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This is the simple rich text version (below).

You can use this with Evernote, Word, or

some other rich text word processor.

What did I do yesterday?

mencoba huruf verdana 14

What lessons did I learn?

What am I thankful for right now?

How am I feeling right now?

What did I read today?

What are my plans for today?

What one thing must I accomplish today?

This is the multi markdown version (below). You can use this with Day One, Scrivener,
or some other multi markdown editor. This is the exact text I have in Typinator. When I
type ~JE, it expands to the text below.

# Yesterday
*What did I do yesterday?*
*What lessons did I learn?*
--# Now
*What am I thankful for right now?*

*How am I feeling right now?*

--# Today
*What did I read today?*

*What are my plans for today?*

*What one thing must I accomplish today?*

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