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Intro Class:
Midterm exam transmission genetics
Lot of practice and thought needed for questions
Genetic mapping techniques
Focus on guaranteed midterm questions
Many diseases caused by defects in genetics
Elevated Cholesterol
o Familial cholesterolemia can bed passed down to children
o But can also be caused by diet
Some diseases are dominant (1 defective copy), others are recessive
o Type I autoimmune lost ability to respond to insulin
o Type II related to diet and health style, ex. Obesity (BMI)
Some people are more prone to it that is why it is genetically
Skips a generation (carrier and + another carrier = can be
homozygous offspring)
o Gestational diabetes in response to pregnancy, goes away after birth
Study DNA sequences changes and what categories they are
o Mitochondrial genome from mother
o Y chromosome from father
Autism (genetic and environmental)
Males affected, female carriers ex. Royal family chart for hemophilia
Albino, zebrafish used to study
German study: 11 genes for active in autism, immune system, affected children have
more B and killer cells
Nervous system autism immune genetic connection
*Crohns disease understanding? LRRK2? As in Parkinsons?
In eukaryotic cells, DNA strands are wrapped around histone proteins balls, that entire
thing is chromatin
Lot of overlap of function
Viruses virus protein coat containing DNA, outside markers that can bind to specific
They under go division via binary fission

22 chromosomes, 2 xs. 1x1y = male. It is colored by attacing color chromophores to

specific chromosomes
Telomere, centromere, sister chromatids, telomere, keteochore, spindle microtubules, one
chromosome, one chromosome
Colchicine given to reduce cell division and prevent buildup of cells to reduce
inflammation in arthritis gout
Genetics 2/8/15
Associate diplotene substage of prophase 1 with physical evidence of
crossing over of chromatids.
Tetrads 4 chromosomes crossing over
Major events in each stage of meiosis
Meiosis II = like what goes on in mitosis
crossing over during Meiosis I and II, mixed genes generates lots of
genetic diversity
23 chromosomes combinations even without crossing would be
2^23. Vast combinations of gametes
Shugosin protects cohesin at centrometer in meiosis 1 centromeres
dont break down. Chromatids separate, result looks like mitosis
Securin, cohesin, shugosin
Mendel worked on peas plants, which sometimes had different
Oocyte development
Mendelian Genetics and Disease
- alkapatonuria
o other diseases involve multiple genes and environmental
- Table 3.1 terms that must be known
- Gene, allele, locus, genotype, heterozygote, homzygote,
phenotype, character, testcross, backcross
- Allele 1 or 2 more alternate forms of a gene
- Heterozygote
- Crosses omvp;vomg 2
- Need to know graph from slides on matching examples are
from slides:

This is for the term matching

Continuous characteristic: all possibilities available, forming
curve, wide range
More than 1 thing contributes to phenotype
Pleiotropy: syndrome collection of phenotypic genes all caused
by 1 gene
Autosomal dominant 1 defective gene,
Lou gehrigs, Progeria

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