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DIMENSION ONE: What do I know about this learner?

Learner name: Alyssa G

Teacher/School Name: C Moore
Why has this student been selected for the inquiry?

Amazing writing, very creative with this. Picks up new tasks easily.
Strong academic results across the curriculum.
Information from:

Checklist to Identify Gifted Underachiever

Checklist to identify Twice-Exceptional Learner
Cultural Indicators
Academic results
Characteristics Checklist

Background information (including past achievement data

refer to info below)

Almost a year younger than her class peers,

consistently achieving at well above in most
curriculum areas in every year she has been at
school. Identified as G & T upon arrival at Allenton
3 years ago.

Interests and experiences - (including outside of the classroom

(e.g. sports, cultural involvement, siblings at home/school,
languages spoken at home, etc)

Gymnastics, drawing, artwork, choir, dancing, cross

country, 2 younger sisters, netball.

Student Achievement Data (National Standards OTJ /NCEA)

ENTRY beginning 2016
E AsTTle 5p, RA 12+, Above
Comprehension 9
Listening 7
Vocabulary 6

E AsTTle, 5b, Above
Punctuation and Grammar 9

Numpa 7m




SAST Spelling 15.5+

Student Achievement Data (National Standards OTJ /NCEA)

EXIT end 2016


Well-being (consider the four dimensions of hauora)

(spiritual, mental, social, physical)
What implications does this information have for me and my
inquiry focus/actions?

Learning strengths and needs: Very capable reader and writ er.

Can worry about things and not want to take risks for
fear of failure. Gets stressed over things. Vocabulary
PAT was stanine 6 which is lower than the other literacy
based ones.. This is an area for development.

Student Voice: (survey, discussion, focus group)

Likes all subjects at school.

Likes to work with a partner but not in a group, too
noisy and everyone wants things a different way.
Likes to work with people she knows.
Whanau voice: (how the parents view her)

Keen to learn. Needs to develop deeper, broader

Likes to please, caring and responsible. Prone to worry.
Needs to take risks.

DIMENSION FIVE: What has been the impact of our changed actions on outcomes we value
for our students?

How did you know your actions had an impact on your student/s?
Did you talk to the student/s?
What did the data tell you?

Reference: Questions are adapted from:

Timperley, H. (2011) Using student assessment for profession learning: focusing on students outcomes to identify needs

Examples of improved outcomes for your focus students

and other students in the class:

Actions I took that contributed to the improved


Student voice:
This is an opportunity for you to include examples of how
your focus students feel about their learning as a result of
your interventions.

One success story:

A short success story for one student (may or may not be a focus student) whose achievement was accelerated or better
than expected. Please outline details of his/her achievement, how it was accelerated/better than expected and what
impact this may have on you for 2017 and/or on the student. Whats next?

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