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[ 396

LI. An Account of fame Nile Fruits, and

otber Bodin, found in tbe Illand of Shepey.
By James Parfom, M. D. F. R. S.
2. tbe kibt lioneurobk the Sant Of NI AC CI. t
nato. Prendent of ibe Royal Society.
My Lord, Sera .s. .757.
nsta 0.0. c .D1 EINC ever defirous to promote the
.757. PUP/ buGnefs of this learned Society. I
could not lobe the opportunity that prefented, of lay-
ing before you an account, Ltd droving. (Ste TAX.
XV. & XVI.), of a moft curionc parcel of foISI
fruiti, and fome other bodies, fent me from Shepey-
Eland, by my ingenioto friend Mr. Jacob, of Fever-
Rum, Surgeon, and Fellow of the Antiquary So-
I do not remember, that foffil feeds, or fruits, are
recorded in our Tranfatlions, the many of other kinds
have places in them ; nor indeed that the memoirs
of other academies have made mention of any fuch
Auks ; and therefore, as the* ale chiefly pyritical,
and conkquently liable to fall to pieces. I thought it
neceffary to make drawings of them while in a found
Rate, in order for engraving, if the Society fhall think
fit; loft thek being fo fubjed to moulder away might
put it out of my power to prcferve their forms. How-
ever, I have goat hopes I doll be able to preferve the
greater part of than intire till they are Slowed to the

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