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Change Readiness Assessment (CRA)

What is it?

A change readiness assessment examines how ready the organisation is to make the desired
change against a number of success factors[1]. When an area is ready to make the change, it hold
both the capability and capacity to move through the transition process and successfully embed th
change into operations.
Why do we need to do it?
By capturing readiness for change, we can identify high impact issues and recurring themes that
will either help or hinder the change. This helps to highlight areas that require further preparation
and a greater focus of effort and change management activity.
What is the process?

The process identified by the change team is flexible so that it can be tailored to specific projects
and to specific parts of the project cycle. (What is the recommended approach for this project? e.g
We will work through the questions as a group, and make an assessment of the projects status in
each of these success factors.) A traffic light system will be used for this, as follows:

- Green Status - all key risks have been identified and there is confidence that mitigating
actions will be delivered.
- Amber Status either some key risks appear to have been overlooked OR there is a lack of
confidence that the University has the capability / capacity / desire to deliver the mitigating actions
- Red Status - some key risks appear to have been overlooked AND there is a lack of
confidence that the University has the capability / capacity / desire to deliver the mitigating actions

Moving forwards, we will need to build in regular reviews of change readiness, as it is likely that an
areas readiness for the change will move either positively or negatively over time and at differen
stages of the project cycle.

[1] Success factors identified by Graham Dalton of Price Waterhouse Coopers

Change Readiness Assessment

(Project Title)


Change Readiness Success


What does this mean?

Key questions to consider

The vision for change

Articulating a clear and

compelling vision to
describe the change and
clarity about what it will
mean in practice

Has a clear, compelling and urgent need for change been

articulated? Is there clarity about what it will mean in practice?
Has the purpose of the new strategy and structure been
effectively communicated to all staff? Have all relevant areas of
the organisation been aligned with the future vision? Which areas
have been aligned and which are still to be aligned?

Delivering the benefits

Identifying, measuring
To what extent have the potential benefits been identified and
and managing the
understood by key stakeholders? What are the benefits we wish to
potential benefits from the promote? Is there a common understanding about what
project to ensure they are specifically needs to change and what will stay the same? Has
clear ownership for delivering the benefits been established?

Developing leadership

Developing leadership to
shape and drive the

To what extent is the University providing and developing

leadership to support the project? Who is the project champion
and is that person known and recognised as such across the
organisation? Is the leadership team committed to making the
proposed changes? Do organisational leaders possess the
necessary skills to develop and execute change plans? Do
managers understand the impact proposed changes are likely to
have on the people in their teams? If not, why not?

Change Readiness Assessment

(Project Title)


To what extent does an effective change plan exist for the project?
How much influence to key stakeholders have in the overall
success of your project? Which groups/teams/individuals within
your area will need to change specific behaviours and work
practices? Which areas will be most affected by the proposed
changes? Which areas may be particularly resistant to the change
and why? What would be needed to help these groups accept the
proposed changes more readily?

Change strategy and plan

Developing a suitable
approach and plan to
manage the change

Managing the project

To what extent is the scope of the project understood? What

degree of clarity is there over who owns the project and who will
deliver it? Has the Programme/Project team identified who needs
Managing and controlling
to be involved in key decisions and formulated a decision-making
the project
strategy? Are you capable of influencing the key decision makers?
Do you have sufficient time and other resources to see the
changes through successfully?

Change Readiness Assessment

(Project Title)


Organisational Design

To what extent do the existing organisational structures, roles,

policies, infrastructure and performance measure support the
Aligning the project to the change? Does anything need to change? What other initiatives are
Universitys structure
currently under way that will need to be considered in preparing
for the proposed changes (e.g. conflicts over resources or

Cultural Alignment

To what extent does the University's culture (values, behaviours,

mindsets) support the change? Are there other values and
Checking that the project mindsets that we should be taking into account? Has the
is attuned to the
organisation experienced significant change in the past? How
University culture
does this effort compare to previous efforts? How do proposed
changes fit with the values and priorities of individuals and

Change Readiness Assessment

(Project Title)


Building commitment
across the University for
the changes associated
with the project

To what extent are stakeholders effectively identified, engaged

and managed in relation to the change? What feedback
mechanisms have or can be been established to ensure constant
communication during the transition? Do you (and your team)
have the personal drive and resilience to see changes through?

Managing performance

Building capability
through managing
peoples performance

To what extent is the University prepared to manage poor

performance, inappropriate behaviours etc in relation to the
change? Are there any performance measures specific to your
area (faculty/department/divisional/team/individual) that need to
be established to measure the objectives of this change or
encourage change? What existing structures, processes, policies
and systems for managing performance will hinder this effort?

Learning and Development

Building capability by
providing people with the
skills and knowledge
needed to implement the

Are there clear plans in place for equipping people with the
necessary skills, knowledge and attitudes to deliver and sustain
the change? (NB this includes both hands on practical training
[e.g. on a new system] as well as the behavioural/personal
development aspects that may be required).


Change Readiness Assessment

(Project Title)


RAG status
(Red, amber,

Key actions required

Change Readiness Assessment

(Project Title)


Change Readiness Assessment

(Project Title)


Change Readiness Assessment

(Project Title)


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