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IMPORTANT UNION MESSAGE BLUNT FAILED TO CREATE JOBS IN CONGRESS. yn WHY SHOULD WE TRUST HIM NOW? Missouri AFL-CIO NONPROFIT ORG 207 lefferson Street US. POSTAGE. Jefferson City, MO 65101 PAID ROY BLUNT FAILED MISSOURI'S WORKERS Roy Blunt’s anti-worker economic policies have failed Missouri. Now Blunt wants a promotion that he hasn't earned. Here are the facts: FAILED 10 cREATE MissouRI JOBS Blunt opposed legislation that would create good-paying Missouri jobs. TH.R, 2847, Vote #991, 12/16/09; St. Louis Front Page, 12/20/09} FAILED 10 protect missour! WORKERS Blunt opposed legislation to extend unemployment insurance to laid-off Missouri workers. TH.R, 5618, Vote #398, 6/29/10; Washington Times, 6/12/08; CQ, 6/10/08) FAILED to improve missour''s EcoNoMY Blunt voted for the massive bailout of Wall Street but opposed legislation to protect Missouri jobs. Time and time again, he’s stood on the side of big banks and corporations over working families. THR, 1424, Vote #681, 10/3/08; Gannett, 10/2/08; H.R. 2847, Vote #991, 12/16/09) How You Vote is a Personal Decision Your Union Has Endorsed Robin Carnahan for U.S. Senate Ta A ay ee

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