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Cooperative Learning Lesson Plan Template

Topic: Opposites and synonyms

Grade Level:

Prepared by: Mishayla Pelletier

Group Size:


With guidance and support from adults, demonstrate understanding of
word relationships and nuances in word meanings.
Objective: Students will be able to correctly identify and group words into opposites and synonyms.
Assessment: Students correctly identified and grouped words into opposites and synonyms. .
Materials: Opposite and synonyms cards
Behavioral Expectations: Students are expected to work together, follow directions, and
Attention Signal: Teacher
Material Management: Cards need to be hidden in a place where they are still visible so that
says 1,2,3, eyes on me
other students can find them.
Students say 1,2, eyes on


Sequence of Lesson


Gain Attention: Have students stand up, sit down, smile, and frown. Tell students


that these are examples of opposites. Ask students, what are other examples of
Prior Knowledge: Students learned about some basic opposites. Students completed
a basic opposites and synonyms activity.
Teacher Input: Tell students that opposites are words that mean the reverse of
something. For example happy and sad, mad and glad, up and down, high and low.
Explain to students that there are lots of opposites in the world. Ask students, what are
other examples of opposites? (open and shut, hard and soft) Tell students that synonyms
are different words that mean the same thing. For example easy and simple, little and
small. Ask students what are other examples of synonyms? (yell and scream, happy and


Group Organization: Students will find the student that has the card that
has the opposite as them. For example if one students card said happy they
would find and be partners with the person that has the sad card. Have the


Individual Accountability: Students will need to find a card and read it to

themselves. If they cannot read the card that they have get them to come
up and read it to them. Ensure that every student knows what their card




says. Review difficult cards with the whole class so that students will know
what they say.
Equal Participation: Explain to students that every person needs to
participate or the groups or the game will not work. Both partners have a
responsibility to decide if their cards are opposites.
Simultaneous interaction: Tell children that they are going to go on treasure

hunt to find cards that are hidden all around the room. Show students an example. Tell
students that each card has a word on it. Students need to find a card and read the word.
Have students come to the teacher to read if they need help. Then students need to find
another student that has the opposite or synonym on it (tell them which before
beginning each round). As soon as they have found their partner they need to sit down
on the mat. Clarify understanding and have children go. Repeat as time allows.
Closure & Debriefing: Review that opposites are words that have the reverse
meaning of something. Synonyms are words that have the same meaning as something.
Ask students to tell a partner an example of opposites and synonyms.
To be collected: Cards.

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