
blue flag is still used in some remote provin ces an d by some con servative groups on
special holiday s." Bob looked down at the atlas again . "Mesa d'Oro has seaports on
the Pacific," he told his frien ds. "It exports coffee an d wool. Barley is grown in
the uplan ds south of the capital, which is a port n amed Cabo de Razon . Population
is three an d a half million ." "That's it?" said Pete. "An atlas doesn 't give a
lot of in formation ," said Bob. "Just maps an d population an d stuff like that."
"Very curious!" said Jupiter. "A rally of some sort at which mon ey is collected-possibly mon ey for a small South American coun try . The leaders of the meetin g are
furtive; they lie to the highway patrolman when he appears. A huge photograph of
the blin d beggar is display ed, an d the man who is leadin g the meetin g is the same
on e who reacted with alarm--or at least with stron g emotion --when Mrs. Den icola
told of a dream in which a blin d man appeared an d picked up a wallet. "What were
those people really doin g last n ight? Did they have an y thin g to do with the robbery
or do we have a separate puzzle here? Certain ly they didn 't wan t the police to kn ow
the purpose of their gatherin g." "They couldn 't have been plan n in g an y crime,"
said Bob. "That would be ridiculous. Not with so man y people, an d n ot without an y
security . Pete just walked in an d sat down an d was accepted." Jupe frown ed an d
pulled at his lip--a sure sign that he was try in g hard to fin d the an swer to a
question . "May be the man whose picture I saw last n ight isn 't the same man Bob saw

outside the ban k," said Pete. "May be it's a differen t blin d man ." "That would be
too much of a coin ciden ce," said Jupe quickly . "There is the scar, an d there is the
fact that Mr. Sebastian must have dropped his wallet n ear Den icola's pier, an d the
fact that Ern ie recogn ized the description of the blin d man when Mrs. Den icola told
about her dream. It must be the same man . But what does he have to do with a
coun try called Mesa d'Oro? An d does he have an y thin g at all to do with a ban k
robbery in San ta Mon ica?" "May be Ern ie is a foreign agen t an d the blin d man is his
con tact," Pete said. "If Ern ie is really a spy , he wouldn 't wan t the highway patrol
to kn ow, so he'd preten d to be somethin g else--like a folk sin ger." "You watch
television too much," said Bob. "In real life, people don 't act like that." "I
thin k that in real life people behave in way s that are even more fan tastic," said
Jupe. "But we don 't kn ow en ough y et about Ern ie--or an y on e--to un derstan d what's
goin g on in this case. Fortun ately , Pete's adven ture last n ight gives us some n ew
leads to in vestigate. Mesa d'Oro, for on e. We've got to keep diggin g un til we fin d
somethin g that will clear Mr. Bon estell." Bob said, "I'm due at my job at the
library at ten . I'll look up Mesa d'Oro there an d see what I can fin d out."
"Jupiter!" It was Aun t Mathilda callin g from somewhere in the salvage y ard.
"Jupiter Jon es, where are y ou?" Pete grin n ed. "Aun t Mathilda soun ds as if she
really mean s it," he said. "She wan ts y ou--on the double!" Bob open ed a trapdoor
in the floor of the trailer, an d a momen t later the boy s had lowered themselves
through it. Ben eath the old mobile home was the en d of a large corrugated iron pipe
which was padded in side with pieces of discarded carpetin g. This was Tun n el Two. It
ran through heaps of n eglected lumber an d other jun k to Jupe's outdoor workshop. It
was on ly on e of several hidden passageway s that the boy s had rigged up so that they
could go in an d out of Headquarters without bein g seen by Aun t Mathilda or Un cle
Titus. It took the Three In vestigators on ly momen ts to crawl the len gth of Tun n el
Two, push aside an iron gratin g that covered the exit from the pipe in to the
workshop, an d emerge in to the open . "Jupiter Jon es!" Aun t Mathilda was very close
n ow. Jupe hastily pulled the gratin g over the pipe. "There y ou are!" said Aun t
Mathilda. She had appeared at the en tran ce to the workshop. "Why didn 't y ou an swer
when I called? Han s n eeds y ou. He has to make a delivery . You go alon g, too, Pete,
as lon g as y ou're here. There's some furn iture--y ou kn ow those tables an d ben ches
that y our Un cle Titus pain ted blue an d red an d green an d y ellow? What gets in to
that man sometimes I can 't imagin e. But a woman was in y esterday an d bought the lot
of them. She's open in g a n ursery school in San ta Mon ica, on Dalton Aven ue. Than k
heaven for n ursery schools, or we'd have that furn iture forever. Bob, where are y ou
goin g?" "My job," said Bob quickly . "I'm due at my job in the library in ten
min utes." "Then don 't dilly -dally ," ordered Aun t Mathilda. She bustled away , an d
Jupe an d Pete wen t to look for Han s, on e of the two Bavarian brothers who worked in
the salvage y ard. In a very short time they had helped Han s load the n ursery
furn iture on to a salvage-y ard truck an d were headed south, with Han s at the wheel.
The Children 's World Day Nursery was on a side street n ear the ocean fron t in San ta
Mon ica. When Han s pulled to the curb in fron t of the place, the boy s saw that the
Ocean Fron t Sen ior Citizen s' Cen tre was just bey on d. It was a on e-storey brick
buildin g surroun ded by lawn s an d ben ches. Four elderly men were play in g
shuffleboard in fron t. On e of the men stood lean in g on his stick, watchin g the
other play ers. He looked weary an d discouraged, an d Jupe sighed when he saw him.
It was Walter Bon estell. Pete poin ted. "He doesn 't look as if he's slept a lot,
does he?" Jupe shook his head. "Is it my imagin ation ," said Pete, "or are those
other guy s ign orin g him?" "Perhaps they are," said Jupe. "That's the trouble with
bein g un der suspicion . People don 't really kn ow how to behave with y ou." "You kn ow
that man ?" asked Han s, curious. "He's a clien t," said Jupe. "I should go an d talk
with him, but I really have n othin g to tell him. We are try in g to help him." "Then
he will be all right," Han s declared. Han s climbed out of the truck an d marched up
to the door of the n ursery school. While he waited for someon e to an swer the bell,
Pete looked ahead, bey on d the sen ior citizen s' cen tre, an d sudden ly gasped.
"What's the matter?" asked Jupe. "That girl!" Pete poin ted, then slid down in the
cab of the truck so that he could n ot be seen from the outside. Jupe saw a
remarkably pretty y oun g woman come stridin g alon g the sidewalk. Her lon g blon de

hair bobbed with each step she took. She wore slacks an d a huge, shapeless sweater,
an d a Sain t Bern ard dog trotted beside her with his mouth open an d his ton gue
lollin g out. "Who is it?" said Jupiter. "Do y ou kn ow her?" "The girl at the
meetin g," said Pete. "You kn ow, the on e who got up an d made that speech? Every body
cheered for her?" "Hm!" Jupe sat up straighter, takin g in every detail of the
y oun g woman 's dress an d her walk. "She looks very ... very frien dly ," he said.
"In fact, she's givin g Mr. Bon estell a hug." "What?" Pete straighten ed up an d
stared. The blon de girl let go of the dog's leash. She stood with her arm aroun d
Walter Bon estell's shoulders an d smiled warmly at him. Then she kissed Mr.
Bon estell on the cheek. Mr. Bon estell flushed an d looked pleased. "That's it!"
crowed Pete. "There's the lin k between Mr. Bon estell an d the ban k robbery an d that
bun ch of people at Den icola's pier an d... an d Mr. Sebastian 's wallet an d the
blin d man !" "That girl is the lin k between all of those thin gs?" said Jupe.
"Sure," Pete declared. "It's simple. The girl is a member of the gan g, see, an d she
gets to kn ow Mr. Bon estell an d she pumps him about the ban k--the routin e there an d
the clean in g people an d all. The blin d man is the boss of the gan g, an d he acts as
the lookout before the others rob the ban k. The girl could be on e of the robbers,
couldn 't she? She could be wearin g a disguise when she wen t in to the ban k so Mr.
Bon estell wouldn 't recogn ize her. Or she could just be an in former." "You mean
in forman t," said Jupe absen tly . He was busily examin in g Pete's theory . "It's
possible," he said. "But what about all the other people who atten ded that meetin g
last n ight?" "Why they 're... they 're..." Pete stopped, at a loss. "They 're
in n ocen t dupes?" he ven tured.
"The crooks are usin g them to... to..." Again Pete fell silen t. "The
crooks took up a collection last n ight because people who have just stolen a
quarter of a million dollars from a ban k n eed more mon ey ," suggested Jupe. "Well,
I kn ow it soun ds dumb," said Pete. "Actually , it doesn 't soun d that dumb," said
Jupe. "It is y et an other remarkable coin ciden ce that the girl who had such a
promin en t role in last n ight's performan ce seems to kn ow Walter Bon estell rather
well. When he is alon e, we must ask Mr. Bon estell how much in formation he has given
her about the ban k." The blon de girl was laughin g n ow. Her dog had tan gled his
leash in a hibiscus bush, an d she wen t to rescue him. "You stay here an d help
Han s," said Jupe softly . "I'm goin g to follow that girl an d see where she lives an d
who her frien ds are. Psst, get down ! Here she comes." Pete slid down below the
dashboard so the girl couldn 't see him. "Come on , boy !" Pete heard the girl say ,
an d she walked past the truck, her heels clickin g on the sidewalk. Jupe waited for
a momen t, then slipped out of the truck an d took off after the girl.
9The Makeup
Artist JUPE LAGGED half a block behin d the blon de girl, but when she reached the
en d of the street an d turn ed to the right, he stepped alon g a bit faster. He
reached the corn er in time to see her go in to the courty ard of an older apartmen t
buildin g partway down the block. Jupe walked slowly down the street. The buildin g
the girl had en tered was built aroun d three sides of a swimmin g pool. A whitepain ted iron fen ce protected the fourth side of the pool from the street. Jupe did
n ot see the girl, but an apartmen t door on the first floor of the buildin g stood
open . As Jupe hesitated outside the fen ce, the Sain t Bern ard came boun din g out of
the door. "Bran dy , y ou come back here!" The girl dashed out an d the dog retreated
to the far side of the pool, where he sat down in a flower bed. "Mon ster!" she
cried. "Wan t to get me thrown out of here?" Jupe quietly open ed the gate in the
fen ce an d stepped in to the courty ard. He stood gazin g thoughtfully at the ban k of
mailboxes beside the gate. "You lookin g for someon e?" asked the girl. "N-n ot
exactly ," said Jupe. "I was won derin g..." He paused as if he were afraid to ask
a question . "What?" said the girl. "I was won derin g if... if y ou'd like to
subscribe to the San ta Mon ica Even in g Outlook?" "Sorry ," said the girl. "I don 't
have time for a daily paper. Than ks an y way ." Jupe produced a small pad an d a stub
of pen cil from his pocket. "How about the Sun day edition ?" he said. "Than ks, but
n o than ks," said the girl. "Oh." Jupe looked down cast. "Hardly an y on e wan ts to
take a n ewspaper an y more," he said. "Times are tough." The girl smiled at him. The
dog, un willin g to be ign ored, came out of the flower bed an d sat down on her feet.
She rubbed his ears. "Are y ou workin g y our way through school?" she asked Jupiter.

"Or will y ou win a ten -speed bike if y ou get a hun dred subscription s?" "Neither,"
said Jupe. "I'm just try in g to get a paper route an d earn some mon ey . Do y ou
suppose there's an y body else here who might like the paper?" "Nobody else is home
right n ow," said the girl. "Not on a Thursday . Every on e works." "Oh." Jupe let the
corn ers of his mouth droop, an d he sat down gin gerly on the edge of on e of the
chairs that faced the pool. "Deliverin g papers is easy ," he said sadly . "Sellin g
them is the hard part. Would y ou... that is, could y ou... could y ou..."
"Could I what?" said the girl. "What's the matter? Are y ou okay ?" "Oh, y es. I'm
just thirsty . Do y ou suppose y ou could let me have a glass of water?" She laughed.
"No problem. Just sit right there. I'll be back in a secon d." She disappeared in to
the open apartmen t, an d the big dog followed her. She was back in a few momen ts
with water in a tall tumbler. As she came out she shut the door, closin g the dog
in side. "I should alway s ign ore him," she said. "He on ly gets out of han d when I
try to make him behave." Jupe than ked the girl an d sipped the water. The girl sat
down in a chair n ear him an d lean ed back to catch the sun on her face. "You should
do y our sellin g at n ight when people are home," she said. "Guess so," said
Jupiter. He gazed at the girl as if he weren 't too bright. "Still, y ou'd thin k a
few people would be aroun d. Like y ou. You're home." "Not often ," said the girl.
"Oh," said Jupe. "You work, too?" "Sure. But n ot right n ow." "Oh?" Jupe looked
distressed. "Did y ou lose y our job?" "No. Not at all. I work in the motion -picture
in dustry , an d that's an on -again , off-again sort of thin g. I do makeup, an d when a
picture is in production , I work. When it isn 't, I don 't." Jupe n odded. "I have a
frien d whose dad works for the movies. He does special effects." "What's his
n ame?" said the girl. "May be I kn ow him." "Cren shaw," said Jupe. She shook her
head. "Doesn 't rin g a bell. Guess we haven 't been on an y of the same pictures.
Those special effects people are really somethin g. Sometimes I thin k I should
forget about makeup an d try to get in to effects. On the other han d, I do okay with
makeup, an d I still have time for my courses." "You're goin g to school?" said
Jupe. "Not exactly . I take lesson s--actin g lesson s--with Vladimir Dubron ski. In
case... y ou kn ow... I get a chan ce for a part." Jupe n odded. He tried to
look sleepy , but his brain was racin g. "I guess every body wan ts to act," he said.
"But makeup can be terrific. I saw a picture last week about this guy who stole an
idol out of a temple, so he had a curse put on him. "Oh," said the girl. "On e of
those. I suppose he turn ed in to a turn ip when the moon was full, or somethin g."
Jupe laughed. "He turn ed in to a sn ake, on ly he still looked like a man ." "Oh,
y es," said the girl. "The In vasion of the Cobra Men , wasn 't it? They made that
picture for about thirty -seven cen ts, but it wasn 't too bad. I kn ow the guy who did
the makeup for the sn akeman . Arn old Heckaby . He's really in to that sort of thin g.
On e of these day s he'll get a big budget picture an d then he'll probably be up for
an Academy Award." "Did y ou ever do an y of that special makeup?" Jupe asked. "I
mean , makin g somebody look like a bat or a werewolf or an y thin g like that?" "I've
made a few people look older than they really are," said the girl. "That takes more
time than regular makeup, but it isn 't really hard. I've n ever don e a mon ster or a
werewolf." "Is it hard to do mon sters?" said Jupe. "What about scars? Remember the
story about the wax museum where the villain was all scarred?" The girl shrugged.
"It takes time," she said. "Given en ough time, y ou can do almost an y thin g. Except
y ou can 't make old people look y oun g. You can age a y oun g person , but on ce an actor
gets really old, well, they 're old. You can help a little bit, an d of course lots
of them get face lifts or have tucks taken in their chin s, an d they dy e their hair
an d the cameraman shoots them with a soft focus, but even tually they 're just too
old to play y oun g roman tic leads an y more." Jupiter's glass was almost empty . He'd
asked for water so he'd have an excuse to sit aroun d talkin g, an d he n ow decided
he'd learn ed en ough. Fin ishin g the water in a gulp, he set the glass down on the
small table beside his chair. "Than ks very much," he said. "That was good."
"Okay ," she said. "Wan t some more?" "No than ks. I'm goin g to tell Mr. Cren shaw I
met y ou. May be y ou'll meet him sometime when y ou're workin g on a picture." "Your
frien d's dad?" she said. "The on e who does special effects? That would be n ice."
"What should I say y our n ame is?" Jupe asked. "Graciela Mon toy a," said the girl,
"but every on e calls me Grade." "Okay ," said Jupe. "Than ks again for the water."

He wen t out through the gate an d headed back to the n ursery school, pleased with
the results of his dumb-kid act. But when he roun ded the corn er on to Dalton
Aven ue, he stopped an d groan ed. Han s an d Pete an d the truck were gon e! Jupe would
have to get back to Rocky Beach as best he could. "Blast!" he said out loud. Then
he set out for Wilshire, where he could get the bus. As he wen t his head buzzed
with a n ew idea.
10The Terrorists JUPITER SAT BEHIND THE DESK in Headquarters
an d looked at his two frien ds. It was after lun ch, an d he had just fin ished
relatin g his talk with Graciela Mon toy a. "Just suppose," said Jupe, "that the
blin d beggar is a woman ." Bob thought about this for an in stan t, then shook his
head. "No. I don 't thin k so." "But isn 't it a possibility ?" said Jupe. "She's a
makeup artist an d she seems to be very frien dly with Mr. Bon estell. Pete, perhaps
y ou're right. Perhaps Grade Mon toy a is the lin k between the beggar an d the robbers
an d the crew at Den icola's." "She isn 't the beggar," in sisted Bob. "The blin d man
had whiskers. I was stan din g right behin d him at the bus stop, lookin g down at his
face. He hadn 't shaved for a couple of day s. Would a makeup artist bother with
whiskers?" "Hm!" said Jupe. He looked disappoin ted. "Still, the girl might have
pumped Mr. Bon estell for in formation an d then passed it alon g to the robbers--on e
of whom might have been the blin d man . The scar--" "The scar is a fake," said Bob.
"Oh?" Jupe grin n ed. "You foun d somethin g at the library ." "I sure did," said Bob.
He had been holdin g a Man ila en velope on his lap. Now he took copies of several
n ews magazin es out of it. "Mesa d'Oro is an in terestin g little coun try ," he said.
"On ly fifteen thousan d square miles an d less than four million people, but it's had
its share of trouble." Bob open ed on e of the magazin es to a place he had marked
with a slip of paper. "Here's a recap of its history in World Affairs, from three
y ears ago," he said. "As y ou'd suppose,
the coun try was on ce a Span ish colon y . Then in about 1815 the lan down ers threw out
the Span ish govern or an d declared the coun try 's in depen den ce. They elected a
presiden t an d formed a legislature." "That's n ice," said Pete. "An d what does that
have to do with blin d men an d ban k robbers?" "May be n othin g," said Bob. "It's
backgroun d. Now, in 1872 there was a revolution . People got killed, an d they 're
still gettin g killed today !" Pete an d Jupe both sat up straight. "A revolution
that started in 1872 is still goin g on ?" cried Pete. "You've got to be kiddin g!"
"Well, y es an d n o," said Bob. "The revolution of 1872 was somethin g like the Fren ch
Revolution or the revolution in Russia in 1917. The lan down ers in Mesa d'Oro--the
on es who had thrown out the Span ish govern or--they 'd become corrupt. They got rich
on the labour of the poor people an d didn 't give an y thin g in return . Most of the
poor people were descen ded from the In dian s who had own ed the coun try in the first
place, but the lan down ers didn 't thin k they were importan t. "Fin ally an In dian
n amed Juan Corso began to get his own people organ ized. He wen t aroun d the coun try
givin g speeches about rights for every on e. The lan down ers didn 't like this at all,
so they tossed Corso in jail." "You said somethin g about a revolution ," remin ded
Jupe. "Jailin g Corso was the start of it," explain ed Bob. "Corso was very popular
with the common people. They got mad an d stormed the capital. They freed Corso from
prison , an d then han ged the presiden t, a guy n amed Arturo Rodriguez from a tree.
The presiden t's son , An astasio Rodriguez, fought back. There was a lot of
bloodshed, an d the govern men t chan ged han ds several times, but fin ally Corso was
made presiden t an d Rodriguez fled to Mexico City . "Now that should have been the
en d of that," con tin ued Bob, "but it wasn 't. Rodriguez sat in Mexico City an d began
actin g like an exiled kin g. Mean while the lan down ers left in Mesa d'Oro weren 't a
bit happy because the labourers n ow had the vote an d made the rich people pay heavy
taxes." "Must have been frustratin g," said Pete. "You bet it was," said Bob.
"An y how, the lan down ers started talkin g about the good old day s when Arturo
Rodriguez was presiden t, an d how n ice it would be to brin g Rodriguez' son back.
They called themselves Soldiers of the Republic. They used the blue flag with the
golden oak leaves as their ban n er. That was the flag of the Old Republic--the
govern men t that existed un der Rodriguez. The n ew govern men t that began with Juan
Corso used a green flag with a seal in the middle." Jupiter frown ed. "All of this
took place more than a hun dred y ears ago," he poin ted out. "What could it possibly
have to do with our clien t? Don 't tell me the lan down ers are still agitatin g for a

return of the old presiden t's son . He must be dead by n ow!" "Well of course he
is," said Bob, "but today his great-gran dson , Felipe Rodriguez, lives in Mexico
City . This Felipe is waitin g for a chan ce to return to Mesa d'Oro an d be the head
of the state. He has spies who report to him on con dition s in his homelan d--which
he's n ever seen !" "Oh, come on !" cried Pete. "I kn ow it soun ds fan tastic," said
Bob, "but it's all true. World Affairs say s that the con flict in Mesa d'Oro is
called a tradition al cause. The side a citizen is on depen ds on his family .
Descen den ts of the old lan down ers become Soldiers of the Republic. That isn 't an
outlaw party . It's recogn ized, an d the members are called Republican s--n ot that
they 're much like our Republican s. On Sun day s they have rallies an d they make
speeches about how great it used to be. They man age to elect a represen tative to
the legislature every n ow an d then . "Now if that's all there was to it, n obody
would care. But some people in Mesa d'Oro aren 't satisfied just to be Soldiers of
the Republic. There's an extremist group of Republican s that wan ts to throw out the
presen t govern men t by force. They call themselves the Freedom Brigade, an d they are
outlaws. They stir up riots an d kidn ap people an d blow thin gs up. An d when the
police get too close, they flee the coun try --an d some of them come here!" Pete
gulped. "Do y ou mean to tell me that those people I was with last n ight are a bun ch
of terrorists?" "Perhaps," said Bob. "Perhaps n ot. There are a lot of expatriates
from Mesa d'Oro who live in the Un ited States. Some of them support the Soldiers of
the Republic--the legal, n on violen t party . They con tribute mon ey to help Rodriguez
in Mexico City , for in stan ce, an d to try to elect Republican s in Mesa d'Oro. But
some of them do support the outlaw Freedom Brigade." "Oh, great!" exclaimed Pete.
"Okay . So much for an cien t history ," said Bob. "What's really in terestin g is that I
saw a blin d man outside the ban k an d he ran when the police were men tion ed. Then
that guy n amed Ern ie got scared when old Mrs. Den icola men tion ed a dream about the
blin d man an d the wallet. An d then last n ight Pete saw a photograph of a man with a
scar an d dark glasses. He was defin itely a hero to the people at that rally or
meetin g or whatever it was." Bob turn ed back the pages of on e of the magazin es he
had brought from the library . He held up the magazin e, an d Jupe an d Pete stared at
a picture of a man with dark glasses an d a scar. The man stood at a microphon e, his
arm upraised. He looked as if he were shoutin g. "Pete, was this the photograph y ou
saw?" said Bob. "It's... it's n ot the same picture," said Pete, "but it's the
same man . Yes. I'm sure it is!" "An d it's the man I saw outside the ban k," said
Bob. "An d y et I couldn 't possibly have seen this man . This is a picture of Luis
Pascal Domin guez de Altran to. At on e time he was an aide to the Felipe Rodriguez
who is in Mexico City right n ow. He was a terrorist. He mastermin ded a bombin g in
Mesa d'Oro that killed fourteen schoolchildren . He claimed that justice was on his
side, an d that the blood of the in n ocen t children was on the heads of the
govern men t which takes away property from his coun try men ." "A fan atic," said Jupe.
"A real fan atic. But why can 't he be the same person y ou saw outside the ban k?"
"Because Altran to is dead!" said Bob. "He's been dead for several y ears." No on e
spoke for a momen t or two. Then Pete sighed. "But if Altran to is dead..." He
didn 't fin ish the sen ten ce. "The beggar looked exactly like a dead man --even to
the scar? An d the blin dn ess? Was Altran to blin d?" asked Jupe. "Yes. He was blin ded
in a fire he set himself in a warehouse in Mesa d'Oro. The han dicap didn 't stop
him. In fact, it helped make him sort of a hero." "So the beggar was disguised to
look like Altran to," said Jupe. "All it took was makeup an d a pair of dark glasses.
I won der if Gracie Mon toy a was the artist behin d the disguise? But... but why
was there a disguise? What was gain ed by it? There was n o on e--" Jupe stopped in
mid-sen ten ce. The telephon e on the desk was rin gin g. He glared at it, an n oy ed by
the in terruption . Then he picked it up. "Hello," he said. "Oh. Oh, y es, Mr.
Bon estell." Jupe listen ed for a min ute, then said, "Well, it may n ot mean a thin g,
but it could be disturbin g. I can come over if y ou wan t me to. I'd like to talk to
y ou about... about a n ew elemen t that has been in troduced in to the case." Jupe
listen ed for an other min ute, then said, "Yes. It will take me about half an hour."
He put the receiver back in its cradle. "Mr. Bon estell has been question ed again
about the robbery ," he said. "He's very upset. I doubt that the police are really
as suspicious as he thin ks, but I'll go see him an d try to make him feel better.

I'll also ask him about Grade Mon toy a. We n eed to learn how well he kn ows her."
Jupe looked eagerly at Bob an d Pete. "We also n eed to keep her un der surveillan ce.
I won der if she's in close con tact with the group at Den icola's--Ern ie an d his
frien ds." "Don 't look at me," said Pete. "My mother is goin g to do somethin g
really desperate if I don 't mow the lawn this aftern oon . Our grass grew about six
in ches in all that rain we had last week. An y way , that girl might recogn ize me."
"Bob?" said Jupe. "I can watch the girl's house," Bob said. "They don 't n eed me at
the library this aftern oon ." "Better watch out," warn ed Pete. "If these people
thin k it's okay to go aroun d bombin g an d killin g... y ou don 't wan t to mess with
11Attack! WHEN JUPITER RAPPED at Mr. Bon estell's door half an hour
later, Shelby Tuckerman let him in . He was wearin g a black turtlen eck shirt an d his
wrap-aroun d sun glasses. "Ah, good!" said Shelby . "Our super-sleuth! May be y ou can
thin k of somethin g en couragin g to say to Walter." Jupe felt a twin ge of an ger, but
he said n othin g. He followed Shelby through the dustless an d orderly livin g room to
the kitchen . Walter Bon estell was there, sittin g at the table n ear the win dow an d
stirrin g a cup of coffee. Jupe sat down across from him. Shelby offered Jupe some
coffee, which Jupe politely refused. "I don 't drin k coffee," he said. "Of course,"
said Tuckerman . "I forget. Kids don 't, do they , in this coun try ." "We have some
grape soda," said Mr. Bon estell. "I don 't n eed an y thin g, than k y ou, Mr.
Bon estell," said Jupe. "I had lun ch just a little while ago." "Aren 't kids alway s
supposed to be stuffin g themselves on jun k food?" said Shelby . "Don 't tell me
y ou're an exception . You don 't look like on e!" Jupe gritted his teeth. He was
overweight, an d he was sen sitive about it. But he wasn 't about to show his
an n oy an ce to Shelby . "I suppose y ou do diet... n ow an d then ," said Shelby .
Jupe held his ton gue, an d Shelby turn ed to the stove, where the kettle was
begin n in g to sin g. He made a cup of in stan t coffee for himself, then sat down
between Mr. Bon estell an d Jupe. There was a sugar bowl with a lid in the cen tre of
the table. Shelby reached for
the bowl an d spoon ed a bit of sugar in to his coffee. "I hope y ou have some
progress to report to Mr. Bon estell," he said. "Not really ," said Jupe. "We have a
lead, but it may n ot pan out." "An d if it does?" said Shelby . "Who kn ows? Perhaps
we'll share it with the police." "The right thin g to do, of course," said Shelby .
He dran k his coffee down then , an d got up to rin se his cup out at the sin k. He wen t
out an d Jupe heard a car start in the driveway . Then Shelby drove past the kitchen
win dow in a late-model sports car. Mr. Bon estell sat broodin g. "When the police
were here earlier, they weren 't accusin g, were they ?" asked Jupe. Mr. Bon estell
shook his head. "Not really . But they made me tell what happen ed three times. Three
times, right from the begin n in g!" He looked up at Jupe. "Do y ou suppose they were
waitin g for me to make a mistake? I... I don 't thin k I made an y mistakes." "If
y ou told y our story just as it happen ed, how could y ou make mistakes?" asked Jupe
reason ably . "Mr. Bon estell, are y ou sure y ou're n ot gettin g upset about n othin g? It
was un fortun ate that y ou were alon e at the ban k when the thieves came, but that's
on ly an un happy acciden t. I'm sure the police un derstan d that. They kn ow that the
robbery would have taken place n o matter who was there. At least the robbers
weren 't violen t." "No, they weren 't," said Mr. Bon estell. "Actually , they were
quiet an d polite. At least the on e who did all the talkin g was polite." Jupe
pricked up his ears. "On e of them did all the talkin g?" "Yes. The on e who was
gotten up to look like Rolf, the regular clean in g man ." "Don 't y ou really mean
that he did most of the talkin g?" asked Jupe. "He gave the orders, an d the others
didn 't say an y thin g importan t. Isn 't that it?" Mr. Bon estell shook his head. "No.
He did all the talkin g. The others didn 't say an y thin g at all." "You spen t an
en tire n ight with three people, an d two of them didn 't talk at all?" "That's
right." "Not on e word?" "Not on e word," said Mr. Bon estell. "Now that I thin k of
it, it does seem stran ge, but at the time it didn 't strike me as odd. What was
there to talk about? It was just a matter of waitin g un til morn in g, when the rest
of the ban k staff came in ." "Hm!" said Jupe. "Could on e of the robbers have been a
woman ? Is that possible?" "A woman ?" Mr. Bon estell looked startled. "I suppose
it's possible. They were all about the same size--about five foot seven or so. They
all had on baggy overalls an d loose shirts. An d gloves. They wore gloves. An d they

had so much stuff on their faces, y ou couldn 't tell what they really looked like.
On e of the silen t on es had those sun glasses that reflect every thin g, so y ou can
n ever see the person 's ey es behin d them. That on e also had a beard that I thin k was
fake. The other on e had a red wig an d a big moustache, an d big, bushy fake ey ebrows
that hun g over his ey es." "What about the man who did the talkin g?" said Jupe.
"Did he have an accen t? Was he y oun g? Old? What could y ou tell about him?" "His
voice didn 't soun d like an older man 's voice. I thin k he was y oun g. In his twen ties
or thirties. With n o accen t." Jupe said, "Hm!" again , an d sat thin kin g for some
time. Then he said, "Mr. Bon estell, do y ou kn ow the Den icola Sport Fishin g Compan y ?
They run a charter fishin g boat out of the dock up the coast past Malibu." "Yes, I
kn ow the Den icolas," said Mr. Bon estell. "I used to go fishin g with my son before
he was married. I remember the old woman there--old Mrs. Den icola. She was a
han dsome lady . An d her daughter-in -law, Eileen . Irish. Pretty . Eileen 's husban d
died y oun g, an d she got her own master's licen ce. Did y ou kn ow that? She's the
pilot when the boat goes out." "There's a y oun g man n amed Ern ie who works for the
Den icolas," said Jupe. "Is that so? When my son an d I wen t fishin g, there was a
y oun g man n amed Tom or Hal or somethin g like that. They probably chan ge pretty
often . It's the kin d of job boy s have when they 're still in school." "You haven 't
been to Den icola's recen tly ?" said Jupe. "No." "So y ou don 't kn ow Ern ie. What
about the blin d man ?" Mr. Bon estell looked blan k. "A blin d man ?" he said. "What
blin d man ?" "You haven 't seen an y on e n ear the ban k--or an y where else--who is
blin d? A man with a scar on his face? He taps his way with a can e an d wears dark
glasses." Mr. Bon estell shook his head. "There's a pretty girl who talked with
y ou this morn in g when y ou were play in g shuffleboard," said Jupe. "What about her?"
"Grade? Gracie Mon toy a? What about her? An d how did y ou kn ow that I talked with her
this morn in g?" "We just happen ed to see y ou," said Jupe, "an d we saw Miss
Mon toy a." Mr. Bon estell looked at Jupe in a defian t way . "What about it?" he
deman ded. "A pretty girl comes alon g an d I talk to her. I may be old, but I'm n ot
dead y et!" "I didn 't thin k y ou were, Mr. Bon estell, but we have to check
every thin g out. Do y ou kn ow her well?" "I've talked to her quite a lot," said Mr.
Bon estell. His ton e was still defian t. "She walks her dog aroun d the block all the
time. I thin k she does some kin d of work for the movies. She's a n ice girl--alway s
willin g to stop an d spen d a few min utes." "Does she kn ow that y ou work at the
ban k?" Jupe asked. "I'm n ot sure. I may have men tion ed it. But she's n ever made a
poin t of fin din g out an y thin g, if that's what y ou're gettin g at. She's just
frien dly ." "I see," said Jupe. "An d what about y our other frien ds, Mr. Bon estell?
Have y ou talked with them about y our job?" "I suppose I have. But I can 't recall
an y body bein g especially in terested in what I do." "What about Mr. Tuckerman ?"
said Jupe. "Shelby ? Shelby is in terested on ly in Shelby ," said Mr. Bon estell.
"He's out of town most of the time, an d when he's here he keeps himself to himself.
He eats out usually , an d when he's here in the house he's usually locked in his
room. An d I'm n ot kiddin g about that--I can show y ou the locks." "That won 't be
n ecessary ." Jupiter stood up. "Don 't be discouraged, Mr. Bon estell. The police have
to keep goin g over the story with y ou. They may n ot have an y other leads, an d
perhaps they hope y ou will come up with some detail y ou forgot earlier." Walter
Bon estell did n ot an swer. He did n ot look at all cheered up. Jupe left him sittin g
at the table, starin g straight ahead. It was four-thirty when Jupe reached The
Jon es Salvage Yard again . In stead of goin g in through the main gate, he stopped his
bike at a fron t corn er of the y ard, outside the wooden fen ce. The fen ce had been
colourfully decorated by the artists of Rocky Beach. This corn er showed a sailin g
ship about to be overwhelmed by gigan tic green waves. A fish reared up in the
foregroun d to watch the ship. When Jupe put his han d on the pain ted ey e of the fish
an d pushed, two boards in the fen ce swun g up, makin g the open in g that the boy s
called Green Gate On e. It was on e of the secret en tran ces that allowed them to move
in an d out of the salvage y ard without attractin g the atten tion of Aun t Mathilda
an d Un cle Titus. Jupe open ed the gate n ow an d pushed his bike through in to his
outdoor workshop. Pete's bike was there, lean in g again st the prin tin g press. Jupe
smiled an d let the boards in the fen ce drop closed. An d then he heard a small
soun d in that corn er of the workshop. It was n o more than a rustle of clothin g an d

a drawn breath. Jupe turn ed his head. The blin d beggar was there! His scarred
face was turn ed towards Jupe, his head lifted slightly . There was n o stubble on his
cheeks n ow, an d he wasn 't carry in g a can e. Jupe saw with a shiver that the scar
pulled on e corn er of his mouth in to a sin ister sn eer. For a heartbeat Jupe did n ot
move. The beggar was still. Then Jupe took a breath an d the beggar moved, his head
still lifted in an attitude of surprise, his mouth still twisted disdain fully .
There was somethin g in his han d. His fin gers were closed tightly . He started to
dodge past Jupe, an d sudden ly Jupe wan ted to kn ow--had to kn ow--what he was
holdin g. Flin gin g his bike to on e side, Jupe threw himself at the man an d caught at
the closed fist with both han ds. The man shouted an d pulled back, but Jupe held
fast to the fist, pry in g at the fin gers. They open ed slightly an d somethin g fell to
the groun d. The beggar jerked away . Then he attacked! He struck, an d the blow
lan ded high on Jupe's cheekbon e. Lights flashed in Jupe's head. There was a stab of
pain un der his ey e. Waves of blue an d red an d y ellow filled his vision , an d he wen t
limp. For a bare in stan t he lost con sciousn ess. Then he was aware of himself
again , an d of the beggar steppin g over him. The boards in the fen ce swun g open an d
ban ged shut, an d Jupe was alon e.
12 The Bug JUPE SAT ON THE GROUND, feelin g
slightly dizzy . As his vision cleared, his ey es fell on the thin g the beggar had
dropped. It had boun ced un der the workben ch. Jupe saw a little plastic box with
some perforation s in on e side. "How in terestin g," he said. He said it aloud, an d
as if in respon se to the remark, the iron grillwork to the side of the prin tin g
press swun g open . Pete put his head out of Tun n el Two. "What's the matter?" said
Pete. "Did y ou y ell?" "We had a visitor," said Jupe. He got to his kn ees an d
crawled to the workben ch to retrieve the little box. He held it up for in spection .
"Un less I'm mistaken , this is a listen in g device," he said. "It's a tin y
microphon e, usually called a bug. I've seen pictures of them. The blin d beggar was
here, an d he sure didn 't act blin d. I thin k he was try in g to wire the workshop for
soun d." "The beggar?" Pete took the tin y device from Jupe an d peered at it. "W-why
would he wan t to bug us? An d how did he fin d us?" Pete looked aroun d as if the
scar-faced man might be stan din g right behin d him. "Creepy !" he said. Jupe sat
down in the chair n ear
the workben ch. He took the listen in g device from Pete an d prised it open with a
pen kn ife. "It's really a min iature broadcastin g un it," he said. "It picks up soun ds
an d sen ds them a short distan ce--up to a quarter mile or so. Usually a bug
broadcasts to a voice-activated tape recorder that's hidden somewhere n earby . With
a bug an d a recorder, the beggar could eavesdrop on the con versation s takin g place
here in the workshop." "Are y ou sure the bug isn 't workin g right n ow?" Pete said.
"It could be broadcastin g every word y ou're say in g!" With the tip of his kn ife,
Jupe removed several tin y compon en ts from the un it. Then he sn apped the plastic box
shut. "There!" he said. He sat thin kin g for almost a min ute, then looked up at
Pete. "How lon g ago did y ou en ter the salvage y ard?" "Oh, may be twen ty min utes
ago." "Did y ou come in through Green Gate On e?" "Yep." Jupe looked grim. "I
thin k the beggar must have followed y ou in here." "Not a chan ce!" cried Pete. "No
way !" Ign orin g Pete's protest, Jupe wen t on . "May be he spotted y ou at that rally
an d followed y ou back to Rocky Beach. Or may be he spotted the two of us at
Den icola's y esterday , or may be all three of us at Mr. Bon estell's the n ight before.
Sometime in the last three day s we crossed his path, an d he followed us here. An d
just n ow I thin k he followed y ou in side. I won der if he had a chan ce to plan t
an other bug before I came in ." Again Pete looked aroun d as if the blin d man lurked
at his elbow. Then he an d Jupe began to search the workshop. There was n o trace of
a secon d bug, an d n o sign that an y thin g had been disturbed. The barriers of jun k
that surroun ded the workshop were just as usual. Pete looked very troubled. "I
came here from home," he said. "If he followed me here,'y ou... y ou don 't suppose
he was watchin g my house, do y ou?" "Not n ecessarily ," said Jupe. "He could have
been waitin g here at the y ard." Jupe got n ails an d a hammer an d was preparin g to
n ail up the gate in the fen ce when Bob appeared. After Bob helped close the secret
gate, the three boy s withdrew through Tun n el Two to Headquarters. Jupe took his
accustomed place behin d the desk an d prepared to listen to Bob's report on Gracie
Mon toy a. "It got in terestin g for a while," said Bob, "because somebody n amed Ern ie

showed up to see Gracie. He looked like the guy y ou told me about. He ran g the
doorbell an d Gracie didn 't in vite him in . She came out of her apartmen t an d stood
by the swimmin g pool an d they y elled at on e an other in Span ish." "No kiddin g!"
Pete looked amused. Bob n odded. "Actually , she did most of the y ellin g. He soun ded
as if he was try in g to explain somethin g to her, an d she wouldn 't listen . Fin ally
he got mad an d he y elled, too. A lady who lived in the n ext buildin g came out an d
stood on the sidewalk an d listen ed, an d then she threaten ed to call the police.
"Then the guy left, an d Gracie Mon toy a wen t back in an d got her han dbag. I saw her
drive away a few min utes later. I waited for half an hour or so but she didn 't come
back, so I left." "Hm!" said Jupe. "I won der what that was all about. Now, let's
see where we are." Jupe lean ed forward, in ten t. "We can place the beggar at the
scen e of the crime," he said. "An d through the wallet, we can also con n ect him with
Ern ie an d his frien ds up n ear the pier. Gracie Mon toy a is in volved with that group
an d also with Mr. Bon estell, an d it is most in terestin g that she is a makeup
artist. Could she have been the on e to disguise someon e as the dead terrorist from
Mesa d'Oro--Altran to? An d could she have disguised herself as a man an d taken part
in the robbery ? She's tall en ough to be on e of the thieves, accordin g to Mr.
Bon estell's description . An d he told me this aftern oon that on ly the thief who
imperson ated the clean in g man spoke durin g that robbery . The other two people n ever
said a word." "If on e of them was Gracie Mon toy a, she wouldn 't have said
an y thin g," Pete said. "Her voice would have given her away ." "So on e of the other
robbers may have been a woman ," said Jupe, "or perhaps the other robbers didn 't
speak En glish an d didn 't wan t to reveal that fact. Perhaps they 're from Mesa
d'Oro." "They could be the two guy s who share the house with Ern ie," said Pete. "I
mean , I don 't kn ow where those guy s come from, but they speak Span ish like n atives.
May be they don 't kn ow an y En glish." "An d Ern ie is fluen t in both lan guages," said
Jupe. Sudden ly he was brisk. "I thin k it's time we learn ed more about Ern ie an d his
frien ds. Bob, y ou're the on ly on e who isn 't kn own to the people at Den icola's. You
could simply han g aroun d the pier. Someon e is alway s han gin g aroun d watchin g
when ever a person works on a boat. Ern ie has already seen both me an d Pete, so we
can 't do it." "Sure," said Bob. "Then I'll go to Gracie Mon toy a's an d see what's
to be seen there," said Jupe. "An d Pete, can y ou stay here in Headquarters? The
blin d man made a move today . I have a feelin g we'll see him again , an d if we do, we
may n eed to con tact on e an other. You can be our liaison person ." "You mean I can
min d the phon e," said Pete. "Okay . Glad to do it. But if the blin d man shows up
here, y ou can bet I'll use the phon e to call the cops." "You do that!" said Jupe
cheerfully . "Of course," he added, "I thin k we should all be careful. The beggar
kn ows where we are, an d he may kn ow--or suspect--what we're doin g. He ran earlier,
but he may n ot alway s run . He could be a threat--an y time!"
13 The Warn in g "THAT
LOOKS FUN," said Bob An drews. Bob stood on the edge of the Den icola pier. It was
Friday morn in g. The tide was out, an d Bob looked down on the deck of the Maria III.
Ern ie was there, pain tin g the outside of the wheelhouse. Bob waited for a momen t.
Ern ie did n ot respon d to the remark. He did n ot even look up. "We had our house
pain ted last y ear," said Bob. "The pain ters let me help. I did the win dow boxes."
Ern ie paused an d looked up at Bob. He looked down at the brush in his han d. Then he
stepped back away from the wheelhouse an d held the brush out to Bob. Bob jumped
from the dock to the deck of the boat. He grin n ed, took the brush, an d began to
pain t, bein g careful an d n eat. Ern ie watched with amusemen t. After a few min utes
of silen t work, Bob started talkin g. "Gee, it must be really n eat to work on a
boat!" he said. Ern ie merely grun ted. "I wen t on a boat ride on ce," con fided Bob.
"My frien d's un cle took us. It was terrific--un til the waves got rough." Bob then
made up a lon g gruesome story about bein g seasick. Ern ie fin ally laughed. "Yeah,
it hits some people like that," said the y oun g man . He spoke without a trace of
accen t. "Me, I n ever get seasick." With a little promptin g, Ern ie told Bob about
the worst storm he'd ever been in . Bob question ed him like an admirin g little kid,
an d Ern ie got more frien dly . But before Bob could learn an y thin g useful, two men
about Ern ie's age came strollin g down the pier. They addressed Ern ie in Span ish,
an d when he an swered them he looked sideway s at Bob. An in stan t later Ern ie had
climbed on to the dock, an d he an d his two frien ds walked away from the Maria III.

When they were out of earshot, the three men plun ged in to a discussion . Bob tried
to watch them without seemin g to. The men gestured towards the shore, an d on e
poin ted as if to in dicate that somethin g was approachin g down the coast from the
n orth. Ern ie shrugged an d on e frien d clen ched his fists an d waved his han ds in the
air. The other poin ted to his wristwatch an d made some extremely emphatic statemen t
to Ern ie. Ern ie turn ed away from his two frien ds at last. They wan dered off the
pier an d back up alon g the beach to the shabby little house that stood with its
face to the highway an d its back to the sea. Bob con cluded that they were Ern ie's
room-mates. Ern ie came back on to the boat an d examin ed Bob's work with
appreciation . "Very good," he said warmly . "You sure talk Span ish like a whiz!"
Bob exclaimed. "Your frien ds, too." "It's my secon d lan guage," bragged Ern ie. "My
frien ds are from South America. They aren 't so good with En glish, so we speak
Span ish." Bob saw old Mrs. Den icola come out of the house n ear the parkin g lot.
She was carry in g a tray with what looked like a Thermos jug an d some cups. Halfway
between the house an d the little office where Eileen Den icola sat, the old lady
looked out to the Maria III. She saw Ern ie an d Bob there, with Bob holdin g the
pain tbrush, an d she paused for an in stan t. Though he was at least thirty metres
away from the old woman , Bob saw that there was ten sion in her figure. After a few
secon ds the old woman wen t on in to the office. A momen t later Eileen came out alon g
the pier. The y oun ger woman wore a rough blue work shirt, open at the n eck, with a
blue an d white ban dan n a kn otted aroun d her throat. She had on faded jean s an d worn
blue sn eakers. She looked con fiden t an d also somewhat an gry . "You're the on e who's
supposed to be pain tin g the wheelhouse," she said to Ern ie. She did n ot raise her
voice, but she soun ded stern . Ern ie shrugged. "The kid wan ts to help. He likes
pain tin g." "That's right, ma'am," said Bob. "I do. Really ." "Okay , but Ern ie will
do the rest," she said. "My mother-in -law wan ts to see y ou." "Me?" said Bob.
"She's in there." Eileen gestured towards the office. "I don 't kn ow what it's
about, but she sen t me to get y ou. Give Ern ie the brush an d come alon g." Bob
surren dered the brush an d followed Eileen Den icola towards the office. She turn ed
back to tell Ern ie to be ready to take the boat out right after lun ch. "Don 't be
late," she warn ed. "We've got to go to Kelleher's an d get gas. There will be forty three people here at seven tomorrow morn in g an d we won 't have time then ." "Yes,
Mrs. Den icola," said Ern ie, an d he began to pain t faster. Bob smiled. Obviously
Eileen Den icola was used to bein g obey ed. She marched in fron t of him n ow with her
red hair boun cin g at every step. Old Mrs. Den icola came out of the office to meet
them. "We will go to the house," said the older woman . She gestured to Bob. "You,
y oun g man , y ou come with me." Bob followed her to the house, won derin g what was
goin g on . She led him in to a livin g room that had a stiff, rather foreign air, with
great high-backed armchairs an d a lon g, very ugly sofa. "Sit down ." Mrs. Den icola
poin ted to a chair that stood at right an gles to the sofa. They both sat. The old
woman folded her han ds in the lap of her black dress. Then she looked at Bob with
ey es that were so keen that Bob had to look away . "I have seen y ou before," she
said. "I... I don 't thin k so," said Bob. "You would n ot kn ow of it, but I have
seen y ou," said Mrs. Den icola. "It was in a dream that I saw y ou, an d then I saw
y ou again out there." She waved towards the win dow. "I thin k y ou should n ot be
here." She seemed to expect some reply . Bob open ed his mouth to speak, but his
voice had deserted him. What came out was somethin g between a choke an d a cough. He
closed his mouth an d took a deep breath, then cleared his throat. "I was
just... just helpin g with the pain tin g," he said. "I was n ever here before,
an d..." He stopped, sudden ly feelin g awkward an d an xious. He did n ot wan t to
offen d this old woman , or to displease her, but he felt scared of the power he
sen sed in her. She remin ded him of the oracles in the old my ths--those wise women
of an cien t times who lived hidden away in caves, an d who foretold the future an d
warn ed men when doom would come upon them. It was stuffy in the little house, an d
y et Bob felt cold. Mrs. Den icola ben t towards him, her han ds still folded again st
her black dress. Her face was an arran gemen t of crags an d shadowy hollows. She
looked gaun t an d weary . "You should n ot be here," she said again . "You came for
some purpose, I thin k. Why did y ou come?" "W-why ?" whispered Bob. He was surprised
to fin d himself whisperin g, y et he could n ot speak more loudly . "No reason . I was

on ly ... on ly killin g time." Then he looked away , sure that the old woman could
see in to his min d an d kn ow that he lied. "You are in dan ger," she said. "You must
go away . Go n ow an d do n ot come back. If y ou stay , there will be a great trouble. A
terrible thin g will happen . In my dream y ou were in a place that twisted an d shook.
There was a loud n oise an d y ou were fallin g an d the place was fallin g, too, an d all
aroun d the earth was tearin g apart." Bob stared at her, frighten ed. He realized
his han ds were clen ched in to fists. He forced them to relax. Eileen Den icola had
told Jupiter that the old woman sometimes dreamed true dreams. An d the old woman
had told Jupe she had dreamed of a blin d man who picked up a wallet from the
groun d. Now she had dreamed of the earth tearin g apart an d Bob fallin g. What did it
mean ? An earthquake! She had dreamed of an earthquake! But what good did it do to
tell Bob about it? He could n ot escape an earthquake by leavin g the pier. She
sighed. "You thin k I am a crazy old woman ," she said sadly . "Perhaps I should n ot
tell y ou of my dream. You will go an d brin g other boy s an d they will laugh an d call
me an old witch--a crazy old Italian witch! But it is true that I saw y ou in this
place that was breakin g to pieces an d I... I was there, too!" The fron t door of
the house open ed an d a gust of fresh air blew in to the house. Eileen Den icola
appeared in the hall an d looked in on them. Her face was amused, but there was
con cern , too. "What's goin g on ?" she said. There was a n ote of forced heartin ess
in her voice. "Not an other dream, I hope." "An d so? If there is?" said the old
woman . She lean ed forward an d touched Bob's kn ee. "I sen se this boy is a good,
hard-workin g boy ," she said. "I am tellin g him he should do well an d go far--so
lon g as he listen s to the advice of those who wish him well." She stood up. "I
thin k I must hurry n ow," she told Eileen . "Our guest will come before the aftern oon
is half over, an d there is much to do." She wen t out without speakin g to Bob
again . "Every thin g all right?" said Eileen Den icola. "Yes," said Bob weakly .
"Than k y ou." He got up an d wen t out past the y oun ger woman in a rush. This place
gave him the creeps. He couldn 't wait to get away !
14 Ern ie Makes a Deal THE TWO
YOUNG MEN who roomed with Ern ie were comin g back down the beach towards the pier.
Ern ie was still pain tin g away at the wheelhouse. Every thin g was as it had been
twen ty min utes earlier, an d y et it was all chan ged. Dan ger! Mrs. Den icola had
spoken of dan ger. About a hun dred metres down the highway there was a tin y
shoppin g plaza. Bob saw a little market, a laun derette, an d a real-estate office.
An d he saw a telephon e in fron t of the market. He wen t down to it an d dialled the
Headquarters of The Three In vestigators. Pete an swered immediately . When he heard
Bob on the telephon e he said, "You okay ?" "Yes, I'm fin e. I guess I am. But the
old lady --old Mrs. Den icola--she told me she had a dream about me. You remember
that her daughter-in -law said she dreamed true dreams? Well, in this dream she had
about me, I was in dan ger. I was in a place where every thin g was twistin g an d
fallin g. Like in an earthquake. She told me I shouldn 't be here. Creepy , huh?"
There was silen ce for a secon d. Then Pete said, "Hey ! Hey , Bob, if that old lady
really does dream true dreams, may be y ou should get away from there. You wan t me to
come an d take over for y ou?" "It was on ly a dream," said Bob. He said it more to
con vin ce himself than to persuade Pete. "Well, listen , be careful, huh?" said
Pete. "I will," Bob promised. "I don 't wan t to leave right n ow. There's somethin g
up. You kn ow those two guy s who are Ern ie's room-mates? They 're churn in g aroun d the
dock today , talkin g Span ish with Ern ie. They 're really excited about somethin g." A
pickup truck was comin g slowly down the highway . It turn ed in at Den icola's drive
an d stopped in the parkin g area. A tall, ran gy man in khaki work clothes got out
an d started towards the pier. "Stay by the phon e," said Bob. "I'll keep in touch
with y ou." Bob hun g up an d stepped out of the phon e booth. There were campers an d
van s an d cars parked alon g the highway , an d Bob kept these between himself an d the
pier as he walked back towards Den icola's. The n ewcomer from the pickup truck had
join ed Ern ie an d his frien ds on the dock beside the Maria III. Bob paused an d
watched Ern ie talk to the man . Ern ie's expression was an gry , an d he gestured with
great an imation . Bob edged aroun d a parked van an d stepped down from the shoulder
of the road to the beach. The men did n ot n otice as he crossed the san d, an d in a
few min utes he was un der the pier. Ign orin g his bicy cle, which was padlocked to a
pilin g, he headed down to the waterlin e. When Bob reached the edge of the water,

he stopped an d listen ed. He could hear the voices of the four men , but he could n ot
make out what they were say in g. They were still too far away , an d the n oise of the
breakin g surf was too n ear. Bob frown ed. Probably he could make n o sen se of the
con versation even if he could hear it. They were probably speakin g in Span ish. But
then there were footsteps on the pier. The men were comin g closer. They walked,
then stopped to talk for a momen t, arguin g about somethin g, an d then walked again .
They came n earer, an d n earer, an d then they were directly over Bob's head an d he
was movin g with them, lookin g up, listen in g, his feet n oiseless on the san d.
"Okay , Strauss." That was Ern ie speakin g. He stopped walkin g, an d so did the
others. "I can un derstan d that y ou don 't wan t to move un til y ou see some mon ey , but
we n eed to see the merchan dise. It had better be good, too!" "It's good," said a
secon d voice. It had to be Strauss, sin ce he spoke without an accen t. His ton e was
brisk an d busin esslike. "But y ou guy s don 't look as if y ou're good for it. Why am I
talkin g to y ou at all? I wan t to see Alejan dro. He's the on e who set up the deal."
"I speak for Alejan dro," said Ern ie. "If y ou in sist, we can arran ge for an
advan ce." "I in sist," said Strauss. "On e quarter of the total," said Ern ie. "The
balan ce we hold ready , so y ou get it after we take delivery --if the thin gs are as
promised." "On e half in advan ce," said Strauss. His voice was flat n ow. He soun ded
almost in differen t. "The secon d half on delivery . But n othin g moves without the
advan ce--n ot a thin g. I don 't n eed y ou, y ou kn ow. I have plen ty of places I can
peddle the stuff." There was silen ce for a few momen ts, then Ern ie said, "All
right, on e half in advan ce. But we get the merchan dise before y ou see the other
half. You go back to Pacific States an d wait there. I'll call y ou when I have the
mon ey ." "Why don 't I wait here?" said Strauss. "I don 't like all this run n in g
aroun d." "Because it will take time an d that lady who's my boss is sittin g in her
office right n ow gettin g very irritated because she thin ks I'm loafin g on the job.
So y ou go back up the coast an d wait for my call." There was silen ce, an d Bob
assumed that the man turn ed towards the glass-en closed office. No doubt Eileen
Den icola was there, an d n o doubt she was watchin g. "Yeah," said Strauss at last.
"Okay . May be I shouldn 't have come here in the first place. Okay . I'll wait for
y our call at Pacific States. But don 't try to stall. Remember, y ou n eed me more
than I n eed y ou." Strauss walked away from Ern ie an d his frien ds, an d Ern ie said
somethin g in Span ish. It did n ot soun d like a complimen t, an d the y oun g men with
Ern ie murmured in an gry agreemen t. There were light footsteps on the dock then ,
an d Bob heard a voice that was tight with an n oy an ce. "Who was that?" deman ded
Eileen Den icola.
"Somebody who belon gs to some kin d of fishin g club," said Ern ie. "He said he saw
the Maria III from the highway . He wan ted to kn ow if she's available. "The n ext
time someon e wan ts to kn ow if the boat's available, y ou sen d them to me," said
Eileen . "Yes, Mrs. Den icola," said Ern ie. "Now go an d get y our lun ch," Eileen
ordered. "I wan t y ou back here at on e o'clock sharp so we can go an d get gas. An d
leave y ou pals at home, y ou hear me?" "Yes, Mrs. Den icola," said Ern ie meekly .
The y oun g men moved off, an d Eileen walked away . Bob waited in the shadows un der
the pier. When he saw Ern ie an d his frien ds strollin g across the san d towards their
ramshackle little house, Bob turn ed an d wen t in the opposite direction . He wan ted
to fin d out where Pacific States was. It soun ded like a town , but Bob had n ever
heard of it before. He jogged back to the market an d the telephon e booth. The
telephon e directory in the booth did n ot list a town of Pacific States, but un der
the P's Bob foun d a Pacific States Movin g an d Storage Compan y on West Albert Road
in Oxn ard. He called the n umber listed an d asked to speak to Mr. Strauss. "He
isn 't in right n ow," said the man who an swered the telephon e. "Can I have him
return y our call?" "No," said Bob. "I'll call back." He hun g up. He was about to
dial Headquarters again when he spied a familiar-lookin g man comin g out of the
market. As the man headed for his parked car, Bob stepped out of the telephon e
booth an d casually walked in his direction . "Hey , Bob!" said the man . "What y ou
doin ' here?" "Hi, Mr. Soames!" It was a n eighbour--a man who lived just across the
street from Bob in Rocky Beach. "I was just... just checkin g out the fishin g
here," said Bob. "My dad an d I might go fishin g this weeken d." The man looked
aroun d. "You come on y our bike?" Bob shook his head. "I got a lift with a frien d,"

he said, ly in g almost as expertly as Jupe could when the n eed arose. "Say , y ou
wouldn 't be headed n orth, would y ou?" "Well, y eah," said Mr. Soames. "I'm goin g to
Carpin teria to see my sister." "I thought that's where y ou might be goin g. Could I
ride with y ou as far as Oxn ard?" "Sure, but... but I won 't be comin g back
today . How are y ou goin g to get home from Oxn ard?" "I'll catch the Grey houn d,"
said Bob easily . "Gee, than ks, Mr. Soames. I sure appreciate this." Bob slid in to
the passen ger seat of Mr. Soames's little sedan , smilin g to himself. Jupe couldn 't
have don e it better. He was saved a lon g trip on the highway by bike, an d perhaps,
before the day was over, he would kn ow what sort of merchan dise Ern ie an d his
frien ds had bargain ed for--an d how much they plan n ed to pay for it!
15 Trouble
for Bob JUPITER SAT on the curb across the street from Gracie Mon toy a's apartmen t.
He felt frustrated an d bored. He had run g Gracie's doorbell at n in e that morn in g,
an d had tried on ce more to in terest her in subscribin g to the San ta Mon ica Even in g
Outlook. She had refused to take the paper, an d this time she had n ot been in clin ed
to stop an d chat. Jupe had retreated to the apartmen t house across the street an d
watched Gracie's apartmen t all morn in g. He watched her carry laun dry in to a room at
the back of her buildin g, an d later return with piles of n eatly folded clothes. She
was n ow sittin g beside the pool fixin g her n ails. Jupe wan ted very much to talk to
her again . He decided that he would preten d to be searchin g for a lost order book.
Jupe got up from the curb an d crossed the street. But when he reached the gate of
Gracie's house, he stopped. The girl had a telephon e n ow, on a lon g cord, an d she
was talkin g with someon e n amed Marily n . "The actin g isn 't an y good," she said,
"but I hear the effects are great. When they blow up the spaceship, y ou can feel
the seats shake. I called, an d the first show's at two. Wan t to have a san dwich
before we go in ?" Jupe turn ed away . Grace Mon toy a was about to leave for a movie.
Even if he could follow her, he decided he would learn little sittin g in a theatre
all aftern oon . Jupe won dered whether Bob was havin g a more rewardin g time at the
Den icola pier. He won dered, too, whether he an d his frien ds were really doin g
an y thin g to help Mr. Bon estell. Could Ern ie an d his frien ds be the ban k robbers?
An d if they were, how could The Three In vestigators prove it? Sudden ly Jupe
remembered somethin g he had seen in movies an d on television shows. He got his bike
an d sped back to the salvage y ard. Pete was in Headquarters, leafin g through a
sports magazin e an d lookin g bored. "Glad to see y ou," said Pete. "It's been dull
here. But Bob called on ce." "Oh?" said Jupe. "What did he say ?" "He thin ks
there's somethin g up at Den icola's. Ern ie's two room-mates are han gin g aroun d
talkin g with Ern ie. Bob say s they 're excited about somethin g. An d old Mrs. Den icola
had a dream about Bob. She said he was in dan ger, an d told him he shouldn 't be
there at the dock!" Jupe felt a flicker of excitemen t. He wasn 't sure he believed
in Mrs. Den icola's dreams, but Ern ie was an other matter. "How lon g ago did Bob
call?" he asked. "May be half an hour, may be a little lon ger. I said I'd go to
Den icola's to take over for him, but he wan ted to stay ." Jupe n odded. "Okay .
Listen , I'm goin g up there. I'm goin g to try to photograph those three guy s. If I
make prin ts of the photos an d touch them up with a felt pen --draw on moustaches an d
wigs--I can show them to Mr. Bon estell. He might recogn ize them." Jupe ducked in to
the darkroom an d brought out a camera equipped with a telephoto len s. "You stay
with the phon e," he ordered. "I'll call y ou after I've seen Bob." Half an hour
later Jupe was across the road from the Den icola pier. The Maria III was n ot there,
an d the little glass-en closed office n ear the dock was empty . Ern ie an d Eileen were
n owhere about. Shruggin g, Jupe wheeled his bicy cle across the highway . He bumped
down over the rocks to the beach an d foun d Bob's bike locked to a pilin g un der the
pier. Jupe locked his own bike n ext to it, then looked up an d down the beach. He
saw surf fishermen , an d children play in g with a dog, but n o Bob. Carry in g his
camera, he climbed back up to the Den icola parkin g lot. There was n o on e aroun d.
Then he spotted the station wagon in the carport of the grey -shin gled house n ear
the pier. Someon e was home at the Den icolas'. Jupe crossed over to the house. He
did n ot have to rin g the bell. The door open ed an d old Mrs. Den icola stood there.
She looked at him piercin gly . "Mrs. Den icola, have y ou seen my frien d?" said
Jupiter. "Your frien d?" "He was here this morn in g an d y ou talked to him then ,"
Jupe told her. "You had a dream about him." "Ah!" said Mrs. Den icola. "So that

boy --the small on e with glasses--he is a frien d of y ours. I thin k somehow that I
kn ew this." She frown ed at Jupiter in a severe man n er, but Jupe guessed that she
was n ot really an gry . "Have y ou seen my frien d sin ce this morn in g?" asked Jupe.
"His bicy cle is un der the pier, but he isn 't here. Could he have gon e out in the
boat? Would y our daughter-in -law have taken him for a boat ride?" Old Mrs.
Den icola shook her head. "Ern ie wen t with Eileen on the Maria," she said. "I saw
them go. There is n o on e with them." "I won der where Bob could have gon e," Jupe
said, almost to himself. "I do n ot kn ow," said Mrs. Den icola. She stepped back an d
open ed the door wide. "But I thin k somethin g bad is goin g to happen . I dreamed it,
an d I am afraid. I thin k y ou must tell me about y ou an d y our frien d. Please come
in ." The old lady soun ded like the voice of doom. For the first time Jupe won dered
if Bob could be in dan ger. Miles away in Oxn ard, Bob approached the Pacific States
Movin g an d Storage Compan y . It was on a barren lot on Albert Road. Bob saw a high
chain -lin k fen ce, a win dowless cemen t-block buildin g, an d a few grime-spattered
white movin g van s. The driveway that led away from the gate was rutted an d pocked
with puddles, an d the gate was padlocked shut. There was n o on e in sight. Bob
started to circle the property . He saw weeds an d broken crates an d crumpled papers
aroun d the blan k-walled buildin g. At the back, parked van s preven ted him from
seein g the rear of the buildin g, but he could hear voices from somewhere in side the
y ard. Bob stood still an d listen ed. The con versation con tin ued, but Bob couldn 't
make out the words. He n oticed that on e of the van s was parked alon gside the fen ce
here. He looked left an d right, then took a deep breath. Puttin g his toe in to a
lin k in the fen ce, he climbed to the top an d scrambled on to the roof of the movin g
van . Bob lay still for a secon d an d caught his breath. He was n ot as athletic as
Pete, but he had don e it! He was safely in side the y ard. He got to his han ds an d
kn ees an d crept forward. "It ain 't gon n a dry in time," said a voice that was quite
n ear n ow. "Who cares?" said a secon d voice. "We can take it dry or n ot." An other
van was backed up close to the on e Bob was on . He stood up. His sn eakered feet made
n o soun d as he stepped across the small space to the secon d van . He crouched again ,
an d again crept forward. Then he was lookin g down in to a clear area where two men
with their backs to him were starin g at a gleamin g white truck. Bob immediately
flatten ed himself on the van 's roof an d raised his head to watch. "It's okay ,
Harry ," said on e of the men . It was Strauss. He stood with his han ds on his hips
an d his head cocked to on e side. "You do n ice work." The man n amed Harry made a
wordless soun d. He had a can of pain t in on e han d an d a small brush in the other.
The odour of pain t was stron g in the air. The truck that the men were admirin g had
freshly pain ted letterin g on the side, replacin g the n ame of the movin g an d storage
compan y . The n ew letterin g said: MCCUTCHEON'S MARITIME SUPPLIES. Bob grin n ed to
The men had disguised on e of the movin g van s. "A lot of trouble to go to," said
Harry , gesturin g with his brush. "There's a lot at stake," said Strauss. "We can 't
take a chan ce. An y body sees a movin g van parked outside Den icola's, there might be
question s." Strauss turn ed away an d van ished in to the open doorway of the huge,
win dowless buildin g. After a momen t his compan ion followed him, an d for a time Bob
heard n othin g except the soun d of wood scrapin g on con crete. At last Strauss
appeared again . He was wheelin g a dolly that held three wooden crates. Strauss
trun dled them to the n ewly pain ted truck. Harry came bumpin g out of the buildin g
with a secon d load of crates. Before he had gon e two metres, however, he ran his
dolly in to a rut. On e of his crates slid to the groun d an d broke open , spillin g
dozen s of small boxes in to the dirt. "Hey , watch it!" y elled Strauss. "Okay ,
okay !" said Harry . "Take it easy , huh?" He kn elt down an d gathered up the smaller
boxes, crammed them back in to the broken crate, then hefted the crate on to the
dolly again . From his perch on top of the idle truck, Bob saw that on e of the
small boxes had split. Several objects had escaped from it, an d they n ow lay on the
groun d. Bob held his breath an d waited. Neither Strauss n or Harry n oticed the
fallen objects. They wen t on loadin g crates in to the back of the refurbished truck,
then return in g to the buildin g to brin g out more crates. The two worked for n early
half an hour. They loaded crates of all sizes an d shapes. Some were made of wood
an d some of corrugated cardboard. Some were so heavy that it took both men to lift

them. At last, the men closed the doors at the back of the truck an d secured them
with a padlock. "We could've used some help on that on e," said Harry . He mopped
his forehead with his han dkerchief. "We don 't n eed more witn esses," said Strauss.
The men moved off in to the cemen t-block buildin g, an d Bob lay still, waitin g. Five
min utes wen t by , an d then ten . Strauss did n ot appear again , an d there was n o sign
of Harry . Bob judged that the two were n ot goin g to return to the loaded van . Bob
crawled to the fron t of the truck that had been his hidin g place. He slid down to
the top of the cab, then to the hood, an d then to the groun d. He wen t swiftly to
the spray of small objects that had fallen from the broken box an d kn elt to pick
on e up. It was heavy . Bob felt cold with fright when he saw what it was. A bullet!
Then he looked up, an d his fright became utter terror. He tried to swallow, but his
throat was dry . He was frozen --too paraly sed even to tremble. A dog was watchin g
him! A Doberman ! It stood at stiff atten tion n ot three metres away . Its black ey es
were fixed on Bob, an d its ears were erect. It made n o soun d. It watched, pin n in g
Bob with its gaze. "Hey !" said Bob. It was a whisper--a breathless, rattlin g
little whisper. "Hey , fella! Hey there, boy !" Bob stood up slowly , an d took on e
step back from the dog. The black lips lifted from white teeth, an d a low,
threaten in g growl soun ded. "Hey !" said Bob. The growl was louder. The dog moved
forward, then stopped. Bob did n ot move again . The dog was a guard dog, an d Bob
kn ew it. It would hold Bob there all day if it had to. Bob was caught!
Water for Jupe THE DENICOLA HOUSE was warm with the smell of cheese an d herbs an d
rich tomato sauce. But for on ce Jupe was un aware of the smells of good food. He sat
in the livin g room across from old Mrs. Den icola, listen in g to her tell about her
dream. "In my dream I saw y our frien d in a room," said the old lady . "There was a
terrible n oise, an d the walls twisted an d came apart. I did n ot kn ow the room where
he was, an d I did n ot kn ow the boy . Then this morn in g I saw the boy pain tin g for
Ern esto, an d I kn ew he was the boy from the dream an d that he must leave here. The
dan ger is here. I feel it very stron gly . An d the dan ger is n ot just for him. It is
for me, too. So I tell him to go, an d he must have listen ed. He is n ot here." Jupe
frown ed. "Mrs. Den icola, do y our dreams alway s come true?" he asked. "No. Most of
my dreams are like the dreams of every on e. They are n on sen se. They are made of the
pieces of old memories. But some dreams are differen t. Sometimes in dreams I meet
stran gers. Then , when I am awake, I meet these same people an d I kn ow that it was a
true dream. I do n ot kn ow every thin g, of course. In my dream I have on ly a glimpse
of somethin g. It is like a light that flashes--a beacon . If it is a bad dream y ou
kn ow to beware, for the beacon marks the place where there is dan ger." "Are y our
dreams alway s about dan ger?" Jupe asked. "Oh, n o!" She smiled sudden ly . "I dreamed
of a y oun g lady with red hair before my son Alfredo met Eileen . That was a good
dream..." Jupe saw that she was about to embark on family history , an d hastily
chan ged the subject. "The man y ou call Ern esto--is he a relative?" "No that on e!"
She looked scorn ful. "He is what we call the beach bum, eh? He does n ot amoun t to
much. But perhaps he has a good heart. Those two who live with him in the little
house on the beach, they are from South America. Alway s Ern esto has on e or two from
South America. They live with him un til they have jobs. They learn a little
En glish. Then they move on . I thin k Ern esto's father was from South America, an d
on ce he n eeded such help, an d n ow Ern esto gives help out of respect for his father.
An d so n o on e is completely without worth." Mrs. Den icola frown ed n ow. "An d y ou?"
she said to Jupe. "You did n ot really come to fin d a wallet, did y ou? An d y our
frien d who preten ds to be a schoolboy idler--I thin k he was spy in g, was he n ot? Who
does he spy on ? On Ern esto? Somethin g is happen in g that we do n ot kn ow. Somethin g
that is hidden from Eileen an d me." "I thin k somethin g is happen in g," said
Jupiter. "But I don 't kn ow exactly what. Mrs. Den icola, y ou dreamed of a blin d man
who foun d a wallet. Have y ou seen that man sin ce y our dream? When y ou were awake?"
"No. I have n ot seen him." "But my frien d Bob has seen him, an d so have I," said
Jupe. Jupe took a Three In vestigators card out of his wallet, wrote a n umber on
it, an d gave it to her. "If y ou see the blin d man , would y ou call this n umber?" he
said. "If I'm n ot there, someon e will take the message. An d if an y thin g un usual
happen s--perhaps somethin g Ern ie does or say s--would y ou let us kn ow? I'm worried
about my frien d." "Yes," she said. "You are wise to worry ." "In fact," said Jupe,

"I'd like to use y our telephon e, if I may . May be there's been some word from Bob."
Mrs. Den icola gestured towards the hall, an d Jupe wen t to the telephon e there. He
dialled the n umber of Headquarters. Pete an swered after half a rin g. "Hey , Bob
called," said Pete. "Just after y ou left. He was somewhere in Oxn ard. He said
there's a n ew person in our puzzle--a guy n amed Strauss. He's goin g to see if he
can fin d out what he's up to, an d he'll check in later this aftern oon ." "Good!"
said Jupe. "He left his bike here, an d I was afraid somethin g had happen ed to him."
"No. He's okay . Where are y ou?" "I'm with Mrs. Den icola. I'll be back later."
Jupe hun g up. Mrs. Den icola had come to stan d beside him. "So y our frien d is all
right?" she said. Jupe smiled. "Yes. He called from Oxn ard. He had an ... an
erran d to do there." "Very good," she said. "So for n ow the min d is relieved an d I
go to get din n er for my guest, who comes soon . An d y ou, y ou will be about y our
busin ess, I thin k. But go carefully , eh?" Jupe promised he would. He then headed
up the highway to the house where Ern ie lived with the two y oun g men from South
America. Jupe foun d a good place to sit on a ban k of ice plan t across the road. He
held his camera an d he waited. It was more than an hour before a dusty old truck
rolled down the highway an d deposited on e of Ern ie's room-mates beside the road.
Jupe aimed the camera. The shutter clicked an d clicked again . Before Ern ie's frien d
disappeared in to the little house, Jupe had photographed him six times with the
telephoto len s. Jupe relaxed an d prepared to wait some more. When the Maria III
came in to view, he smiled. The fishin g boat ran past him an d docked at the pier.
Two figures left the boat. Ern ie an d Eileen . Soon er or later, thought Jupe, Ern ie
would return to the house across the road. In the mean time, Jupe would wait for the
secon d room-mate. The min utes ticked by , an d Jupe watched the gulls dip an d soar
over the beach. When he looked to the left he could see Den icola's driveway . Now
an d then a car turn ed in there, an d n ow an d then on e pulled out again . The Den icola
house blocked Jupe's view of the office, but he guessed Eileen Den icola was in side
it. Possibly Ern ie was helpin g her. Jupe looked away an d survey ed the beach to the
right. Surf fishermen were there, busy with their lin es, an d a man was slowly
makin g his way alon g the beach with a metal detector. Surfers waited for waves far
out in the water. Clouds were buildin g up on the horizon , an d the win d was colder.
The day had started clear an d beautiful, but it would en d in rain . Ern ie's roommate came out of the house across the road an d started down towards the pier. Jupe
glan ced at his watch. It was almost three n ow. Bob had told Pete that both of
Ern ie's room-mates were on han d this morn in g. Where was the third man n ow? Jupe
looked towards the Den icola house. Earlier he had seen a station wagon parked in
the carport beside the house. Now he sudden ly n oticed that it was gon e. When had it
been moved? He had n ot seen an y on e drive it away . He had been hy pn otized--lulled by
the win d an d the gulls an d the soun d of the surf. Jupe got up an d started to walk
down the highway . When he was opposite Den icola's driveway , Jupe saw that Eileen
Den icola was n ot in the office n ear the pier.
Ern ie was there, sittin g in Mrs. Den icola's chair with his feet up on her desk. He
was smokin g, lean in g back an d laughin g easily . His room-mate sat cross-legged on
the desk, an d he seemed to be tellin g a story to Ern ie. His face was an imated an d
he talked steadily , his han ds makin g motion s in the air. Where was Eileen
Den icola? Was she in the house with her mother-in -law? What would she say if she
looked out an d saw Ern ie an d his frien d loun gin g in her office, sittin g on her
desk? Jupe felt quite certain that she would be furious. But then Jupe n oticed
that the house had a vacan t air. The win dows were closed an d the drapes had been
drawn . As Jupe won dered, a car pulled in to the drive an d stopped by the house. A
white-haired woman got out, carry in g a little package wrapped in pin k paper. Jupe
guessed that she must be Mrs. Den icola's din n er guest. He watched her rin g the
doorbell of the Den icola house. No on e came, an d after a min ute she ran g again .
Still there was n o an swer. She walked across to the office. Ern ie had been
watchin g her, an d he got slowly to his feet. His frien d still sat cross-legged on
the desk. Ern ie an d the woman exchan ged a few words. Then she wrote somethin g on a
paper, folded it, an d han ded it to Ern ie. When she return ed to her car, her face
was set in an gry lin es. Ern ie sat down after she drove away . He put his feet back
on the desk, an d flipped the n ote the woman had given him in to the wastebasket.

Ern ie's frien d laughed. Now Jupe was thoroughly alarmed. He turn ed away an d walked
up the highway un til the Den icola house was between himself an d the men in the
office. Then he crossed the road to the house. There was an un locked win dow in the
rear of the place, n ext to the kitchen door. When Jupe got the win dow open , he
reached through an d turn ed the lock on the in side of the door. He wen t in to the
kitchen an d closed the door behin d him, but did n ot lock it again . He might have to
leave in a hurry . The kitchen was warm, an d the air was heavy with the smell of
food. But the sauce for pasta was con gealin g in a kettle on the stove, an d a roast
was coolin g in the oven while green s for salad grew warm in a colan der. Old Mrs.
Den icola must have left in a hurry . Jupe moved silen tly in to the din in g room,
where the table had been set for three. The room was gloomy with the drapes drawn ,
an d so was the livin g room where he had sat with Mrs. Den icola on ly an hour or two
earlier. In the livin g room there was n ow an un pleasan t tan g in the air that almost
overcame the odour of food from the kitchen . Jupe saw that someon e had dropped a
cigarette on Mrs. Den icola's hearth, an d had stepped on it to put it out. Jupe
wen t to the foot of the stairs an d called softly , although he really did n ot expect
to be an swered. "Mrs. Den icola! Are y ou there? It's me! Jupiter Jon es!" There was
silen ce in the house. After a momen t Jupe wen t up the stairs. The blin ds had n ot
been drawn in the bedrooms, an d the light streamed in . On e room was filled with
massive, dark wood furn iture, in cludin g a bureau crowded with photographs. Across
the hall was a room with white furn iture an d coloured prin ts on the walls. Jupe had
just peeked in to this room when a telephon e ran g loudly . Jupe jumped. Then he saw
that there was a telephon e on the table n ext to the bed. He glan ced out the win dow
towards the office. Ern ie was starin g at the telephon e on Eileen 's office desk. He
looked doubtful. The phon e on the bedside table ran g again . Ern ie picked up the
telephon e on the office desk. The telephon e in the bedroom abruptly stopped
rin gin g. Jupe smiled. This phon e was an exten sion of the on e in the office.
Quickly , Jupe lifted the receiver an d put it to his ear. "Si," said Ern ie. The
caller at the other en d of the lin e plun ged in to a torren t of Span ish. Jupe held
his breath an d listen ed, con cen tratin g, strugglin g to make out as much of the
con versation as he could. The caller iden tified himself as Alejan dro. He said that
he was leavin g n ow to see Strauss. There was somethin g said about mon ey . Jupe heard
the n ame Den icola men tion ed, an d then his own n ame! Alejan dro remin ded Ern ie that
Jupiter Jon es had spoken to old man Bon estell about the Den icolas an d about the
blin d man . Alejan dro caution ed Ern ie to be careful. Ern ie said that he would, an d
that he an d Rafi had every thin g un der con trol. Jupe gathered that Rafi was the
room-mate in the office with Ern ie. After a few more words, Ern ie hun g up. Jupe
put the telephon e down an d looked out. Ern ie was in fron t of the office n ow,
scan n in g the beach. He was frown in g, an d when his frien d join ed him he gestured up
the beach towards his little house. Rafi shrugged an d started towards the place.
Ern ie's ey es lighted on the Den icola house. He sudden ly looked curious, an d he
started forward. Jupe backed away from the win dow. Darn ! he thought. Ern ie must
have n oticed the click when Jupe picked up the telephon e. Jupe heard a step on the
porch down stairs, an d a key bein g put in to a lock. Ern ie was down there. In a
secon d he would be in side. Jupe had n o time to get down the stairs. He could be
caught an d... An d what? A bathroom adjoin ed the bedroom. Jupe heard a tap in
there drippin g slightly . The fron t door open ed with a creak. In three steps Jupe
had crossed the room. He en tered the bathroom an d turn ed on the shower. Then he
return ed to the bedroom, hid his camera un der the bed, an d stood behin d the door.
Ern ie poun ded up the stairs, lurched to the doorway of the bedroom, an d stood there
for an in stan t, starin g in to the bathroom. Steam was comin g from the shower n ow. It
billowed out through the bathroom door. Ern ie strode through the bedroom in to the
bathroom, an d y an ked the shower curtain aside. As he did so, Jupe slipped out from
behin d the door, ran in to the hall, an d sped down the stairs. He could hear Ern ie
shoutin g as Jupe got the back door open , but he didn 't pause. He raced out of the
house. But n ow where could he go! He was out in the open , an d Ern ie would spot him
an y secon d!
17The Fin al Clue JUPITER RACED across the Den icolas' y ard towards
the highway . He was too heavy to run fast for very lon g. He n eeded a place to hide
from Ern ie. But where? Jupe saw that a camper was parked n earby on the shoulder of

the road. The door in the back was open , an d the man who own ed the vehicle had
turn ed away for a momen t. He stood lookin g up at the cliffs across the road while
wipin g his han ds on some paper towellin g. Jupe didn 't hesitate. He got swiftly an d
n oiselessly in to the camper, curled up on the floor n ext to some buckets of clams,
an d pulled a stain ed tarpaulin over his head. An in stan t later the door of the
camper slammed shut. Then the own er got in to the cab an d started the en gin e. The
camper pulled away from the shoulder of the road. It drifted south about a hun dred
metres, then made a U-turn an d picked up speed as it headed n orth. Jupe pushed off
the tarpaulin , sat up, an d looked out the win dow. He saw Ern ie as the camper passed
Den icola's. The y oun g man was lookin g up an d down the highway . His fists were
clen ched, an d on his face there was a look of total bewildermen t. Jupiter laughed
out loud. Halfway through the city of Oxn ard, the camper stopped for a traffic
sign al for the first time sin ce it had left Den icola's. Jupe was ready an d waitin g.
The momen t the camper stopped movin g, he was out the rear door an d headin g for the
curb. Jupe walked briskly down the street, turn ed the corn er, an d hurried on his
way . Ten min utes later he was in the Grey houn d Bus Termin al. When the bus pulled
out for San ta Mon ica, Jupe was aboard. Jupe felt a certain jubilation as the bus
sped south. There was n ow n ot the slightest doubt that the y oun g men at Den icola's
were spy in g on Mr. Bon estell. They kn ew of the con versation Jupe had had with him
y esterday in which the blin d man was men tion ed. But how could they kn ow? Jupe
frown ed. Mr. Bon estell must have talked with someon e. Was it Gracie Mon toy a? Was
she the con n ection ? Jupe felt a surge of irritation . How foolish of Mr. Bon estell
to talk! The bus sped past the Den icola pier. There were n o cars in the parkin g
lot there, an d the little office was empty . Where was Ern ie? Where were his
frien ds? An d where were the Den icola women ? Ern ie was up to some villain y , Jupe was
certain of that. There was a con spiracy of some sort goin g on at the pier. Were
Eileen Den icola an d her mother-in -law victims of that con spiracy ? Were they
in n ocen t by stan ders who had been spirited away somewhere? Or were they part of the
plot? Sudden ly Jupe was frighten ed. Was Mr. Bon estell safe? Eileen an d old Mrs.
Den icola had van ished. Would Mr. Bon estell be n ext? Jupe was the first on e out of
the door when the bus stopped in San ta Mon ica. He had mon ey in his pocket an d there
were cabs at the kerb. He took on e to Dolphin Court. It was four-forty when the
taxi set Jupe down in fron t of Mr. Bon estell's house. Jupe ran g the doorbell. He
felt real relief when Mr. Bon estell came to an swer the rin g. "I didn 't even sen d
for y ou!" exclaimed Mr. Bon estell. He looked hopeful, y et apprehen sive. "I was
wishin g y ou'd call. Do y ou have an y n ews?" "I thin k so," said Jupe. He followed
Mr. Bon estell to the kitchen an d sat down at the table. "Mr. Bon estell," he said,
"who have y ou talked with sin ce I left here y esterday ?" Mr. Bon estell looked
startled. "Talked with? Why n obody . I haven 't been out of the house." "Then
someon e called," said Jupe, "or someon e came to see y ou." "No," said Mr.
Bon estell. "Nobody called. I... I don 't have lots of really close frien ds. Why
do y ou ask?" "Because it's importan t. Thin k, Mr. Bon estell. Yesterday aftern oon we
talked about the Den icolas, an d about a blin d beggar. Now y ou must have men tion ed
this con versation
to someon e, or how did a person n amed Alejan dro kn ow about it?" Mr. Bon estell
looked upset. "I didn 't talk to an y on e," he in sisted. "There wasn 't an y on e here-n obody but Shelby , an d I didn 't say an y thin g to him. I didn 't! Nothin g at all!
Shelby isn 't--well, he isn 't easy to talk with. He acts as if what I have to say
isn 't very in terestin g, an d I guess may be it isn 't. An y way , when he came in last
n ight he wen t right upstairs an d locked himself in his room." "An d y ou didn 't talk
to him then ? Or this morn in g?" "No. No more than to say hello. I'm sure of it!"
Jupe sighed. He pulled at his lower lip an d gazed blan kly at the sugar bowl. Then
in to his min d came the picture of Shelby Tuckerman --Shelby with his wrap-aroun d
sun glasses an d his turtlen eck shirt. "Accordin g to y our sy stem of justice," Shelby
had said, "y ou're in n ocen t un til y ou're proven guilty ." "Odd that I didn 't n otice
that," said Jupe out loud. "What?" said Mr. Bon estell. "Shelby doesn 't care for
y our n eighbours, does he?" "I suppose n ot," said Mr. Bon estell. "He thin ks they 're
common ." "Is he so un common ?" said Jupe. Mr. Bon estell shrugged, an d Jupe
con tin ued to stare at the sugar bowl. "When did Shelby start takin g sugar in his

coffee?" Jupe sudden ly said. "He didn 't alway s do it, did he? The first n ight we
were here he made a cup of coffee for himself, an d he dran k it black." "Why ...
why y es, I suppose he did," said Mr. Bon estell. "He on ly started to use the sugar a
day or two ago. He said it gave him a quick lift to have a spoon ful of sugar."
Ey es gleamin g, Jupe reached for the sugar bowl. He poked a fin ger deep in to it an d
quickly lifted out a small, flat plastic box with perforation s in on e side. Mr.
Bon estell looked at the thin g. "What is it?" he asked. "A listen in g device, Mr.
Bon estell," said Jupe. "A bug. You didn 't have to talk to Shelby . On ce that sugar
bowl was put on the table, he was able to eavesdrop on every thin g that was said
here." Jupe wen t to the kitchen telephon e. "Shelby works at Sy stems TX-4 ," he
said. "Do y ou kn ow their n umber offhan d?" Mr. Bon estell told him the n umber, "an d
Jupe dialled. It was just 4 :5 9 when his call wen t through. He asked to speak to
Shelby Tuckerman , an d was told that n o on e by that n ame worked at Sy stems TX-4 .
"Mr. Tuckerman used to work there," said Jupe. "When did he leave?" "I can 't give
y ou that in formation ," said the operator. "If y ou call back Mon day morn in g, perhaps
someon e in Person n el can help y ou." Jupe than ked the operator an d hun g up. "He
doesn 't work there?" said Mr. Bon estell. "I don 't un derstan d. He has to work there.
He was in Fresn o on a job for TX-4 just the other day ." "I doubt that very much,"
said Jupe. He wen t to the refrigerator an d open ed the freezer compartmen t. The
frozen food that Shelby had put in several day s ago was gon e. It had been a huge
cache of TV din n ers an d frozen pizzas. But n othin g remain ed except for a sin gle
carton of ice cream back in the corn er. Jupiter closed the freezer. "That must be
where it was the whole time," he said. "What?" said Mr. Bon estell. "Nothin g,"
said Jupe. "That is, I'm n ot sure. An d we may be too late. Mr. Bon estell, did y ou
say that Shelby Tuckerman kept his door locked?" "That's right. Shelby 's a very
private person ." "An un derstatemen t if ever there was on e," said Jupiter. "Mr.
Bon estell, I have to get in to his room--an d I have to do it right away !"
Prison ers JUPE AND MR. BONESTELL GOT an exten sion ladder from the garage an d put
it up on Shelby Tuckerman 's win dow. The win dow was un locked an d Jupe got in that
way . There was a recordin g sy stem set up on the dresser. Jupe rewoun d the tape on
the machin e an d play ed it back. He heard the con versation he had just had with Mr.
Bon estell. He heard himself dial the telephon e an d talk with the operator at
Sy stems TX-4 . He heard the refrigerator door open an d close, an d he heard his
remark that it might be too late. Jupe smiled grimly an d erased the tape. Then he
set the machin e to record again , an d he turn ed away an d began a quick in vestigation
of Shelby 's room. It was a stran gely barren place. No letters or postcards lay on
the desk; n o books rested on the bedside table. There were n o pictures an d n o
plan ts. There was n ot so much as a stray safety pin to show that an y on e lived
there. Jupe looked in to the closet an d saw jackets an d shirts an d slacks. The
pockets were empty . He open ed the dresser drawers an d saw un derwear an d socks an d
turtlen ecks. But then , in the bottom drawer, covered over with folded sweaters, he
saw the kn ife. It was a very sharp kn ife, in a fin e leather sheath. It was n ot the
kin d of kn ife used for sharpen in g pen cils or for cuttin g bits of fishin g lin e. It
was the kin d of kn ife on e might use for throwin g. Jupe left it where it was. He
climbed out of the win dow, an d told Mr. Bon estell what he'd foun d while they put
the ladder away . "I won der if he wears the kn ife strapped to his an kle, the way he
wears the gun ," said Jupe. Mr. Bon estell shook his head in a dazed way . "He say s
he n eeds the gun because he's out on the road so much, an d y ou n ever kn ow what
might happen if y ou break down . But a kn ife? Why does he n eed a kn ife? He doesn 't
go campin g or an y thin g like that. He doesn 't do an y thin g in terestin g. Just watches
TV an d takes a lot of n aps." Jupe n odded. "He doesn 't act very dashin g, but he's a
man with secrets. He bugged y our kitchen . An d he kept somethin g very valuable in
y our freezer." "What? All he had in there was his frozen food." "I don 't thin k
those packages held food. I thin k they held mon ey . It may have been the loot from
the ban k robbery ." "No," said Mr. Bon estell. "That's n ot it. Shelby 's been keepin g
heaps of frozen food for a lon g time. It wasn 't that he ate at home. It just seemed
to make him feel secure to have food on han d. He kn ew I hardly ever used the
freezer, so he kept it filled with his food." "Hm!" said Jupe. He pulled at his
lower lip an d frown ed. "If he didn 't eat at home, what even tually happen ed to the

thin gs in the freezer? Did he ever take an y thin g away ?" "Why , come to thin k of it,
I... I don 't kn ow what happen ed to all the food. On ce in a while he cooked. An d
he did brin g in a lot, but... but it couldn 't have been mon ey from a robbery
un less Shelby 's been a ban k robber for a lon g time. Somehow, I don 't thin k Shelby
is like that." "Aha!" said Jupe. "Then it could be drugs. That would explain his
con n ection with the crew at Den icola's. The Maria III might be used to ren dezvous
with an other boat out at sea. Or perhaps to go to Baja Californ ia to get drugs.
"Or perhaps Shelby an d Ern ie are brin gin g in illegal immigran ts an d the blin d
man --" Jupe pulled himself up short. "No," he said. "That wouldn 't have an y thin g
to do with the freezer un less... well, we can 't be sure. We don 't have en ough to
go on . Not y et." "Are we goin g to call the police?" said Mr. Bon estell. "I don 't
thin k we can . How could we prove that Shelby didn 't take his frozen food an d give
it to the poor? Or that the bug in the sugar bowl isn 't a practical joke? Is Shelby
in volved with the ban k robbery , or is he con cern ed with somethin g else en tirely ?
What about the Den icolas? Where are they ? I have a stron g feelin g that Shelby
kn ows." For the first time, Mr. Bon estell looked determin ed an d an gry . "I wan t to
help," he said. "What can I do?" "A lot," said Jupe, an d he told his plan to Mr.
Bon estell. Bon estell agreed eagerly , an d he an d Jupe wen t to the house n ext door
an d asked to use the telephon e. Mr. Bon estell explain ed to the woman who came to
the door that his own telephon e was out of order. Jupiter called Pete at
Headquarters, an d Pete agreed to meet Jupe an d Mr. Bon estell at the corn er of
Dolphin Court an d Secon d Street. "I should be there in twen ty min utes," said Pete.
"In case we're n ot there," said Jupe, "go back to Headquarters an d I'll call y ou
when I can ." After Jupe fin ished talkin g with Pete, he an d Mr. Bon estell wen t to
Mr. Bon estell's backy ard an d rehearsed. Then they wen t in to the kitchen an d put on
a brief performan ce for the ben efit of the bug, which Jupe had replaced in the
sugar bowl. "Mr. Bon estell," said Jupe, bein g careful to speak clearly , "I kn ow
y ou must be gettin g impatien t, but we may have n ews for y ou soon . Eileen Den icola
may be about to give us the break we n eed. Pete was in to see Chief Rey n olds in
Rocky Beach just a little while ago, an d Eileen Den icola called while he was there.
Pete on ly got on e en d of the con versation , of course, but he gathered Mrs. Den icola
was hy sterical. Chief Rey n olds kept try in g to calm her down . Fin ally he said he'd
be right there, an d he got up an d ran out of the office." "But I don 't even kn ow
Mrs. Den icola," said Mr. Bon estell carefully . "What could she have to do with the
ban k robbery ?" "There's some con n ection ," said Jupe. "We're sure of that. Pete
wan ts us to come to the Rocky Beach Police Station . He thin ks Chief Rey n olds will
brin g Mrs. Den icola there." "I'll get my jacket," said Mr. Bon estell. Jupe
sn apped off the overhead light in the kitchen , an d he an d Mr. Bon estell wen t out
an d got in to Mr. Bon estell's little car. Mr. Bon estell backed out of the drive an d
wen t to the corn er, where he parked in the shadows ben eath a huge willow tree that
overhun g the sidewalk. They waited. Soon Pete appeared on his bicy cle. Mr.
Bon estell flicked his headlights on an d off to let him kn ow they were there, an d
Pete stowed his bike un der some shrubs that grew n earby . He climbed in to the back
seat of the car. "What's up?" he said eagerly . "Shelby has been buggin g Mr.
Bon estell's kitchen with a device in the sugar bowl," said Jupe. "He has a voiceactivated tape recorder in his bedroom. Does that remin d y ou of an y on e?" "The
blin d
man !" cried Pete. "He tried to plan t a bug in the salvage y ard. Do y ou mean that
Shelby ...?" "Possibly ," said Jupe. "We'll see." Jupe than told Pete of the
message he an d Mr. Bon estell had recorded. "The Den icolas have disappeared, an d I'm
really con cern ed about them," said Jupe. "I hope that after Shelby play s back that
recordin g, he'll lead us to them." It was very dark n ow. The rain that had been
threaten in g half the aftern oon had begun to fall. There was little traffic on
Secon d Street, an d n on e on Dolphin Court--n ot un til well after six. Then Shelby 's
car turn ed the corn er. Mr. Bon estell an d the boy s watched Shelby turn in to
Bon estell's drive an d park. Shelby got out of the car. A momen t later the lights
wen t on in the back of the house, an d then in the fron t rooms. "He's lookin g for
me," said Mr. Bon estell. "I'm alway s home at this time un less I'm workin g." Soon
there were lights upstairs, in the bedroom where Shelby lived. "It won 't be lon g

n ow," said Mr. Bon estell. He fairly cackled with glee. Jupe realized then how much
Mr. Bon estell disliked Shelby Tuckerman . The lights con tin ued to blaze all over
Mr. Bon estell's house, but the fron t door open ed an d Shelby came out. He sprin ted
across the patch of lawn to the drive an d got in to his car. The en gin e roared an d
Shelby shot out in to the street. A split secon d later he passed Mr. Bon estell's car
an d sped aroun d the corn er on to Secon d Street. Mr. Bon estell already had his
en gin e run n in g. He followed Shelby up Secon d an d then out across Ocean Aven ue an d
down to the Coast Highway . "He's goin g to Den icola's," Jupe decided. Mr.
Bon estell dropped back an d let an other car get between himself an d Shelby , but he
kept Shelby 's car in view. They wen t steadily n orth in heavy rain . Shelby drove
exactly at the speed limit. He slowed goin g through Malibu, then picked up the pace
again . "He has to be goin g to Den icola's," said Jupe. "I won der if... if...
Mr. Bon estell, do y ou kn ow an y on e n amed Alejan dro?" "No. Shelby 's middle in itial
is A, but I doubt it stan ds for Alejan dro. That's Span ish for Alexan der, isn 't it?
Shelby isn 't Span ish." Mr. Bon estell slowed the car. They were approachin g
Den icola's. There was very little traffic, an d they could see Shelby 's car ahead of
them, the tail-lights reflected in the rain -slick surface of the road. They could
also dimly see a white truck backed up to the Den icola pier. But before Jupe could
won der about it, Shelby braked abruptly an d turn ed right, away from the ocean . He
roared up the driveway of the Ocean view Motel. "The motel!" exclaimed Pete as Mr.
Bon estell quickly pulled off on to the shoulder. "That could be where Mrs. Den icola
is--her an d the old lady !" "I should have thought of it," said Jupe. "Okay . Now we
kn ow. Mr. Bon estell, will y ou wait here for us? If we're n ot back in fifteen
min utes, get to a phon e an d call the police." "You bet!" said Mr. Bon estell. "Be
careful n ow." Jupe an d Pete got out an d looked up. The motel was n o more than a
dark shape above the road. There was n ot a light an y where. The boy s wen t up the
drive without speakin g, their shoulders hun ched again st the drivin g rain . When they
had reached the top an d the pavemen t broaden ed in to the parkin g area, Pete tugged
at Jupe's sleeve. "There's Shelby 's car," he whispered. "I don 't see Shelby
an y where." "Probably in side the motel," said Jupe. They stole forward in to the
pool area behin d the motel. As soon as they had the motel buildin g between
themselves an d the ocean , they had some shelter from the win d. The n ight was n ot so
in ten sely black, either, for the slan tin g rain drops n ow reflected a hin t of light.
Jupe poin ted. On e win dow in the motel showed a fain t glow aroun d the edges. A lamp
was lit behin d a heavy curtain . The boy s crept towards the win dow an d lean ed
forward to listen . An d sudden ly Jupe heard somethin g behin d him that was n ot just
a part of the win d an d the rain . Someon e was behin d him. Jupe turn ed his head.
"Be still!" said Shelby Tuckerman . He was holdin g his gun . "Don 't make a move."
Then Shelby shouted. The door of the motel room open ed. Light streamed out. In the
doorway stood on e of Ern ie's room-mates--the on e who had been missin g all
aftern oon . He also had a gun . "In there, y ou two!" ordered Shelby . Jupe an d Pete
wen t in to a room that was ran k with cigarette smoke. Eileen Den icola sat there on a
small straight chair, her wrists tied to its arms. She looked furious. Her motherin -law was tied to an armchair n ear the bed. Shelby came drippin g in to the room,
an d Ern ie's room-mate shut the door. "Hi!" said a very familiar voice. There in
the corn er behin d the door, also tied to a chair, was Bob An drews!
Nightmare Comes True! "THAT CONVERSATION YOU HAD with Walter about the police,"
said Shelby Tuckerman . "It was a trick, wasn 't it? You staged it." "An d y ou led us
here," said Jupiter. He an d Pete were seated n ow. Ern ie's room-mate, who was
called Luis, had put away his gun an d brought two more chairs from an other motel
room. He was ty in g Jupe an d Pete to them with strips torn from sheets, while Shelby
covered them with his pistol. "Much good may it do y ou," said Shelby . "Where is
Walter? Waitin g for y ou down on the highway ?" Jupe didn 't an swer. Shelby smiled
an grily . "We'll see that he doesn 't wait too lon g," he said. "I wouldn 't wan t him
to get n ervous." Luis fin ished ty in g the boy s. Shelby put away his gun , too, then
he spoke to Luis in rapid Span ish. As he spoke there were two quick raps at the
door, then two raps again . Ern ie open ed the door an d came in . He stopped in
surprise when he saw Pete an d Jupe. "What are these other kids doin g here?" he
deman ded an grily of Shelby . "On e was bad en ough. Oh, n ever min d. You take care of

them. I came to get Luis. The boat is almost loaded. Strauss is pullin g out n ow,
an d Rafi is fin ishin g up." Bob muttered to Jupe, who sat n ext to him, "Strauss is
a guy who run s a movin g compan y in Oxn ard. I watched him load up a truck this
aftern oon . On e of the crates broke open . There were bullets in it." "Ammun ition !"
exclaimed Jupe. "An d gun s, I bet." He looked at Shelby Tuckerman . "I thought it
might be drugs," he said. "I thought Ern ie an d his frien ds were usin g the Maria III
in some sort of drug-smugglin g operation ." "Over my dead body !" cried Eileen
Den icola. "If y ou thin k Ern ie ever took that boat six in ches from the dock without
me aboard, y ou're sadly mistaken !" Ern ie grin n ed. "We're goin g to take it n ow,
Mrs. Den icola," he said, "an d y ou won 't be aboard." "There will be gun s aboard,"
said Jupe. "An d that, of course, is why y ou robbed the ban k. You n eeded the mon ey
for gun s. What could be more n atural for a bun ch of revolution aries? You'll ship
the gun s to Mesa d'Oro, where they 'll be used to shoot in n ocen t people." Ern ie
drew himself up to his full height an d looked righteous. "They 'll be used in the
battle for justice," he said. "Accordin g to some published reports," said Jupe,
"the battle for justice can in clude sn ipin g at un armed civilian s." "If y ou mean
the Civil Guard of Mesa d'Oro, they represen t the spoilers who have stolen our
lan d," said Ern ie. His cheeks burn ed with colour. "Don 't listen to him, Ern esto,"
said Shelby . "It doesn 't matter what the boy thin ks." "You were the scar-faced
beggar," said Jupe to Shelby . "You used the disguise to watch the ban k without
bein g recogn ized by Mr. Bon estell. You kn ew about the vault with the time lock, an d
y ou kn ew Mr. Bon estell would be alon e in the ban k after the clean in g people left.
If on ly y ou hadn 't been so greedy . You foun d Mr. Sebastian 's wallet at Den icola's
the day before the robbery . It was a beautiful wallet, an d in stead of turn in g it in
or droppin g it in to a mailbox, y ou put it in to y our pocket an d kept it. But y ou
dropped it at the scen e of the robbery , an d it led us right back here to the dock."
"I... I was goin g to drop it in a mailbox," said Shelby quickly . Luis looked
from Ern ie to Shelby , then back again . He said somethin g in Span ish, an d Ern ie
motion ed to him to be quiet. "So the blin d man did pick up the wallet," said
Ern ie. His face was stern an d accusin g. "For a wallet, y ou en dan gered our cause? Is
this true?" "Certain ly n ot!" sn apped Shelby . "I said I was goin g to drop it in the
mail. Let's n ot stan d here an d argue. That old man 's down on the highway an d--"
"Why didn 't y ou give the wallet to me?" cried Ern ie. "I would have called Mr.
Sebastian an d there would have been an en d to it. There wouldn 't have been an y thin g
to brin g these kids down on us!" "I tell y ou it doesn 't matter!" in sisted Shelby .
"You'll be out of the coun try soon . I'll take care of the kids!" "You're n ot
leavin g, Mr. Tuckerman ?" said Jupe. "I can guess why . You're goin g to stay here an d
en joy some of the loot from the robbery , aren 't y ou? You aren 't goin g to give it to
the Republican s." Ern ie stared at Shelby , an d Shelby 's colour rose, then drain ed
away again un til his face was a ghastly white. It was clear that Jupe had hit on
the truth. "What is this?" said Ern ie. There was a n ote of men ace in his voice.
"The mon ey has gon e to pay for the gun s!" sn apped Shelby . "You kn ow that, Ern esto!"
"I kn ow on ly about two hun dred thousan d dollars," said Ern ie. "This aftern oon y ou
gave Strauss half. An d ton ight I gave him the other half. But what about the rest
of the ban k mon ey ? You said y ou sen t it to Rodriguez, but y our face say s y ou
didn 't! Don 't worry about a thin g, y ou said. Alway s y ou were such an organ izer. You
took care of the wigs an d the fun n y clothes an d the getaway car an d the mon ey . An d
we trusted y ou. You'd been the courier for such a lon g time. You carried the mon ey
we collected for Rodriguez, an d y ou said it didn 't mean an y thin g to y ou. You said
it was like
carry in g so man y cabbages or pieces of paper. It was on ly a shipmen t to y ou. Did
some of that mon ey stick to y our han ds, too?" "How dare y ou!" cried Shelby .
"You'll an swer for that!" "No. You're the on e who's goin g to an swer," said Ern ie.
"You're comin g with us ton ight, an d y ou'll speak to Rodriguez' people in Mexico
City . An d may be y ou'll come all the way --to Mesa d'Oro, an d--" "You're bein g
ridiculous!" cried Shelby . "I can 't leave ton ight! I have importan t work to do
here. My mission isn 't fin ished!" "There is at least fifty thousan d dollars in Mr.
Bon estell's house," said Jupiter. "You lie!" shouted Shelby . He turn ed sudden ly on
old Mrs. Den icola. "You old cron e!" he shouted. "You dreamed about that, too,

didn 't y ou? An d y ou told that kid an d..." "Mrs. Den icola told me n othin g," said
Jupiter. "However, I can tell y our frien d Ern esto where the mon ey is. It's in the
freezer of Mr. Bon estell's refrigerator, hidden in an ice-cream carton ." Shelby
took two quick steps across the room an d slapped Jupe hard. Ern ie shook his head.
"That was very foolish, my frien d," he said. "Now y ou must come, an d we won 't talk
an y more about it, eh?" Shelby 's han d wen t to his coat. A secon d later there was a
gleam of dark steel, an d Shelby 's gun was in his han d. "So it's like that, eh?"
said Ern ie. Luis had been watchin g quietly , un n oticed an d forgotten . He moved n ow.
So quickly that Shelby could n ot react, Luis stepped behin d him. His han ds wen t to
Shelby 's n eck. Shelby cried out on ce, dropped his gun , an d crumpled to the floor.
Ern ie stepped forward, picked up the gun , an d poin ted it at Shelby . Shelby groan ed
an d sat up, an d Luis y an ked him to his feet. A momen t later the men were gon e. They
were out an d down the hill, an d the rain was drummin g on the roof an d Eileen
Den icola was strugglin g with her bon ds. "I stalled them as lon g as I could," said
Jupe. "I hope Mr Bon estell got away in time, that he'll get the police an d they 'll
be n abbed before they can leave the pier." "I thin k it will n ot be that way ," said
old Mrs. Den icola. "I thin k there is somethin g that has y et to happen before the
police can come--before we can leave this room." "What?" said Eileen . Then she
caught her breath. There was a n ew soun d--a soun d that came n ot from the storm, but
from the earth itself. It was a groan in g soun d. Somewhere close by a win dow
shattered. "Holy Sain t Patrick!" gasped Eileen Den icola. "My dream!" whispered
the old lady . "The dan ger! The room that twists aroun d the boy an d me!" She closed
her ey es an d began to pray rapidly in Italian . Timbers groan ed again , an d more
glass smashed. But it wasn 't an earthquake, as Bob had thought. In ch by in ch the
sodden , rain -soaked hillside was slidin g out from un der the motel!
2 0A Fiery En d
THE ROOM LURCHED! Lamps smashed to the floor, an d there were showers of sparks as
the wirin g began to tear apart. "Don 't let it burn !" pray ed Eileen Den icola. "Dear
heaven , please don 't let it burn !" More sparks flew, blue-white an d dy in g as they
fell. Then there was darkn ess--a darkn ess filled with the shriekin g of timbers an d
the screech of n ails bein g pulled out of wood. There was an other lurch, an d old
Mrs. Den icola cried out. "Help!" y elled Pete. "Hey , somebody ! Help!" No on e
shouted back. No help came. "This whole hillside is goin g to go an y min ute!" said
Eileen Den icola. She had n o soon er spoken than the motel slid an other couple of
metres, sicken in gly , sen din g chairs tumblin g in the dark. Pete crashed in to the bed
an d Jupe's chair wen t over on its side. "Mrs. Den icola?" called Jupe. "Are y ou all
right?" "If it's me y ou speak to, I have been better," said the old lady . "Eileen ,
where are y ou?" "On the floor," said Eileen . "The police have got to come!" said
Jupe. "Mr. Bon estell must have reached them by n ow. Bob, are y ou okay ? Pete?"
"Okay ," gasped Bob. "I'm here," said Pete. They waited, listen in g again . Jupe
heard water run n in g--a soun d n earer than the rain that drummed on the roof. He lay
on his side, his arms achin g where they were tied to the chair. He felt wetn ess an d
smelled a muddy , chemical sort of smell. He puzzled about it for a momen t, then
closed his ey es in terror an d despair. The swimmin g pool was begin n in g to break
up! It was the water from the pool that was run n in g down through the room. If the
pool really wen t, ton s of water--thousan ds an d thousan ds of gallon s of water--would
come sweepin g down on them. "Hey , where's all the water comin g from?" Pete
deman ded in the darkn ess. Eileen Den icola had realized the truth too. She began to
shout for help. Sudden ly there was an an swerin g shout from the treacherous,
slippery hill outside. "Over here!" y elled someon e. "They 're over here!" Someon e
tried to open the door, but it was jammed. There was an other horrid lurch, an d the
win dow that faced the pool shattered an d fell in to the room. Then there was some
light. Two men were on the hillside with torches. There was more shoutin g, an d more
water pourin g through the room. "Mrs. Den icola!" Jupe y elled. "Get Mrs. Den icola!"
A highway patrolman came through the win dow, followed by a fireman . When the
fireman saw the boy s an d the women tied to chairs, he said, "What the..." That
was all that was said. The two men had old Mrs. Den icola out in a twin klin g, still
boun d to her chair an d pray in g loudly as she wen t. More men arrived an d Eileen was
carried out, an d then the boy s. In secon ds they were free of their bon ds an d
stumblin g quickly down the hill, fallin g an d bein g picked up an d helped alon g, an d

then fallin g again . On the highway , traffic was stopped. The n ight throbbed with
the soun d of en gin es, an d searchlights swept the hillside. There were flares an d
barriers. The rescuers hustled the boy s an d the Den icolas across the road to
safety . "I told them y ou were up there!" It was Mr. Bon estell. He had fought his
way past the barriers, an d he almost dan ced as he grabbed Jupe's han d an d shook it.
"I told them y ou were up there! You're safe! Than k God!" "The boat!" cried old
Mrs. Den icola. She poin ted. The Den icola house was dark, an d so was the office.
There was n o sign of the white truck at the en d of the pier. But a hun dred metres
or so bey on d the pier were the run n in g lights of the Maria III. "Those... those
pirates!" y elled Eileen Den icola. She glared after the Maria III. "If they thin k
they 're goin g to get away ...!" She started towards the pier. "Come on !"
y elled Pete. He grabbed Bob's arm an d started after her. "Mr. Bon estell, tell the
police to get the Coast Guard," said Jupe. "The men on that boat are gun run n ers!"
"I will tell them all about it," an n oun ced old Mrs. Den icola. Jupe n odded, an d ran
after the others. Eileen dodged in to the office an d sn atched a key that was hidden
away in a desk drawer. She ordered Pete to get a pair of oars from the locker
behin d the office. There was a shout from the highway , an d a roar of en gin es as
the firemen backed their trucks away . The hill slid at last, brin gin g the motel
crashin g an d splin terin g down with it. The wreckage covered half the road. The
swimmin g pool collapsed completely , an d a muddy flood rushed down the hill an d
across the highway . Eileen an d the boy s looked at the wreckage for just a momen t.
Then she turn ed an d ran out on to the rain -swept dock. The boy s wen t after her.
"We'll take Sebastian 's speedboat," called Eileen . "She'll overtake the Maria
easily !" They got in to the rowboat that was waitin g there. Pete began to row hard
towards the buoy where the speedboat was moored. "I can 't see the Maria's lights
an y more," said Eileen Den icola. "She's headin g down the coast," Jupe told her.
"That Ern ie is on e rotten pilot," said Eileen . "He'll run her on the rocks." They
reached the speedboat an d scrambled to un cover the cockpit. Mrs. Den icola got in to
the boat an d the boy s tumbled in after her, an d Jupe fasten ed the rowboat to the
buoy . The en gin e choked an d groun d an d then took hold. Then they were skippin g an d
boun din g over the water in the rain -dark n ight. The prow of the speedboat slapped
the waves with a report that was a loud as gun fire. Eileen Den icola gripped the
wheel with both han ds, an d the boy s hun g on to the sides an d braced themselves.
The lights on shore were distan t an d misty when Bob spotted lights ahead of them.
"There she is!" he cried. "Right!" Eileen Den icola gun n ed the speedboat to a still
wilder rate. There was a glare of light which blin ded them for an in stan t. They
heard a helicopter clatter overhead. Then there was darkn ess again as the
searchlight from the helicopter swept away across the black water. "The Coast
Guard!" said Mrs. Den icola. The lights on the Maria III were doused, an d the
fishin g boat became just a black shape in the n ight. But the speedboat was close
n ow, an d Eileen an d the boy s could see the wake the fishin g boat threw up.
"Blast!" shouted Eileen . "She's headin g for the open sea! Those creeps! They 'll get
away !" She y an ked at the wheel. The speedboat swerved. The en gin e strain ed an d the
small boat flashed through the wake of the Maria. Then the hull of the fishin g boat
was beside the speedboat an d someon e fired a shot from the deck of the Maria.
"Cowards!" y elled Mrs. Den icola. The speedboat spurted ahead of the larger craft
an d streaked across the Maria's bow. The fishin g boat veered an d lost speed. Now
the searchlight from the Maria III stabbed at the speedboat. There was an other shot
from the Maria. It missed an d plun ked harmlessly in to the water. An d then the
helicopter was there again , an d its powerful blue-white beam foun d the Maria III.
"They 've got her n ow!" said Jupe as the helicopter held the Maria in a circle of
light. Jupe looked towards shore.
The lights there were much closer n ow. "Darn !" cried Eileen Den icola. "Where is
that coast-guard cutter?" The Maria had picked up speed again . She turn ed an d
swerved for a few momen ts, as if she could shake off the hoverin g helicopter. Then
she set her prow towards the open sea again an d raced for freedom. Eileen Den icola
laughed roughly an d sen t the speedboat careerin g after the fishin g boat. On ce more
the speedboat raced in fron t of the Maria, an d on ce more the man at the helm
reacted, swervin g to avoid a collision . Jupe saw foamin g surf on his left, an d he

heard breakers rumble an d surge. "Watch out!" y elled Pete. Mrs. Den icola pulled
hard at the wheel an d the small boat stood on its side an d almost skidded on the
waves. Then they were out in the blackn ess again , free an d safe. But the Maria III
struck the rocky seabed with a scrapin g, grin din g crash that tore half her bottom
out. The fishin g boat was lifted partway out of the water, an d she tilted over on
on e side. The men on her deck shouted an d scrambled. The speedboat passen gers saw a
flick of oran ge-red flame. "She's burn in g," said Eileen Den icola. The shoutin g
an d the rage were gon e. The speedboat drifted in n eutral, bobbin g on the waves, an d
Eileen Den icola cried. Tears ran down her cheeks an d caught the light from the
stricken fishin g boat. "A fuel lin e must have ruptured," she said. A man dived
from the deck of the Maria, then a secon d man , an d then two more. "Get the boat
hook," ordered Mrs. Den icola. "Keep it han dy . If an y on e tries to climb in here,
give them a swat." "Yes, ma'am," said Pete. A swimmer came splashin g through the
water. "There are life jackets un der the seats," said Mrs. Den icola. Jupe tossed a
life jacket to each shipwrecked man as he approached the speedboat. Ern ie tried to
swim in close, an d Pete bran dished the boat hook. All four men got the message an d
kept their distan ce. Bob foun d a len gth of rope which the men in the water could
hold. They drifted, bobbin g in the waves an d watchin g the Maria. The fishin g boat
blazed with a fierce fire that lit the n ight. Then there was an explosion . Part of
the hull blew out, an d the boat slid off the rocks an d san k like a ston e. When the
coast-guard ship arrived, the speedboat was still there. Four y oun g men clutchin g
at life jackets floated n earby . There was n othin g left of the Maria III an d its
deadly cargo but some bits of wreckage bobbin g on the waves.
2 1Mr. Sebastian
Gets Curious A WEEK AFTER THE SINKING of the Maria III, the Three In vestigators
rode n orth again through Malibu, an d turn ed off the highway on to Cy press Can y on
Drive. Hector Sebastian was waitin g for them outside the old restauran t called
Charlie's Place. In side, in the huge room that looked out towards the ocean , the
smilin g Vietn amese n amed Don was settin g out a feast on the glass-topped table.
"All-American favourites for all-American champs!" an n oun ced Don . "Mr. Goober
pean ut-butter-marshmallow-fluff san dwich. Super-Juicy fran kfurters for taste of
y esterday with all-meat goodn ess. Burger on Sun shin e Bran bun an d Picky Pickle
Taste-Treat relish." Don grin n ed broadly an d backed out of the room, bowin g as he
wen t. Mr. Sebastian sighed. "I thin k if Don were turn ed loose in a market that had
n o advertised bran ds, he would be completely paraly sed. He wouldn 't be able to buy
a thin g." "Every thin g looks very good," said Bob politely . Mr. Sebastian scowled.
"Do y ou mean that y ou could eat a pean ut butter an d marshmallow fluff san dwich?" he
deman ded. "Well," said Bob, "I'm n ot sure about the san dwich, but I like
fran kfurters." "An d hamburgers," said Pete. "An d we get Picky Pickle relish all
the time at home." "Then help y ourselves," said Mr. Sebastian . The fran kfurters
an d hamburgers quickly disappeared, but the plate with the pean ut butter an d
marshmallow fluff san dwiches was left un touched. Pete looked at them in a doubtful
way . "May be we should eat some of those," he said. "Don seems so... so proud of
them." "Soon er or later, Don has to face reality ," said Mr. Sebastian . "It won 't
hurt him to kn ow that American s aren 't n ourished en tirely by pean ut butter,
carbon ated drin ks, an d Hostess Twin kies. "Now about the scar-faced man an d the
wallet--I'm curious. I've talked with Mrs. Den icola several times, but she has a
temper to match that red hair. When she thin ks about Ern ie Villalobos an d his
frien ds, she gets too mad to talk. She splutters. I thin k she feels person ally
deprived." "Because the fishin g boat san k?" asked Pete. "No. Because the police
won 't let her get her han ds on Ern ie an d do somethin g drastic to him." Jupe
chuckled. "She's a stron g-min ded lady . She doesn 't like bein g duped." "Who does?"
said Mr. Sebastian . "However, sin ce she does have this ten den cy to choke up with
rage, an d sin ce she's very busy arguin g with the in suran ce agen t for the Maria III
an d n egotiatin g for the purchase of the Maria IV, I thought y ou boy s might fill me
in on the case. After bein g an in vestigator for so man y y ears, I have an itch to
kn ow more than the n ewspapers tell." "Would y ou like to read my n otes on the
case?" said Bob. He picked up a Man ila en velope that had been un der his chair an d
took a file folder out of it. "Mr. Hitchcock used to review our cases with us,"
said Pete. Mr. Sebastian bowed. "I'm hon oured," he said, an d began to read Bob's

n otes on the my sterious beggar an d the patriots of Mesa d'Oro. For a while there
was n o soun d in the room except the hum of traffic on the Coast Highway . Mr.
Sebastian was completely absorbed in the n otes. When he fin ished readin g, he looked
away , out at the trees an d at the ocean bey on d. "There are times," he said, "when
we must be grateful for the small vices of men . If Shelby Tuckerman hadn 't been a
petty , greedy man , he wouldn 't have kept my wallet an d y ou wouldn 't have stumbled
on the gun -run n in g plot. How man y people would have died if that shipmen t had gon e
through? We'll n ever kn ow." Jupe n odded. "People like Ern ie will probably go right
on bombin g an d sn ipin g in Mesa d'Oro, but at least we did stop on e shipmen t of
gun s." "I assume that Mr. Bon estell isn 't un der suspicion an y more," said Mr.
Sebastian . "He wasn 't men tion ed in the n ewspaper stories." "He n ever really was a
suspect," said Jupe, "an d Ern ie an d his two frien ds have cleared him of an y
suspicion . They 're really an gry at Shelby , so they 're talkin g. They feel that
Shelby is a cheat, that he was just play in g at bein g a spy an d courier. There were
lots of groups like Ern ie's con tributin g to the cause of the Republican s of Mesa
d'Oro. Shelby would collect the mon ey from the leaders, brin g it home to Mr.
Bon estell's, in frozen -food packages, an d hide it in the freezer. Then , on ce a
mon th or so, he flew to Mexico City to turn it over to Rodriguez' people there.
Ern ie an d his pals thin k Shelby was siphon in g some of the fun ds in to his own ban k
accoun t--an d that certain ly seems more than likely ." "Shelby was Alejan dro, wasn 't
he?" said Mr. Sebastian . "Alejan dro is his middle n ame," said Jupe. "His mother
was from Mesa d'Oro. She was a terrorist who had to flee the coun try , an d she
married an American n amed Tuckerman . Shelby is n amed after his father, an d after
Alejan dro, his mother's father. "Although Shelby is an American , his mother raised
him to believe that he is an aristocrat of Mesa d'Oro, an d that the cause there is
all-importan t. Shelby 's mother was very active. She spoke at fun d-raisin g even ts
an d made a lot of mon ey for Mesa d'Oro. After she died a few y ears ago, Shelby
tried to take over an d do the same thin g. He didn 't have the magic, however. He
couldn 't persuade people to give till it hurt, so he became a courier in stead."
"How did y ou kn ow he had kept back some of the robbery loot?" asked Mr. Sebastian .
"I didn 't, but it seemed a reason able guess. I had to say somethin g to delay Ern ie
an d Shelby so Mr. Bon estell would have time to get the police. Also, I was afraid
of what Shelby might do if Ern ie departed on the Maria an d left Shelby behin d. We
an d the Den icolas could accuse him, couldn 't we? But if Shelby got his han ds on Mr.
Bon estell an d then silen ced all of us..." Jupe stopped. He looked grim. "Yes,"
said Mr. Sebastian . "Your position was delicate. You're probably lucky that Ern ie
took Shelby when he got aboard the Maria III." "I kn ow we're lucky ," said Bob.
"You see, it was Shelby who brought me to the motel. He discovered me at Strauss's
place when he arrived with the first half of the gun mon ey . Boy , was he mad! I
heard him arguin g with Ern ie about what to do with me. Ern ie didn 't care because he
was leavin g the coun try . But Shelby was on the spot. He tried to con vin ce Ern ie to
take me on the boat an d drop me overboard at sea!" Mr. Sebastian grimaced. "You
boy s could certain ly make thin gs hot for him, but was there an y actual proof that
he was part of the ban k robbery ?" Pete chuckled. "Right there in the ice-cream
carton , like Jupe guessed. Shelby was supposed to fen ce some jewellery that Ern ie
took from safe-deposit boxes durin g the robbery . But Shelby hun g on to the prime
pieces, an d they were there in the freezer for the police to fin d. They were
iden tified by the own ers. "An d the police foun d the makeup an d the wigs in the
trun k of Shelby 's car. Shelby thought it was darin g an d dramatic of him to be the
lookout for the robbers while he was disguised as the terrorist Altran to." Mr.
Sebastian laughed. "I guess I'm glad this was y our case, n ot min e," he said.
"Shelby is so busy play actin g it's hard to believe he's for real." "He's for real,
all right," said Jupe. "So are Ern ie an d his frien ds. They 're doin g their own kin d
of play actin g right n ow. If y ou're a terrorist in Mesa d'Oro an d y ou get caught,
it's sty lish to boast about
how really black y our crimes have been . It seems to make y ou a hero, in stead of
just an un balan ced person who likes explosives an d firearms." "Better a
revolution ary than a beach bum, eh?" said Mr. Sebastian . "Nobler," said Jupiter.
"Of course, I should have suspected Shelby right away . He was in the perfect

position to kn ow about the routin e at the ban k, an d he said to Mr. Bon estell,
'Accordin g to y our sy stem of justice, y ou're in n ocen t un til y ou're proven guilty .'
A person who thought of himself as an American would have said, 'Accordin g to our
sy stem of justice...'" "True," said Mr. Sebastian , "but don 't be so hard on
y ourself. You did all right." Bob grin n ed. "Than ks for n ot say in g, 'You did all
right for a bun ch of kids.'" "You did all right, period," said Mr. Sebastian .
"You did better than a lot of in vestigators might have don e. I imagin e Shelby was
an xious for Mr. Bon estell to hire y ou because he thought y ou wouldn 't do all right.
Then , later, he must have had secon d thoughts about it an d tried to wire y our
workshop for soun d." "An d he wired the sugar bowl on the table," said Jupe. "On ce
I foun d the bug in the sugar bowl, I kn ew he was the scar-faced man an d the lin k to
the robbers. But I didn 't guess that gun -run n in g was in volved. I thought it might
be drugs or alien s." "Speakin g of gun -run n in g, what about that movin g compan y in
Oxn ard?" asked Mr. Sebastian . "Strauss an d his cron ies are hijackers," said Bob.
"The shipmen t of gun s an d ammun ition was hijacked from a truck back east. Divers
recovered some of the gun s an d they 've been iden tified. Strauss an d his men have
disappeared. They left every thin g an d ran . We heard that the trucks an d equipmen t
they left behin d were n o great loss. Pacific States Movin g an d Storage Compan y was
about to declare ban kruptcy ." "It must be hard to run an efficien t movin g busin ess
when y ou're so busy with stolen goods," said Mr. Sebastian . "Well, what about the
makeup woman who made the speech at the rally that n ight?" "Grade Mon toy a wasn 't
part of the plot," said Pete. "Her family 's from Mesa d'Oro an d she was brought up
to believe in the Republican cause, that's all." "It's a tradition ," said Jupiter.
"It's han ded down from paren t to child. I thin k Gracie is havin g secon d thoughts
about that tradition n ow. She didn 't min d collectin g mon ey for an exile in Mexico,
but collectin g mon ey for gun s to kill people--that's somethin g else." "The police
asked her about the fight she had with Ern ie," Bob put in . "He wan ted a date with
her, an d she didn 't wan t to go out with him. That's all that was about." "Good for
her," said Mr. Sebastian . He han ded the file back to Bob. "These are good n otes,"
he said. "I'm glad y ou like them," said Bob, "because, if y ou're n ot too busy ,
may be y ou'd do somethin g for us." Mr Sebastian looked in quirin gly at the boy s. It
was Jupe who put the request to him at last. "Mr. Hitchcock used to in troduce our
cases for us," he said. "I kn ow y ou're busy with y our own writin g, but the
in troduction n eedn 't be lon g." Mr. Sebastian grin n ed. "I'll do my best. An d when
I'm fin ished, perhaps y ou'll take me up on my origin al offer of a speedboat ride.
Of course, I'm n ot so dashin g with a boat as Eileen Den icola, an d we probably won 't
sin k an y fishin g boats. On the other han d, y ou n ever really kn ow." Mr. Sebastian
paused an d grin n ed. "That's what makes life in terestin g, isn 't it? You n ever really
kn ow!"

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