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Safe Technology Universal Medical Partner (STUMP)

Sponsored by Greg Weaver, Matt Zwinge

CEO Doug Dang
Vice President Yui Shimokobe
Director of Research and Development Haley Saffarinia
Chief Financial Officer Jackie Chang
Director of Records and Marketing Amanda Tran
Leading Protection of Communities Abroad (LPCA)
April 12, 2016

Our product, the Safe Technology Universal Medical Partner (STUMP), is a mechanism
that will be used to track the physical, numerical, and intake health of an individual or family.
There is no product in the market that compares to the comprehensive functionality of STUMP
nor is one as compact and inclusive in terms of physical space and taking into account all aspect
of ones health. The specific personalization that consumers will receive from the STUMP will
allow people to track their health on a regular basis while being able to access a medical database
and to input daily diets or estimated caloric and nutritional intakes.
The STUMP is a product that is aimed to be a staple in every middle class family. It is
not a necessity, but is notably helpful to families who may be unknowledgeable about medical
needs or conditions. It is also designed to improve the health consciousness of the public;
nationally, the health conscious movement is growing and this product will join the current trend.
This product stands alone in terms of quality as well. Despite immaculate planning of the
physical machine, program, and database, the STUMP will be the most effective by nature due to
its personalization. Every persons health norm is different--a notion that the STUMP supports
by comparing health records to a person on a regular basis to past recordings rather than national
averages that account for national averages that do not necessarily correlate with the
healthfulness of a person.
The Safe Technology Universal Medical Partner (STUMP) is designed to allow people to
monitor their health in an accessible, affordable, and reliable manner. The goal of the STUMP is
to allow children, adults, and families to take their blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature,
weight, and diet. The STUMP is an all-in-one contraption that will provide all the components to
accomplish these tasks in one mechanism. Additionally, the STUMP will record data from each

use and monitor increased, decreased, or stagnant changes of nutrition and health. If there are
irregularities, the STUMP will generate a list of possible diagnoses that correlate with respective
concerns and output a list of possible remedies. The STUMP will allow people to be health
conscience, joining the current national movement in this field; moreover, the STUMP will save
consumers money by allowing them to diagnose their own benign illnesses without going to the
doctor's office.

Visiting the doctor or physician for a routine checkup or for an impromptu irregularity
has become more taboo has years have progressed. A census done in 2001 by New York Times
reported that people from ages 18-64 visited the doctor about 4.8 times in one year. Another
recent study done by the same organization revealed that Americans aged 18-64 visit the doctor
3.9 times in a year, a dramatic decrease in a mere nine years. It seems that the decrease in doctor
visits are indicative of a social shift or public phenomena. Routine visits to the doctor have been
a part of American lives since birth, so it raises the question of why the visits are generally
dropping. In these same polls that gather the data in the first place, reasons by patrons were cited
as not having the money to spend on regular checkups combined with not feeling a huge need to
apply the necessary funds to checkups as opposed to leisure items or savings. The impression
from the study is that Americans feel as though the entire checkup experience is not worthwhile,
whether it be viewed as a chore to monitor ones health or a meaningless endeavor to visit the
doctor for reassurance that our bodies will recover from a temporary illness.
There is a notable difference between visiting the doctor for a routine checkup and
worrying about a possible illness. Routine checkups are useful to sense long-term effects of
current health patterns; no galvanizing breakthroughs or worries typically resort from a checkup.
However, if one is worried about a cough or sickness that oneself or ones child or family is
suffering from and they visit the doctor, many, up to 30% of the demographic leaves with
unnecessary drugs and prescriptions. The function of drugs to help our bodies combat illnesses
quicker, but also more artificially. The reason why people are granted prescriptions, even though
regular liquids and rest will have the same effect, is that when people got the doctors they
expect to leave with reassurance they he or she will return to normal soon as well as a

mechanism or diagnosis to make him or her feel better. When a patient is feeling uncomfortable
and drags their body into the doctors office, they expect more advice than simply drinking more
fluids and get a good nights resthenceforth, that is where light, unnecessary drugs come in.
This practice is common and dangerous to peoples long term health and reduces the effectivity
of specific drugs in times of actual need.
Straying from the quantitative analysis of health, the public is becoming increasingly
more health conscious about the food we eat and the effect that we have on the environment and
surroundings. Documentaries such as Supersize Me, Digital Food, and the Superhuman
series have revolutionized the attitude viewers have towards fast food and not organic foods.
People are actively searching for localized ingredients and organic foods in the grocery stores, as
much as a budget will allow, and more people continue to want to make a difference in the food
they eat. People talking about the cause, and making lifestyle changes are evident in the amount
of vegetarians and vegans in the United States. In a study done by Harris Interactive in 2010, and
estimated 1.9% of the population identifies as vegetarian. 10.2% of the vegetarians further
identify as vegan. These numbers do not dominate the majority, but have significantly raised
over the years. The number of vegetarians have double in the decade prior while the number of
vegans tripled. People care about what they are eating, the industries that are supported through
buying their products, and many have made the decision to make the lifestyle choice to detach
themselves from the businesses.
From a technological and media standpoint, health is a persistent aspect of the markets.
New technology and slim-quick drugs are developed and marketed to unassuming people who
are trying to reach their idealistic body image. In the media, the idolization of thin, beautiful
models further instills the goals in peoples minds to become thin. No matter what mechanism of

routine is taken to achieve the perfect body and lifestyle, it all related to health. Health is the
basis for all of these businesses and notions. While people are trying to reach their ultimate goal,
every actions relates back to health consciousness.
Despite the ideal image of our bodies, slim female models and buff male idols, there is
concurrent movement that is popularized by the current youth about loving ones body as is.
Aside from the self-esteem factor the movement promotes, logical proponents as well as
opponents see the value of maintaining ones health simultaneously. Acknowledging ones
natural curves or body structure is beneficial to ones confidence, but is unrelated to overall
health. Nonetheless, no matter what philosophy on health or body image one has, it is all related
to maintaining health and health consciousness. There is a gap in the market for an adaptable
resource that is versatile enough to be individualized in addition to well-rounded.
Whether or not one visits the doctor regularly so that vital statistics and intimate
observations can be made by a professional source, personal monitoring ones health is crucial in
maintaining a healthful lifestyle and deterring possible health issues later in life. Especially in
circumstances in which one is predisposed to a certain disease or condition, it is even more
imperative that their health is closely monitored in the event of an unforeseen event occurring.
Having a home medical device such as a blood pressure monitor is important for people who
suffer from a predisposition to diabetes of even have type 1 diabetes. Having a tool to check
blood pressure regularly and adjust accordingly makes having the condition more bearable and
less threatening. For example, if blood pressure increases too much for a person with diabetes,
insulin supplements can be taken immediately to deter a more serious ordeal from evolving.
Moreover, if a person has a mere predisposition to diabetes, he or she is able to observe a slight,
steady increase in average blood pressure and adjust their lifestyle accordingly or contact a

doctor occasionally and informatively, rather than frantically, blind-sighted, and often every time
a slight irregularity occurs. People who are under conditions such as these are given appropriate
time to react and adjust, rather than being helpless.
The STUMP is a personal health monitoring device that features medical measuring tools
that quantify ones health in organized statistics based on personal health trends and inputted
data. Quantities such as blood pressure, temperature, heartbeat, weight, and height are all
measured and recorded into an online application service that will allow people to access past
health records through a mere login into an app on their phone. The STUMP app will also feature
warnings and signals if there seems to be a quantity that strays for the norm. The signals will
generate a possible issue with ones health that matches with imputed symptoms as well as
possible remedies and treatments.
The STUMP will reduce the needs for consistent trips to the doctor for minor
irregularities are allow parents and children to be reassured about natural health discrepancies
and learn more about their familys health. The STUMP application will also allow people to
track nutritional and caloric intakes throughout the day. The tracking of calories will encourage
people to eat better and be more motivated to stay on a health kick or diet if exact values are
quantitatively and visually tracked and expressed. With this tool, meals can be better planned for
and decisions about what to eat will be more balanced and easier to make.
Across the nation, health consciousness is affecting people deriving from all walks of life
and has seeped into the minds of parents and the ways their children are raised. Marketing
ingredients as organic, harm-free, pesticide-free foods cause a businesss product to be featured
as beneficial for families and children. Researchers and sociologists develop and test theories
based on human actions when it comes to our diets and exercise, and whether faux or not, many

make headlines as to the effectiveness of health trends. The STUMP is a physical, tangible,
manifestation of the medical monitoring world and will infiltrate families revolutionize their
approaches to health in a concrete, quantitative, observable mannerlike an ally through
healthful living.
The STUMP is useful for more than diet, weight, and BMI though, the product features
temperature checkers and blood pressure monitors as well as the diet recorder and regimen. The
tracking feature and medical illness and suggestion database are equivocated in usefulness to
family life as the diet aspect. When a child gets a cold or has stomach aches, the STUMP can act
as an immediate screen for a possible root cause for the irregularity, rather than spending
unnecessary time, energy and money going to the nurse or physicians office.
In this progressive era, health is a disputed factor in peoples lives that has a plethora of
ideologies behind it. The STUMP is a mechanism that can be utilized in a versatile enough way
that all the personal beliefs become irrelevant and the tool itself is universal. People who are
constantly in need for reassurance about health can gain the same comfort through the STUMP
rather than paying money and wasting time to visit the doctor just to be prescribed with
potentially dangerous and unnecessary drugs. People who are health conscious for social or
environmental reasons can monitor their altered diet and ensure that they are maintaining their
health in addition to their morality. People who strive to achieve the perfect bodies of models
and idols as well as people who opt to love their bodies without change are both praised and
equally monitored by the STUMP and its personalized program.
The STUMP is designed to dramatically reduce the need to excessively visit the doctor,
but is no way intended to replace a doctor. For example, a person who is predisposed to diabetes
can use the STUMP to catch early signs of a developing condition soon and early enough to

adapt. Conversely, a person who has a predisposition to certain types of cancer can get regular
colonoscopies to check for early signs of cancer. This is not a feature of the STUMP. The
STUMP is a partner to watch for early signs of certain conditions and can offer guidance and
advice, but cannot offer physical treatment or drug prescriptions.

Across the United States and the globe, patrons are becoming more conscious about their
health. Ranging from the food we intake to the exercise we do and even the origins of the
ingredients we cook with, people want to be kin complete control over their health and lifestyle.
On main contributor in helping people take initiative to track and monitor their health is
technology. Health and diet applications via phones and tablets, as well as motivational fitness
videos and Internet idols for fitness are successfully penetrating the markets and are becoming
massively successful. With this persisting trend on the rise, we have developed our product, the
Safe Technology Universal Medical Partner, otherwise known as STUMP. The STUMP is a
quantitative medical monitoring device that uses an individualized approach to personal medical
care, body statistic tracking, and daily diet planning. This tool is imperative for families and
children living through the health movement and will drastically and notably improve the
association children have with their own personal health.
The STUMP is personalized and is tailored for specific individuals in a variety of
circumstances. Existing applications and doctor results are compared to a wide audience of
people who are not necessarily under the same bodily or health conditions as another specific
person. Additionally, the STUMP features an all-in-one, comprehensive aspect to the product
which allows children in particular to be provoked by a single, reliable partner, rather than a
conglomerate of mechanized tools that are all intended to measure a childs health. Personalized
goals and data collection make the product more personal and more applicable to ones life,
which makes goals more attainable and people more motivated to reach them.
As the STUMP stay with families and children, the product will become a part of a daily
and weekly routine to measure health while simultaneously socializing children to be conscious

about their health. If children begin tracking their health from a young age, then the habits will
continue to adulthood and will result in a visual, quantitative health understanding and
thoughtfulness. Similarly, middle-aged adults and onto the elderly will benefit from tracking
their generic, basic health statistics and will allow them to catch signs of unknown irregularities
early and adjust accordingly. The STUMP is a health ally that will be a staple partner to children,
adults, and families alike.
There are products that currently exist that perform part of the overall tasks that the
STUMP is programmed to accomplish. They also lack the one focal appeal of the STUMP,
which is personalization. Two existing home gadgets that track one aspect of human health each
are high-end scales and diet applications via phone or tablet. Neither of these devices are
synchronized with one another, nor do they conglomerate into one functional mechanism;
henceforth, the STUMP is incomparable in comprehensive capability and effectiveness.
Moreover, competing devices do not tell a user what the numerical values should be interpreted
asgood, bad, or averageand the few that do only compare a persons health to national
averages, not personal discrepancies. This practice allures to healthy people being defined as
overweight or irregular, when they are healthy in reality. With the STUMP people will feel more
secure, comfortable, and informed about their own health. The STUMP can measure ones health
in comparison to personal trends and personal norms rather than general numbers for people of a
variety of special cases.
More people are becoming more health conscious, which lends to more advanced,
personalized technology for one to take care of ones health. Health movements and tools used to
aid in maintaining ones health and diet have a designated spot in the present market. In Apples
application store, there are over 100,000 apps that are currently available and dedicated to diet

and exercise trends, records, and regimens alone. Many are endorsed by celebrities, athletes, and
personalities, and many fade away into useless oblivion because they never catch on to trends.
The STUMP differs from these generic applications because of the versatility that it withholds.
Not only does the STUMPs application apply to diet and caloric intake, but it takes measurable
statistics from reality and connects them to one database that profiles a person. Additionally, it is
a web source that will help people find remedies to possible illnesses all on one interface. The
combination of all these products and streamlining them for one person to use easily is another
appeal on its own.
Our product is useful for people of all ages and will appeal to all demographics with a
special focus on children and families. Children and teenagers can be taught to monitor their
health starting early in their lives, which not only allows them to see the physical and immediate
data and the trends, but will teach health consciousnessa life skill that will be useful
throughout adulthood. Middle-aged adults as well as parents will be interested in a product such
as the STUMP because it will track any possible irregularities or red flags in health norms early
on, as well as eliminate the enduring need for increasingly regular check-ups with a physician, a
dying trend anyways. In addition to practicality, our product has financial benefits by cutting the
overall medical cost for people and families. Going to the doctors office for a minor health
irregularity such as a cold costs excessive money and the benefit is minute. The STUMP will
notably reduce the need to visit the doctor regularly for minor sicknesses. Through the STUMP,
people can monitor their own health statistics and adjust their lifestyles accordingly. The mobile
app enables people to search for health advice and possible illnesses that relate to relevant

Moving forward, the STUMP has massive potential to become well-versed and more
comprehensive. In the future, bloodwork and analysis can be added to safely allow people to get
their bloodwork done quickly and from home. Current difficulties include sanctioning for a
dangerous project such as this as well as appropriate testing procedure as well as sterilization and
user procedure. Enabling the STUMP to analyze the blood of an individual would make the
product more helpful in catching early, on-set conditions or diseases approaching a person.
Financially speaking, the STUMP is prime in comparison to the costliness of overly
regular doctors visits. Healthfully speaking, the STUMP is an ally to monitoring ones health, a
partner in offering health, nutritional, and lifestyle advice, and a beneficiary in fostering health
consciousness in youth and adults. Morally speaking, the versatility of the STUMP support
people from all lifestyles, income level, and philosophical backgrounds. Personally speaking, the
individuality of the program is unique and separates and recommends specific regimens for
specific people of varied backgrounds. The STUMP will fill the lifestyle markets with an allinclusive, all-in-one product that will be omnipotent in peoples medical lives.

Current demand for health tracking devices is increasingly leading to a similar expansion
in the health market. In the past few years, the trend to become more health conscious has
become a national phenomenon. With the rise of social media platforms, people are becoming
inspired by fitness trainers and personal motivators to become more healthful. The trend has led
to a stark increase of sales in personalized medical devices and phone applications. The
importance of healthful living has become a prominent factor in the lives of people.
As people strive to become more health conscious, people want to have more control
over the products they buy and consume. Organic food has become a trend across the nation
would buy products that are more environmentally friendly, friendly to their bodies, and
supportive of positive, healthful living. The graph below exemplifies the increase in sales that the
organic food industry has benefited from in recent years1. The rate of growth remains
continuously positive and increasing by billions of dollars annually.

Corresponding with the growth in organic food sales there is an increase in personal
health products sales. Despite the decrease in the markets growth, the overall market is still
positive and growing, composing a multi-billion dollar business. Both customer surveys and raw
number sales indicate that these kinds of health tracking devices, similar to the STUMP and the

pairing application, are notably helpful in allowing people to be able to have a more
comprehensive understanding of their health. In the graph below, the health and fitness
application industry are growing in usage at almost twice the speed as applications in general2.

Demographic information of similar health tracking devices to STUMP indicate that
there is a great trend in the purchase of these products with women, especially in the 35-54 age
group (potential audience to market towards). Similar products to STUMP such as Jawbone, a
health-tracking application, have shown to have great popularity, high sales, and have become
valuable devices for many, especially those who are more health conscious. This information
therefore indicates that there is the potential ability for STUMP to succeed as a product. In
addition to the feats and success Jawbone has already achieved, STUMP features a physical
representation and an interactive system that will provide even more ease in addition to control
and knowledgeability of ones health.
As products of Jawbone become successful, other producers have attempted to break the
market, but have failed in creating an innovation that adds another layer to other existing
products. After analyzing the numbers of competing products, the STUMP has the competitive
edge as compared to other products deriving from its well-roundedness and comprehensive
outlook on health.

Challenges for the STUMP root in the uncertainty of the publics reception of the
STUMP in department stores. Places such as Walmart, Target, Costco, and medical supply stores
can easily carry the product and add it as a staple to the generally consumed repertoire. What is
difficult is how to make the product jump off shelves, since it is an investment, not an impulsive
purchase. Because of this challenge, we hold more power over creating a price for STUMP
geared more towards families and parents rather than skimming individuals; hence, the
challenges with buyer power are easily overcome and corrected for, resulting in potential for a
powerful product commercially. As for obtaining the materials to assemble STUMP, the
supplier power is in the medium-high range due to our need for certain devices rather than
simple, raw materials; items sold in bulk may help reduce the cost of the materials we need. The
main step in creating the STUMP from a producers perspective is assembling previously made
products and doing the coding to ensure that the product run cohesively and smoothly.
Additionally the development of the app needs to be up-to-date and work well with the physical
product. Our companys barrier to entry of the market is perceived as low. Though the at-home
medical device scene is diverse, there is no product which encompasses more than one device in
its design. There are also no governmental issues or restrictions that limit our plans to date; in the
future following hopeful success with the original STUMP, we can expand our product and
venture into medical areas such as blood work at the home. There are no other companies that
market a product such as ours, but there are many companies which offer the singular medical
devices, so there will not be apparent need to lower prices and compete too aggressivelywe are
able to market the STUMP for its ability and perceived deal in being comprehensive with
external features. We believe that our product will be able to be profitable in this existing

There will be both fixed and variable costs concerned with our product in the areas of the
product, services, product line, and consumers. Fixed costs include administrative overhead, the
amount of money given to the direct laborers, and warranty claims. Variable costs would entail
the cost of materials and supplies, staff wages, bonuses, taxes, cost of the product to the
consumer, returns, discounts from distributing locations, and credits for our company and
consumers. None of these costs are demeaning to the success of the STUMP.
The STUMP will be distributed through retail organizations such as Wal-Mart, Target,
and Costco as well as LPCA itself. The product is marketed towards families with children;
selling the STUMP in retail and department stores will create a more direct outlet between our
company and our product and consumers as well as boost our recognition as a home care
product. As we progress into the future, our current main idea for expansion is developing a
blood testing mechanism that goes along with the STUMP marketed towards middle aged to
older adults. Looking forward with this development, both the STUMP and new extensions can
be marketed with one another and will expand our market to people who are a part of a family
and people with special conditions such as diabetes or high cholesterol and need to maintain their
bloodwork statistics constantly. Moreover, the blood works development will grow our brand
and show that the STUMP is even more versatile and contains the ability to grow and achieve
greater. The STUMP has notable channel power since the product will be sold directly to
customers or through retail ventures. The product is an investment, so the ticket price will range
from about $80 to $130 depending on the store and the progression of our business.
An emerging trend across the nation and the globe is health consciousness. With this
movement, the STUMP will allow families to teach their children how to be health conscious as
well as increase awareness for a childrens health early on in their lives. Children will take away

valuable skills in managing and maintaining their health and use the knowledge from the
STUMP for the entirety of their lives. This marketing angle with allow the STUMP to garner the
attention of concerned parents in a world consumed by fast food and encapsulated by unhealthful
influences. There are personal home health monitoring systems in existence, but the STUMP
features an all-in-one, personalized edge that dilutes possible competitors. There is no other
product that will adjust to each consumers lifestyle and personal norms as well as the STUMP.
In instances when a consumer visits a doctor, much of the information can be up to one or more
years out of date as an adult or months out of date for a child. Too many times, there are people
who are blindsided by irregularities that go deeper than mere weight gain or external outbreaks.
Through the STUMP, people will have constant maintenance over their health and realize any
irregularities that may raise hazardous flags sooner rather than later and will judge ones health
based off of their own past statistics rather than national averages, which do not necessarily
define every person. In addition to the personalized view on health, the STUMP is holistic and
comprehensive. There is no other product that combines as many health factors to profile a
persons health other than the doctors officewhich is unrealistic to visit every day without
reason. From blood pressure to weight to nutrition to body temperature, the STUMP is a tool to
enhance adult, child, and family life.
The graph below reveals that the cost to buy health insurance is skyrocketing, which
forces people to either get rid of their health care or pay incredibly large installments of money
to upkeep it3.

Many factors influence the rise of trends in the United States market scene. In the past
year of 2015, the stock market dropped, which has had minor effects on the productivity growth
and decay starting the next year. The Chinese stock market crashed, which, in turn, had a large
effect on everyone because around 1,400 companies halted trading in order to prevent losses.
Hence, the labor and product production industry of the United States has been severely affected
in terms of outputting goods. Creating a company such as LPCA with a focal product that is the
STUMP will be predisposed by these factors if outsourcing our labor is the original goal.
Thankfully, in the start of the new year, the market has regained significance and is back on track
to success. The STUMP does not require human labor to assemble, so each unit can be
manufactured using carefully-crafter machinery to cut production costs.
Our application has been programmed using Java language, program JavaFX. In the
future, LPCA plans on researching into technology that will automatically upload information
taken by devices that are connected to the STUMP to the application itself. Thus far, the
application is created and graphs over time can be generated to show the progression of ones
health. Additionally, we have created the beginnings of a reliable medical database of symptoms
and diagnoses that result from possible concerns deriving from ones health. Moreover, the
structure of the STUMP has been created and finalized; it is a foam built, light-weight, vessel

that will house the necessary gadgets that correspond to our STUMP product. The personalized
component to the product and application pair appeals to the playfulness of the products
The STUMP is innately unique and faces limited challenges. The product is current and
is applicable to current, health conscious times; henceforth, the product will be marketable and a
new family staple. The resources to create the STUMP are not outrageously expensive nor hard
to find, but the value behind the product and the general utility of the app in addition to it is
notable and will reflect through our products success. The product is not as cheap as a scale or a
heart rate monitor, but is competitive in a holistic mannerthe price of each physical component
will total over the price of the STUMP and will lack the personalization aspect as well as the
application to maintain personal data. The financial edge will appeal to people of any family the
visits the doctor regularly from any income level. Additionally, the technology behind the
product is refined and advanced as well as applicable to everyday life. The STUMP will raise
health consciousness and become a useful health education and monitoring tool for all
consumers who care for their own and their familys health.

1. "Organic Food Retailers." N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2016.
2. "Health and Fitness Apps Finally Take Off, Fueled by Fitness Fanatics." Flurry Insights Blog.
N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2016.
3. "How Much Does a Usual Visit to the Doctor's Office Cost in the US?" - Quora. N.p., n.d.
Web. 17 Mar. 2016.

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