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Acts 4 Summary

Some priests and the Sadducees came to Peter and John while they were talking. The apostles
preaching disturbed them (they proclaimed Jesus’ resurrection). Peter and John were then thrown in jail
and many who heard their message believed. The rulers then met and brought Peter and John before
them to question them, saying, “By what power or what name did you do this?” The spirit filled Peter
and he said that the cripple was healed by the name of Jesus Christ (the same Jesus they rejected). They
were amazed by Peter and John’s courage because they were ordinary men. They thought of a way to
cover the miracle up so it would not spread to other people. However, they could not think of a way to
punish them so they decided to release them. After they were released Peter and John began to praise
God. After they prayed the place where they meeting was shaken and everyone there was filled with
God’s spirit. All the believers were one unit. They shared what they had and continued to testify to
Christ’s resurrection. The rich gave money to the needy. Joseph (Barnabas) sold a field he had and gave
it to the apostles.

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