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On the eve of Slava

On the eve of Slava a hostess should use the blessed water while kneading Slava’s cake and
while cooking wheat for koljivo; Host needs to get Slava’s candle, incense, red wine and oil.

It is recommended that the hostess herself, or any of the household members, knead the
Slava’s cake, instead of purchasing a prepared cake. Let the Slava cake, kneaded by the
household member(s) be and an expression of gratitude to God and to the Saint for the given
life and health and to be able to welcome their Slava - let Slava’s cake be a prayer to the Lord
for the blessing. But if Slava’s cake is being prepared by someone who is not a member of that
household, then once the cake is brought to the house, it should be sprinkled with the blessed

The tasks around the preparation of Slava should be divided accordingly, so there is time to go
to the church during the evening prayer (when the household should bring oil and incense as
their contribution to the church, in memory of the Saint).

- The host should lit a candle for his health and the health of his family, and should humbly and
sincerely pray to the Almighty, asking for the protection from their patron Saint.
- People should also remember their deceased loved ones, and should lit a candle in their
memory and for their souls.

If for some particular reason household members cannot go to church, (once they have finished
their daily tasks) they should gather around the icon of their family patron Saint, lit the cresset,
and pray to God and their patron Saint for luck, good health and every goodness. The host
should spread the smoke from incense around the house including in front of each
individual. The host, or someone younger, should read the Lord’s Prayer (Our father, who art in
Heaven...) and read the prayer to the Most Holy Theodokos (Most Holy Theodokos, blessed are
thy...). If they, know household members should sing the prayer dedicated to their patron
Saint. Prayers should be sincere and coming from a pure heart, because only then they will be

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