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PRO CONCEPTS22 Hi everyone. This issue I am going to try to demonstrate how exciting and tricky it is to be able to lift your rhythm playing above the average strumming of the average Schoen em nen intone detailing our approach and attitude towards making what we can do rhythmically really stand out as being special. IO Crt Rance n rstectted Pe ona keen becoming a better player, rather than looking at approaching the guitar as the fantastic Pen ete ents ey Since cme teeen ins groove, feel, tone, Guitarists generally get in the way of what the bass player and Rte torn aoe Tame Ete tara Seca eee oe Pee eee enn them to be impressed, The real world out there is all about flare, ideas, creativity and Peete eet Peete nsec NES ees Pee aa ena ee eked your belt, it’s fairly easy to sound OK doing One e SCM carci stn rccck tes eee eeear rm eater See Rea ete oad impress with your chord work, and I have witnessed some shocking examples both at enter merci r) Se Rerun So what ‘details’ can we think about. Well eee eet paces ac Concepts, you must must must have a good sense of time and a rock solid ‘inner clock’. Many teachers out there talk about playing with a click or metronome, and yes, this certainly helps, but it can also make you lazy with regards to where the pulse, is when the click isn’t there. [am including times when you play with a drummer, You still need that inside pulse to steer everything you play, so that you can purposely play behind the beat, or right on it (rarely in front) or still know See ee ek eee Pee roa occa er Gta ea TT Sees come tremors and sub divide what you play. Without Pee ee meres cinta cae Nccrethy Pompe tarent han ta POE ccna erect nts pleasant experience if we can actually play in fit PDR TCU CLEMO ue EMU Gi a) But it doesn’t just stop at ‘playing in time’, That is just eee seer! large percentage of guitarists fall away is when it comes being able to really add detail, so that something ener een meni nae eee peereerea erate ests ea erences Pens en Ge ete ete arene SA eG en Ree taken his mastery to a whole new level. They are all (were) great players because they have approached the guitar with all the possibilities in mind, not just the bie where they get to solo, Approach can be as important as technique. Hopefully one, of all, of these names will resonate with you to illustrate how exciting truly great Poomun ees G 253 COLUMNS. Sneek natcnt Sree eter! voicings, riffS to suggest the chord and rate atin tt cna eae Nd gone over in a different time signature. Obviously the subject is huge to tackle Peete anand tect aca See ecient eee teen ee in, and how rhythm, feel and approach combined with details that you can add, give you an end result which is very nt eee eee ene eed times in my Pro Concepts column, and Pn ences eer erent aan eed shortage on the net of various players erect cree Cesc! that can solo, and I have done my fair share, both on here and for Lick Library, reece eee nee cee eae eeteeta ieee Ree cee eet rhythm. You see how much I care about Sones HUNCH ny cory TC Cee CC Sad

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