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Unit 1 Exam (1-5) Study Guide

1. The Great Ice Age

2. Factors that enabled Europeans to conquer native North Americans with relative ease

3. The Iroquois Confederacy

4. Scandinavian seafarers

5. Modern plantation system

6. Columbus and “New World” Indians

7. The new interdependent global economic system after Columbus’s discovery

8. European contact with Native Americans

9. Encomienda

10. Conquistadores

11. Settlements founded in the early 1600s

12. Characteristics of England on the eve of its colonizing adventure

13. “Rights of Englishmen”

14. The biggest disrupter of Native American life

15. Trends in colonial slave purchases

16. The founding of the Maryland colony

17. The inhabitants of North Carolina

18. Georgia’s founders were determined to.

19. Characteristics of the southern plantation colonies

20. Separatists

21. The Mayflower Compact

22. Pilgrims of Plymouth Bay

23. Puritans

24. Roger Williams.

25. What England did during the early years of colonization in the New World

26. Characteristics of the middle colonies

27. Reasons for regional differences.

28. “Headright” system

29. Indentured servants.

30. Bacon’s Rebellion

31. Slaves who reached North America

32. “Middle passage”

33. Reasons for slavery

34. Inhabitants of the colonial American South

35. Thomas Jefferson - “the best school of political liberty the world ever saw”

36. The Salem witchcraft trials

37. The New England economy

38. Results of the rapid population growth in colonial America during the eighteenth century

39. Non-English ethnic groups in colonial America.

40. Honored profession in early colonial society

41. Economic ramifications of growing slave population in the American South.

42. The most important economic enterprise in the American colonies

43. The triangular trade

44. Manufacturing in the colonies

45. Features of the American economy that strained the relationship between the colonies and Britain

46. Religion in colonial America by the early eighteenth century

47. The Great Awakening

48. Colonial education

49. John Peter Zenger

50. Political principles in the colonial Americans

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