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Every time they come to you with an argument, We bring you the truth and the bes
t of explanations.
(Qur'an, 25:33)


Answer to the "If religion is between Allah and His servant, why do we communica
te religious moral values to other people?" deceit
Answer to the "Religion is only a part of life. So, why do people need to live b
y the Qur'an's values in all aspects of life?" deceit
Answer to the "Does the Qur'an, which was revealed in seventh-century Arabia, ad
dress today's needs?" deceit
Answer to the "I already have a sound heart" deceit
Answer to the "I am still young. I will become religious when I am old." deceit
Answer to the "What do you expect from me after I embrace the Qur'an's morality
?" deceit
Answer to those who ask "Why do Muslims show great love for and interest in thos
e people with whom they have only recently become acquainted?"
Answer to the "Might some of the negative news spread about believers be true?"
Answer to the "If the Qur'an's morality promises such a good and perfect structu
re, then why does it have so many enemies?" deceit
Answer to "Is everyone other than you wrong?" deceit
Answer to the "Do believers always have to be together, or can they live by the
religion on their own?" deceit
Answer to the question: "Is there any class discrimination in Islam? Are people
defined according their wealth, status, and beauty? Do believers convey the mess
age only to a particular section of society?"
Answer to the question: "Is possessing power, wealth and grandeur incompatible w
ith the essence of Islam?"
Answer to the question: "Do new Muslims have to abandon their former pleasures a
nd activities?"
Answer to those who ask "Once people embrace faith, can they still befriend the
people with whom they used to associate?"
Answer to those who say "I want to live as a Muslim, but I am worried about my f
amily's and my circle s reactions.""Am I responsible for my previous actions after
I start to live by Islam?"
Answer to the "I want to live by the religion,but I cannot find the internal str
ength to do so." deceit
Conclusion: Being able to say: "We hear and obey."
The deception of evolution

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