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The texture is defined as the mutual grain to grain relation which occurs in a rock.
It includes the physical appearance and geometric aspects of its constituent minerals.
The mineral grains in any igneous rock texture may either constitute a part of the
larger crystals or be a part of the ner or smaller grained ground mass material
which encloses the larger crystals. These larger crystals in an igneous rock texture
represent the part of the early magma material that has cooled slowly. The part of the
residual magma which has cooled rapidly is represented by the ground mass of the
igneous rock texture.
The following subdivisions come under the description of the texture: Crystallinity,
Grain size, Granularity, Grain shape, Mutual relations of the minerals, Type of texture,
and finally Interpretation of the texture.
1. Crystallinity
The minerals in an igneous rock may be in the form of crystals with definite crystal
properties like faces, cleavage, etc. or are amorphous, i.e.: glass like and shape less in
form. The minerals which crystallize from magma or lava try to attain a crystalline or
amorphous character depending on the physical conditions of crystallization. Thus,
using the degree of development of crystalline minerals or amorphous glass an
igneous rock can be categorized into one of the following:
a. Holocrystalline:
An igneous rock, whose component minerals are in the form of crystals is
described as holocrystalline, i.e.: holo - complete. All the minerals exhibit some form

of crystal character: face development, cleavage, fracture, etc. Holocrystalline rocks

are produced by slow and gradual cooling and crystallization of the magma deep
below and within the earths crust or mantle. Plutonic rocks are typically
b. Merocrystalline:
An igneous rock whose component minerals occur as both crystals and amorphous
glass is described as merocrystalline. Merocrystalline rocks have been produced by
two stages of magma cooling and crystallization. The first stage led to the formation
of crystalline minerals when the physical conditions favoured slow and gradual
cooling. The second stage led to the formation of glassy materials instead of minerals
due to rapid heat loss and decrease in pressure. The rapid heat loss and decrease in
pressure retarded the polymerization of silica and other oxides, hence crystalline
minerals could not form. This second stage occurs when magma is emplaced or
intruded from a deep part of the crust towards shallower depths or very near the
earths surface. Merocrystalline rocks principally occur as sub volcanic intrusives,
neither plutonic nor volcanic.
c. Holohyaline:
An igneous rock, whose component minerals are principally in the form of glass is
described as holohyaline, (hyaline: glass). Holohyaline rocks are produced by rapid
cooling and crystallization when the magma extrudes from a volcano or crustal
fissure. The extrusion of magma produces lava flows. A small amount of the rock
about 5 to 8% will be composed of crystalline minerals and require sectioning for
identification under the petrologic microscope. In the hand specimen the rock exhibits

a conchoidal fracture.
All volcanic rocks are holohyaline. Very rarely, the earlier formed minerals may be
preserved in volcanic rocks. These minerals appear to be embedded within a glassy
matrix or ground mass. Some minerals may show the effects of vitrification, i.e.:
conversion into glass. On the other hand the glass may be partly crystallized. These
require sectioning for further study and are out of scope of megascopy.
In summary, the degree of development of crystalline minerals or glass in an
igneous rock is defined as its CRYSTALLINITY. The crystallinity helps to categorize an
igneous rock as plutonic, sub volcanic, or volcanic.
2. Grain Size
The grain size refers to the lengths of the constituent minerals along their longest
dimension. The grain size is a relative term comparing the sizes of the minerals
present. The minerals in igneous rocks may be:
a. Coarse grained

> 5mm along their longest dimension.

b. Medium grained
c. Fine grained

2 to 5mm along their longest dimension.

< 2mm along their longest dimension.

In describing the grain size, a 10x lens and a 15cm ruler are used as follows:
The ruler is placed near the mineral along its longest dimension and viewed thru
the lens. The length of the mineral is read directly in mm. This is repeated for the
other minerals. The grain size is noticed as a comparative term: e.g. coarse to medium
grained. The importance of grain size will be discussed under the heading:
Interpretation of texture.

3. Granularity:
The quality / state / property of being granular, i.e.: with reference to the
constituent minerals in an igneous rock is defined as its granularity. The granularity
involves the comparison of the relative sizes of the component minerals. Igneous
rocks may be:
a. Equigranular: The grain sizes of the constituent minerals are approximately equal
or similar.
b. Inequigranular: the grain sizes are NOT equal or similar. Most igneous rocks are
Equigranularity results by the simultaneous / eutectic / synchronous crystallization
of similar or different mineral species. Inequigranularity results by the formation and
subsequent crystallization of minerals in two or more stages.
4. Grain shape:
In igneous rocks, the grain shape refers to the degree to which the component
minerals have well developed crystal faces or features. The grain shape may be:
c. Euhedral:

The minerals exhibit well developed crystal faces.

d. Subhedral: The minerals exhibit partially developed crystal faces.

e. Anhedral:

The minerals exhibit poorly developed crystal faces.

The grain shape is NOT applicable to altered igneous

5. Mutual relations of minerals:

The mutual relations of minerals in a texture refer to the nature of contact or type
of contact existing between the minerals. The nature of type of contact may be:

f. Interlocking relation:
The minerals are in contact at their crystalline boundaries. The boundaries may be
sharp, straight, or curved depending on the grain shape. Some inter granular space
may be created. These spaces are filled with smaller minerals of variable sizes and
shapes. This mutual relationship is described as an interlocking relation.
g. Intergrown relation :
The minerals appear to have grown into each other. There are no sharp crystal
boundaries. Inter granular spaces are indistinct. The inter growth is mutual. This type
of mutual relation forms by the simultaneous or eutectic growth of the involved
minerals. The shape and size are variable. A solid solution relation often exists
between the involved minerals. The crystal boundaries are often curved and highly
h. Phenocrystalline relation:
Large minerals in a texture are defined as phenocrysts. These phenocrysts are
surrounded by smaller minerals. In some cases the smaller minerals may be embedded
over or on the large phenocrystal. This relation is defined as a phanerocrystalline
relation. The boundaries are sharp and distinct, i.e.; interlocking.
i. Vitrophyric relation :
A phenocrystalline relation in volcanic rocks is defined as a vitrophyric relation.
The phenocrysts are surrounded by a glassy matrix or ground mass.
6. Type of Texture
I. Equigranular Textures
The mineral grains of the texture are similar in shape as well as size. The following

textures come under this category.

a. Pandiomorphic: The majority of the constituent minerals are euhedral.
b. Hypidiomorphic: The majority of the constituent minerals are subhedral.
c. Allotriomorphic: The majority of the constituent minerals are anhedral.
d. Felsitic:

The minerals are very fine grained but have a granitic composition.
II. Inequigranular Textures

In these textures, the minerals exhibit two or more grain sizes, and is variable the
case of shape. The following textures come under this category:
e. Porphyritic:
In a porphyritic texture in plutonic rocks, the larger minerals or phenocrysts are
surrounded by smaller minerals of medium or fine grain size. The phenoxls are
generally euhedral. The ground mass minerals may be holocrystalline, meroxylline, or
hyaline/glassy, A porphyritic texture is volcanic rocks is defined as VITROPHYRIC,
when the large minerals segregate or collect as small groups, the texture is described
as GLOMERO - PORPHYRITIC. Aligned phenoxls produce a LINOPHYRIC texture.
e. Poikilitic:
In a poikilitic texture, small euhedral minerals appear to be embedded or enclosed
within large phenocrysts. The phenoxls may be euhedral. In some cases, the smaller
minerals may be subhedral or anhedral.
f. Seriate:
A gradation in grain size and or grain shape may occur in some rocks. This texture
is defined as a seriate texture.

III. Directive Textures

The textures resulting from magma emplacement or lava flow during crystallization
are defined as directive textures. In these textures, the longer dimensions of the
phenocrystal or large minerals appear to be arranged sub parallel to each other with
reference to the direction of magma movement or lava flow direction. The following
textures come under this category:
g. Trachytic (Fluidal or Flow textures)
In a trachytic texture, the lath shaped feldspar phenoxls exhibit a sub parallel
arrangement corresponding to the flow lines of the magma or lava. The term
trachytoid is applied to rocks having this texture irrespective of their mode of
IV. Inter Growth textures
Inter growth textures exhibit a clear or distinct inter grown mutual relation. The
following textures come under this category.
h. Graphic:
A graphic texture results by the regular inter growthof feldspar and quartz in some
granitic igneous rocks. The quartz often occupies roughly triangular areas with the
appearance of Arabic or Sumerian cuneiform writing within a back ground or matrix of
feldspar. Generally, the feldspar dominates quartz in volume.
i. Granophyric:
When the quartz component occurs as highly irregular bodies within the feldspar
matrix, the texture is described as granophyric.

V .Other textures
a. Aplitic or Saccaroidal: The texture is composed of anhedral but equigranular
b. Aphyric:

The texture is devoid of large crystals or phenoxls.

c. Bostonitic: The texture is composed of interlocking laths of feldspar.

d. Dunitic:

See aplitic.

e. Consertal : A texture with interlocking arrangement of minerals but lacking

intergranular spaces are defined as a consertal texture.
f. Rapakivi:

A texture composed of ovoidal shaped alkali feldspar phenoxls with

an overgrowth of sodic plagioclase is defined as a rapakivi texture.

g. Vitroclastic: A volcanic rock texture composed of broken glass fragments has a
vitroclastic texture.
h. Spinifex: A volcanic rock texture composed of acicular and linear olivine grains
in a glassy matrix.
Interpretation of Textures
The rules proposed by Rosenbusch (1882), with reference to mineral formation and
sequence of mineral crystallization are used to interpret an igneous rock texture.
These rules have limited use for the case of glassy volcanic rocks and are strictly NOT
applicable to altered or modified igneous textures.
Rule 1: Based on grain size:
This rule is generally applicable to phaneric rocks. An igneous rock may be
composed of minerals of varying sizes i.e.: coarse, medium, and fine grained minerals
can occur together. The coarse set of minerals constitutes the first formed, the

medium set; the second formed, and the fine set: the last formed from the magma or
lava. The coarser set is generally surrounded by the medium and finer sets of
minerals. The coarser set constitutes the earlier minerals. The medium and finer
set forms the matrix or ground mass for the coarser set.
The relative volume of each set is variable. One set may dominate the other two. A
particular mineral may occur in both the coarse set and medium set or fine set. The
said mineral in the coarse set is described as the first generation, and the same
mineral in the medium or fine set, the second generation etc. The coarser set may
exhibit a phenocrystal relation with the medium and finer sets.
The rate of cooling of melt and rate of mineral nucleation in the melt within the
magma chamber or after emplacement determines the grain sizes of constituent
minerals. The grain size of the minerals generally follow the general kinetic cycle of
slow to moderate to rapid nucleation from the melt. From the slow to rapid stages of
nucleation, the temperature of the melt and silicate mineral structure polymerization
progressively decreases.
The coarse set corresponds to slow nucleation stage of the melt, medium sized
set to moderate nucleation stage and fine sized set to the rapid nucleation stage.
The stage of nucleation and heat loss to surroundings from a melt and its duration is
generally variable.
When the rate of nucleation and heat loss is slow the coarser minerals dominate
forming holocrystalline rocks or plutonic rocks. Merocrystalline or sub volcanic rocks
result from moderate nucleation with a significant heat loss. Holohyaline or volcanic
rocks result due to rapid nucleation combined with rapid heat loss of the lava.

The grain shapes of the constituent minerals may be used to determine the
sequence of crystallization. The textures based on grain sizes may be equigranular or
inequigranular or glassy.
Rule 2: Based on grain shape:
This rule is mainly applicable to phaneric rocks. The first or early formed minerals
from a magma are euhedral. This is due to the crystallization of the minerals in a
purely fluid or liquid medium. The minerals grow freely and unhindered in the magma.
The co existing residual melt occupies the inter granular spaces of the euhedral set.
This crystallizes out as the second set of minerals and is subhedral as they have
crystallized within the inter granular spaces of the euhedral set. Still remaining
residual melt occupies the available spaces and forms the last set of minerals. These
minerals are anhedral as they are forced to crystallize within the inter granular spaces
of the earlier euhedral and subhedral sets.
The grain shape provides information on the sequence of crystallization from the
melt. The following textural types come under this rule: panidiomorphic,
hypidiomorphic, allotriomorphic, aplitic, saccaroidal, and equigranular granitic .
The habit or shape of the euhedral mineral may be noted.
It has been observed that high temperature accessory minerals: magnetite,
chromite, spinels and others, tend to possess euhedral outlines which may later be
rendered subhedral or anhedral by grain boundary dissolution effects with
progressive evolution of the melt. Some may be lost completely by dissolution or
decomposition by heat loss.
In some magmas, the late stage residual melt may accumulate silicate structure

incompatible elements to form late stage low temperature euhedral minerals, for
example: zircon, apatite, sphene, tourmaline, beryl, and others. Hence it is important
to distinguish earlier euhedral minerals from late stage euhedral minerals.
The general sequence of silicate mineral formation is in the following order:
Mafic silicates: olivine - pyroxene - amphiboles - micas (ortho, chain, and sheet
silicates), Felsic silicates: anorthite to albite, alkali feldspars - quartz ( residual
fluid stage minerals). This is in general agreement with Bowens Reaction Series.
It should be kept in mind that some late stage accessory minerals can replace
earlier minerals by metasomatic alteration and have a euhedral habit. Minerals may
mutually interfere with each others growth and vary in degree of growth and facial
development. Minerals with strong crystallizing capacity tend to develop euhedral
character. The grain size may be variable depending on the relative volumes of
crystallized minerals.
Rule 3: Based on phenocrystalline relations:
This rule is applicable to both phaneric and aphaneric rocks. An igneous rock
texture may contain phenocrystal with smaller minerals embedded over them. The
smaller minerals appear to be enclosed by the phenocrystal. The smaller mineral
constitutes the first formed and the larger phenoxl, the second formed, from the
magma or lava. Both phenocrystal and smaller minerals are primary products of the
parental melt.
Some evidences suggest that both the phenocrystal and smaller minerals had
formed simultaneously with different nucleation rates. The phenocrystal mineral could
have developed by slow nucleation where formation of smaller number of larger

crystals was favoured. The smaller embedded minerals could have been derived by
relatively faster nucleation rate which allowed a larger number of smaller minerals
to form. Both phenocrystal and smaller minerals are suggested to form within the
vicinity of one another so as to combine later to develop this textural type.
In some igneous textures, the phenocrysts may be surrounded by ground mass
minerals. The relative volume of both phenocrysts and ground mass is variable. In this
case, the rule based on grain size can be applied. The following textures can be
interpreted using this rule: poikilitic, ophitic, porphyritic, and in textures where
variations and gradations in grain size is evident.
In some igneous minerals, exsolution features and perthitic characters suggest a
phenocrystalline relation where the enclosing larger mineral is earlier and the
exsolved smaller mineral is later. It is also possible that several small melt pockets
occluded or in contact over the surface of a growing phenocryst can mineralize later
to induce a phenocrystalline relation.
The rules are applied as appropriate. The relative size, shape, and abundance of
minerals are determined before the texture is described as a term. Consider the
following example:



The sequence based on grain size will be: B, A and C.

The sequence based on grain shape will be: A, B and C.
The sequence based on volume will be: A, B and C.

48 %
39 %
13 %

How is this texture interpreted?

The accurate interpretation is: A, B and C. A is the first set of minerals followed by
B set, and C set. The evidence that B being the first formed is discarded because: the
volume of A exceeds B, and the conditions during the crystallization of A favoured a
medium size due to nucleation or chemical constraints. C is the last to form because of
its low volume, shape and size. The texture can now be described as medium euhedral
inequigranular texture.
Other examples follow:



10 %
42 %
48 %

The sequence based on grain size will be: Y, Z and X.

The sequence based on grain shape will be: Y, X and Z.
The sequence based on volume will be: Z, Y and X.
The correct interpretation is: Z, Y and X. The anhedral character of and subhedral
shape of X may be due to chemical constraints or physical conditions of
crystallization. Based on relative volume and grain size the texture is medium
anhedral inequigranular.
There are many variations to the above examples. The terminology will like wise be
variable. In the case of equigranular rocks, interpretation is relatively simple. For










The texture is described as vitrophyric or anhedral inequigranular glassy based

on grain shape and volume of glass present, the grain size is NOT ignored, even
though the rock is glassy. The mineral Q has anhedral boundaries due to resorption.
As a rule, the size and shape terms of the mineral with the highest volume is used. The
other terms are understood and incorporated.
In some igneous rocks, a special feature of the rock, e.g.: phenoxls, saccaroidal
character, flow textures, etc. are described as a feature and not as a texture, e.g.:
porphyritic granite, trachytoidal syenite, etc. For our convenience, the special feature
is also noted in the naming of the texture.
Additional examples in textural interpretation are given below for practice and
















amorphous 80%








amorphous 39%








Larger scale features can be seen in the outcrop or brought out only after
detailed mapping of the igneous rock. Small scale structures are sometimes seen in
hand specimens. Micro scale structures are seen in thin sections. The description of
structures involves all the scales mentioned above.
Structures can be categorized as those related to magmatic processes and to
those related to external factors. The following structures come under the first
category: zoning, coronas, over growths, etc., joints, banding, cataclastic features,
etc. come under the second category.
Zoning (solid solution)
Zoning is defined as the overgrowth of a mineral over another mineral whose
crystal structure is similar. Zonal overgrowth typically occurs along the external
mineral boundary of the older mineral and is characteristic of minerals which exhibit
solid solution effect. Well developed phenoxls of typical solid solution minerals, e.g.
feldspars, garnets, olivine, etc. may contain zonal overgrowths. Generally the
composition of the core mineral and overgrown mineral is dissimilar. Zoning structures
result by partial resorption and near simultaneous deposition of the parent and
overgrown mineral respectively. These features are produced when disequilibrium
conditions are imposed during the normal course of magma crystallization.
Coronas (reaction relation)
Corona is defined as the zone of minerals which have formed along the
boundaries of another mineral. Coronas form in minerals which do not exhibit solid

solution. Their origin is similar to zoning. Coronas can be observed in phenoxls of

olivine, pyroxenes, amphiboles, micas, etc. Minerals whose boundaries are corroded
but without zone of later crystallized minerals are called as embayed crystals.
Kelyphitic rim (hydrothermal mineralization)
Kelyphitic rims are similar to coronas. The involved minerals do not have a reaction
relation. The rim minerals are of a hydrothermal origin. These features can be
observed in altered phenoxls.
Mineral aggregates in the form of streaks, lensoid bodies, bands etc. that differ in
colour, texture, etc. occur in some igneous rocks. They may form due to flow
aggregation and differentiation. In volcanic rocks, the bands may be composed of
devitrified glass.
Orbicular are irregular spherical bodies whose mineral components are arranged in
concentric overlapping layers, e.g. albite enclosing oligoclase. A rock with orbicules is
said to have an orbicular structure, e.g. orbicular granite.
Spherules are spherical to ellipsoidal bodies whose mineral grains are acicular,
which are arranged radially around a core mineral or cavity. A rock with sphericules
has a spherulitic structure. These structures are also known as variolites .



Druse / Druse cavity
A druse is defined as an irregular cavity or vein whose walls are encrusted with
projecting minerals, generally the same minerals as those of the enclosing rock.
Miarolitic cavity
A type of druse cavity composed of subhedral or anhedral minerals projected
towards the centre of the cavity is defined as a miarolitic cavity.


Vesicles or Gas cavities
The dissolved gases in a lava flow coalesce to form air bubbles. These bubbles rise
up towards the top of the lava flow when the lava is molten and without a surficial
glass rind. The escape of the bubbles forms cylindrical cavities, which are termed as
vesicles. This structure is defined as a vesicular structure.
Vesicles are aligned roughly perpendicular to the direction of lava flow and slightly
tilted towards the flow direction of the lava. Vesicles form from the base towards the
top of the flow, and are abundant in basic lavas. Druses and miarolitic mineralization
may be present due to hydrothermal mineralization. The inner surfaces of vesicles may
be coated with native metals e.g. Cu or coloured reaction products. The term
vesicular structure is strictly applied to vesicles devoid of minerals.
Amygdaloidal structure

When vesicles are completely filled with secondary hydrothermal minerals the
structure is described as an amygdaloidal structure. The outline of the mineral in
cross section resembles an almond nut; hence the term amygdule or amygdale is
used to define them.
A glass rich volcanic product with abundant vesicles is defined to have a pumice or
pumaceous structure. Pumice is of a pyroclastic origin and is formed by the frothing
of gas bubbles on the surface of a lava flow.
Scoria is similar to pumice but has very fine vesicles.
Perlitic structure
Volcanic glass with irregular, convolute, and spheroidal cracks is said to have a
perlitic structure.
Cataclastic structures
The mechanical breakage and pulverization of rock which fills up fractures and
joints, etc. constitute cataclastic structures due to external stresses. These structures
are not related to magmatic processes.

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