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AOA Practical List

1. Write a program to implement Merge Sort using Divide and Conquer method.
2. Write a program to implement Randomized Quick Sort using Divide and Conquer method.
3. Write a program to implement Partitioned Radix Sort using Divide and Conquer method.
4. Write a program to implement Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication using Divide and Conquer
5. Implement Kruskal’s algorithm of Minimum Spanning Tree Using Greedy Approach.
6. Implement Prim’s algorithm of Minimum Spanning Tree Using Greedy Approach.
7. Write a Program to implement Dijktra’s Algorithm using Greedy Approach.
8. Implement Job sequencing with deadlines algorithm using Greedy approach.
9. Write a program to implement optimal merge pattern of Greedy Approach.
10. Implement Knapsack algorithm using Greedy approach.
11. Write a program to implement 0/1 Knapsack problem using Dynamic Programming approach.
12. Implement Floyd’s algorithm using Dynamic Programming approach.
13. Implement Optimal Binary Search Tree using Dynamic Programming approach.
14. Implement Sum of subsets algorithm of Backtracking
15. Implement Graph coloring algorithm of Backtracking
16. Implement 15-puzzle problem using Branch and Bound LC Search.
17. Write a program to implement Brute Force Algorithm for Text Matching.
18. Write a program to implement Knuth Morris Pratt Algorithm for Text Matching.
19. Implement Text Simulation Testing Using Longest Common Sequence method.
20. Write a Program to implement N-Queens Problems using Backtracking Approach
21. Write a program to implement Robin Karp Algorithm for Text Matching.

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