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Implementation Assignment

(Software Engineering and Web Technology project)

Deadline: April 22, 2016
1. Each student in the group is assigned a requirement to implement using
vertical slice.
2. Each student should log the time spent on this work on timesheet daily.
3. Create a branch for this implementation on Git Hub that is and label it
version2. From this branch create other branch for each requirement. The
requirements assigned to students should be implemented on a separate
branch and pushed to the repository of the group. The branch name should
be short but descriptive. It should not be the name of the student, rather it
should link the requirement implemented in the branch. Every time you
make a change to your code, you have commit the change using git. For
example, after you finish writing a method, commit the change with note that
a method was implemented. The more commits you make, the better.
4. This round of implementation should use AJAX.
5. Each student should draw a sequence diagram before coding the functional
requirement to analyze the implementation with detailed comments. The
snapshot of the sequence diagram will be submitted and will be part of the
groups report.
6. Using the input/output and test plan in your requirement document, identify
unit testing points. For example, if you are implementing a requirement to
add a user, consider how you will test the SQL statement and make a note of
it as follows:
Unit Test point
SQL statement to
add user

Write SQL statement with test inputs
and run it using phpMyAdmin.
Test input:
Expected Result:
addUser method
Write a code to create object of the
in User class
class and call the method with test
inputs and compare output in
Test input:
Expected Result:
addUser method
Write a PHP unit test to test the code
in User class
Assert Condition
Note: the result column is filled as you code and test your application.
7. Start to write your code but make sure to test and commit your changes to
the branch. The code has to follow standard code format and comments

agreed by the group. You have to add comments for documentation of the
source code.
a. Create a class with the necessary functions
b. Create an ajax page with the necessary commands
c. Create a page that implements the feature
d. Conduct unit test and write a report
8. After you have met your functional requirement and tested it, pass it to
another teammate to test as a professional tester. Your tester should use the
requirement document only to test your code and give you feedback.
a. The tester will write a short test report that will be part of the group
report (half page report). Everyone in the group has conduct one test.
9. After the testing is done, document your work on the wiki page of the Git
repository. The wiki page will be a user manual. For each functional
requirement you are implementing, write a how to page to explaining how
the user will use the feature.
10.Finally the group should merge all the functional requirement branches into
one implementation branch.
Submissions (individual):
Code on remote server marked as projimp1
Branch pushed to github and wiki documentation
MS Word document with specification for requirement, sequence diagram,
unit test result, professional test result
API documentation generated using phpdoc
Implementation Process Rubric

Submission (5 point)
Code management (5 point)
Use of CSS (5 point)
Php class, AJAX, and related code
5 points
View and Feature that works as expected
5 points
Code format and Standard (5 point)
Wiki Page (5 point)
Testing and PHPTest (5 points)

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