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ALEJANDRO HITTI TOOLS PROGRAMMER « SOFTWARE ENGINEER 407-968-2335 Shipped Title Producer - PR/Marketing May 2015 Aug 2015 INK ZackBellGames Produced for 3 team of 4 people (1 Producer, 1 Programmer, 1 Artist, 1 Composer) to create 2 PC, Mac and Linux game using GameMaker Studio, released on Steam on August Sth, 2015. B Sold over 11,000 copies in the first month, grossing $55,000. Continued to sell more than 90,000 copies, arossing over $130,000 as of April, 2016. B Marketed the game by contacting 1200+ journalists, Youtubers and streamers, increasing awareness to top outlets, such as Kotaku, Destructoid, Markiplier and Rock, Paper, Shotgun, B. Designed and edited the game trailer using Cyberlink PowerDirector, in order to introduce the game into Steam Greenlight, getting it accepted in 18 days. Implemented achievements, stats and leaderboards using the Steam API, as well as set up the store page and configured the Steamworks settings. DigiPen Project Tools Programmer - Producer Sep 2014- Apr 2015 Trouble in Toy Town - Team 360 Overscope B Implemented a C++ Reflection system, using macros and template metaprogramming, which allowed For type inspection at runtime, making serialization and property inspection trivial. B Designed and programmed a 30 level editor using ImGUI, which greatly reduced time spent designing levels while also allowing modification of object properties at runtime. Produced for a team of 8 people (1 Producer, 6 Programmers, 1 Composer) to create 3 3D PC student game using a C++ custom-built component-based engine and DirectX11 graphics, Tools Programmer - Producer Jan 2014 - Apr 2014 Mini-Metal - Team Bonfire Produced for a team of 6 people (1 Producer, 3 Programmer, 1 Designer, 1 Composer) to create 3 2D PC student game using a custom C++ component-based engine and DirectX11 graphics. Created a robust in-game editor using AntTweakar, which allowed the team to manage scenes, entities, components, properties and archetypes at runtime. Programmed and designed our menu and Ul systems, which allowed us to quickly create and call menus while have proper callback, thanks to its internal stack implementation. Work Experience Spanish-English Localization Jul2011 -Sep 2011 ‘My Straight Son (Orig. ttle: “Azul y no tan Rosa’) - Plenilunio Film & Arts B. Localized the movie's script From Spanish to English which was then used to create subtitles for the film, allowing it to participate in international Festivals. Winner of the Goya Award for best Ibero-American Film and 15 other international awards in Festivals in USA, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Japan and Netherlands. Education DigiPen Institute of Technology (Redmond, WA) ‘Aug 2012- Apr 2016 BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation B. Worked and produced for 6 student projects in teams of 3to 13 people. Universidad Simén Bolivar (Caracas, Venezuela) ‘Aug 2008- May 2012 Computer Engineering B Transitioned to DigiPen after 85 credits completed. Skills Languages c cH C# (Familiar) Python (Familiar) HTML/CSS (Familiar) Javascript (Familiar) APIs & Tools SteamSDK ImGuI AntTweakBar TortoiseHG/Mercurial Valgrind/Codeguard Doxygen ‘WPF (Familiar) Juce (Familiar) Technical Skills Editor/Tools Meta/Reflection ul Input/XInput Localization Software Visual Studio Unreal Engine 4 Microsoft Office Suite Photoshop PowerDirector (Familiar) Unity3D (Familiar) Maya (Familiar) Zbrush (Familiar) Spoken Languages English Spanish

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