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Member of Groups:
Faqih Riyadlo (08)
Indit Rizasi Agustina (14)
Proses Pembentukan Minyak Bumi
Crude oil (English: petroleum, from the
Latin: petrus), also known as black gold is a
viscous liquid, dark brown or greenish
flammable, which is located in the upper
layer of some areas of the earth's crust.
Petroleum and natural gas derived from
ocean microorganisms, plants and animals
that died approximately 150 million years
ago. The remains of these organisms to settle
on the ocean floor, then covered by mud.
Teori Pembentukan Minyak
1. Inorganic Theory (abiogenesis)
Based on inorganic theory, the formation of
oil based on chemical processes, ie:
a. With the CO2 theory hot alkalization
The reaction:
alkali metal carbide + CO2
carbide + H2O ocetylena
C2H2 C6H6 other components
b. Carbide theory of heat with water
2.Teori Organik (Biogenesis)

Based on the theory of Biogenesis,

petroleum is formed because of permanent
small leak in the carbon cycle. This carbon
cycle occurred between the surface of the
earth's atmosphere, which is depicted with
two arrows with opposite direction, where
the carbon is transported in the form of
carbon dioxide (CO2). In the first,
assimilate carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere, meaning that CO2 is extracted
from the atmosphere by photosynthetic
organisms land and sea. In the second
direction of CO2 released back.
Composition of Natural Gas,
Petroleum and Coal
Minyak bumi dan gas alam adalah campuran
kompleks hidrokarbon dan senyawa-senyawa
organik lain. Gas alam terdiri dari alkana suku
rendah, yaitu metana, etana, propana, dan butana.
Selain alkana juga terdapat berbagai gas lain
seperti karbondioksida (CO2) dan hidrogen
sulfida (H2S), beberapa sumur gas juga
mengandung helium.
Hidrokarbon yang terkandung dalam minyak
bumi terutama adalah alkana dan sikloalkana,
senyawa lain yang terkandung didalam minyak
bumi diantaranya adalah Sulfur, Oksigen,
Nitrogen dan senyawa-senyawa yang
mengandung konstituen logam
Struktur hidrokarbon yang
ditemukan dalam minyak mentah:
1. Alkana (parafin)    CnH2n + 2 , alkana  ini  memiliki
 rantai  lurus  dan  bercabang, fraksi  ini  merupakan  yang
terbesar di dalam minyak mentah.

2. Sikloalkana (napten)    CnH2n , Sikloalkana ada yang

memiliki cincin 5 (lima) yaitu siklopentana ataupun cincin 6
(enam) yaitu sikloheksana.

3. Aromatik CnH2n -6
Atom hidrogen pada senyawa benzena dapat diganti dengan
gugus alkil CnH2n+1 sehingga membentuk senyawa alkil
benzena. Ada pula senyawa aromatik dengan lebih dari satu
cincin benzena, misalnya Naftalena dan Antrasena
sikloheksana siklopentana aromatik memiliki
cincin 6
1. Distillation
 Distillation is the
separation of petroleum
fractions based on
differences in their
boiling points. Within
this is the distillation of
the fractionation.
Petroleum fractions produced by boiling point range,
among others, as follows:
1. Gas
Carbon chain range: C1 to C5
Boiling Route: 0 to 50 ° C
2. Gasoline (Gasoline)
Carbon chain range: C6 to C11
Boiling route: 50 to 85 ° C
3. Kerosene (Kerosene)
The range of carbon chains: C12 to C20
Boiling route: 85 to 105 ° C
4. Diesel fuel
The range of carbon chains: C21 to C30
Boiling route: 105 to 135 ° C
5. Heavy Oil
Range ranai carbon: C31 to C40
Boiling route: 135 to 300 ° C
6. Residue
Carbon chain ranges: above C40
Boiling route: above 300 ° C
2. Cracking
Cracking is the decomposition of
hydrocarbon molecules, large molecules
into smaller hydrocarbon compounds. This
is a cracking example of processing oil or
diesel oil into gasoline.
There are three ways cracking process, namely:

 How to heat (thermal cracking), namely the use of high

temperature and low pressure.

 Way catalyst (catalytic cracking), namely the use of


 Hydrocracking, is a combination of hydrocracking and

hydrogenation to produce saturated compounds.
3. Reforming
Reforming is a change of molecular form of gasoline that is less good quality
(straight carbon chain) into a better-quality gasoline (branched carbon chain).
Reforming can also be an alteration of the molecular structure of paraffin
hydrocarbons to aromatic compounds with high octane numbers.

Example reforming are as follows:

molybdenum oxide in Al2O3

atauplatina in lempung.
4. Alkylation and Polymerisation
 Alkylation represents an increase in the number of atoms in a
molecule into a molecule that is longer and branched. In this process
using a strong acid catalyst such as H2SO4, HCl, AlCl3 (a strong
Lewis acid). General reaction is as follows:
RH + CH2=CR’R’’ R-CH2-CHR’R”
 Polymerization is the process of merging small molecules into
large molecules. General reaction is as follows:
M CnH2n Cm+nH2(m+n)
Examples of polymerization that is merging with the compound
isobutana isobutena compounds produce high-quality gasoline,
namely isooktana.
5. Treating
Treating a petroleum refining by removing impurities, contaminant.
Ways of treating the process is as follows:
1.Copper sweetening and treating doctor, the process of eliminating
impurities that can cause this smell.
2.Acid treatment, namely the removal of mud and color improvement.
3.Dewaxing the process of removal of wax (paraffin n) with high
molecular weight fractions of lubricating oil for lubricating oil
menghasillkan with low pour point.
4.Deasphalting namely removal of asphalt from the fraction that is
used for lubricating oil
5.Desulfurizing (desulfurization), the process of eliminating the
element sulfur.
Desulfurization is a process used to remove sulfur
compounds from petroleum. Basically there are two
ways desulfurization, namely:

1.Using solvent extraction, as well as

2.Decomposition of sulfur compounds (mostly contained

in the oil in the form merkaptan compounds, sulfide and
disulfide) by catalytic hydrogenation process selective
to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and hydrocarbon origin of
these sulfur compounds. Hydrogen sulfide generated
from decomposition of sulfur compounds are then
separated by fractionation or cleaning / dismantling.
6. Blending
The process of blending is the addition of
additive materials into petroleum fractions in
order to improve the quality of the product.
Gasoline which has a variety of quality
petroleum products is an example of the most
widely used in the series of very young
country with a variety of weather. To meet the
fuel quality is good, there are about 22
ingredients that can added mixing on
processing process.
Below are some of refined petroleum products and its utilization:
1.Fuel gas
Fuel gas used for domestic purposes and industri.
Gas fuel consisting of:
LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) and LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas)

LPG, LPG (liquefied petroleum gas, literally: "liquefied petroleum

gas"), is a mixture of different elements derived hydrocarbon natural
darigas. By increasing pressure and decreasing temperature, the gas
turned into liquid.
2. Petroleum ether or Naphtha, used as a solvent in industry.
3. Gasoline (petrol), used as fuel for motor vehicles.
4. Kerosene (kerosene), used as fuel for domestic purposes. Besides
kerosene is also used as raw material for making gas oline
through the process of cracking.
5. Diesel oil or diesel oil, used as fuel for diesel engines in vehicles
such as buses, trucks, trains and tractors. In addition, diesel oil is
also used as raw material for making gasoline through the
cracking process.
6. Lubricating oil, used for lubricating machinery.
7. Bumiyang oil residues consist of:
 Paraffin, used in the process of making medicines, cosmetics,
bottle caps, industrial weaving looms, lighters, wax batik, and
many more.
 Asphalt, used as hardeners highway.
Polusi Udara Akibat Pembakaran Bahan Bakar

 1. Sumber Bahan Pencemaran

 a. Pembakaran Tidak Sempurna
 Menghasilkan asap yang mengandung gas karbon monoksida
(CO), partikel karbon (jelaga), dan sisa bahan bakar
 b. Pengotor dalam Bahan Bakar
 Bahan bakar fosil mengandung sedikit belerang yang akan
menghasilkan oksida belerang (SO2 atau SO3).
 c. Bahan Aditif (Tambahan) dalam Bahan Bakar
 Bensin yang ditambahi tetraethyllead (TEL) yang punya
rumus molekul Pb(C2H5)4 akan menghasilkan partikel timah
hitam berupa PbBr2.
2. Asap Buang Kendaraan Bermotor

a. Gas Karbon Dioksida (CO2)

b. Gas Karbon Monoksida (CO)

c. Oksida Belerang (SO2 dan SO3)

d. Oksida Nitrogen (NO dan NO2)

e. Partikel Timah Hitam

3. Pengubah Katalitik
 Salah satu cara untuk mengurangi bahan pencemar yang berasal
dari asap kendaraan bermotor adalah memasang pengubah katalitik
pada knalpot kendaraan. Pengubah katalitik berupa silinder dari
baja tahan karat yang berisi suatu struktur berbentuk sarang lebah
yang dilapisi katalis (biasanya platina). Pada separuh bagian
pertama dari pengubah katalitik, karbon monoksida bereaksi
dengan nitrogen monoksida membentuk karbon dioksida dan gas
 katalis
 2CO(g) + 2NO(g) → 2CO2(g) + N2(g)
 gas-gas racun gas tak beracun
 Pada bagian berikutnya, hidrokarbon dan karbon monoksida (jika
masih ada) dioksidasi membentuk karbon dioksida dan uap air.
 Pengubah katalitik hanya dapat berfungsi jika kendaraan
menggunakan bensin tanpa timbel.
 4. Efek Rumah Kaca
 Berbagai gas dalam atmosfer, seperti karbon dioksida, uap air, metana, dan
senyawa keluarga CFC, berlaku seperti kaca yang melewatkan sinar
tampak dan ultraviolet tetapi menahan radiasi inframerah. Oleh karena itu,
sebagian besar dari sinar matahari dapat mencapai permukaan bumi dan
menghangatkan atmosfer dan permukaan bumi. Tetapi radiasi panas yang
dipancarkan permukaan bumi akan terperangkap karena diserap oleh gas-
gas rumah kaca.
 Efek rumah kaca berfungsi sebagai selimut yang menjaga suhu permukaan
bumi rata-rata 15˚C. Tanpa karbon dioksida dan uap air di atmosfer, suhu
rata-rata permukaan bumi diperkirakan sekitar –25˚C. Jadi, jelaslah bahwa
efek rumah kaca sangat penting dalam menentukan kehidupan di bumi.
Akan tetapi, peningkatan kadar dari gas-gas rumah kaca dapat
menyebabkan suhu permukaan bumi menjadi terlalu tinggi sehingga dapat
mneyebabkan berbagai macam kerugian.
 5. Hujan Asam
 Air hujan biasanya sedikit bersifat asam (pH sekitar 5,7). Hal itu terjadi karena air hujan tersebut melarutkan gas karbon dioksida yang
terdapat dalam udara, membentuk asam karbonat.
 CO2(g) + H2O(l) → H2CO3(aq)
 asam karbonat
 Air hujan dengan pH kurang dari 5,7 disebut hujan asam.
 a. Penyebab Hujan Asam
 SO2(g) + H2O(l) → H2SO3(aq)
 asam sulfit
 SO3(g) + H2O(l) → H2SO4(aq)
 asam sulfat
 2NO2(g) + H2O(l) → HNO2(aq) + HNO3(aq)
 asam nitrit asam nitrat
 b. Masalah yang Ditimbulkan Hujan Asam
 - Kerusakan Hutan
 - Kematian Biota Air
 - Kerusakan Bangunan
 Bahan bangunan sedikit-banyak mengandung kalsuim karbonat. Kalsium karbonat larut dalam asam, maka dapat bereaksi.
 CaCO3(s) + 2HNO3(aq) → Ca(NO3)2(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)
 c. Cara Menangani Hujan Asam
 - Menetralkan asam
 - Mengurangi emisi SO2
 - Mengurangi emisi oksida nitrogen

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