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MATLAB Control Systems Analysis and Design Commands Some ofthe most useful MATLAB commands fer Control Systems Analysis and Design are {given below. They are part of the Control Systems Toolbox. To find out more information bout a particular command, just type “help cammandname” atthe MATLAB prompt in the MATLAB command window. To ceate a transfer function in MATLAB use the “tf command having defined the ‘a din tit ee Os) areas "oe Rese Dy ysis ampulse impulse resporse of continuons-tine system sdimpulse impulse respoase of discrete-time system step step response of continuous-time system ‘dstep step response of discrete-time system ‘sim simulation of dynanie syste: to bitrary inputs ‘Analysis and Design Methods Hloeis plot of rot locus Interctive rot locus gain selection continuous gid forroot locus Aisrete grid for rect locus bode plot ‘gain and phase margins ‘ayguist plot ‘nichols plot sate space pole plicement design pole'zero map Model Building cour ‘convolution of two polynomials Teedback feedback connectcn panilel generalised paralle! connection Series generalised series connection append group systems by sppending inpucs and outputs ‘Modds of Linear Systems Whss ‘eansf function to state-space conversion sat state-space to transfer function conversion zp transfer function to zero-pole conversion spat zeto-poe to transfer function conversion apis —_aero-pole to slse-spuce conversion ss2zp state-space to zeo-pole conversion residue patil faction xpansion of transfer function cade ‘conversion of continuous-time model to disrete-tme

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