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In my life, I have met three people who have cured themselves from cancer by

eating everything raw. One of them had been given only six months to live, but
thirty years later he was still around and had not been sick again since changing
his food habits. At the time I met those people, I did not know that much about
food, but now I know that their cure is largely related to the presence of enzymes
in raw food. It is the lack of enzymes in processed and cooked foods that burdens
our bodies and causes a variety of health problems. This article is an introduction
to this very important health issue.

Enzymes are the key to life. No

enzymes, no life. We destroy all the
digestive enzymes in our food by
cooking and baking, and thus the body
has to draw the necessary enzymes to
digest this dead food from the body
organs which in turn become
unbalanced. All processed foods are
also void of enzymes. Research has
shown that this might be a cause of a
lot of degenerative diseases.
Fortunately eating raw food and/or
Human salivary amylase
taking enzyme supplements can help to
restore our health. image from the Research
Collaboratory for Structural
Bioinformatics (RCSB)

What are enzymes?

Living cells and tissues require basic nutrients and essential substances to
divide, grow and perform their normal activities. Most of these substances are
synthesized from components of ingested food, water, and other nutritional
supplements, or from breakdown products of tissues. The biochemical reactions to
synthesize the basic elements required by living cells depend on a steady supply of
energy from these sources. Ordinarily, this energy is supplied by a step-by-step
oxidation of food components. In addition, the biochemical reactions themselves
sometimes release energy. During times of stress or disease, there is am

increased demand for the nutrients and essential supplies required by cells.
Without very special helpers and at normal body temperature, it would be
impossible for the cells and tissues to perform all the essential biochemical
reactions required fast enough to meet the basic needs of the body. Fortunately,
very specific and remarkable helpers initiate, accelerate and terminate these
biochemical reactions. The helpers are highly specific organic substances which
have evolved in living organisms and developed the capacity of performing these
accelerated tasks to perfection via remarkable and specific catalytic actions. These
remarkable substances are called enzymes.

Enzymes are catalysts. They make things work faster. For example, the
chemistry of the body is all about utilizing one substance to produce another. Let
us call it turning chemical A into chemical B. The biochemical reaction to do this
may require energy or release energy, depending on whether molecules A or B
contain their own energy.

Regardless of whether energy is required or released, the reaction time is

shortened by its specific enzyme, without the enzyme being used up. The reaction
is accelerated through the use of enzymes. This acceleration without consumption
is the nature of a catalyst. For practical purposes, most biochemical reactions
require enzymes since the reaction A to B might take hundreds of years without

It seems that enzymes are the fountain of life. Enzymes serve as the labor
force to perform every single function required for our daily activities and are
required to keep us alive. Digestive enzymes are only a part of the total amount of
enzymes in the body. There are about 3000 known enzymes. They are responsible
for all the functions of every organ system in our bodies. At the same time they
are most important in supporting our body defenses and immune system to
protect us from harmful forces and specific dangers to our health. The immune
system depends heavily on enzymes to conduct its protective function. In addition
we require enzymes not only to eat, digest and absorb our nutrients, but also to
see, hear, smell, taste, breathe and move. Enzymes are required for our blood and
coagulation system, cardiovascular functions, kidneys, liver, elimination of toxic
products, excretion, reproduction, etc. They are required even to think, dream or
for sexual excitement. When enzyme activity stops, life stops and the person or
organism dies!

There are two major enzyme systems in the human body. One is digestive and
the other is metabolic. The digestive enzymes help break down all of the food that
we eat so that it can be absorbed by the body. The metabolic enzymes help to run
all of the systems of the body from respiratory system to the nervous system.

The seven categories of food (digestive) enzymes
and their activities are:

• Amylase: breaks down starches.

• Cellulase: breaks down fibers.
• Lactase: breaks down dairy products.
• Lipase: breaks down fats.
• Maltase: breaks down grains.
• Protease: breaks down proteins.
• Sucrase: breaks down sugars.

Health Issues
Enzymes are extremely important to our health. When enzymes are short in
supply, or become inactive, the body will suffer. As the body is built from the food
we eat, paying attention to what we eat is one of the most important things we
can do. Unfortunately we do not eat what our instinct and common sense tells us
to do. We do not eat the right quantities of the right foods at the right times and
in the proper manner. The results can include digestive disturbances, deposition of
fat, and becoming overweight. These findings can be associated with further
health problems including disorders of the circulation which lead to more severe
cardiovascular disease and disorders of the heart. The reducing diets often
recommend generally provide only temporary weight loss and many of them may
be even more detrimental to health in the long run.

We should all eat properly and follow a balanced diet containing a substantial
amount of fresh foods in each meal. We should also avoid highly processed foods
and high levels of preservatives, additives or chemicals. We can also take natural
digestive enzymes in order to support the digestion of processed or cooked foods.
Every food that has been cooked, boiled, heated, grilled, baked has lost its
enzymes and is a burden to our organs which have to supply the digestive
enzymes. As almost nobody in our modern age is willing to eat everything raw,
you can take digestive enzymes with your cooked, etc., food. (An informative site
about raw food is Living and Raw Foods) It is also good to stay away from
processed foods as they often contain enzyme inhibitors (to prolong shelf life),
chemicals, and sugar (white sugar is destructive to our bodies, and contributes big
time to obesity).

Digestive Enzymes, All About Enzymes And Enzyme Benefits To
Your Digestive System –
How Digestive Enzymes Work

by trish on September 15, 2009

Digestive enzymes begin their predigestive work in the upper stomach. All digestive enzymes are
primarily used to aid the digestion of foods and absorption of nutrients, especially protein. If proteins are
not completely digested, undigested protein particles may make their way into the bloodstream through
the intestinal wall with other nutrients. This phenomenon is known as Leaky Gut Syndrome, and it can
result in allergic reactions that may be more or less severe, depending upon the strength of the immune
system. This is one reason why the proper digestion of proteins is so important.

• Salivary amalyse-( ptaylin) produced in your mouth by your salivary glands breaks down starchs into
• Pepsin is made by the gut, it breaks down proteins into peptides.
• Amylase which is made by the pancreas also breaks down starchs into sugars.
• Lipase which is made by the pancreas breaks down lipids into fatty acids, breaks down fats found in
most dairy products, nuts, oils, and meat
• Trypsin is made by the pancreas breaks down peptides into amino acids.
• Sucrase that is made by lleum breaks down sucrose (table sugar) into glucose and fructose.

The enzymes in your mouth, help to break down food, and the enzymes that get secreted in the stomach
are called gastric enzymes.

• Pepsin is the main gastric enzyme, because it breaks protein into smaller peptide fragments.
• Gelatinase, degrades type I and type V gelatin and type IV and V collagen, which are proteoglycans in
• Amylase-Gastric amylase degrades starch, but is of little significance.
• Lipase-Gastric lipase is a tributyrase, it acts almost exclusively on tributyrin, a butter fat enzyme.
• Pepsin enzyme is secreted by gastric glands

The main digestive gland in our body is the pancreas, The pancreas works at secreting these enzymes.

How Digestive Enzymes Work In The Digestive System

Foods such as meat, eggs, and beans consist of giant molecules of protein that must be digested by
enzymes before they can be used to build and repair body tissues. An enzyme in the juice of the stomach
starts the digestion of swallowed protein. Then in the small intestine, several enzymes from the
pancreatic juice and the lining of the intestine complete the breakdown of huge protein molecules into
small molecules called amino acids. These small molecules can be absorbed through the small intestine
into the blood and then be carried to all parts of the body to build the walls and other parts of cells.

How Digestive Enzymes Work The Small Intestine
• Sucrase-breaks down sucrose into glucose and fructose
• Maltase-breaks down maltose into glucose
• Isomaltase-breaks down maltose and isomaltose
• Lactase-breaks down lactose into glucose and galactose
• Lipase Intestinal lipase-breaks down fatty acids

The small intestine receives the enzymes lipase, trypsin and amylase from the pancreas. They are then
transported from the pancreas to the duodenum through the pancreatic duct. Protein, fats and starch are
broken down into smaller molecules. However, they are not fully broken down yet. This causes the
enzymes of the small intestine to act upon them.

These enzymes include peptidase, which breaks down peptides into amino acids and the enzyme maltase
acts upon maltose which produces glucose. These molecules are absorbed by the villi in the small
intestine and according to the molecule they are either absorbed by the lacteal or blood capillaries.

Specific enzymes work on specific foods. You need the right type of enzyme for the foods you want it to
break down, to choose the right digestive aids. Think of the foods you have problems with and then
choose a product that contains at least those types of enzymes for digestion. Your digestive health
depends on you.

Digestive Enzymes Benefits

In the human digestive system, the main sites of digestion are the mouth, the stomach, the duodenum,
and the jejunum. The digestive enzymes are secreted by different glands.

• The salivary glands

• The glands in the stomach
• The pancreas
• The glands in the small intestine

Enzymes are involved with many bodily functions. The importance of digestive enzymes benefits are;

• They allow metabolism to occur at its proper speed

• They are Antioxidants
• They Break down food particles and large molecules into smaller, usable pieces.
• They convert stored food into energy.
• They help form necessary blood clots.
• They help remove waste from the body

A good general digestive formula, which also helps the body to adjust to its proper weight and an
enzyme that works great for weight loss, should contain betaine HCI (increases stomach acidity),
pancreatin and pancrelipase ( digests starches, fats, proteins), papain (digests proteins), pepsin (digests
proteins), diatase (digest starches), and Ox Bile (digests fat)

Many herbs are enzyme activators that potentiate and enhance enzymatic action while reducing
inflammation, removing gas and increasing digestion.

Healthy Fruit Enzymes :

A Collection of DIY Recipes

It's amazing how much interest fruit enzymes (and vegetable enzymes) have generated these couple of
years. And it's a good thing - as enzymes are extremely healthy, easy to do (and cheap!).

So what are enzymes? Enzymes are protein molecules responsible for all biological activities in the
human cells. The main function of enzymes is to aid digestion and provide energy. Consuming enzymes
helps the body digest, absorb and utilize nutrients.

There are two types of enzymes, 1. external enzymes which are found in food and DIY enzymes; and 2.
internal enzymes which are present in the body (whereby higher levels of internal enzymes translate to
stronger immune system).

To obtain external enzymes (or active enzymes), we need to consume plenty of raw fruits and
vegetables. A rich alternative to obtaining these external enzymes is to consume DIY enzymes via
fermentation process. During the fermentation process, live bacteria “pre-digests” the nutrients available
in fruits and elevates the enzyme levels present in the fruits.

There are many recipes to creating different types of fruit enzymes for different needs. Here are the steps
involved in making great fruit enzymes:-

Easy Steps To Fruit Enzyme Do-It-Yourself

1. Materials & Tools:

• Fresh fruits
• Glass container with cover
• Knife and cutting board
• Brown sugar, rock sugar or honey

2. Clean Fruits & Type of Fruits

• Rinse and air dry fruits. Fruits that are not thoroughly cleaned will cause enzyme to turn moldy.
• Fruits may soaked in diluted vinegar for 10 minutes to remove traces of pesticides. Do not soak
fruits in salt water as salt water will cause pesticide to penetrate into the fruits.
• The skin of fruits may be used if desired. However, fruits with rough/thick skin surface such as
pineapple, orange, kiwi, banana must be removed. After fruits are sliced, avoid rinsing fruits to
prevent contamination and nutrients being washed away. Peeled bananas should be soaked in
lemon juice or cut with a knife smeared with lemon juice to avoid color change.

3. Clean Tools

• Clean container and tools (knife and cutting board) using soap. Sterilize with hot water. Allow to
air dry. Do not use hair-dryer to blow dry as it may contaminate the container and tools.

4. Fruit:Sugar Ratio

• Use a 3:1 ratio (3 parts of fruits and 1 part of sugar/honey). Place the 1st portion of fruits into the
container, followed by 1/3 layer of sugar/honey. Repeat the same process in sequence,
alternating fruit and sugar. Ensure the final layer is sugar/honey. Cover the container with a lid
and keep in a cool, dry place for 2 weeks.

5. Fermentation

• 2 weeks.
• Shake the container every 3-4 days for the first 2 weeks for an even fermentation.
• If you plan to use the enzyme for chronic illness, allow the fruits to ferment for at least 1 month
to remove any traces of alcohol present, and to bring the pH level to 4-5.

6. Harvesting & Storing

• Pour the enzyme into glass bottles using funnel/cheesecloth and refrigerate to maintain freshness.
Consume enzyme within 1 month.

7. Consuming

• Enzyme residue with fruits and vegetables can also be consumed. Enzyme should ideally be
taken 1 hour before or after meals. Place a tablespoon of enzyme under the tongue and swallow
slowly. This will stimulate the nerves and promote blood circulation.
• For those with stomach ulcer, dilute the enzyme with water and consume after meals.

Papaya Pineapple Banana Enzyme

This papaya pineapple banana enzyme recipe has many wonderful health benefits. Green papaya is an
excellent source of vitamins, minerals and papain. Papain is an enzyme that helps to break down protein,
carbohydrate, and fat components in food. Pineapple contains bromelain and is effective in treating
inflammation pain and sinusitis. These enzymes act as proteolytic enzymes because they are able to
break up biological products like thick mucus.

The combination of papaya, pineapple and bananas enzyme is great as they aid in
allergy/congestion/mucus-clearing. Also, highly effective in aiding digestion, improving appetite,
increasing the number of good bacteria in the intestines, strengthening the immune system, and efficient
discharge of waste from the body.

To get a better understanding about the basic steps and techniques to proper fruit enzymes DIY, please
click here.

I hope you find making your own papaya, pineapple and bananas enzyme fun, educational and healthy.

Serves: 2
Preparation time: 30 minutes
Fermentation time: 2 weeks

Use a 3:1 ratio, ie. 3 parts fruits and 1 part sugar/honey to prepare the enzyme. Peeled bananas should be
drizzled with lemon juice or sliced with a knife coated with lemon juice to avoid color changes.

1 medium green papaya
1 medium ripe pineapple
3 large ripe bananas
1 1/2 cups brown/rock sugar/honey

1. Rinse, dry and slice papaya without removing skin.
2. Rinse and dry pineapple. Remove skin and eyes, and slice the pineapple.
3. Remove skin of banana and slice.
4. Divide ingredients into 3 parts. Place the 1st part of papaya, pineapple and banana into the glass
container, followed by a layer of sugar/honey. Repeat the process with remaining 2 parts, ensuring the
final layer is sugar/honey.
5. Cover the container with a lid and keep in a cool, dry place for 2 weeks. Shake the container every 3-4
days for an even fermentation. Serve.

I'd love to hear how your papaya pineapple banana enzyme turned out. Please title your comments as
Papaya Pineapple Banana Enzyme and click here.

How to Make a Fruit Enzyme

By Calandra Cooper, eHow Member

Make a Fruit Enzyme

Enzymes are vital to metabolism and food digestion. Consuming homemade fruit (or vegetable)
enzymes help our bodies digest, absorb and utilize nutrients while delivering oxygen throughout the
body-thereby providing energy. Here's how to make your own fruit enzyme at home.

Did I mention...this is also fun to make and watch ferment.


Things You'll Need:

• Fruit
• A knife for cutting
• Large glass jar with top
• Brown sugar or honey.

1. Step 1


Thoroughly clean a large glass jar using hot water and mild soap. Rinse thoroughly. Allow to
air dry.

Wash and air dry fresh and ripe fruit. Remove the peels, which can be used in a vegetable
enzyme for cleaning or in compost.

NOTE: Use a 3-1 ratio. This means Three (3) part fruit. One (1) part sugar (or honey).

2. Step 2

Using your chosen fruit: pineapples, papaya, orange, lime, raspberry, lemon and apple are
good choices.

AS YOU CUT, layer the pieces of fruit in the jar. Do not lie the fruit outside of the jar or place
on a counter. This can cause contamination.

If you're using pineapple, remove the eyes. Do not put the eyes into the fruit layer.

Do not allow flies near your operation! The first layer of fruit should be 1/3 of the bottle.

3. Step 3

Add a 1/3 layer of brown sugar (or honey) to the top of the fruit.

4. Step 4

Repeat this procedure another 2-3 times, alternating fruit and sugar as if making lasagna until the
jar is full.

The last layer should be sugar (or honey).

IMPORTANT: Allow breathing room at the top of the jar. This allows the process to release
natural gases.

5. Step 5


During the first two weeks every 3 days shake the jar and stir the contents.

6. Step 6

Re-seal the container, but not too tight.

If you plan on using the enzyme for chronic illness: Allow the fruit to ferment for 1 month.

For the best results allow the fruit to ferment for 4 months at which time the ph level should be 4.

7. Step 7


Pour the enzyme into bottles glass bottles for storing using cheesecloth and funnel.

8. Step 8


Although refrigeration isn't necessary, the enzyme should be stored in a cool dry place.

9. Step 9


Ideally taken an hour prior to eating, place a tablespoon of enzyme under your tongue and
swallow slowly. This is said to stimulate the nerves to promote blood circulation.

Fruit enzymes are the ultimate healthy remedy.

Fruit Enzyme

Fruit Enzyme, the Miracle Nutrient from live to eco friendly needs
Fruit Enzyme, the latest hobby among health enthusiast is making fruit or live enzyme or DIY Enzyme.
After consuming it for the past year deepen my faith towards the goodness of enzymes.

When I was told making your own fruit enzymes, I shrugged it off as I thought it is not safe to
consume. To me it was like making illegal samsu (a locally distilled potent spirit) or toddy (which was
introduced by the British during colonial times).

Well, as some of my close friends are making or taking it, they shared their experience they convince
even their aged parents to take it daily for their aches and pain. Some of them regimen tally takes it 3
times a day like drinking tea. It is really good, they say. First thing you do when you get up in the
morning, just pour 2 to 3 table spoonful of fruit enzyme in a cup and add water (not hot water though)
full to a cup or glass.

Mrs Lim with her fruits enzyme

So I tried not to be too skeptical and purchased one from a good friend Mrs Lim who is an expert in
making live or fruit enzymes. I did feel some great changes physically like feeling more alert, fresher
and livelier. Mrs Lim introduces me to different favors of enzyme for different types of body problems.

Lim fruits enzymes mostly uses honey, so it is to me a better quality product. Soft fragrance and sweet
enough not to feel, you are force to take medication. How about that? Contact her for orders, Delivery
and cost, do talk to her. 6012 4302262.

NEW!!! This is my best discovery! Meeting Ms Loh and learning how to prepare Zenty lovely enzyme drinks
is second to none. This is one of the best mocktails I have ever tasted or drunk! And you know what? It only
takes two days to prepare! Check out here

What are enzymes?

Enzymes are protein molecules which is responsible for all biological activities in human cells. Enzymes
are organic catalysts that increase the rate at which foods are broken down and absorbed by the body and
help various metabolic functions in the body take place.

The vital foundation of life will be

severely impaired without enzymes.
Human body will not be able to digest,
absorb and utilize nutrient.

So my simple understanding is this.

Consuming live fruits or vegetable
enzymes will help our blood arteries to do
a better job in delivering oxygen to our

It contains alkaline with a higher ph to

naturally allow breathing in the organs.

Maybe when you imagine closing your

Brown Candy sugar, honey or gula melaka can be used for nose up, how do you feel? Struggling to
fruit enzyme breath, right? Well that is how our
important organs break down without

How to make fruits, vegetable and ECO Enzymes?

There are two types of enzymes I now make. One, for human consumption and the other is garbage
enzymes. I will go in depth the different combination later. For now let us start with the basics of
making enzymes.

You would need the following:

• Bottles or plastic containers, wash

and air dry before use.
• Fruits or vegetables, washed and dry
or air dry before cutting.
• Pure honey, Sugar bars or brown
sugar can be used.
• Ratio of 3, 1 and 10 meaning 3 parts
of fruits, 1 part of sugar and 10 parts
of water for Eco enzymes.
• Further example on ratio, as I keep
getting emails on this. 300 grams of
fruits weighed after cutting off the
skin like pineapple or papayas. 100
grams of honey or brown sugar and
then 1000 grams of water if needed.
Washed and dried before making fruit enzyme

Fermentation Process

Fermentation refers to the activity of bacteria and fungi. These microbes break complex compounds, like
sugars, into simple substances, such as carbon dioxide and alcohol. Because these simple substances are
toxic to food-spoiling microbes, they act as natural preservatives for food.

Bottles, plastic containers must be thoroughly dried before use. Fruits too after cutting requires no more
washing even it is watery. Like pineapple, once you cut off the skin, washed it before cutting the "eyes"
of the pineapple. Dried it well.

Your preparation starts by having all the right proportion of
sugar and fruits. Keep your bottle open as you cut the fruits.
Immediately arrange in layers the cut fruit into the bottle.

Do not I repeat do not sit the cut fruits outside the bottle. The
reason is simple, if the fruit flies gather around on the cut fruits,
it lays eggs does it cause the enzymes to turn bad or moldy
during the fermentation process.

Line the first layer with fruits to one third of the bottle. Add one
third proportion the sugar or honey in.

Repeat another 2 times, alternating fruits between sugar. The

last layer should be the honey or sugar. it is important to allow
some breathing space for the process to release the natural
gases. You don't want it to break or explode, do you.

First two weeks, every three days shakes the bottle or stir it.
Fruit enzyme with candy sugar Close the lid but not too tightly. The earliest to eat is after 1
month. The best is after 4 months. I was told 4 months would
mean the ph level is approx ph4 which is good for some chronic illness.

Two things can happen, if you have done it well. It won't turn moldy. If there is a white membrane, do
not worry as it is a normal occurrence of bacteria activity that forms during fermentation.

Fruit Enzyme: 1 month old orange, dragon fruit

and ribena enzyme

Fruit Enzyme: 4 month old

To harvest the enzyme

Use a big sieve or a santan bag to squeeze out the juices. I find that using the sieve, I don't get much
yield. My advise is cut small slices of fruits and use a santan bag to squeeze the juices out. I do get more
nutrients from my harvest enzymes this way.

Preservation of Live Enzyme

Pour the enzymes into bottles for storing. It is not necessary to keep in the refrigerator. But keep in cool
dry place.

The leftover fruits has many uses. If you have any skin problems, scrub your body with it while
showering like shampooing your hair. Or use as fertilizer for the garden. Do not shampoo your hair with
enzyme if you have dyed your hair!

Fruit Enzyme: Garlic and orange enzyme

Some great enzymes recipes.

And I would recommend you making it.
1. Apple and Lemon - both cut in rings
2. Lemon and Oranges - both cut in rings
3. Garlic - peel off skin, keep it whole or cut in slices
4. Pineapple with lemon
5. Dragon fruit, grapes, ribena or strawberry (red enzymes)
6. Pomelo, Chinese Pear and Celery - good for diabetic
7. Bitter Gourd and Chinese Wolfberry - good for liver problems
8. Papaya, pineapple and banana
9. Papaya, pineapple and lemon
10. Papaya, pineapple and apple
11. Garlic and Sili(berde or labuyo)
12. Bitter gourd, apple and pineapple
13. Green Mango
14. Pomelo, oranges and lemon
15. Papaya and pineapple

How to make eco enzymes or enzymes for diabetic or liver problems

Making garbage or eco enzymes is very useful in a long run. Remember the ratio 3-1-10, use 10 parts of
water to make this enzymes. The finish enzyme looks yellowish and diluted which is good for diabetic
people who has no tolerance to sugar.

But do remember to use fresh fruits for human consumption. When using water for eco enzyme, the
fruits and utensils need not be dry. Washed, cut and dropped all in a big can or bottled. And use the
proportion as above.

For garbage or eco, use any fruits that has been in the fridge for far too long or skin of fruits you are
about to throw away to make this enzymes.

It all depend on how much you are preparing. My friends are collecting fruits skin from the fruit seller in
bulk and make in a really big tub. Many people are going all out to pour this eco friendly enzymes into
drains, streams and rivers.

What is Eco enzyme good for?

As this is going to be pour into drains, streams and river, use the cheapest sugar you can find. For sugar,
use gula melaka, fruits and water. It must be left fermented for 4 months.

Good to use to final rinse your fishes for cooking or rice. As for soaking vegetable just soak for a short
time like 3 to 5 mins. You won't want your vegetable to look or turn squeamish. Wash and mop the
house using 1 to 10 ration of water to mop the floor. Use the same proportion to wash and scrub the
drain. By doing so, you are repairing the ozone layer and reduces global warming.

More recipes are been evaluated now then we will uploaded soon.

Are you health conscious or a great food lover? Wants to watch your health? Take charge of your own
health or leave it to your spouse?

Bitter Gourd Enzyme Vinegar DIY

Here are the Bitter Gourd Enzyme Vinegar DIY ingredients

• Bitter Gourd 300 g

• Chinese Wolfberry (non-preservative) 100 g
• Organic Brown Rice Vinegar 5201111
• Oligo 900 90 g / 15 sachets
(or Liquid Oligo 900 15 tbsp)
• Lime Flower Honey 250g
Bitter Gourd Enzyme Vinegar DIY Methods

I) Rinse, dry and slice bitter gourd. Chinese wolfberry need not be rinsed.

Bitter Gourd Enzyme Vinegar DIY

2) Divide ingredients into 3 portions. Stack ingredients in sequence; bitter gourd, Chinese wolfberry,
Oligo 900 and lime flower honey into the glass jar. Repeat the process with the remaining 2 portions.
3) Pour in the organic brown rice vinegar after the 3 portions of ingredients are completely stacked-in.
Seal tight with food wrap before covering with a lid. Keep in dry cool place for 2 weeks before serving.
Better result if keep for 2-3 months.
4) Mix 30 ml with 10 times of water for serving.
Enzyme residue may be added too.

Bitter gourd contains compounds that significantly lower the body's blood sugar level, and is termed as
'Plant Insulin'. lt has been used in natural herbal medicine of their blood purifying property and its
ability to help with liver problems.

Grapefruit Enzyme DIY

• Grapefruit 300g
• Pineapple 150g
• Hawthom (dried) 80g
• Oligo 900 90g/15 sachets
(or Liquid Oligo 900 15 tbsp)
• Lime Flower Honey 250 g/bottle

Grapefruit may interact with drugs.

Grapefruit Enzyme DIY Methods

1) Rinse and dry fruits, Remove pineapple skin.

Slice both pineapple and grapefruit. Ensure Hawthorn is kept dry,

Grapefruit Enzyme DIY

2) Divide ingredients into 3 portions. Stack ingredients in sequence: hawthorn, pineapple, grapefruit,
Oligo 900 and

lime flower honey into the glass jar. Repeat the process with the remaining 2 portions.
3) Seal tight with food wrap after the 3 portions of ingredients are completely stacked-in. Cover with a
lid. Keep in dry cool place for 2 weeks before serving.
4) Mix 30 ml with 10 times of water for serving. Enzyme residues may be added too.

Grapefruit is rich in vitamin C, a vitamin that helps to support the immune system, anticancer effects
and promote whitening effect on skin. It is high in pectin, a soluble fiber that helps lower blood
cholesterol and aids slimming.

Royal Fruits Enzyme DIY

Here are the ingredients for a DIY Royal Fruits Enzyme

• Green Papaya 350 g

• Pineapple 350 g
• Banana 350 g
• Dried Fig lOOg
• Oligo 900 90g/15 sachets
(or Liquid Oligo 900
• Lime flower Honey 250g/bottle

Royal Fruits Enzyme DIY Methods

I) Rinse, dry and slice papaya. Remove skin and slice pineapple, Do likewise for the banana. Cut dry
fig into pieces .

Royal Fruit Enzyme DIY

2) Divide ingredients into 3 portions. Stack ingredients in sequence; dried fig, banana, papaya,
pineapple, Oligo 900 and lime flower honey into the glass jar. Repeat the process with the remaining 2
3) Seal tight with food wrap after the 3 portions of ingredients are completely stacked-in. Cover with a
lid. Keep in dry cool place for 2 weeks before serving.
4) Mix 30 rnl with 10 times of water for serving, Enzyme residues may be added too.

Papaya especially green papaya is loaded with natural occurring enzyme papain. Whereas, pineapple
contains bromelain and fig rich with ficin. These enzymes have two important functions in the body: aid
in digestion of proteins and routine cancer eradication.

Garlic Enzyme Vinegar As The Digestive Enzyme Supplements

Garlic Enzyme Vinegar Ingredients

• Garlic 200 g
• Chili 50 g
• Organic Brown Rice Vinegar 520 ml
• Oligo 900 90g/l5 sachets
(or Liquid Oligo 900 15 tbsp)
• Lime Flower Honey 250 g/1/4 bottle

Garlic Enzyme Vinegar

Garlic Enzyme Vinegar Preparation Methods

I) Rinse and dry Chili. Remove skin and slice garlic.

2) Divide ingredients into 3 portions. Stack ingredients in sequence; garlic, chili, Oligo 900 and lime
flower honey into the glass jar. Repeat the process with the remaining 2 portions.

3) Pour in the organic brown rice vinegar after the 3 portions of ingredients are completely stacked-in.
Seal tight with food wrap before covering with a lid. Keep in dry cool place for 2 weeks before serving.
Better result if keep for 2-3 months.

4) Mix 30 ml with 10 times of water for serving.

Garlic Enzyme Vinegar

Garlic Enzyme Vinegar As The Digestive Enzyme Supplements

Allicin, a potent natural antibiotic found in garlic. It is a powerful antibacterial and antiviral agent.
Garlic has been credited with fighting heart disease and lowering blood pressure. As a natural pain
relief, capsaicin in chili also aids in cardiovascular system and reduce pain in osteoarthritis and
rheumatoid .

Cassia Seed Enzyme As The Digestive Enzyme Supplements

Cassia Seed Enzyme Ingredients

• Cassia Seed 50 g
• Chinese Wolfberry (non-preservative) 80 g
• Star Fruits 200 g
• Kumquat 200 g
• Oligo 900 90 g / 15 sachets
(or Liquid Oligo 900 15 tbsp)
• Lime Flower Honey 250 g/1/4 bottle

Digestive Enzyme Supplements

Renal disease patients should avoid starfruit, replace with lemon.

Cassia Seed Enzyme Preparation Methods

Digestive Enzyme Supplements

1) Rinse and dry all fruits. Slice star fruit and cut kumquat open to half. Ensure both cassia seed and
wolfberry are kept dry.

2) Divide ingredients into 3 portions. Stack ingredients in sequence; cassia seed, Chinese wolfberry,
kumquat, star fruits, Oligo 900 and lime flower honey into the glass jar. Repeat the process with the
remaining 2 portions.

3) Seal tight with food wrap after the 3 portions of ingredients are completely stacked-in. Cover with a
lid. Keep in dry cool place for 2 weeks before serving.
4) Mix 30 ml with 10 times of water for serving.
Enzyme residues may be added too.

Benefits of Cassia Seed Enzyme As The Digestive Enzyme Supplements

Cassia seed is traditionally used to expel wind-heat, to cleanse heat in liver that cause red, swollen and
painful eye. Chinese wolfberry is a liver tonic that inhibiting the fat deposition in liver and promoting
the regeneration of liver cells. It is also used to improve poor eyesight and other general eye weaknesses.

Cassia Seed Enzyme

Breakfast DIY Fruit Enzyme

General Health


I was agonized by many side effects of radiation and chemotherapy such as constipation, ulcer in
mouth, dry mouth and lack of energy.

During convalescent period, I read a lot of health magazines related to wholesome food.
Incidentally, I came across some Chinese health magazines which publicized the benefits of fruit
enzyme in boosting up general health condition.

When I travel to Malaysia, fruit enzyme is a pep topic among local people, in MLM clan or
religious groups. It has also become an indigenous product for sale. Coincidentally, these products
are promoted in the Singapore food fair.

Benefits of Drinkable Enzyme

Enzymes are live bacteria with protein molecules which initiate and control nearly every
biochemical process in the body.

The main functionalities of drinkable fruit base Probiotic Enzymes are

1) Maintain a high alkaline blood ph.
2) Improve immune system.
3) Improve digestive system and relieve constipation.
4) An antioxidant that protects body cells from oxidation by neutralizing free radicals.
5) Lower cholesterol level.

General Probiotic Bacteria in Enzyme
Protease - Breaks down protein to rid unwanted debris in the blood including certain
bacteria and viruses.
Amylase - Digests carbohydrates along with dead white blood cells.
Lipase - Digests fat, fat-soluble vitamins, and balances fatty acids.
Cellulose - Breaks down the fiber in our diet.

Personal Experience
With many cogent information and scientific proof, I tried my hands on this product after some
good consideration. I followed the advice and procedure to complete this enzyme. I decided to
drink 30ml once a day after the mature period. In the first two days, there was no significant
change or adverse effect on my body. However, on the third day, I could feel smooth bowel
movement. Acne popped out on some parts of my body, which was a positive sign of detox. In the
aspect of dry mouth, the concentrated enzyme with slippery effect soothed the pharynx and throat.

How to make drinkable enzyme?

Tools preparation
1. Kitchen Towel (Paper) 1 Roll
2. Chopping Board(Nylon white) 330 x 210 x 8 mm 1 No
3. Paring Knife 1 No
4. 6” or 8” Utility Knife 1 No
5. Glass Container – Air Tight 1 No
6. Plastic Bag (Size refer to 5) 1 Pc
7. Rubber band ring
8. Paper label tag

Lemon, brown rock sugar, fruits. (Any one from the list below)

Type of fruit selection

Lemon (Yellow or Green), Strawberry, Pineapple, Mango, Star fruit, Kiwi, Red Dragon
fruit, Pear, Cherry, Persimmon, Japanese cucumber.

• Clean and dry all fruits, utensils and containers. Strictly no water or oil stain in the process.

• Slice fruits in 3-5 mm thick

• Place fruit on the 1st layer, lemon 2nd layer and rock sugar 3rd layer.

• Repeat the process. Top off the uppermost layer with brown rock sugar before putting on the lid.
• Stick paper label on container to indicate date of making, date to rotate and date of consumption.

Fermentation and Storage

• Close the container tightly and leave it in a dry and cool place.
• Rotate the container lightly from the 4th day everyday for two weeks.
• If mold is seen, remove the affected fruits. If mold is greenish, grayish or brownish color
everything has to be disposed.
• The enzyme should be ready for consumption in 2-3 weeks.
• Once the lid is open for consumption, place enzyme in refrigerator. The cool temperature will
slow down the fermentation process and delay the enzyme from turning into ethanol alcohol.
• Pour out enzyme into a spoon. Do not place spoon into glass bottle to avoid contamination.
• Residue of fruit enzyme can be blended to make jam.

Recommendation of daily consumption

Drink 1 to 3 times (30 ml each) a day before meal.

How to make Eco Enzyme (Non-drinkable)?

From a heap of waste fruit skin, turn them into useful cleaning detergent.

Tools preparation
Plastic Container 5 litre (can recycle CNY goodies container), Paper label tag.

Brown Sugar 300g, Fruit Skin 900g and potable water 3 litre.

Process sequence:-
• Place brown sugar into container.
• Fill container with water half full.
• Fill up with fruit skin and stir it.
• Close container tightly.

Fermentation and Storage cond
• Leave it in a cool and dry place. uciv
• Observe the container, if bulge then release the gas pressure by turning and then close the cover. e to
• It takes at least 3 months to be ready for use. The longer period, the better. No expiry limit. erati
Eco Enzyme for Domestic Use of
Dish Washing – Enzyme (Pineapple -1 year) 100ml , Water 1 liter. path
Flooring Mopping – Enzyme 30ml, Water 12 liters. oge
Washing Vegetables (soak 30 mins) – Enzyme 30 ml, Water 1 liter. but
Contributed by : Teo Tsun Lien canc
Date : 08 December 2009 erou
Diagnosed Year 2008 s
We hope you will benefit from the experience sharing of the survivor author. Each individual may
react differently to the above experience, and we would like you to exercise discretion. The article
does not represent the views of the NPC Support Group or its members, the National Cancer
Centre of Singapore (NCCS) and SingHealth. The author and the agencies mentioned disclaim any
liability or responsibility arising from it.

The information and content contained within this website belongs to the NPC Support Group and
its individual contributors. No whole or part of the information and content may be copied or re-
produced without the written permission of the NPC Support Group. All requests for its use
should be addressed to or

): to improve the process of fermentation and taste.

4. One pineapple and one green papaya.
5. One clean glass container with cap.
6. Knife, peeler and a bowl

Peel the green papaya: green papaya is very rich in digestive enzymes.

Slice the unseeded papaya into fine pieces.

Skin the ripen pineapple. Pineapple is also very rich in enzyme. In fact, pineapple juice is highly
recommended for cancer patients to aid in their digestion.

Cut into cubes

Layered papaya and pineapple into the glass container

Mix equal portion of plum syrup and vinegar and few tablespoon of oligo

Pour the mixture into the container and cap it for at least 4 hours, then it's ready to serve. Each time a small
bowl is suffice. Take it before meal to reduce flatulence and to improve digestion. Of course, to improve your
blood condition and energy level too.

Health & Enzymes (酵素 与 身)

(DIY#5) 芒果酵素Homemade Mango Enzyme Juice

Posted in 酵素 DIY Enzyme by enzymo on 四月 15, 2008

I went back for Qingming Festival last weekend. On the way back I stopped at Rantau Panjang, a
Malaysian town situated at the Kelantan-Thailand border. There is a day market (pasar siang) selling all
sorts of fruits, clothing, pillows & bedsheets, kuih-muih & cookies plus many other things.

It is the mango season now so there are plenty of mangoes on sale. I bought 20kg of the so call “Black
Gold” mangoes (黑金 in Penang’s hokkien)

I have set aside some of the young & green mangoes for my first homemade mango enzyme.

3 Big Thailand Mangoes (or any other species that you prefer)

Jaggery Sugar Cube (same weight as the mangoes above ) or other natural unrefined sugar.


1. Wash and dry the mangoes under shade. Wash and dry the container, knife and chopper board under
sun light.

2. Peel the mango skin and cut each into small cubes of 1X1X1 cm.

3. Put all of the mango cubes into the bottle container and cover with all of the Jaggery sugar.

4. Leave it for night and then try to shake/tilt the bottle a bit so that the juice can wet the remaining of
the sugar and melt.

5. Leave it in the dark clean place for at least 4 weeks .

6. Pay attention during the first few days. You can stir the whole thing with a clean spoon so that it mix
well. make sure the mangoes cubes is moist most of the time at least for the first week.

7. Raising the temperature to about 35-40 degree C can actually help to speed up the fermentation
process , if not just leave it .

8. After 3-4 weeks, filter and transfer the juice into a bottle. keep the juice in the refrigerator .

9. Add 2-3 tablespoon of enzyme juice to a glass of water (room temperature or colder) , drink 2-3 times
a day after meal.

10. Enjoy !

P/S: this is the lazy method as I have put all the mango cubes and sugar in an easy 1 step. But if you like
you can do it layer by layer just like this one. Make sure the top layer is sugar.


This is how the juice looks like after 2 months :

It taste special, a little bit like durian, I don’t know maybe I miss durian too much. You have to try it

Disclaimer 慎重声明

Tagged with: 酵素,芒果,mango enzyme


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PROLACTOR-10B (Live Cultured Probiotics & Prebiotics) »

Health & Enzymes (酵素 与 身)

(DIY#8) 酵素 Homemade Enzyme for The Elderly

Posted in 酵素 DIY Enzyme by enzymo on 六月 21, 2008

材料 Ingredients:(适 合大 HORLICK 瓶)
梨(黄梨)(500g) Pineapple 500g
木瓜 (500g) Papaya half fruit 500g
西洋芹菜 3 根 Celery 3 stalks
檬 2粒 Lemon 2 pcs
姜 200g Ginger 200g
香茅 200g Lemon Grass 200g
印 度黑糖 (或 片糖 ) 1.5kg Jaggery or other type of sugar 1.5 kg



1. Wash and dry the fruits, ginger, lemon grass & celery and dry under shade. Wash and dry the
container, knife and chopper board under direct sun light.
2. Peel the pineapple & papaya skin, cut each into small slices.
3. Slice celery and lemon (with skin).
4. Lightly smash and slice the ginger.
5. Divide all the sugar into 3 portion of 500g each.
6. Put all into the bottle follow the sequence : ginger & lemon grass +sugar 500g, papaya & celery
+sugar 500g, pineapple +sugar 500g (top layer must be sugar)
7. Leave it over night and then try to shake/tilt the bottle a bit so that the juice can wet the
remaining of the sugar and melt.
8. Pay attention during the first few days. You can stir the whole thing with a clean spoon so that it
mix well. make sure the mangoes cubes is moist most of the time at least for the first week.
9. Leave it in the dark clean place for at least 3-4 weeks. Raising the temperature to about 40-45
degree C can actually help to speed up the fermentation process , if not just leave it .
10. After 3-4 weeks, filter and transfer the juice into a bottle. keep the juice in the refrigerator .
11. Add 2-3 tablespoon of enzyme juice to a glass of water (at room temperature or colder) , drink 2-
3 times a day after your meal.
12. Enjoy !

The purpose of using sugar is for osmosis, preservation & prebiotics.

Osmosis- the water from the fruits and vege will be forced out.
Preservation- bad bacteria cannot survive in sugar.
Prebiotics – Bacteria need sugar as their food to live & reproduce.
Even if you put more sugar, the bacteria will consume the sugar sooner or later, you just need to
give the bacteria some time if you dun like the sweet taste. To me it is too risky to make enzyme

with low sugar proportion, especially when you do it homemade-ly. Unless, you are very very
confidence with the hygiene issue during the process.

Enzymes exist in all parts of the food & vegetable, including the skin. But most people make
enzyme juice with all the skin peel off, nicely cut & arrange, put in nice looking bottle and finally
they want their enzyme to taste good, not too sweet not too sour……. Nothing is wrong with that
I have a different approach, I just want to make good & healthy enzyme, sometime the taste is a
bit adventures, sometime a bit bitter, some time astringent, sometime it even taste like durian.
Whatever the taste is, it is all come from the ingredients that you have put in ….fermented by the
friendly bacteria. The more ingredients you put in, the more type of enzyme you will get. that’s
why I did not peel the skin off for most of the fruits. I plan to put in the pineapple skin in the near
future. Anyway,you need to strike the balance between the heaty & cooling ingredients, for an
example you do not want to put in too much ginger bcos too much of ginger can be heaty.

Anyway, you should try the “排毒保健美容 ”酵素 “. In summary, the homemade enzyme helps
your digestion system, so that your body can concentrate on producing metabolic enzyme &
strengthen your immune system and make you healthy. Once you are healthy, you won’t have to
worry abt your hairs and weight anymore.

Papaya Enzyme | Benefits Of Papaya Supplements

by trish on June 2, 2009

Papaya enzyme aids in digesting proteins because Papayas contains papain, plus the nutrients and
vitamins in papaya assist in preventing colon cancer. These papaya enzymes also helps to regulate the
bowels and helps to clean away dead tissues from the body. The fiber in papaya supplements attaches to
cancer-causing toxins in the colon and keeps your colon cells healthy.

Papaya: Carica papaya / Melon tree / Pawpaw

Mayan Indians used the Papaya juice, shoots, and latex in herbal medicine. The leaves were used as a
dressing for wounds, and they also wrapped meat in the leaves to make it more tender. The white,
rubbery sap that oozes out of Papaya contains several enzymes, primarily papain, which breaks down
proteins and stimulates the digestion of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. For those with gastric
disorders involving a deficiency of gastric juices, such as dyspepsia, this herb works well to aid in
digestion. People who take Papaya supplements claim it helps soothe heartburn, indigestion and
inflammatory bowel disorders.

In Cuba, the latex is used for psoriasis, ringworm and the removal of cancerous growth. In Mexico and
Central America, Papaya latex (or leaves) is used as a medicine to expel tapeworms, and the leaves to
this day are still used as a meat tenderizer.

Papaya Enzyme Supplements

The chewable supplements in this product are formulated without chemical additives or preservatives,
and they contain just one calorie per tablet. And thanks to our improved papaya extraction process, we
can create a pure, white concentrated papaya in a fresher, more potent tablet! These delicious tablets are
made from 100% natural ingredients including: ripe papaya fruit, papain (a papaya enzyme), protease
and amylase, plus an added touch of sucrose for that flavorfilled taste.

Benefits Of Papaya
• Assists the process of breaking down foods
• Digestive enzyme for protein
• Maintains a healthy intestinal function
• Improves digestion, constipation and stomach upset
• Used in connection with edemas and inflammatory processes
• Will enhance immune function and skin health
• Used to treat ulcers and food allergies
• Used in the acceleration of wound healing

Proteolytic Enzymes | Protease Enzyme Supplements

Proteolytic enzymes function in the body to digest and break down proteins into their amino acid
components. When taken as supplements, studies show that various proteolytic enzymes, including
bromelain (from pineapple), papain (from papaya), serratiopeptidase (from bacteria), and fungal
protease (from a non-pathogenic fungus medium), are absorbed through the lining of digestive tract and
into the circulation . These enzymes, once in the bloodstream, are available to facilitate chemical
reactions throughout the body and have a wide range of applications.

• Bromelain 576 GDU

• Papain 10,077,000PU
• Amylase 36,000 DU

• Lipase 405 Fcc Fip
• Neutral Protease 738 NU
• Fungal Protease 34,800 HUT
• Bacterial Protease 62,250 HUT
• Rutin 30 mg
• Serratiopeptidase 120,000 SPU

Protease enzyme supplements by “Doctor’s Best” designed this exceptionally potent, high-quality –
best proteolytic enzyme formula to include a broad spectrum of proteolytic enzymes from a variety of
plant, bacterial, and fungal proteases. The goal was to create a blend that works at a variety of pH levels
to support the body’s native enzymatic needs. Maintaining optimal enzymatic function is a key factor in
supporting the foundation for health and wellness of numerous individuals. Other Ingredients:Vegetarian
capsule(cellulose). Does Not Contain: milk, egg, wheat, corn, sugar, sweeteners, starch, salt, or

Protease | Enzyme Protease Reduces Pain Of Cancer And Tumor

by trish on May 17, 2009

Protease (Carica papaya-also sometimes referred to as proteolytic enzymes or peptidases)

Protease is responsible for the digestion of proteins, protease is responsible for digesting proteins in your
food, which is probably one of the most difficult substances to metabolize. The benefits of protease is
considered to be one of the most important enzymes that we have. If the digestive process is incomplete,
undigested protein can wind up in your circulatory system, as well as in other parts of your body.

Protease is an enzyme shown to slow metastasis and contribute to tumor shrinkage while the enzyme
protease reduces pain of cancer

Proteases occur naturally in all organisms. These enzymes are involved in a multitude of physiological
reactions from simple digestion of food proteins to highly-regulated cascades.

Protease is an enzyme that conducts proteolysis through the hydrolysis of the peptide bonds between
amino acids in a polypeptide chain. These polypeptide chains form proteins and therefore a protease is
an enzyme that breaks down proteins into smaller chains.
There are several kinds of proteases:

• Serine proteases
• Threonine proteases
• Cysteine proteases
• Aspartate proteases
• Metalloproteases
• Glutamic acid proteases

Chemically, proteolysis of the peptide bond involves making an amino acid or water molecule
nucleophilic so that it can attack the peptide carboxyl group. In many cases, a histidine residue activates
serine, cysteine or threonine as a nucleophile. Proteases are active at specific pH environments and
proteases can be classified as acid proteases, neutral proteases, and basic proteases.

Protease Inhibitors

Protease inhibitors-(PIs) are a class of medications used to treat or prevent infection by viruses,
including HIV and Hepatitis C. prevent viral replication by inhibiting the activity of HIV-1 protease, an
enzyme used by the viruses to cleave nascent proteins for final assembly of new virons.
Protease inhibitors have been developed or are presently undergoing testing for treating various viruses:
HIV/AIDS: antiretroviral protease inhibitors (saquinavir, ritonavir, indinavir, nelfinavir, amprenavir

Researchers are investigating the use of protease inhibitors developed for HIV treatment as anti-
protozoals for use against malaria and gastrointestinal protozoal infections:
A combination of ritonavir and lopinavir was found to have some effectiveness against Giardia
The drugs saquinavir, ritonavir, and lopinavir have been found to have anti-malarial properties.
A cysteine protease inhibitor drug was found to cure Chagas disease in mice.

Protease Inhibitors Developed For HIV Treatment

Once HIV infects human cells, the virus uses proteins and chemicals inside that cell to make more
copies of itself. Protease is a chemical, known as an enzyme, that HIV needs in order to make new
viruses. Protease inhibitors (PIs) block the protease enzyme. When protease is blocked, HIV makes
copies of itself that can’t infect new cells. Studies have shown that protease inhibitors can reduce the
amount of virus in the blood and increase CD4 cell counts. In some cases these drugs have improved
CD4 cell counts, even when they were very low or zero.

When HIV infects a CD4 cell in a person’s body, it copies its own genetic code into the cell’s DNA. The
CD4 cell is then “programmed” to make new HIV genetic material and HIV proteins. The proteins must
be cut up by the HIV protease—a protein-cutting enzyme—to make functional new HIV particles. PIs
block the protease enzyme and prevent the cell from producing new viruses. It is recommended that they
be used in combination with at least two other HIV drugs to treat HIV infection.

Experimental & approved Protease Inhibitors for HIV & AIDS, from…

Potent, high-quality proteolytic enzyme formula to include a broad spectrum of proteolytic enzymes
from a variety of plant, bacterial, and fungal proteases.

Natural Anti-Inflammatory Bromelain | Bromelain-Arthritis-
Bromelain Natural Anti-Inflammatory
Do you suffer from inflammatory conditions, from rheumatoid or osteoarthritis to strains, sprains and
back pains…read about what Natural Anti-inflammatory Bromelain can do for your quality of life!

Bromelain is a protein digesting enzyme that is added to enhance the absorption of quercetin into the
body. Natural Anti-Inflammatory Bromelain is widely used in sports medicine to combat the
discomfort and swelling of bruises, sprains, and muscle tears.

One study conducted by an orthopedic surgeon showed that administering bromelain to 59 of his
patients resulted in a clear reduction in both swelling and discomfort. Bromelain in capsule form is one
of the top single nutritional supplements sold in Germany.

Natural anti-inflammatory enzyme Bromelain works pretty much like NSAID’s and COX-2
inhibitors, this is done by blocking the production of prostanoids which can cause pain and swelling. It
also breaks down fibrin, a blood-clotting protein that can impede blood circulation.

Bromelain-Arthritis- Osteoarthritis

Bromelain used for arthritis, it can be used for virtually any inflammatory condition from rheumatoid or
osteoarthritis to strains, sprains and back pains.

Arthritis is not the only undiscovered application for this natural enzyme. Taking bromelain
supplements before and after surgery is also a great idea as it can help reduce swelling and bruising. It
has been noted that with taking bromelain, pain and healing time speeds up, even after surgery.

Bromelain For Arthritis

Provides effective, non toxic pain relief for

• osteoarthritis
• acute athletic injuries, especially muscle sprains and strains

Bromelain For inflammation

• muscle and joint pain, and injuries

Usual Recommended Dosage

Take 500 mg three times a day between meals

• Bromelain is more effective when taken between meals (on an empty stomach)

Enzymes For Digestion!

Pineapple Bromelain | Natural Enzyme Bromelain Digests

Proteins, Fats and Carbohydrates
by trish on May 16, 2009

Pineapple Bromelain
Pineapple contains a proteolytic enzyme, bromelain- which breaks down protein.

Derived from the stems of pineapple, Bromelain is a natural digestive enzyme derived from the stems of
pineapple. As a natural digestive enzyme, Pineapple Bromelain helps digest protein in the
gastrointestinal tract. In general, enzymes break down the nutritional components of proteins, fats and
carbohydrates, making these nutrients available for the bodys energy needs, cell growth and other vital

Pineapple Bromelain is present in all parts of the pineapple plant (Ananas comosus), but the stem is the
most common commercial source, presumably because it is readily available after the fruit has been
harvested. Pineapples have had a long tradition as a medicinal plant among the natives of South and
Central America.

However, just eating pineapple will not give you a great deal of extra bromelain, because it is most
highly concentrated in the stem, which is not nearly as tasty. Pineapple juice can thus be used as a
marinade and tenderizer for meat.

Pineapple Enzyme Bromelain

The bromelain breaks down in the canning process, thus canned pineapple can generally be used with
gelatin. The enzymes in pineapples can interfere with the preparation of some foods, such as jelly or
other gelatin-based desserts. These bromelain enzymes can be hazardous to someone suffering from
certain protein deficiencies or disorders, such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.

Pineapple Bromelain Supplements & Dosage Information

For use as a digestive aid, the standard dosage of Bromelain is 500 mg 3 times a day with or between
meals. Bromelain is measured in MCUs (milk-clotting units). The standard preparation should contain
2,000MCUs per gram. For treating other conditions, please read and follow product label directions.

Pancreatin Enzymes | Pancreatic Supplements

Pancreatic Supplements – Protease Enzyme Supplements

Pancreatin supplements are useful in the treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory conditions
including sports injuries, tendinitis, rheumatoid arthritis. In addition to being used as an anti-
inflammatory agent in cases of trauma and inflammation, pancreatic enzymes are often used in the
treatment of thrombophlebitis, a disease in which blood clots develop in veins, which become inflamed,
and can dislodge to cause strokes or heart attacks.

Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement-Pancrelipase is a combination of lipase, amylase, and protease, which

are enzymes needed for digestion of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

Pancreatin Multi Enzyme combinations that contains vegetarian and fungal source enzymes work very
similar to pancreatic enzymes. In fact, there is some evidence that with some people they actually work

Pancreatic extracts are generally well-tolerated and are not associated with any significant side effects.
Even in people with presumably normal pancreatic function, taking pancreatic enzymes produced no
untoward side effects nor did it reduce the capacity for these subjects to produce their own pancreatic


Secretions from the stomach can destroy or inactivate pancreatic enzymes, pancreatic enzymes
supplements are coated in such a way so that it does not break down until after it has passed through the
stomach. This is called “enteric-coating.”

Pancreatic Enzymes And Cancer

Practitioners that specialize in alternative cancer treatments have done several clinical studies in a
variety of cancers claim showed improvements in quality of life with pancreatic enzyme

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

“Pancreatin (trade names Creon (Solvay), Nutrizym (Merck), Pancrease HL (Janssen-Cilag) and
Pancrex (Paines & Byrne)) is a mixture of several digestive enzymes produced by the exocrine cells of
the pancreas. It is composed of amylase, lipase and protease. This mixture is used to treat conditions in
which pancreatic secretions are deficient, such as surgical pancreatectomy, pancreatitis and cystic
fibrosis. It has been claimed to help with food allergies, celiac disease, autoimmune disease, cancer, and
weight loss. Pancreatin is sometimes called “pancreatic acid“, although it is neither a single chemical
substance nor an acid.
Pancreatin contains the pancreatic enzymes trypsin, amylase, and lipase. A similar mixture of enzymes
is sold as pancrelipase, which contains more active lipase enzyme than does pancreatin. The trypsin

found in pancreatin works to hydrolyze proteins into oligopeptides; amylase hydrolyzes starches into
oligosaccharides and the disaccharide maltose; and lipase hydrolyzes triglycerides into fatty acids and
glycerols. Pancreatin is an effective enzyme supplement for replacing missing pancreatic enzymes, and
aids in the digestion of foods in cases of pancreatic insufficiency“.

Lime and Grape Enzymes

Homemade enzyme is one of the popular home remedy in Asia. Enzymes aids digestion and able to
increase metabolism. Other benefits are body detoxification, strengthening immune system, reducing
inflammation (helps in recovery of wounds), anti-bacterial and boosting energy.

Different type of fruit enzyme has their own unique health benefits when taken. For this article, I'll will
be discussing lime and grape enzyme. Lime is used to get rid of phlegm and prevent the respiratory tract
from infection such as flu and asthma. It also improves the heart function. Grapes are a powerful
antioxidant and act as a diuretic (reduce water retention).

Ingredients for making lime and grape enzyme:

• 15 fresh limes
• 300 g green grapes
• 3 pieces brown sugar
• 1/4 bottle honey

Making lime and grape enzyme step by step:

1. Wash and dry all fruits. Cut lime into halves.

2. Divide into 3 portions and arrange the ingredients.
3. Repeat the process until all the ingredients are used up.
4. Cover the bottle with a piece of cloth or cling wrap.
5. Place the lid on top.
6. Keep rotating the bottle everyday so that they are well mixed.
7. Keep in a cool dry place for 2-3 weeks.
8. When it is ready to consume store in the refrigerator.
9. To serve, add 2 tbsp of the enzyme with a cup of water.

By CHAN LEE PENG on May 20th, 2008

Two Powerful Enzymes for a Beautiful Body and Health

These two enzymes are good for a beautiful body shape and thorough health as well. Make your own
enzymes to boost and energize your life!

Enzymes are extremely important to our health. Without the presence of the enzymes, our cells will be
destroyed or die out quickly. As the saying goes, “no enzymes, no life.” Our body requires the enzymes
to accelerate the digestion process, so that the nutrients can be absorbed easily by the cells to feed up the
basic needs of our body. In a nutshell, the enzymes prepare a good platform to boost and stimulate every
single action took place in our daily activities more efficiently to keep us alive and energetic. I have
explained many reasons to have enzymes in the diet in my article entitled some useful facts about
enzymes which also explained the health benefits of the enzymes.

Things to take note while making the enzymes:

1. Fruits or vegetables that contain large amount of water should be placed at the top layer of each
stack-in layer. Then, honey or brown sugar syrup can be added or sprinkled on top of it.

2. The other remaining 2 portions should follow the similar sequence to successfully make your
own enzymes at home

3. When selecting for the Hawthorns, take note that they are in a good condition but not in a spoiled
or moldy condition. Rinse them thoroughly before drying them up. The Hawthorns should cut
into half to enable its nutrients mix easily with other food ingredients.

4. When using carrot or other rooted plants to make the enzyme, they should be cleaned up all the
dirt and soils that attach to their outer skins. If you want to use the whole plant including its outer
skin, make sure that you use a brush to wash off all its dirt and soil.

Grapefruit Enzymes


• 300g grapefruit
• 80g dried Chinese Hawthorn or Red Dates
• 90g brown sugar
• 250g lime flower honey or pure honey
• 150g pineapple


1. Wash and rinse the grapefruit, pineapple (remove the skin before washing) and hawthorns
2. Cut both pineapple and grapefruit into thin slices, approximately 3 to 4cm in their thickness
3. Leave the grapefruit, pineapple and Hawthorns to dry up thoroughly
4. Divide the ingredients into 3 portions. Then, stack the ingredients according to its sequence:
hawthorn, pineapple, grapefruit, brown sugar, and lastly lime flower honey into the glass jar.
Repeat the same sequence for the remaining 2 portions.
5. After completing stack-in in the 3 portions of the ingredients, seal the glass jar tightly with the
food wrapper. Next, cover the glass jar’s lid and make sure that it is airtight. Keep it in a dry cool
place for about 2 weeks before serving.
6. Before serving this enzyme, make sure that you mix 30ml of the enzyme with 10 times of water.
You may also add in some enzymes residues to obtain its nutritional value.

Health benefits:
Grapefruit is rich in vitamin C which helps reducing the occurrence of acne and an old age spot. Besides
that, it helps eliminating wrinkles, and keeping the body fit and slim. Its Limonin which has a bitter taste
has an ability to detoxify the germs from our body. The enzyme of a pineapple can help promoting good
digestion in the stomach and thus stimulating the bowel action. Hawthorn has a very high nutritional
value in terms of its nutrition and it is good for digestion too. The high calcium content in the Hawthorn
can help improving the quality of sleep while at the same time rejuvenating our spirit and energy.


This enzyme is particularly good for those who wish to keep fit, detoxify the dirty blood vessels and to
whiten and nourish the skin.


Grapefruit may interact with drugs. It is not advisable to take simultaneously with drugs. It should be
taken 3 hours after the medication.

Tomato Enzymes


• 400g tomato or cherry tomato

• 90g brown sugar
• 250g lime flower honey or pure honey


1. Wash, rinse, dry and lastly slice the tomato

2. Divide the ingredients into 3 portions. Then, stack the ingredients according to its sequence:
tomato, brown sugar and lime flower honey into the glass jar. Repeat the same sequence for the
remaining 2 portions.
3. After completing stack-in in the 3 portions of the ingredients, seal the glass jar tightly with the
food wrapper. Next, cover the glass jar’s lid and make sure that it is airtight. Keep it in a dry cool
place for about 1 week before serving.
4. Before serving this enzyme, make sure that you mix 30ml of the enzyme with 10 times of water.
You may also add in some enzymes residues to obtain its nutritional value.

Health benefits:
Read more in Health
« Whack: The Disgusting Disease Carrying Fly Summer Sun »

The lycopene found in tomatoes are carotenoid that can protect our body from the harmful chemical
substances emitting from the car’s exhaust, smoke, haze, and other types of air pollution. Tomatoes are
not only protected cells from substances that cause cancer, but also can prevent colorectal, prostate,
lung, endometrial and pancreatic cancers. Not just the Lycopene has shown these health benefits, it is
clinically proven to enhance the immune system and at the same time delaying the aging process from
developing in most parts of our body. Lycopene has been shown to regulate blood sugar, maintain the
cardiovascular health and maintain the bone health.


This enzyme is suitable for everyone. It is also a healthy and refreshing drink for a heavy alcohol
drinkers and smokers.

Now, you can gain more health knowledge by visiting my health blog entitled HealthAssist. More
upcoming updates and latest health information are right on the way!

Eat raw pork pancreas daily, live longer

By Jimmy Dy-Liacco (The Philippine Star) Updated September 26, 2009 12:00 AM

Heal the world naturally: My mission is to spread the good news of natural healing to as many
people as possible.

MANILA, Philippines - What prompted me to study natural healing was my getting prostate cancer in
1994. Like everybody who gets cancer, I was terrified, but doubly so because my older brother died
after 18 months of battling lung cancer, but his MD son says my brother did not die of cancer. He died
of kidney failure because the chemo destroyed his kidneys.

Everyone who’s stricken with cancer is terrified because we all know that doctors don’t know how to
cure cancer. If they did, nobody would get terrified. I felt I would be a fool to go down the same
costly, painful, inutile road my brother took.

So I went to search for alternative options. But I found there were so many it was very confusing.
There are the Gerson therapy, the Reishi mushrooms, the macrobiotic diet, maitake mushrooms, Essiac
Tea, etc. A 17,000 stage 4 cancer study in California found the five-year survival rate for cancer was
only six percent. The Gerson therapy was found to be six times better at 36 percent. But that was not
good enough for me. What if I belonged to the 64 percent?

Pancreatic Enzyme Therapy

So I kept searching until I found Dr. William Donald Kelley, who had 1.5 months terminal pancreatic
cancer, researched the medical literature and found the scientific basis for the pancreatic enzyme
therapy, which he developed to cure himself in 18 months. He survived for the next 43 years until he
died of congestive heart failure at 80 in January 2005. In the 43 years that he lived, Dr. Kelley cured
more than 33,000 terminal patients of all kinds of cancer with the same pancreatic enzyme therapy.

In 1980, Sloan Kettering Memorial Hospital, the top cancer hospital in the US East Coast, sent a
doctor to Kelley’s clinic to study his cases with a mandate to submit a report after a month saying that
Kelley was a No. 1 quack.

But the doctor, Nicholas Gonzalez, found thousands of documented cases, which took him five years
to study. He returned to New York in 1986 and submitted a 301-page report that if people followed
Kelley’s protocol strictly, the cure rate for pancreatic cancer was 100 percent, and for all other cancers,

97 percent.

So the Kelley protocol was what I followed, and cured my

cancer in six months without surgery, chemo, radiation. Kelley
found cancer was just a nutritional deficiency of the pancreatic
digestive enzymes and the vitamins and minerals that make for
a strong immune system which, however, cannot kill the cancer
cells unless its outer protective animal protein coating was first
digested by the pancreatic enzymes.

My getting cancer and being cured of it naturally was what got

me interested in natural healing, no longer just for cancer but
for all diseases.

Healing Cancer Naturally

Natural healing has become popular in the modern world because of the fact that it heals faster, better,
and cheaper than synthetic pharmaceutical drugs, without the side effects that all drugs have. For the
Philippines, this is of paramount importance.

In 1997, the Philippines was blessed with the passage into law of the Traditional & Alternative
Medicine Act of 1997, which established natural healing as a legal system of medicine side by side
with pharmaceutical drug-based medicine. The preamble of the law says it is the policy of the state to
accelerate the development of traditional and alternative health care and to integrate it into the national
health care delivery system.

This law was passed because 70 percent of our people do not get adequate health care for three
reasons: 1) We don’t have enough doctors and the supply is dwindling because we are losing doctors
to the United States and to the nursing profession, 2) Most doctors prefer to practice in urban areas,
and 3) Drugs, medical procedures, and hospitalizations are priced way above what people can afford.

The message I would like to send out to my countrymen is that natural healing with food and food
supplements heals faster and better than synthetic drugs, without the side effects of synthetic drugs.

I’d like to tell them how raw pork pancreas and raw beef liver with coffee enemas and food
supplements that clear up the arteries of blockages, clear up the body of toxins, and a 100-percent raw
foods diet (which I call the Adam & Eve Diet) have cured terminal cancer patients of
leukemia, brain cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer,
prostate cancer in two to seven months. How a scan by an oncologist in a top-rated hospital
found a pancreatic cancer patient’s 7.8-cm. tumor shrinking to 4 cm. in just 1.5 months with raw pork
pancreas and liver. And how the oncologist told the patient to continue taking the pancreas and liver
and she won’t need any chemo anymore. I’d like to tell them how the cost of this natural treatment for
cancer has ranged from P2,000 to P25,000 a month.

Raw Pork Pancreas and Raw Beef Liver

I’d like to tell them how three glasses of water, half a teaspoon of rock salt, one saba banana, and siling
labuyo took out a hypertensive patient’s crushing headache and brought down her blood pressure from
240/140 to 115/75 in five minutes. And how it has done the same for other hypertensive patients.

I’d like to tell them how three people scheduled for leg amputation for diabetic gangrene got the
gangrene cured, the very high blood sugar normalized, and the amputation cancelled in one week with
the use of six mineral food supplements, raw pork pancreas which are very rich in natural insulin, raw
garlic plastered over the wound to kill any infection, and 6,000 mg. of vitamin C daily to accelerate the
healing of the wound, all at a cost of only P1,300 for that one week.

There are many more things I’d like to tell them, which is why I am happy to accept invitations to give
natural healing lectures for free.

My mission is to spread the good news of natural healing to as many people as possible, and I am
doing this together with the Philippine College for the Advancement in Medicine (PCAM), a non-
profit foundation founded in 1995 by seven medical doctors who have been practicing alternative
medicine since the 1980s.

PCAM now has hundreds of members throughout the country. It holds monthly seminars on various
alternative therapies, and a national convention every November on the power of natural healing.
November has been proclaimed by the President as the month of traditional and alternative health care
since 2004.

PCAM is the local counterpart of the American College for the Advancement in Medicine (ACAM),
which now has thousands of MD members practicing alternative medicine in the US. This year,
PCAM’s convention will be held on November 9-17 at the Club Filipino. All are welcome, members
and non-members alike. Pre-registration can be done by calling the PCAM secretariat at 381-5210 or
0917-833-3828 .

Times are changing as the world rediscovers the power of natural healing. In the United States, 125
medical schools, including Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Georgetown, and Johns Hopkins, now include
alternative courses in their curriculum.

There is now a university outside Seattle, Washington called Bastyr University which exclusively
offers four-year and higher-degree programs in natural medicine. In the Philippines, UE’s Ramon
Magsaysay Medical Center started last year a two-year masteral degree program in alternative

Since the Philippines tends to follow US trends, perhaps our medical schools will sooner or later also
start including alternative courses in their curriculum. It is a consummation devoutly to be wished for

the good of our people.

On Saturday, Sept. 26, Kusina Salud in San Pablo, Laguna will hold a natural healing seminar with me
as resource person from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The fee of P660 covers breakfast, lunch, and merienda
buffets. For more information, visit or e-mail You
may also call/text 0921-7726985 or 049-5736155.

Curing Cancer With Raw Pancreas, Raw Liver And Enemas by Dr.
Jaime E. Dy-Liacco, PITAHC OIC-Director General
You can cure cancer with raw pork pancreas, raw beef liver, and enemas. This is what a 45-year-old
lady in Makati and a 17-year-old boy from Alabama found in the year 2003.

A well-known Metro Manila hospital, where she had undergone chemo and blood transfusion, had told
the lady her leukemia was 3 months terminal. She was in constant pain, 24 hours a day, could no longer
walk and had black and blue bruises all over, including the soles of her feet. Blood was coming out of all
outlets, her eyes, her ears, her nose, her gums and mouth, her vagina, her rectum. She had stopped the
chemo after one session, “because it made me feel so bad, I felt it was killing me.”

Last week of August, 2003, she started taking 2 tablespoons of raw pork pancreas 7x a day (4x on an
empty stomach, 3x with her meals), 3 tablespoons of raw beef liver with her lunch, and water enemas
twice a week with a garden hose connected to a faucet and the faucet opened full blast until the water
running out of her intestines had become clear.

After 1 week, all the pain had disappeared and she was walking again. After 2 weeks, all the black and
blue bruises were gone. After 4 weeks, virtually all the bleeding had stopped except for occasional
nosebleeds when she coughed. After 2 months, the last week of October 2003, she was completely well.
Her conventional doctor was asking, “What have you been taking?”

A total of 18 blood chemistry tests were taken (CBC and for all the vital organs), and the results were
totally normal, except for high eosinophils which meant she had parasites, which was expected from the
raw food she was taking. But these were quickly killed with just a few minutes of zapping with a bio-
electric zapper invented by Msgr. Howard May, who provides zappers to his missionaries in Mindanao
and the Mountain provinces for use in killing parasites and bacterial and viral illnesses in place of
unaffordable pharmaceutical drugs.

To this day, the lady is well and healthy. She takes a maintenance dose of 1 tablespoon of raw pork
pancreas with every meal. She had 3 friends who also had terminal leukemia. All 3 took the
conventional route of chemos and blood transfusions. All 3 are dead.

With the 17-year old American boy from Alabama (his parents brought him to the Philippines because
they couldn’t get raw pork pancreas in the U.S.), it took six months to cure his throat cancer. He had

become almost skin and bones because with lesions running down the esophagus, he could hardly eat.
He started the raw pancreas and liver treatment also in August 2003, but instead of the high-powered
water enema, he took milder, gravity-fed daily coffee enemas. By February 2004, he was husky and
strong again, and was lifting weights in the gym before returning home to Alabama in March 2004. His
father says he is now in college and doing very well academically.

The raw pancreas and liver protocol is based on Dr. William Donald Kelley’s pancreatic enzyme therapy
for cancer. With this therapy that he developed, he cured himself in 18 months of 1.5 months terminal
pancreatic cancer 42 years ago. When he died at 79 of a heart attack on January 30, 2005, he was the
longest living cancer survivor in the world, and in the last 42 years, he had cured more than 33,000
terminal cancer patients of all kinds of cancer.

Kelley found that cancer is only a nutritional deficiency, a deficiency of pancreatic enzymes and of
nutritional elements that make for a strong immune system. He found that the cancer cell, which is an
animal cell, has a protein coating with a negative ion charge; immune system cells also have negative
ion charges, so the two repel each other. So no matter how strong the immune system is, it cannot kill
the cancer cell. So what Kelley found is that pancreatic enzymes will digest the outer coating of the
cancer cell. This removes the negative ion charge, and the immune system cells can now go in and kill
the cancer cell.

So essentially, Kelley’s therapy is to provide megadoses of pancreatic enzymes to digest the cancer
cells, and megadoses of vitamins, minerals, glandular extracts to make the immune system strong
enough to kill the cancer, and to do the enemas to remove from the body the resulting millions of dead
cancer cells which, like all dead animal cells, are rotting and toxic.

In the United States, Kelley’s enzyme and nutritional capsules cost around $2,000 a month, which is
unaffordable for most Filipinos. But with raw pork pancreas (which is very rich in trypsin and
chymotrypsin enzymes needed to digest the cancer cell) and raw beef liver (which is very rich in
vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional elements needed for a strong immune system, and which builds
up the blood better and faster than any pharmaceutical drug), the cost per month is only around P1,000.

The dosages for raw pork pancreas and raw beef liver came from Dr. Kelley himself in answer to my
request. I felt these raw foods could provide a cancer cure for the poor in the Philippines, since Kelley’s
expensive enzyme capsules came from porcine sources, and Kelley was eating raw beef liver to boost
his immune system when he was curing himself of pancreatic cancer.

Kelley served in Subic when he was in the navy as a young man, and authored a picture book with high
praises for the Filipino people. He was looking forward to coming to the Philippines in November 2005
as the main speaker for the 4th Annual Conference on the Power of Natural Healing of the Philippine
College for the Advancement in Medicine (PCAM). He won’t be able to come, but with the raw pork
pancreas and raw beef liver therapy for cancer, he has left a valuable legacy for the poor in the
Philippines – and the poor in the whole world. (Actually, the therapy works for poor and rich alike.)

You can get an appointment with Dr. Dy-Liacco by calling his secretary at +63-2-924-
2487 . He holds office in La Vista, Quezon City.

2 Responses to “Curing Cancer With Raw Pancreas, Raw Liver And Enemas by
Dr. Jaime E. Dy-Liacco, PITAHC OIC-Director General”

1. francisco g. buenaobra says:

October 15, 2009 at 12:25 am

What is the effectiveness of raw pancreas 200 mgs. and raw liver 8000 mgs. in capsule compared
to fresh/raw pancreas and liver? Why is it that the method has not been recommended to actor
Rudy Fernandez and to ex-president Cory Aquino?

2. John Gawec, Jr. says:

February 2, 2010 at 10:55 pm

I am an elder brother of your cancer patient Luzviminda Gawec-Fesway. Can you please provide
us with complete documentation of your patient such as medical abstract, prescriptions, and

Thank you and congratulations for getting the trust of my younger sister. Sorry to say so,
however, that she is not getting well at all!

• Vander Gaditano’s Healing Farm

Your first and best shot at curing the incurable illnesses. If I were sick
and if I had the money, I would check in immediately with Vander Gaditano and be on my cure
journey fast, very fast. Click Here.

• Cancer Cured

The man on the left suffered lower back pain for 26 years. In April 2007 he was in total pain and
was urinating blood. He was diagnosed with cancer of his right kidney with a 9cm x 9cm x 9cm
tumor. He asked money from his sister for surgery and chemotherapy. Although his sister had
the money, he was referred to me instead. Good choice. Here we are October 2007 hiking up and
down some mountains of Laguna scouting for land. This 2010 he is still hiking up mountains
selling land.

About the Cure Manual

I am a hobby healer. I got into healing because I was forced into it. Just like most true healers I got into
hobby healing because me and my family faced health challenges unsolvable by the early 21st century
common western, for profit, medical paradigm.

Only altruistic motives can deliver true cures consistently for almost any case. Without the shadow of
greed, altruistic motives come up with truth about health knowledge, wisdom and experience.
The knowledge I gathered was initially just for myself and my family but it has to be spilled out to heal
more people for it to grow.

I initially made other websites to address specific illnesses such as infertility, eczema, psoriasis,
diabetes, cancer, dengue and many others. In the course of learning and healing people, I realized that
the diseases of civilization were mostly alike with a few minor differences. Thus I wanted to create a
comprehensive Cure for ALL Diseases website which is a synthesis of my ideas and my conclusions
from all my teachers.

This Cure Manual is my core cure all for most diseases of civilization. Diseases of wrong living. A
general approach that cures all diseases is done with a few minor tweaks depending upon your

The objective of this website is for you to learn and cure yourselves of any disease. Bring ‘em on I say.
Cancer, Diabetes, AIDS, Heart Disease, Herpes, Psoriasis… are all curable. Right here. Right now.

The knowledge that you can gain from learning the truth about health is intended to diagnose and cure
virtually all diseases.

Why the “wholistic” healers are correct

I have the confidence to say that “wholistic” healers are correct because we deliver the cures
consistently, methodically, repeatedly, predictably.

Why the pharmaceutical and surgical dominant medical superstition is absolutely false

They admit themselves that they have zero cures for all the diseases of civilization. They admit they
only have treatments. They admit they have only symptom alleviation / masking / coverup drugs,
radiation and surgical procedures. A doctor who says your disease has no cure has no business serving
you! A doctor who says your disease has no cure does not deserve to be paid!

How to Use this Web Site

This website is structured like a book. A link to the next and previous pages are located at the bottom of
each page. There is a separate News and Updates Section where all news is posted.

Warning: Made in the Philippines

I am a Filipino. I grew up in the Philippines and live in the Philippines. My personal culture is different,
and my english may be different from what you are used to. I have been reading around and have found
people who are offended by the information and opinions I write. My objective is to be frank and honest
about the way to be cured. My objective is to teach you how to learn by yourself to see the truth about
real health and one day when you have cured yourself, you will be your own teacher and we can be

What you have to promise

Promise yourself, right now, ahead of time, that after being eventually cured of what you were told was
an incurable disease, you have to return the favor and teach other people to cure themselves as well.

My opinions are not set in stone

This website will be modified and improved according to the latest knowledge I gain. Hopefully it gets
better and better.

Website: Raw Paleolithic Diet
Raw Paleolithic Diet is a website by Vinny Pinto.

The primary purpose of this site is to provide information, articles and links on largely-raw traditional
diets which include raw animal products along with raw plant (vegetation) products. Such diets have
been repeatedly implicated in helping people (and animals) to achieve:

rapid recovery from chronic disease

rapid recovery from illness
greater health and vitality
greater stamina and robustness
normalization of body weight (gain for those underweight, loss for those overweight)

My Mission in Presenting This Site

My mission in presenting this site (it has been on the air since about 10/2000) is to offer an educational
and balanced, decidedly non-missionary introduction to Paleolithic (so-called "caveman") diets in
general, and especially to the largely-raw versions of these diets. You will find no fanaticism, no
rigidity, no over-zealousness on these pages, and no judgments of people or diets which do not conform
the diets presented here, although you may find some ample — and sometimes silly or crazy — humor.
Please enjoy this site; feel free to explore it fully! I firmly believe that there is no place for fanaticism,
fundamentalism, sanctimoniousness or rigidity in diet or lifestyle. While I personally choose to eat a
largely-raw Paleolithic diet, I willingly and lovingly allow my fellow humans the freedom to pick and
choose whatever diet and lifestyle works for them.

My background? I have had a number of careers over my lifetime. Among many other things, I have
broad and deep Master’s degree in health and wellness research (health sciences), and a wide
background in "alternative" nutrition and "alternative" healing. To see a more complete "About the
Author" page, including my resumes, please click here. To contact the author, please click here.



The Healing Diet is 100% RAW

Raw Fruitarian is my recommended healing diet. Some people may choose raw paleolithic instead. See
what works for you.

Immediately after one of the fasts you chose, you can go straight fruitarian. Gauge the strategy
accordingly. You may follow Dr. Tam Mateo’s strategy, Barefoot’s strategy or Wai Diet strategy. Eat
mono meals. Eat mono meals. Eat mono meals.

1. Dr. Tam Mateo’s Strategy: 1 kind of fruit in the morning, vegetables + coconut milk in the
afternoon, 1 kind of fruit in the evening. Only 3 meals a day. Eat as much as you want per meal.
2. Raw Fruitarian Strategy: Barefoot MH style is only 1 meal at around 5 to 6 pm everyday. Each
as much of the 1 kind of fruit in that 1 meal.
3. Wai Diet Strategy: Eat 8 to 9 meals a day. Raw fruits with a little raw egg yolks or raw fish.
4. Raw Paleolithic Strategy: 1 meal of fruit. Other meals raw eggs, raw animal fats and some raw
animal meat on a ratio of 2 parts raw fat to 1 part raw meat.

If you feel you need raw food coaching, you can purchase a DVD or contact a raw food coach in your
area. You can scoure the raw food websites, and raw food message boards and network with other raw
foodists. I will list down websites and support groups here.

Remember that fruits are bowel moving and vegetables are constipating. There is nothing in vegetables
that raw fruits cannot deliver.

To avoid being hungry all the time, remember to eat your fats. Fats can come in coconut meat, coconut
milk, avocados, durians, virgin coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, raw organic / fertile egg yolks, raw
animal fats (fatty fish for example).

You will experience the fastest and easiest bowel movements under a raw fruitarian high good fats diet.
Remember constipation being the root of all diseases? You will be clean and supplied with superior
nutrients daily.

Pick ripe, organic, wild not genetically over sweetened fruits. You raw food coach in your area should
be able to teach you where and what to buy.

I live in the Philippines and most letter senders write me that I’m lucky I live in a tropical country so I
can easily do fruitarian. I explain that I learned fruitarianism from Americans!

I recommend raw fruitarian, but there are cases and areas around the world where raw paleolithic will be
more appropriate. It is your call.


If you are diabetic you will have to use raw vegetables. You can lightly steam or use a blender for your
vegetables. Remember to eat your good fats so you will feel full.


Humans need to eat a lot of good fats. It is almost impossible to do a healing diet without good fats.
You will feel hungry all the time and may wind up eating junk food instead.

(left): Jaime E. Dy-Liacco, trustee,
Philippine College for the Advancement in
Medicine; Acting Director General,
Philippine Institute of Traditional and
Alternative Health Care (PITAHC)

(right):Prof.Kecheng Xu invited Dr.Jaime

as a cousultant of Fuda Cancer Hospital

Enzyme Therapy
Dr. William Donald Kelley, DDS, MS, was a 79-year old American dentist who
cured himself of 2 months terminal pancreatic cancer 42 years ago, using an
enzyme therapy he developed himself. Since then, with the same therapy, he has
cured more than 33,000 terminal patients of all kinds of cancers, both hard (with
tumors) and soft (no tumors, like leukemia), without surgery, radiation, or

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City authorized a study

in 1981 of Dr. Kelley’s cancer cases. The object was to prove beyond a shadow of
a doubt that Dr. Kelley was a quack. Because of the thousands of well-documented
cases and patients to be interviewed, it took 5 years to complete the study.


Digest & Kill the Cancer Cells.
To digest the cancer cells, take megadoses of pancreatic enzymes, either in
capsules or as raw pork pancreas. To kill them, boost the immune system with
megadoses of natural food supplements (every alternative doctor has his own way
of boosting the immune system), or with raw beef liver and raw cassava juice.

Remove the dead rotting cancer cells from the body every day.
This is done with the coffee enema. Unless this is done, the patient will feel very
toxic, like they do with chemo, from the dead rotting cells. But of course they feel
worse with chemo because chemo kills both normal and cancer cells, whereas the
enzymes and immune system boosters kill only the cancer cells. And with chemo,
they do not tell how to remove the dead cells. They just leave the body, already

weakened, to do it by itself.



This diet is to be taken with the raw pork pancreas and raw beef liver needed to
kill cancer cells. The raw pancreas and liver dosages are as follows:
Raw pork pancreas. 2 tablespoons with every meal (3x a day), and 2 tablespoons on
an empty stomach one hour before every meal and just before bedtime (4x a day), for a
total of 14 tablespoons daily.

Raw beef liver. 3 tablespoons at lunch only (1x a day).


Adam & Eve Diet:

by Dr. Jaime E. Dy-Liacco, M.M., trustee Philippine College for the Advancement in
Medicine, former acting Director General, Philippine Institute of Traditional &
Alternative Health Care, Department of Health.

This diet is to be taken with the raw pork pancreas, raw beef liver, raw garlic, and
raw cassava juice needed to kill cancer cells, daily coffee enemas to remove the
dead rotting cells, and using an electronic zapper to kill whatever parasites come with
the raw meats. The dosages are as follows:

Raw pork pancreas. 2 tablespoons with every meal (3x a day), and 2 tablespoons on
an empty stomach one hour before every meal and just before bedtime (4x a day), for a
total of 14 tablespoons daily.
Raw pork pancreas are very rich in the pancreatic enzymes (chymotrypsin and trypsin)
that digest animal protein. They will digest the animal protein outer coating of the
cancer cell and remove its negative ion charge, so the immune system cells which also
have negative ion charges, can now enter the cancer cell and kill it.
Unless this outer coating is digested and the negative ion charge removed, the immune
system cannot kill the cancer cell, because two negatives repel each other.

Raw beef liver. 3 tablespoons at lunch only (1x a day). This is very rich in vitamins
and minerals, and is the best blood builder there is. It will strengthen the immune
system so it can kill the cancer cell once the cell's outer protective coating has been

Raw garlic. One clove of crushed raw garlic with each serving of raw pancreas and
liver to kill the bacteria and viruses that might be in the raw meat.

Raw cassava juice. One 8-oz glass after breakfast and one glass after dinner. This is

very rich in Vitamin B-17, which enters the cancer cell after its outer coating has been
digested by the raw pancreas, and together with a strengthened immune system, kills
the cancer cell. .
When the cassava enters the cancer cell, an enzyme, beta-glucosidase, which cancer
cells and not normal cells secrete in profusion, breaks it down into two molecules of
glucose, and 2 molecules of strong poisons, benzaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide,
which kill the cancer cell.
Normal cells secrete a different enzyme, rhodanese, which the cancer cells do not. This
enzyme turns the benzaldehyde into benzoic acid, an analgesic, which eases the pains
of terminal cancer patients, and which turns the hydrogen cyanide into thiocyanate, a
harmless substance which is a natural regulator of blood pressure.
Thus, cassava juice not only acts like a target-specific smart bomb in killing the cancer
cell, but it also has beneficial side effects for the normal cells.

Take these dosages for 25 straight days, then take a break for 5 days. During the
break, continue to take the 2 tablespoons of raw pancreas with your meals to help
digest the food. The break gives the body a chance to get rid of residual dead cancer
cells which may not have been removed by the daily coffee enemas.
Follow this 25 days-on, 5 days-off cycle every month until you are cancer free, then
continue the same for another 6 months. If you continue to be cancer free after 6
months, drop to a maintenance dose of only 2 tablespoons of raw pancreas with every
meal and the 3 tablespoons of raw liver for the rest of your life.

Coffee enema. This is a high (a 15" catheter goes into the colon), 15-minute retention
enema that circulates coffee in the colon (5 minutes lying on the left side, 5 minutes on
the back, 5 minutes on the right side) to make the coffee hit the liver and gall bladder
When it does that, the liver and gall bladder contract, dumping into the colon all the
dead rotting cancer cells which the liver had filtered out of the blood. You then dump
them into the toilet.
Once you start eating the raw pancreas and liver, you'll start killing cancer cells by the
millions, and these dead cells will start rotting in your body, making you feel toxic
(dizziness, headache, fever, muscle aches, joint pains, nausea, even vomiting). This
toxic feeling lifts instantly when the enema is done.

Do the 1st enema upon waking up in the morning, before breakfast. Be sure to defecate
1st so that there is no obstruction to the circulation of the coffee. If you cannot
defecate, do a water enema first to clear the colon of waste, then follow it up with the
You may have to do more than 1 enema a day, because as the day progresses, you
continue to kill cancer cells. So play it by ear, do an enema whenever you feel
intolerably toxic, because it means you are killing cancer cells faster than you are
removing them.

Bio-electric Zapper. This is an electronic device that runs 1 milliampere of current

through your body, not enough to kill a cockroach, but enough to kill all viruses,

bacteria, worms, all other parasites. Use it every day to keep yourself free of all these
parasites. Parasites can injure tissues, and injuries to tissues trigger the growth of
You can choose from two recommended zappers, both of which come with detailed
usage instructions. One is the Mayco zapper, locally made by Msgr. Howard May and
the other imported from the U.S. from Dr. James R. Overman. The difference between
the two is the current from the Mayco zapper penetrates the intestines and kills the
good bacteria as well, whereas the Overman zapper does not to avoid killing the good
If the Mayco zapper is used, take a probiotic (example, a bottle of Yakult 3x a day) to
replenish the good bacteria in the colon. If the Overman zapper is used, and there are
parasites in the colon that need to be killed, take Preventa SC, a herbal supplement to
kill the parasites in the colon, and/or Wormex if there are worms. If there are no
parasites in the colon, there is no need to take the herbal supplement, just use the
zapper. For more information on the zappers, contact the author.

How to Prepare the Raw Pancreas and Liver

1. Buy them early morning from the wet market, so they are freshly
butchered. Do not buy more than a week's supply.
2. Wash them clean. Then soak in a basin of water for 10 minutes with
1/2 half cup of rock salt to disinfect (Do this washing and soaking of all
raw foods that you eat, including raw vegetables.) After the soaking, rub
the meats with more salt.
3. Rinse out the salt and cut the meat into small cubes so you can easily
measure it by the tablespoonful.
4. Wrap up the pancreas 2 tablespoons per packet (you can use a small
plastic bag), and the liver 3 tablespoons per packet. Do not season all the
meat yet.
5. Put the packets in the freezer, and get them out to eat one at a time as
6. Season each packet just before eating, whichever way you want to
make it palatable. Just do not use meat tenderizer (MSG) or cook it.
Some mix it with wasabe like sashimi, some make it into kinilaw, like
marinated mackerel, others like to chew it fresh frozen (it has a nice cool
clean taste) which melts in the mouth, sometime dipping it in rock salt.

How to Prepare the Raw Cassava Juice

Get a freshly harvested cassava root (kamoteng kahoy), white, without
spots. Cut off 4 inches and slice it thinly. Put in a blender with 2 8-oz
glasses of mineral water. Blend at the highest speed for not more than 10
seconds, just until it is liquefied.
Put in a glass jar in the refrigerator for 2 hours, until the starch settles to
the bottom. Strain out the starch. Keep the juice refrigerated. Drink 1
glass after breakfast and 1. glass after dinner.

Basic Foundations of the Adam & Eve Diet -- Water and Salt
The body is made up of 25% food and 75% water. You got sick because
of the foods you have been eating, and the failure to maintain your
body's water level at 75%.
Water is to the body what oil is to a car. Without sufficient oil, a car will
break down, no matter if it always has a tankful of the finest gasoline, is
always washed and greased, and always has new spark plugs. Without
sufficient water, the body will break down, because all the cells, the
blood, the tissues, the vital organs will get dehydrated. When the water
drops below 75%, the immune system drops with it. Drink at least 10 8-
oz glasses of mineral water a day (15 glasses if you have high blood
pressure) to maintain your body's water level at 75%. Do not drink
distilled and reverse osmosis water. They have no minerals. Because
water has a natural affinity for minerals, they will draw minerals from
wherever they can and will strip your body of minerals. A cancer patient
is already very deficient in minerals. Distilled and reverse osmosis water
will aggravate this deficiency and worsen the cancer.
Increase your salt intake by at least 1/2 teaspoon of rock salt daily to be
able to retain the water (otherwise you'll just keep urinating it out).
Water and salt are basic components of the Adam and Eve Diet. Without
them, the Diet will not work.

The Adam & Eve Diet

Change your eating habits to the Adam & Eve diet This diet will not just
make you very healthy, it will rejuvenate you and make you younger.
Here's how:
For the 1st 6 months. Eat 100% raw foods. I call this the Adam and Eve
diet, because in the Garden of Eden, there was no stove. They ate 100%
raw, and they lived 930 years.
After 6 months. You can eat cooked fish and chicken, but not after 1 p.m.
This way you will have 18 hours until breakfast when the enzymes from
your pancreas. can be used to digest cancer cells and not animal food. Avoid
cooked red meats. They are the hardest to digest.
Always eat raw foods first, so your stomach will have the enzymes from
these foods to help digest the cooked foods that follow, requiring less work
from your own pancreas.
Although you can now eat cooked foods, still eat as much raw food as
possible, at least 70-90% of your diet. Today, the longest living people on
earth are the Japanese. In September 2006, Japan had 28,395 citizens aged
100 or older, according to the Health Ministry. The UN estimates that by
2050, Japan will have one million centenarians, the world's largest
population of such. ,
The Japanese eat a lot of raw foods. They eat raw vegetables and fruits for
breakfast, lunch, and dinner, not just raw fish and raw shellfish. In a

Japanese restaurant you can eat 100% raw. Start with a green salad, follow
with sashimi, and end with a fresh fruit.
In the Philippines, you can also eat 100% raw.. Start with a vegetable salad,
follow with kinilaw na tanguingui (raw, marinated mackerel), and finish
with a raw ripe mango or a banana.

" Raw foods are living foods, cooked foods are dead food. If you plant a raw
kamote (sweet potato), after 2 weeks life will be coming out of the soil. If you plant
a boiled kamote, it will rot in the soil just like any dead body."

We get sick as we grow old because all our lives we keep planting dead food in our
bodies. Anything cooked above 40 degrees centigrade loses its enzymes, vitamins, and
its minerals become inorganic which the body cannot absorb.
Cancer develops when the pancreas have been so worn down by hard to digest foods
that they can no longer produce enough enzymes to digest the outer coating of cancer
cells as they come along.
Avoid dairy products because they are also hard to digest, like milk, cheese except
cottage cheese, ice cream.
Avoid all foods made with white refined flour, like pan de sal, white sliced bread,
cakes, pastries. Rye bread, wheat bread that doesn't use hydrogenated vegetable oils are
OK. Instead of white refined rice, eat brown rice mixed with red-malagkit (sticky rice).
The ratio is 1 cup of brown rice mixed with 1 tablespoon of red malagkit.
Avoid foods and drinks made with white refined sugar, like candies and soft drinks.
Cancer thrives in a sugary environment. If you need sugar, use raw muscovado sugar,
or raw honey, or maple syrup.
Avoid artificial sweeteners like aspartame (Nutrasweet), found in diet soft drinks and
Equal. The body converts aspartame into formaldehyde, a chemical used for
embalming corpses. It can aggravate diabetes and cause brain tumors. Natural non-
sugar sweeteners like Stevia and Xylitol are OK.

Avoid all soy products, except possibly small amounts of fermented soy, like miso,
natto, and dark soy sauce (avoid light-colored soy sauces which are highly processed).
Soy promotes cancer because:
(1) It is high in estrogen-mimicking compounds which fertilize the growth of cancer
(2) It blocks the action of enzymes that digest proteins, preventing the digestion by the
pancreatic enzymes of the animal protein outer coating of cancer cells.
(3) It blocks the absorption of essential minerals, aggravating the mineral deficiency of
cancer patients
(4) It has hemaglutin, a substance which promotes blood clots because it causes
clustering of red blood cells/
(5) The clustering also prevents the cells from absorbing oxygen properly, and cancer
thrives in an oxygen-starved environment.

The usual argument for soy is that the cancer rate in Japan is low because the Japanese
eat a lot of soy. Not true. They eat only small amounts of fermented soy with servings
of meat or fish which minimize the mineral-blocking effects of soy.
There is more soy consumed in America, like soya milk, soy flour, soy oil, soy ice
cream, soy burgers, soy oil-based salad dressings, soy-oil based vitamins. It's in snack
foods, fast foods, cereals, pre-packaged foods. Check labels for soy content.

Sample Menu •
Here is a sample menu for your 3 meals a day, incorporating the raw pancreas, raw
liver, raw garlic, raw cassava juice:
Breakfast (100% raw)
1 capful of Goji Juice, 5 minutes before the meal
1 orange or grapefruit or a pomelo
1/2 of a big papaya laced with 3 cloves of crushed raw garlic (delicious with garlic) 2
tablespoons of raw pork pancreas seasoned according to your taste 2 raw eggs with a
pinch of rock salt in each
2 heaping tablespoons of Superfood in a glass of fresh, fruit juice _
1 bowl of raw cereals (hulled barley, spelt, whole grain wheat, steel-cut oats,
buckwheat oats, millet, quinoa, amaranth), pine nuts, raw pepitas and sunflower seeds-
from Healthy Options stores.
Put the cereals, nuts, seeds in a bowl in equal proportions, like a teaspoon each. Soak
the mixture overnight in warm mineral water. The soaking starts germination, which
makes them more nutritious, and soft enough to chew in the morning, but still
deliciously crunchy. Strain out the water. Sweeten with slices of latundan banana.

Start with a large bowl of fresh-vegetable salad.. Have many different vegetables,. like
green and purple leafy lettuce, bell peppers of all colors, carrots, cucumbers, turnips
(singkamas which is rich in B17), chunks of apples, red seedless grapes, 3 pieces of
raw okra.
Make it as colorful as possible. The nutrition is in the color. Avoid the white iceberg
lettuce used for Cesar`s salad. It has no nutrition. The red seedless grapes will serve as
the dressing. But if you wish, use a dressing of vinegar and oil.
The healthy oils are extra virgin cold pressed coconut oil or extra virgin cold pressed
olive oil. The healthy vinegars are sukang Ilocos, or sukang niog, which are raw. Avoid
the highly advertised vinegars which are highly processed.
After the salad, 2 tablespoons of raw pork pancreas and 3 tablespoons of raw beef liver,
with 3 cloves of crushed raw garlic, a cup of blanched saluyot or spinach or kangkong
or kamote leaf tops, and brown rice with red malagkit. You can have bagoong with the
blanched green leaves to make them delicious.
If after this, you're still hungry, you can have any cooked food (fish, shell fish, chicken)
but no red meats. If you are a cancer patient, remember, eat 100% raw for the first 6
Finish with a fresh ripe mango or with a raw ripe saba banana.

Raw saba has 3x the potassium of latondan and 6x of lakatan.

Same pattern as lunch. Be sure to eat the raw foods first ahead of the cooked foods to
have enzymes already in the stomach to help digest the cooked foods that follow.


Eating fruits for dessert is good, not bad for the digestion, depending on the fruit. Do
not eat fruits that make the stomach alkaline because an alkaline stomach cannot digest
food, and undigested food ferments and generates gas. The stomach must be acidic,
with a pH of 5.5, to digest food. That's why God made our stomachs secrete
hydrochloric acid and pepsin which are digestive enzymes that make the stomach

What are the fresh fruits (not cooked) that make-the stomach alkaline? All citrus fruits,
durian, pineapples, lanzones, lakatan bananas, cavendish bananas, green mangoes,
unripe papayas, pears, langka or jackfruit, atis, just to name the more popular ones.
Avoid them for dessert. They can bloat your stomach with gas from the fermenting
undigested food.

What are the fresh fruits (not cooked) that make the stomach acidic? Ripe, sweet
mangoes, water melons, all other melons, raw ripe sabas, latondan bananas, grapes both
green and red, mango steen, santol, sampaloc, strawberries, guavas, chico, rambutan,
pineapples sprinkled with rock salt (not refined table salt which is synthetic and which
will make the stomach even more alkaline than with pineapples alone), prunes both
fresh and dried, ripe papayas, all kinds of apples, just to name the more popular ones.
Eat these fruits for dessert. They will aid the digestion. Now you know why an apple a
day keeps the doctor away.
There's another food, not a fruit, which makes the stomach acidic and therefore good
for dessert, to aid the digestion. That's dark chocolate ice cream, like Selecta's Super
Chocolate, Hagen Daz's Choco Chip and Belgian Chocolate, frozen yogurt's Black
All other ice cream flavors and all sugarless flavors with Nutrasweet like sugar free
frozen yogurt will make the stomach alkaline, so avoid them for dessert. In fact, avoid
anything with, Nutrasweet or aspartame, like diet soft drinks and Equal. The body
converts aspartame into formaldehyde which is used for embalming corpses. It
aggravates diabetes and can cause brain tumors.


3x daily - included

This is essentially a 100% raw and vegetable diet with Mega doses of papain and
pancreatic enzymes, special juices and salads, garlic, onions and ginger as well as
the B17 raw cassava juice needed to kill millions of cancer cells, daily.

Breakfast (100% raw)
1 cup of Goji Juice, 5 minutes before the meal.
1 orange or grapefruit or a pomelo.
1/2 of a big papaya laced with 3 cloves of crushed raw garlic (delicious with garlic).
2 tablespoons of raw pork pancreas seasoned according to your taste or Formula29.
2 raw eggs with a pinch of rock salt in each.
2 heaping tablespoons of Superfood in a glass of fresh fruit juice.
1 bowl of raw cereals: hulled barley, spelt, whole grain wheat, steel-cut oats,
buckwheat oats, millet, quinoa, amaranth, pine nuts, raw pepitas and sunflower seeds,
sweetened with slices of latondon banana.

We start with a large bowl of fresh-vegetable salad, like green and purple leafy lettuce,
bell peppers of all colors, carrots, cucumbers, turnips (singkamas which is rich in B17),
chunks of apples, red seedless grapes, 3 pieces of raw okra.
We make it as colorful as possible. The nutrition is in the color. The red seedless grapes
will serve as the dressing, but if you wish we will provide a dressing of organic apple
vinegar and olive oil.
The healthy oils are extra virgin cold pressed coconut oil or extra virgin cold pressed
olive oil. The healthy vinegars are sukang Ilocos, or sukang niog, which are raw. Avoid
the highly advertised vinegars which are highly processed.
After the salad we offer a wide variety of world class assorted seafood sushi, pancreas
and beef liver (or Formula29) with 3 cloves of crushed raw garlic, a cup of blanched
saluyot or spinach or kangkong or kamote leaf tops, and brown rice with red malagkit.
Fresh fruit and vegetable juices.

Same pattern as lunch. Be sure to eat the raw foods first ahead of the cooked foods to
have enzymes already in the stomach to help digest the cooked foods that follow.

daily - included

... 10 - 14 8ounce glasses of pure mineral water with (3x daily) 1/4 teaspoon's of fine
sea salt.

Dehydration is a primary factor in the production of disease all over the body. It
produces free radicals in the body and water is the greatest free radical remover.
Dehydration appears to accelerate the aging process, is a cause of chronic low energy
and lowers the body's ability to handle stress. Dehydration is a major contributing
factor to breast and other types of cancer. It also plays a role in heart and circulatory
ailments. Dehydration makes your blood sticky and your organs shrivel and shrink. The
blood can no longer transport the amount of oxygen needed nor remove the toxins from
your organs.

Salt and Water?

Salt and sea salt (rock salt) are not the same thing. Sea salt has 72-92 minerals and trace
minerals while refined table salt has only Sodium Chloride. Real sea salt has a light
gray to a dirty white color while refined salt is bleached white. Most people believe that
salt is bad and should be avoided. Only bad salt should be avoided while wholesome
sea salt should be used and enjoyed. Good sea salt is harvested in Philippine costal
areas using shallow holding ponds and sunlight to evaporate the water. It is not heated
or chemically processed with anti-caking agents, bleaches and toxic conditioners. 1/4
teaspoon rock salt 3x daily in your water and you won't dehydrate as easy or have to
run to the bathroom as much. The minerals in the rock salt help hold the water in your

The healing power of sea salt: "It can help in correcting excessive acidity; restoring
good digestion' relieving allergies and skin diseases; and preventing many forms of
cancer. Natural salt provides a steady boost in cellular energy and give the body a
heightened resistance to infections and bacterial diseases".

Mega Enzyme Therapy

7x daily - most powerful, fresh enzymes - included

Formula29 enzymes - optional

EIC Therapy includes the use of mega doses of digestive enzymes which will expose
and kill millions of cancer cells, every day.

Enzymes are essential as “bio catalysts”, in other words they speed the action of
chemical reactions. Enzymes are involved in every cellular event in our bodies,
without them the chemical reactions within us would be impossible.

• Temperatures of 42°C (108°F) and above kill all enzymes and their related
activity since they are heat sensitive - when you eat cooked foods you get
nothing when it comes to enzymes.
• Many scientists and physicians still believe that enzymes are too big to pass
through the intestinal tract and get into the blood stream intact. This ignores the
medically known fact that Salmonella, a molecule 5 times larger than the largest
enzyme, easily passes through the intestinal wall to be absorbed whole – there
are over 200 peer reviewed medical and university studies proving beyond the
shadow of a doubt not only the absorption of enzymes but their medical
therapeutic actions!

There are three major subdivisions of enzymes in the human system, here is what they

• Protease's, which eat or breakdown protein.

• Lipase's, which eat or break down fats.
• Amylases, which eat or breakdown carbohydrates.

Aside from the 25,000 possible reactions of protein eating enzymes science now
knows, they have 6 primary functions:

Expose Cancer Cells to the Immune System.

Cancer cells have an outer coating with a negative ion charge, the immune systems
white blood cells also have a negative ion charge, two negatives repel each other.
Protein digesting enzymes will clove and remove this negative charge, making the
cancer cell vulnerable to the bodies immune responses.

Immune System Modulating.

Enzymes are adaptogenic, seeking to restore a steady state to the body. When the
immune system is running low we become susceptible to infectious disease; when it
cranked up too high then the system creates antibodies that attack its own tissues as is
seen in the auto immune diseases of MS, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Lupus.
Here therapeutic dosing of oral administered systemic enzymes will tone down immune
function and eat away at the antibodies the immune system is making to attack its
body’s own tissue.
When the immune system is run down too low the enzymes increase immune response,
producing more Natural Killer cells, and improving the efficiency of the white blood
cells, all leading to improved immunity.

Natural Anti-Inflammatory.
Enzymes are the first line of defense against inflammation. Inflammation is a reaction
by the immune system to an irritation. Let’s say you have an injured right knee. The
immune system sensing the irritation the knee is undergoing creates a protein chain
called a Circulating Immune Complex (CIC for short), tagged specifically for that right
This CIC floats down to the right knee and causes pain, redness and swelling – the
classic earmarks for inflammation. This at first is a beneficial reaction; it warns us that
a part of ourselves is hurt and needs attention. But, inflammation is self perpetuating,
itself creating an irritation that the body makes CIC’s to in response!
Systemic enzymes can tell the difference between the good CIC’s and the bad ones
because hydrolytic enzymes are lock and key mechanisms and their “teeth” will only fit
over the bad CIC’s. So instead of preventing the creation of all CIC’s, systemic
enzymes just “eat” the bad ones and in so doing, lower inflammation everywhere and
with that, pain is lowered also.

Anti Fibrosis.
Enzymes eat scar tissue and fibrosis. Fibrosis is scar tissue and most doctors learn in
anatomy that it is fibrosis that eventually kills us all.
William Wong N.D., PhD. explains: as we age, which starts at 27, we have a
diminishing of the body’s output of enzymes. This is because we make a finite amount
of enzymes in a lifetime and we use up a good deal of them by the time we are 27. At
that point the body knows that if it keeps up that rate of consumption we’ll run plum
out of enzymes and be stone cold dead by the time we reach our 40’s. (Cystic Fibrosis
patients, who have virtually no enzyme production to speak of, even as children,
usually don’t make it past their 20’s before they die of the restriction and shrinkage in
the lungs from the formation of fibrosis or scar tissue).
So our body in it’s wisdom begins to dole out our enzymes with an eyedropper instead
of with a tablespoon; the result is the repair mechanism of the body goes off balance
and has nothing to reduce the over abundance of fibrin it deposits in nearly every thing
from simple cuts, to the inside of our internal organs and blood vessels. It is then when
most women begin to develop things like fibrocystic breast disease, uterine fibroids,
endometriosis, and we all grow arterial sclerotic (meaning scar tissue) plaque, and have
fibrin begin to spider web its way inside of our internal organs reducing their size and
function over time. This is why as we age our wounds heal with thicker, less pliable,

weaker and with very visible scars.
If we replace the lost enzymes we can control and reduce the amount of scar tissue and
fibrosis our bodies have. As physicians in the US are now discovering, even old scar
tissue can be “eaten away” from surgical wounds, pulmonary fibrosis, kidney fibrosis
even keloid years after its formation. Medical doctors in Europe and Asia have known
this and used orally administered enzymes for such for over 40 years!

Blood Cleansing.
The blood is not only the river of life, it is also the river through which the cells and
organs dispose of their garbage and dead material. Enzymes improve circulation by
eating the excess fibrin that causes blood to sometimes get as thick as catsup or yogurt
creating the perfect environment for the formation of clots. All of this material is
supposed to be cleaned off by the liver on “first pass” or the first time it goes through,
but given the sluggish and near toxic or toxic state of everyone’s liver these days, that
seldom happens.
So the sludge remains in the blood, waiting for the liver to have enough free working
space and enough enzymes to clean the trash out of the blood. This can take days, and
for some folks, weeks!
When systemic enzymes are taken they stand ready in the blood and take the strain off
of the liver by:

• Cleaning excess fibrin from the blood and reducing the stickiness of blood cells.
These two actions minimize the leading causes of stroke and heart attack
causing blood clots.
• Breaking dead material down small enough that it can immediately pass into the
• Cleanse the FC receptors on the white blood cells improving their function and
availability to fight off infection.

Virus Fighting.
Viruses harm us by replicating in our bodies. To do this, a virus must bond itself to the
DNA in our cells through the medium of its exterior protein cell wall. Anything that
disrupts that cell wall inhibits the ability of that virus’s viral replication by rendering
individual viruses inert.
Systemic enzymes can tell the difference between the proteins that are supposed to be
in your body and those that are foreign or not supposed to be there, (again the enzyme
lock and key mechanism).
The US Military has developed a proteolytic enzyme blend to be used as an anti
biological warfare agent against Anthrax and viruses.

The primary actions of proteolytic enzyme actions are impressive and hold great
promise for health and medical applications.

Though the bulk of body-wide enzyme reactions are proteolytic, the remaining
systemic enzyme, lipase performs some important jobs as well. The most important
action of lipase lends itself to service in a few different areas:

Fat Loss / Energy Releasing By Dissolving Body Fat:

Lipase breaks down body fat so that it can start the long drawn out process of becoming
blood sugar. Unfortunately as we age our own production of enzymes decreases and
with that our ability to turn fat into energy decreases also. This could be one of the
reasons why it is so difficult to lose weight after thirty-five. Lipase supplementation
could be used to cause the breakdown of body fat, helping its conversion into energy,
while decreasing body weight and cholesterol.
Still think enzymes are not our fist line of defense?
Enzymes are our most important nutrients!

Coffee Enema Therapy

x doctors orders, daily - included

Coffee Enemas Reverses Cancer by waste removal and detoxifying.

They help to overcome the inflammatory aches and pains of cancer and other body

It is important to remember that coffee enemas work in conjunction with enzymes in

healing the body of cancer. Coffee enemas work exceedingly well in detoxifying the
liver by the removal of body waste thereby beginning the process of reversing cancer.

The coffee cleanse enema utilizes a little-known pathway in your body that drives it
directly to the liver.

That pathway is the hepatic (liver) portal vein system.

Here's what happens when you implant the coffee through the rectum into the
sigmoid colon (lowest part of the large intestine)...

The lower bowel is designed to absorb liquid from the feces, so it is porous. The active
elements of your coffee cleanse enema are absorbed very quickly and easily into the
high concentration of veins in the rectal area (the hemorrhoidal veins). The
hemorrhoidal veins lead into the portal system.

A little further from the rectal area, veins surrounding the outside of the walls of the
descending (last part) of the colon also lead into the portal vein system.

Through the portal vein, the therapeutic nutraceuticals in your coffee cleanse,
such as palmitic acid and caffeine go directly to your liver. There, they vastly
enhance the production and activity of glutathione s-transferase enzyme, a very
powerful free radical fighter.

The glutathione s-transferase enzyme system captures free radicals and toxins,
throwing them to the glutathione in the liver. The glutathione captures the free radicals
and toxins, safely escorting them all the way out of your body.

Done daily to help remove dead toxic cancer cells from the body. When the coffee
solution hits the liver in the upper right corner of the colon, the liver contracts and
dumps out the dead cancer cells.

When the coffee solution hits the gall bladder in the other upper corner, the gall bladder
also contracts and dumps out the dead cancer cells into the colon. With the help of the
enema you then dump them into the toilet. This doesn't happen as well with water

Your personal nurse at the EIC Therapy Center is well trained in giving enemas.
When you start the enzymes, you will kill millions of cancer cells every day and the
dead cells will rot, making you feel toxic. You may get dizzy, have a headache, muscle
aches and joint pains, nausea and even vomiting. This will all lift instantly when you
do the enema(s).

Dr. Kelley's Enzyme Therapy for Cancer

by Dr. Jaime E. Dy-Liacco, M.M., trustee Philippine College for the
Advancement in Medicine, former acting Director General, Philippine
Institute of Traditional & Alternative Health Care, Department of Health.

1. Dr. William Donald Kelley, DDS, MS, was an American dentist who survived for
43 years after curing himself of 1.5 month terminal pancreatic cancer witch had
metastasized to the liver, the lungs, everywhere, using an enzyme therapy he developed
himself. Before he died of an heart attack in January 2005, he had cured more than
33,000 terminal patients of all kinds of cancers, both hard (with tumors) and soft (no
tumors, like leukemia), without surgery, radiation or chemotherapy.

2. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City authorized a study in

1981 of Dr. Kelley's cancer cases. The object was to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt
that Dr. Kelley was a quack. Because of the thousands of well-documented cases and
patients to be interviewed, it took 5 years to complete the study.

The resulting 301-page report found that the cure rate was 100% for pancreatic cancer
and 97% for all other cancers (93% if previously treated with surgery, chemotherapy or
radiation). The report was suppressed. The doctor who did the study, Nicholas
Gonzales, M.D., quit in disgust and set up a cancer clinic in Park Avenue, New York
city using the Kelley therapy, which to this day is thriving and eminently successful.

3. The Kelley protocol is simple, based on the paradigm that cancer is caused by a
nutritional deficiency. Correct the deficiency and you cure the cancer. The patient is
deficient in pancreatic enzymes and in the nutrition needed for a strong immune
system. The patient is given mega doses of pancreatic enzymes and mega doses of
vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to boost the immune system.

Cancer cells have an outer coating with a negative ion charge, the immune system's
white blood cells also have a negative ion charge. So no matter how strong you make
the immune system, it cannot kill the cancer cell, because two negatives repel each

Kelley's genius was in reasoning out that since the outer coating of the cancer cell is
made of animal protein, animal protein-digesting enzymes produced by the pancreas
will digest it and remove the negative ion charge, leaving the cancer cell open to attack
by the immune system.

Cancer develops when a person's pancreatic enzyme production becomes deficient,

because of physical damage to the pancreas (17% of cases) or a lifetime of eating hard
to digest foods which have worn out the pancreatic cells producing the enzymes (83%
of cases). All cooked foods are hard to digest because anything cooked above 40°C
loses its own enzymes.

Kelley reasoned that if a person's pancreas can no longer produce sufficient enzymes,
the key to curing is to supplement with mega doses of pancreatic enzymes from outside
sources, the richest of which is pork pancreas, while boosting the immune system with
mega doses of vitamins, minerals and other food supplements. And that is how he
cured himself and the thousands of terminal cancer patients during the 43 years that he

You will know that you no longer have enough enzymes to digest food, and therefore
none left over to digest cancer cells, when your body feels bloated all the time.
Undigested food ferments and generates gas. You will burp and fart a lot, and can have

frequent heart burn and shortness of breath as the gas rises and presses against the heart
and lungs.

When this happens, cancer is not far behind. Time to change your lifestyle and
eating habits, and take preventive doses of pancreatic enzymes to prevent cancer from

4. The Kelley paradigm centers around the reality that a cancer cell is nothing
more than a trophoblastic placental cell growing in the wrong place. If you look at
both cells under the same microscope, you will find that they are identical. The startling
significance to this is: without the cancer cell there would be no human race! How is
this so?

More than 100 years ago, a Scottish maiden with cancer got pregnant. By the time the
baby was born, she was cancer free. The news spread like wildfire, and reportedly all
the maidens in Scotland now wanted to get pregnant.

A Scottish embryologist of the University of Edinburgh, Dr. John Beard, researched the
phenomenon, and found the maiden got cured of her cancer because during her
pregnancy, she had two pancreas, her own and the baby's.

In 1999 the same phenomenon happened to a 29-year old Filipina in Metro Manila. She
was 4 months pregnant and had bladder cancer. Conventional doctors took out as much
of the tumor mass as they could, but said they could not take it all out and could not
give her chemotherapy or radiation because it would kill the baby, but the cancer was
so aggressive that it could kill her and the baby before the baby was born.

The wife's exclamation when she learned about the Scottish maiden from a phone call
to Dr. Kelley: "You mean it's my baby who will save me?! I thought the baby would
kill me!" After month of feeling scared and desperate, she said, "For the first time, I
have hope!"

But for the next step, husband and wife decided to go to Stanford since they already
had a confirmed appointment there and felt it would be a waste not to take it. The
Stanford doctors confirmed what the Philippine doctors had said, that nothing more
could be done.

So husband and wife then went to Kansas to see Dr. Kelley. They came home with a
Balikbayan box full of Kelley's enzymes and nutritional supplements. Five month later,
the wife gave birth to a healthy baby girl, and both mother and daughter were cancer

Here's how Dr. Beard explains it: When a female egg is fertilized, the zygote drops into

the uterus and generates germ cells which not only evolve into the tissues of the
growing fetus, but also generate trophoblastic cells to form the placenta. Without the
placenta, the zygote would fall right out of the uterus.

Like a true cancer cell, the placenta metastasizes and eats itself into the wall of the
uterus, growing very rapidly to accommodate the growing fetus. Like a cancer cell, it
develops its own little blood vessel network to feed itself.

But in the 8th week of pregnancy, the placenta stops growing, If it didn't, continuous
growth would kill the mother. What stop's it? In the 8th week the baby's pancreas starts
to function!

Of the many enzymes produced by the pancreas, two (tripsin and chymotrypsin) digest
animal protein. They digest the outer protective coating of the trophoblastic cell,
exposing it to attack by the immune system, stopping its further growth.

In the 8th month of pregnancy, when the baby is fully formed, excess germ cells
migrate to the baby's gonads (ovaries for the female, testes for the male), there to be
stored for when the baby, as an adult, begets babies of its own. But only 80% make it to
the gonads by the time the baby is born. The remaining 20%, about 3 billion cells, are
scattered all over the body, with about 2 cells for every pinhead. These cells are used to
repair injured tissues.

When an injury occurs, say to the breast due to repeated mammogram's, to the lungs
due to smoking, or to the colon due to putrefying red meats and stored up fecal matter,
or anywhere else due to toxins or parasites or whatever, the area is flooded with
estrogen, activating germ cells to repair the injury. (Germ cells nowadays are called
stem cells).

Unfortunately, true to nature, activated germ cells also generate trophoblastic cells. But
just like the placenta in pregnancy, the trophoblastic cells are stopped from becoming
cancerous growths if pancreatic enzyme production is sufficient not only to digest food
but also have enough left over to digest cancer cells.

Years of eating hard to digest foods (cooked food, meats, dairy products, processed
foods) wear out the cells of the pancreas. Some 83% of pancreatic enzyme deficiencies
are due to this. The rest is due to birth defects, disease and accidents damaging the

Enzymes & Nutrition
What role do enzymes play in nutrition?
To better understand digestive enzymes, we must first understand the role of NUTRITION in our
health. Nutrition is the body's ability to use and metabolize food. There are 45 known essential
nutrients that are required in specific amounts for the body to function properly. The term
"essential," as used here, means the body cannot synthesize them internally. Therefore all
"essential" nutrients must come from exogenous, or outside, sources. In addition to carbohydrates,
fats (lipids), complete proteins, and water, there are at least 13 kinds of vitamins, and at least 20
kinds of minerals required for proper metabolic function.

Once consumed, the food containing these nutrients must be digested, meaning they must be
broken apart and reduced to a state that the nutrients can be absorbed into and transported by the
blood stream to all parts of the body.

Our body's cells are programmed to direct each nutrient to combine and interact with other
nutrients and chemicals to create still other chemicals and compounds which, in turn, are used to
build and repair the body's cells, bones, tissue, and organs. The process is called metabolism.
Each metabolic reaction is started, controlled, and terminated by enzymes.

Without enzymes, no metabolic activity will occur. A body that does not consistently and efficiently
metabolize the essential food nutrients necessary for life will fare poorly, and many illnesses are
the result of a dietary problem that causes toxemia inside of the body.

What are the types of enzymes?

Enzymes are classified into three categories.


Metabolic enzymes run the body. They exist throughout the body in the organs, the bones, the
blood, and inside the cells themselves. These enzymes are instrumental in the growth of new cells
and the maintenance of all tissue. Every organ and tissue has its own group of specialized
enzymes. They are trained to run and maintain their host. When these enzymes are healthy,
robust, and present in adequate numbers, they do an excellent job carrying out their mission.

The two kinds of enzymes we are concentrating on here are DIGESTIVE ENZYMES and FOOD
ENZYMES. These two are active only within our digestive system. These enzymes have one main
job — to digest our food.

DIGESTIVE ENZYMES are made by our body's organs. Digestive enzymes are secreted by the
salivary glands, stomach, pancreas, and the small intestine. [Technically, digestive enzymes are
also considered to be metabolic enzymes whose metabolic role is to digest food. We are specifically
distinguishing these particular enzymes here, because they deal with digestion and they can be
supplemented from an outside source.]

FOOD ENZYMES are already present WITHIN the food we eat. Food enzymes exist naturally in raw

food. If the food is cooked, however, the high temperature involved in the cooking process will
destroy the enzymes.

Digestive enzymes and food enzymes basically serve the same function, which is to digest our food
so it can be absorbed through the walls of the small intestine into the blood stream. From this
viewpoint the only real difference between food enzymes and digestive enzymes is whether they
come from inside our body or from the food we eat.

Why are enzymes so important for digestion?

Most food, when it is uncooked, contains enough natural food enzymes to digest that food. When
you cook the food the enzymes are inactivated (denatured) and can no longer assist in the
digestive (breaking down) process. Eating raw food is totally acceptable in some cases and quite
unacceptable in others. We eat raw fruit and many raw vegetables, but less often do we eat raw
meat, raw fish (not withstanding sushi), or raw pork. Eating uncooked rice is nearly a guaranteed
trip to your dentist! So, obviously we cook our food.

Here's where the problem occurs. Cooked food contains no enzymes because they have been
destroyed. If you eat a meal consisting of a salad, a steak and a baked potato, there are likely
enough food enzymes contained in the salad to digest it (break it down so your body can use its
nutrients). But, there are no extra enzymes available to help digest the steak or the baked potato.
Because the steak and potato are cooked, there are no FOOD ENZYMES available to digest them,
so our body must take over and internally create the needed amount of DIGESTIVE ENZYMES to
handle the digestive task.

The more we depend on our internally generated DIGESTIVE ENZYMES, the more stress we put on
our body's systems and organs and the less time these systems and organs have for rebuilding and
replacing worn out and damaged cells and tissue and keeping our immune system strong. Your
body’s top priority is making sure it has enough nutrients to run its systems. This means digesting
food and converting it into nutrients. There is no activity more important to the body than this. This
takes a lot of energy and enzymes, particularly if the body must make most or all of these
enzymes. Remember that no food can be digested without digestive enzymes.

Dr. DicQie Fuller, in her book The Healing Power of Enzymes, emphasizes the importance of
enzymes for digestion:

"Eighty percent of our body's energy is expended by the digestive process. If you are run down,
under stress, living in a very hot or very cold climate, pregnant, or are a frequent air traveler, then
enormous quantities of extra enzymes are required by your body. Because our entire system
functions through enzymatic action, we must supplement our enzymes. Aging deprives us of our
ability to produce necessary enzymes. The medical profession tells us that all disease is due to a
lack or imbalance of enzymes. Our very lives are dependent upon them!"

Which digestive enzymes digest food?

You know that proteins, carbohydrates, and fats are the three main food groups that make up the
bulk of our daily diet. A "balanced" diet means we consume the proper proportions of these three
basic food groups on a daily basis. This balance, when combined with the assurance that we also
get the essential nutrients, can help provide a healthy life — IF we properly process and metabolize
these nutrients. To do this we also need an adequate source of the major types of digestive
enzymes: Proteases, Amylases, and Lipases.


Proteins 20-25 % Protease Digests Protein
Carbohydrates 50-60 % Amylase Digests Carbohydrates
Fats 20-30 % Lipase Digests Fat (lipids)

There are numerous categories of digestive enzymes, but for the purpose of this discussion, we will
cover the three primary classes of digestive enzymes that digest our food. [NOTE: generally
speaking, enzymes end with the suffix "ase."]

If the proper QUANTITY and required TYPE of enzymes are not present, your body becomes TOXIC
from the left over waste of incomplete digestion. This is the reason why most illnesses and
diseases are initially a dietary mistake. This can be prevented and it can be reversed. It’s all a
matter of having the right amount and the right kind of enzymes available at the right time to
prevent your body from becoming a receptacle for pollution and waste — a receptacle that then
breeds and harbors disease.

Your Enzyme Potential

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Do I have an infinite supply of enzymes?

No. Until recently, many within the scientific community labored under the misconception that the
digestive enzymes in our body are constant and last forever; that they can be used and reused;
that they never get old and never wear out.

Researchers now know that we lose digestive enzymes through sweat and body waste. Through
constant use, enzymes lose their strength and ability to do their work. As we age, the organs
responsible for producing our digestive enzymes become less efficient. Today's environmental
pollution, overly processed fast foods, genetically modified food, and microwave cooking can result
in free radical damage, which lowers the body's effectiveness to produce enzymes. To offset this
loss, we need to supplement our system with oral digestive enzymes.

What happens when we start to run low on enzymes?

Here's the bottom line. Many illnesses and health conditions are the result of a digestive
malfunction causing toxemia inside of the body. This malfunction is the result of not enough
DIGESTIVE ENZYMES to properly digest and metabolize nutrients. Significant short- and long-term
health problems could develop when these nutrients are not digested.

Some lifestyle problems like high blood pressure, kidney disease, liver problems, indigestion and
heartburn, adult onset diabetes, fibromyalgia, migraines, PMS, even hyperactivity in children, often
have their starting point in nutritional problems.

When our body is stressed by a shortage of digestive enzymes two things can happen and both are

1. Our body continues to work overtime to create the needed enzymes required to digest our food.
This extra stress adversely affects our immune system and lowers our ability to protect ourselves
from and fight off disease.

2. Because our body finally becomes so overworked, it can't make enough enzymes to properly
digest our food. As this undigested food begins to pollute our body, the chances of chronic disease

Supplemental digestive enzymes will deliver the necessary nutrients to fortify your body and can
enhance your body's healing system often resulting in improved overall health and vitality.

What can I do to maintain my enzyme levels?

You don't need to be in this predicament and there are some ways to stay out of it. Now that you
know you are running out of enzymes you can eliminate this problem quickly.

The digestive enzymes you need for the process of restoring and maintaining your health are
available through the Enzyme Essentials E-Club. The E-Club is an Enzyme-Based Nutrition System
designed to deliver a monthly supply of the supplemental digestive enzymes, essential nutrients,
and antioxidants you will normally need to digest your food properly and put you on the path to
optimum health.

The Basic E-Club is comprised of OxiCellZyme and Plantadophilus. When taken consistently, this
combination of OxiCellZyme, a good digestive enzyme with essential nutrients and antioxidants,
and Plantadophilus, a highly active probiotic that helps control the pH balance in the lower
intestinal tract, can put you on the road to a long-term health and wellness program designed to
exceed every other vitamin and nutritional supplement program on the market today. Join the E-

If you choose not to initially join the E-Club, but want to order our high-quality digestive enzymes,
you can do that too. Order enzymes.

Are there certain enzymes I can take for special health conditions?
Here are some digestive enzymes designed to address specific problems or conditions.

• If chronic indigestion, heartburn, or gastric distress is an ongoing problem you may find
relief using GastroZyme which includes enzymes and herbs to support the healing and
repair of the GI tract.

• If you experience nervousness, anxiety, and often have difficulty sleeping, then CalmZyme
is an excellent all natural, non-habit-forming alternative.

• Irregularity, constipation, diarrhea may be alleviated with only two to three ReleaseZyme
capsules per day to provide a natural way to regularity.

• For those who have extra difficulty digesting fats (lipids), a situation often associated with
high cholesterol, heart disease, and obesity, then LypoZyme should be considered with
particularly heavy and fatty meals.

• For those people who are serious about a weight control program, then BalanceZyme Plus
can assist in balancing and suppressing your appetite. This excellent product should be
taken immediately (15-30 minutes) prior to a meal. It is also often used in conjunction with

• As you may know, extensive studies and research on soy have discovered remarkable and
wide-ranging benefits to good health. Soy's beneficial health properties have proven
successful in alleviating many hormonal-related issues (such as hot flashes), preventing
bone density loss, reducing some cancer tumors, lowering cholesterol levels, and promoting
cardiovascular health to name just a few. SoyZyme is an enzyme-based supplement
containing soy's most highly researched isoflavone, genistein, and a high powered
hydrolytic enzyme blend of proteases. Combined, these two substances provide a beneficial
immune system enhancer along with the healthy benefits associated with soy. SoyZyme is
equally applicable for both men and women. Due to its importance as a daily supplement,
SoyZyme can be ordered at a reduced price as part of the Enhanced E-Club Option or can
be ordered individually.

All of these products can be ordered online and are available to both E-Club members and non-

See also our recommended products for:

• Women's Health
• Men's Health
• Digestive Health
• Immune System Support & Antioxidants
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome
• Sleep Disorders
• Sports Injury & Tissue Damage
• Stress/Fatigue
• Weight Management

If you're ready to start restoring your enzyme potential, then Enzyme Essentials can
help. See the complete list of all our products now!

If you have any questions about our products and how they can help you, contact us!

Nourishing the Liver

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Spring time is when the ‘Chi’ is in the Liver Meridian more
than any other time of year. The Liver energy is considered the General, the director of energy,
the leader of all the meridians, the instigator, the birth. So we are at the beginning again. Each

Spring, as it has done for millenia, chi begins its yearly movement round the body, focusing in
each meridian as the moon waxes and wanes. (Forgive us those in the Northern Hemisphere
for discussing Spring, while you are experiencing descent into winter darkness.)

In the spring. We are being born again, and as with our own birth, we are bestowed with the
bounteous stores of energy our bodies have gathered during our time in the womb of the
winter months. Suddenly our bodies release this energy, we clear away any accumulations
and begin the ascent into the most Yang time of year, High Summer. We’ll need to be in tip top
shape to cope with the extra energy needs of Summer. So our bodies begin to naturally

Our Liver energy is responsible for the free flow of energy which is needed to clear away
accumulations and project us into Summer. What happens in the body when the Liver Meridian
is not flowing freely?

Symptoms such as:

• ligament and muscle tightness or pain (caused by Liver stuckness and or Yin
• depression with or without bursts of anger, grumpiness, crankiness (caused by
stuckness and or Liver Yin deficiency*)
• itchy scalp, eyes, nasal passages and skin, usually put down to pollen allergies, but if
the Liver was moist and moving well, these symptoms wouldn’t manifest
• psychosis caused by liver wind which occurs when Liver Yin is deficient
• digestive difficulties like bloating, constipation and diarrhoea alternating, floating stool -
Liver stuckness impinging on the digestive processes
• angry red swelling pimples or sores on the face and neck - Liver Fire caused by either
stuckness or Yin deficiency
• dry eyes - Yin deficiency
• headaches - Yin deficiency, fire, stuckness or wind
• irritability - Yin deficiency or stuckness

* Yin is the principle related to the feminine, nourishing, moistening, cooling energies of the

You may notice these symptoms appearing or worsening during Spring.

How do we deal with these symptoms?

The Liver is trying to do it’s job but in order to do so it needs, you guessed it, Nourishment.

Most of these symptoms are expressions of liver Yin deficiency so nourishing the Yin would be
the best way to bring balance.

In the case of excessive symptoms like red hot pimples, painful muscles or ligaments or
digestive difficulties involving pain some may be tempted to ‘cleanse’ the Liver with herbs and

fasting. Be aware however, that most people have impaired digestion and starving it or giving
the body only cold raw juices will not improve this, nor will herbs be very well digested. Instead,
most excessive situations will respond to nourishment.

How do you Nourish the Liver?

Ancient Chinese Medical Texts prescribe the organ of an animal to treat the organ that is out of
balance and its associated energy meridian. Kidney of an animal for the Kidney energy, tripe
for digestion, liver for the Liver. The Li-Chi, a handbook of rituals published during China’s Han
era (202B.C. to 220A.D.), lists liver as one of the Eight Delicacies.

Practically every cuisine has liver specialties. Some cultures place such high value on liver
they consider it the seat of the soul. It is so sacred that human hands can’t touch it. As soon as
a beast is slain, special implements extract the liver and cut it into as many pieces as there are
members in the tribe. They would eat it there and then, raw and warm. Much like other great
predators, ancient humans sought out older animals who would have larger livers and fatty
offal and would often left their lean rump for the carrion.

It is widely known by all ancient societies that liver is the most nourishing food on the planet.
Liver contains more nutrients, gram for gram, than any other food including:

• High-quality protein
• Vitamin A - nature’s most concentrated source
• All the B vitamins in abundance, particularly vitamin B12 if consumed raw
• One of our best sources of folic acid
• A highly usable form of iron
• Trace elements such as copper, zinc and chromium; liver is our best source of copper
• A yet unidentified but proven to exist anti-fatigue factor
• CoQ10, a nutrient that is especially important for cardio-vascular function if consumed
• A good source of purines, nitrogen-containing compounds that serve as precursors for
DNA and RNA.

But isn’t Liver Dangerous?

In spite of widespread tradition and abundant scientific evidence on the health benefits of liver,
conventional nutritionists now warn against its consumption.


“What about the Toxins” is a common response to the suggestion of consuming liver. Indeed,
one of the roles of the liver is to neutralize toxins (such as drugs and pesticides); but the liver
does not store toxins. Instead, poisonous compounds that the body cannot neutralize and
eliminate are likely to lodge in the fatty tissues and the nervous system. The liver is not a
storage organ for toxins but it is a storage organ for many important nutrients (vitamins A, D, E,
K, B12 and folic acid, and minerals such as copper and iron). These nutrients provide the body
with some of the tools it needs to get rid of toxins.

So why would you want to clean something that is not dirty? Practitioners who recommend
liver cleansing usually mean, deprive your body of any substantial food so your liver doesn’t
have to work on digestion and can clean your blood of toxins. Again, this will only work well if
your digestion is strong and you are not deficient of energy. Still, healing through nourishment
is, in most cases, more valid a protocol.

It deserves to be mentioned: Do not consume the livers of animals who’ve lived in

confinement. Pasture fed and Organic are better choices (if you’re in Australia organic means
animals have access to grass and natural feed). If you only have supermarket options, ask for
calves liver, they have lived on pasture.

Vitamin A Toxicity

Concerns about Vitamin As toxicity stem from studies in which moderate doses of synthetic
vitamin A were found to cause problems and even contribute to birth defects. But natural
vitamin A found in liver is an extremely important nutrient for human health and does not cause
problems except in extremely large amounts.

The Merck Manual cites vitamin A toxicity in Arctic explorers who developed drowsiness,
irritability, headaches and vomiting, with subsequent peeling of the skin, within a few hours of
ingesting several million units of vitamin A from polar bear or seal liver. These foods are
incredibly high in Vitamin A and need to be eaten with foods that are high in Vitamin D such as
blubber from these animals. When A and D are in balance, that is a ration of 10:1, toxicity
doesn’t occur so easily.

The putative toxic dose of 100,000 IU per day is contained in two-and-one-half 100-gram
servings of duck liver or about three 100-gram servings of beef liver. From the work of Weston
Price, we can assume that the amount in primitive diets was about 50,000 IU per day.

A good recommendation for liver is one 100-gram serving of beef, lamb, bison or duck liver
(about 4 ounces) once or twice a week, providing about 50,000 IU vitamin A per serving.
Chicken liver, which is lower in vitamin A, may be consumed more frequently. If you

experience headaches or joint pains at this level, cut back until the symptoms go away.

Eat it Raw

If you are trying to balance Liver yin deficiency eating your liver raw will nourish the yin more
than cooked. Eating Liver raw ensures you get the full dose of B6 and B12, CoQ10, enzymes
and possibly the anti-fatigue factor. It’s yin energy soothes dried liver symptoms (itchiness,
headaches, dry eyes, muscle tightness, irritability).

The best way to eat raw liver is to freeze it for 14 days to avoid any parasitic infection (unlikely
but possible especially in those with impaired immune systems). When frozen, cut it into
teaspoon sized pieces and put them into little coin bags. Keep them in your freezer and use
one baggie at at time, chopping into little pills to swallow with a drink. The primary benefit of
swallowing liver pills frozen, is you can’t taste it. I take my liver pills with raw milk for the extra
nourishment and so I don’t burp up the taste.

The physician Max Gerson used raw liver juice, extracted with a special juicer that pressed out
the liquid, in his original healing protocol with pancreatic cancer patients. His daughter,
Charlotte Gerson, later dropped this part of the protocol because of the unavailability of fresh
clean liver without bacterial contamination. Now a crude liver extract injection or desiccated
liver tablets are used in the current protocol. However, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, a New York
doctor who treats cancer holistically, insists that all his patients eat raw liver.

Also grate frozen liver into the yolk of an egg or add it to tomato juice.

Liver Recipes

Lynn Razaitis, Leader of the Atlanta, Georgia Chapter of the Weston A Price Foundation, has
found some wonderful medieval European recipes. She recommends, where
participants provide translations and comments on recipes in old cookbooks.

She says,”Ancient cookbooks even describe the use of liver to thicken sauces, apparently by
pressing raw puréed liver through a fine strainer and adding it to sauce that was then
carefully heated but not boiled. (During Lent, fish livers served to thicken sauces!) As long as
the liver flavor does not overpower the flavor of the sauce, this could be a good way to get liver
into your family without them ever knowing it!

A liver recipe from a 1529 Spanish cookbook goes like this: “Take onions and cut them very
small, like fingers, and fry them gently with fatty bacon; and then take the liver of a kid or a
lamb or a goat and cut them into slices the size of a half walnut, and fry it gently with the onion
until the liver loses its color; then take a crustless piece of toasted bread soaked in white
vinegar and grind it well, and dissolve it with sweet white wine; and then strain it through a
woolen cloth; and then cast it over the onion and the liver, all together in the casserole; and
cast in ground cinnamon; and cook until it is well thickened and when it is cooked, prepare

Food Enzymes
Food enzymes in raw food are vital for digesting that food, but their destruction during cooking is a key
factor in today's rising levels of allergies and chronic degenerative diseases.

Eating enzyme-rich raw foods and supplementing the diet with plant enzymes is our best insurance in
preventing and treating disease and promoting health and longevity.

Although enzymes are generally associated with raw food and digestion, they have been shown to have
clinical uses in treating disease and restoring health.

In August 1971, the US Department of Agriculture published "An Evaluation of Research in the United
States on Human Nutrition; Report No. 2, Benefits from Nutrition Research". The US government spent
approximately $30 million analysing the relationship diet has to disease. According to the study:

* Major health problems are diet related;

* The real potential from improved diet is preventative;
* Benefits would be shared by all, especially by lower economic and non-white population groups;
* Major benefits are long range. Early adjustments of diet could prevent the development of undesirable
long-range effects;
* There exist geographical, regional differences in diet-related problems.

It's now known that within a very short time after its release, all copies of the report were seized by the
federal government. It was not until the campaign in 1993-94 for the Dietary Health Education and
Supplement Act that a copy was mysteriously forwarded to the grassroots organisation, Citizens for
Health, to help in its fight to prevent the Food and Drug Administration from classifying food
supplements as drugs.

Within any group that seeks control and power over a population, even health is a legitimate target. If
you can manipulate the population's health or induce disease by modifying what they consume, you can
create a pseudo healthcare system that seems to care but is busy making billions off disease that is
relatively easy to prevent or cure through diet alone. With the multimillion-dollar backing of an
industry, you can also discredit any alternative to current, popularly accepted treatments by labelling
them "old wives' tales", "quackery" or "unscientific".

In 1988, "The Surgeon-General's Report on Nutrition and Health" addressed the overwhelming evidence
of the connection between diet and chronic disease. In his report, then Surgeon-General C. Everett Koop
wrote: "For the two out of three adult Americans who do not smoke and do not drink excessively, one
personal choice seems to influence long-term health prospects more than any other: what we eat. The
weight of this evidence and the magnitude of the problem at hand indicate that it is now time to take

action. In the cause of good health for all citizens, I urge support for this Report's recommendations by
every sector of American society." (Italics added.)

As reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association (vol. 280, November 11, 1998), a
nationwide survey on the use of alternative medical therapies revealed that "[e]stimated expenditures for
alternative medicine professional services increased 45.2% between 1990 and 1997 and were
conservatively estimated at $21.2 billion in 1997, with at least $12.2 billion paid out of pocket". The
article concluded that "[a]lternative medicine use and expenditures increased substantially between 1990
and 1997, attributable primarily to an increase in the proportion of the population seeking alternative
therapies, rather than increased patient visits per patient".

Not only in America but in other countries, the populace is demonstrating a preference to what are
referred to as "alternative therapies". People are seeking natural therapies, drawing upon cultural
heritages of healing aligned with their own philosophies and beliefs. These therapies include
acupuncture, herbal medicines (both Eastern and Western botanicals), homoeopathy, Reiki and other so-
called energy treatments, and nutrition. It has become overwhelmingly clear that diet and lifestyle
influence health and disease. Yet, within the field of nutrition, there are differing opinions on just what
constitutes a healthy diet. This is most evident with popular books on diets which flood the market. Is
the low fat/low protein, high complex carbohydrate diet that Pritikin advocated correct? Or is the Atkins
diet with high protein/fat, low carbohydrate the one we should favour? Should we eat according to our
blood type? What about raw versus cooked foods? Is soy good for you, or is it harmful? Do the media
drive our choices through advertising? What about the "friendly" doctor staring from your television
set, telling you how dangerous this herb or that vitamin is?

Are nutritional supplements effective or not? The debate seems endless. Over the last decade, sales of
nutritional supplements have generated a US$4 billion industry worldwide. Almost every month, new
companies claim to have the "magic bullet" for what ails us. Multi-level/network marketing companies
are quick to get on the bandwagon, knowing how much profit is available thanks to members of the
baby-boomer generation who pride themselves on "looking good" and staying healthy, no matter what
the cost. The rush to discover new drugs from medicinal herbs in Third World countries keeps
pharmaceutical companies abreast of all that is under the sky.
Pioneers in Enzyme Nutrition Therapy

Within the field of nutrition, enzymes have become the buzzword. Every company now has its own
"super-concentrated enzyme formula", and boasts how powerful it is and how it contains 10 times the
enzyme power as the other company's product.

Yet, understanding enzymes and their role in human nutrition requires more than just knowledge of the
chemistry. We also need to be familiar with the history and pioneers behind the development of enzyme
nutrition therapy and the rationale behind its clinical use.

Historically, there is recorded evidence of diverse cultural groups developing foods high in concentrated
enzymes. Many of these cultures discovered the health benefits of enzyme-rich foods because of trial
and error and probably just plain luck, by leaving them out in the open for bacteria to work on them.
Among these foods are fermented dairy products, such as yoghurt, kefir and various soured-milk
products; fermented vegetables, such as European sauerkraut and Korean kim chi from cabbage; and soy

products like miso and tempeh, which were first developed in Asia. In tropical countries, certain fruits
such as papaya and mango were found to contain very high concentrations of enzymes, and have been
used traditionally for the topical treatment of burns and wounds.

Nonetheless, it was not until the early 1900s that Dr John Beard, a Scottish embryologist, filtered the
pancreatic liquid of freshly slaughtered young animals for the active enzyme content. He reasoned from
observation that young animals had to have greater and more powerful concentrations of enzymes
because the energy required for growth was greater. Dr Beard injected this concentration into veins,
gluteal muscles and sometimes directly into tumour sites of cancer patients. He observed the rapid
shrinkage of tumour masses and cancer cell growth inhibition. Some patients experienced allergic
reactions because the unpurified juice contained foreign proteins. In spite of this, more than half of the
cancers completely disappeared, while other patients' lives greatly improved and were prolonged far
beyond what was expected.

Dr Beard's enzyme treatment caused turmoil in the allopathic medical community in England. He was
called a charlatan and received threats to close down his practice. However, patients of other doctors
requested Dr Beard's enzyme treatment. To satisfy them, doctors ordered pancreatic juice from local
pharmacists who, in turn, ordered it from the slaughterhouses. Doctors were sold pancreatic juice from
older animals whose enzyme content was inactive. Unfortunately, the results were not successful and
patients were very disappointed.

In all, Dr Beard treated 170 cancer patients and recounted his enzyme therapy in his book, The Enzyme
Treatment of Cancer and its Scientific Basis, published in 1907.

Not much followed from the early part of the 20th century. Indeed, it was not until the 1930s that
clinical use of enzymes began to pique the interest of a few physicians.

In 1930, at the First International Microbiology Conference, held in Paris, Dr Paul Kautchakoff, a Swiss
doctor, presented a paper entitled "The Influence of Food Cooking on the Blood Formula of Man". In it,
he explained how digestive leukocytosis occurred every time cooked food was ingested by subjects of
differing age and sex. This phenomenon was observed in patients as early as 1843 and was considered a
normal occurrence.

Digestive leukocytosis is the dramatic increase in the amount and activity level of white blood cells
(leukocytes) in the blood due to a stimulus-that stimulus being undigested cooked food crossing the gut
wall. With canned and cooked foods, the increase was moderate. With heavily processed foods such as
packaged meats, the increase was identical to food poisoning! The only difference was the absence of
the bacterium associated with food poisoning. Cooked foods are missing essential enzymes which
prevent adequate digestion. Dr Kautchakoff made note that there was no increase leukocyte
count/activity in subjects who ate only raw food. This is because all raw food contains food enzymes
which completely digest what we eat.

From 1932 to 1942, Dr Francis Pottenger, Jr, of Monrovia, California, began one of the most intriguing
clinical studies undertaken in the field of nutrition. His study ran for 10 years, covering four generations
of over 900 cats. In this groundbreaking study, Dr Pottenger simply controlled the food cats were fed.
The original group was fed raw, unpasteurised milk, cod liver oil and cooked meat scraps. The other two

groups were fed uncooked meat/pasteurised milk and cooked meat/pasteurised milk respectively. The
fourth group was fed uncooked, raw meat and raw, unpasteurised milk.

Dr Pottenger's observations should have shaken the foundations of modern medicine. Nonetheless his
work, like that of so many others, has largely been ignored. He meticulously recorded his observations
with exacting measurements and photographs. Here is a brief summary of his discoveries. In the group
of cats fed only raw food, there were no chronic degenerative diseases! The cats lived to grow old and
were easily handled. They primarily died of old age, living much longer than cats from the other groups.

In the first generation of the combination cooked-food groups, cats showed symptoms of chronic
degenerative disease that we are familiar with: allergies, asthma, arthritis (both rheumatic and osteo),
cancers, heart disease, kidney, liver and thyroid disease, dental disease and osteoporosis. The second
generation manifested the same diseases, albeit even more severely. Most kittens were stillborn or born
with disease, and died within six months in the third generation. By the fourth generation, the study
ended because the cats were infertile and could not reproduce.

In drawing his conclusions, Dr Pottenger reported the underlying nutritional factor had to be a "heat-
labile substance". Unfortunately, he had not deduced them to be enzymes, because so little was known
about them at the time.

In the early 1930s, a "special substance" was discovered in the blood of healthy individuals which was
proficient at attacking and destroying cancer cells. However, this substance was found only very slightly
or was missing altogether in patients suffering from cancer. Working during those years in New York,
Dr Max Wolf became one of the most celebrated doctors of his time. He was fascinated to hear of this
substance and began investigating on his own. He convinced Dr Helen Benitez to join him from her post
in the neurosurgical department at Columbia University, and they performed thousands of tests to
determine exactly what this substance was. They concluded it had to be enzymes.

Dr Wolf then had to isolate which of the many dozens of known enzymes were responsible for several
activities, i.e., controlling inflammation, correcting degenerative disorders and breaking down cancer
cells. After years of testing various enzyme mixtures on animals, with no harmful reactions, he was able
to offer his enzyme therapy. It soon earned him a reputation with many famous clients in politics and the
arts. Even a few Presidents and European leaders sought him out. He developed one of the most widely
used enzyme products available-Wobenzyme.

At the same time that Dr Pottenger was overseeing the clinical study in California and Dr Wolf was
researching in New York, Dr Edward Howell of Chicago was questioning the use of cooked, processed
food for human consumption. He found that heating food to 118°F (47.78°C) for more than 15 minutes
destroyed all the enzymes. Obviously then, heating foods at higher temperatures for shorter periods also
destroys enzymes. The current technology of "flash pasteurisation" of milk and juice is an example.
Enzymes are the only substances capable of digesting food. They exist in raw food in order to digest
(break down) that food.
Enzyme Deficiency and Degenerative Disease

In 1940, Dr Howell posed the question, "Is chronic degenerative disease a matter of severe enzyme
deficiency?" To this end, he spent the rest of his life researching and documenting clinical work

throughout the world, and he answered his query with a resounding "Yes!"

In the early 1940s, Dr Howell created the first manufacturing facility for the production of plant-based
enzymes. While Drs Beard and Wolf used animal-based enzymes produced from the pancreas of
animals, Dr Howell used certain species of fungus to "grow" highly concentrated plant-based enzymes.
This is where animal- and plant-based enzymes become markedly different in their clinical use. And this
is where Dr Howell's observations and research have made all the difference in the world of enzyme

Dr Howell wrote two books reporting his life's work: Food Enzymes for Health and Longevity and
Enzyme Nutrition. Some of the most important revelations about enzymes, nutrition and physiology are
contained in these pages. He noted that all mammals have a pre-digestive stomach; he called it a "food
enzyme stomach". In humans, it is the uppermost portion of the stomach-the fundus or cardiac portion. It
is here that enzymes found in raw food pre-digest what has been ingested. Enzymes secreted from saliva
and other glands will likewise pre-digest some of the cooked food consumed. However, when cooked
food is eaten, enzymes will be supplied from other organs to digest the cooked food. This produces a
constant drain of enzymes from the immune system and other important organs. When this happens over
a lifetime, organs fail and are overcome with "disease".

Howell discussed organ hypertrophy, noting that any organ or gland will grow more cells, becoming
larger because the demand placed on it exceeds its ability to function. He found that, in particular, the
pancreas in humans was 2-3 times heavier and larger in proportion to body weight as compared to the
pancreas of other mammals. He attributed this to consumption of an excessive amount of cooked foods.

When enzymes are not present in the stomach for digestion, food passes into the duodenum, the upper
portion of the small intestine, where enzymes secreted from the pancreas digest the food. This is the
common teaching in medical schools. But what if the pancreas was not meant to be the major digestive
enzyme organ? What if digestion was meant to take place in the stomach, with enzyme-rich food?

Dr Howell cited studies suggesting this to be the case. Because food is not digested in the stomach as
Nature intended, the burden then falls to the pancreas, causing it to hypertrophy. If the burden continues
for long enough periods, it may lead to pancreatitis or other more serious ailments.

Howell referred to what he called "the law of adaptive secretion of digestive enzymes"-that the body
will secrete exactly the right amounts and types of digestive enzymes depending upon what type of food
is ingested. Eating a piece of cheese will produce more fat-digesting enzymes than would be produced if
eating a piece of bread, which is primarily a starch and requires a starch-digesting enzyme.

Dr Howell remarked that during the early part of the 20th century when zoos were being developed to
house captured wild animals, the death rate was very high. It was found that animals in their natural
habitat ate everything raw. They were now being fed cooked foods and experiencing many new diseases
unknown to their counterparts in the wild. It was found that the enzyme content of saliva from animals
in the wild was either hardly there or missing altogether. On the contrary, captured animals fed cooked
foods had very high enzyme content in their saliva. The animals were being forced to secrete enzymes
from other organs to digest the cooked food. When their diets were changed back to mostly raw foods,
the enzyme content in their saliva was reduced and the death rate dropped significantly.

Before Dr Howell passed away in the late 1980s, Dr Howard Loomis journeyed to Florida to spend time
with him. He had been asked by Dr Howell's original manufacturing facility to formulate a professional
line of enzymes. Dr Loomis had become frustrated with the use of nutrition in clinical practice. There
seemed to be no rhyme nor reason in administering minerals, vitamins or herbs to those in his care. As
he said: "A patient comes in with a cold and you give him vitamin C, and within a week he's feeling
better. Another person comes in with a cold and takes nothing. Seven days later, she's fine." Everywhere
one looks, the common discussion centres around deficiencies. "Oh, you have this or that mineral or
vitamin deficiency: take some of these."

Nutrition today is practised much like pharmacology is. For every symptom, there is a corresponding
deficiency. The solution, then, is to take more of a particular mineral or vitamin. It is a matching game,
much like with pharmaceutical drugs. And while it is true that in certain cases a deficiency can relate to
a symptom, it is not rock-solid evidence of a deficiency. "I have a deficiency in relation to what-another
mineral or vitamin? Isn't it possible I have an excessive amount of something?"
Making Sense of Decades of Misdiagnoses

The progression of differing diagnoses over the last few decades is an example of how symptoms alone
can be misleading when it comes to finding root causative factors in disease.

In the 1960s, one of the common diagnoses in Western societies was hypoglycaemia or low blood-sugar
levels. Blood sugar is composed of glucose which is metabolised from protein by the liver. Doctors told
their patients simply to eat more protein. And while it is true that low blood sugar can be the result of
inadequate protein intake, no one ever suspected it could be the result of an inability to digest protein
completely, i.e., a protein digestive enzyme deficiency. So even if you increase the patient's protein
intake, what good is it doing if they cannot digest it adequately? Was it a protein deficiency or a protease
deficiency which caused the low levels of protein leading to hypoglycaemia?

In the 1970s, vitamin B12 deficiency was a popular diagnosis. Many of the symptoms of B12 deficiency
match those of hypoglycaemia. These include fatigue, inability to concentrate, irritability, headaches,
confusion, tremors and even cold sweats. Patients were given vitamin B12 shots to alleviate the
symptoms. A major concern with vegetarianism is the high incidence of vitamin B12 deficiency that's
been documented.

One of the functions of protein in the blood is that of a "universal carrier". Protein transports vitamins,
minerals, enzymes and hormones throughout the body. Not having enough blood protein to transport
these substances would lead a doctor to diagnose a patient with a particular imbalance or illness. The
underlying assumption in the medical world is that patients' digestions are working fine-unless, of
course, they complain to the contrary. Nevertheless, if patients have inadequate protein levels, even
though blood tests are within reference range, they still may not be transporting or utilising vitamin B12.

Moving into the 1980s, most everyone had become infested with yeast/fungal organisms and/or
parasites. Normally, various micro-organisms inhabit the digestive tract and are kept in balance by
"friendly" micro-organisms like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. Many of the symptoms of this new
diagnosis were, again, very similar to hypoglycaemia and vitamin B12 deficiency.

When it comes to immune system function, protein is the most essential nutrient. White blood cells,
cellular complements and many other aspects of this system are dependent upon protein. Enzymes
themselves are composed of protein and minerals. Additionally, Dr Howell reminds us of this "vital
force" inherent in enzymes. These microscopic entities we are dependent upon have something of an
almost mysterious nature. Various white blood cells use enzymes literally to digest what they come up
against in our bodies. These processes are known as pinocytosis and phagocytosis. After engulfing an
offending pathogen or allergen, white blood cells secrete enzymes that destroy and digest it. If the
majority of enzymes from the immune system are being redirected to digest food, how is it possible to
maintain healthy immune system functions?

As the 1990s progressed, patients were told they must have an environmentally induced illness, which
could include allergies and hypersensitivities. Patients were told to avoid everything they were allergic
to and take enormous amounts of supplements. Usually this resulted in extremely limited diets and very
expensive bills. New "energy" techniques were developed supposedly to remove blocked energy and
rewire the nervous system to allow for accepting the allergen into the body without the overt reaction.

If we look at allergies from an enzyme point of view, it becomes apparent why so many of these
techniques work only temporarily. Allergies are the body's reaction to something entering via the blood,
skin, nasal cavity or other source. When something enters the body in a healthy person, the immune
system is called upon to investigate and clear the allergen (substance) from the body. This happens
without any notice. Because there are enough enzymes available in a healthy person, the allergen can be
cleared unobtrusively. In someone with an allergic response to the same substance, the immune system
is called to do the same work but finds it cannot handle the request. In a person who exhibits an allergic
response, there are not enough enzymes available for the white blood cells to break down the allergen
and rid the body of it. They then experience the typical histamine response, including reddening of the
eyes or local tissue, heat, runny nose and pain.

People with allergies of an airborne source are typically those with a history of excessive sugar and
simple carbohydrate intake. Someone with this problem has depleted their reserves of the enzyme
amylase. Amylase is an IgG histamine blocker. Like bioflavonoids, amylase stabilises the mast cells and
basophiles that release histamine as a reaction to the damaged area.

Antihistamines are what these types of patients get from their doctors. Finally, in the last five years or
so, patients were tested for something called "Syndrome X", which happens to bear a striking
resemblance to type II diabetes. Syndrome X patients exhibit excess weight, cardiovascular issues,
lightheadedness and elevated glucose levels, among other symptoms. If this is actually another name for
diabetes II, it should be apparent how symptoms are only one aspect of proper diagnostics.

What the examples above point to are signs and symptoms of distress in the body. Looking more deeply,
one finds the same phenomenon exhibited in Pottenger's cat study and Howell's life research: namely,
that signs and symptoms of disease are proof of chronic enzyme deficiencies! It is like coming upon a
car accident and seeing the wreckage, but not knowing exactly how it happened. The medical profession
is seeing evidence of enzyme deficiencies but is unable to correlate them to the actual disease. Governed
by their training in schools biased towards pharmaceutical drugs, surgery, radiation and the latest in
genome biotechnology and nanotechnology, doctors today are further away from realising the truth of
how the body can go out of balance and end up in a diseased state.

When Dr Loomis asked Dr Howell what the symptoms were for a particular enzyme deficiency, Howell
did not have an answer. He had not linked up the signs and symptoms of enzyme deficiencies. Dr
Loomis left with many unanswered questions and began the work that has developed into Enzyme
Nutrition Therapy. After 20 years of clinical work in the field of enzymes, Dr Loomis is considered the
foremost living authority. His trained associates continue adding to the body of work he pioneered.
Enzyme Nutrition Therapy is a scientifically sound system of assessing enzyme deficiencies in patients.
Loomis has taken Howell's baton, carried it to the next stage and continues to push it to a higher level.

Over time, as Dr Pottenger observed in his study of cats, the continued use of cooked, enzyme-deficient
food not only leads to enzyme deficiencies but also to subsequent generations of subjects with disease
that's more intense with each generation. Could this explain why 40 to 50 years ago childhood asthma
and allergies were rare, but today they affect the majority of children? What about obesity? Or
infertility? The percentage of infertile couples has risen sharply in the last several decades. And while
environmental toxins may play a part in this, are we now not seeing the results of generations fed
excessive amounts of cooked food-as Drs Howell and Pottenger foresaw?

Without ever knowing it, Drs Howell, Pottenger and Wolf confirmed each other's work and left a legacy
upon which Dr Loomis has demonstrated the solution to humanity's many ills-that enzymes are the key
factors in health and healing, but their destruction by heat leads to chronic degenerative disease.
Enzymes - the Vital Labour Force

Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary (28th edition) defines an enzyme as "a protein molecule that
catalyses [increases the velocity of a chemical reaction.] chemical reactions of other substances without
itself being destroyed or altered upon completion of the reactions". While this may seem to be definitive,
it does not clarify why an enzyme can do what it does, nor how a protein can become an active enzyme.
In other words, if an enzyme is simply a protein molecule, why not manufacture enzymes synthetically?
The trouble begins here because, to date, no one has successfully created an enzyme from synthetic
material. Enzymes can only be created from living, organic material. It is evident that there is something
more to enzymes than can yet be accounted for scientifically.

Dr Howell observed enzymes giving off a "luminescent glow" when actively working. He is famous for
his statement, "Life itself could not exist without enzymes". He surmised that there is a "vital force"
inherent in all living beings, as demonstrated by enzymes. For ages, humans have observed and deduced
a "divine innate force" common to all living things. Animation of animals and plants separates us from
the soil, dust and rocks on which we move around.

Enzymes are considered the "labour force" in living things. They are the only substances capable of
doing work. They are busy putting things together or splitting them apart. They initiate, speed up, slow
down or stop all biochemical processes in living beings. Enzymes are very specific in how they work on
a substrate (the component upon which they work). This has often been referred to as a "lock-and-key
system". The substrate is the lock, while enzymes are the keys that fit precisely into the lock. They can
only work on the exact substrate.

Enzymes are classified into several groups. Hydrolytic enzymes are the most relevant in clinical
nutrition, and they are of three major groups:

1. Digestive enzymes-manufactured by digestive organs to assist in digesting food;
2. Food enzymes-found in all raw, uncooked food;
3. Metabolic enzymes-manufactured by all cells to carry out their respective functions.

Although there are many classes and sub-classes of digestive enzymes, there are four general enzymes
considered here:

* Amylase-digests starches, including grains and starchy vegetables;

* Cellulase-breaks down plant fibre;
* Lipase-splits apart fats and oils into fatty acids;
* Protease-breaks down protein into amino acids and small-chain peptides.

Probably the most familiar of the amylases is lactase. People who are lactose intolerant are both
deficient in and lack the ability to manufacture this enzyme.

All the above, except cellulase, are manufactured in the human body. Cellulase must come from the
plants themselves, which is why it is so important to chew one's food thoroughly. Cellulase is trapped
inside the fibre itself and must be liberated in the chewing process-otherwise, one experiences the gas
and bloating common to those, especially the elderly, who cannot digest raw foods. Juicing fruits and
vegetables also extracts cellulase from the fibre. But the need for plant fibre in a world where many are
dependent on laxatives cannot be overstated and may outweigh unnecessary juicing.

All raw, uncooked foods contain the exact types and amounts of enzymes necessary for their breakdown
(digestion). Fruit ripening is the consequence of enzymes slowly breaking down the fruit's contents. If it
has gone too far before we consume it, we say it is "rotten". There are optimal times when fruit should
be harvested and consumed. But due to "shelf life", fruit is picked unripe and left to ripen in the
warehouse or grocery store. In this case, the vitamin, mineral and enzyme content is inadequate and not
desirable from a nutritional point of view. One study found that plants gave up their enzyme structures
to return the mineral portion of them back to the soil since it was lacking in minerals.

Enzymes are the most heat-sensitive nutrients. As mentioned earlier, food enzymes are generally
destroyed when heated at 118°F (47.78°C) for longer than 15 minutes, and this happens whether the
food is baked, boiled, broiled, canned, fried, pasteurised, roasted, steamed or especially microwaved. Dr
Howell observed this and reasoned that enzyme-deficient food must force the body to use up metabolic
enzymes to digest food. He compared it to a bank account. If you continually drain your resources and
never replenish your holdings, at some point you are bankrupt. In the case of enzymes, degenerative
disease occurs, with old age following soon afterwards. We are told all the time, "Oh, your symptoms
are related to old age; better get used to it". Culturally, this seems true because we have observed it since
childhood. We even expect to grow old with the accompanying health issues associated with old age
because we have been told so.

Granted, our progression from infancy through adolescence and adulthood involves changes and the
appearance of "ageing". But what if there were substances naturally occurring in the food and within our
bodies that were responsible for the rate at which we grew older? Dr Howell equated that the length of
life was proportional to the amount of enzymes exhausted in digestion. In other words, one's length of

life is influenced by how much our metabolic enzymes are used to digest cooked food. Since enzymes
are shifted from their metabolic uses, especially from the immune system, to digest cooked food, we will
age faster. Could this be what Ponce de León was looking for in his legendary "fountain of youth"?
Some researchers may have given us a clue.

In the 1980s, Dr Roy Walford of UCLA conducted numerous laboratory experiments on animals. He
reduced their food intake and found that their length of life extended beyond what was considered
normal. He suggested that all one had to do was not eat so much in order to have a healthier and longer
life. Walford stated the obvious, but he may have missed the real point.

Dr Howell found that in fasting there is an increase in available enzymes in the body due to the lack of
food, especially cooked food. In the absence of food, the body has more enzymes for repair and healing.
As an example, there are approximately 64 different types of enzymes circulating in the blood to clear
waste and prevent the build-up of plaque. When the body is short-changed of these enzymes, there will
be an unnatural build-up of plaque. Why would there be a lack of these enzymes in the blood? When
cooked food is eaten, enzymes for digesting it must be found somewhere in the body. It is here that
metabolic enzymes are shifted from their normal functions to the role of digestion, leaving the body
primed for future disease.
Signs of Enzyme Deficiencies

Symptoms of mineral and vitamin deficiencies occur relatively quickly. They are recognised to cause
specific illness. Enzyme deficiencies, outside of genetic or birth defects, take longer periods to be
noticed and have only begun to be recognised in some circles of the medical community. What, then, are
typical signs and symptoms of the more common enzyme deficiencies?

* If you have problems digesting carbohydrates, you may experience airborne-sourced allergies,
diarrhoea, fibromyalgia or attention deficit disorder (ADD or ADHD).
* If you cannot digest fats, you may experience constipation, gallbladder problems, heart disease or
hormone imbalances.
* If you cannot adequately digest protein, you may experience constipation, arthritis or other
inflammatory conditions, anxiety or panic attacks, premenstrual syndrome or immune system disorders.
* If you are unable to break down plant fibre, you may experience constipation, eczema or other skin-
related problems, recurrent yeast/fungal infestations or excessive weight gain.

The above conditions are also the result of diets high in those foods associated with the enzyme
deficiency. In fact, the foods one craves are those that create dietary stress due to one's inability to digest
them completely. They are also the foods one has either allergies or hypersensitivities towards because
of the failure to be able to digest them, i.e., because of the deficiency of that particular enzyme.

People may crave certain foods because of the enzymes found within the food, which the body needs.
But being cooked and destroyed, those enzymes do nothing for the craving-so we eat more of the same
thing, telling ourselves we should not.
Beyond a Raw Food Diet

Dr Edward Howell, the pioneer in the clinical use of plant enzymes, began working at Dr Henry
Lindlahr's nature cure sanitarium in the 1920s near Chicago, Illinois. Dr Lindlahr is considered by many

to be the "Father of Naturopathy", introducing the modality to the public after his own diabetes was
cured by Father Sebastian Kneipp, a nature cure doctor in Bavaria. Father Kneipp used his "cold water
cure" and herbs to restore the health of his patients.

Dr Howell's research and observations led him to believe that if he could replace the enzymes lost in
cooked and processed food, the nutrients could be better utilised. In 1932 he founded the National
Enzyme Company to produce food enzymes to help in digestion. During his clinical practise, he
witnessed hundreds of patients' cures from chronic degenerative disease. Dr Howell advocated at least a
75% raw food diet and taking digestive plant enzymes with the remaining cooked food. In an interview
conducted towards the end of his life, he remarked that even if someone ate a mostly raw food diet, it
still would be important to use concentrated plant enzymes.

Replenishing what he referred to as the "enzyme bank" was a sure way to maintain one's health into old
age and prevent disease. While eating an entirely raw food diet would seem ideal, in most cases it would
not be realistic for the majority of people at this time. Even the vegetables of the cruciferous family
(broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and kale) should not be eaten raw. They contain
thyroid-inhibiting factors that should be destroyed by cooking. Though there is a growing awareness of
diet, nutrition and alternative medicine, the average person leaves it to someone else to "fix" them.
Thanks to the media's flood of advertisements, they usually rely on over-the-counter drugs. The
combination of propaganda and naïveté allows the average person not to take full responsibility for their
own health. Changing the system so that raw food was the main staple of society would demand a
complete alteration of the food and medical industry and require re-education on food preparations. It
might even challenge belief systems in many cultures. It would confront the largest and most powerful
industry in the world: the pharmaceutical/petroleum cartel. Monsanto would be the first to sue anyone
having anything to do with it because it would invalidate the corporation's push for global market
control of worthless genetically engineered seeds. Only organically cultivated seeds could be used
because of the greater enzyme content inherent in the plants once they were grown. All food would be
organically grown, not only to prevent the pesticide/herbicide interference with normal bodily enzyme
functions but because mineral content in organic food is far more abundant, minerals being necessary
co-enzymes. Appliance companies selling microwave ovens would be driven out of business unless they
developed new products. All those cooking shows on cable television would have to reinvent themselves
by coming up with novel ways to prepare raw food.

There would be an ongoing debate, as there is now, on whether to be vegetarian, since eating raw meat
would probably be seen as abhorrently barbaric. Nonetheless, Dr Howell specifically discussed how the
Eskimo culture ate raw autolysed meat. Howell points out the original meaning of the American Indian
word "Eskimo": "he who eats it raw". The technique of autolysis involves keeping meat in the proper
conditions of temperature and moisture for the enzyme cathepsin, found in meat tissue, to break it down
slowly. It has been practised for centuries. Traditionally, Eskimos survived brutal winters in the northern
tundra living on raw, pre-digested meats and blubber, without any fruit or vegetables or degenerative
disease! When they began eating a "regular" diet of cooked foods high in carbohydrates, they
experienced an increase in degenerative disease.

Howell explains there is no evidence that humans can live on an exclusively raw meat diet, but he does
make the point for autolysis. The hygienic conditions of those animals raised as food supply would have
to be updated so that they lived in extremely clean environments without cages and were free to roam.

They in turn would not eat grains but would be pasture fed. Antibiotics and other drugs would be used
only in rare instances. This would cost several billion dollars or more to change worldwide. It is
doubtful the food and pharmaceutical industry would go along with it. Since the bottom line in any
industry is profits, there would be far less profit if farmers and the populace suddenly did not need the
majority of pharmaceuticals.

Traditions and cultural implications aside, the socio-economic structures of today's world make it
difficult to achieve this change towards eating raw food on a grand scale. Nonetheless, there are small
groups around the world who are practising this way of eating. They mostly advocate vegetarianism.
Whether being a vegetarian is the most appropriate approach to health is still debatable; it is not to be
addressed here. Even vegetarians have major health issues, sometimes far worse than non-vegetarians.
What the author is addressing is the clinical use of enzymes as therapeutic tools for preventing and
reversing disease and maintaining optimal health.

The therapeutic use of enzymes reveals significant differences between enzymes resulting from animal
sources and those of plant origin. Today, animal-based enzymes are primarily derived from the pancreas
of freshly slaughtered pigs. They contain the highest enzyme concentrations from animal sources that
we know of to date. They have been used since the early 1900s and have been very effective under
certain conditions. Some enzymes are obtained from plants, including bromelain from pineapple, papain
from papaya and nanokinase from soy fermentation. Other plant-based enzymes are produced from
different fungus/mould species by "growing" them. Various enzymes can be cultured from these
fungi/moulds in very high concentrations. Contrary to popular belief, these enzymes do not contain any
of the substances they were grown from; laboratories manufacturing plant enzymes have independent
laboratory assays available to verify this.
Enzyme Activation Dependent Factors

Vitamins and minerals are considered essential nutrients and the symptoms of their deficiencies are well
documented, often occurring soon after depletion. Signs and symptoms of enzyme deficiencies take
much longer to manifest and are very often missed in clinical evaluations.

Enzymes are usually bound to either a mineral or a vitamin, which are co-enzymes. Unlike most
vitamins and minerals, enzymes are unique, requiring four specific conditions for activation in order to

* moisture (water);
* ideal temperature range;
* the exact pH (alkalinity or acidity);
* a specific substance (substrate) to work on.

Water: The Gift of Life

In order for enzymes to be active, moisture must be present. Enzymes will not work in a dry
environment. They must have moisture. All legumes, nuts and seeds contain enzyme inhibitors. The
inhibitors prevent those foods from spontaneously growing, and also nullify the body's own digestive
enzymes from working on them. This is why they are so difficult to digest and why we feel tired after
eating them. It costs the body great amounts of energy to digest them. Heating will destroy enzyme

inhibitors but will also destroy the enzymes themselves. Soaking these foods for at least 12 hours not
only destroys the inhibitors but activates the enzymes. Once activated, enzymes will begin breaking
down proteins, fats and carbohydrates within the legume, nut or seed, giving the body pre-digested food.

In his book, Your Body's Many Cries For Water1, Dr Fereydoon Batmanghelidj documents chronic
dehydration as a causative factor for many health problems such as asthma, arthritis, allergies, back
pain, hypertension, migraine headaches and other degenerative diseases. Coffee, alcohol, manufactured
beverages and many of the pharmaceutical drugs dehydrate the body. He believes dehydration to be the
root cause of many degenerative diseases. Enzymes are the only substances capable of doing work in the
body, but they need adequate moisture in order to accomplish this.

Is it possible that dehydration for extended periods inhibits or slows normal enzyme functions which
could lead to disease? It may be an academic point of argument. When the body is dehydrated, the blood
becomes thick, making normal bodily functioning difficult. Taking aspirin will thin the blood, but not
without side effects. Drinking more water will also thin the blood. Supplemental enzymes will thin the
blood, but large amounts are required to accomplish this.

There are several ways to view any health crisis and there may be more than one way to remedy it.
Finding the safest, most natural and medically sound way of supporting the body to achieve resolution
of any health crisis can be challenging for the average person. Having the media thrusting
advertisements at them and at the same time spewing propaganda about questionable safety issues of
natural remedies, it is no wonder most people are confused and leery.

Some will say: "What about vitamin and mineral depletion in the soil and our food as causative factors
in disease? What about our polluted environment-the pesticides, herbicides and industrial waste?"
Frankly, it should not take a rocket scientist to conclude how health-damaging our waste and chemical
toxicity have become. It is essential to eat organically grown food, while avoiding junk food and food
that has been genetically modified, microwaved and/or irradiated. Yet if you eat cooked food, the body
will still suffer from enzyme deficiencies. When there is enough of nature's "labour force"-namely,
metabolic enzymes and fluid circulating throughout the body-digestion, tissue repair, growth, immune
function and detoxification will proceed normally.

Dr Loomis includes a 24-hour urinalysis in his system of evaluation. "Volume" represents how much
fluid intake there is and how well the body eliminates it. In relation to chlorides and specific gravity,
volume reveals sodium chloride (salt) intake and kidney function respectively. Does one ingest too
much salt or not enough? Does the patient drink enough water or too much?

Many people drink too many liquids (not necessarily water) in the belief that they are doing their bodies
good by flushing out toxins. While elimination of toxins is beneficial and to be encouraged, excessive
fluid intake can deplete and change the electrolyte balance, resulting in numerous other health issues.
Rather than guess how much water your body needs, you are advised to follow the recommendations in
Dr Batmanghelidj's book. In addition, utilising Dr Loomis's 24-hour urinalysis will prove to the patient
if they are drinking excessive amounts of water, too little water or just the right amounts daily.
Adjusting water intake based on a 24-hour urinalysis is a clinically sound method of correcting
electrolyte levels and balancing acidic/alkaline conditions.

Temperature plays a crucial role in how active enzymes are within the environment in which they are
working. Bromelain and papain are two protein-digesting enzymes common in commercial and
industrial use. Bromelain is utilised in the meat industry as a meat tenderiser because its ideal
temperature range is 120-160°F (48.89-71.11°C). Papain is used in the tanning industry to soften leather.
Its optimal temperature is around 105°F (40.56°C). Bromelain and papain have had some success in
clinical use as anti-inflammatory agents. However, their limited results might be due to the body's
temperature of 98.6°F (37.0°C), which is not ideal for them. Enzymes produced from mould/fungus
organisms, however, have an ideal temperature range of 95-105°F (35.0-40.56°C). At the normal body
temperature of 98.6°F, plant enzymes from mould/fungus origins are perfect. This will be seen when we
discuss fever in part three of this article series.

Animal-based enzymes (pancreatin) are heat labile, as are plant enzymes. Dr Howell noted that heating
food at 118°F (47.78°C) or greater, for any length of time, destroys all the enzymes.

Pancreatin, which has been used most extensively over the last 80 years, is subject to the same problems
faced when manufacturing enzymes in the form of tablets or capsules. Whether the enzymes are from
animal or plant origins, when they are produced as a tablet the heat involved in the processing causes a
loss of at least 50% of the enzyme activity in those products.

Importance of Enzymes
by: Junji Takano

You hear the word "Enzyme" nowadays, and very often you see posters and ads with a word "enzyme"
on it. Even everyday products such as washing detergents have enzymes on it. But what is "enzyme" and
why it is important in our living?

During the postwar time, scientists thought that carbohydrate, protein and fat are the three nutritive
substances in dietetics which are necessary to live. However, carbohydrate alone is not enough for
proper metabolism. They then added vitamin and mineral to make up five nutritive substances. But then
again, minerals were not digested. So, they added an overlooked substance, food fiber as the sixth
nutritive substance.

These six nutritive substances are very important. However, other than the vitamins and minerals, there
was one very important thing to keep life alive. It is the enzyme.

Enzymes are essential to sustain life. It work together cooperating with vitamins and minerals and act as
a catalyst to accelerate chemical reaction because most chemical reactions in biological cells would
occur too slowly. Enzymes don't only act as a catalyst. When the body has an abundance of enzymes, it
can protect itself and repair the damage from almost all degenerative disease disorders! Without
enzymes, we age more quickly, get disease earlier in life, and acquire physical impairments and mental
retardation as our bodies degenerate. Neither a human being nor an animal can live without enzymatic
function. As it were the leading part of the life activities and it is the source.

If we take supplements in the correct form, most people would assume that the nutrients are being
utilized to give the body the support it needs. Wrong. Without the assistance of digestive enzymes, many
of the nutrients from the supplements are going to be used just for energy by the metabolic enzymes to
clean up the bloodstream. It will not support the body's normal daily needs, creating another cause of

More than 5,000 enzymes are known. To name different enzymes, one typically uses the ending -ase
with the name of the chemical being transformed (substrate), e.g., lactase is the enzyme that catalyzes
the cleavage of lactose. In the near future, more enzymes will be named.

Each enzyme does one work. Therefore, 5,000 enzymes do 5,000 different works.

Enzyme weakens when it's heated. This is the reason why we are causing virtually all of our own
disorders and diseases every time we eat a cooked or processed food. When we eat cooked or processed
foods we're eating dead or denatured foods. Dead foods have no living enzymes and most nutrients are
diminished significantly. Therefore, you should practice eating raw foods which contains enzyme.

What kind of food contains more enzymes? RAW fishes, meats, vegetables, fruits and specially
fermented foods contains great amount of enzymes. Fermented foods have more enzymes called
vegetable enzyme.

When eating broiled fish or roasted meat, try to add raw vegetables that contain rich vegetable enzymes
which will help digestion.

Remember that lack of enzymes in the body, makes the blood dirty, and it is the base of many kinds of

As what I mentioned previously, protein alone does not work as energy in the body, because the body
does not absorb protein itself. Protein should be processed and disassembled by enzymes, specifically,
amylase (the enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates).

However, if amylase enzymes are not enough, the sugar called "glucose" which hasn't been digested is
absorbed as it is, and floats inside the blood. This sugar which hasn't been digested makes the blood
sticky, and sticks red blood cells together.

Red blood cells joins

and become sticky Good blood with enough enzymes

Even big red blood cells can pass thinner blood vessels because of its flexibility. However, if the blood
is sticky like the above left figure, blood won't pass efficiently. Then, various diseases may appear. This

all happens because of overeating and eating only cooked and processed food reducing enzymes

Researchers found that the younger people had 30 times more amylase in their saliva than the older
people. This is the reason that when we're young we can handle a diet of bread, pasta and cooked foods
without much problem. But this type of diet can cause rapid aging and depletion of enzyme supplies.

There are people who eat a well-balanced diet, yet remain thin (unhealthy). And there are people who
eat less or are vegetarians, yet remain fat. So you understand that these maybe due to functions of
enzyme in the body.

Bear in mind that when you feel weak, tired or sick, eat more of easily digestible foods with full of

Things to Remember:
1. The source of most health problems can be traced directly back to improperly digested foods.
2. The human body is designed to break down only half of the food we eat.
3. Cooked and processed foods overwork and drain the human body's energy.
4. Improperly digested food particles in the bloodstream distract the protectors and repairers away
from doing their job.
5. Fat is the best source of energy, fully digested fat is good fat.
6. It has been clinically proven that the more enzymes you take the more quickly your body can
restore, repair and strengthen itself.
7. The combination of digestive enzymes, vitamins, ionic minerals and clean water gives your body
the support it desperately needs.
8. We have a choice, to add to the body's ability to protect or repair, or to continually and slowly
drain the body's energy and enzyme reserves. Your choice will be a determining factor in your
long-term health.

About the Author:

Junji Takano is a Japanese health researcher involved in investigating the cause of many dreadful
diseases. In 1968, he invented PYRO-ENERGEN, the first electrostatic therapy device for
electromedicine that effectively eradicates viral diseases, cancer, and diseases of unknown cause.
Click here to find out more:
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The material in this site is provided for educational and informational purposes only, and is not
intended to be a substitute for consultation by a healthcare provider. Please consult your own
physician or appropriate healthcare provider about the applicability of any opinions or
recommendations with respect to your own symptoms or medical conditions.

What Is An Enzyme

What is an enzyme. Enzymes are protein molecules responsible for all biological activities in human
cells. Without the enzymes, the vital foundation of life will be severely impaired. Human body will not
be able to digest, absorb and utilize nutrients. Hence, no enzymes mean there is no life.

There are many types of enzymes and they may be classified into two main groups: digestive enzymes
(including protease, lipase and amylase) and metabolic enzymes.

Under hygienic and control conditions, enzyme levels in fruits and vegetables will be elevated through
fermentation. During fermentation, live bacteria "pre-digest" the nutrients available in fruits and
vegetables. The fermented fruits and vegetables with elevated enzyme levels and become more useful to
our bodies.

Healthy Enzyme DIY is a natural alternative remedy that boosts up our body immunity defence,
alleviates digestive discomforts and inflammation, detoxifies and revitalizes your body body cells.

The Enzyme Factor With Herbs

Herbs are usually considered as medicines, to be used only for treating ailments. However, some
Chinese herbs are fruits (Chinese wolfberry, dried longan, dates), flowers (chrysanthemum, rose bud)
and beans (mung bean, black bean, red bean). These are safe for daily consumption. As a combination
of enzyme ingredients, it works synergy with fruits and vegetables.

The traditional characteristics of natures (cold, cool, hot and warm) appky to herbs and others as well.
Knowing your body's constitution and the nature of foods are necessary to help you eat right. The
proper combination balances the food nature and enhances the remedies benefits. When the body is in
balance, it is in good health andis more resilient to illnesses.

Today, most of the valuable herbs are preserved and bleached to suit the market need. Sulfur dioxide is
used to preserve red dates, chrysanthemum and codonopsis; white fungus and black fungus are treated
with hydrogen peroxide (bleaching agent) to preserve the appearance. It is not advisable to consume
these herbs due to adverse effect from the chemical residue. In addition, the chemical residue may
interfer with the microorganism activity and cause failure in fermentation.

Enzyme DIY – Preparation of Materials and Tools

1. Enzyme DIY – Tools Preparation
Good hygiene is required in the preparation of enzyme DIY. At all times, use clean disposable PP
gloves to handle all food ingredients. All tools such as glass container, cutting board, scissor and knife
must be thoroughly cleaned and dried. Do not use hair dryer to blow dry as it may contaminate the

2. Enzyme DIY – Materials Preparaiton

The skin of the fruits may be used if desired. Just ensure that they are properly rinsed and dried.
However, the skin of fruits with ragged surface such as pineapple, aloe vera, kiwi, custard apple, and
banana must be removed. After the fruits are sliced, the fruits should not be rinsed to prevent
contamination and nutrients being washed away.

All rhizome plants used in the enzyme preparation; such as beetroot, carrot etc must be cleaned and
dried before removing the skin.

Skin surface that has contact with soil should be removed. If desire to keep, the skin must be brushed

Do not use rotten dates. After the dates are rinsed and dried, cut open to allow nutrients to be released

Herbs that are stout and long should be sliced into small thin pieces to allow nutrients to be extracted
during fermentation.

For food ingredients that are difficult to dry after being rinsed, use diluted organic brown rice vinegar to
rinse them instead.

Diluted vinegar may be used to clean materials like fungus or agaricus. Soaked briefly in

the diluted vinegar, removed and dripped off. Agaricus like maitake or brazil mushroom should not
over soaked to prevent nutrients loss.

Cut or tear the fungus for us.

Information about Enzymes

The European scientific community has generated great excitement in the field
of enzymes, which can be used preventively to prevent illness and give us a
longer, healthier life. However in the United States the average person does not
know much about enzymes and their importance. Read a well written book that
focuses on the therapeutic oral enzymes, but also has a wealth of information
about what enzymes are and how they keep us healthy: Enzymes, The Fountain of
Life, written by D.A. Lopez, M.D.; R.M. Willians, M.D. and Pg.D., and K. Miehlke,
M.D.; published by The Neville Press, Inc.; isbn 1-884303-00-5 . At present I have
a copy of Enzymes, The Fountain of Life for sale, look at the end of this article.

Enzyme supplements
After you have read all about enzymes and why they are so important to our
health, the next question is "what can I do about it? We will focus here only on
digestive enzymes. Ideally you should eat everything raw. As raw food contains all
the necessary enzymes to digest the food, our body does not have to deplete its
organs of their necessary enzymes. And thus our body stays healthy. But in this
modern age, who can eat everything raw? Make sure you eat enough raw food,
but for the rest, supply your cooked or baked food with enzyme supplements.

There are several enzyme supplements on the market, but one of the best
supplements is Dr. Howell's N-Zymes, the enzyme supplement we ourselves are
using. Dr Edward Howell was an enzyme pioneer who questioned the use of
cooked, processed food for human consumption. He found that heating food to
118°F (47.78°C) for more than 15 minutes destroyed all the enzymes. Obviously
then, heating foods at higher temperatures for shorter periods also destroys
enzymes. Dr Howell wrote two books reporting his life's work: Food Enzymes for
Health and Longevity and Enzyme Nutrition.

N-Zymes is made by the National Enzyme Company, and distributed by

Enzymes Inc, Parkville, Missouri. The digestive enzyme supplement we are using is
called "Genuine N-zymes, Dr. Howell's Original Formula". The capsules
contain the enzymes protease, amylase, lipase and cellulase). N-Zymes is
available through health food stores. For their other enzymes products, visit
Genuine N-Zymes.

Advice on Taking Enzymes

When taking enzyme supplements, remember to

• open the capsules and sprinkle the enzymes on your food (not too hot
please). This way they can start working. Otherwise it will take time for the
capsule to dissolve in your stomach.
• also drink water with your food, as enzymes are only active when water is

• One also needs to chew one's food well because the digestive enzyme
cellulase is trapped inside the fiber itself and must be liberated in the
chewing process—otherwise, one experiences the gas and bloating.
• Eat plenty of fresh raw fruits and vegetables to maximize your enzyme
• Raw seeds or raw nuts, contain enzyme inhibitors which will neutralize some
of the enzymes your body produces. In fact, eating foods with enzyme
inhibitors causes a swelling of the pancreas. All nuts and seeds contain these
inhibitors. Raw peanuts, for example, contain an especially large amount.
Raw wheat germ is also one of the worst offenders. In addition, all peas,
beans and lentils contain some. Potatoes also have enzyme inhibitors
(concentrated in the eyes of the potato). In eggs the inhibitor is contained
mainly in the egg white. There are two ways to destroy enzyme inhibitors.
The first is cooking; however, this also destroys the enzymes. The second
way, which is preferable, is soaking, rinsing and germinating or sprouting.
This destroys the enzyme inhibitors and also increases the enzyme content
from a factor of 3 to 6. Taking extra enzymes is the third way to neutralize
the enzyme inhibitors in ungerminated or unsprouted seeds and nuts.
• Fermentation also removes the enzyme inhibitors and it has other benefits
too. Fermentation neutralizes unhealthy chemicals found in grains and
beans. Second, it adds a host of beneficial micro-organisms to food, making
them more digestible and increasing the healthy flora in our intestinal tracts.
Grains and beans all contain an acid, myoinositol-hexa, or phytic acid. Phytic
acid blocks the absorption of calcium, phosphorus, iron and zinc. A diet high
in unfermented whole grains can lead to mineral deficiencies and bone loss.
Fermenting grains and beans before eating them neutralizes phytic acid. It
also neutralizes enzyme inhibitors and breaks down gluten, sugars, and
other difficult to digest elements in grains and beans. The simplest way to
lacto-ferment grains and beans is by adding whey and water, and letting
them stand for at least seven hours. Beans should ideally stand for twelve
hours or more. Yogurt can be added instead of whey, which is a by-product
of cheese-making and is commercially available as a powder (sold in health
food stores).
• Make sure you also read our article about Kefir, a special culture used in the
fermentation of milk that adds a lot of enzymes in the process. It is very
easy to make kefired milk and it is very healthy! It also is a way of making
excellent whey for fermenting your grains and cooked veggies.
• Salt is an indirect enzyme inhibitor, so use it sparingly.

Other Sources of Enzymes
There are four major types of proteolytic enzymes: trypsin, chymotrypsin,
papain, and bromelain.

Chymotrypsin is a proteolytic enzyme crystallized from an extract of the

pancreas gland of the ox.

Trypsin is a proteolytic enzyme also crystallized from an extract of the

pancreas gland of the ox.

Papain is derived from the green papaya fruit.

Bromelain is extracted from the pineapple. Because of the relative value of the
fruit, the difficulty of processing the juice, and the improvements of methods to
extract bromelain from pineapple stems, the source of most bromelain is the

Proteolytic enzymes are enzymes that help you digest the proteins in food.
Although your body produces these enzymes in the pancreas, certain foods also
contain proteolytic enzymes. Papaya (the unripe fruit) and pineapple are two of
the richest plant sources. Papain and bromelain are the respective names for the
proteolytic enzymes found in these fruits.

The primary use of proteolytic enzymes is as a digestive aid for people who
have trouble digesting proteins. However, proteolytic enzymes also appear to
reduce pain and inflammation, which has made them popular in Europe as a
treatment for sports injuries and as an aid in recovery from surgery. Supplemental
proteolytic (protein-digesting) enzymes also enhance immune function, helping to
destroy pathogens; and proteolytic enzymes seems to be good for people with
pancreas problems. Digestive enzymes are classified as a food by the FDA., but if
you want to take proteolytic enzymes you should discuss this with your doctor.

Another source of enzymes is brewer's yeast which stimulates enzyme activity

in the intestines. There are also enzyme preparations available from the pharmacy
for digestive disorders. Fermented foods are full of enzymes, like yogurt,
sauerkraut, soy sauce and kefir. Check out our kefir page, as kefir is very easy to
make and makes you very healthy.


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