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1. We accomplished all of the objectives we set for ourselves. In addition to the

objectives outlined in the problem statement, we wanted to design and build a sorting
mechanism as simply as possible. Our final product was a fast, efficient, and passive
2. Our design solution worked very well, but it was messy and very precise. A small
accidental tweak could throw off the whole system. If we had a chance to make
changes, we would make the sorter neater, sturdier, and more reliable.
3. Yes, our sorter sorts 5 of 3 types of marbles in under 2 minutes.
4. Over the course of this project, I learned simplicity is key. Our marble sorter was
about as simple as it gets; marbles roll down a ramp into their respective buckets. We
designed it so we wouldnt have to use any electronics whatsoever, and relied on gravity
to move the marbles. Instead of being challenging, working in a design team worked
perfectly for our group. Each of us had different strengths, and we divided work
accordingly- I worked on the marble sorter with William, while John focused his attention
on the project portfolio. In the end, our portfolio was near-perfect and our marble sorter
worked the first time it was tested. The purpose of the assignment was to let us design a
sorter for recyclables, where each material has different properties. In this case, each
material had a different size, and we used that variation to separate the marbles. Other
groups used light sensors to determine the reflectivity of each marble, and servos to
transfer them to buckets. While this solution worked just as well, it was a much more
complicated and time consuming method.
Conclusion questions1. The most challenging aspect of this project was fine tuning our sorting
mechanism. We quickly designed and built a sorter, but it took more than a day to get
each type of marble to fall into its holder.
2. We would make our sorter much more aesthetically pleasing. It works, but its
flimsy, taped together, and not very pretty. I wouldnt change our overall design, but
rigidity and looks could be improved.

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