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Yanzhuo Li

English 1A
June 19, 2016


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Quote that you MAY use including

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Kenny Chung et al

Kenny Chung et al



About 42% would object to their

Attitudes, and

recommended by

children marrying a PWE,

Practice toward

and received from and 43% would not knowingly hire

Epilepsy (KAPE):

the first author

someone with epilepsy. These

A Survey of

negative attitudes and practices

Chinese and

serve as indicators that PWE

Vietnamese Adults

may suffer from discrimination

in the United

within the Chinese and Vietnamese


communities. (225)

Quality of Life in


According to responses from

Epilepsy (QOLIE):

recommended by

participants, the general public lacks

Insights about

and received from knowledge about epilepsy and thus

holds negative feelings toward
the first author

Challenges Due to
Epilepsy from

PWE. This was presented in the


form of social rejection. Many

and Cantonese-

participants indicated they had lost

speaking Focus

relationships with friends, potential


companions, co-workers, and


employers upon disclosure of their

condition. At the same time, a

majority of participants indicated
they had experienced discrimination
in workplaces due to their
condition. (260)

"Epilepsy and

I searched

While the research available on


Asian American

epilepsy and

Asian American communities and


asian american

epilepsy is limited, data suggests

on Google and

that 255,000 Asian Americans in the

chose this article

United States or 3 in 200 have

epilepsy. Because of challenges
collecting data, as well as fear and
confusion about having and
disclosing the condition, the number
could be even higher. (no page #)

Aliyah Baruchin

"Battling Epilepsy,

I searched

Yet despite the number of people

and Its Stigma."

epilepsy and

with epilepsy the disorder affects

stigma on

more Americans than do Parkinsons

Google and chose

disease, multiple sclerosis and Lou

this article

Gehrigs disease combined it still

carries a stigma that dates to ancient
civilizations. Many patients, doctors
and families say that stigma hampers
care, public recognition and the
ability to raise money for research.
(no page #)

Aliyah Baruchin

Stigma Is

I searched

The situation is no better in the

Toughest Foe in an

epilepsy and

workplace, even for professionals.

Epilepsy Fight:

stigma on

One woman in the vocational

[Science Desk]

Proquest database

training program lost her civil

through PCCs

service job in the country's Ministry

Library website

of Works the first time she had a

and chose this

seizure at the office. (no page #)


World Health


I searched

Approximately 50 million people

epilepsy and

worldwide have epilepsy, making it

WHO on Google one of the most common

neurological diseases globally. (no
and chose this

Sanjeev V. Thomas Confronting the

and Aparna Nair


page #)

I searched

Those who bear a stigmatizing trait

stigma of epilepsy epilepsy and

become targets

stigma on

for stereotypes built around that

Proquest database

trait, prejudicial attitudes

through PCCs

and discriminatory behavior such as

Library website

shunning, exclusion

and chose this

and punishment. (159)

Ann Jacoby et al

I searched

Seizures are clearly disruptive to

Epilepsy and social

epilepsy and

social interaction; and depending on

identity: the stigma

stigma on

their specific manifestations may

of a chronic

Proquest database

also be


through PCCs

aesthetically unpleasant. The legacy


Library website

of the idea that epilepsy is the

and chose this

product of sin and possession means


that the cause of epilepsy is

ambiguous, and although
seizures present far greater dangers
to those with epilepsy than those
without it, the issue of peril is
echoed in old ideas of epilepsy as a
contagion (173)

Susan Trossman


I searched

To diminish the power of stigma,




Education and

mental health

members are working on a project

advocacy can make stigma on

a difference in
Proquest database


mental health care

through PCCs


and services

Library website

throughout mental health practice,

promotes the use of the recovery


and chose this

Toombs said. That model is based on


that foster hope, patient
respect, patient and family-centered
care, and the potential for recovery.

Cecilie Bisgaard-

The Stigma of

I searched

Raising awareness is an important


Mental Illness


first step. Years ago, the American

stigma on

Parkinson's Disease Association

Google and chose

engaged the actor Michael J. Fox

this website

and boxer Muhammad Ali as

national spokesmen for the disease.
Within a few months donations
soared. Sympathy and public
awareness were raised. (no page #)

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