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Web design

Unit 59 assignment 1

With authoring you can use loads of assets such as pictures,
text, videos and more and then you can use all of them
together that will make the final product like a slide show and a
poster. What authoring is how the product that you end up in
creating has been saved and how it is used like if you had a
website then it will have to be saved separately with the
images which is where HTML coding. There is quite a lot of
ways that authoring is used for and there is one meaning that
means a piece of software and sometimes it can mean a
programme like on dre3amweaver and on this you can make a
website by drag and drop the pictures onto it and then you will
get a HTML code with it.

A website is lot`s of pages that are on the internet and
hosted online and appear once you have typed in the
domain name which is what the webpage is called. All
website have to have a hosting in order for it to be able
to work as it is the usual place where the website pays
the server so they can save their website. Servers are
always on and they are computers that any website can
be saved on and seen all over the internet once you
have typed the right address. All websites have a lot of
different pages that have in them things like text,
pictures, sound, videos and more.

Uploading is where you have something
that you save and you load the data and
put it from one place to the other. They
can be uploaded by a small and a big
scale to serves and the customer.

What FTP stands for is file format protocol and
this is a software programme that you can
transfer very easy from computer to computer or
the main use of it is for uploading files from
computers to websites. It is very easy to upload
pages to websites with FTP.

Web page
There are lot`s of ways that web pages can
be constructed and those are as followed;
using Dreamweaver, using flash, handwriting coding or you can use automatically
created codes. There are also a lot of way
to construct a website using HTML and
there is not just one particular way of doing

These are the code that is in the middle like
move tag would be <move>. There is also
an end tag that adds a slash to it for
example </move>. The tags have to be
nested and not overlapping such as;
This is nested

This is

There are properties and attributes that

tags can have, they can also modify and
expand on them like the colour, text and

HTML has different text effects that are created by
putting the text into another text element that go
in the middle of the appropriate tags and an
example for this is the bold text that is
symbolised by the <b> tag. There is also a thing
called preformatted text and this a tag that looks
like this <pre> and what it allows you to do is
control the amount of spaces and line breaks and
more that is there in a block of text and it is a
very useful for displaying computer codes.
This is
Preformed text
It preserves both spaces
And line breaks

this here shows how you can set a font onto a text
<h1 style="font-family:verdana">A heading</h1
,p style="font-family:courier">A paragragh</p>
this is the size of the text
<h1 style="font-size:150%">A heading</h1>
<p style="font-size.80%">A paragraph</p>
this is how to change the colour
<h1 style="colour:blue">A heading</h1
<p style="colour:red">A paragragh</p>

you can put in images into
a document. the tag for
this looks like <img>. as
this is empty it means that
it has attributes only and is
a no closing tag. If you are
wanting to put an image
then what you need is the
src attribute.

There are not a lot of browsers that actually
support a RGB for a web design so I would say
not to use it as for the numeric colour vales it
does not accept.
The numeric colour value that the RGB stands for
is red, green and blue with the format of RGB
values of RED, GREEN BLUE as is implied by the
name. the numeric colour value has a commaseparated lot of different values that go from 0255.

Tables are shown as <table> tag and what
one deos is divide rows with the TR tag also
all the rows are split with data cells with a TD
tag. The td means table data which is the
content for a data cells. The data cells contain
things such as images, text, forms, lists and
<table border="1">
<tr> <td>row 1, cell 1</td>
<td>row 1, cell 2</td>
<tr> <td>row 2, cell 1</td>
<td>row 2, cell 2</td>

What metadata is
actually data about data
and it is commonly saved
with photo files. They
enable search engines to
find you. When it is in
webpages it is made with
HTML codes that then
give more information on
what the data is showing
and by using meta tags.

What hyperlinks are is when
you click or hover over a link
and it takes you there.
When you are adding
hyperlinks into website it is
made by HTML codes and is a
easy piece of coding that can
create links. Hypertext is the
tesxt that is in hyperlinks.

HTML Element
<p> paragraph</p>
The whole of the html document is defined by
the html element and it has a start tag which is
<html> and an end tag that is </html>.

all documents for XHTML have a

root element and all elements for
it have to be in the middle of a
<html> root element. there are
also other elements one that is
called a child element and that
one has to be paired correctly in
the middle of a parent element.
this is the structure of what it
ould look like

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