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Don't say: The man was absorbed --------in-------- his work.

She accused the man -------of------ stealing.

The man was charged --------with------ murder.
I'm accustomed ---------to--------- hot weather.
He is used --------to-------- the heat.
Laura is afraid -------of------------ the dog.
She aimed --------at--------- the target,
Use the preposition at to denote direction, throw at, shout
at, fire
at, shoot at. Shoot (without the at) means to kill He shot a
bird (= he hit
and killed it)
The teacher was angry -------with---------- him.
He was angry ------at---------The weather 'not with the
Also annoyed with, vexed with, indignant with a person,
but at
a thing.
'They're anxious -----about-------------- his health.
Noie Anxious meaning wishing very much lakes for Parents
are anxious for their children's success.
We arrived ----------at--- the village at night.
Mr Smith has arrived ---------in---------- London (or New York.
India, etc )
He's now ashamed --------of--------- his conduct.
I'm ashamed (or shamed) -----------of------------- my teacher, say
I'm shy ------------of--------- my teacher
We believe ----in------ God.
James boasted ---of----- his strength.
Elke's very careful --about--- her health.
He takes care -of-- his money.
He travelled ---by--- the train yesterday.
Annette complained -----about-- the weather

She complained ----of------a sore throat.

. Steven failed

He is weak ----------in---------grammar.

Our class is composed -----of------- thirty students.

I have great confidence ------in--------you.
We must conform -------to------ the rules.
We'll comply -------with-------- your request.
I congratulate you ------on-------------your success.
A year consists ------of--------- twelve months.
The mountains are covered -------in------- snow.
The man was cured ----------of-------- his illness.
There is no cure ------of--------that disease
It depends ------------on--------- her.
Nelson Mandela was deprived ------of------------his freedom.
Many people have died-----------of--------- malaria.
My book is different ---------to--------- yours.
Phillipa was disappointed ---------at---------- the low mark she got in the test
. Jane was disappointed -----with---------- her son.
I divided the cake -----------into----------- four parts.
I've no doubt ----------in---------- his ability.
/ am doubtful ---------of----- his ability to pass
The woman was dressed ------in--------- black.
This is an exception ------to---------- the rule.
She liked all her subjects with the exception -------to---------- physics
He exchanged his collection of matchboxes ------------for--------- some foreign
-----in--------- maths last year

The jar was full --------of---------------- oil.

Jane filled the glass ---------------with-------------- water
I'll be glad to get rid -----of-------him.
Francis was glad ------at---------- receiving your letter.
My sister's good --------at---------- maths


You must guard --------------against--------- bad habits.

He was found guilty ---------of-------- murder
Clare's independent --------of-------- her parents.
A child is dependent -------to------------ its parents.
They're indifferent ----------to------- politics
He always insisted ----------on-----------his opinion
He persisted ---------------in------- his silly ideas

She's not interested -------in--------- her work.

This is superior =======to============ that.

She takes a great interest --------in------ music

He's very jealous ------of--------- his brother.
They're leaving ----------for-------- England soon
He lives --------on----------- his brother's money
Some birds feed --------on--------------- insects
Look ---------at----- this beautiful picture.
Angela was married ----------to----------- a rich man
Their house is opposite ---------to---------- ours
Will you pass -----------by-------- the post-office?
He plays regularly --------for-------------- that team.
The teacher is pleased -----with--------me
John's popular =====with========== his friends.
I prefer a blue pen---------to------ a red one.
This car is preferable --------------over---------- niy old one
Who presided --------in----------- the last meeting?
He's very proud -----of----------- his promotion
craftsman takes a pride -----------in----------- his work
We rejoiced --------------over----- her success
Are you related------to-------------- Simon in any way?
He repented ---------------on----- his crime
He feels repentance -----in---------------his sin
Are you satisfied ---------------with--------- your marks?
Your house is similar -------to------------- mine
The bank manager was sitting --------------at---------- his desk
Also sit ------at------ a table.
But -------in-- a chair,
----on------ a bench,
------in--- a sofa, etc ; in an
arm-chair, in a tree or up a tree. A bird sometimes perches (= sitsl
-------on---- a tree
A bird sometimes perches (= sitsl ------on-----------a tree
I spend a lot of time --------on-------- my computer
I hope he'll succeed ---------in-----------his work
A person succeeds ---------over-------a property, a title, or an office: Queen
Elizabeth I! succeeded -----over--------- the throne in 1952 Also one person Can
succeed another.

I'm quite sure --------of--------------- her honesty.

shocked ------------at-----------------

The girl tied the string -------------to--------------- the kite

They were warned ------of---------------the danger.

em quite certain --------of-------------->t

Harold was surprised ---------at------------- the loud bang.
astonished -------at-----------, amazed -----t-------------, alarmed
------at--------------, pu2zled ---------I suspect Kate -------of-------- stealing the pen.
Oogs are suspicious -----of---------------strangers
Robert took his brother -------------by------the hand
hold --------by---, catch --------by--------------- seize ------by------, snatch --by-------, grasp ---by-------------The prisoner was bound ------to-------------- r^p I M A - I ?
The boys are tired ---------of---------- eating boiled eggs
Translate this passage ------into-------------- English
The man was trembling ----------with------------------- cold
shake ---with-- and shiver --with---. The thief i^as shaking --------with-------le-)'
his teacher warned him ----------of----------------breaking the rules.
They warend us -----of------ bump on th road.
I've written the letter ---------in--------- ink.
The drawing was done -------------with--------------- charcoal D
The children art- learning tn write with a pen
Helen prefers to paint -----------with---------- a thin brush
She's always fond -----of--------- talking.
Simon insisted -----on--------- go to London.
I object -----------to---------- treated like this.
The rain prevented me -------from---------- go.
Paula succeeded -------to-------- win the prize.
1 often think ----------of---------- to England
The customer got tired ----------of------- wait.

She's used ------------to---- get ------up--------- early.

accuse --------of----------guilty ----------of---------accustomed -------to----------independent ----------of----------afraid -----------of-------indifferent ------to--------------aim ===========at=========
insist-------------on--------angry ---------at--------------

interested ------------in------------arrive -----------at--------jealous -----------of---------------ashamed --------at-------------look =-----------at----------believe ----------in------------married ----------to-------------boast ----------of---------no doubt -------in----------or ===========at==========
careful -------about-----, ----with-----, ----by-------pleased -------with-----------complain ---------about-----------prefer -----------to---------composed ----------of------------proud ------------of----------conform -----------with--------related ----------t-o-----------congratulate ----------on-----------repent ----------on--------consist --------of------satisfied ------with--------cure --------of----similar ---------to-----------depend ---------on-------------succeed ---------in--------------deprive -----------of-------superior --------to--------die ------of----------sure --------------of------------different --------to----------surprised---------at----,------of-------suspect ---------of----fail -----in------tired ---of----------full ----of--------translate ----into-------good -----at-----warn ----of---------,-------about-----

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