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DWIs/DUIs in the

state of New Mexico

Is this problem
getting better or

March 2016
DWI/DUIs in New Mexico
Analytical Report
Emily Hebert
March 2016

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DWI/DUI Analytical Report

Drivers with an alcohol concentration of .08 or higher if you are 21 and over, it is against the law.
According to MVD New Mexico, traffic accidents in which there is a casualty, alcohol is involved in
about 40% of them. Driving while intoxicated with alcohol is not the only thing that can get you in
trouble with the law; driving while high on drugs that can quickly impair your judgments can also lead
to severe consequences. Research has shown, though, that lately the rates of DWI/DUIs have
improved. New Mexico has 1,254 people that have been killed in crashes where a drunk driver has
been involved from 2003-2012. When compared national in the percentage of adults who report
driving after drinking too much, the national is 1.9% and New Mexico is at 1.2%.

The Law & Penalties:

The law and penalties for a DWI are as follows:
1st offense DWI 21 years old and over:
Driver's license suspended: 6 months.
1st offense DWI under 21 years old:
Driver's license suspended: 1 year.
2nd offense DW! all ages:
Driver's license suspended: 1 year.

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DWI/DUI Analytical Report

Taken from: A more in depth table on the
New Mexico laws and penalties can be found on the New Mexico Department of Public Safety
There have been lots of efforts made that have helped to decrease the rates of drunk driving and
alcohol-involved fatal crashes recently.


This research consists of information from the state and comparisons from year to year in DWI
Arrest trends. This research also shows the New Mexico laws for DWI/DUI and what you can
expect to happen upon receiving one.
This research is to show that there are trends of driving while intoxicated in New Mexico and
something needs to change so that people can drive on our roads safely.
This information is presented in a comparison format. The research shows that efforts have
been made to reduce the number of alcohol related fatalities in car accidents as well as driving
drunk rates.

The list of what can be done to help resolve this issue is long and includes:
Change the drunk driving laws
Increase sobriety checkpoints
Mandatory use of ignition interlocks
Accessibility to multi-component interventions
Mass media campaigns
Require Alcohol screening and brief interventions
Require School-based instructional programs

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DWI/DUI Analytical Report

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DWI/DUI Analytical Report

Maecenas sit amet ante. Proin aliquam vulputate nisi. Sed urna velit, imperdiet id, tristique in, ullamcorper volutpat, nunc.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed posuere magna vel

Sed sit amet nulla non nisl ultrices vehicula.

Etiam in nisi vel velit eleifend fringilla. Vivamus et ante. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus eu est eu leo hendrerit feugiat.
Nam ac lectus auctor massa viverra posuere.

Nam nec nisi.

Cras urna. Vestibulum eleifend vulputate diam. Phasellus metus. Vivamus vehicula pede vitae nulla accumsan ornare.
Maecenas metus mauris, semper consequat, luctus vitae, euismod eu, magna. Pellentesque porttitor dolor et felis.
Quisque feugiat interdum est. Aenean risus. Nam congue. Donec neque leo, dapibus at, sodales vitae, gravida a, magna.
Sed mauris risus, luctus aliquam, facilisis tristique, luctus eget, est.

Etiam quis mauris id sapien venenatis semper. Aenean est.

Vivamus velit libero,
fringilla non, hendrerit eu,
rutrum ut, augue.

Pellentesque tempus diam

at nibh. Suspendisse

Maecenas in est. Mauris

luctus purus in ipsum.

Nullam convallis sollicitudin augue. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nunc non
ante. Etiam interdum lacus vitae lectus.

Ut tincidunt, orci nec facilisis sollicitudin, risus massa porttitor lacus, sit amet adipiscing lectus orci
fermentum metus. Morbi vitae ligula eu turpis aliquet bibendum.

Morbi elit dui, tempus vel, tristique quis, pulvinar sed, sem. Suspendisse id odio sed orci accumsan
laoreet. Sed feugiat purus sit amet risus.

Hebert 5

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