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Outsourcing developer jobs leaves new grads jobless.

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David Garcia, Alonso Mendoza, Daniel Pesqueda

Hi I'm David Garcia and I'm currently a senior at California State University of Monterey Bay. I'm graduating with a
degree in Computer Science with an emphasis in Software Engineering. This is our ePaper for CST 373, Ethics and
Current Issues in Information Technology. In these pages we will explore the ethical issues related to outsourcing
outside of the United States, how much is to much, and why does this matter.
Hello, my name is Daniel Pesqueda and I am currently a CS (computer science) in the CSIT-In-3 Program in
conjunction with Hartnell and CSUMB. I enjoy programming and hacking in my spare time as well as taking long trips
by car. I have experience in Python, Java(for Android), Java Script, and HTML.
I am Alonso Mendoza, a CS major with an emphasis in software design. I am a member of the first cohort of the CSIT
in 3 program, an accelerated three year bachelors degree program in computer science. When not in school or
working on projects/homework, I like to play soccer or just be outdoors. These next few pages will explore into detail
the current trend of job outsourcing, especially in CS work. The ethical issues behind this trend will also be looked
into. Such as job loss. Are jobs being outsourced because the work is cheaper overseas or is it because their work is
simply better than ours? Job outsourcing hits right at home because I will be graduating in the next couple of months
and landing a job after graduation is crucial. The bad part is that outsourcing will only increase in the next few years.
I am interested because I want to know what I can do to change this trend.
We are interested in this topic because as seniors graduating with degrees in software engineering, it is important to
us that we are able to obtain full time employment. If tech companies outsource all of their jobs because of the low
cost they can get elsewhere it will make it difficult to complete for the jobs and it leaves us in a position where we're
lowering our rates or possibly leaving us without employment.[5/18/2016 4:39:04 PM]


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Outsourcing developer jobs leaves new grads jobless.

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The history of outsourcing is deeply embedded in the United States. However, outsourcing began long before our
recent spike of sending tech related jobs to India or other countries. In fact, outsourcing jobs began in the latter half
of the 19th century.
There are many people that wonder why the majority of tech related jobs are outsourced to India. As time has
progressed, history has taught us that difference between countries is education. India for example has created the
All-India Council of Technical Education, which overlooks the curriculum of technical schools to make sure all materials
are current. Keeping the material relevant and setting the bar high with specific goals in mind has helped India
emerge as a major player in the tech industry.
The most significant cultural and technological event that preceded the outsourcing of tech jobs was the creation of
computers. One of the main companies to lead the way was IBM. As time and technology progressed we were
eventually able to remotely work on computers. The creator of the software no longer needed to be located where the
product was being consumed. Thus the big shift of moving technological jobs to areas of the world that allowed you
to pay less in wages. Not only were employers able to save money on employee wages but also in healthcare fees.
Most U.S. based jobs, especially in the higher paid areas like IT require that healthcare be provided and this is
something that employers were able to cut out of the equation.
There are those who believe outsourcing is a form of trade, and those who believe the US should take an isolationist
role. The number of outsourced jobs has really increased through the past decade and states have taken a negative
perception towards outsourcing. This can be seen with the increase of proposed laws against outsourcing. Most of
these laws dont go through meaning the US as a whole, or at least at a Federal level, does not see outsourcing as
something negative. Google believes outsourcing is good. They say Engineers in India do a very good jobs on certain
tasks. Big companies of course are all for outsourcing but do individuals think the same? Those who are just getting
out of college might not be all for outsourcing. A job that can go to someone straight out of college will just go to
someone in India for less pay.
There are not many laws, maybe not even one major law that currently regulates outsourcing. Many have been
proposed but only a few have gone through. 4 state bills against outsourcing were proposed in 2003, that number
went up to over 200 in 2004. Only 5 of those became a law ( Anti-outsourcing laws). Most of these laws are just
regulations. For example California enacted the AB 906 Personal Services Contracts in 2013. This regulation gives
contract preferences to companies that do not outsource (Lowrie). Companies that do outsource must comply with US
laws that protect financial and health information or just plain user data. Just because the companies are operating
offshore, it should not mean that user data isnt protected.
Outsourcing laws and regulations are somewhat unique as they are not derived from any country. The attitudes in
Europe differ as their laws foster the growth of outsourcing because the common attitude is, that it has a positive net
effect on the economy. Unlike Europe there is still a great opposition towards outsourcing in the U.S. because of the
immediate effects such as domestic jobs being lost.
Currently there are no anti-outsourcing bills being proposed in congress. The most recent anti-outsourcing bills were
proposed in 2015 by house representative Jerry McNerney. There were two bills he proposed, the first titled, Stop
Outsourcing and Create American Jobs Act the second, Outsourcing Accountability Act. The first bill would create a
list of tax haven countries and increase fines for corporations involved with these tax havens. It would also give
preference to corporations who have not outsourced jobs in the last year when seeking government contracts. The
second bill would force corporations making 1 billion dollars or more to report annually the number of domestic
workers versus the number of workers they have abroad. Both of these bills have yet to be passed by congress as
they must first need to be processed through a committee.
Outsourcing attitudes in the U.S. are probably the most astringent. Its no surprise as many of the strictest outsourcing
laws and regulations come from the United States. Conversely, there is little to no regulation and laws in regards to
outsourcing in Japan. In addition there is no regulation in IT outsourcing in Japan, according to Practical Law a
Reuters subsidiary. One can see that outsourcing laws and regulations can be very unique depending on the country's
attitude on the matter.[5/18/2016 4:39:05 PM]

History[5/18/2016 4:39:05 PM]

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Outsourcing developer jobs leaves new grads jobless.

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cst373 ethics and current issues

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Mass media talks about what important people are saying. Politicians can be important in the media. For example the
current presidential candidates. Their views on outsourcing are key for voters. Most politicians want to keep American
jobs American and this seems to pump people up. Bernie for example sees free trade agreements as negative because
they have allowed to many American Jobs oversees (link). Trump plans to impose tariffs on companies that outsource
(link), although these articles do not specifically talk about software outsourcing, software outsourcing is outsourcing
just like any other job. News companies such as Univision sometimes bring outsourcing in their reports. Again, it is not
necessarily about software outsourcing but outsourcing in general. Univision will bring up a topic then cast people that
talk about how bad losing jobs is. This ties with the general consensus that jobs in America should stay in America.
Outsourcing has been frowned upon by U.S. workers for years and there are many that argue that companies doing so
should be taxed. As stated in a 2007 article written by Businessweek magazine, if we dont have the strength as a
collective unit, we are doomed as a country. There was a time when outsourcing tech jobs to India was a thing to
do. It was said that their Computer Science programs were superior to that of the U.S. Its not until recently that
several U.S. companies have been lowering the amount of outsourced jobs and keeping the business within the states.
For many, the reasons are the same, such as: failure to meet expectations, desire for in house expertise, contractual
flexibility, and a highly skilled retained organization. There is a pattern that has been seen throughout the history of
the issue and its that outsourcing is temporary. The skills are here and in order to improve our economy and
employee moral, jobs need to stay on land.
The general consensus in America is that outsourcing equals job loss for Americans and thats it. Although jobs are
lost through outsourcing benefits are still reaped and quality of life improved. Major news outlets are also proponents
of the fallacy that almost all of the benefits of outsourcing are given exclusively to the large corporations. There is also
this common narrative in news stories that illustrate outsourcing as a commercial concept that is very unstable,
lawsuit filed, and greedy. In this article by the LA times, outsourcing is yet again painted as the cause of job loss in
America.(link). Another example can be seen here in this Fortune article about thousands of Verizon employees who
went on strike to fight against their jobs being outsourced (link). This article reinforces the bias against outsourcing in
America. If one were to compare European major news stories to those in America, regarding outsourcing, there
would be little to no stories that reinforce negative views on outsourcing but rather the benefits it entails.[5/18/2016 4:39:05 PM]

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Outsourcing developer jobs leaves new grads jobless.

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The question should be, who is not concerned with this issue? Obama, students, company executives, and as we
mentioned earlier, the presidential candidates. As a group, we are concerned as well. Students want jobs out of
college and knowing jobs in the tech industry are going off-shore is a problem. Students in UC Irvine are doing
cheap work for Orange County startups instead of having these startups offshore their work. Ray Chan, a manager
at one of these places said well at least stop the bleeding, referring to outsourcing of software jobs. Students in
these shops get payed anywhere between 10-20 dollars and they believe they are doing something good and gaining
experience. Obama is with the students. Obamas state of the Union addressed called for an end on tax deductions to
companies that outsource as well as lower tax rates to those companies that stay local. Companies can be on one side
or the other. there are those smaller companies that stay local in order to get more federal or state projects. Then
there are the Googles and Facebooks. The big companies. These big companies outsource because it saves them
money. Nikes Arora, the president of Global Sales and business development at google says we will move work
wherever excellence is demonstrated. Leading on to say that workers in india produce good enterprise work.
As mentioned earlier there are many people concerned with the issue. The attitude towards outsourcing changes with
ethnicity. How? Take Google for example. As stated in a PBS article written by Murrey Jacobsen, people of hispanic
decent consume two percent of all technical jobs and only one percent of hispanics have a leadership role at Google.
Its difficult for hispanics to get into a career thats mostly dominated by people with white and asian backgrounds.
The most difficult aspect is entering the tech industry knowing of the two percent and that someone in a different
country is more than happy to do the same job at a fraction of the cost. Its not only the minorities in the United
States but also the asians and whites that are affected. The popular viewpoints that to many jobs are being
outsourced is is viewed by all equally.
One of the major groups that comprise the opposing viewpoint are students. Students are taking on large amounts of
debt to pay off tuition. They are also spending four plus years in college just to be replaced by an offshore counterpart
once they graduate. The next group of people who are against off shoring are politicians like Timothy Bishop a
representative from New York who in 2013 proposed an anti-outsourcing bill. Another individual, a former employee of
an Indian outsourcing firm in San Francisco filed a class action lawsuit against their former company. The former
employee is accusing the company of favoritism toward people of south Asian descent in the United States. This is
backed up by the fact that 95% of the workforce is of South Asian descent. The firm is also being accused of taking
part of a practice that involves hiring an exorbitant of foreign workers and supplying them with H-1B visas to replace
many of the domestic workers. These individuals and groups disagree with outsourcing because it fundamentally
undermines their struggle towards the american dream. These people are being forced to take on work that they are
being underpaid for due to the influx of outsourcing in their field. In regards to the politicians, their reasons for
disagreeing could be to either boost their votes or actually help those professionals whose jobs are being outsourced.[5/18/2016 4:39:06 PM]

Ethical Perspectives

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Outsourcing developer jobs leaves new grads jobless.

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Cultural relativism is the principle of regarding the beliefs, values, and practices of a culture from the viewpoint of that
culture itself. In the case of outsourcing, cultural relativism is something that happens often because its legal. As a
culture we know its legal and profitable, so why not jump on the bandwagon? Businesses in the United States have
for years been capitalizing on the cheap labor they get by outsourcing jobs overseas. Many American workers frown on
the idea of outsourcing jobs. However, this can really help businesses grow in the early stages by allowing startups to
keep the important jobs in house while sending the smaller, less significant jobs overseas at a lower hourly rate.
Switching views to that of the overseas employee, this is very helpful. Being able to acquire projects from the U.S.
that is going to keep them busy helps strengthen families and countries. As a culture we outsource because we can.
Its legal, profitable, and allows us to allocate the money in other locations.
From a utilitarian view outsourcing/offshoring is not at all ethical depending on a few arguments. For example,
domestic companies that outsource jobs are not doing the greatest good for the greatest number, because their
domestic workers are are at a complete loss while the company gains. Although their domestic workers are out of a
job, their foreign workers are thriving and domestic consumers are reaping a majority of the benefits. Given this
contradicting view, one could say that outsourcing is overall the most ethically sound if seen as a true utilitarian. When
talking about outsourcing in relation to utilitarian perspectives scale matters. As scale can define wether outsourcing is
ethical or not depending on what greatest number one takes into account. One could also argue that that both foreign
countries and domestic countries are benefiting and it still matches the utilitarian view on the matter. To explore the
utilitarian view in more detail one has to look at the dichotomy that outsourcing provides to the utilitarian model. This
dichotomy is the fact that even though prices are cut there could still be major job loss and therefore high
unemployment rates. The unemployed could also possibly not be able to afford the goods regardless of price cuts.
This dichotomy struggles with the utilitarian view as it meets the requirements of helping a greater good but
sometimes its not realistic. Should hundreds of thousands of people have to go homeless or unemployed just to get
lower prices that they still cant afford? Its not a very logical approach. That is why it is important to explore different
ethical frameworks as the reality of things doesnt always agree with the rigidity of one framework.
Objectivism advocates self-interest , productiveness and self-responsibly to name a few. We are talking about job
outsourcing because we believe that if the trend continues, a lot of software developers will be without jobs in the
upcoming years, of course, while others gain those jobs. This is totally against objectivism. Some companies look to
outsourcing for better work ethic and product which would be considered objectivist. Those other companies that
outsource for cheaper work are acting in self interest. Objectivism is in favor of laissez-faire capitalism or limited
government. There have been hundreds of proposed laws to go against outsourcing although not many have passed.
As stated before, those that have passed simply give some job preference to those companies that stay local. Without
government intervention, more companies would probably outsource to stay away from taxation as well as less pay to
their workers which kind of goes against the self-interest part. We found this quote on Quora by Colin Foster that says
Theres always room in an industry for anyone whos willing to work more competently than the industry median.
This embodies objectivism. As a developer, if you put in the work and dedication to the field, you should not worry
about who companies are hiring or if jobs are leaving the country, your skills will land you a job.[5/18/2016 4:39:07 PM]


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Outsourcing developer jobs leaves new grads jobless.

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1. Policy Maker: Should there be a cap on percentage of tech jobs that are being outsourced in order to be considered
a US company?
I believe the job should go to the more skilled individual, but to prevent 100% outsourcing a cap should be defined
before its needed. A small cap of 10 - 20% seems ideal if the company is based in the US. A possible loophole is that
10 - 20% of a company could turn out to be the whole tech development team. This would make the tech team 100%
outsourced. To prevent this, the cap could be placed at the department level. - TV
I believe that a company can only outsource only up to 35% of its workforce only after interviewing all America based
job seekers.

2. User experience: Is it ethical for potential employees in the tech industry to have to be afraid of having their jobs
replaced by someone else outside of the country?
Depending on the type of tech job I think an individual should not have to worried about being replaced by an
individual outside of the country. I believe the job should go to the more skilled individual when its a job like
designing or developing. These are jobs that can be communicated through the internet and make them a fair world
wide market. In-house positions on the other hand should have priority on hiring individuals from within the same
country. - TV

3. As a project manager on a new product would you hire local employees that you can overwatch through the
process to make sure the product you are getting is what you want or would you outsource the project oversees to a
group of people that will charge you half the price?
As a project manager Id prefer having a physical team to manage because itll make some task easier, but if the
overseas group is more skilled (and not necessarily cheaper) I will work the extra effort to manage everyone online. TV

4. Theres 2 new music streaming apps that come out, both with similar features and functionality. One charges $5 a
month and the other charges $6 a month. Which do you choose? You find out the software for the $5 app was written
in India while the other app what produced here, does that change your choice?
The app store is a worldwide market. If both applications have the same features and functionality Id buy the one
with better user experience, customer support, and higher update frequency. The origin of the development doesnt
really play into the purchase. - TV[5/18/2016 4:39:07 PM]

Future Challenges

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Outsourcing developer jobs leaves new grads jobless.

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It is without a doubt that outsourcing will continue to be used as an effective way for companies to attain affordable
labor, within the next 5 years. There has been billions of dollars invested in expanding tech outsourcing and have seen
no signs of slowing. Stanton Jones of ISG, a market intelligence and advisory services company, reported that over
$100 billion worth of outsourcing contracts would be renegotiated in 2016 ( link). Currently, there has been very little
published about the most recent outlook of outsourcing within the next 5 to 10 years. Although not much has been
published there has been a trend that has been gaining momentum and that has been growth in tech. One of the only
forecasts is published by a facility services company ISS. In this report they highlight five key developments in
outsourcing for the year 2020 ( link). These developments can be summarized as efforts to optimize offshore work
through means of more sophisticated technology and strategic organizational decisions. Another point that is
highlighted in this forecast is the movement away from simply driving cost down and focusing more on strategy to
increase performance. The way these strategic organizational decisions will be approached will be through various
means of sourcing, it will no longer enough just to pass on the work to a company of in-house workers. The sourcing
methods that were mentioned in the forcecast were crowdsourcing, solution sourcing, network sourcing, co-sourcing,
and mesh sourcing. In this same forecast ISS conducted polls from various companies who outsource and in one poll
76% of the companies believed outsourcing will be more used more overall. No other claims were made beyond the
year 2020 in the forecast by ISS. It is difficult to say what will happen in 10 to 50 years but it could be that
outsourcing will be used less as the economy becomes more globalized to which point offshoring holds little to no
benefits. To people who getting their jobs outsourced in the US the next 5 years could be a problem but overall many
more people will benefit through reduced costs of goods or higher wages, that is if you live in a country where the
labor is being sourced. Although, in 10 to 50 years this growth is more than likely to settle due to the natural
competitiveness of the labor market.
As time progresses there are more and more jobs being outsourced overseas. According to an article on Statistics
Brain, there were 2,382,000 jobs outsourced in 2015. Of those jobs, 211,700 were computer programmers / software
engineers adding up to $14,400,000,000 in lost wages. Outsourcing affects all Americans regardless of location. The
two U.S. metro areas with the highest risk of jobs being outsourced are San Jose at 18% and San Francisco at 16.5%.
The top reasons why companies outsourced their jobs are to reduce or control costs, gain access to IT resources
unavailable internally, and improve business or customer focus.
To solve software outsourcing we can have the government impose new laws which will not be so helpful or we can
better ourselves. As stated before laws for higher taxes to those who operate overseas and preference to those who
stay local are already being used. Companies continue to outsource despite high taxes and local preferences such as
google. This means the cost to outsource is less expensive than the cost of taxes and local laws. As David stated, the
government could impose a law that only lets a company outsource a certain amount of jobs. Say for example "a
company is only allowed to outsource 15% of it's positions". Therefore a new company in California could have 1000
employees and out of those 1000, 150 could be working from India or Korea to give an example. This law would be
hard to come by, 1/3 Apple employees is from India. This statistic holds true in their software department. The reason
being that the cost to hire engineers from India is more cost-effective and also they produce good work. Good work is
the key, A google VP also said that they assign work to whom best produces it. This is where the "better ourselves"
option comes into play. Students need to put a lot of effort to be competitive both in school and out of school. An
article in Forbes by Egor Markov says "there arent enough strong students going into Computer Science (possibly,
because there arent enough strong students overall)". It is true that there a lot of computer science positions open in
the US and more that will open up, but the ones that put in the effort are the ones that will get these jobs.[5/18/2016 4:39:08 PM]

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Outsourcing developer jobs leaves new grads jobless.

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Alonso - One of the factors of why I chose computer science as my major, apart from liking tech and engineering, was
the prospect of high pay and a very good opportunities. The CSin3 program promised an internship during the
summer and a good chance of a job after graduation. Thankfully they kept their promise and a lot of us in the cohort
are gonna be graduating with jobs or with good good chances of landing one. I did not really think of outsourcing as a
problem until we did this paper. On the most recent research that I did, I read that outsourcing will not only produce
more jobs in other markets, it could potentially lower the pay here overall in the US. As other countries such as India
produce more workers, they will request higher pay, in order for America to stay competitive, they will have to accept
a lower wage. I do not really like the sound of that. This means that potentially in the future, it will be harder to find a
job and computer science might not pay as much. But then again, this is just speculation.
What I did like was that google and apple outsource not only because a lower wage, but also because of quality work.
If a student or worker knows his stuff he will find a job. Take for example some of my classmates who put in a lot of
effort and dedication, they landed top jobs in San Jose and San Francisco. Never did they worry about outsourcing.
This is how I feel about it, although I am not really worried about the issue, it has raised my awareness about it. I do
think however that some political changes should happen. One could be limiting a US based company to a certain
outsourcing number. Also, coders should be more aware of the potential problem. Just like myself, there are many
others out there who dont even consider outsourcing a possible problem.
David - I feel that computer science plays an important role in society. We need people to analyze data, create
databases so the data has a home, developers to make it accessible, and people to make the different devices talk to
each other. As society progresses the need for more developers increases and as well as the need for talent.
As I started this paper I came in slightly biased. If I had to explain my bias Id say it was because Im CS major in
with an emphasis in software engineering and outsourcing directly affects me. As I researched and researched through
countless books and articles I learned that outsourcing helps out many families. Many people benefit from outsourcing
and in the beginning stages of development it can be very useful and cost beneficial.
Whats beautiful about our country is that we have the ability to outsource. Its a choice we have and an option we
can take advantage of. There are many talented people outside the U.S. that can do the same job at such a lower
cost. The only recommendation I have for future social and political changes are that there be a strict set of policies
for outsourcing tech jobs. Whether it be tax cuts to those who keep it local or restrictions on how much is outsourced,
something needs to change and I believe it needs to start now.
Daniel - Personally I have no problem with outsourcing, I believe that overall the industry will adjust due to the way
competitive labor markets work. I completely understand that yes in the future my pay as a Software Engineer may be
less and yes I may be out of the job or have trouble acquiring one. Although these ideas may seem bad at face value,
time changes in demand jobs and people need to learn to adapt to changing economies. Outsourcing is only a
temporary problem I believe as globalization reaches a boiling point and the market adjusts. Currently, I dont believe
outsourcing to be such a problem as a majority of the work is still sourced domestically. My only concern would be,
the hiring practices of companies who fire their domestic workers and bring cheaper labor domestically.I didnt always
believe outsourcing was overall a good thing, until I took a macroeconomics course where I learned about many of
the attributes that influence changes in the economy.
Even with what Ive learned it is almost impossible to actually predict what will happen. It could be possible that
outsourcing becomes the primary source of labor in my profession and I lose my livelihood. My only suggestion would
be that professionals do not simply specialize but strive to learn new skills outside of their profession. Another
suggestion I would make, is that politicians/media should not write or preach stories about outsourcing being a
fundamentally bad idea for the United States. Finally, I implore the reader to take the time and become familiar with
some basic concepts of the economy. Most importantly one should understand the dynamic between outsourcing and
the economy therefore becoming an informed person about the realities of outsourcing. One cannot always rely on
politicians/news to be accurate when speaking on a complex subject such as this.[5/18/2016 4:39:08 PM]

My Reflections[5/18/2016 4:39:08 PM]

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