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class OBJECT_PT_test1(bpy.types.

Class to represent a testpanel in Blender.
bl_space_type = "PROPERTIES" #Window type where the panel will be shown
# Valid bl_space_type: ('EMPTY', 'VIEW_3D', 'GRAPH_EDITOR', 'OUTLINER',
bl_region_type = "WINDOW"
# Valid bl_region_type: ('WINDOW', 'HEADER', 'CHANNELS', 'TEMPORARY', 'U
bl_context = "object" #Where to show panel in space_type
bl_label = "Test Panel 1" #Panel name displayed in header
def draw_header(self, context):
Function used by blender to draw the header of the panel.
layout = self.layout #Panel layout to draw on
layout.label(text="123", icon='RADIO') #Shows a icon and extra t
ext before the panel title (bl_label)
def draw(self, context):
Function used by blender to draw the panel.
obj = bpy.context.active_object #Get active object
layout = self.layout #Panel layour to draw on
row = layout.row() #Create new row
row.label(text="The currently selected object is: " +
row = layout.row() #Create new row
if obj.type == 'MESH':
row.label(text="It is a mesh containing " + str(len(obj.
data.verts)) + " vertices.")
row.label(text="it is a " + obj.type.capitalize() + ".")
row = layout.row() #Create new row
row.alignment = 'RIGHT'
if obj.selected:
row.operator("slctbtn", text="Deselect")
row.operator("slctbtn", text="Select")
class OBJECT_OT_selectbtn(bpy.types.Operator):
Class to represent a button that can be used to deselect an object in bl
bl_label = "slctbtn" #Button label
bl_idname = "slctbtn" #Name used to refer to this operator
bl_description = "Deselect the active object" # tooltip
def invoke(self,context,event):
Function used to process a click on the deselect button.
if bpy.context.object.selected:
bpy.context.object.selected = False
bpy.context.object.selected = True
bpy.types.register(OBJECT_PT_test1) #Register OBJECT_PT_test1 in blender
bpy.types.register(OBJECT_OT_selectbtn) #Register OBJECT_OT_selectbtn in blender

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