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Juan Rodriguez

What is cancer?
Cancer is a disease in which
abnormal cells divide
uncontrollably, without
stopping and spread into
surrounding tissues.

Most common types of cancer:

Cancer can occur almost anywhere in the human body. There's over
100 different types of cancer, and are generally named for the organs
or tissues where they start, but the most presented are
Carcinoma are the most common types of cancers. They are formed by epithelial
Sarcoma are cancers that are form in the bone and soft tissues, including muscle
fat blood vessels and fibrous tissue

Leukemia cancers that begin in the blood and bone marrow; which produce white
blood cells.
Lymphoma cancers that begin in lymphocytes such as T and B cells.

How does cancer arises?

Cancer is a genetic disease that is caused by changes to the genes
that control the cell cycle. Genetic changes can either be inherited
from our parents or can arise as a result of mutated or damaged
DNA that can be triggered by certain environmental exposure, such
as chemicals or UV light from the sun.

Why does the immune system not

kill cancer cells?
When a person is healthy the number of cells is controlled by our
body, creating or destroying a cell is carefully controlled. If any cell
starts to multiply continuously or in the wrong part of the body, it is
immediately stopped from growing or forced into suicide.
Nonetheless, cancer cells alter or ignore these instructions as a result
they continue to grow and multiply.

The most beneficial treatments for cancer are:
Surgery-can be used to take out the cancer. The doctor might take out
some or all of the tissue or organ the cancer affect.
Chemotherapy-use of drugs to slow the growth or kill cancer cells, by either
a pill or needle. Chemotherapy is useful to treat cancer that spreads
quickly because the drug travels to nearly all parts of the body.
Radiation- is the use of gamma rays/x-ray, or by a radioactive material
placed inside the body. High energy radiation shrinks, slows down
reproduction of cancer or kills it.

However these treatments may not ensure that cancer will disappear
and can cause some side effects.

Effects of cancer
Effects of cancer may be temporary or permanent and is
associated with either cancer itself or its treatment. Some
cancer effects include:
Hair loss

Swelling in the arms, legs, and face
Decrease in physical ability
Wight loss or weight gain

Cell cycle

G0: checkpoint in the cell cycle to see is stable to go through mitosis.

G1: cells grows and replicates their organelles.
S-phase: DNA replication.
G2: Additional growth.
Prophase: nucleus dissolves and chromosomes fold.
Metaphase: chromosomes line up in the middle.
Anaphase: chromosomes are pulled apart.
Telophase: 2 nuclear membrane form.

Cytokinesis: cell divides; forms two identical daughter cells

Cancer cells do not go through G0 so they continue the cell cycle

uncontrollably that creates tumors.

Structure of Cancer cells

Cancer cell usually change
a significant amount
depending on the type of
cancer a person has.
However most cancer cells
are characterized by
having a large nucleus, the
nuclei is prominent, and
having an irregular size
and shape. They also have
a scarce cytoplasm and is
intensely colored or pale.

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