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Terminal Objective: Identify course learning goals, instructional and learning objectives and other course components for

the inclass and distance education courses/programs

Enabling Objective
Identify the sources of
information that
describe in-class and
online students

Identify the sources of

information that
describe in-class and
online course content

Write course learning

goals that define what
students should know
and know how to do at
the end of a course

Assessment Idea

Absorb Activity

Do Activity

Connect Activity

Quiz: The quiz is used to

Summary: Participant
check the participant
writes a summary of
understanding of the
Mastery quiz
how distance education
new instructional
students differ from oncontent. The mastery
campus students
Categorizing grid
quiz consist of five pick
multiple questions
Show examples
requiring participants to
information of sources
differentiate the sources
Categorizing grid: Participant fills a form to
of information that
describe the qualities of distance education and indescribe in-class and
class course content.
Reading: Articles and
online students and/or
websites on
course content
characteristics of in- Summary: (See earlier activity)
class and online
- Categorizing grid:
Participant sorts sources
of information for inclass and online students
and/or course content.
- Think-pair-share:
Think-pair-share: In pairs, participants
Participants individually
presentation on
develop, share and discuss their course
think about a specific
writing learning goals
learning goals.
learning goal, discuss it
with his/her paired
Group verbal practice and revision of
partner and share with
learning goals
the class.

Participant to answer questions based on

Differentiate between
learning goals,
instructional objectives,
and learning objectives

- Discussion:
Participants in groups
will engage in quality
discussion to review and
possibly modify their
learning goals.
- Mastery Quiz: Mastery
pick multiple questions
asking participants to
identify statements that
best describe learning
goals, instructional
objectives, and learning Listen to podcast on
Participant respond to Participant synthesizes
learning goals,
Likert scale questions
and creates learning
goals and learning
- Likert scale questions:
objectives, and learning Sort activity:
objective statements
Participants reflect on,
from scenario-based
Participant sort
analyze, synthesize,
statements into goals
evaluate and respond to Scenario-based stories
and objectives
5-8 debatable statements
on learning goals,
to differentiate between
Mastery quiz
the learning goals,
objectives, and learning
instructional objectives,
and learning objectives.
- Sort activity:
Participants sort 4-7
statements into learning
goals, instructional
objectives, and learning

Identify the various

categories of learning
objectives based on
Blooms cognitive
Identify and explain the
three characteristics of
useful learning

Select the appropriate

action verbs useful in
writing measurable and
achievable learning

- Graffiti Wall: On flip
Scenario demonstration Graffitti wall
charts, participants write
learning objectives and
PowerPoint slides with
indicate their categories
VoiceOver presentation Scenario demonstration: Participant answers shortbased on Blooms
quiz questions
cognitive domains.
- Teach a friend:
Participants develop and
teach their group
Short stories illustrating
members the
scenarios directed on
characteristics of useful
useful learning
learning objectives.

Verbal practice
Mastery quiz

Teach a friend:
Participant develops
and shares views
(characteristics of
useful learning
objectives) with other
participants to critique

- Quiz: Mastery pick

PowerPoint presentation
multiple questions
asking participants to
select statements that
best describe the
characteristics of useful
learning objectives.
- Graffiti Wall: On flip
charts, participants write
action verbs suitable for Show examples of
Graffiti Wall
writing measurable
learning objectives
based on Blooms
Video tutorial
Matching game: Participant creates, displays and
cognitive domains.
shares learning objectives matrix chart with the
- Matching game:

Generate measurable
and achievable learning
objectives (based on
Blooms revised
cognitive taxonomy)
that align with other
distance education
course components

Participants create a list

of action verbs and
match them with
categories and levels of
learning objectives.
- Categorizing grid:
Participants generate and
categorize 6-8 learning
objectives based on
Blooms cognitive
Watch video tutorial
PowerPoint with
- Writing frames:
Voiceover-based story
Participants fill-in-thepresentation
blank to complete
statements that reflect
Show examples of
measurable learning
categorizing grid
- Transfer and apply:
Participants create a list
of action verbs and write
how they will apply this
in the practice of
developing learning

Categorizing grid
Writing frames:
Participant fills a form
to reflect measurable
learning objectives
Mastery quiz

Participant reviews and

critiques scenarios
Participant analyzes
scenarios and principles
and make decisions
Transfer and apply

Terminal Objective: Create an appropriate list of topics (outline) required for developing an effective distance education course
content in a subject discipline.

Enabling Objective
Develop at least a
concept map to plan the
flow of distance
education course
content in a specific or
chosen specialized
subject discipline
Determine the elements
of content to include in
a course/unit/module
based on the type of
course design chosen

Assessment Idea

Absorb Activity

Do Activity

- Sample of a descriptive Show examples of

concept map:
Mastery quiz
concept map
Participants pair with inclass partners to fill in or Augmented
Participant develops a
draw a concept map.
presentation on concept concept map
map development
- Think-pair-share:
Participants think
individually about the
elements to include in a
course, are paired to
discuss their content
element with a partner
and then share with the
- Transfer and apply:
Participants individually
review the outcome of
think-pair-share and
write how they will
apply the lessons learned
in their professional

Connect Activity
Participant presents
concept map to
peers/class for critique

Show examples of
matrix chart

Think-pair-share: In pairs/group, participants share

and discuss content element required for inclusion
in a course module across subject disciplines

Video tutorial

Transfer and apply

Determine and specify

the instructional
approaches and
activities that enhance
learning and
appropriate for
achieving learning

-Self-assessment and
Peer evaluation:
Participants self-analyze
their proposed
instructional approaches
and activities and review
those of another student
to check how the ideas
might help achieve the
learning objectives.

Show examples of
chart that shows
effective matching of
assessment with

Participant designs a matrix chart

Discussion: In groups, participants critique and
revise matrix charts
Participants peer-evaluate matrix charts

- Matrix chart:
Participants use a
template chart to
organize instructional
approaches and activities
and show how they
relate to learning

Establish and create

assessment and
evaluation standards of
the knowledge of

- Discussion:
Participants to share,
discuss, and review
matrix charts with group
- Matrix chart:
Participant use a
template chart to create,
organize and match
assessments with
learning objectives/unit

Video presentation

Matrix chart: Participant creates assessment and

evaluation standards to be shared with the class


Create a course
blueprint that is
logically organized

Sketch a draft the

content for a section of
a topic/unit in a
distance education
course using active
voice, simple language,
Sans serif font, colour
contrast based on the
learners multicultural
and language
Estimate a workable
timeframe that learners
require to complete
each section/element of


- Discussion:
Participants to share,
discuss, and review
matrix charts with group
- Teach a friend:
Slide show
Participant develops and
teaches his/her group
members how to
Video tutorial
develop an effective
course blueprint.
Display course

- Portfolio check:
Video tutorial
Participants submit and
share their portfolio with Show examples of
paired partners for
review and feedback

Discussion: In groups, participants critique and

revise matrix charts for final version

Teach a friend: Participant creates, shares and

discusses a course blue print with group members

Portfolio check: Participant creates,

reviews/discusses and revise a draft of course

Participant creates a
time schedule

a course
Review and revise the
course content

Portfolio check:
Participant submits
portfolio for a
facilitators check and

Participant will complete exit course selfassessment and course reflection survey

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