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Rafika, 61111008, 2011. The Corelation sleep quality with Blood Pressure PT
Amber Karya complex industrial facilities point block A no. 1-2 Batam Centre
Batam Island Indonesia in 2014. Thesis. The medical faculty of the University of
Background: Quality of sleep is a state of sleep that a person lived individuals
produce freshness and fitness when awakened. Poor sleep quality has been linked
to poor health to poor quality sleep can lead to a variety of risk factors of
hypertension occurs. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship
of sleep quality with blood pressure on the employes of PT.
Methods: The method of sampling is random sampling with a total sample of 82
employees of Amber Karya, the criteria are experiencing shif work. To assess the
quality of sleep, all respondents were distributed a questionnaire to be answered
Blood pressure checks first time. Blood pressure checks respondents using
sphygmomanometer and stethoscope. From questionnaires distributed calculated
total score of each sample. It says a good sleep quality if the score is 0-21 and
poor sleep quality if the score > 21. File analysis consisted of univariate and
bivariate analysis using SPSS.
Results: This study showed that the obtained good quality sleep blood pressure
<140 24 (100.0%) and systolic blood pressure 140 0 (0.0%) and poor systolic
blood pressure <140 32 (55.2%) and systolic blood pressure 140 26 (44.8%)
and good sleep quality diastolic blood pressure < 90 20 (83,3%) and 90 4
(16,7%) poor sleep quality diastolic blood pressure < 90 0 (0,0%) and 90 58
(100,0%) of the total sample. showed that there were significant differences in
systolic and diastolic blood pressure according to the quality of sleep on
employees of Amber Karya Batam Centre (p > 0.1).
Conclusion: There is a significant difference in blood pressure on employees of
Amber Karya good quality sleep and poor sleep quality.

Keyword : Sleep Quality, Blood Pressure

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