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‘ican Child by Eka MeGred fondant Teach csp, lam an Afcan cis qeone ste Bor utha ainhe colour of coca teachme had wert era bala ant atte “Teach mato irk ke te star wth ne ‘Stong and bot: maid rane pei Taeried enough tobe the best Jaman Aan cil . leabe enotinary ten te tage of pity ale Willam Kankuarbat My fie is ot confined ocharly the vent Giverme the gi of alte (Give me rary wath books Giver acieam, adoro oppor, Ga mea seep yard ad iscardat Lite decries [am an ean els Give mo a bokon iy . Puste feedcmta bom Doothie my faut And | bul you wind mil show my wong laman ean cid Tam ko sy oer, . Teachmo dream We ar the ne generation ‘dl bear Not aad obeus Iam an ean cis Usiuey fed, lack ad talented : Shiring Ue he tars we ae lam the son, dauhirofthesol Weare the cite fica Richintetue are conent Making the best us Fullof plertifr abeitororow Ys! amandrcan chi ‘ou tsk aati stoutigs en tae ‘Seeonocd iene pated peor goer “ian ouivanos oy et aans abet msn om season tc ep ea ge eon ‘ican Child by Eka Mead fotindnnesicamteriionci9 Teach dsp, teach me character, teas me hard wok Teach mo Bink ie he tar win me Taman Arcane lam an Afcan cls Bom witha sinthe colour of coca Bright bla and aioe ‘Storg ae bol med Tater encgh ie the best lam an Acan els . lean be ea oinary on to tage of pty calle Willam Karicvarba: Muro is ot eoninee to chanty the Inventor Gia me he oof alte (Give mea rary wah books Gveme acream, adoro opportunity; Give me a scrapyard ad discarded Uther clesboies |am an ean chit Give me a broken iyo : Piste feedom ta beme Do oti my aut And | bul you wid il owe my eng Taman can cid Lam ihe zy tr, . Teachme dream ‘nd il become Tam an can cls Wo athe naw generation Not raid tobous nua ed ick and tsontod . Shinn ike the ts we ae lam the son, daughter ofthe sol Weare the ehicren of ica Reh ntextue ad content Malang te best fu Fullof potenti for abet tomorow Yell aman can cs ‘wea tsa anette sel ae ‘Seoonocd t-te aon atid peor goer ‘ton autora oy oh ig aans stb snd om pease hep ea tae pm eaeetp

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