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Hun& 0. (1987).

37, No. 1, 113-117

An extension of Bishop’s simplified method of slope

stability analysis to three dimensions


KEYWORDS: analysis; computation; slopes; stability. section would be expected. Examples can also be
encountered where the two-dimensional analysis
A new algorithm for three-dimensional limit equi- produces non-conservative results, such as ends
librium slope stability analysis is presented, based and outside corners of embankments, ridges or
on a direct extension of Bishop’s simplified conical fills (e.g. artificial islands).
method of slices. This new variant of the method Despite this, only a few attempts at three-
of columns retains the conceptual and mathe- dimensional slope stability analysis have been
matical simplicity of Bishop’s original simplified published. The most general approach is the
method. Existing computer programs can be method of columns, which is analogous to the
easily modified for three-dimensional analysis. two-dimensional method of slices. The sliding
Comparisons with two other computer-based body is divided into a series of vertical columns
methods indicate somewhat higher factors of of a rectangular cross-section (Figs 1 and 2).
safety, due to the inclusion of intercolumn forces. Hovland (1977) developed a limiting equilibrium
Comparisons with closed form wedge analyses stability algorithm for an arbitrary three-
derived from rock mechanics theory show excel- dimensional curved sliding surface, assuming zero
lent agreement for both frictional and cohesive stresses on all the vertical intercolumn surfaces.
materials. This corresponds to the ordinary method of slices
in two dimensions (Bishop, 1955). Chen &
Chameau (1983) extended the method and took
intercolumn forces into account using a set of
INTRODUCTION original and conceptually rather complicated
The assumption of two-dimensional (plane assumptions.
strain) geometry is common to all routine limit The method described here is based on a direct
equilibrium slope stability calculations, with the extension of the assumptions of Bishop (1955)
exception of wedge analyses of rock slopes, yet no into three dimensions. The method was developed
landslide occurs in plane strain. End effects, independently by the Author in December 1983.
lateral curvature of the sliding surface, plan cur- It is perhaps not surprising that the same algo-
vature of the slope and lateral non-homogeneity rithm was developed earlier by at least two
are all routinely neglected to compress a slope researchers and is described both by Hutchison
stability problem into the limited framework of a (198 1) and by Humphrey & Dunne (1982).
two-dimensional model. In their original plane strain application,
The effect of such simplifications on the preci- Bishop’s assumptions led to the derivation of
sion of the stability index is in many cases negligi- Bishop’s widely used simplified method of slices.
ble. There are cases, however, where the error This yields factor of safety estimates that are
introduced by neglecting the three-dimensional often significantly greater than those resulting
character of a potential landslide cannot reason- from the ordinary method and proves therefore
ably be brushed aside without a quantitative to be less conservative as it accounts for the posi-
assessment of its influence. Examples that can be tive effect of interslice forces.
given include shafts and other deep, narrow exca- Bishop’s simplified method has also been
vations, corners and re-entrants of natural or shown to produce remarkably accurate results
excavated slopes, or slopes which fail by a narrow when compared with more recent and sophisti-
localized failure-possibly due to a concentrated cated techniques (e.g. Spencer (1967)). As will be
load at the crest. In all such cases a factor of seen in the following section, its extension into
safety that is greater than that predicted by a three dimensions involves no additional assump-
two-dimensional analysis of the central cross- tions and is fully physically analogous to Bishop’s
original simplified method. The three-dimensional
Discussion on this Technical Note closes on 1 July method would therefore be intuitively expected to
1987. For further details see p. ii. exhibit as good a performance as the original
* Thurber Consultants Ltd, Vancouver. method. The method neglects vertical inter-

column shear, but not intercolumn normal forces

and horizontal shear forces.
The algorithm has been implemented in a
microcomputer program (CLARA-3) and calcu-
lations have been carried out to provide a com-
parison with some earlier results by Chen &
Chameau (1983) and Hovland (1977).

The key formulae of the algorithm are derived
by adopting literally the two assumptions of
Bishop (1955)
(a) vertical shear forces acting on both the longi-
tudinal and the lateral vertical faces of each
column can be neglected in the equilibrium
(b) the vertical force equilibrium equation of each
Fig. 1. Forces acting on a single column: vertical inter- column and the summary moment equi-
column shear forces, which are neglected in the analysis, librium equation of the entire assemblage of
are not shown; force application points are approximate; columns are sufficient conditions to determine
the pore pressure resultant is not shown hut would act in all the unknown forces.
the line of the normal force N
It is implicit in the second assumption that
both the lateral and the longitudinal horizontal
force equilibrium conditions are neglected, as
they are in the two-dimensional model.
With reference to Fig. 1, the total normal force
N acting on the base of a column can be derived
from the vertical force equilibrium equation

W = N, + S, = N cos y,

+ (N - u4 tan4 + g sin u
F F 1
y (1)

where W is the total weight of the column, u is

(central circle) the pore pressure acting in the centre of the
column base, A is the true base area, c is the
cohesion, 4 is the friction angle and F is the
factor of safety. From this

N = W - CA sin cry/F + uA tan 4 sin u,JF


sin fxYtan 4
m, = cos yz 1 + (3)
x F cos yz >
Fig. 2. (a) Isometry of a rotational sliding body, sym-
The true area of the column base, A, has been
metrical with respect to a central vertical plane, divided
derived by Hovland (1977)
into a series of columns (only the bases of the ‘active’
columns are shown); (b) vertical cross-settion of the
sliding body in the plane of the axis of rotation (each A = *x my (1 - sin’ U, sin* OL$/* (4)
figure representsonly one half of the body) cos u, cos tlY

The angle y, between the direction of the COMPARISON WITH OTHER METHODS
normal force N and the vertical axis can be To demonstrate typical results of the proposed
derived from geometrical considerations as slope stability analysis method, a parametric
study represented by fig. 9 of Chen & Chameau
1 l/2 (1983) was repeated using CLARA-3.

‘OS ” = (tan’ c(~+ tan2 c(, + 1>

(5) The subject of the analysis is a homogeneous,
fully drained slope 6.1 m high, with a horizontal-
to-vertical inclination of 2.5:1. Each half of the
The plan area of the sliding body is now symmetrical sliding body has a compound shape,
divided into a series of columns arranged in rows consisting of a cylindrical part I, wide and a semi-
of uniform width, as indicated in Fig. 2, their ellipsoidal part centred on the axis of rotation I,
bases lying on a rotational surface related to a wide (Fig. 2(b)). The cross-section of the cylin-
unique axis of rotation. drical part corresponds to the ‘critical’ two-
A moment equilibrium equation for an dimensional sliding circle as determined by Chen
assemblage of j columns can be written as follows, & Chameau (1983) for each of three different
since all the intercolumn forces cancel out against materials. The radii and the centre co-ordinates,
their respective reactions y, and zc, of each circle are given in Table 1,
together with the assumed Coulomb strength
parameters of each material. To facilitate com-
(6) parison, the circle geometries were scaled from
fig. 8 of Chen & Chameau (1983) and no indepen-
dent search for the critical circles was done. The
From this, with the substitution of N from unit weight of the material, unspecified by Chen
equation (2) and Chameau, was assumed to be 20 kN/m3. The
two-dimensional factors of safety, obtained by
Bishop’s simplified method, are shown in Table 1.
F=Cj=, [(W-uuAcosy,)tan4 The narrowness of the sliding body is a func-
+ CA cos r,]/m, x (ci=, W sin tlJ1 (7) tion of the two parameters 1, and lc defined
earlier. Fig. 3(a), reproduced from Chen &
The normal intercolumn forces P and horizon- Chameau (1983), shows the ratio between the
tal shear forces T are not neglected in the three-dimensional factor of safety F, calculated
analysis, although they do not enter the equations by the program LEMIX, and the corresponding
and neither their magnitudes nor the position of two-dimensional result for the central cross-
their points of application need be known. This is section, F,. This diagram was criticized by Hut-
an advantage inherited from Bishop’s original chinson & Sarma (1985), who pointed out that
simplified method. the ratio F,/F, can approach, but should not fall
Equation (7) is implicit in F and yields the below, 1.O.
required factor of safety when solved by an iter- A corresponding diagram obtained by CLARA-3
ative procedure. For CI, = 0 (i.e. a cylindrical based on Bishop’s three-dimensional simplified
failure surface), equation (7) will reduce to the method is shown in Fig. 3(b). The factors of safety
well-known formula of Bishop’s simplified were obtained with a column assembly that was
method. similar to that shown in Fig. 2, the number of
The similarity of the proposed algorithm to the columns being in the range 12&150 in each half
original two-dimensional equivalent provides an of the sliding body. The factor F, was calculated
opportunity for simple conversions of computer using Bishop’s simplified method of slices. The
programs to three dimensions. new results generally indicate a somewhat strong-

Table 1. Input parameters for the parametric study*

Circle Cohesion: Friction Radius: Y,:t z,:t Plane strain

kPa angle: deg m m m factor of safety
1 0 40 14.10 4.38 13.43 2.713
3 14.4 25 14.49 6.17 12.20 2.763
5 28.7 15 15.33 5.56 11.47 2.872

* Dimensions scaled from fig. 8 of Chen & Chameau (1983).

t Cartesian co-ordinates of the sliding circle’s centre, relative to an origin placed at the
toe of the slope.

- .-‘- Circle 1, c = 0. @ = 40”

----- Cwcle 3, c = 14-4 kPa, I#J = 25”
Cwcle 5, c = 28.7 kPa. @ = 15”

1 2 3


Fig. 3. (a) Ratio of three- and two-dimensional factors of safety for a 2.5
horizontal in 1 vertical slope, calculated by the program LEMIX (after Chen
& Chameau (1983)); (b) the same ratio calculated by the present method
using the program CLARA-3

er influence of the three-dimensional geometry computed by Bishop’s simplified method

than shown by Fig. 3(a). Of particular interest are approached within 3% of the closed form solu-
the curves obtained for circle 1 with zero cohe- tions in all cases investigated.
sion, which confirm the opinion of Hutchinson &
Sarma (1985). CONCLUSIONS
The LEMIX results (Chen & Chameau, 1983) A method of three-dimensional limit equi-
produce greater factors of safety than those due librium slope stability analysis has been present-
to the ordinary method designated here as OM ed, based on a direct extension of Bishop’s
(Hovland, 1977). As an example, for circle 1, I, = well-known simplified method. Preliminary
0.5H and 1, = H, the percentage difference results indicate higher factors of safety than esti-
(OM - LEMIX)/LEMIX equals - 14.9% (table 1 in mated by earlier variants of the method of
Chen & Chameau (1983)). For circle 5, I, = 4H columns. In particular, the method described
and I, = 2H it is -4.8%. The corresponding per- removes the apparent paradox of three-
centage differences between the ordinary method dimensional factors of safety that are smaller in
and Bishop’s simplified method are -20% and magnitude than those corresponding to the plane
-7%. strain analysis of the central cross-section. The
The new program was also tested by analysing trend of these results is consistent with the critical
several examples of wedge stability, amenable to comments of Hutchinson & Sarma (1985) and
closed form solution using the routine methods of also with the concept of the wedge factor estab-
rock mechanics (e.g. Hoek & Bray (1977)). Since lished in rock mechanics. The wedge factor may
the present version of CLARA-3 cannot accept approach, but cannot fall below, 1.0 (Hoek &
other than rotational geometry, the wedge Bray (1977), fig. 96).
geometry was approximated by a rotational body The method has also been shown to be capable
with a very large radius and a V-shaped cross- of duplicating factors of safety predicted by the
section. analytical methods of wedge stability analysis for
Both symmetrical and asymmetrical fully both frictional and cohesive materials. It is felt
drained wedges have been analysed, with material that no further confirmation of the new algorithm
properties including both friction and cohesion. can be supplied, until it is possible to back-
Approximately 100 columns have been used in calculate the stability of landslides or centrifuge
each computer solution. The factors of safety models.

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