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The Apostate Delegate sees the please ofthe company of Ae Wat Kav: Waitin. ff. O Conner, st reception fr the Hierarchy Tharaday the scvencenth of November Soom fe-thiny to woventhiny clock atthe Apostle Delegeton RSV, 3539 Mamaclanee Avene, LW, Bales Supp ingen 4.0 vlcserad w rdbbihofy Vagneyye rts pas hs df feat oad poole fom poo hind foliations and yond wishes et eee ee wile hapa pag fami E Coie N° 176/58. May 11, 1959 Your Excellency: ‘Upon arrival a8 Apostolic Delegate in the United states, my first thoughts turn Eo the Most Reverend Hierarchy, to vhom His ‘Jon HXII1, has graciously deigned to send we as hs Personal representative, "It ie with a sense of profound joy tempered With sincere humility thet 1 return to your midst in this capacity. From the outset I should like to assure Your Excellency of my pledge to continue to serve you in every possible way after ‘The warm velcone which hae ives overvhelming proof of the filial devotion of the Church in this Country Eo our Most Woly Pather. Together we shall Tabour in the Eervent hope that with God's favour ve say witness abundant fruits Of our joint efforts, a constant advancenent of the already flourish~ ing Chsrch in these tinited states, an ever increasing harvest of souls into the Kingdom of God, To this end I shall be ever at your service, alvays ready to assist in the furtherance of our comon purpose. ‘You may be sure that Your Excellency vill be included in fy daily Nenentos, end I venture to ask that in your kindness you keep me in yours. with dentimente of esteem and every best wish, I remain Sincerely yours in christ, pen ae Apostolde Delegate Mis Excellency ‘The Host Reverend Martin J. O'Connor, D.D. orth Anerican College Vatican City, Hurope Mod. a5 = 12000 STATO DELLA CITTA DEL VATICANO TELEGRAMMA | RY OTH 1959 eee eee eer emeaes |e Ore ee ean eana on one ac sarap a a Tndicasioni eventual tamate Destinatrio S.E.R. SCR... EGIDIO..VAGNOZZI. - Destinazione DELAPOST WASHINGTON DC USA ‘Tete __...QUR. STUDENTS. AND. FACULTY. JOIN.ME IN. EXPRESSING TO.YOUR, EXCELLENCY AND FAMILY OUR DEEPEST S¥/PATHY IN THE LOSS OF. ‘YOUR, BELOVED. FATHER. STOP. PLEASE ACCEPT.THE ASSURANCE.OF-OUR— PRAYERS. AND. NOST. AFFECTIONATE. REGARD. 5 BISHOP_OCONBOR. eee North American Coltege 3. Aprile 1959 A per 3.E, Vons. Egidie vaGNozzi Delegato Apostolico presso gli Stati Uniti dAnerlea COLEGIO NO. D Per incarico del Reverendissina Rettor comunico a Vostra Eccollenza feverendissima che ierd Kirs, Caffery ha telefonato per verificare 1a data e Lfora del pranzos Mrs,Caffery & a1 Grand Hotel, apparta~ mento 237, qualora Vostra Eccellenza vclessé telofonarle. Segretaria Canoina'e Resivence March 10th, 1959 Your Exeellency:~ Avotbishop Vagnossi has informed no thet he expects to arrive in New Tork on the "Gristoforo Colunbo" at mine o'clock on the morning of April 20th. It scons appropriate to mark this occasion in a special manner. Accordingly, at 30 in the afternoon of that day, there will b6 a corenony of velcone in St, Patrick's Cathedral. ‘The Archtiocese of New York will give @ reception and dinner in honor of Archbishop Vagnossi that cane evening at seven ofclock in The Hotel Comodore to which all the Bishope of the United States are invited. I am pleased to invite you to be our guest at dinner in the hope that you will find 4 convenient Yo attend this informal welcono, I'am informed that at a eter date an official reception by the Werarchy will be held in the Catholic University st Washington. ‘The Delegate will leave by train for Washington on the following morning at 10:30 otelock Please indicate on the enclosed card whether you will attend the dinner and whether you wish a reservation on the Delegatets train. I would appreciate your reply by April 1st, Devetedly youre in Christ, aa Z " Heinap Sectlrrsn te Archbishop of New York Hie Exeallency, Most Reverend Nartin O'Connor, D.D., Collegio Americano del Nord, Vatican City, Europe Docomber 27¢h,1958 Very Rovillogrs Achille Iupt Ghargé d'Affaires,a.t. | Apostolic Delegation | 3339 Mar setts Avenue WASHINGTON 8,D.c. Dear Yonsignor Lupl, ‘hie is to acknowledge your kind letter of December 18th last, your file N. 176/58, saying that His Holiness Pope John XIXI has appointed the lost Revarond gldio Fagnozel, Titular Archbishop of lira, as Apostolic Delagato $0 the’ United Statese => = Archbishop Vagnozaits long’ experience especially-in Anerica, shouldbe. of great advantage to him {a hiv new post, and I am cure that he will receive from he Bishops, the Clergy and the laity at home the greatest respect and’ affection. | Avalling myself of thie opportunity to ‘thank you'for your letter ard to send you ahd the starr at the Delegation every beat wish for a happy New Year, T ronain Faithfully yours in Ohrist Martin J.0*connor Titular Bishop of Thespiae Rector (4 Bey ony ie vas 3859 Massncmuserrs Aven Use Snaressor Anrea "Wasuneron 8 De te 170/38. December 18, 1958 His Excellency ‘The Most Reverend Martin J. O'Connor, D.D. North American Collese Vatican City, Europe ‘Your Excellency: have the honor and plé jure of informing you thet. lis Holiness, Pope John XXIII has appointed the Most Reverend Hgidio Vagnozsi, Titular Archbishop of Mira, as Apostolic Delegate to the United states. Archbishop Vagnoz2i has been serving as Apostolic Nuneto to the Philippine Islands for the past seven years; from 1932 tunel 1942 he was in Washington as Secretary, and then Auditor and Counselor of the Apostolic Delegation. Deen eeee ieee efecene ee eve sert centr an Sincerely youre tn chetst, eh lle vonsignor Aehitte Lp Charge 4! Affaires, a.t. National Catholic Melfare Conference Decenber 9, 1958 Your Excellency: ‘As of Decenbier 10, 1952, Monsignor Achille Lupt will be Charge d'AfEaire at the Apostolic Delegation. Until the nev Apostolic Delegate takes office all communications should be directed to Very Revs Mage, Achi1Le Lupt Charge diageaire 3359 Maseachuestte Avenue, 1.¥. Washington 8, D. Cy With sentiments of ep este renain Most respectfully yours, QOH lo lis Excerrencr \ at eMosr ‘Reverend Ecwio Usenozz1, vv. if APOSTOLIC DELEGATE TO THE UNITED STATES Reception and “Dinner arene His Excenency Most Reverenp Earp10 Vacnozzi, Dv. (ON HIS ARRIVAL IN THE UNITED STATES His Houuess Pors Jonn XXII MAY 8, 1959 HOTEL COMMODORE NEW YORK CITY ARCHBISHOP VAGNOZZI: ‘Your gracious presence amongst ue makes our heacts happy and grateful, for you come from the sie of our beloved Holy Father, Pope Jobn XXII ‘As Your Excellency knows 10 well, Pope Piut XII was greatly admired and loved in Ametica. "We were close to him becwise he was cose o us, and, at his death, we sulfered as children who lose a Father. Bae Divine Providence has given us another Father, Pope John XXIL, who has esprvated all of us. His dynamic personality has ‘magnetized mien of good-will everywhere and his shephents heart end his benevolence Ihave already endeated him to us Pope John XXIII i likewise close to us—especially now since Your Excellency ‘has come to dwell amoogst us. For you come as che personal representative of the Supreme Ponti, bringing his presence into out mid ‘eis cherefore as our Holy Father's other self that we greet Your Excellency and the welcome we exzend > you could not be warmer or move sincere. You take your place in the procession of «long line of distinguished Apestolic Delegates, among whom ‘hone was more llstious and beloved than your immediate predecessor, Amlero Cardinal Gcogeani ‘who, incidentally, has consecrated more Bishops than any other Prelate. We shall always hold him in teverenial and affectionate memory for his fatherly belp co ws land fo his prudent, pres labors during his long and fuitul apostolate in she United Seas of America Acchbishop Vagoozzi: 'You bring to us the blessing and the inspiration of our Holy Father, Pope John XXII, the Bishop of Bishops, ot as St. Ambrose says, the ‘Shepherd of Shepherds. ‘We recall the words of His Holiness in his coronation address when he stated: ‘We ase wigneouly and sincerely that iis ox particular intention to be a shepherd the pastor of the whole flock. All human gifts and sccomplishments—leaming, peacical ‘Experience, diplomatic accomplishments can broaden and enrich pastoral labors but they cannot replace chem.” It is ae our Supreme Shephetd thar we in America love o think ofthe Holy Father and we are exget to follow him obediendy and lovingly as he leads the flock of Chris. ‘Your Excellency, you have already served the Church in the Unied States and you ‘know us intimately. You ksow our county's glorious tradition of loyalty and devotion to the Holy See. Iti «point of pride with us that we feel confident that nowhere in the world is there « more intense spirit of practical Catholic chan in our country, nor a people more desirous, ven m the poine of serie, of helping their neighbors throughout the world. ‘Your Excellency will find in this traditional loyalty to the Holy Father 2 pledge ‘and an assieance of caopertion as you take up the important responsibilities of you new bfce. Be asued of out unfailing supporc in all dhac you will undertake in che name of the Holy Father and thae we shall ever accord you the honor aad revereace we bear in fur heats for the Holy See ise. ‘We shall find Pope John in Your Excellency a we find Peter in John and Chaise in Peter. We shal lscen atentively ro your apostolic voice. We shall joyfully obey your apostolic counsel. We shall lean trstingly on your apostolic hhear.”"We fejoice in your coming, Your Excellency, aad from our hears we bid you a hhondred chousand welcomes. Pane) Griairal Sir Brmran Nenu (Maryland Crabmeat Amblard Cid Hears of Cory” Rite and Gren Ove child Almond ey Wat Goon Carle kup, Ear Golden Peles Giles of Paar Mauntsin Broo. Tout, Mie d' Hes Aherkt ou Kinch Lelater Chermidor ouguat of Broveoli Blonaise — Pmmes Lyonnaise Bapian Endive with Prento Vaigrotte Compote of Frat Temi Tse Quests is Baines Rane Casson, Cone He Ezines Jos Camnvar Of Mose Revaene Parncx A. OBorue DD. oor Rermune Tuomas A Boum DD. Bore Hovnnen Arar en. Doce Humeney Semi, Donte, DD. Bloc Hwee Arent 8 Baar. Mawr tarmere Buse: Kot OA, DD- Mow Ravers Jats Common, BD. Bore Hurts Lawson Sur DD. Boor Humes Grama. Cmen, DD. Quests ur Karan Monsoon Jo J acum Vs PA ‘Retr Raver Manaever Mur 3. Bos hep {Ron Reranas Moron Enum be Gane PA. tow I, Lene IRor Hevaaae Moncven Feanca 0, carer [Rott Rermese Morauvor Jonw F McCaary {Kenn Hrvmene Morawzen Wa MeDone ‘Rev Rios Moratnon Roar 1 Seniors ‘Yar ime Monsoon Jon 1 Can Vy evans Monevor Paine it Coro ‘Yar fireem Monsesor Wane J Dance {Yar Reece Hommes Io ane Yaar Romane Monneoe Rosser. caer Yer Remar Monnet Jour Hew Yer Heveny own Cran Np Mers Yer Rive Morcres Son P Obay ‘Ver Havens Mensctor Mane Tiosorant ‘Ver Iimmens Mowsenor Azoymos Wet July 20th, 1960 His Excellency lost Rev.Egidie Vagnoze. Apostolle Delegate 3339 llassachusetts Avenue, IW, WASHINGTON,D.C. Your Excellency, Today I received a letter from the Right Reverend Monsignor Joseph L.Zzyd, Vicaz General of ilarquette, dated July 14th saying that His Excellency Bishop Noa’would give hin a leave of absence to take the position of Spiritual Director for the young priests at the Casa Santa Maria, Last year they were seventy-seven in residence there. He had receiv- ed a letter from Bishop Nos to that effect some woeks ago but had waited until he had a vis{t with His Excellency before writ- ing to me. However, on receipt of the letter he sent me a brief cable saying that he would be free to accept the position. On receipt of the cable I advised His Eminence Cardinal Spellman and suggested that he communicated with the members of the Episcopal Conmittes for their approval. Up to the present I have not heard from him but I hardly expect that there will be any objection. In view of the elrcunstances surrounding Monsignor Zryd’s position in the Diocese and his seniority I advieed him to seek a leave of absence for.a year after which he could make his decision about remaining here always. We writes that he 1s taking a temporary leave of absence and that he wishes to end his priestly days where he began them thirty three years ago. He alse said thet he had resigned his parish and that in case of his return to the Diocese he would devote his full tine to the Cause of the Canonization of Bishop jaraqa. According to present arrangenents Nonsignor Zryd should arrive here about September 1st. At the sane time the Reverend Carl Peter nho has his Licentiate in Philosophy and His Licentiate in ‘Theology, of the Diocese of Cnaha, has been released by Archbishop Bergan for 2 period of four years. He will probably be able to do his Doctorate in Philosophy and Theology during that period of time while acting as Assistant Vico Rector and Repetitor. The Reverend Edward Egan, who has his Licentiate of Theology and who has been Cardinal Meyer's secretary for the past year has been released by His Eminence for four years and will take his Doctorate in Canon Law, I have the assurance of the authorities at the Gregorian University that the time of study can be prolong~ ed fron three to four years In his case, so that he will not fail to give full attention to his duties at the College. Both of these men were superb students and should do very well indeed. ‘They Will be here about Septenber tet. In addition I have received the assurence from Archbishop Keough, in reply to my request for ‘the release of Father P.Francis turphy to act as an Assistant Vice Rector beginning in the sunmer of 1961 to succeed the Reverend John Narshall of the Diocese of Worcester, who will return after serving here four years as Assistant Vice Rector. Because of the fact that these men are studying it has seemed well in the Judgnent of the faculty and myself to have three Assistants rather then two for the discipline of the House which nunbers about two hundred and seventy seminarians. Father Murphy is a fine young priest of good gifts who should be able to make a splendid contribution here. ‘The appointment of Honsignor Zryd will be published oe soon as I hear from Cardinal Spellman. AS ‘the appointment of Father Egan had leaked out in Chicago even before { had Cardinal Spellman's approval and assurance that the Board would ratify 1t in the fall, T published his appoint- mont and that of Father Peter at the time of the departure of the Reverend Robert Willi who was returning after four years here. I will submit the name of Father Murphy of Baltimore to the Board Members but the publication will be made only at the time of the departure of Father Nershall in July 1961. Knowing Your Excellency’s interest in everything that concerns the College I felt that you should have thie information about tho changes and additions on the faculty. With deepest esteem and kindest personal regards, T renain Your Excellency’s humble servant in Christ Martin 3.0*Connor Titular Archbishop of Laodicea in Syria =. Rector naa STATO DELLA CITTA DEL VATICANO TELEGRAMMA eon g APRIL 15TH,1960 ug Tea Destinatario HIS- EXCELLENGY..MOST--REV.-EGIDIO.-VAGNOZZI. Destinasione -... PELAPOST. WASHINGTON U 2 Testo ~. BEST.-RISHES.TO- YOUR. EXCELLENCY. AND. ALL. AT.THE. DELEGATION. _-FOR_A HAPPY. EASTER = as ARCHBISHOP. CONNOR. Mlay 24th 1960 His Excellency Most Rey. Egidio Vagnozzi Apostolic Delegate to the United States of Anerice 9339 Massachusetts Avenue N.Wl. Washington, D.C, Your Excellency, This 1s Just a note to advise you that I will be at Notre Dame on June Sth to recetve an honorary degree fzon the University. I will only be six days in the United States and I would be most appreciative 1£ you will understand my absence Af I do not go ta Washington to pay a vielt of courtesy to you. As I intend to be at the Rishapa? Meeting, I think 4t well to abbreviate my trip this time in so far as it is possible aven ‘though I am golhg as a guest of the University, Z have just read the Long and interesting article on your first anniversary of achievement in the United States, May 1 offer my most heartfelt congratulations on this year of activity, Your health has been wonderful, your appearance in the pictures in the newspapers show that you are enjoying your self and I feol quite cure that you have endeared both yourself and you official position to the Bishops, priests and people of our Country. lay God give you strength for your responsibilities 4n the years ahead. With deepest esteen and affectionate regard, I renain ‘Your Excellency*s humble sezvant in Christ Martin J. O'Connor Titular Archbishop of Laodicea in Syria + Ractor February, 2324,1960 His Exeelle Most Rev,Egldle vagnozad, Apostolic Delegate 3339 llassachasetts Avenue WASHINGTON 8,.0.¢, Your Excellency, Permit me to acknowledge your, letter of February ‘1th 1960, your file N, 27/57, en the subject of matrinontal tribunals and their reports to the tioly See for the year 1957. I am deeply grateful to you for thie in= formation and have been especially encouraged by ‘the ob> servation of the Sucred Congregation that the A Bishops have been sending young men to Rome for the study of Law. As you know we have a great many at the Casa Santa liaria and we hope to attract more. While thanking Your Excellency for your Kindness in sending this information I would Like to say that years ago I made the request to His Eminence Cardinal Chcognant when he was Delegate that if it were possible I would like te receive the ordinary circular letters that were sent out to Ordinaries of the United States with re- gard to any measure or legitiation that would be helpful for me also to know. Occasionally Ordinaries are asked to bring some matter to the attention of their priests or Seninarians which of course is an easy matter for those who are in the United States, but since we have one hundred and three Dioceses represented here, rarely if ever do wéther the priests or the seminarians know of any particular dispositions unless 1 ai in a position te point it jut to them. Hs Eminence Cardinal Cicognani very Kindly areanged that 1 would receive the usual clreular letters which were very helpful and if Your Excellency ‘thinks it proper T would be gratefu would be continued. # thie custom eth renewed thanks and every best-wish, I remain Ye husble soxvant, in Christ sitular Archbishop ef iwedieea invSyria. Hector ine tte D 9339 MASSACHUSETES AVENUE ‘Ustrep Snares or Ancrica, ‘Wasminowox 8, D.C. Wo 22/97. 11 February 1960 ‘Your Bxcellency: ‘The reports of the matrimonial tribunals for 1957 have been closely studied by the Office of Vigilance of the Sacred Congregation of the Sacra~ smonts and I have been commissioned to inform the Most Reverend Ordinaries Of the United States that, for the most part, the Holy See is satisfied with these reports. While there remains room for improvenent, che notable advances in the handling of the formal processes are coomendable. In recognizing with appreciation a tendency tovard improvement the Sacred Congregation wishes to thank the Bishops for having made this possible by their interest and attention, particularly by sending young men to Rone for the study of law. The zeal and good will of many members of the tribunals are also praise worthy. Te 4s clear that they are striving to perform their duties in exact Conformity with the normé of Canon Lav and the directives of the Secred Congre~ gation of the Sacraments. hile conveying to Your Excellency these observations of the Holy See. Wish to assure you also of my personal interest in offering cooperation toward {an evan greater” improvement in the operation of the tribunals. I realize that Sone dioceses may have difficulty in forming courts of their ova but in such 42 situation the Ordinary should feel free to ask that a neighboring tribunal be designated co instruct and decide its formal cases (cf, Acta Apostolicae Sedis, XKIV, p. 273, . TID. Moreover, if a nunber of Ordinaries deemed it advisable T could investigate the possibility of one or nore regional eribunale such aa have been constituted Ttaly and the Philippines, (ef, Acta Apostolicae Sedis, XXVIII, p. With cordial regards and best wishes, T romain Sincerely yours in Christ, ¢ 4 apoayhise/bdlegace Bis Excellency The Most Reverend Martin J. O'Connor, D, D. North American College Vatican City, Rurope December 15th,1959 His Excellency Wost Rev,Faidio Vagnozzi Apostolic Delegate 2359 Nessqchusetts Avenue WASHINGTON 8,D.c. Your Excellency, When I returned to Home on Novenber 27th I found Your Excellency's correspondence with Nonsignor Schlichte, the Vice Rector, your file N° 159/39 with regard to the visit of Congressidn Rooney. Twish to assure you that our office gave the request the grestesl consideration and we Were most anxious that Congressman Rooney and his party received every assistance. I believe that there were some last minute complications, but in the end it sens that a seticfactory audience was granted to this party. Nay I thank you now for your gracious. reception on the occasion of my visit to Washington. It was good to see you again. With every best wish to Your Excellency and your staff at the Delegation for a erry Christmas, I remain Your Excellency's humble servant in Christ Martin J.0*Connor Titular Archbishop of Laodicea in Syria = Rector <2e} c Pe November: 16¢h,1939 His, Excellency Nest Hey. Egidio Vagnozzi ‘Apostolic’ Delegate 3339 Massachusetts Avenue WASHINGTON 8,0,C. Your Ete we 139/29 See Eerie Pormit me to acknowledge receipt of the sopy,of the letter which you wrote to His Excellency Mons.Nario Nasalli Rocca di Corneliano on the 7th of November te recommend Cbhovessiiait Robey and his’ party “for b'privete:Audienco"with His, Holiness, We will advise our Audience Office at Via del1*Umiita accordingly, and I wish to assure Your Excel~ Jeney that 'Yotr letter wi21°be. brought tothe Most -Reverend Rector's attention as soon as he returns from the United States. with sentiments of deep esteem and profound respect, I remain Your Excellency’ hunble servant in Christ Vice Rector we Copy of letter sent to Hons. Soosageee Yay ¢ The party 1 composed ott Me. and Mrs.William Crockett Jey How tre pEss® 2009 Masssonosrrs AVE ae ‘Une Snares ov Asarito4. "Wasnencron & D.. Raymond Farrell, Frederick Larkin - Congressman Rooney and sirs-Rooney no 159/39 The group will stay in Rome from Nov.29 ee to Dec.3rd., November 9, 1959 Most Reverend Martin J. O'Connor, D.D. Rector Collegio Americano del Nora Via del Gianicolo, 14 Vatican City ‘Your Excellence For Your Excellency's information I enclose copy of a letter I have written to His Excellency, Mons. Mario Nasali Recea, seeking a private audience with His Holine: for Congressman Rooney of New York and his party. With sentiments of est sm and every best wish, I main Sincerely ygurs in Christ, oe wenn dal ¢ “ae ans aicaeae Usrmmp Snares oF AncRICA, WASHINGTON 8, D.C. ne 41/35, November 6, 1959 Most Reverand Martin J. O'Connor, D. D. Rector North American College Maxywood College Scranton, Penna. Your Excellency: Tacknowledge your kind letter of November 3rd and wish to express my deep appreciation for your thoughtfulness in sending me a copy of your report to the Episcopal Committee for the North American College. Tassure you that 1am always interested in receiving it and wish to congratulate Your Excellency on the glowing report you were able to sub- mit once again. It was gratifying to me to know that you are in the United States ‘and that I shall have the pleasure of seeing you on several occasions in the near future. With sentiments of esteem and every best wish, I remain Sincerely yours in Christ, wy messi be His Excellency Most Reverend Egidio Vagnozzi Apostolic Delegate 3339 Massachusetts Avenue, N. W. ‘Washington, D. C. ‘Your Excellency: ferns the North American College, ‘2 multitude of things to read, ich would appear to Your of young men from the United States felt free to send this report to you. ‘but there may be some phases oft Excellency to have a special imp {or the priesthood in Rome, {for Naples on November 23. ‘stem and kindest personal regards, remain, ‘Your Bxcellency's humble servant, ‘Martin J. 6'Comnor, Rector North American College September 29th, 1959 Most Rey.Egidto Vagnozzi Apostolte Delegate 9339 liassachusetts Avenue WASHINGTON D.C. Your Excellency, Permit me to thank you for the besuticul letter of September tath in which you offer felicitations and best wishes to me and te the alumai of the North American College on the occasion of the centennial commemoration of its foundation. Your gracious letter mill be a source of great encouragement to the seminarians and to our faculty as well as to the superiors and the priests at the Casa Santa ligrla, the residence hall on the Vie dell’Umilts. AlY Join me in a grateful expression of approciatios of thecpraise that you give to the tlorth American College for AtEFecérd in the past anc the tribute to its importance and significance tn the training of priests for the service ef the Church in the United States, . While we shall regret that Your Exeellency ey WATT not be with'us in person we thank you for the union of spirit and prayer with you, which will ke a blessing for our College and its future, liith sentiments of esteem, my renewed thanks | and every best wish, I remain Your Excellency*s humble servant in Christ Titular Archbishop of Laodicea An Syria Rector September 15th, 1959 His ExeelLency Rev.Egidio vagnozzt Apostolic Delegate 3229 Massachusetts Avenue,N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C, Your Excellency, This is just to assure you that I asked Father Peter Essman, the Assistant Superior at the Casa Santa haria, to accompany tiles Shirley O’eili and her father to the audience with the Holy Father yesterday. Evoxything went off ali right and the O'lleills were vory much pleaeed. With kindest regards and every best wish, T renain Your Excellency*s hunble servant in Christ Martin J.0°Connor Titular Hishop of Thespiae Rector 3839 Massactuserns Ave ‘Wasimero% 8, D.C. August 18, 1959 Most Reverend Martin J. O'Connor, D.D. ye Rector ao Collegio Americano del Nord Via del Gianicolo, 14 Vatican City State Your Excellency: Tam grateful for your kind letter of August 12th ine forming of the addition to your ataft of Reverend William J. Fora ter of the Archdiocese of Boston and Reverend Charles P. Beeman of the Diocese of Columbus, It is very thoughtful of Your Excellency to notiy me of these appointments as i is also to send the annual re port which you plan to do when it is completed. With sentiments of esteem and every best wit Me aspen aaa Sincerely ygprs in Christ, pela e cxcry «vale ie ent ae me August 12th,1959 His Excellency The Most Aev,Egidio Vagnozzi ‘Apostolic Delegate 3399 Massachusetts Avenue MASHINGTON,D.C. Your Excellency, I have always considered tt a pleasant duty ‘to, send to the Apostolic Delegate every year a copy of my report to the Episcopal Committee for the North American College ond I would Like to do so again thie year. prepare the report, have it printed in Anerica and it will reach Your Excellency directly from those who do this work for me at hone, I have also always kept the Apostolic Delegate informed ee to changes on the Faculty. h Enclosed Your Excellency will find the Cugriculum Vitae of the Reverend Willian J.Forster of. the Archdiocese of Boston who 1s the new Susiness Manager at ‘tha North American College. He took His Licentiate at ‘the| Gregorian University, His Doctozatd in Dogmatic Theology at, the Angelicum and has had several ydars of parochial experience besides practical work in the liinistry st Army and! Atrtoree bases in Gormany and North Africa. og) There 1s also enclosed tHe Curriculum Vitae of the Reverend Charles Peter Essman of (the Diocese of Gollinbus. tHe received his Licentiate in Theology and his Poktorate in Dogmatic Theology at the Gr¢gorian University. JFok several years ho was engaged in paroghial work sad teach ingiin’s High Schoo] in Colinsus, ohkor | Both of these youngnen give good promise as embers of the Faculty. "Father Essnanfa porticuler work will cause him to reiide in the old College building at Via deli*Untit& 30 where he will bo the Assistant Superior, the local Superior being Monsigner Joseph F.ennenegger with whom you are well acquainted. Father Essman will Succeed the Reverend Francis 0.0’ Hare of the Archdiocese ‘ef Boston who will return to Boston after the Centennial Observance after having served four years in Rome as As~ sistant Superior of the Casa Santa Maria, the graduate Residence Hall for student priests. Both His Eminence Cardinal Cushing and His Excellency Bishop Issennan have been very generous in giving these priests for this important work in Rone, and I am deeply grateful to then. good wish, T renain Your Excelleney’s hunble servant With deepest esteon and every in Christ Titular Bishop of Thespiae ‘tor June 17th, 1959 His Excelleney The Fost Fev. Egidio Vagnozzi Apostolic Delegate Massachusetts Avenue WASHINGTON © sDsce Your Excellency, Your letter brought the good news that you are completely restored to health and that you are busy with a very heavy program. I have been following your activity In the notes of the National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service and I cannot help but admize the activity that is yours. In ell probability the life of the Apostolic Delegate in the United States will never be a tranquil existence but I suppose with the passing of the months you will have more order and more pre~ paration for the events and the problems that you nust meet. However, you cone to Anerica with such an excel- lent preparation and with such good dispositions on the part of the people and the Hierarchy that I think that the adjustment will only be a-mattor of form. Monsignor Enmenegger had a glowing report of his trip home with you ‘and I am glad that he was able to be of service to you. We have received the new Business Htanager in the person of the Reverend Viilliam Forster of the Arch- diocese of Boston, who was permitted to return to become a wember of the Faculty with the Kind permission of His Eminence Cardinal Cushing. Father Forster is well qualified having done not only his uncergraduate seminary study here but also his postgraduate work for a Doctorate in Theology. I au very glad to have him as the absence of a fusiness Manager placed too heavy a burden on the Vice Rector who as trying to carry on in the two positions. Please, be assured that you will aluays be mest welcome at the College when you cone ‘to Rome and that in the meantime if we can be of assistance in any way, please do not hesitate to call on us at any ‘time. With deep esteem and kindest personal regards, I remain Your Excellency’s humble servant in christ Martin J.0*Connor Titular Bishop of Thespiae Rector June tst,1959 His Excellency Most Rev.Egidle Vagnozzs Apostolic Delegate 3399 liassachusetts Avenue WASHINGTON 8,D.C. Your Excellency, Ian in receipt of your letter of May 25th which, no doubt, will be a great pleasure for Bishop O'Connor ‘to read upon his return to Rome. If I may inject a personal note I would like to say that it was a genuine pleasure to have Your Excellency with us for « few deys during your stay in the City. With sentiments of highest esteem and profound respect, I remain Sincerely youre Vice Rector 4, Bes “ont oe 2599 ssiaoners Ave UUnrmep Snares orAMERICA "Wisimeron 8 De mn May 25, 1959 Most Reverend Maztin J. O'Connor, D.D. Rector, North American College Via del Gianicolo 14 Vatican City, Italy Your Excellency + It seems but yesterday that I was enjoying your gracious hospitality in Rome; the hectic days of these past four weeks have made the time pase very quickly. Lam deeply grateful to Your sxcellency for your kkind hospitality, Your interest in eeeing that my every need was taken care of, and especially your concern for me when T took ill, will always be remembered with heartfelt appreciation. Tam also very appreciative of your kindness in arranging for Monsignor Emmenegger to accompany me to New York. He was a great help and comfort to me on the trip. Gradually 1 am settling down to my new life and new duties here in Washington ; it hae heen a real pleasure to renew acquaintance with many old and good friends, Asking your prayers for the eucceas of the migsion entrusted to me by His Holiness, and with warmest personal regards, T remain Sincerely yours in Christ, + Apostolic Dt 23599 Maseicituserns AveNor Wasnoton & D.C. UxrTen Stares oF AMERICA, We...487/35 (211) b= November 9, 1963 Most Reverend Martin J. O'Connor, DD Rector North American College Vatican City, (Europe) Your Excellency: 1am deeply grateful for the information which you so kindly provided in your letter of October 31st rela~ tive to a member of the clergy who has been proposed for a Pon- tifical Honor. May I add that it was most kind of Your Excellency to extend to me once more the hospitality of the College. Be assured, I appreciate it, However, I must decline since 1 am_ not planning to return to Rome for the closing of this session of the Council. ‘With sentiments of esteem and every best wish, I remain Sincerely gours in Christ, i Apostolic thleghte we wn, BE one pas 9399 Massicnuserrs Avie ‘Wasmerow 8 D.C, Uxrnen Stars oF AMERICA to 41/35 October 26, 1963 Most Reverend Martin J. O'Connor, DD Rector Collegio Amexicana del Nord Via del Gianicolo, 14 Vatican City (Europe) Your Excellency: It is with sincere thanks that I acknowledge receipt, for the use of the files of the Apostolic Delegation, of your Report a8 Rector of the North American College for the year 1952- 1963. May I take this occasion to extend to Your Excellency my condial congratulations on the continued success of the College. With sentiments of esteem and every best wish, Iremain Sincerely yours in Christ, 2. Apostolic 9939 Massachusells dvonuc Washington 8 D.C. September 14, 1963, Most Reverend Martin J. O'Connor, DD Rector Gollegio Americano del Nord Via del Gianicolo, 1¢ Vatican City (Burepe) Your Excellency: am writing with farther reference to your gracious offer of hospitality to reside at the North Amer- ican College during the Second Session of the Ecumenical Coun- il. ‘May I say that I shall arrive there towards the end of thie month, My present plan is to leave from New York by 'plane on Sunday morning, September 29th. With sentiments of esteem and every best wish, I remain “7 a Apostolic Defegats 8839 Massachoserrs AVENE Usirmp Stars oF AMERICA, ‘WasiascToN 8, D.C. 167/62, May 18, 1963, ‘Most Reverend Martin J, O'Conner, DD Rector Collegio Americano del Nord Via del Gianicolo, 14 Vatican City (Europe) Your Excellency: Your letter of May 10th has arrived and now hasten to express my deep thanks for your gracious invita~ tion to reside at the North American College during my sojourn in Rome in connection with the Beatification of Bishop Neumann. May I say that I am planning to stay with my brother. However, if [need a change, I shall gladly accept your hospitality. With sentiments of esteem and every beat wish, I remain J Sincerely yours in Chri y The Apostolic Belegale May 10th, 1963, Your File 167/62 His Excellency Most Rev. Egidio Vagnozei Apostolic Delegate 3939 Massachusetts Avenue WASHINGTON, D.C, ‘Your Excellency, Iam delighted to hear that you will be in Rome for the Beatification of Bishop Neumenn, May I offer you hospitality at the College during the time of your visit to Rome on this occasion, We do not expect to go out to the Villa until about the 4th of July but you will be most welcome and we will be happy to have an apartment ready for you, if you let me know the day and time of your arrival, ‘With warmest personal regards and every best wish, I remain Your Excellency's humble servant in Christ Martin J. O'Connor ‘Titular Archbishop of Laodicea 1) 30) Ic pew 9399 MassacHuserrs AVENUE Usrren Srares or Aerie "Wasmeren 8 De 167/62 “6 May 6, 1963 Most Reverend Martin J, O'Connor, D.D. Titular Archbishop of Lacdicia North American College ‘Via del Gianicolo, 14 Vatican City Your Excellency: T received your letter of April 30th land wish to assure Your Excellency that I sincerely appreci- ate the kind offer of hospitality for the second session of the Council, According to present plans, I do not ‘expect to attend the second session. However, I will be in Rome for the beatification of Blahop Neumann, With sentiments of esteem and every best wish, I remain Rome, April 30th, 1963, His Excellency ‘Most Rev. Rgidio Vagnozzi Apostolic Delegate 3339 Massachusetts Avenue WASHINGTON, D.C, Your Excellency, Before long the summer will have come and gone and the second Session of the Couneil will be under way, and 20 Tam writing now to renew my invitation most cordially to you to stay with us again, I am sure that Your Excellency knows that you are welcome then or at any other time, Just Jet us know the day of your arrival so that we can be prepared, Of course, we will be happy to have your Secretary algo, ‘With deepest esteem and warmost personal regarde, T remain Your Hxcellency's humble servant in Christ Martin J,0'Connor Titular Archbishop of Laodicea February 4th, 1983 His Excellency Most Rev, Egidio Vagnozai Apostolic ‘Delegate 3339 Massachusetts Avenue WASHINGTON, D.C. ‘Your Excellency, In the absence of Archbishop O'Connor 1 am acknovleding receipt of your letter of January 28th, 1963, Your File N. 249/40, Please be assured that I shall esll this to His Excellency's attention immediately upon his return to Rome. With sentiments of deep esteem ond kindest personal regards, 1 remain Your Excellency’s humble servant in Christ Te “4, BE on6 ma 9999 MassncHUsErTs AVENUE Unrrep Stames op Awenica, ‘Waster & D.C. 249/40 28 January 1963 ‘Your Excellency: In virtue of special authorfzatton foam the Holy Father, Pope John XXIII, the Sacred Congregation for the Discipline of the Sacranents has granted to the Ordinaries Of tha United States the faculty ‘'sacras Ordinationes habends fextra tempora a iure statuta, id est diebue festis primae vel cundae elassie quanvis non'de prascepto, necnon ultinis sabbatis maii et duobus prints sabbatis Lanii, servatis in reliquis de fure servandis, et Instructione #,5,C, die 27 decenbris 1930, necnon Litterie Circularibue 1i,3.¢, diet 27 decenbris 1955". ‘This concession supersedes the one announced in my Lecter of 28 December 1960 and it will be in effect until 14 January 1966. ‘The relative tax for each Diocese is Your Dollars (4,00) and this may be sent to the Apostolic Delegation for Exaneniseion to the Holy See. With cordial regards and best wishes, I remain Apostolic Delegate lite Bcelleney Most Rev. Nartin J. 0'Connor, D.D. Worth American Coliege Vatican City, Birope STATO DELLA CITTA DEL VATICANO Bw TELEGRAMMA B ggg TELEGRAMMA i J occonnor NORT! GE ve 3999 afassacuoserts AVENUE ‘Usrrep Snares or Anorrica ‘WastuncroN 8, D.C. November 8, 1962 Most Reverend Martin J, O'Gonnor, DD Rector North American College Vatican City (Europe) Your Excellency: T acknowledge your kind letter of October 4th and wish to thank you for the enclosed copy, for the use of the files of the Apostolic Delegation, of your Report as Rector of the North American College for the year 1961-1962, May I extend to Your Excellency my cor~ dial congratulations on the great success that the Gollege continues to enjoy. With sentiments of esteem and every best wish, T remain Sincerely yours in Christ, OMagem Chargé d'affaires ai. October ath, 1962 Rt Rev. Magr, Gerolamo Prigione Chargé d'aftaires 3899 Massachusetts Avenue WASHINGTON, D, C. While I will give His Excellency the Apostolic Delegate another copy of the Report of the Rector for the school ‘year 1961-1962 1 wish to send to you, for the files of the Dele~ gation, another copy, It is anticipated that the meeting of the Episcopal Committee will take place while the members of the American Hierarchy are in Rome, With deep esteem and every best wish, I remain Faithfully yours in Cheist Martin J,0'Connor ‘Titular Archbishop of Laodicea insyrla Rector October 10th, 1962 His Excellency Most Rev. Egidio Vagnozzi Apostolic Delegate to the U.S.A. North American College P.O, Vatican City ‘Your Excellency, ‘The report of the Rector for the scholastic year 1961- 1962 accompanies this letter. I felt that you might be interested in reading it while you were with us, I have sent a copy to the Apostolic Delega~ tion for the record nd for your files, With sentiments of de at esteem and every best wish, I remein Your Excellency’s humble servant in Christ Martin J.0'Connor ‘Titular Archbishop of Lacdices in Syria - Rector 4, ME org a 3599 msicroers Aro ‘Unrrep Srares or AcEmicA ‘Casmcron Be 14/02 April 25, 1962 Most Reverend Martin J. O'Connor, D.D. Rector Collegio Americano del Nord Via del Gianicolo, 14 Vatican City State Your Excellency: I regret my tardiness in replying to your most gracious letter of March 4th, in which you so kindly offered the hospitality of the North American College during my time in Rome for the Ecumenical Council. Lam indeed grateful for this thoughtful ges ture by Your Excellency. It was most considerate of you. However, since I plan to spend only a few weeks there, I shall make other ar- rangements. With sentiments of esteem and renewed deep appreciation, I remain Sincerely ygurs in Christ, “ye July 28, 1962 His Excellency ‘Most Reverend Hgidio Vagnozzi Apostolle Delegate to the United States 3339 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Washington, D, Ce ‘Your Bxcollesey: ‘This ts my firet @6 ite #itice I saw you in Washington, as I returned to the Ma Seranton to complete the series of tents that comprised the fyeical examination about which I spoke to you. I left a I febl very well indeed. May 1 warm hospitality at 2 oar mnt gBurteous reception and iy grateful to you for New York. /S 2 on, I deferred my return to Rome a Hetle wi m nm New York to’ London on August 17, to Paris on August 24 af ugust 27. In Paris Iwill be at Marymount, Boulevaré Neuilly-sar-Seine. In London I'will be at the ‘Apostolic Da #t me thank you for your cordiality. Thope that you will feel equally at home-When you are af the Americas College in October. Ica ire you of a hearty welcome. With sentiments of highest esteem and Kindest personal regards, T remain, ‘Your Excellency's humble servant in Christ, Martin J. O'Gonnor Titular Archbishop of Laodices in Syria aly 3, 1962 ‘The Most Reverend Egidio Vagnozzi “Apostolic Delegate To The United States 9339 Massachusetts Avenue, NW. Washington Dletrict of Columbia Your Excellency: Firat of all, permit me to thank you for your assistance in securing The Reverend John Warren Holleran, of the Archdiocese of San Francisco, as a spiritual director. Before I left Rome I received word {rom His Eminence Cardinal Spellman that the Episcopal Committe bad approved this candidate, and accordingly, I appointed Jhim to the past with instructions fo take up residence, ‘at the villa on oz about September 10. Tarxived in New York on June 28 for the Consecration of Bishop Reh, and came to College Misericordia last ‘Saturday. After next Saturday 1 shall be at Mazywood, College in Scranton, It is my hope to remain in the United States for a few weeks, and I hope to have the privilige of paying my respects to Your Excellency in Waehington. ‘With renewed thanks and deepest osteem I remain; Your humble servant in Christ, Martin J. O'Connor ‘Titular Archbishop of Lacdicea in Syria Msogota March 4th 1962 Hie Exeelleney Most Rev, Egidio Vagnozal D.D. Apostolic Delegate to the United States, ‘of America 2929 Massachusetts Avenue N. W, Washington, D.C, ‘Your Excellency, Ido not know whether you plan to attend the 11 Eoumenieal Vatican Council or not, but in case you intend to do so mey I offer the hoepitality of the North American College where a suite would be at your disposel, We would also be able to take eare of two or one of your Secretaries in case you bring them with you, Cardinal Cushing, Cardinal Metntyre and probably Cardinal Ritter will be with us, I have invited Cardinal Speilmen and he was grateful, but as he usually makes his head- quarters at the Grand Hotel, he preferred to Ieeep that reservation, If there ie aay other way in which we can serve you, please do not fail to let me know, Assuring Your Excellency of @ warm and cordial weleome and with every best wish, remain Your Bxcellency's humble servant in Christ, Martin J, O'Connor Titular Archbishop of Leodicea in Syria 5 Rector | March 4th 1962 His Eminence Richard Cardinal Cushing Archbishop of Boston 2101. Commonwealth Avenue Brighton 95, Massachusetts ‘Your Eminence I am delighted that you are accepting the savitation to stay with us... Itmay be well.for you to arrive. about three days before the Council actually convenes in order to get a Little rest and become. aeelimated, If Lhave any further suggestions, Twill let you know, I would appreciate any information that you ‘chose to send to me, It might be'well for you tovarrange your postal address #0 that it would read your name, c/o North American College; Post Offiee Address, Vatican City State - Personal. There will be a lot of mislayed’ mail Jn the City of Rome about thet time as it'will be ineviteble, "You are'perfectly welcome to use this address, of course, unless you prefer to have your mail delivered directly to ‘the office which I hear thet Bistiop’ Primeau and his Committee are arranging for the Bishops in Rome. Cardinal MeIntyre will be with us and I have invited Cardinal Ritter, Cardinal Speftinn has fnférmed me that he wil stay at the Grand Hotel although he was quite grateful for the invitation and suggested that instead of his formally inviting the Cardinals I should do it, This invitation, naturally, includes your Secretaries or Secretary, I will invite the Apostolic Delegate in case he comes al the same time, With warmest personal regards and every best wish, I remain Respectfully and Devotedly, Martin J. O'Connor ‘Titular Archbishop of Laodicea in Syria = Rector February 16, 1962 Most Reverend Martin J. O'Connor, Rector ‘The North American College Via del Gianicolo, 14 Vatican City My dear Archbishop: Lam most grateful to you for your letter of February 12th. I shall therefore plan to accept your kind invil tion to stay at the North American Gollege during the Gonciliar period. I shall keep you informed concerning further details as we gradually work them out. I presume that our arrival in Rome a day or two in advance of the Council would be adequate. Begging God's choicest blessings upon you, I remain Devotedly yours in Christ, 2p. Mae asin Akchbishop of Boston v oY February 10th,1962 His Excellency Most Rev, Rgidlo Vagnozzi Apostolic Delegate 8899 Massachusetts Avenue WASHINGTON, D.C. Your Excellency, ‘Thank you very much for your letter of February 5th, your File N, 41/35/15, enclosing a photostatic copy of a letter from His Excellency Bishop Ackerman to you about the possibility of releas- ing the Reverend William Stanley Fleming for the post of a second Spiritual Director of the North American College, Please let me assure you of my gratitude and deep ap- preciation of your efforts to help me, I aim touched also by the fact that you would insist further with Bishop Ackerman if I so suggested, However, I am inclined to agree with Your Exeellency's observations that Father Fleming might not be happy in Rome and in all probability would not wish to accept the position as he was evidently not adjueted to the life of a seminary. I will begin again my search for a competent Spiritual Director and I will presume to write to you asking your help once With sentiments of highest teem, I remain ‘Your Excellency’s humble servant in Christ Martin J,0°Comor ‘Titular Archbishop of Laodicea in Syria = Rector %, we e 2999 aascrsers Armee Uxrmen Srares oF AMERICA Wasiamcron 8, D.C te__41/38-15 February 5, 1962 Most Reverend Martin J. O'Connor, D.D. Rector Gollegio Americano del Nord Via del Gianicolo, 14 ‘Vatican City State ‘Your Excellency: Upon receipt of your letter of January 16th, I wrote immediately to His Excellency, Bishop Ackerman, about the possibility of releasing one of his priests for the post of @ second Spiritual Director of the Nosth American College Tenclose copy of the reply of His Excellency: If Your Excellency wishes me to insist further, I shall do 50. The persoa in question may not be hap- py In Rome or may not accept the position. ‘With sentiments of esteem and every best wish, Tremain Sincerely/yours in Christ, 47. . Apostolic Delegate February Tth, 1962 His Excellency Most Rev. Bgidio Vagnozzi Apostolic ‘Delegate 3839 Massachusetts Avenue WASHINGTON, D.C, ‘Your Excellency, Permit me to thank you for the form letter N.25/ ‘OR/82 of January And of His Eminence Cardinal Testa, President of the Specfal Technical Commission preparing for the If Vatican Council, and for the copy of the Ball convening the Council, ‘With sentiments of deep esteem, I remain Your Hxcellency's humble servan in Chriet Martin J, O'Connor ‘Titular Archbishop of Laodicea in Syria ~ Rector February 7th, 1962 His Excellency Most Rev, Rgidio Vagnozsi Apostolic Delegate 3899 Massachusetts Avenue WASHINGTON, D.C, ‘Your Excellency, Tam enclosing a letter dated January 15th, addressed to Monsignor Zryd from the Reverend Gerald W. Polley of the Pontifical College Josephinum, Worthington, Ohio, We have had no other com- munication from Father Polley nor any letter from the Josephinum, ‘The priest who was directing the Thesis of Father Polley at the Gregorian is the Reverend Francis Furlong, S.J., recently named the Rector of the Bellarmino where the bienniste of the Society reside while they are preparing for their degrees, He did not know that Father Polley had returned to America, Father Polley had not done any work on this thesis on a long time but had simply presented it with an outline, His excuse was that he was doing fa great deal of work for His Eminence Cardinal Cicognan!, the Secretary of State but this statement was not true, Iam pleased to know that Father Polley is at home and I trust that he will be happy and contented, With kindest personal regards and sentiments of deep esteem, I remain Your Excellency's humble servant in Christ Martin J,0'Connor ‘Titular Archbishop of Laodicea in Syria Rector Reverend Gersld W. Polley Pontifieal College Josephinun Worthington, Ohie Monday, 15 January 1962 Dear Monsignor Zrya: At last a few lines to thank you for your help in ay unexpected rushed separture from Rome, I'm still trying to catch up on the energy expended in thome last days Phe flight wae pleasant. I had oufficient time in New York to . Warren Schumacher. He drove to Idlewild, and we had on hour! before the flight to Columbus was called. From the Sector's cablegram and subsequent letter, 1 had concluded from hie insistence on my being back here no later than January 4 that classes would resune on the following day. In point of fact, they didn’t start ntdl Monday the 6th. An extra day in Rome would have been a great belp = but things got done as it 20 there is no point in regretting ny felee conelusion. My teaching load for this semester is very light by Joseyhinum stendards =~ only eight houre per week: five of Pundanental Moral, two of College Religion (Apologetics), ant one of catechetios. In the letter I wila nave to supervise the theologians who are teaching religion in our high school department by vieiting theit classes unexpectedly. With the bulk of ay books being shipped by Bolliger, the usual difficulties of cless prepar- ‘ation have been greatly increased. However, after shaky beginninge, I'm jetting things together now with a bit more ease, ‘The faculty and students begin retreat this evening. Since the Rector's sadden recell cane too late for me to spend any of the Christmas vacation with my fanily, he gave me permiesion to make a retrest privately 1 summer and spend these days in Arizona. However, I think 1 can use a retreat right now as much eo anyone else, so I'l] let the vioit in Arizona wait until the short Faster vacation. Please give my best regards to Pr. Bssnanand remember ae to all at the nea. My years at the Caon will certainly be numbered anong the nost happy of my entire life, not only because of ny great love for Rome, but ‘else because of the opportunity to have lived with such « fine group of » T do hope that many of these will be life-long contacts end not limited to the few youre spent together at No. 30. i aici signed: Jerry Polley Fanuary 16tb,1962 His Bxcellenoy Most Rev. Egidio Vagnozzi Apostolic Delegate 9839 Massachusetta Avenue WASHINGTON, D.C. | Your Excellency, May 1 ask your assletance ones more with the hope of obtaining a second Spiritial Director for the seminary department of the Notth American College, I would propose the #ame of William Stanley Fleming of the Diocese of Covington. He was bom Febery 9h 1927 and studied at Saint Gregory's seminary in Cincinnati, Onfo, for nee: Years and at Saint Paul's serainary i Saint Pail 267 two years, He enlered the Nort American College on September ‘18th, 1949 and ‘was ordained on December 20th, 1952, returning to the United States with @ Licestlate ia Sacred Theology trom the Greperisn University, obiained in Juice 1983; during the fail of 1988 he was enrolled agiin Gh the Gregorian University for the Doctorate in Moral Theology which he took tn June 1955, Your Excellency will note from the enclosed transcript that for the Docterate he received eight for tle Haperimentum coram nine for the Dissertetio scripts and ten oF full points for the Dissertationis defensio on June 18th 1958. ather Fleming left an excellent record among the students here and the present faculty members who knew him had a very high opinion of him. 1 heard that he was asaigmed to the ‘Minor Seminary on his return to Covington but that when Bishop Ackerman succeeded Bishop Mulloy there were certain changes in the seminary in which he wau involved and at the present time he is doing pastoral work, 1 have hesitated to write to anyone in the Diocese of Covington for fear of causing complication: However, if Your Excellensy could find it possible to propose ‘the idea to Bishop Ackerman and if his worthiness is equal to hhis demonstrated capacity at the University I think that it would be a good choice for a Spiritual Director to assist Monsignor Fleming here now in the direction of 281 Theologians, Curiously enough the name of Fether Fleming has been mentioned occasionally in America, I understand, es a pos- sible Spiritual Director for the North Ainerican College, I have had no contact with him since he left here except for a chance meeting, I do hope, however, that he will be available and T would be profoundly grateful to Your Excellency if you could take the matter up with His Exeelleney Bishop Ackerman with the hope that we will be able to have Father Fleming as a second Spiritual Director in the College, He should be available by April Ist, F am enclosing: the:transeripts of the record of Father Fleming from the Gregorian University for his course in Theology land his to extra yeare for the Doctorate in Moral Theology. I do not think that he is too young for the position and because everyone speaks so well of him 1 think it is an effort worth making in hie regard, ‘With profound thanks and every best wish, 1 remain Your Excelleney's humble servant in Shrist Martin J,0'Connor ‘Titular Archbishop of Laodicea ingyria Rector NORTH AMERICAN COLLEGE Deember 3rd, 1961 His Excellency Most Rev, Egidio Vagnozzi AApostolie Delegate 8339 Massachuselts Avenue, N. W. ‘WASHINGTON, D.C. Your Exeelleney, Permit me to acknowledge your letter of November 18th, your File Div, 912 on the subject of the portraits which you propose to have executed by Professor Guido Greganti, On November 28th Professor Greganti explained to us that the photograph forwarded by Your Excellency was an excellent reproduction and therefore he felt sure that the new portraits would completely sutisty Your Excellency, He weleomed the observations and felt that they would contribute greatly to his work, ‘The Professor also assured us that the price of this portrait would be the same as that which he charges the North American College, He is also more than pleased to do another portrait of Cardinal Cicognani for the same price, If there is any farther information which Your Excellency desires st will be a pleasure to be of assistance, Meanwhile may I take thie opportunity to send to you and to the members of your Staff most cordial greetings and best wishes for a happy aud a holy Christmas ‘With sentiments of highest esteem, I remain Your Excelleney's humble servant in Christ Martin J, O'Connor ‘ular Archbishop of Leodicea in Syria MEMORANDUM FOR HIS EXCELLENCY ARCHBISHOP O'CONNOR November 28th, 1961 On Tuesday, November 28th Father Forster interviewed Professor Guido Greganti with respect to the matter of two portraits requested by the Apostolic Delegate in America, Archbishop Vagnozzi, Professor Greganti said that the photograph forwarded by the Apostolic Delegate was an excellent reproduction and therefore he felt sure that the new portrait would completely satisfy the Apostolic Delegate who had volunteered a few observations on the matter, Given the exalted position of Archbishop Vagnozzi, the artist has agreed that the price would be the same as that charged to the College, Also he is more than happy to do another portrait of Cardinal Cieognani for the same price, Dr, Leonardi from the Ulficio Merci has constantly badgered Father Forster with regard to his wish of selling religious articles at the College, Dr, Leonardi was refused this permission by the Rector last year, If he should call I want you to be aware of the situation, , eas “4 ny "anne mo 939 Massacuuserns AVENE Usrren Srares oFAMERICA, ‘WASHINGTON 8, D.C. Diy. 912 November 18, 1961 Most Reverend Martin J, O'Connor, DD Rector Collegio Americano del Nord Via del Gianicolo, 14 Vatican City (Europe) ‘Your Excellency: Tacknowledge with appreciation and gratitude your kind letter of October 30th relative to the proposed portrait of myself by Professor Guido Greganti. Tam grateful, t00, for the photograph of my present portrait in the North Amer~ ican College, which you so graciously forwarded to me, At thie time Lam enclosing one of my most recent photographs. From a confrontation of this with the one taken from the portrait one sees that the former is more natural in eter A arora iy acer .ppears to be arflongation of the face, th@eyer ave larger and the @ aaa ea ea eA eee acto graph and Yew obaeFvationg may Be to the artist. I should like to have a copy of the portrait of His Eminence, Cardinal Cicognani, which war painted by Mr. Greganti and which ie now at the North American Gsllege, I trust that the price would be the same as that charged to the College. “TN With gentiments of esteem and every best ‘wish, I remain h . wer aay > 5 NORTH AMERICAN COLLEGE December 26th, 1961 Hie Excellency Most Rev. Bgidio Vagnozzi Apostolic Delegate 3339 Massachusetts Avenue WASHINGTON, D.C. ‘Your Bxcellency, In seecordance with your letter of December 18th, your file Div, 912, on the subject of the portraitswhich you have ordered from Professor Guido Greganti, I have asked the Reverend Willian J.Foreter, the Business Manager of the College, to keep in touch with Professor Greganti as the work progresses and to call his attention to your wishes, Before it goes to America I will not fail to see It personally, Cordially reciprocating your greetings for the New Year, I remain Your Excellency's humble ser in Christ Martin J,0’Connor ‘Titular Archbishop of Laodic in Syria Le pes 2999 Mastxansers Avo Ucrren Srares or Aueica "waatmoron 8 D.C we Div. 912 December 15, 1961 Mort Reverend Martin J, O'Connor, DD Rector Gollegio Americano del Nord Via del Glanicolo, 14 ‘Vatican City (Europe) ‘Your Excellency: I acknowledge with sincere appreciation your kind letter of December 3rd on the subject of the portraits which I propose to have executed by Profescor Guido Greganti, and am plea! ed to leazn that the enclosed photograph and the observations contained in my letter, under date of November 18th, will contribute to the work of the artiet, Tam writing at this time to Mr. Greganti formally requesting that he proceed with the painting of a copy of his portrait of Cardinal Cicognani, which is now at the North American College, together with a new portrait of myself, I would be deeply grateful if Your Excellency would find it possible to have someone supervise the work as it progresses, so that the final product will be satisfactory. With sentiments of esteem and with every prayerful best wish for a holy and a happy Christmas, I remain Sincenaly urs in Christ, 4 ¢. Apostolic Délegate ey, Me on, ro cee 4880 Massicnusers Avo ‘Unrep States op Asrenica ‘Wistnorow 8 D.C te_104/60_ November 17, 1961 Most Reverend Martin J, O'Connor, DD Rector Collegio Americano del Nord Via del Gianicolo, 14 Vatican City (Europe) Your Bxeellency: I acknowledge with appreciation your kind letter of November Ist, conveying an account of the fitting commemoration of the double anniversary of the Holy Father by the priests and seminarians of the North American College, Permit ‘me to extend to Your Excellency my cordial congratulations on the manner in which you directed the occasion to be observed. Here in the United States, also, ag you no doubt already know, there war great rejoicing and solemn cele bration of these memorable anniversaries of His Holiness. It was all most gratifying indeed. ‘With sentiments of esteem and every best wish, T remain sincorehy yrs tn Chris, 4 ¢ / Apostolic élegate November 1st 1961 ils Excellency Most Rev, Egidio Vagnoazi Apostolic Delegate to the United States of America 3839 Massachusetts Avenue ‘Washington 8, D.C. Sour Excellency: While Your Exeelleney's letter of May 9th last, your file N, 104/60, does not strictly apply to a seminary, nevertheless I ‘know that ‘you will be pleased that we have not passed over the double anniversary of the Holy Pether without a solemn but simple eommemo- ration to bring before the mind of the priests and seminarians the importance of these events. ‘The students, of course, will attend with the faculty when the Holy Father assists in St, Peter's Basilica at a Sung Vass to ‘be sung by His Eminence Cardinal Montini, Archbishop of Milan, In the afternoon we have an academia, a programa of which I enclose, Be assured Your Excellency that it was a joy fr ‘everyone to enjoy participation in these observances and I take this ‘opportunity to send in my own name and in the name of all at the College the respectful and devoted greeting on this occasion to the distinguished representative of His Holiness in the United States, With deep esteem and warmest personal regards, Lremain ‘Your Excellency's humble servant in Christ, Martin J. O'Connor ‘Titular Archbishop of Leodicea in Syria = Reetpr ' 3899 Massacsoserrs AVENUE Usp Starrs or AMERICA. ‘Wastinrox 8 D.C. May 9, 1961 Your Excellency: ‘as Your Excellency is aware, our Most Holy Father, Pope John XXIIT, will celebrate his Eightieth Birthday on Novenber 25, 1961. tis Duinence, Cardinal Tardini, has informed me that the chosen for the official celebration of this memorable saniversary is Novenber 4, 1961, the Feast of Seint Charles Horromeo, which marke ‘also the Third Anniversary of the Coronation of ite Helis Mis Bainence has indicated the opportuneness that on that day, or on another day selected by the Most Reverend Bishops, the Most Reverend Hiararchy and all the faithful of the world participate with prayers, cerenonies end festivities in the birthday commemoration ‘of the Comon Father, who on so many occasions has manifested toward all the Lively concern and affection of the Supreme Shepherd and Vicar of christ, I bring this to Your Excelleney's attention, knowing that in your love for and attachment to the Vicar of christ you vill wish to share in a fitting world-wide expression of loyalty and devotion to the Sovereign Pontiff on this happy occasion, I shall deeply appreciate receiving from Your Excellency ' report on the participation of your Diocese in this significant event. wih ntiments of esteen and every best vish, I remain Sincerely yours in christ, «pela Hie Excellency Most Reverend Martin J. O'Connor, D. De North American College Vatican city, Europe Rome, October 30th, 1961 ‘Your File No, Div, 912 Your Excellency, Permit me to acknowledge your letter of October 26th about the proposed portrait of Your Excellency by Professor Guido Gregenti, Allbof us think that the portralt that he did of you for the North American College is excellent, It is hanging in a prominent place with the former Apostolic Delegates to the United States, the latest in an illustrious line! Wo will arrange to have & photograph of thie portrait sent ta you. I do not know what Profecaor Greganti would charge you personal for the new portrait but f ean make an inquiry. We have paid for thé ore in the North Ameri¢en College, whic] was independent of ‘the frame, '$ 250. I understand that portraits whieh have been painted by Groganti for people in America at the request of other members of the faculty have been priced § 300 a plece. However, I do hope that you will give us the privilege of taking care of the portrait, which Is now in the College, Father James Chambers gave me the envelope with the special pictures for Professor Greganti with the instructions that they be returned when they have served their purpose, ‘With cordial regard and every best wish, T remain Yours Exeelleney's humble servant in Christ Martin J. O'Connor Titular Archbishop of Laodicea in Syria His Excellency Most Rev, Bgidio Vagnozzi Apostolic Delegate 8939 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C, %, ¢ one pa 3889 sasionesers Av UWerrep Snares or Ancerraa, ‘Wasinncrow 8, D.C. We__Div. 912 October 25, 1961 Most Reverend Martin J, O'Connor, D.D. Rector Collegio Americano del Nord Via del Gianicolo, 14 Vatican City State Your Excellency: Thave received a letter from Professor Guido Greganti relative to a proposed portrait of myself. Before replying to the Professor, I shall be grateful to Your Excellency if you could send me a photograph ff the one he did of me for the North American Gollege and also if you could indicate to me the price of the portrait. ‘Thanking Your Excellency for your kindness, I remain, with sentiments of esteem “3 ely ypurs in Christ, Apostolic Lit June 15th,1961 Hie Excellency Most Rev.Egidi Vagnozei Apostolic Delegate 3339 liassachusetts Avenue WASHINGTON,D.C. Your Excellency, In a cable of June Sth His Eminence Cardinal Cushing hes notified me that the Right Reverend Monsignor George A,Schlichte, our Vice Rector, will not return to Rone and that his assignment here, on the Doctor's advice, should be terminat= ed. Dr, Richard Wright, a copy of whose report dated May 31st was sent to me by the Cardinal, states that lonslgnor had a virus infection, pneumonia and that now he hae gone on to develop 2 form of asthma which may woll have established an ir reversible pattern of chéronicity. The Cardinal promised to Give Nonsignor s good assignnont. Naturally this is a great loss to the College and to me personally as I had known Monsignor for fourteen yeors. I wi1l"begin my search for a Vice Rector and I would he very grateful for your help in the future, when you mace such a succosr ful approach to another Bishop for the Felease of one of his priests. With deepest esteem and warn personal regards, I remain Your Excellency’s humble servant in Christ Titular Archbishop of Leodicea in Syria = Rector ¢ “oa mo ees: Ustrep Snares orAsarrica ‘Wastncrow 8, D.C. we 41/35, May 23, 1961 Most Reverend Martin J. O'Connor, D.D. Rector Collegio Americano del Nord Via del Gianicolo, 14 Vatican City State ‘Your Excellency: Lacknowledge your letter of May 17th and thank Your Excellency for your kind consideration in informing me of the changes in the personnel of the North American College. With sentiments of esteem and every best wish, L remain Sincerely ypurs in Christ, ce Apostolic e vas (9339 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE Ustrep Srares or AnceRrCA ‘Wasuincron & D.C: Wo 41/35-13 May 17, 1961 f Most Reverend Martin J. O'Connor, D.D, Rector Collegio Americano del Nord Via del Gianicolo, 14 Vatican Gity State Your Excellency: [acknowledge your letter of May 13th and thank you for informing me of the negative raply racaivad from a priest you had approached for the post of Spiritual Director of the North American College. I regret the difficulty Your Excellency is bav- ing in this matter and hope that shortly your efforts will have a suc~ cessful reaslt, With sentiments of esteem and every best wish, T remain ce. Way 17th,1961 His Excellency Nost Rev.Egidio Vagnozzi Apostolic Lelegate 3339 Massachusetts Avenue WASHINGTON, D.C. Your Excellency, May I acknowledge your esteened letter of May 9th,1961, Your File N° 104-60 with reference to the observance of the Holy Fether’s birthday next Novenber. Permit me to assure Your Excellency that We will not fa11 to commemorate this memorable anniversary and I will be pleased to send you a report on the partici~ pation of the Pontifical North American College as soon ae it is feasible. fith deepest esteem and kindest porsonal regards, T remain Your Excollency's humble servant An Christ, Martin J.0*Gonnor Titulor Archbishop of Laodices in Syria Rector May 17th,1961 His Excellency Most Rev.Egidio Vagnozet Apostolte Delegate 3399 Wassachusetts Avenue WASHINGTON,D.C. Your Excellency, Pornit me to Inform you of the changes ghong the Suportors at the Pontifical North American Col- lege. 2) The Right Reverend Monsignor William A.Bachnann of Cleveland, Spiritual Director, returns to his diocese leaving here June 22nd after four years of service, 1 am searching for a replacement, The Reverend Jana Fleming of Srooklyn, the other Spiritual Director, will continue until July 26th, when he returns for vacations In the meantime if I do not secure a secular priest I hove the assurance from Father Harold Small, the Assistant General of the Josuits, that he will take care of our needs otter July 26th and until the return of Father Fleming by coming to the summer villa every evening, 2)’ The Reverend John A.llarshell of Worcester, Assistant Vice Hector and Kepetitor, returns go his diocese leaving June 22nd after four years service, He is being replaced by the Reverend P.Francis Murphy of Baltimore who cannot come until September 1961. 3) Tho Right Heverend Nonsignor Joseph £.Emnenegaer of Milwaukee, Superior of the graduate house, Casa Santa tiarta left on April 17th returning after five and a half year service at the Casa. 4) fe As epleced by the Right Reverend ionsignor Joseph Liizyd of Marquette, who assumed his duties imuediately with the approval of the Secred Congregation for seminaries ‘and Universities es he was the Spiritual Director wt the Casa for some months for the student priests. I am in search of a Spiritual Director now for the Casa, to replace lionsignor Zryd. AIL the replacements have had the approval of the Episeopal Committee for the North American College before I appointed then to their present positions. Deeply appreciative slways of your interest in the College, I remain Your Excellency's hunble servant An Christ Martin J.0°Connor Titular Archbishop of Laodte in Syria - Rector 3899 Macsucauseris Ayn Usrrmp Srares or Asaereica, Wasttserow 8, D.C. We sor Mw 26 January 1961 Your Excellency The Sacred Gonsistorial Congregation hhas recently directed attention to the manner in which the ‘annual report on the use of the Quinquenaial Faculties is to be made. For the eake of uniformity the Sacred Congregation euggeste that the report be sent to it though this Apostolic Delegation. While the report is addressed to the Sacred Consistorial Congregation, it should be pr pared in such a vay that there 1s a separate eheet for’ each Sacred Congregation vhose faculties have been used. Furthermore, the report should indicate the faculty, the nunber of tines it has been used during the year, and the relative tax (cf. “Index Facultatun Quinquen- nalium, p. 14, Normae de Taxis, a. 7"). ‘Thanking Your Excellency for your kind cooperation in this matter and with sentiments of esteea, I remain Sincerely yours aes * pees rn Aoosfotte pelegate ike RxcelLency Most Rev. Martin 3. O'Connor, D.D. North American College Vatican City, Burope National Catholic Welfare Conference January 19, 1961 ‘Your Excellency: Archbishop Alter has asked me to send you the text of a letter he recently received from the Apostolic Delegate regarding Moral Rearmament. Be stressed the fact that the letter is marked “Confidential.” ‘The text is as follows: "When questioned recently about the remarks favorable to Moral Rearmament made by the Benedictine ‘Monks Kaelin and Beerli, the Holy See replied that it disapproved both the content of their statement and their presence at the assembly of this movement," "As the Holy See now wishes its disapproval brought to the attention of the Hierarchy of the United States, it would be deeply appreciated if Your Excellency, in your capacity as Chairman of the Administrative Board N.C.W.C., brought this matter to the attention of the Bishops of this country.” With sentiments of deep esteem, Tremain Most respectfully yours, X Set (aa \ oye vas : 3839 Massicaoserrs AVENUE ‘Tscrrep States or Angerrca WastINGTON 6, D.C Le no 104/60 January 9, 1961 Most Reverend Martin J. O'Connor, P. D. Rector Gollegio Americano del Nord Via del Gianicolo, 1 Vatican City State Your Excellency: appreciate very much your kind letter of December 31st, informing of the contribution made for the Holy Father's Bightisth Birthday by the Superiors and students of the North American College. Iam sure that His Holiness was deeply grateful for this manifestation of loyalty and devotion toward him omthis memorable anniversary. ‘With sentiments of esteem and every best wish, I remain Sincerely yours in Christ, Apostolic Delegate Decenber 318t,1960 His Excellency Most Rev.Egidio Vagnozzi Apostolic Delegate 3339 Massachusetts Avenue,N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. Your Excellency, Pursuant te your Letter of May 26th’ 1960, your file Ne 104/60, especially as. it concerned, seminarians, I am enclosing copy of the correspondence with His Eminence Cardinal Tardint te whom we sent the offering of the North Anerican Col- lege for the Church to be erected in honor of St.Gregorio Barba- rigo. Because of vacations, the departure of some students and-the arrival of others, many had-been already solicited for @ contribution, and this applied also in some measure to the faculty. In accordance with Your Excellency’s suggestion I am sending the result of the collection for, the, files of the Apostolic Delegation. With deep esteem and every good wish for the New Year, I romain Your Excellency’s hunble servant. in Christ vartin J,0*Connor Titular Archbishop of Lacdices | in syra = Rector | 26 novembre 1960 Recellenza Reverendissina, con paterno conpiacimento 11 Sono Pontefice ha accolto Ltofterta 44 Lire 233.000, che 1'Becellenza Vostra Gli hha mocentonente inviata, quale contribute del Fontificto Colle- gio Americano del Nord per a erigenta Chiesa in onore di San | Gregorio Barberi go- Tr anpore che codests ailotti figli si sono nostrati co | ei pronti © generoet per atlestaxGli agora ua volta 10 loro fo- deita of 11 toro affebto, non pud che anabiluente consclare 1'ent- vno senaivile del Vicario ai Cristo ¢ riempirio di profonda ricono- | scensa. 11 Sento Patze ni affida pertanto 11 venersto incarico di comunicare a Vortra Bocellenza i sentimonti del Suo vivo gradi~ snonto, © ricanbianto 1a @inostrazione a1 pict, chiede a Dio 4 dont ai ogni desiderata groaia yer codesti elevtt det Signore oper quanti 11 assistono nei non facili pass’ delle loro forma sone inteliettuale ¢ spirituale. ldugusto Pontefice Si compiace inoltre ai avvalcrare 18 2 Sua Eecellenza in ons. MARDINO G. O'CONNOR wi Rettore del Pontificio Collegio { Americano del Nord 4 ROMA Sua preghiera benedicendo di cuore 1'Becellenza Vostra e tutti i cari offerenti. Profitto dell'incontro per confermarai con sensi ai ai- atinto ossequio a4 Vostra Beceliensa LD. fled. Jue ae arta di grende formato. (756 Eminenza Reverendissina, In ottenperanze alla circolere N. 104/60 del 26 maggio 1960 inviatami « sue tempo de Sua Eccellenze ima Monsignor Egidic Vagnozzi, Delegate Apostelice negli Stati Uniti, mi permetto di inoltrare all’Eminenza Vostra uun assegno rappresentant® 11 contribute delle due sezioni del Pontifieie Collegio Americano 1 Nord - seminario ¢ Casa Santa Maria per 1s costruzione della Chiesa da dedicarsi al Beate Gregorio Barbarige. Voglia 1*Eminenza Vostre generosanente scusare 11 riterdo con cul questo Collegio ha risposto gil" appell: ritards dovute all* yenzs degli allfevi e di sleunt Superiert durante le vacanze estive ed all‘arrive 41 aleunt nuovi menbe: el Corpo Direttive 1 quali, tuttavia, avevano gib vert 0 le lore offerta in Amerie: Profitte 41 qui 2 circostanza per rin- novare ail‘Eninenza Vostra le pression del pid prefende, filisle essequic mentre, chinato al bacio delle Sacra Porpore mi préfesse | del1*Eninenze Vostra Reverendissins devotissino servo nel Signore Wevenber 2, 1960 ‘Your Excellency: I present herewith the results of our appeal for contributions to the gift for the Holy Father, on the occasion of his 60th birthday ~ 41,000 lire end 10 American Dollars. Tt will be appreciated if this gitt from the priests of the Cass be forwarded to the Secretariat of State, I notice that Arcibishop Vagnouz4, whose letter I return, asks that a notice of the remulte be ment elno to him. T do not have ‘any idea au to whether this applies to the orth buerioan College or not, ‘ith cordial grestings and best wishes, Respectfully in Christ, Josesh B. Emenesger His Excellency ‘The Most Reverend Martin J. O'Connor, D.D. Reotor of the North Anerioan College Jeniculun | , June 2nd ,1960 His Excellency Most Rev,Egidio Vagnozzi Apostolic Delegate 3339 Massachusetts Avenue,N.W. WASHINGTON,D.c. Your Excellency, This 1s to acknowledge your kind letter of May 26th to His Excellency the Most Reverend Aréh= bishop who at present 4s in the United States and to assure your Excellency that Lt will be placed in his hands innediately upon his return to Rome. } With sentinents of deep esteem and Kindest regards, I remain Your Excellency's humble servant in christ Rt Rov.Mlegr George A.SchLichte / 1 Vice Rector 3890 Massacuoaeras Aven Usrren Srames or Axceraoa. ‘WaSIUNcTON 8, D.C. 104/60 May 26, 1960 ‘Your Excellency: ‘This year on Novenber 25th, Wis Holiness, Pope John XXIII, will enter the eightieth year of his Life, It has become traditional on such an occasion for the faithful of the world to unite themselves more closely to the Holy Father and to manifest their f111al devotion tovard him with prayers and good works. While there will be an official progran of solem ceremonies in Rome to be announced at a later date, Wis Hminence, Cardinal Tardini, has written now to ask that T bring to the attention of the Most Reverend Bishops and Religious Superiore two projects, ona by the clergy and the other by the faithful, viich are contemp fed in homage to His Holiness on this occasion. ‘The project for the clergy vould consist in the construction of a Parish ‘Chureh in rose, which stands in uch urgent need of nev parishes. The Church. would be dedicated to Blessed Gregorio Barbarigo, former Bishop of Bergamo and Padua, whom the reigning Pontiff has called the “model of the Prelates of his tine", for whom he has a special devotion, and vio, today, Ascension Thursday, he is raising to the honors of the Altars. It 18 indeed appropriate to assign to the priests of the world the task of perpetuating in such @ useful way the menory of this Cardinal, vho was truly @ gem of the Catholic priesthood, honoring it with sacerdotal piety, with a life at one and the sane tine contemplative and active, and vith all the qualities of the Good Shepherd, ‘The Church would be built entirely with the contributions of Bishops and pricsts as well as seminerians of the secular and regular clergy of the whole World; it would be, in short, "the Church of the Prieste", a cherished reminder of unity and catholicity, located in the pastoral life of’ the very Diocese of the Sovereign Pontiff, This worldvide effort of the clergy will make possible che gathering of the funds to erect a cruly vorthy temple as a perennial wenorial to the Pontificate of His Holiness, John XXIII, who 1s constantly manifesting his particular benevolence tovard Rome. ‘The faithful would be entrusted with another project, the erection of an institution for the training of lay leaders in Rone, especially for the youth who ‘are sent from the missions to Rone to pursue higher studies. Quite a few are already there, but many others would like to come to the Eternal City, if there were facilitice more readily available for them. His Holiness, Joha XKIT1, in hie Encyclical "Princeps Pastorua" of Noveaber 28, 1959 on Catholic Hiseions, empha- sized the increasing importance of the laity in Mission Lands and the necessity of a christian culture for those of them who tomorrow vill occupy positions of Responsibility in their respective countries, espectally in Asia and Africa. A profoundly christian intellectual and moral formation given to them will have a ‘otable beneficial influence upon the future of their homelands, nae Religious vomen throughout the vorld vould also be asked to make their contribution, which, while lees tangible, is yet most profound. Religious teachers especially, in whose hands 9 pleced almost entirely that "coup! ‘and intense Christian education" of children and youth, so strongly endoraed for the mission Lands by the reigning Pontirt in the above Uncyclical, "must" in tha words of the Holy Bather, "be capable of finding the most suitable ways and neans of penetrating the different paychologies, so that a deep assimtlation fof truth vith all ite deaands may be faciiicated inthe ney christians to che maxima degree". ‘There is, then, the conteibution of the contemplative Religious women with the power{ul weapon of prayer. This apostolate of prayer, which 1s certain ly the most pleasing gift to the Holy Father in his Jubilee Year, must not be restricted to contemplative aoule, but be shared in by all Religious as well by all the fatehful. 1k is warmly recommended that solenn functions of thanksgiving and petition be arranged in each Diocese for the purpose of praying ore intansely for the in= tentions of the Holy Father. Your Excellency vill certainly know best how to provide for the collections and for the functions in your Diocese, I£ you daaire to make use of the facilitics ff the Apostolic Delegation for transmission of the funds or of the reports of the functions hid, X shall be pleased to be of service, If Your Excellency prefers fo send these itens dicectly or has the occasion of presenting them personally in Rome, T shall be grateful to receive for the files of the Apostolic Delegation the fesults of the collections and an account of the functions I shall appreciate Your Exeellency's kkind cooperation in bringing to the ‘attention of the Religious Superiore of men and vonen in your Diocese the parts of this progran which pertain to thea, With sentiments of esteen and every best wish, I remain Weg os oct, Poe His Excellency Yost Rav. Martin J. 0*Connor, D.D. North Ancricsn Coliege Vatican city, Zurope 3999 Massscnoserts Ave WASHINGTON 8, D.C. 28 December 1960 Your Excellency! In viztue of the special authorization conferred by the Holy Father, Pope John XXIII, the Sacred Congregation for the Discipline of the Sacranents has re~ neved for another three years the faculty "Se. Ordinationes hnabendi extra tenpora a jure statuta, seillcet dicbus festis ritus prinae vel secundae clasts, quamvis non de praccepto, nnecnon ultinis #abbatis ma{i et diobus primis sabbatis Junti, {eden eausis perdurantibus.” ‘This grant will be effective until 16 De ‘cenber 1963 for all the local Ordinaries of the United states. ‘The relative tax for each Diocese 1s Four Dollars ($4.00) and ‘this may be sent to the Apostolic Delegatton for transmission to the Holy See, With cordial regards and b apps ost Reverend Martin J. O'Connor, D. North American College ‘Vatican City, Europe fe wishes, 1 remain 2099 Dassacnserts AvENOE ‘wasnneas 8, D.C. November 5, 1960 Most Reverend Martin J. O'Connor, D. D Rector Collegio Americano del Nord Via del Gianicolo, 14 Vatican City State ‘Your Excellency: In the absence of His Excellency, the Apos- tolic Delegate, Lacknowledge your letter of October 25th and the copy of the Rector's Report and the Supplement to the Rector!s Re- port, which you so kindly forwarded under separate cover. I shall call them to His Excellency! attention immediately upon his re- turn. He will be grateful for your thoughtfulne May I extend my warm congratulations to Your Excellency on another successful year, and best wishes for your work fon the Ecumenical Council, With sentiments of esteem and every beat wish, I remain Sincerely yours in Christ, Gigeny Msgr. Gerotamo Prigione Chargé d'Affaires 2.4, ye Ic DBs 23399 Massacousert AVENUE ‘Uxrmsp Snares ov Aneroa, "wasucros & DC 41/35 October 29, 1960 Most Reverend Martin J, O'Connor, D.D. Rector Collegio Americano del Nord Via del Gianicolo, 14 Vatican City State Your Excellency: Tam grateful for your kindness in sending me copy of the photograph taken when I was at the College for dinner. It will bbe a cherished memento of a most pleasant occasion, 1 regret that I did not have the opportunity of seeing more of Your Excellency when I was in Rome, but I was on the go most of the time. With sentiments of esteem and every best wish, I re- Sincerely yours jn Christ, aie Apostolic Delegate October 10th,1960 His Excellency Most Rey.Egidio Vagnozzi Apostolic Delegate 3939 Massachusetts Avenue Null, WASHINGTON,D.C. Your Excellency, Tt was a pleasure, as usual, to receive you at the College and to have you as our guest for dinners I am attaching the photograph taken on that occasion with the names of the priests who were present. It will be a reminder to remomber us all in your prayers. Trusting that you have had # pleasent trip and rest on boardship going back to New York, I remain, with kindest personal regards and deep esteem Your Excellency*s humble servant in Christ Martin J.0*Connor Titular Archbishop of Laodices in Syria = Rector ory pas Usrren Staves ordarerica, 3839 Mussactuserts AVENUE wo, 41/35, September 17, 1960 Most Reverend Martin J. O'Conner, D.D. Rector Gollegio Americano del Nord Via del Gianicolo, 14 Vatican City State ‘Your Excellency: T acknowledge your letter of September 13th and thank Your Excell cy for informing me that Mege. Loras J. Watters, Spiritual Director, has returned to his Archdiocese of Dubuque. 1 rogret that the untimely death of a priest of Dubuque has caused this Loss on your stat, With sentiments of estcem and every best wish, Tre- Sincerely yours in Christ, G Qua: eal Mage. Gerolamo Prigione Chargé d'Affaires 2.1. September 13th,1960 His Excellency Kost Rev-EGidie Vagnazzi Apostolic Delegate 9339 assachusetts Avenue WaSHINGTON,D.C. Your Excellency, A tragie accident in the Archdiocese of Dubuque wherein s priest lost his life through drowning nade it necessary for His Excellency Archbishop Binz of that Archdiocese to recall the Right Heverend Monsignor Loras J.Watters, one of the Spiritual Directors of the North American Gollege in order that he might take up the work of directing the Ketreat House of the American wartyrs An Dubuque which was to open on September Ith. The priest who was echeduled to direct all this work for which 3 program had been outlined for the ensuing year and who had been in charge of it for the last three years la preparation died in this accident and Arch= bishop Binz called me on the tolephone to ask mo to release Monsignor Watters. Naturally there was nothing else that I could do and $0 Yonsignor Watters left on August 29tn to take up his duties immediately. I notified lls Eminence Cardinal Speliman ag well ag Honeignor William Bachmann who was the Spiritual Director in charge of the Department and who returns on Mcnday fzom the United States. In all probability for the time boing we will modify our spiritual progran so that between the ordinary Confessors and tho External Forum we will try to implement the spiritual program of a single Director for the tno hundred and seventy students who meke up the Theologians who are at present in the North American Col- lege or who will be there as soon as the new class arrives. The new class comprises seventy-cight students for Theology. T write this to Your Excellency as a matter of information because I know that you are interested in everything that concerns us. With deepest respect and Kindest personal regards, I remain Your Excellency’s burble servant in Christ lartin J.0*Connor Titular Archbishop of Loodices in Syria - Rector { | ) { ( 9/5/60 - The gates from the United amet here for four day: to celebrate the 70: anniversary of the founding of the First catholi ovak Union, nt was @ Mass offered (Aug. 28) in the aculate Conception by Msgr. Andrew Ry splain of the organizi Cleveland, preaching in and e charitable, religious, educationel and s at the convention benquet included Michael J. dent of the First Catholie Slovak Unions U.S, State Departnent; Msgr. Francis Dubosh ommer suprene chaplain of the foliowing story is predated for Sunday, Sept. 4. iM NARY DEDICATED 9/5/60 ~ Th. COVINGTON, Ky., Sept. 4 (NC)--The new Seminary of St, Pius X for the Covington diocese was dedicated by Bishop Richard H. Ackerman, sp.5 of Covington, Bishop Willian G. Connare of Greensburg, P dedication. he seminary will open this fal) w: » preached at the and a four-year college curriculum. Tt students in the hig sehool and 65 in th 1ed in 1955 by the late Bishop Willian 7. mulloy of 1, the seminary was started in a reconverted barn, Work on new seminary building was start |, and students fed into th new quarters ea: this year. ‘three-story building was constructed at a cost of $1,750,! 9/5/60 - Th. J, Watters, who has been Sept. 1 (wc) y plane from Rome on August 29 his new duties, He succeeds Fether David R, Voels, who mishap in norther Minnesota on August 26, wehbishop Leo Bing of Dubuque said the new retreat house will be opened on Septenber 9. \ Guthe Cevasion of the Special Mesting Ao the Bisheps on the Gacred Geanyy repute the pleasure of Youn Encelloncys company ata Pefet Virmer ow Thansdiny the second of rit frome sis boight violicks at the Spesiel Delegation Iaupc 1339 Mssachasets Shoomue es, 4 ed Ricca “one ma ‘wasmerow & D.C Unite Sranes oF AscpmIcA mo._74/62-9 September 2, 1964 Most Reverend Martin J. O'Connor, D.D. Titular Archbishop of Laodicea North American College Vatican City (Europa) Your Excellency: want you to know that I deeply ap- preciate your offer of hospitality for the third session of the Council. This ls very kind of you. However, at least as of now, Ido not expect to be present for the third session. In the event that Iam requested, of course, I shall go. With cordial regards, I remain August 16th,1964 His Excellency Most Rev, Egidio Vagnozzi Apostolic Delegate 8889 Massachusetts Avenue Washington, D.C. Your Excellency, 1 do not know whether you plan to be present at the third session of the Council but this is just to assure you that you will have @ warm welcome at the American College where we will be happy to accomodate yourself and your secretary. When 1 wont to the United States I learned that you had gone to Nome end I hope that you had a chance for a litle holiday. I returned on August Srd and } am back and forth between the city and Castelgandolfo with regularity. Since the beginning of last September we have had more than 59,090 people come to the Audience Oifice and we have succeeded in having thom receive the Papal Blossing in some kind of an audience or ceremony or even in St, Peter’s square, T never saw crowds like those during the past few weeks. With cordial regard and every best wish to you and all at the Delegation, I remain Respectfully Martin J. 0°Connor ‘Titular Archbishop of Laodicea May 26th, 1964 Hie Exeolleney Most Rev, Bgidio Vagnozzi Apostolic Delegate 3339 Massachusetts Avenue Washington, D.C. Your Excellency, ‘The enclosed commentary on the Conciliar Decree for Communteations Media might be interesting. It 1s @ good comprehensive treatment of the subject, With sentiments of deep esteem and warmest personal regards, I remain Your Excellency's humble servant in Christ Martin J.0°Connor ‘Titular Archbishop of Laodicea & 8399 Maseactoserns Avex Usrrep Sars ov Ancerica, WastiNerON 8, D.C. Wo, 192/62 april 27, 1964 ‘Your Bxeelleney: I am in receipt of communication from the Sacred Congregation of Seminaries and Universities concerning saminaries that train students for the diocesan clergy but which are the exclusive property of various Religious Communities, Tf chere 16 seminary of this catogory within your jurisdiction, nay I couvey to Your Excellency the following instruc= Eons issued by the Congregation. Hach Ordinary within vhose territory there extets a seminary destined for the training of a diocesan clergy, even though it be the ‘exclusive property of a Religious Comunity, has tha duty, ipse per 50, to exarcise vigilance over that sominary with regard to the spiritual, disciplinary and doctrinal formation of candidates for the diocesan clergy. ‘This, of course, is stated vithout prejudice to the exempt Statue which tho Religiots enjoy. ence, the Ordinary is not expected to Investigate the Lige of the Religious Commmity or the Formation of the students of a Religious Comunity. Whatever vigilance or control is called for, the Bishop may exercise it only with rogard to the preparation of candidates for the diocesan clergy. ‘To clarify the above, the Congregation lists the following points: 1) The Bishop of a diocese where there 1s a seminary of this category may visit the seminary whenever he considers it opportune. 2) He may inquire of the superiors and of the professors concerning the seninary's disciplinary and scholastic 1ife and the ‘program of spiritual practices for tho students vho are preparing for the diocesan clergy. 3) He may interview students for the dlecosan clergy of any Aiocetes 4) He may make suggestions, in keeping, of course, with the nome of Canon law and the directives of the lioly See, relative to the diseiplinary, scholastic and spiritual organization of tho seminary. Ordinary may not interfere, at Least by virtue of the present norms, with the comunity Life of the Religious nor with the fomation of students who are menbere of various Religious Comunities. 6) IE aigferences of opinion arise between the Ordinary and the Religious Community which directs the seminary, the Ordinary should submit the point of dispute to the Congregation of Seminaries and Universities for @ decision. The Congregation farther requests that each of the Ordinaries in question, folloving a first viate to the seminary, submit co the Congregation a detailed report on the seminary's spiritual, disciplinary fand scholastic status. Ths report may be transmitted to che Holy See through the Apostolic Delegation. ith sentinents of esteem and every best wish, T reaain Sincerely yours in Christ, + Tales Uepage, Apostorte/Derdalee Hie txcellency Nose fev. Martin J, O'Connor, D.D. North Anoviean Vatican city, np we (3999 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE One mas Wastmorow 6.0.0 Uxire Seames or Amerca, 41/35 We, April 20, 1964 Most Reverend Martin J. O'Connor, D.D. Rector ‘The Pontifical North American College ‘Vatican Gity (Europe) ‘Your Excellency: I thank you for your kindness {in sending me the two enclosures of your letter of Ap- ril 13th relative to the financial status of the North Amer- ican College, ‘With sentiments of esteem and wey Sr ers i Cheier PF lopaa,- Apostate Hr April 13th 1964 His Excellency Most Rev. Rgidio Vagnozzi, D.D, Apostolic Delegate to the United states of America 3339 Massachusetts Avenue N,W. Washington, D.C, ‘Your Excellency, Bnelosed you will find a report dated February 29, 1964 addressed to me by the Business Manager of the American College, Monsignor William J, Forster. This report was prepared at my request because of the economic situation in Italy especially with Fegard to the inflation and the consequences for the College operation, Enclosed alga is a letter dated March 31, 1964 which I sent to all the bishopa Ordinaries in the United States announcing the decision to increase the tuition to $1500 for a twelve-month year beginning in October 1964, Accompanying my letter to the Ordinaries ‘was a coby of the report of Monsignor Forster. ‘These tyo enclosures are sent to Your Excellency in order that you may be informed of the steps that have been taken to face the increasing demands made on us in the operation of the College ‘With deepest esteem and kindest personal regards, 1 remain ‘Your pxcellency's humble servant in Christ, Martin J. O'Connor ‘Titular Archbishop of Laodicea $3399 Massacuserns AVENE Wasumctox 6, D.C March 24, 1964 Most Reverend Martin J O'Connor, D.D. Rector ‘The Pontifical North American College Vatican Gity (Europe) Your Excellency I wish to thank you for the in- formation in your letter of March 15th concerning the proposed increase in tuition payments for students at the North American College. ‘With sentiments of esteem and every best wish, I remain Ty youre in Christ, t Apostolic belegate %, s See yess $0) ascent deme Wasinoton 8, D.C. UxrTep Stars oF AMERICA, 129/51 March 20, 1964 Most Reverend Martin J. O'Gonnor, D. D. Rector ‘The Pontifical North American College Vatican City (Europe) Your Excellency: I received your letter of March 14th and I wish to thank you for your kindness in keeping me in- formed of faculty changes at the North American College. With sentiments of esteem and every Dest wish, I remain Sincerelyyours in Christ, + i Apostolic/Dete y March 15th, 1964 His Excellency Most Rev, gidio Vagnozzi Apostolic Delegate: 8889 Massachusetts Avenue Washington, D.C. ‘Your Bxcelleney, Inview of the increasing inflation in Italy I had suggested a meeting of the Episcopal Committee of the North American College to His Eminonce Cardinal Spellman. 1 also mentioned that i: would be possible to have this on April 2nd or 3rd and volunteered to send the Business Manager, Monsignor William J. Forster, to Washington, to be at the disposition of His Eminence, After talking the matter over here with Cardinal Spellman, Cardinal Melniyrs, Archbishop O'Royle and Archbishop Shahan of Baltimore, I think that it will not be necessary to call a meeting for this purpose, Cardinal Spellman has authorized me to advise ‘the Bishops of the increase in the pension rate to $ 1,500 for fa twelve month year. T will write to them and I will send to Your Excellency @ copy of the explanation which accompanies this announee- ment. Meanwhile I am sending to Your Pxcelleney the report of the Businees Manager which explains in detail the reasons for the Increase, Many of the European seminaries where Americans are received, have a mich lower pew ion rate which is understandable because they have fa reserve or are supported from other funds besides the pension of the students, We depend exclusively on that source of income. In addition we provide about $ 50,000 a year of service that is not provided in American seminaries, namely weekly laundry, which Amounts to L, 2,000 a week per student, 8,000 in transportation of the students to and from the Gregorian University, and another $8,000 a year in tuition and examination fees at the University, plus a great number of other more secondary services which do not have their place in an American seminary. Besides thet we operate not on an eight and a half month year but on a twelve month year when we support both the seminary in the city and the St, Catherine's Villa at Castelgandolfo. ‘The new tax appraisals are going to present a financial problem which must be distributed over a period of years but we hope that ‘2 compromige will be effected because otherwise the penalty will be great, T write this letter for the information of Your Excellency in cage the question should arise emong the Bishops by comparing pension rates in other seminaries in Europe where Americans are located with the pension payable at the North American College in Rome. ‘With all good wishes, I remain Your Exeelleney's humble servant in Christ Martin J, O'Connor ‘Titular Arebbishop of Laodicea March 5th, 1964 His Excellency Most Rev, Egidio Vagnozai Apostolic Delegate 8339 Massachusetts Avenue WASHINGTON, D.C. Your Bxcellency, ‘Thank you for your Kind invitation to the Buffet Dinner fon the 2nd of April at the Apostolic Delegation on the occasion of the special mecting of the Bishops on the Sacred Liturgy. Aw of now, I do not plan to attend thie meeting but & there is any change I will inform Your Excellency. With Kindest personal regards and every best wish to you and the staff at the Delegation for a joyous Easter, I Your Excellency's humble servant in Christ peel Toco Uxirep Stars oF AMERICA, 710 puss "sanoert He 178/50, November 27, 1963, ‘Most Reverend Martin J. O'Connor, DD Rector Collegio Americano del Nord Via del Gianicolo, 14 Vatican Gity (Europe) Your Excellency: I wish thankfully to acknowledge your letters of November I6th and 2lst, respectively, concerning a certain member of the laity who has been accredited ae « correspondent at the Ecumenical Council. Thad read the editorial written by him expressing regret at the publication of a recent cartoon, and had notified Cardinal Gicognani accordingly. It is true, unfortunately, that no other newspaper, as far as know, published an apology. May I say that I have no objection to this gentleman s0 long as he works under the responsibility of his Ordinary. With sentiments of esteem and every best wish, I remain Sincerely/yours in Christ, es Y Apostoli November 21st, 1963 His Excellency Most Rev. Egidio Vagnozzi Apostolic Delegate 3939 Massachusetts Avenue WASHINGTON, D.C. Your Excellency, Yesterday in the Aula Conciliare an usher gave me @ letter dated November 18th ~ a copy of which I enclose from His Excellency Archbishop Hellinan, thanking me for the Press credentials for Mr.Sherry and giving an explanation about the cartoon in question, Evidently His Eminenee Cardinal Cicognant hhad seen that particular number of the Georgia Bulletin, With deepest esteom and every best wish, I remain ‘Your Hxcellency's humble servant in Christ Martin J.0°Connor ‘Titular Archbishop of Lacdicea . 2 Archbishops Office 2000 achine Road NE PO Boxt2047 Noe Siaton Allan 3 Georgia Novenber 18, 1963 Most Rev. Martin J. otConnor Rector, North American college Drag Archbishop OtConnor : Thank you very mich for sending, by special delivery, the press credentials for Mr. Gerard Sherey, editor of our archdiocesan newspaper, the Geotgia bulletiny As you will easily understand, I was disturbed by the delay. Apparentty, one of our right-wing extremists who has been baiting the muiietin, tir, sherry, and ne for the past year, managed to do m effective job in getting hin blacklisted in local circles. Tis was done by sending to the Holy Father a copy of our paper containing an offensive cartoon, "Me spachett! curtain ‘Tre Facts are these: the cartoon and cation was published without Me, Sherry's knowledge because he wae attending an editors" seninar in ifeshington, D.C. ile eabed an spelogy to me innedintely, and then wrote a spientid editorial An Which he expressed regret that it had been sed, | sowed the editorial to Cardinal Cieognani, after he had spoken to ne about the incident, and he told ne several days iater that the lioly Father appreciated the Fine tone of the editorial, The incident was closed, The nost interesting point is that sone twenty oF nore diocesan papers publisved the sone cartoon, but only the Bulletin expressed ragret over ite publication, Gerard Sherry is an excellent Catholic, and an outstanding editor and jour alist, When he speaks up, or enters controversy, he has only one objective, the sood of the ciurch, In his stand on integration, ‘social justice and the principles of the papat eneyciicats, he is certain to have enenies, th= sane enenies the Ghurch has, iat is disheartening is that one or two of then fire off bitter letters to high ranking prelates (not excluding those in the Curia) on the slightest provocation, this is a most vicious form of stander, Thave alveady had accasion to defend his loyalty to the church in a letter to he Apastolle Doles gate who was also the target of anti-sherry haranzues From the sane source, ‘The Ghusch needs nore md nore Gerard sherry's, att! Cathotie journalism vei21 bbe the poorer if nen of his quality can be slandezed, and eventually Brough? to silence, Tat is vay Twas disturbed by the delay over his credentials, and why T am grateful that you sent then on to ne by special delivery, + paar J, Yariinan Atlanta th every good wish, am November 16th, 1969 His Excellency Mest Rev. Hgidio Vegnozzi Apostolie Delegate 3839 Massachusetts Avenue WASHINGTON, D, C. Your Excellency, Several days ago I received a request from a Mr. Gerard Sherry of the Georgie Bulletin, for accreditation as a cor- respondent st the I Eoumenteal Vatican Council, This involved issuing fa tessera or emoall passport with the photograph. ‘The document bears my signature as President of the Committee for the Press for the Council! I discussed the matter with His Excellency Bishop Albert Zuroweste of Belleville, who is representing the English language ‘section on our prese committee and who knows Mr.Sherry, and also discuaued it with the Reverend Edward Heston who is the Heud of the English lenguage group working in collaboration with the other seven heads of Linguistic groups to prepare the daily bulletin on the General Congregations, It was my suggestion that Bishop Zuroweste ask His xcellency Archbishop Paul Hallinan of Atlanta to propose the accredi- tetion for Mr.Sherry. Bishop Zuroweste asked the Archbishop who made the request accordingly. I am enclosing a copy of his note. As we have about 1,880 accredited correspondents I felt that thie wae the best solution, because any other action would ‘have provoked the Archbishop and, needless to say, Mr. Sherry. In this way the Archbishop accepted the responsibility. Iam simply sending this letter to Your Excellency for your 2nformation, With warm personal regards and every best wish, 1 remain Your Excellency's humble servant in Christ ‘Martin J. O'Connor ‘Titular Archbishop of Laodicea Keren bor (5, 1H 3 Vircibisloy, O° Conne = Archbishop's Office i Ne Atlanta 5, Georgia eon Wal press CuchleTeit, of te Viti, Camp GA fant a rut Hong, Che 4% Hage il tt fort, ly — fete + Of ‘3 Nerina. coe Aulanta 5, Georgia Lid bith O Carmen By Jone J ¥ Io Hater ben 19 a SAepnet WaT press g Ye pita Te Ma fi eb g tharyg abla, Mnf frail, ‘Addants 5, Georgia Cudkh 6 Crrnre Bid, Jmol Naptenber (9; 1463 Archhishop's Office May 19th, 1964 His Excellency Most Rev. Egidlo Vagnozsi Apostolic Delegate 8839 Massachusetts Avenue, N. W Washington,D. C. Your Excellency, ‘The appointment of the Right Reverend Monsigaor James F. CHAMBERS a8 Pro-Rector of the North American College has been very helpful by reliev- ing me of most of the ordinary administration, However, the fact remains that under the present circumstances and with the passing of time it does not solve my problems, The recent Motu Proprio of April 22ad which extended the competency of our Commission to the Press, changed its name to "The Pontifical Com mission for Communications Media” and prepared the way for a Pastoral directive, has brought 8 great increase in our work and the program envision ed for the Commission now will demand more aud more time from me, In addition, T have the Chairmanship of the Committee for Pre: the II Vatican Eeumenicsl Council, Recently I talked the matter over with His Eminence Cardinal Cico ghani saying that I felt that I should leave the Rectorlship of the North American College provided that some arrangements could be made whereby T could continue to live in Rome where I had organized and directed, since 1948, what is now known as The Pontifical Commiseion for Communications Media, His Eminence was quite agreeable and said thet he would speak to the Holy Father. After some days I returned to the Cardinal who tolé me that on leaviag the College I would receive consideration ia the Curie with ‘an income apprdfiate to my rank and that he would try to secure an epart- ment by October of the present year, Although I realize that I could not expect preferential treatment in the way of salary, I know that my future income will aot give me the living which I have had in the past and which I enjoy aow, As most of the American priests receive assistance from sources in the United States in faddition to the salary from the Holy See, I spoke with Cardinal Cicoguant about this idea of a subsidy which might come from the American Bishops whom I have served, at their invitation for the last eighteen yeare in Rome, During that time, as Your Excellency knows, the old College on the Via dell'Umila was restored and opened and now has ninety priests in residence; the new College on the Janiculum was erected and inaugurated in 1953 and now has two hundred and seventy-two seminarians; the Office / | for Audiences, which I opened in the building on the Via dell'Umilta has | presented more than seven hundred thousand Americans for participation in an Audience with the Holy Father. During all this time the collaboration and support of the American Hierarchy has been my great encouragement, I do not like to ask for this subsidy directly but I hope to approach some of the Bishops privately who will speak on my behalf to the Episcopal Committee for the Colloge, It Je a delicate point for me pereonally but whether or not they grant thie assistance I cannot continue to fulfill all the obligations which are mine at preseat, I wrote to Cardinal Spellman's secretary asking for an appointment when I go to New York in order to tell His Eminence of my plans, in accordance with the suggestion Cardinal Cieognani, Because of your kindness and understanding of my situation and recalling our conversation here last fall, I wanted to write you now confidentially. While my thoughts on this matter are not known in Rome, in all probability they will be soon as will be the case in the United States. I know that I have your good wishes and I ask your prayers, With sentiments of esteem and kindest personal regards, I remain Your Excelleney's humble servant in Christ Martin J, O'Connor Titular Archbishop of Laodicea 3839 Massacuserrs AVINOE ‘Wasuanorow 8, D.C. te Alaska. 13 April 17, 1964 ‘Most Reverend Patrick A, O'Boyle, DD Archbishop of Washington 1721 Rhode Island Avenue, N. W. Washington, D.C, ‘Your Excellency: I wish to inform you that with the approval and Dlessing of the Holy Father I was in Alaska from April 3rd to 6th for the purpote of visiting the places most severely damaged by the recent earthquake and tidal waves. I brought with me an offering of $10,000, 00 from Iiie Holiness. This sum was presented personally by Hie Exeol- lency, Bishop O'Flanagan, to the Secretary of State of Alaska to aid the victims of the enormous disaster that had taken place. Moreover, I hand~ ed Bishop O!Flanagan $5, 000.00 which had been sent to me by His Eminence Cardinal Spellman, as soon aa he heard that I was going to Alaska, I visited the quake-shattored sections of Anchorage and Providence Hospital whore the first succor was extended to the injur~ ed and the many who were rendered homel On Saturday morning, April 4th, I flew with Bishop O'Flanagan and three priests in a piper-cub to Seward which is approximately five hundred miles South East of the city of Anchorage. Although private homes were damaged only slightly in Seward, the port installations, {ishing boats, fisheries and canneries are a total loss. We joined twelve hundred people who were partaking of a free meal which was provided in the High School by the United States Army. The little church, which is attended by Father Edward O'Neil, C.8S.R., is badly damaged and probably cannot be salvaged. In the after= noon we flew to Kodiak. On Sunday morning, April 5th, I celebrated two Masses in the Parish Church in Kodiak, preached and assisted the Pastor in hearing confessions. Later in the day we inspected the very extensive damage caused by the tidal waves to the fisheries and the fishing boat the latter were practically all destroyed. The Parish Church and annexed school, however, suffered little damag Most Reverend Patrick A. O'Boyle, DD April 17, 1964 Page 2 I flew with Bishop O'Flanagan and three other priests to Valdez on Monday morning, April 6th. This town, which e: Joya a truly beautiful setting about one hundred and thirty miles East of ‘Anchorage and near the elopes of the famous Columbia Glacier, is almost cntirely devastated, ‘The tidal wave washed away a large part of the in« habited area and the houses have dropped three to five fect into the ground. Even the Parish Church ia severely damaged and it is very doubtful that it can over be used again, ‘The few people we met in Valdez said that in re~ building they plan to move the town to higher ground. Bishop O'Flanagan has established in Anchorage 1 Central Committee to help the needy. ‘This Committee, which by the choice of the Parish Priest has been called the "Bishop O'Flanagan Relief Committee", will be in charge of collecting all available help and distribut- ing it to the persons who are most in wat “Although happily the loss of Life has boen relatively emall and surprisingly few persons have beon injured, the opportunities for ‘employment have been greatly reduced. It is true that at this time there is Gn abundance of food and clothing, but very a6on many breadwinners will have no means of support for their families, While some form of relief will be available {rom the civil authorities, I feel that the Catholic Church cannot be absent in this work of charity and relief for the people of Alaska who face @ grim future, Whatever amount the charity of the United States Bishops can send to Bishop O'Flanagan will be deeply appreciated and put to good use. I would appreciate, Your Excellency, if you would Kindly bring this letter to the knowledge of the Hierarchy of the United States. With sentiments of esteem and every best wish, 1 Sincerely ypurs in Christ, 2 Apostolic : 4 %, Bee Pore yas 5909 Mastery Avene Wastanerox 8D. ‘User Srares oF Anessa Wo 51/64 18 March 1964 Moat Reverend Patrick A. O!Boyle, DD. Chairman of the Administrative Board National Catholic Welfare Conference 1721 Rhode Island Avenue, N. W. Washington, D.C, ‘Your Excellency: I believe that you will be intereated in knowing that one of the dioceses of this country recently was favored with a re~ script which empowers the local Ordinary to dispense from the fast, "bla in hebdomada, sexvato iciunio unius horae a ‘the faithful who reside in "Homes for the Aged”. ‘As thia situation is becoming increasingly common, Your Excellency may wish to take advantage of an occasion such the annual mecting to mention to Their Excellencies the possibility of such an indult te help provide for the epiritual needs of the elderly. With cordial regarda and best wishes, I remain ‘ et 9339 Mecssachusells Apenue Mashinglon 8, D. ‘Unrrep Stares oF America No 177/62. March 31, 1964 Your Eminene Lam in receipt of a letter (Prot. 1. 401/64), under date of March 25, 1964, from His Eminence, Giacomo Cardinal Lercaro, President of the "Consilium ad Exequendam Constitutionem de Sacra Liturgia", asking that I communicate to Your Eminence, in your capacity as Presiding Prelate of the Special Meeting of the Ilier= archy on the Sacred Liturgy, certain information. This Commiasion was, as Your Eminence knows, recently established by His Holiness for the purpose of anacting the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy and he has given it the following duties, among others, of: I) The prepara~ ion of an Instruction which will explain in practical terma the Motu Proprio "Sacram Liturgiam" and clearly set forth the responsibilities of the territorial ecclesiastical authorities, pending the reform of th rites and the liturgical books; 2) The application of the Constitution in the letter and the spirit of the Council by examining and confirming the de- cisions of the Meeting of the Bishops and by replying to the questions pre- sented regarding the proper application of the Constitution, Cardinal Lereara, therefore, directs that the Acts of the Bishops! Meeting on the application of the Constitution be sent tothe Commission, Tho aforesaid Instruction is now being prepared by fan appropriate group of experts, but this preparation and the final approval by the Commission will naturally require some time, Meanwhile, His Em- inonce indicates some points that will be amply developed in the Instruc~ Hon and offers them at this time as directive norms to be used by the Most Reverend Bishops: 1, Every decision on liturgical matters will require a two-thirds majority in secret balloting (Motu Proprio "Sacram Liturgiam!, X). The result of His Eminence Francis Cardinal Spellman Archbishop of New York His Eminence March 31, 1964 Francia Cardinal Spellman Page 2 each vote on every decision must appear clearly in the Acts of the Meet= ing, which will be sent to the Holy.See. 2. In regard to the vernacular in the Liturgy, it will not be enough to Say generally that the Bishops have approved its use, for example, in the Missal, Ritual and Pontifical, Rather it will be necessary to indicate in which rites and for what parts and formulae and with what texte it will bbe introduced, 3. With reference to the actual Introduction of the vernacular Min partibus quae ad populum spectant!! (Const, art. 54), the Commisaion considers that it will be appropriate to maintain a distinction of parts and algo a principle fof gradualneaa, in order to avoid a too rapid transition from the present practice of almost total adherence to Latin to a new situation wherein a wider use of the vernacular is expected. And so, for example, before per- maltting popular religious singing in the language of the people, replacing the traditional music presently in liturgical use, a roportory of melodies with vernacular text, consonant with liturgical rites and truly dignified, should be drawn up in each country. 4. It does not seem opportune for the moment to petition, even for use Within an individual country, modifications, omissions or variations re- garding the present disposition in liturgical acts. Rather it is the inten« tion of the Commisaton to proceed gradually in liturgical reform, introduc. {ing in successive general dispositions those modifications which seem to be possible, necessary or useful, without however, altering the text of the iturgical books currently in use, until their complete revision is effected, In fact, these changes must be brought about with care and circumspection, leat the dignity of the Liturgy and the spiritual advantage to the faithtul suffer. 5, In tranemitting the Acts of the Bishops! Moeting to tho Holy See any previous concessions obtained {rom tho Holy See for the use of the vor= nacular in the various parts of the Liturgy should be indicated. The toxts in the vernacular for which confirmation is being sought should be attached in duplicate, even when these are in current use and of a temporary nature, uch as small missals, bilingual rituals or other books already approved by the Holy See, This is necessary in order that the Commission have complete documentation of what it must examine and confirm; this ia espe~ cially true when modifications relative to previous concessions are being petitioned, 6. As is obvious, the Bishops are requested not to publish the decisions His Eminence March 31, 1964 Francie Cardinal Spellman Page 3 taken at the Meeting until they have beon confirmed by the Apostolic See, 7. Whenever the number of members of one or other ‘national Epiaco- pal Gonference is small (Motu Proprio "Sacram Liturgiam", X) and some Aifficulty might thus ariee, the Bishops of more than one country aro ad vised to mest in a "regional conference in order to make common deci- sions. If this procedure is not possible, then the matter should be re- ferred to the Holy See, 8. The rapidity with which the requested confirmation will be fortheom= ing from the Holy See will greatly depend on the degree of completeness fof the Acta that are transmitted to it. With sentiments of reapect and profound reverence, I beg to remain Devotedjy yours in Christ, wep Apostolid Delegate APOSTOLIC DELEGATION United States of America No_90/51 2 March 1964 ‘Most Reverend Patrick A. O'Boyle, DD Chairman of the Administrative Board National Catholic Welfare Conference 1721 Rhode Island Avenus, N.W, Washington, D. C. ‘Your Excellency: 3339 Massachusetts Avenue rashington 8, Thave received from the Sacred Congregation of Rites, under date of 24 February 1964 (N, D. 11/964), the faculty "permittendi, in omnibus ecclesiis parceclalibus Ditionis Clvitatun Foaderatarum Americae Septentrionalis, unam Misesm lectam Feria Vin Cena Domini, horis quidem matutinis, in qua et continuo vel statim ab ea expleta, sacra Communio Christifidelibus distribul posset; atque etiam ut in Missé. Chrismatis eadem sacra Coramunio distribueret servatis de cetero servandis, Contrariis non obstantibus quibuslibet. " Therewith extend to the Most Reverend Ordinaries of the United States this faculty for a period of five years. It would be deeply appreciated if you, as Chairman of the Administrative Board of N.C,W.C., arranged to have Their Excellencies notified of this. ‘The relative tax amounts to $5.00 for each diocese. This may be sent directly to the Apostolic Delegation for trans Sacred Congregation, ssion to the With cordial regards and best wishes, I remain Sincerely yours in Christ, +B. Vagnozal Apostolic Delegate APOSTOLIC DELEGATION 3959 Massachusetts Avenue United States of America Washington 8, D.C, No, __203/63, 18 February 1964 ‘Most Reverend Patrick A. O'Boyle, DD Chairman of the Administrative Beard ‘National Catholic Welfare Conference 1312 Massachusetts Avenue N, W. Washington, D.C. ‘Your Excellency: Because of the special role filled by the Chancellor in many dioceses of the United States, I wrote to the Holy See to ‘ask about the delegation to him of the faculties of the apostolic letter, "Pastorale Munus", Tain now happy to report that the Holy Father has graciously deigned to permit the delegation of the faculties of "Pastorale Munus" to the Chancellors by their respective Bishops. In granting this delegation Their Excellencies are to observe the norms of the document itself, In your capacity as Chairman of the Administrative Board, I now request that you kindly inform the members of the Hierarchy in this country of this disposition by the Holy Father, With appreciation for this and many other om T remain Sincerely yours in Christ, +E, Vagnozzi Apostolic Delegate APOSTOLIC DELEGATION 3999 Massachusetts Avenue United States of America Washington 8 D.C, No. _282/62 30 Janyary 1964 Most Reverend Patrick A. O'Boyle, DD Archbishop of Washington 1721 Rhode Island Avenue, N.W. ‘Washington, D. C. ‘Your Excellency: ‘The Sacred Congregation for Seminaries and Universities has taken account of the expected presence of the Bishops at the aext session of the Second Vatican Council in September and has again granted a dispensation for this year from Canon 976 # 2 so that ordination to the diaconate may be conferred "expleto tertio theologiae anno, " As was the case last year, the faculty may be used only if the ‘ordinandi! have passed the examinations in all the material of the third year. Moreover, it is a grant effective only for this year and inno wise constitutes a precedent for a similar request in the future, 1k would be deeply appreciated sf Your Excellency, as Chatrman of the Administrative Board of the N.C.\W,C, kindly informed the Most Reverend Ordinaries of the United States of this concession by the Holy See. With cordial rogards and best wishes, 1 main ik Sincerely yours in Chris, AW” pe ‘Apostolic Delegate lll — \ National Catholic Welfare Conference December 31, 1963 ‘Your Excellency: ‘The Apostolic Delegate asked me to bring to the attention of the Most Reverend Ordinaries the following information: "When His Holiness, Pope Paul VI, issued the apostolic letter, "Pastorale Munus" a question arose about the effect this had on the "Index Facultatum Quinguennalium" in materia communi et quoad ius deleganal. Tmade an inquiry about this of the Holy See and. now have been informed by the Sacred Consistorial Congregation under date of December 19th (N. 1209/63) that these parts of the "Index" continue in effect even after publication of "Pastorale Munus, " ‘Undoubtedly, your Chancery officials will be interested in this matter, ‘With sentiments of deep esteem, I remain Most respectfully yours, CHC NEWS SERVICE EDIZQRIAL row Dee. 12, 1963 EDUTORS: Following is a translation of the Motu proprio, Pastorale Munus, by means of which Pope Paul VI granted speciel faculties and privileges to local Ordinaries on a permanent basie. A stozy on the concessions, datelineé VATICAN CITY and headed POPE GRANTS PACULTIZS, ate., was carried in the foreign service of Dec. 3 ‘The bishope, though hindered by many obstacles, have nonetheless given an example of special charity in all tines and dedicated thea~ Selves to the pastoral office to which Jesus Christ assigned the very important task of teaching, of leading to holiness, of binding and loosing. increase through the centuries of the Church's concerns and labors, the Apostolic See has always replied promptly and eagerly, to the requests of the bishops regarding pastoral cere, and not onli/ it edded to the extraordinary authority and jurisdiction of the heads 0 Gioceses but alco endowed them with singular faculties and privileges which appropriately met current needs. Siow mozeover, while the second session of the Second vatican Beunenicel Couneii approaches its end and since Ye wish nothing more dearly than to express to the council Fathers the very grest esteem We have for all the venerable brothers in the episcopacy, it seemed good to Us to accept their requests willingly and grant them things Ginich may place their episcopal dignity in the proper light and at the sane tine render their pastoral function freer and more efsective. We think thie ie very fitting to Our office as universal Shepherd. In bestowing these things most willingly on the bishops, We at the sane time raquest that they all, moved by the breadth of fleming Charity and joined closely with Christ and vith Us, His vicar on earth, Showld sesk through their collaboretion to lighten thet care for all ‘Ehe churches (cfr. 2 Cor. 11, 28) which weighs upon Our shoulders. Since it ie a matter of faculties of the utmost importance, We grant them in such a way that they cannot be delegated by the bishops Gxcept to 8 coadjutor, auzilieries and the vicar general, unless expressly noted in the concession of an individual faculty. According to the prevailing norm of law, however, such faculties, which Ne declare belong by law to residential bishops, also belong by law to vicars and prefecte apostolic, permanent apostolic administre~ tore, asbote and prelates nullius, who in their territozy enjoy the sane rights and faculties that residential bishops have in thély own Gioceses. And although vicare and prefects apostolic cannot appoint a vicar general, they nevertheless can legitimately delegate to their vicar delegate the faculties treated here. And co, having maturely considered everything from Our reverence and charity toward each bishop of the Catholic Church, of Our own initiative Jaota proprig/ and by Our apostolic authority We decree and escablisn that from the eighth of December of this year 1963, the bishops may inmediately and legitimately use and enjoy the following Faculties and privilege (wore) Nec NEWS SERVICE EDITORIAL INFORMATION (ec, 12, 1963) I~ Faculties which by right belong to a residential bishop from the moment that he takes canonical possession of the diocese. Unless it is expressly stated in the faculties, he may not delegate them to others except to coadjutor and auxiliary bishops end a vicar general. 1. Proroguing for a just cause, but not beyond a month, the Jawéul use of rescripts or indults which were granted by the Holy See and have expired, without a request for their renewal having been sent at the proper time to the Holy See. Thore is an obligation to apply at once to the Holy See for the favor, of to seek a reply if the petition has already bean submitted. 2. Permitting priests, because of scarcity of clergy and for a just cause, to celebrate Nass tice on weekdays, and even three times on Sundays and hely days of obligation, provided genuine pastoral necessities so demand. 3, Permitting priests, when celebrating two or three Masses, to take liguids even though theze be not an interval of an hour before the next Mass. 4, Permitting priests, for a just cause, to celebrate Mass at any hour of the day and to distribute Communion in the evening, with due observance of the other prescriptions of law. 5. Granting the faculty to priests who suffer fron poor eyesight or are afflicted with sone other infirmity, to offer daily the votive Mass of the Blessed Virgin or the Mass of the dead with the assistance, according to their neeés, of a priest or deacon and with due obser- vance of the Instruction of the Sacred Congregation of Rites of april 15, 1961. 6. Granting the sens pernission to priests who are totally blind provided they are always assisted by another priest or deacon. 7. Granting priests the faculty to celcbrate Mass outside a sacred place, but in a reputable and decent place, never in a bedroom, on an altar stone: in an individual case for a just cause but habitually only for a graver cause. 8, Granting also tae faculty to celebrate Mass for a just cause at sea and on rivers, with observance of the required precautions. 9. Granting the faculty to priests, who enjoy the privilege of the portable altar, that, for a just and grave cause, they may use, instead of an altar stois, the Greek antimension, or the cloth blessed by the bishop, in'the right corner of which are placed relics of the holy nartyzs authenticated by the bishop, with due observance of other requirements of the rubrics, particularly regarding altar cloths and the corporal. 10. Granting to infirm or elderly priests tho faculty of cele- rating Mass ut hone, but not in a bedroom, daily and even on the more solem foacts, observing the liturgical laws, but with the permis: of sitting i they are unable to stand. (wore) NCHC NEWS SERVICE EDITORIAL INFORMATION (Bec. 12, 1963) 11. Reducing because of @ decrease in income, as long as the cause obteine, Hasees Zroma Legacy (which per se remain fixed) at the rate of the stipend lawfully in effect in the diocese, provided that there is none who is obliged and can rightfully be expected to increase the stipend; likewise of reducing the obligations or legecies of Masses which burden benefices or other ecclesiastical institutes, if the income of the benefice or institute becomes insufficient for the suitable sustenance of the beneficiary and for fulfilling the works of the seczed ministry attached to the benefice or for attaining in a fitting wenner the proper end of the ecclesiastical institute. 12. Granting to chaplains of all hospitals, orphanages and prisone the faculty, in the absence of the pastor, to administer the sacranent of Confirmation to the faithful in danger of death, with due obse: vance of the norms of the Sacred Congregation of the Discipline of the Sacraments established by the decree, "Spiritus Sancti mnera” of September 14, 1946, for priests administering the sacrament of Confirmation. 13. Granting to confessors the faculty, in individual cases, of absolving any of the faithful in the act of cacramental confession from all reserved sins, with the exception however of the sin of false denunciation in which an innocent priest is accused of the crime of solicitation before ecclesiastics! judges. 14. Granting confessors distinguished for knowledge and prudence the faculty, in individual cases, of absolving any of the faithful in the act of tacraental confession fron all censuzes, even reserved, with the following exceptions: (a) ‘ab homine' censuxes; (b) censures Feserved in a mst special way to the Holy Seer (c) censures which are atuacned to disclosure of the secret of the Holy Office; (2) the excommunication incurred by clerics in sncred orders and all presuning to contract marriage with then, even only civilly, and actually living together. 15. Dispensing for a just cause from the defect of age for nation provided that it does not exceed six full months. 16. Dispensing from the impediment to ozdara by vhich the sons of non-Catholics ere bound as long ee the parents remain in error. 17. Dispensing those already ordained, for the purpoos both of celebrating Macs and obtaining and retaining ecclesiastical benefices, from any of the irregularities, whether ex delicto or ex defectu, provided that scandal does not arise thereby and provided that the ministry of the eltar ie correctly performed, with the exception of ‘those mentioned in Canon $25, 2. 3 and 4 of the Code of Canon Law. In the case of the crime of heresy or echion there must be a prior abjuration in the honds of the one absolving. 28. Conferring sacred orders outside the cathedral church and ‘extra tempera," including weekdays, if this ic useful from a pastoral point of view, 19. Dispensing Zor a just end reasonable couse from all the minor matrimoniel impedinants, even if there is qusstdon of mixed marriages, bus with oust in thie latter cass of the proseriptions of Canous 1061L~105¢ of the Code of Canon Lan. (wore) eWC NEWS SERVICE EDITORIAL INEO: sEION 4 (Dee. 12, 1963) 20. Dispensing, when a just and greve causa urges, from the impedinents of mixed religion and disparity of worship, even in the case of use of the Pauline Privilese, with observance of the iptions of Canons 1961-1064 of the Code of Canon Law. 21, "Sanandi in radice," provided the consent perdures, ges that are invalid because of 2 minor impediment or defect of form, even if there is question of mixed marriages, but in this case there must be observance of Canon 1061 of the Code of Canon Lew. 22. “Sanandi in redice," provided consent perdvres, marriages that aze invalia because of the inpediment of Gioparity of worship, even if they are also invalid because of a defect of form, with observance of the prescriptions of Canon 1061 of the Codo of Canon 23, Permitting for a grave cause, that the interpellation of an sidel spouse may be done before the baptiem of the party who is being converted to the faith; and diepensing, also for a grave cause, from the sane interpellation before the baptien of the party who is being converted: provided in this case that it is clear froma summary and extra-judiciel process thet the interpellation cannot be made or it would be useless. 24. Reducing, for a just cause, the obligation by which cathedral chapters and colleges of canons are obliged to perform ritually the daily Divine Offices in choir, by granting that choral Sezvice may be satisfied either only on certain days or merely by a certain determined part. 25, Entrusting, where necessary, certain canons with the tasks of the sacred ministry, of teaching or of the apostolate, with a Gispensation from choir, while preserving the right of receiving the feaits of the prebend, but not the distributions, whether inter prassestes, as they are called, or daily. 26. Conmuting for reason of weak eyesight or other cause, us long as the condition persists, the Divine Office into daily recitation of at least a third part of the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary or of other prayers. 27. Deputing in particular cases, or for a time, the vicar general or ansther priest with ecclesiastical dignity, to cousecrate portable altars, chalices and patens, according to the rite prescribed in the Pontigical and using the holy oils blessed by the bishop. 28. Allowing minor clerics, lay Religious and also pious women to wash with the firet ablution, palls, corporale and purificators. 29. Using the faculties and privileges, while observing their extent and intent, which religious communities having a house in the Giocese enjoy for the good of the faithful. 30. Granting to priests the faculty by which, with the rites prescribed by the Church, they may erect the Stations of the Cross, even in the open air, with all the indulgences that have been granted to those who make this pious exercise. The faculty cannot be exercised in parochial territory where there is a house of religious who by apostolic grant enjoy the privilege of erecting the Stations of the Cross. (wore) S NONS NEWS SERVICE EDITORIAL INFORNATION (Bec. 12, 1963) II ~ Privileges, which, besides those enumerated in their titles in the Code of Canon Law, belong to all bishops, reeidential or titular, as soon es they have received the authentic notification of canonical election. ing the word of God everywhere in the world, unless the ordinary of the place expressly denies it. 2. Heazing the confessions of the faithful and of Religious women yoheze in the world, unless che Ordinary of the plecs expressly denies it. 2. Absolving any of the faithful anywhere in the act of sacra- mental confession, fron all reserved sins, except however the sin of false danunciation in which an innocent priest is accused of the crime of solicitation before ecclesiastical judges. 4. ibsolving any of the faithful anywheze in the act of sacra~ mental confession from all censures, even reserved, excepting howave: (a) censures “ab homine;" (b) consures reserved in'a most special way to the Holy See: (c) censures which are attached to disclosure of the secret of the Holy Office; (d) the excommunication incurred by clerics in sacred orders and all presuming to contract marziage with them, even only civilly, and actually Living together. Residential Bishops can also use this gaculty for their subjects in the external forun. 5. Reserving the Blessed Sacrenent in their private oratory Provided that the prescriptions of the liturgical laws are fully obsorved. 6. Celebrating Hass at eny hour of the day, for a serious reason, and disteibuting Holy Communion oven in the evening, observing all porns enjoined. 7. Blessing anywhere with a single sign of the Cross, with all the indulgences usually granted by the Holy See, rosaries and other beads used for prayers, crosses, medals, scapulare approved by the Holy See end inposing thom without the obligation of inscription. 8, Blessing for the faithful, who because of infirmity or other laweul impediment cannot visit the sacred Stations of the Cross, images of the Crucified with an applicaticn of all the indulgences attached by the Roman Pontiffs to the devout exerciee of the Way of the Cross. We with pleasure grant these faculties and privileges to our Brothers in the Bpiscopacy with the intention and purpose We have noted above: that all these may particularly be for the glory and advantage of the Church of Christ to whom We and Ours are indebted for all things. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, even worthy of epecial mention. Given at Rome, at St. Peter's, on che 30th of Novenber, 1963, the Eixst of Our pontificate. PAUL PP. VE National Catholic Welfare Conference December 10, 1968 ‘Your Excellency: Archbishop O'Boyle has authorized me to send you a copy of a letter he recsived recently from the Apostolic Delegate. ‘The letter is for your background information. It is, obviously, of a confidential nature, ‘With sentiments of deep esteem, I remain Most respectiully yours, — Bap bara APOSTOLIC DELEGATION United States of America 3939 Massachusetts Avenue ‘Washington 8, D. C. NO _ 216/40 © December 1963 ‘Most Reverend Patrick A, O'Boyle, DD Chairman of the Administrative Board National Catholic Welfare Conference 1512 Massachusetts Avenue, N, W, Washington, D. C. ‘Your Bxcatlency: ‘His Eminence, the Cardinal Secretary of State, has written to me about a gathering in this country at which ceremonies not conteraplated by the rubrics were introduced into the Mass, non- ‘denominational hymns were sung, and a non-Catholic minister gave a discourse immediately after the offering of the Holy Sacrifice. I ‘am informed that this matter has come to the attention of the Holy Father. ‘These liturgical innovations and the discourse were a source of surprise as they may create a dangerous confusion of ideas among the faithful. Ik would be appreciated if Your Excellency, as Chair- man of the Administrative Board, confidentially indicated to the members of the hierarchy in this country the desire of the Holy See that there be faithful observance both of the liturgical lavs and of the rules which regulate contacts and meetings with non-Catholies. With cordial regards and best wishes, I remain Sincerely yours in Christ, S8/ +B, Vagnozzi ‘Apostolic Delegate National Catholic Welfare Conference Ey ‘November 4, 1963 ‘Your Excellency: At the request of the Apostolic Delegate I enclose herewith a copy of a letter from Cardinal Confaloniert written on the Feast of Christ the King this year to commemo= rate Emigration Day. With sentiments of deep esteem, I remain ‘Most respectfully yours, Bet Vb SACRA CONGREGATIO ‘CONSISTORIALIS Prot, N. D.B, 258/63 Feast of Christ the King ‘Your Excellency, We celebrate Emigration Day this year in the presence of a unique spectacle: the Catholic Episcopate gathered together for the second session of the Ecumenical Council. ‘This historic event and the specific theme under consideration, "de Ecclesia, " seem to demand of us a still greater realization of the urgency with which the important work for emigrants must be undertaken; not only because of the vastness of the emigration problem, but also because of its multiple repercussions in the social, moral and religious fields. ‘The Holy Father, Pope Paul Vi, when He spoke last September to those participating in the Social Study Week, referred to the Schema now being discussed. He emphasized the importance of the "relationship between the eternal values of Christian truth and their insertion into the realities, nowadays 50 very changeable, of human life; a life, at present restless, troubled yet fruitful and continually being transformed, " His Holiness concludes with an appeal to Bishops, and especially priests, whom he urges to "follow the diagnosis with a cure," ‘This papal teaching seems to be particularly sulted to the emigrant world, which is constantly changing the social structures - family, profession, city, It is evident that there are strong bonds between the social and the spiritual structures and that, if the first are modified, the second must sooner or later be altered too, Sek ‘The phenomenon of nomadism, of such vast proportions today, brings into discussion spiritual values especially, and the new type of man now emerg- ‘ing must not lose sight, in a certain atmosphere of economic totalitarianism, of his greatness as a creature and a son of God. This is the time, too, for Christians in Europa to prove to the many young men who come to thelr Universities from Asia and Africa, the freshness and the fruitfulness of the ‘message of Christ, and so help to bring forth 8 world truly renovated and fraternally united in the faith of the Gospel. Parochial activities ~ organizations and movements - must take cognizance of life as it is really lived, Collaboration between the parish the emigrants leave, and that they transfer to, should be encouraged, under the guidance of the competent Ordinaries. It is necessary to prapare those who emigrate, either to foreign countries or within the boundaries of their own, to respond fully to their Christian responsibilities. Priests should be encouraged to guide and sustain them until they have made effective contact with the re- Aigious organizations of their locality. A truly Christian approach towards these nowly-arrived brothers must be cultivated among the faithful, so that a real Integration may bring mutual spiritual enrichment. All this would not suffice, however, unless we consider the particu- Jar part which the laity are called upon to play. ‘They are, in the words of Pope Pius XI, "the arms given by God and the Church to the mind and heart of the pastor, " and through them alone can the social structure be re-vitalized, ‘The problem of the present time is to establish equilibrium between ‘technical advancement and the progress of man, and to bring back the centre of gravity from things to the human person; because, if the spiritual elements are not attended to, social solidarity disappears. It is therefore opportune to institute and develop centres ~ social, ‘educational, recreative ete,, almed at transforming the atmosphere of the different communities and thereby of social life, ‘The Church, the Motner of all, by the Ifght of her doctrine, the riches of her grace and the vitality of her organizations, can supply the equilibrium and the serenity, s0 desired and so coveted by contemporary society. To learn then from her fo love our present times, and 0 the better to spread the message with which we have been entrusted, 1s a truly effica~ cious way of celebrating Eraigration Day 1963. May Holy Mary, special Patron of the emigrants and incomparable teacher of the apostles, cbtain from the Lord that each one of us may daily become more worthy to cooperate and more willing to diffuse love and salva~ ton to the emigrant world. I pray the Lord to grant us a most successful and fruitful Emigration Day, and invoking abundant heavenly blessings upon you I remain Sincerely yours in Christ, Signed: Ch, Card. Confatonieri %, $ S16 ps3 vga en Wasunorox 6, D.C. Unie Stares oF AMERICA, i Mo 242163, 30 October 1963, ‘Your Excellency: You will recall that in ite declaratio, "Cun dubtus"” of 17 Novenber 1959 (A.A.8., 11, p. 920), the Sacred Congregation for Seminaries and Universities explained that Mis Holiness, Pope John XXIIT, E.r,, hae confirmed its cospetence over all institutes of higher learning conducted both by the secular clergy and by religious communities. This competence extends even to colleges snd universities that heve never or hot yet been endoved with the canonical approval of the Holy See, Now {n accord with its responsibility in this matter, The Sacred Congregation, on 24 Saptenber 1963 (W, 579/63), has notified me that ite "nihil obstat” ig required in each instance for the conferral of ‘an honorary degree in one of the sacred or ecclesiastical disciplines. For honorary degrees in the secular sciences or hummities it is only necessary to have the "nihil obstat™ of the Ordinary of the place where the University, Faculty or College is located. While 1 being this disposition to your attention, 1 would request Your Excellency, in the nave of the Sacred Congregation, to make nom the content of this letter to all the heads of institutions in ‘your diocese which have the power to grant honorary degrees. With cordial regards and best wishes, I resain Sincerely yours in Christ, z ¢. i ‘poston owidece Bis Excetlency Nose Rey. Martin J. o%¢omor, 0.0. North Anorican Coliege Vatican City, Burope National Catholic Welfare Conference es @® eae \ Tune 5, 1963 ‘Your Excellency: Im the absoneo of Monsignor Tanner, Tam enclosing @ copy of @ letter from His Excellency the Apostolic Delegate to His Excellency Archbishop O'Boyle as Chairman of the Administrative Board of N,C.W,C. With sentiments of deep esteem, T remain ‘Most respectfully yours, sony APOSTOLIC DELEGATION UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 3839 Massachusetts Avenue ‘Washington 8 D.C. No__107/63 81 May 1963 ‘Most Reverend Patrick A. O'Boyle, DD Archbishop of Washington 1721 Rhode Island Avenue, N,W, Washington 6, D.C. ‘Your Excellency: In your capacity as Chairman of the Administrative Board of the National Catholic Welfare Conference, you may wish to inform the Most Reverend Ordinaries of the United States of a special faculty that is now available to them, on request, at the Sacred Congregation for Seminaries, Cardinal Pizzardo noted that a number of Bishops wished to take an offering for a second Mass when there is weekday ‘bination’ and to use this second stipend for the benefit of the seminary, His Eminence referred this matter to the Holy Father and was authorized to empower the Ordinaries, ‘who requested such an indult, to accept a second stipend provided that half of it is sent at the end of each year to the Sacred Congregation for Seminaries for the support of the most needy seminaries. ‘The Most Reverend Ordinaries who wish to take advantage of this concession may present to the Holy See their requests for the faculty. With cordial regards and best wishes, I remain Sincerely yours in Christ, S/ + B. Vagnozai Apostolic Delegate eS P. Y APOSTOLIC DELEGATION United States of America 3399 Massachusetts Avenue ‘Washington 8, D.C. No__12/62. Tune 8, 1962 Right Reverend Msgr, Paul Tanner General Secretary, NCWC 1512 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Washington 5, D.C. Right Reverend and dear Monsignor: Recently I made an inguiry about the possibility of priests, who will be present in Rome, participating in the opening session of the Ecumenfeal Council, and have received a reply from Archbishop Felici, which I hereby convey to you for your information. ‘No decision has yet been taken on this point. If they are admitted, it is supposed that it will be regulated at the proper time dy the issuance of lickets to be requested from the Cifice of the ‘Majordomo of His Holiness. With sentiments of esteem and every best wish, I remain Sincerely yours in Christ, S8/ + E, Vagnoazi Apostolic Delegate Uxinp Srares or AMERICA ‘WasHONcTON 8, D.C wo 93/50 14 March 1962 ‘ ‘Most Reverend Patrick A, O'Boyle, DD Archbishop of Washington 1721 Rhode Island Avenue, N, W. Washington 6, D.C. Your Excellency ‘The Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office has on a number of occasions been presented with the ne- cessity of examining works of religious character written through the collaboration of Catholic and Protestant theologians, ‘The Supreme Sacred Congregation has been asked in particular whether and on what conditions Catholic theologians may partici- pate in such editorial undertakings After consideration of the various aspects of the question, the Supreme Congregation maintaing that the par- Uicipation of Catholic authors in mixed publications of a theologi- cal character may be permitted by the Most Reverend Ordinarl only on the following conditions 1. ‘The work is of an exclusively scientific character; 2. Besides the signature of each author of an article there is the notation that he is Catholic or Protestant; 3. As far as possible, the publishing house should preferably be non-Catholic, but a very reliable one; P. 2~ Archbishop O'Boyle, 14/111/62 2s, s Lc pass | 2999 tassousers bvoue User States on Avenica, ‘wacincten 8.6 93/50 4. Finally, through the medium of the Catholic authors, the Ordinary must be able to see the non= Catholic articles or at least to know their contents in order to judge the ftneas of collaboration by the Catholic authors. ‘The Supreme Sacred Congregation wishes ‘Your Excellency to bring these norms to the attention of the Ordinaries of the United States in a confidential manner. It would be appreciated if you arranged for this and at the same Hime advised Their Excallencien that these norme are net to be published. With cordial regards and best wishes, T | February 19th,1962 3 His Exeellency Most Rev. Egidio Vagnozzé Apostolic Delegate 3359 Massachusetts Avenue WASHINGTON, D.C, Your Exealleney, It is very helpful to me to have the copies of the letters which Your Excellency has forwarded to the Bishops of the United States and I acknowledge with thanks your communication of February 12th, 1962, Your File N, 199/39 which was addressed to the Most Reverend Ordinaries and which concerned their presentation of candi- dates for Pontifical Honors, With all good weh highest esteem, I remain, with sentiments of ‘Your Excellency's humbl jn Christ evant Martin J,0°Connor ‘Titular Archbishop of Laodicea in Syria = Rector 3399 whssucsuserrs AVENUE WASHINGTON 8, D.C February 12, 1962 Your Excellency: ‘The Secretary of State of His Holiness has dram up specific ‘norms, approved by the Holy Father, in order to establish uniform criteria to be followed by the Most Reverend Ordinaries when they present candidates for Pontificel Honors. T have been directed to bring them to the knovledge Of the Most Reverend Hierarchy of the United States for their guidance in the presentation of future petitions, They are at follows: ae 14) Prothonotary Apostolic _a.t.p.- the minimum age required is eres ees acento ees nega Teasatet peace fon late for at least five years; D) Domestic Prelate- the minimum age required {s forty years: Tf the candidate had been previously naned a Private Chan berlain, Supernuserary or of a lover rank, he must have enjoyed this status for at least Five years; ©) Private Chamberlain Supernumerary (or a lover rank)- the Sinton apertequised ip Chive} yoass Sith at Teast even years of priesthood Tt 1s understood that the ecclesiastics presented for these honors should be distinguished by reason of the offices entrusted to them, and that, above all, the honors of Domestic Prelate and Prothonotary Apostolic a.{.p. should be Fequested only for the higher positions in the diocesan cel organization. laity: 4) Private Chamberlain of Spada e Cappa- proposals for this ionor vill be evaluated case by cate and require marite of ‘am outatanding nature; b) Equestrian Orders (Ordine Piano, excluding the Collar, Order Of St. Gregory the Great, Order of St, Syl- vestex) 1) Enighthood- the minioum age required is thirty years; 2) Comma the minimm age required is forty yea Af the candidate had been previously named 4 Hnighe, he must have enjoyed (his statu Teast five years: 3) Sommander with Lf the candidate had been pre- ‘viously named @ Comander, he mist have enjoyed this status for three years; ‘Attention must be given to the civil offices held by the candidate: Commander with Star, especially, it would be vell to reserve to important anks of civil position. The Great Cross of the above nentioned Equestrian Orde! reserved to Cabinet Ministers, to the higher ranks of the civil, military and judiciary order or to private persons of particular merite, vio hhave already Feceived che lower Tanke of the Order, Religions Menbers of Religious Institutes end Secular Institutes are excluded fron the conferral of any Pontifical Honor. For them it is possible to pro- ore only the conferral of the Cross "Pro icclenta et Fontifice” or the Yedal "Nenemerenti", The With sentiments of est ‘and every best wish, 1 remain pelea His Excellency Most Rev. Martin J. O'Connor, D.D. Worth Anerican College Vatican City, Europe APOSTOLIC DELEGATION 3399 Massachusetts Avenue United States of America ‘Washington & D.C. No _58/59, January 15, 1962 Most Reverend Patrick A. O'Boyle, D. D. “Archbishop of Washington 1721 Rhode Istand Avenue, N.W, Washington 6, D.C. ‘Your Bxcellency: Jn announcing the forthcoming Vatican Ecumenical Council Tl, His Holiness stressed the importance he gives to the spiritual collaboration of tho faithful, especially the children, for the completion of the preparatory work and the fruitful progress of the Council itself, His Eminence, Cardinal Pizzardo, Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Seminaries and Universities, in line with this idea of the Holy Father, would like to see promoted and favored in all Catholic institutions: every initiative which would serve to excite in the students a lively interest in ‘the Council and to induce them to a spiritual participation in it, He wishes the Directors and Professors to keep the students abreast of the eventa pertaining to the Council and to stimulate in them the spirit of prayer and sacrifice recom- mended by His Holiness, He suggests a daily prayer and mentions that an appropriate one would be the one composed by the Holy Father and indulgenced by the Sacred Penitentiary on September 23, 1959. Even days of prayer might be organized for this purpose, is Eminence says that it would be helpful in focusing the attention of the students on this great event, if in thelr classes, especially in the History of Religion, emphasis were placed on the care of the Church in all times to seek to fulfil in an ever better way her salvific mission in the world, He suggests also that it would be useful to point out that the Council will treat of questions of vital interest for Catholic schools, which are called on today to ‘exert such an Important influence in society. I shall be grateful to Your Excellency for your kind assistance 1n fulfilling this desire of the Sacred Congregation, and shail appreciate it if in due time I might have a reportm the initiatives undertaken and the results obtained so that I may refer it to the same Sacred Congregation. With sentiments of esteem and every best wish, I remain Sincerely yours in Christ, 8/ +5. Vagnozai Apostolic Delegate m, BE Ye "oure pets 3839 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE ‘ocean Staves or ANCA ‘Wasnmern 8b 136/35 21 December 1961 ‘Your Excellency: ‘The Holy See has been receiving requests that a marriage entered with a dispensation from the impediment of disparity of worship be dissolved in order to contract anew or convalidate a union already entered with a non-baptized party or ‘a baptized non-Catholic, which would require another dispensa~ tion from disparity of worship or mixed religion. In view of Canons 1080, 1084 and 1071 and its desire to safeguard the sanctity and indissolubility of matrimony, ‘the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office has directed me to request the Most Reverend Ordinaries of the United States to abstain fram accepting such cases. As Your Excellency knows, they entail an altogether extraordinary favor dependent on the vicarious power of the Holy Father and they open the way to a new mixed marriage quod ime Beclesia prohibe ees. if an + bpdeolognty ole Detegite a“ APOSTOLIC DELEGATION United States of America 3839 Massachusetts Avenue ‘Washington 8 D.C. UBLICATION No__65/61 September 11, 1961 ‘Most Reverend Karl J. Alter, D.D. ‘Archbishop of Cincinnati 8870 Belmont Avenue Cincinnati 24, Ohio Your Excellency: It has come to the knowledge of the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office in an article by Reverend Robert T. ‘Francoeur entitled "Evolution and Panpsychism in Teilhard de Chardin, " published in the June issue of the American Benedictine Review, that a book prepared by the same priest will appear in autumn, 1961, with the title, "American Scholars and Teilhard de Chardin: Man," (Helicon Press, Baltimore 27, Md.), Tam instructed to inform Your Excellency that the Supreme Sacred Congregation regrets the publicity given to thess works and theories and requests the Most Reverend Hierarchy and Religious Superiors to discourage such publications and to prevent thelr introduction into the Mbrarles of seminaries and houses of study. With sentiments of esteem and every best wish, I remain Sincerely yours in Christ, 8/ +B. Vagnozal, Apostolic Delegate National Catholic Welfare Ganterence — July 27, 1961 ‘Your Excellency: ‘At the direction of His Excellency, the Apostolic Delegate, and in the absence of Monsignor Tanner I am forwarding the enclosed letter from the Sacred Congregation of Rites. His Excellency, the Apostolic Delegate, asks that special note be made of the fact that this letter is'a reserved letter, that its contents are confidential and not for publication. With sentiments of deep esteem, I remain bl pes ok, jy it = 4 nie Beassia Tish SACRA RITUUM CONGREGATIO N. R. 65/961, Excolientissime et Reverendissime Domine, Nuper humanissimas Tuas accepimus Litteras, quibus nobis rettulisti quae animum Tun circa quaestionem 3. Philumenae exaglta~ verunt, Innovissima enim “INSTRUCTIONS, " quam hoc 8. Dicasterium circa revisenda 'Propria' Officiorum et Missarum ediderat, sub finem numeri 33 haec disposita sunt: “Festum autem 9. Philumenae V. et M. (211 augusti) © quolibet calendario expungatur (Cf, AAS. anno 1961, pag. 168, ‘Ex immoderaia quadam hulus dispositionis per publicas epheme~ rides evulgatione atque discussione, studio creata est aliqua opinionis publicae frritatio, quae exigere videtur, ubicumque de hac re agitur, ut auctoritas ecclesiastica prudenter, pari ratione atque eodem modo procedat, ‘Hinc est quod haec S, Rituum Congregatio Tibi, ceterisque locorum Ordinariis, quorum interest, forma omnino reservata, respondere censuit, ‘quae sequintur: 1, Standum est omnino praescripto "Instructionis, ' ex quo celebratio Liturgiea, id est Officium et Missa de eadem Sancta, plane interdicuntur; 2, 1d tamen minime impedit, quominus celebratio extraliturgice, Jocis et modis hueusque consuetis, continuetur, moderate quidem, et ita uf paulatim, sensim sine sensu, hulusmodi quoque celebratio plane relaxetur. ‘Si ista vero celebratio, ex abrupto abeque Misca peragi non Possit, dicatur Missa de Commun! plurimorum Martyrum; 8. Ad ecclesias, oratoria vel altaria eldem Sanctee dicata quod altinet, meminisse fuvabit, fulusmodi dedicationem vel benedictfonem ‘omnino fieri non potuisse, cum leges liturgicae clare vetent ecclesias vel oratoria aut altaria dedicare in honorem Sanctorum, qui non sint ‘eanonizati, ' vel in Martyrologio Romano rite inscripti: utrumque autem de 8, Philuimena non constat, Opportuno itaque tempore, cum scilicet popularis cultus erga dictam Senctam, prouti supra dictum est, adeo deminutus erit, ut absque erturbatione fidelium et commode ficri possit, alius titulus ecclesiae, oratorio vel altari, annuente Sancta Sede substituatur. -2- 4. Statuae quoaue vel imagines elusdemn Sancta, prudenter, pro tomporis opportintate, prude alaribus, deinde de ecclesliy emovesntur, Porro eunino negenda ect apetobaio ccclesactica libris, Iianiie, otationibusallisgue seripis, quae ad presdiclas Senviam, spectent, 5, Ut omnia breviter dicantur: eo contendendum est, ut prudenter ged.continenter eultue, etiam popularis, hufe Sanctaetribufus, paulatim ‘gt placide evanescat, Occasionem autem nacta, hace S, Congregatio peropportunuin duit in memoriam revocare sapientissimam legem lem memoratam, qua prohibetur ecclesia, oratoria, allaria Titulis inusitatis, vel qui novitatem saplant, vel Sanctis non canonizatis nec in Martyrologio Romano inseriptis, dedicari, Haec cum Tecum, uti supra dictum est, in forma confidentiall ‘communfeamus, faustissima quaeque 2 Domino Tibi adprecamur. Romae, ex Aedibus 8. Rituam Congregationis, die 31 maii 1961. §/ Henricus Dante 8,R,C, Secret, 8820 a5 583 “Zc pels 8839 Massacnuserrs AVENUE Urren Snares oP Aremtca "enmeron 8 Bc we 99/54 6 March 1961 ‘Your Excellency: In virtue of the special authority given to sme by the Holy See, I am pleased to extend to Your Excellency for the next three years the faculty of peraitting "in ecclestis peroecialibus unan Miseam lectam horie matutinis Feriae Vin Gena Domini, in qua, sive continuo vel statin ab ea expleta, sacra Communto fidelibus distribul valeat; et insuper, ut in Missa Chrismatie item Christifideles ad eacram Synaxim accedere veleane, exelusa ‘servatie de catero rubricis am instructed by the Sacred Congregation of Aites to note that the tax on this rescript anounte to $5.00. A check for this sum may be made payable to the Apostolic Delegation and it will be forvarded from here in the nane of ‘Your Excellency. With cordial regards and best wishe |) X remain pecker lis Excellency Most Rev. Martin J. O'Conner, D.D. Worth American College Vatican city, Europe Tt fike Grecalers ¢ one pa he i ce ‘Ustre Snares or Anerica Wasuascrox 8, D.C. Wo._99/50. 2h vebruary 1961 Your Excellency: ‘The Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office has graciously renewed the faculty originally granted to local Ordinaries in N. TV of the Instruction, "De Mocione Oscunenica™ of 20 Deceaber 1949" (Aeta Ap. Sedis, XLT, p. 146). This concession my be used only vith strict and faitheul observance of the norms enunciated in the Instruction. Ia particular i As necessary thet Your Excellency be mindful of the importance of the choice of speakers and participants An the conferences; and, b) the difficulties and dangers hich are not infrequently presented by these 'conventus et collationes’ in which large numbers of Catholics and Protestants take part. Apropos of this attention to the following p Supreme Sacred Congregation directs sages of the Instruction: "bi vero quaedam boni fructus spes affulgere videatur, Ordinartus rom curabit reete adminietrandam ....." and "Quoniam parum Fructus et plus perlculi solere afferre, nonnisi post diligentiseimum ‘examen permittantur” (Acta Ap. Sedis, XLII, p. 145). I vould also recall the requirement that at the end of the year a report be made, specifying the place where such assemblies vere hheld and vhat experiences were gathered from then. With cordisl regards and best wishes, I remain 2 tps lpg. ae, ‘npostoltc Delegate is Excellency Most Raverend Martin J. O'Connor, D.D. North American College Vatican city, Europe vo wwann lO Conner Moms Marler Ge nine El sees lay 18th 960 His Excellency Most Rev. Egidio Vagnozz Apostolic Delegate to the United States of Anerica 3939 Massachusetts Avenue Washington 8, D.C, Your Excellency, Permit me to acknowledge your esteemed letter of May Grd, your file N°209/50, enclosing s copy of the decree on clerics emigrating from Latin Anerica and fron the Philippines to North America, issued at the direction of the Holy Father, Pope John XXIII by the Sacred Consistorial Congregation on February 13, 1960, I am deeply grateful to you for this information and I appreciate your kindness in sending 1t to me. With sentiments of deepest osteen, T remain ‘Your Exeelleney?s hunble servant in Christ Martin J, O'Connor Titular Archbishop of Lacdicea in Syria S| Rector %, ¢ "or pas 2399 Massscnserts AvENoE ‘Usrrep Snares or Asarrica, WastINcrON 8, D.C. 209/50. 3 May 1960 ‘Your Excellency: I am pleased to enclose herevith a copy of the decree, "De clericis ex Aserica Latina ‘necnon ex Insulis Philippinis in American Septentri- onalen emigrantibus" issued at the direction of the Woly Father, Pope John XXIII, by the Sacred Cons! torial Congregation on 13 February 1960, You vill note that this decree applies to priests from Latin America and the Philippine Islands the same rules that have been in effect for sone tine for those from Europe and the Mediterranean area. While bringing this matter to your at~ Lention I wish also to assure Your Excellency chat T am prepared to offer every cooperation in the processing of these cates as they may aris ly a in christ, ne F, nish d feces dee Most Rev. Martin J, O'Connor, D.D, Worth America College Vatican City, Europe 185/60 SACRA CONGREGATIO CONSISTORIALIS DECRETUM DE CLERICTS EX AMBRICA LATINA NECNON EX INSULIS ‘PHILIPPINIS IN AMERICAM SEPTEMTRIONALEM EMIGRANTIBUS, Ad fovendam ecclesiasticam disciplinam sacerdotum qui ex America Latina necnon ex Insulis Philippinis quacumgue de causa, studforum ratione non excepta, in Americam Septemtrionalem se conferunt, ad tempus vel in perpetuum permansuri, Sacrae huic Congregaliont visum est pro iis easdem proferr! leqes quae vi Constitutionis Apostolicae "Exsul Familia" art. 3, Ut. alt. (A. A, 8, XLIV (1952) pp. 693-694) pro sacerdotibus,’ qu! ex Europa Wel Modtiorraneis oris ad exteres transmarinas tegiones migrare jecidorant, statuuntur.. ‘Teoque postac: $1, 1) Unlus Sacrae Congregationis Consistorialis est sacerdotibus, qui ex America Latina vel ex Tnsulis Philippinis ad exteras has regiones: Status Foederatos Americae Septemtrionalis et Canadensem Dicionem, per quodvis iemporis spatium, sive breve sive longum sive indefinitum, aut In perpetuum, migrare desiderent, lcentiam proficiscenti ibique manendi aut diultus commorandi concedere. 2) Nuntii,, tnternuntii et Delegatt Apostolict eandem Iicontiam concetere potorunt sacerdotibus ilins nationis, apad quam legatione stabili funguntur, dummodo hufusmod facult eisdem attributa sit ot reservata. 52.1) Cuam Heentiam obtinere debent sacerdotes, de yufous in’8 1n. 1), ut, servatis ceteris de iure servandis, alienae jcecest in regiontbus’transmarinis incardinentur, 2) Badem Mcentia religiost quoque indigent, nist agatur de sis qui a Superioribus ad alias religionis suae dormus mittantur; parlterque exolaustrat! durante exclaustrationls tempore; necnon Saecularizati ab Eplscopo benevolo, sive pure et simpliciter sive ‘experimento, recepti. 83, Hacc autem Heentia, firmis ceteris legibus in decreto Magni semper negolli statutis, ‘ne concedatur nisi certo constet: 1) de bono oratoris vitae testimonto; 2) de insta ot rationabili migrandt cause; 3) de consensu tum Episcopi a quo discedit, aut Superioris si aqatat Ye rceaionis, tain Boies aS am acess 4) de habito Sacrae Congregationis Concilii indulto si agatur do parcel ee aes Gia thas soca prota aebeats 5.4. Sncerdotes sive sgeculares sive religiosi qui, obtenta Yzagaleta| migrand! conta, do\una in altoram dlctonem demigrare ssiderent, nova indigent Weentia, £5. Sacerdotes qui, his logibus non servatis, temere szrogantirque demigravorinl, susporst a dvinis ipso facto maneants ‘ui nihilominus sacris (quod beus avertat) operar! audeant, in frregularitatem Incident: a quibus poenis absolvi non possint nist 2 Sacra hae Congregatione (Decretam Macni semper negotii, 30 fotos 1916. Th, 16" Ac As Sey RCO oT Quae in Audientia diel 19 mensis februari hulus anni Ssm0 D.N, foanni D. P, PP, XXIT ab infrascripto Cardinali a Secretis Sgerde huius Congregations relata, Summus Pontifex rata habuit et contirmavit ac pracsens ad rem Decretum expedire iussi Datum Romae, ox Aedibus Sacrae Congregationis Consistorialis, die 13 mensis februari 1960, + MARCELLUS Card. MIMMT Eplscopus Sabinensis et Mandelensis 2 Secretis Le +S, + losephus Ferretto, Archiepiscopus Serdiconsis, Adsessor April 19th,1960 ‘Apostolic Delecate 9339 liessachusetts Avenue,N.W, WASHINGTON,D.C. Your Excellency, lease lot me thank you for the copy of the letter of the Sacred Congregation of Seminaries and Universities which carried a questionnaire on seminaries. ith deepest esteem and kindest personal regards, T remain Your Excellency’s humble servant in Christ Martin J.0*Conner Titular Archbishop of Laodicea Hie Exeellency Most Rev.Egidio Vagnozzi in Syria = Rector Dw DevH ose i Vis Mareh 14th,1960 His Excellency Most Rev, Egidie Vagnozzi Apostolic Delegate 9339 lassachuserts Avenue ,N.lI. WASHINGTON,D.C. Permit me to aéknowledge your letter of arch and Your File N°. ‘G%/89 together with the copies of the €lrcular letters which Your Excellency had previously sent to the Ordinaries of the United States. | Your Excellency, | I att deeply grateful to you for your kindness in ending me these letters because it is most helpful to me te be acqustated with the information contained In ten. With deep appreciation and kindest personal regards, 1 renain Your Excellency's humble servant in Christ — o, Be g oLI0 pis eee ee Usren Srares op Ancerioa, Wastasecro% 8, D.C. e_81/59, 2 March 1960 Most Reverend Martin O'Connor, DD Titular Archbishop of Laodicea Rector North American College Vatican City Your Excellency: In answer to your letter of February 23rd, Iwish to offer this assurance that I will forward to Your Excellency, a8 they appear, copies of the circu- lar letters addressed to the Bishops of the United States. I realize that the information they contain may be very useful to you. Against the possibility of your not hav~ ing received them, Iam enclosing copies of the circular letters previously sent to the Ordinaries of this country. With cordial regards and best wishes, Tremain fa Ty & DAGTE s %, $ Proare ps 3399 MassacHuserts AVENUE Usrrap Starrs or Aacerca ‘nneror De we 90/31, 15 June 1959 ‘Your Excellency: I have been directed by the Sacred Congregation of Aices to inform you officially of the felloving modification that has been sade by Mis Holiness, Pope Joha XII, i the Liturgical prayer of Good Friday "pro conversione Judacorus! “oremus et pro Judeeis: ut Deus et Dominus noster auferat velanen de cordibue eorus; ut et ipsi egnoseant Jesu Cheistum Dominus nostrun. "Oremus, Fleceames genus, Levate, “onaspotens sempiterne Deus, qui Judszos etian 45 tua misericordia non repellie: exaud! preces nostras, quae pro {llius popult cbeaacatLone deferimur; ut agnica veritatis cuae’ uce, quae Christus edt, a suis Cenebris eruantur, Per eundes it La the dosixe of che Woly See chat this change be inserted in the “Ordo liebsomadae Sanctac”, Wich cordial regards and best wishes, T remain Sincerely yours ta christ, Apostolic Delegate es cecelLeney The Sost Reverend yacaccronan DBGTE > Yep, s tIc pas 3339 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE, ‘Usiren Snares or Ancnnsea hammeron 8 DS ne 8,05 132 June 15, 1959 Your Excellency: At one time dt wae the practice of the Apostolic Delegation to undertake to obtain the Papal Benediction on the pecasion of weddings, Several years ago, because of the excessive Rusber of such petitions, and occasional inconveniences, chts practice had to be discontinued. Now, tn answer to repeated requests, che Apostolic Delegation ts prepered to offer ite good offices inthis matter ‘once again, It is, however, requested thae 1) each pecieion transaitted to the Apostolic Delegetion should be signed by che Ordinary 2) ansurance shovld be given in aach cage shat Soth parcies to the marriage are Catholics particularly deserving of such = favors 3) an offecing co the Holy Father 4s advisable Menever possible. with sentinence of estoon and every best wish, T remain Sincerely yours 4a chetst, «ps ae is Excellency ‘The Host Reverend «cacocacs LIC ra 3399 Massachserrs AVENUE ‘Usrmep Sranrs or Axcrrrca, ‘Wasnnecron & D.C. 038. 4 eptember 1959 ‘To dispel any possible doubt about the de~ pendence upon the local Ordinary of prieate and faithtol of an Belental Rite, who do not have an Ordinary of their ovn Rite in the United States, fa Eninence, Caréinal Tisserant, Secretary Of the Sacred Congregation for the Ortestal Church, wrote to me fon 3 August 1939 (N. 124/53) ae follows: "ALL the Orientals, who do not have an ordinary of their on rite and who ere outeide the Patriarchate foi the Oriant, are subject to the local Latin Ordinary {a ail Tespecte, ‘Therefore, the local Latin Ordinary has, with ceapact fo the clergy and laity of an Oriental Rite resident in his Jerlediction, the same powers that he has over the clergy aud faithful of the Latia kite. "(cf. motu proprio, "Cleri Sanctite e", Cans 22 pare 3) Reidently, for Liturgical matter the prleste will give thought to maintaining contact with the re~ Epective Patriarch or vith the Sacred Congregation. with cordial regarde and beat wishes, 1 remein, Sincerely yours in christ, Archbishop of Wyre Apostolle Delegate Your Excellency 23899 Massacnoserrs AveNte 25 Jamuary 1960 ‘Your Excellency: In the recent past there has been a notable increase in the number of petitions received at the Apostolic Delegation for the privilege of the portable altar. One of several reasons may be alleged for the request but the most common by far is the desire of a priest to offer the Holy Sacrifice while he is ‘on vacation, At the same time there has been growing concern over the manner in which the privilege 1s being used, particularly because the Apostolic Delegation hhas reason to believe that in some cases the permission of the Ordinary in whose diocese the privilege was being used, was not obtained, I would therefore re- guest the Most Reverend Ordinaries to keep in mind the following norms, 1, ‘The request for the privilege of the portable altar should be per- ‘sonally recommended by the proper Ordinary of the petitioner because of a true necessity and evident utility, which should be mentioned; 2, ‘There should be assurance that the Holy Sacrifice will not be offered “in cubiculis in quibus aliquis dormire solet neve alio loco tanti Sacrificii digaitati incongruent"; 3, In the application to the Apostolic Delegation the place and diocese where the priest intends to use the privilege should be indicated. At the same time assurance should also be given that the Ordinary of the place will be duly notified and his permission sought, In this connection may I recall at this time the instruction of the Sacred Congregation of the Sacraments of 1 October 1949, "De Postulando Privilegio Altaris Portatilis" (Acta Apostolicae Sedis, XXXXI, p. 501) which describes in detail the attitude of the Holy See toward petitions for and use of the privilege of the portable altar, With cordial regards and best wishes, I remain Sincerely yours in Christ, Archbishop of Myra Apostolic Delegate

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