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PAPER22010 Pyramid Projections 001
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

1. (a) X - Vacuole / Sap vacuole;

Y – Tonoplast;
Z – Chloroplast;
(b) Cellulose;
(c) Active transport;
(d) The cell sap is hypertonic to the solution / distilled water; hence water
molecules move into the cell; by osmosis; making it to swell and eventually burst;
( Total 4 marks , max. 3mks)
2. (a) Pneumatophores / Aerial Breathing roots;
- Stomata; -2
(b) (i) A – Gill rakers;
B – Gill bar /arch;
C - Gill filaments;
(ii) Trap food / solid particles hence prevent them from clogging the gill
(iii) Highly vasculorised to transport away oxygen that has diffused in;
- Then epithelium to reduced the distance gases diffuse across;
- Numerous to increase surface area for maximum absorption oxygen;
3. (a) Procreation;
- Improves the quality of species; - 2mks
(b) (i) Prophase - 1mk
(ii) Mitosis Meiosis
- occurs in somatic cells - sex cells
( body cells)
- No chiasma formation - There is chiasma formation
- Provides 2 daughter cells - Produce 4 daughter cells
- Daughter cells are diploid - daughter cells haploid
- Takes place in I phase of 4 - 2 phases of 4 stages
- Homologous chromosome don’t - homologous chromosomes
Associate associate;
Any three correct = 3mks

(c ) Protandry;
Self incompatibility; Any 2 = 2mks

2010Pyramid Projections©

4 (a) Aa; Aa; 2mks

(b) Aa X Aa; 1mk

Albino child
Normal pigmented children

( c) ¼ or 25% ; 1mk
(d) Crossing a homozygous recessive parent / organism with an offspring /
organism which shows dominant character;
5. (a) Region of elongation / region of rapid growth in a root / radicle; ( 1mk)

( c) Provide moisture / water for growth; (1mk)

(d) Oxygen for respiration / oxidation of stored food; to provide energy for
(ii) Cotyledons – Store food necessary for germination; ( 1mks)
(e) Small seeds store very little amount of food; (1mk)


2010Pyramid Projections©

P = 3mks

All 8 points
correctly plott
= 3mks

7 correctly plo
= 2mks
6 correctly plo
= 1mk
5 correctly = 0

C = 1mk
Rej. If line is b

If origin O s m
Penalize one sc
½ mk

Round of ½ m
to 1mk at grap

(b) (i) 229 + 5;

(ii) 102 – 97;
= 5KJ;

(c) Bigger body size, small surface area volume ratio; hence loss less heat to
the surroundings; require less energy to compensate for less energy lost.
(d) Extra polation;
2.5 kg;
(e) Lower;
(ii) Reptiles are Poikibilotherms; doesn’t require energy to maintain body

2010Pyramid Projections©

(f) – Activity / occupation
- sex;
- age;
- State of health; Any 2 correct = 2mks
(g) Proteins; (1mk)
(h) Provide grip hence prevent constipation; add bulk to the food;
Any 1 correct = 1mk
7. The heart is muscular; to pump blood over along distance;
- It has myogenic cardiac muscles; which contract and relax rhythmically
without fatigue hence continuous pumping.
- cardiac musles fibres are interconnected to form network of fibres; to ensure
rapid and uniform spread of excitation throughout the walls of the heart;
- The heart is divided into four chambers which are hollow, to accommodate a
lot of blood.
- Ventricles wall are thicker than auricle walls; to generate higher pressure to
pump blood over longer distance;
- There is a longitudinal septum, which separate it into two halves to prevent
mixing of the more oxygerated blood and the less oxygenated blood;
- It has valves; which prevents backflow of blood;
- It has valves are connected with tough strands of connective tissue (chordae
tendinae); to prevent then from being pushed inside out when ventricles
- The heart is joined by blood vessels ( aorta, vena cava, pulmonary vein,
pulmonary artery); which channel blood to and from are body parts;
- It has the coronary artery and coronary vein which supply the myocardium with
oxygen and nutrients; and remove waste products respectively;
- The fibrous layers of pericardium surrounds the heart; which keeps the heart in
position and prevent over –dilating;
- The inner layer of pericardium secretes pericardiac fluid; which reduce friction
between the two layers during systole and diastole;
- Outer layer pericardium, is surrounded by a layer of fats; to acts as shock
absorbers protecting it from mechanical damage;
- It has Sino artricole node (SAN); to acts as pacemaker by regulating rate of
beating and excitation of the heart; Marks 28
Max. 20
8. Palaentology/fossil records;
- Fossils are past materials remains of ancestral for of organisms accidentally
preserved in some naturally occurring materials e.g sedimentally rocks. They
provide a direct evidence of gradual change from one type of organism to
- Their age is determined by radioactive carbon 14 dating; Used to construct
evolutionary history of development of a certain – organism; example human
skull, horse limbs etc.
- Comparative anatomy;

2010Pyramid Projections©

Members of a phylum or group shows similarities in structures or organs

performing similar functions; Homologous structures/divergent evolution;
same embryonic origin but performing different; arose by divergent evolution
e.g pentadactyl limb of vertebrates.
- Analagous structure / convergent evolution; structures with different embryonic
origins but evolved to perfom similar functions due to exploitation of different
ecological niches; They evolved by convergent evolution; e.g wings of birds
and those of insects.
- Comparative embryology;
Study of embryos in their early stages of development e.g those of vertebrates
look similar; the more the similarity the more the evolutionary relationship (
recapitulation theory);
- Cell biology;
Structure and functioning of cells from almost all kinds of organisms are
basically similar. All Eukaryotic cells contain same cell organelles; such as
mitochondria, lysosome, E.R etc indicating a common ancestry;
- Geographically distribution;
Initially there was one land mass ( pangae); split and parts driffed away
forming the present continents;
After the split members of some species occupying originally similar regions
were isolated by barriers and evolved along their own line for instance ilamas
in S. America, Leopards and cheetahs in Africa;
Marks 21
Max. 20
2010 Pyramid Projections 002
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)



1. a) A – Sapvacuole;
B – Chloroplast;
C – Plasmodesma; ( 3mks)

b) Stoma contains enzmes which speed up process of photosynthesis;

- Lamellae // granum provides a large surface area to accommodate
more chlorophyll molecules; (

Check cell of a frog One above
i) No cell wall Cell wall present
ii) Sap vacuole absent Sap vacuole present
iii) Centrioles present Centrioles absent
iv) Chloroplast absent Has chloroplast
Any 2 = 2mks

d) Packing and transport of glycoproteins //secretion of synthesized

proteins and carbohydrates;

2010Pyramid Projections©

(Total 8mks)

2. i) Q – Piliferous layer;
R – Endodermis;
S –Pericycle; ( 3mks)

ii) - Casparian strip, water proof, thus water can only pass via
- numerous starch granules acts as a source of energy; (2mks)

b) see diagram (1mk)

c) evaporation; (1mk)

c) - Thickening to prevent collapsing;

- Impregnated with ligmin for support; any 1 (1mk)
Total 8mks

3. a) I – ovulation; (1mk)

b) T – Grafianfollicle;
R – Corpus luteum; ( 2mks)

c) T – follicle stimulating hormone;

R – Lutenizing hormone; ( 2mks)

d) ( When sperm comes into contact with egg)

A crosome bursts open and releases lytie enzmes; which dissolve egg
- Acrosome then turns inside – out forming a fine filament that
penetrates the egg;
- Head of sperm enters ovum, tail is left outside the ovum;
- Vitelline membrane charge to fertilization membrane which stops
any other sperm from entering ovum;
- once in cytoplasm head burst releasing male nucleus which then
fuses with female nucleus to form a diploid zygote;
(max x 3, 3)
(Total 8mks)

4. a) Parent Bb  X bb

Genotypic ratio Bb : 1 bb (6mks)

b) phenotypic ratio of children

1 Broadlipped : 1 thin lipped (1mk)
- identifying positions - Analying DNA to reveal order of
occupied by specific genes bases in all chromosomes. (1mk)

2010Pyramid Projections©

on a chromosome
( Total 8)

5. a) K – ilium;
L – pubis;
M- ischchium; (3mks)

b)i Sacrum; rej sacral vertebrae (1mk)

ii) Well developed traverse process which are fixed to pelvic girdle;
- Vertebrae are fused for strength // Transmits weight of a
stationary animal to the rest of the body;
- Sacrum has large base // short neural spine for attachment of
(back) muscles;

Any 1 (1mk)
c) Pubis symphis, in human female has flexible cartilage which allow
widering of pelvic girdle during birth; ( 1mk)
d) Acetabulum; ( 1mk)
e) Anticular cartilage, soft // smooth // slippery // absorbing to reduce
- Capsular ligament, strong// fibrous holding bones together;
- Synovial membrane secreates synovial fluid, reduces friction//
absorb shock between 2 bones;
- Rounded head fits into socket and moves freely // 3600;
any 1 (1mk)
(Total 8marks)

b)i 8 min ± 1 min; (1mk)

ii) 41 seed ± 1 seed; (1mk)

c) pea seeds have soft testa; heat easily penetrates and denatures
enzmes // hormones responsible for germination;
d) Increase temperature softens testa; thus making testa more
permeable; (2mks)
e) There was a decrease in number that germinated; since after 20th min
testa was now permeable thus heat penetrated and denatured emzmes
// hormones// damaged embryo;

f)i Decrease in O2 cone; and increase CO2 cone; (2mks)

ii) Seeds respired and used O2 & released CO2 ; (1mk)

f) - Absence of light;
- Impermeable seed coat to water;
- Undeveloped embryo;
- Lack of growth stimulator // enzmes // hormones // giberrelins;
- Pressences of inhibitors; Any 3 = 3

7. a) Process Products
Exudation//guttation; - Resins, gums, latex,
rubber, calcium oxalate
and pectate for
- Salts and water for
Any 2 products (

2010Pyramid Projections©

Traspiration//Diffusion; - water, CO2, O2

Any 2 products (2mk)

Deposition// leaf fall - tanmn, caffeine

pyrethrines, morphine,
nicotine, quinine,
cocaine etc
Any 2 products –

N.B – If process is wrong - no marks for products.

b)i Liver
- Amino acids can’t be store in humanbody; Excess amino acids are
deaminated; to form ammonia; which combines with Co2 to form
urea; and carbohydrate residue; for use in the body; Urea is
transported to kidneys through blood steam;

ii) Kidneys
- In kidneys urea is ultra// pressure filtered; from the blood in the
glomeruli; as capsular // glomeruli filtrate; into Bowmas capsule;
filtrate passas through the ( proximal convoluted) tubule; where
urea is concentrated by removal of water; and finally into
collecting tubule as part of urine;

8. - Describe the structure and function of various parts of mammalian

- The skin is made up of epidermis and dermis the epidermis is
made up of three layers. The outer most layer is known as
cornfield layer; made of dead cells that protect against
mechanical damage// dessication // microbes;
- The granular layer; is made up of living cells that give rise to
cormfied layer;
- The malphigian layer; with actively dividing cells that give rise
to a new epidermal cells// granular layer that contain melanim;
that protects the skin against U.V rays;
- Has sweat glands// sudorific glands; that produce sweat which
evaporates thus reducing body temperature;
- Under cold conditions little// no sweat is produced thus heat is
- The sweat contains water, sodium chloride// uric acid //urea and
hence the skin acts as an excretory organ;
- Has hair; the hair stands erect to trap air to insulate// reduce heat
loss when the temperature is low// lies flat to allow heat loss
when the temperature is high;
- Has nerve endings; which are sensitive to stimuli//heat //cold
pain// pressure//touch;
- Has subcutaneous fats//Adipose time;that unsulates the body
against heat loss;
- Has arteries// capillaries// blood vessels; that supply
food//oxygen//remove excretory products;
- Arterioles vasodilate when temperatures are high loss of heat by
radiation//convection//; vasoconstricts when temperature is low
to conerve heat// minimize heat loss;
- Has sebaceous gland; which secretes sebum, an antiseptic// water
repellant that prevents skin drying// craking of skin// keeping
skin sapo; (max 20)

2010Pyramid Projections©

2010Pyramid Projections©

2010 Pyramid Projections 003
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
1. (a) S - White blood cell / leucocyte; T - Red blood cell / Erythrocyte;
(2 marks)
(b) Protection against infection/destroys pathogens; Rj: for defense alone unless it is
qualified. (1 mark)
(c) Platelets/thrombocytes release thrombokinase/thromboplastin; (when exposed to
air) which converts
inactive prothrombin into active thrombin; the enzyme Thromin converts the
soluble fibrinogen into insoluble fibrin;
(3 marks)
(d) (i) Biconcave shape to provide large surface area for diffusion of gases;
(ii) Has Haemoglobin that readily combines with oxygen/ has high affinity for
(iii) Absence of nucleus to give more room/space for packing/accommodating
more haemoglobin;
(iv) Has enzyme carbonic anhydrase to speed up combination of carbon
(iv) oxide with water;
(Mark 1 two) (2 marks)
2. (a)(i)573;
(ii) Tall; (b) Parental genotypes

(c) To prevent self pollination/fertilization; To increase chances of cross pollination;

(2 marks)
(d) A condition in flowers where stamens are shorter than pistils/pistils are longer than
stamens (to prevent
self pollination/fertilization); (1 mark)
3. (a) A- Lenticel;
B - Cork cambium; (Accept cambium alone) (2 marks)
(b) X - Carbon (iv) oxide; Y - Oxygen; (2 marks)
(c) Secondary thickening of the bark/form secondary cortex on the inner side and
cork cells o the outer side. (1 mark)
(d) (i) Respiration;
(ii) Glucose + Oxygen. Carbon (iv) oxide + water +
Glucose Alcohol + carbon (iv) oxide + energy
(1 mark)
(e) Less respiration / ATP produced hence reduced active transport; (1 mark)
4. (a) A - eye piece ; Rj; eye piece lens
B - Coarse adjustment knob/screw;
(b) E - Concentrate/focuses light; (2 marks)
F-Magnification of image; Rj; magnification of object. (2 marks)
(c) Eye piece magnification X objective magnification (1 mark)

(d) (i) make them transparent; OWTTE (1 mark)

2010Pyramid Projections©

(ii) make different parts/organelles more distinct; Rej: Visible for

distinct, (1 mark)
(iii) make/keep cells turgid; 1mark

5. (a) Hypogeal;
(b) P - coleoptile/plumule sheath;
R - Root hair; Rj; plural/hair root
(c) - absorption of water;
- Absorption of mineral salts (2marks)

(d) -Thin cell walls;

- Dense cytoplasm
- Lacks cell vacuoles AWARD 1st
two (2marks)

(e) - storage of food/starch/carbohydrates;

- Storage of enzymes; (ANY 1 (

SECTION B (40 marks)

6. (a) see graph paper

- labeling of axes (2marks)
- scale (2marks)
-plot (1mark)
- curve (1mark)
(b) 76; ±2 (1 mark)

(i) Rapid decrease in number of ticks; acaricide poisoned/killed ticks/ticks

susceptible to acaricide;
{2 marks)
(ii) (ii) Increase in number of ticks; mutation occurred; that was inherited.
The new variety / breed of ticks developed resistance / ticks produced
chemicals/enzymes which made them non susceptible to acaricide;
(3 marks)

2010Pyramid Projections©

(d) - Pollution/acaricides may affect/poison non targeted beneficial

- Acaricides remain for along time in the ecosystem;
- Acaricides accumulate in food chains/ecosystem;
(2 marks)
(e) - biological control/use predators to prey on ticks;
- clearing of bushes
- burning of vegetation;
- Rotational grazing paddocking/picking picking ticks by hand and destroying
them; (accept any other
valid answer)
(3 marks)
(f) Total counts/counting;
(1 mark)
(g) (i) Arachnida;
(ii) - Four pairs of legs;
- 2 body parts/cephalothorax and abdomen;
Mark 1st one

TOTAL20 Marks
- - Reduced leaf sizes/leaves reduced to scales; to reduce surface area over which
transportation occurs/to reduce transpiration.
- shedding of leaves; (during drought) to reduce transportation;
- thick waxy cuticle on leaves; (that is waterproof) to reduce transpiration; folded
leaves; to reduce transpiration;
- sunken stomata; where moisture/water vapour accumulates in substomatal air
spaces; hence low vapour diffusion gradient/reducing transpiration;
- reversed stomatal rhythm (OWTTE); to reduce transpiration;
- have roots that grow deep; to absorb water from low water table;
- superficial roots; that grow horizontally close to the soil surface to absorb water
after light showers of rain;
- succulent leaves/stems; to store water;
- short life cycle; to evade droughts
- hairy leaves; to trap moist air reducing vapour diffusion gradient between inside
of the leaf and outside; hence reducing transpiration.
(MAX- 20 Marks)
8. blood reaches the kidney through the afferent arteriole; which branches highly to
form the glomerulus; the afferent arteriole has a wider lumen/diameter; than the
afferent arteriole(leaving the browmans capsule) ; this causes higher pressure in the
glomerulus; that results into ultrafiltration; the ultrafiltered materials include
glucose, amino acids(vitamins hormones) salts, urea and water; forms the
glomerular filtrate; large materials of white blood cells, red blood cells, blood
proteins are not ultra filtered ( hence remain in the blood); the filtrate flows to the
proximal convoluted tubule; where all glucose, amino acids are selectively
reabsorbed/absorbed back (into the blood stream); Active transport is involved in
the reabsorption of these materials The filtrate flows to the loop of henle; where
water is reabsorbed by osmosis into the blood stream; and sodium chloride ions are
actively pumped from the ascending loop of henle into the blood; the filtrateflows
into the distal convoluted tubule; where more water is reabsorbed; and mineral
salts too into the blood; The filtrate flows into collecting ducts; from where
more water is reabsorbed; the remaining filtrate is called urine; and is emptied
into the (urinary) bladder via pelvis and ureter; and passed out of the body
through urethra;
MAX 20 Marks

2010Pyramid Projections©

2010 Pyramid Projections 004

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)
231 /2

animal Reasons
1 a) Dog ; Presence of canines on both lower and upp

ii) Sheep ; Absence of incisor / canines on upper jaw ;

4 mks

b)i) Presence of long ( conical) curved canines for holding / killing and tearing
the prey
Presence of carnassial teeth that have sharp edges to slice/ shearing the flesh/
crush bones 2 mks

ii) Absence of incisors on the upper jaw creating a hard pad for pressing and
cutting of grass by incisors on the lower jaw
presence of diastema/ gap in the lower jaw to allow the tongue to cut grass /
turning of food during grinding 2 mks

2 a) i) D.N.A
ii) Has base thymine
iii) U-U-C-U-C

b) They are rare;

They are inherited;
Some are beneficial and others lethal;
They arise suddenly / randomly / unpredictable ;
Mark 1ST one only

C) Both Aa/ Aa and Aa;

Aa A a ; RJ if X missing



F 1 off springs

Genotype of albino child aa;

3 a) Anaerobic (Respiration)
b)i) Presence of yeast to produce enzyme / presence of oil layer to prevent entry
of air / oxygen

2010Pyramid Projections©

ii) Flask A- reading on the thermometer was higher / reading higher than the
initial reading
Flask B- No change in the thermometer reading/ thermometer reading
remained at the initial level

c) Flask A- Glucose solution was acted upon by the Enzyme (Zymase)

produced by yeast ; thus broken down to form carbon dioxide, alcohol and
heat/ energy ;  causing a rise in temperature flask B – yeast cells are
killed by boiling thus no reaction occurs ; 
Acc: enzymes were denatured for yeast cells being killed

4 a) i) Predators feed on other animals hindering population growth of the prey;
Distribution of the predators depends on availability of prey; the more the
prey the more the predators/ the more the predator the fewer the preys
(Any two)

ii) Light – plant need light for photosynthesis / flowering / germination/ closing
and opening of stomata habitat with light of high intensity has more plants
that will support more animals

iii) Competition- organism usually struggle for resources light/ water // air /
nutrients): This results in members better adapted to survive the competition
(hence increase in number) 6 mks

b i) Succulent stems and leaves :- for storage of water and food ( for use by the
plants when conditions are harsh)
rejects water alone or
food alone

ii) Short life cycle: - to flower and form seeds within a short period when water
is available 2 mks

5 a) 1- Sensory neurone / Afferent neurone

2- Relay neurone / intermediate neurone
3- Motor neurone/ efferent neurone

3 mks

b) Check on the diagram arrows show points towards neurone 3 from 2 and 1 :
1 mk
c) Grey matter 1 mks

d) Impulse reaching the dentrite end of relay / Neurone 2 causes the synaptic
vesicles, releases acetylcholine / transmitter substances; into the synaptic
cleft;the acetylcholine / transsmitter chemical diffuses across the cleft;
and causes the depolarization of the motor neuron/ neurone 3

any 3

2010Pyramid Projections©

6 a) Graph on the graph paper

Axes – 1 mk
Scale – 1 mk
Curves- 1 mk
Identification – 2 1 mk
Plotting – 2 mks
8 mks

B i) 1010mg

ii) Amount of faeces produced decreased rapidly ; because the locusts were
laying eggs hence food eaten was used in egg formation
c i) Food is assimilated ; to form new protoplasm / growth; as food
consumption increases body weight increase/ as food consumption decrease
, body weight deceased

2010Pyramid Projections©

ii) As the body weight increase production of faeces increase except during egg
production where both decrease
d} Body weight/ faeces production would decreases; and fewer/ smaller eggs
would be produced;

e) Proteins- for building / eggs production; carbohydrates- for energy

production / egg formation

 High light intensity: increases evaporation of water from the mesophyll cells
of the leaf (rj light intensity alone) increasing the diffusion gradient between
the intercellular spaces and the atmosphere ; hence high rate of transpiration
 Low humidity: (reject humidity alone) provides great saturation deficit;
hence high rate of transpiration
 Wind/ air currents ; wind blows away saturated air/ water vapour around the
leaf; increasing diffusion gradient between the leaf ; increasing diffusion
gradient between the inside and out side of the leaf; thus increasing the rate
of transpiration .
 Low atmospheric pressure; (reject atmosphere pressure alone) lowers the
force that molecule require less energy to escape; thus leads to increase in
the rate of evaporation hence high rate of transpiration .
 Water availability; large amount of water in the soil increase absorption into
the root hair cell; thus more water is lost out of leaf through transpiration;

b) Absorption of water from the soil, movement of water up to the xylem due to
transpiration pull; absorption of mineral salts from the soil; cooling of the plant
temperature regulation;
Brings about turgidity in plants
20 mks

8. Nature selects these individual / organisms which are (sufficient) well adapted ;
and allows them to survive; and reject those that are poorly adapted ;.
 individual of the same species show variations; that are caused by genes;
 these variations can be passed from parents to offspring’s; through genetic
inheritance; some of the variations become more suited to the prevailing
envital conditions:
 most organisms produce more offspring than the environ. can support ;
hence there is always a struggle for existence ; due to competition among
 individual posses traits / characters- that enables them to have ( competitive
) advantage to survive / stand better chances to survive in the struggle ; in
the end , well adapted individuals survive; and reach reproductive age; and
pass over their favourable traits to their offspring;
 poorly adapted individual / those without favourable traits perish/ die; and
fail to reach sexual maturity ; hence do not pass their traits to their offspring;
the fittest individual only survive ;

Total 20

2010Pyramid Projections©

2010 Pyramid Projections 005

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
Marking scheme:

1. a)i)

ii) Auxins/ produced by shoot and root tip accumulate on lower side of shoot
and root due to gravity;
higher concentration of auxins on lower side of shoot causes rapid growth; than
upper side of the shoot. Therefore, the shoot bends upwards;
higher concentration of auxins on lower side of the root inhibits rapid growth
therefore the root bends downwards;
b) Use of a klinostat;
c) Phototropism that exposed leaves to maximum light for photosynthesis;
Geotropism enables roots to extend deeply in the soil for anchorage;

(any one 1mk)

2 a)
i) Optimum temperature for maximum enzyme activity;
Temperature below optimum level inactivate the enzymes/ temperature above
optimum level denatures enzymes;
ii) Optimum PH for maximum enzyme activity; enzymes are denatured by pH
below optimum/ strong acid or alkalis;
b) When blood sugar level rises above normal. Insulin hormone is produced;

2010Pyramid Projections©

insulin stimulate liver cells to convert glucose into glycogen. Also stimulate
liver cells to convert glycogen into fats/ stimulates liver cells to increase
oxidation of glucose;
when blood sugar level falls below normal level, glucagon hormone is
produced; glucagou stimulate the liver cells to convert glycogen to glucose;

3 a) – Increase the number of aquatic animal;

- Reduce the number of water weeds;
- Cover the jar with alluminium foil to block light from reacting the water
weeds; (any two 2mks)
b) i) Carbon IV oxide was absorbed from water; and used for
photosynthesis; without replacement. The PH of water rises; (3mks)
ii) Carbon iv oxide was produced; by animals during respiration; this reduced
the ph of water; (3mks)
4 a) Gene for red fur/colour and gene for white fur or colour are co-dominance;
Acc: partial dominance /incomplete dominance

b) Parental genotype RW X RR ;

Parental Gamete x

F. Genotype

F. phonotype Red Red Roan Roan

Phenotypic Ratio Red Red : Roan
1 : 1

c) Plant breeding / Animal breeding

Improvement of yields;

(any 1)

– Mutation;
- Crossing over;
- Fertilization;
- Independent assortment of genes

2010Pyramid Projections©

5 a)
U- Duodenum;
b) Emulsification of fats; to increase the surface area for reaction of lipase; provide
alkaline PH; for action for pancreatic amylase; lipase; Trypsin; / Neutralize acidic
chyme from stomach; to provide alkaline medium for efficient enzymatic activity;
(Any four) (4mks)
c) i) Pancreatic trypsin;
pancreatic amylase;
pancreatic lipase; (Any two) (2mks)
- Trypsin converts proteins to peptides;
- Pancreatic amylase converts starch to maltose;
- Pancreatic lipase converts lipids to fatty;
- Acids and glycerol;
(any two) (2mks)

6a) A-Intermittent /Discountinous growth;

B- Continous growth;
b) Rigid/hard exoskeleton; prevents growth; the exoskeleton is shed during
moulting; this allows rapid growth ;to occur before the new exoskeleton
hardens up; (4mks)

c) Ecdysone/ moulting hormone; (1mk)

(d) i) P&Q
Slow rate of growth, due to small number of cells dividing; the young
organism is still adapting to new environment;
iii) Q & R
- Rapid/ fast rate of growth; due to large number of dividing cells;
- The organisms has adapted to the environment; (4mks)
- No limiting factors like space, wastes e.t.c.;

e) i) Internal fertilization;
ii) Provide protection to the developing embryo from harsh environment;
- Less number of gametes are involved./ No waste of gametes;
- Developing embryo experiences little environmental changes;
(Any two)

f) i) Meiosis; (1mk)
ii) Crossing over; Synapsis/ formation of bivalents; (2mks)

2010Pyramid Projections©

7. A balanced diet refers to a meal (food) that contains all the nutrients
(carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, mineral salts and water) in their right
A balanced diet is important to children because it contains:-
(i) Proteins that play the following roles in children:-
- Forms body structures;
- Used in formation of enzymes;
- Forms haemoglobin found in red blood cells;
- Forms hormones used to regulate life processes;
- Forms antibodies that provides immunity against diseases;
- Is oxidized during starvation to release energy,
ii) Carbohydrates that plays the following roles in children:-
- Provide energy required by children during oxidation;
iii) Roughage that plays the following roles:-
-Makes food to be bulk hence a child gets satisfied easily;
- It promotes peristalysis which prevents constipation in children;
iv) Lipids
- are oxidized to release energy;
- Forms part of the structure of the cell membrane;
- Used as an insulator against excess heat loss in children/
- Used to form layers around organs which protect them from mechanical
- Act as a source of metabolic water
- Stores various types of vitamins ie. Fat soluble

v) Water
- used to dissolve food;
- It cools the body;
- Provides a media for transport;
Facilitates hydrolysis process;
Maintains the shape of the cells;
vi) Mineral salts includes:-
- Calcium for teeth and bone formation to prevent rockets
- Phophorus for teeth and bone formation
- Iodine used in formation of thyroid hormone which prevents goitre;
- Iron used for haemoglobin formation that prevent anaemia;
vii) Vitamins that play at the following roles:-
- Vitamins A prevent poor night vision in children;
- Vitamin B1 prevents beriberi
- Vitamin B2 prevents pellegra
- Vitamin B12 used in formation of blood cells to prevent pernacious

2010Pyramid Projections©

- Vitamin C protects against infection that prevent scurvy

- Vitamin D prevents rickets;
- Vitamin E prevents sterelity;
- Vitamin K prevents excessive bleedings;
(Any 20)
8 The gaseous system in mammals includes the nostrils, trachea, bronchus,
bronchioles, the lungs, the rib cage, the intercostals muscles, the diaphragm, the
vertebral column;
The Nostrils:
Is lined with hairs that trap foregn particles in the hair; is lined with goblet cells that
secret mucus which trap solid particles and pathogens;
Tranchea / wind pipe
- Made up of incomplete rings of cartilage a long its length which resist
collapse when pressure is low in chest cavity;
- The incomplete cartilage rings have gaps on the side facing the oesophagus
which allow smooth swallowing;
- It is lined with goblet cells that secrete mucus that trap foreign particles and
- It is lined with cilia which move mucus upwards into the pharynx;
- Has epiglottis that prevents food entering into it during swallowing;

- They are covered with pleural membrane;
- The pleural membrane secrets pleural fluid that lubricates the lungs (reduce
friction) during movement;
- The lungs are elastic hence expand and contract to hold and expel large
volume of air;
- The lungs are made up of very many alveoli that gives a large surface area
for gaseous exchange (70m2)
- The alveoli are:-
- Moist which dissolve the diffusing gases;
- Covered by a thin layer of wall for easy diffusion of gases a cross it;
- Highly vascularised which enhances faster transportation of gases;

- a muscular layer that contract and relax to facilitate inhalation and
exhalation respectively;
The ribcage
-they protect the lungs from mechanical damage;
Provide surface for the attachment of the intercostals muscles;
The ricage and intercostals muscles forms an air-tight thoracic cavity that
maintains constant air pressure;

2010Pyramid Projections©

Intercostals muscles
They contract and relax which changes the thoracic volume to enhance
inhalation and exhalation in mammals;

2010 Pyramid Projections 007
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
1. A student set up the following apparatus for an experiment.
a) The student boiled the yeast solution before the experiment. Explain. (1mk)
To remove any dissolved oxygen, to provide suitable conditions for
anaerobic respiration;
b) The mixture of yeast suspension and glucose solution was cooled to about 370
C. Explain.

To provide optimal temperature for enzyme/yeast activity. Higher

temperature denatures enzymes and prevents yeast action;
c) Why was a layer of oil added to the mixture of glucose and yeast? (1mk)
To exclude atmospheric oxygen from the mixture;
d) State the observations expected in
(i) Tube A (1mk)
Bubbling, warmth/heat is produced;
(ii) Tube B (1mk)
Lime water turns cloudy/a white precipitate formed;
e) Account for the observations in d(i) and (ii) above. (1mk)
(i) Bubbling is due to production of carbon(IV) Oxide from anaerobic
respiration of yeast;
(ii) Carbon(IV) Oxide produced in tube A from anaerobic respiration reacts with
calcium hydroxide to form calcium carbonate, which is insoluble in water;
f) (i) Apart from carbon (IV) Oxide and energy, what other products can be found
in tube A?
(1mk) Ethanol;

(ii) Explain how you can confirm this. (1mk)

-By smelling it/ performing iodoform test;
2. (a) Explain the role of enzymes in living cells. (1mk)
-Enzymes speedup (Slow down) the rate of chemical
reactions/metabolism in the body; without being used up.

2010Pyramid Projections©

(b) The graph below shows the effects of temperature on the rate of reaction
of the enzyme
salivary amylase

(i) Account for the change in the curve between C and D. (1mk)
The rate of reaction decreases/drops as temperature increases
(beyond 400C); due to denaturation of enzymes;

(ii) What does the dotted line represent? (1mk)

The normal human body temperature/ the optimum temperature for
the enzyme/salivary amylase;
(c) Explain how the following factors affect the rate of enzyme activity:
(i) Temperature (2mks)
Enzymes being proteins are sensitive to temperature changes/work
best within a narrow range of temperature/have maximum activity at
optimum temperature; Temperatures above optimum destroy enzyme
structure/denature enzyme while those below optimum lower
enzyme activity due to inactivation of enzymes;
(ii) Substrate concentration. (2mks)
Increase in substrate concentration increases enzymes activity up to a
certain level; This is due to an increase in the number of active
sites; until all active sites of the enzyme are occupied;
3. In cats, sex is determined by X and Y chromosomes in the same way as in
humans. One gene for coat color in cats is present on the X chromosome but
not on the Y chromosome. This gene has two alleles Orange (B) and black
(b) and X chromosome bearing the B allele is represented by XB and one
bearing the b allele by Xb.
Female cats that are homozygous for the Xb allele have black coats;
female cats that are heterozygous have tortoiseshell coats. (Orange
with dark patches).
Give the genotype of a female cat with tortoiseshell coat (1mk)
XB Xb;
A male cat with an orange coat. (1mk)
A male cat with a black coat. (1mk)
A black coated male cat is mated with a tortoiseshell coated female
cat. Use a genetic diagram to explain what would be the expected

2010Pyramid Projections©

ratios of the genotypes and the phenotypes of the kittens that could
be produced by this cross. (5mks)

♂ ♀
Phenotype black coated male Tortoiseshell
Male female
Genotype XBY X XBXb

Orange Tortoiseshell Orange

2 orange : 1 Tortoiseshell :
4. (a) What is meant by the term homeostasis? (1mk)
Homeostasis is the process of maintaining a constant internal
environment; eg. Body
temperature, osmotic pressure;
The figure below shows the body temperature of a person before, during
and after taking a cold bath. The temperature of the bath water is 220C.
(b) For how long was the person in the bath? (1mk)
-20 minutes;
(c) Explain why the person’s body temperature fell. (1mk)
-In a cold bath, the body tends to lose much more heat through
convection and conduction, causing the body temperature to fall;
(d) Explain the role played by the following in helping to return the body
temperature to normal.
(i) The liver (2mks)
In the liver, heat is produced as a result of numerous chemical
activities occurring there; The heat is distributed by blood to
other parts of the body;
(ii) Blood vessels in the skin. (2mks
The low external temperature brings about a reflex
constriction of the skin arterioles; less heat flows through the
skin and less heat is lost;
(iii) Muscle of the body. (2mks)
Tissue respiration is very active in muscles setting free large
amounts of heat; which is distributed to different parts of the
5. The diagram shows the internal structure of a leaf

2010Pyramid Projections©

(a) Name the pats labeled A, B, D, & F

A Cuticle
B Upper epidermis
D Vascular bundle/xylem
F Stoma
(b) State the functions of the parts labeled A, C, D and F
A Water proof – hence prevent water loss;
C Contain chlorophyll, that traps light for photosynthesis;
D Xylem transport water and mineral salts, phloem transports
synthesized food;
F Site for gaseous exchange;

(c) State two structural differences between guard cells and other epidermal
cells. (2mks)
Guard cells have chloroplast while other epidermal cells don’t;
Guard cells have walls of unequal thickness. (Thin inner walls and
thick outer walls) while other epidermal cells have walls of equal
6. The figure below shows the changes in volume of air whilst breathing in and
out during a
breathing exercise. The letters A to H represents successive breaths.
From the information given in the above figure,
(d) (i )How much air leaves the lungs each time you breathe out during
normal quiet breathing? (1mk)
5 – 6dm3;
(ii) What has the person done to achieve peak X on the graph? (1mk)
At peak X, the person has inhaled deeply;
(iii) What is the greatest volume of air that is expelled in a single,
outward breath? (1mk) 5dm3;
(e) State one difference in the flow of the respiratory medium (air or water
in mammals and fish. (1mk)
During inhalation, the air is taken into the lungs of the mammal but
in fish, dissolved air in water flows over the respiratory organs i. e

(f) State one reason why exercise cause an increase in breathing rate. (1mk)
-Respiration increases and thus the amount of CO2 that needs to be
removed increases the rate of breathing increases to enable the
exchange of gases to occur at a faster rate;
(g) (i) What happens to breathing rate when a person breathes in 100%
oxygen? (1mk)
The breathing rate decreases gradually;
(ii) Suggest what happens in the lungs and blood of the person.
Account for your answer in (i) above? (2mks)
• The concentration of oxygen in the lungs and blood increases
while the carbon dioxide concentration decreases beyond the
normal level;

2010Pyramid Projections©

• The rate of diffusion of oxygen into blood and carbon dioxide out
of blood increases;
• This decreases the rate of breathing;

(h) Distinguish between breathing and respiration. (2mks)

Breathing is any process which speeds up the rate of gaseous
exchange between an animal and its surrounding; Respiration is
oxidation/breakdown of food within cells to release energy;
(i) Describe the breathing mechanism in man during inhalation. (4mks)
• Internal intercostals muscles contract while external intercostals
muscles relax;
• The ribcage moves upwards and outwards;
• The diaphragm contracts and flattens; the volume of the thoracic
cavity increases and air pressure within it decreases relative to
atmospheric pressure;
• The lungs inflate and atmospheric air moves in;
(j) Explain the disadvantages of anaerobic respiration over aerobic
respiration. (6mks)
• Less energy is produced in anaerobic respiration since food is
partially oxidized; while more energy is produced in aerobic
respiration where food is completely oxidized;
• Some metabolic wastes (intermediate products) accumulate in the
cells; affecting cellular functions (Ethanol produced in plants poison
the tissues; while lactic acid causes muscle fatigue/cramp in animals
that may stop muscle contractions); such intermediate wastes are not
produced in aerobic respiration;
7. Discuss the various ways in which seeds and fruits are adapted for
dispersal. (20mks)
seeds and fruits are dispersed through various modes – self – explosive
• Wind;
• Water;
• Animals;
Adaptations include :
• Dry pericarp / pod along lines of weakness sutures splits forcefully
dispersing seeds;
• Small and light weight; to reduce the density ;hence float in air
• Hair – like structure /floss /pappus/parachute; to increase the surface
area; hence buoyancy easily blown by wind
• Winged/ extensions; Increase surface area . resulting in buoyancy;
• Air – spaces; trap air in mesocarp reducing density /weight hence
buoyancy /float;
• Tough and water proof epicarp; protect the seed from absorbing
water; hence float in water and easily transported to far off places.
• Impermiable seed coat / testa ; allow the seed to remain viable;

2010Pyramid Projections©

• Hooks and spines; on pericarp and persistant calyx to cling to the

body / hair /fur; on the animal body.
• Sweet scented; to attract animals; to feed on them.
• Succulent/fleshy; to attract animals to feed on them.
• Bright coloured; attract animals to feed on them

(iii)Describe how the mammalian ear is adapted to perform its functions.

• The pinna is flap made of skin and cartilage; for collection and
concentration of sound waves;
• Auditory canal/meatus is a tube lined with hairs which trap solid
particles like dust; It has wax secreting cells; that secrete wax for
trapping solids and insects entering the ear;
• The eardrum/tympanic membrane is thin with double layer of
epidermis; It vibrates translating sound waves into sound vibrations;
Sound vibrations are transmitted to ear ossicles;
• Ear ossicles are malleus, incus and stapes; they amplify and
transmit vibrations to the oral window;
• The oval window is a thin membrane which transmits sound
vibrations to the fluid of the inner ear; perilymph and Endolymph;
• Eustachian tube connects middle ear with pharynx equalizing air
pressure in the ear with atmospheric pressure; to prevent distortion
of the eardrum;
• The cochlea is highly coiled tube with system of canals (and
sensory cells) to occupy a small space/increase the surface area for
accommodating many sensory cells to detect sounds vibrations; and
generate impulses transmitted to the brain;
• Auditory nerve transmits nerve impulses to the brain for
• Semicircular canals are tubular cavities containing fluid;
• The canals are arranged at right angles to each other in the three
planes of spaces; to detect changes in position of the body; the
canals have ampulla’s: utriculus and sacculus; to detect position of
body in relation to gravity;
• Utriculus has otoliths attached to sensory cells which generate
impulses which are then transmitted to the brain through the
auditory nerve;
• The per lymph and endolymph fluid in the inner ear absorb
mechanical shock/transmit sound vibrations/protect delicate parts;
Total 25 max 20 marks

2010 Pyramid Projections 009


2010Pyramid Projections©

Paper 2
Q. 1
(a) Kingdom protoctistab (1mk)
(b) B – Vacuole b (1/2 mk)
Y – Pyrenoid b ( /2 mk)
( c) A – for movement b ( 1mk)
X – for photosynthesis b ( 1mk)
(d) because the nucleus is surrounded by a nuclear membrane b ( 1mk)
(a) x – incisor b ( 1mk)
(b) crush the bones b (1mk)
Slice flesh from bones

( c) (i) Flesh b ( O. W. T. T. E. )
(ii) – sharp canines for piercing flesh b ( 1mk)
- strong jaws for holding the prey firmly b (1mk)
- chisel shaped incisors for and tearing fleshb ( 1mk)
( Any 2 )
(a) (i) Juvenile hormone b ( 1mk)
(ii) Ecdysone / moulting hormone b (1mk)

(b) Prothoracic gland b ( 1mk)

( c) Has a flattened body to fit in crevicesb (1mk)

- Has wings and legs to enable it escape predatorsb
( 1mk)
- Has long antennae for sensing
- Has a brown colour to camouflage against predators ( Any 2)
4. (a) Individual 7 - XH Y ( 1mk)
Individual 9 - XH XH or XH Xh ( 1mk)
♀ XH Xh

Xh XHXh XhXh


(c) The gene for hemophiliac disease is linked to the x –

Chromosome and male have only one x – chromosome.b
5 (a) Living beetles used oxygen for respiration giving out
carbon (iv) oxide that was absorbed by sodium hydroxide
pellets; hence a decrease in ( 1mk)
(b) Control experiment b (1mk)
( c) Y – coloured liquid didn’t move; becauseb the carbon (iv)
oxide given out by beetles was used up by the green
plant; the oxygen given out is utilize in respiration by
both organisms.
Z – Coloured liquid rises, carbon (IV)b oxide is utilized by
plants creating a low partial pressure in the flask.

6. (a) Thoracic vertebrate b ( 1mk)

(b) (i) Neural spine b ( 1mk)
(ii) For attachment of musclesb ( 1mk)
( c) The arrow should point to the L. H. S of the neural spine.b (1mk)
(d) part Y – for articulation with capitulum facet of the rib.b

7. (a) 30 – 10 = 20 min. b ( 1mk)

(b) Lost heat to the cold water throughb conduction ( 1mk)
(c ) (i) The liver – increased metabolic rateb to generate more heat
(ii) The blood vessels – vasoconstricted to prevent loss of excess
(iii) The body muscles – contracted and relaxed ( shivering) to
generate more heat. ( 1mk)

8. (a) Divergent (1mk)

(b) As insects explored different ecological niches, a different
food was available for consumption (1mk) the mouth parts
changed to adopt themselves for the consumptionb of the food
available in their ecological niches.b ( 1mk)

2010Pyramid Projections©

(c ) – Beaks of birds ( 1mk)

- Dental structures of mammals (1mk)
- Pentadactyl limbs
- Dispersal of seeds ( Any 2)
(d) – Reduced in size / rudimental ( structures) and became
functionless through evolution.b ( 1mk)
9. (a) A natural unit where and abiotic factors interactb (1mk),
to form a stable self sustaining system. b (1mk)

(b) (i) Photosynthesisb (1mk)

(ii) Respiration b ( 1mk)
(c ) decomposers / Detrivores / decomposing bacteria
(d) (i) A = ( 1500 + 500 + 1000) KJ = 3000KJ (1mk)
B = 500 – ( 320 + 100) KJ
= 500 – 420 KJ = 80KJ b ( 1mk)
(ii) Total energy = 2000 KJ + 1500 KJ + 3000KJ
= 6500KJ b (1mk)

(iii) Amount lost as heat = (2000 + 1500 + 320) KJ

= 3820KJ
3820 x 100 = 58.77%b
6500 ( 1mk)

(iv) 80 x 75 = 60KJ lost as heat

100 C = ( 80 – 60) KJ = 20KJ.b

(e) Because during transfer of energy at each trophic level some

amount of energy is lost as heat; hence most of the energy will have been lost before man
benefits from the bag of maize. b( 1mk)

/2mk for every correct arrows
(g) (i) There would be an increase in the number of squirrels and
gazelles due to reduced preparation.
(ii) Fire would clear all the grass ( producers) causing food shortage
for insect larvae, gazelles and squirrels that would die leading to reduced food for lizards
and wild dogs that would die or migrate.
10. (a) Role of Gibberellins
- Stimulate rapid cell division and cell elongation in dwarf varieties.
- Induce flowering
- Induce parthenocarpy
- Break bud dormancy, promotes side branching /lateral growth
- Inhibit sprouting of adventitious roots from stem cutting
- Reduce leaf fall /retards leaf abscission ( any 5; 1 x 5)

(b) Meristematic cells

- Lack vacuoles
- they have a capacity to divide continuously
- have a dense cytoplasm
- have thin cell walls
- tightly packed together
- are small and cuboid in shape. ( 1 x 5)

(c ) Production of auxinsb ( 1mk) from shootb apex; auxins

migrate baway from light; stimulate cell, growth and cell elongation on the side
opposite direction of light; more growth, occurs leading to curving of the shoot
towards the light.
11. Scrotum/
Scrotal sac : Located outside the body to provide
optimum temperature for sperm production
Testes ; Produce sperms and hormones (androgens/testosterone)
Penis; Introduce sperms into the female reproductive system

2010Pyramid Projections©

Epididymis; Storage of sperms

Sperm duct; contract to expel sperms
Prepuce; protects the glans
Glans; Sensitive to touch
Urethra; Conveys sperms into the female reproductive systems
Prostate gland; produce semen to nourish the sperms
Cowpers gland; produce alkaline fluid to neutralize acidity caused by urine in the
( Structure must be tied to function (s) ).

2010 Pyramid Projections-012

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)


1. (a) The buffalo consume less oxygen(47gm/hr)per unit body weight than

(b)i) Buffalo;
Has a smaller surface area to volume ratio of the body hence it
retains more heat leading to low respiration rate hence less oxygen

(ii) The mouse;

Has a large surface area to volume ratio of the body hence it loses
more heat to the surrounding leading to high rate of respiration,
hence more oxygen consumed;
(c) The volume/amount of oxygen consumed increase with a decrease in
body weight or vice versa;

2. (a) To show that germination require an optimum amount of water;

(b) (i) A-most seeds germinated;

D-the seeds got rotten;

(ii) A-Germination takes place in adequate water i.e.;

D- Excess water cuts off oxygen supply to the seeds which end up
rotting instead of germinating;

 breakdown of insoluble (stored) food substances into soluble form by
 oxidation of food substances to release energy for cell division ;
 conversion of hydrolysed food into new plant tissues;

3 (a)
A-Hepatic artery;
B-Hepatic portal vein;
C-Hepatic vein;

(b) i) B - hepatic portal vein;

ii) B - hepatic portal vein;
iii) C- hepatic vein;

(c) No glucose comes from alimentary canal making glucose

concentration in

2010Pyramid Projections©

Vessel B low. Vessel C obtain glucose derived from hydrolysis of

glycogen in the liver;

4 (a) YY and yy;

b) (i) yellow;

(ii) Gene for yellow colour is dominant over that of white colour;

(c) If ¾=880
=294 plants;
 Down syndrome(mongolism);
• Klinefelters syndrome;
 Turners syndrome ;

5. (a) i) produce spindle fibre;

ii) Contain lytic enzymes which digest and destroy worn out
organelles cells

(b) Ability/capacity to distinguish between two structures that look very


 transportation of manufactured food in the phloem ;
 absorption of mineral salts by root hairs;

 water is hypotonic to contents of the red blood cell; water
molecules/heamolyse entered into R.B.C by, osmosis, hence
swell and burst due to weak cell membrane.

6 (a) see graph

 all points plotted correctly-1 mark;
 smooth curve-1mark;
 axes labelling-2marks;

(b)(i) Gas evolved increased with increase in light intensity; an increase in

light intensity leads to more splitting of water molecules into
hydrogen ions and oxygen; hence increase in the rate of

(ii) The amount of gas evolved remained constant as the rate of

photosynthesis is constant due to limiting factors;
Glucose formed is converted into start for storage in the tissue

(c) Glucose formed is converted into starch is osmotically inactivate

hence stored;

(d) By heating the leaves in an oven at 1100 C and weighing them; the
heating and weighing is repeated several times till constant weight is

(e) Has the stroma where carbon (iv) oxide fixation takes place; has the
grana containing chlorophyll that traps light energy; for

2010Pyramid Projections©

-Has intergrana lamellae that hold the grana in position;

7 (a) Homologous structures;

Structures of same embryonic origin; that become modified in the
course of evolution to perform different functions in different
ecological niches;

(b) Analogous structures;

Structures of different embryonic origin; that become modified in the
course of evolution to perform similar functions in the same
ecological niches;
 Organisms in the same environment are always competing for
resources such as food,mates,shelter etc;
 There follow struggle for existence and those organism that are
well/best adapted to survive and breed in the prevailing
environmental condition survive to the reproductive maturity
and give rise to off spring of the next generation;
 The less/poorly adapted die young hence leading to survival for
the fittest ;
 The favourable characteristic possessed by the fittest organism
are genetic hence are passed on to the offspring ;
 This lead to a natural occurrence of variation within a species;
 The variations that are genetic are passed on/transmitted to
successive generations of offspring;
 Consequently there is a gradual change in the characteristics of
the species making it better adapted to its environment;
 Accumulation of small variation over along period of time lead
to the emergence of new forms of life i.e. species;
 If suited to and well adapted to the new environment these new
form reproduce successfully and pass on their characteristics;
 If not suited these new form are eliminated by nature, leaving
mutant forms which are better adapted to the environment;
 Through this process nature selects those organism with better
 While ensuring the elimination of those not able to adapt to the
changing environment ;
 Thus the changing environment forces an organism /species to
adapt/be eliminated;

 Anterior lobe of pitutary gland secretes follicle stimulating
hormone; FSH causes Graafian follicle to develop in the ovary;
and also stimulates ovarian tissues to secrete oestrogren;
oestrogen cause the repair of uterine wall;oestrogen also
stimulates anterior lobe of pituary gland to secrete luteinizing
hormone; LH cause ovulation also causes graafian follicle to
change into corpus inteum LH stimulates corpus liteum to
secrete progesterone which causes proliferation of uterine; wall
in preparation for implantation; progesterone inhibit the
production of FSH; thus no more follicles develop and
oestrogen production drops/reduces;
 In the next two weeks progesterone level rises; and inhibits
production of LH; from the pituitary gland; corpus luteum stops
secreting progesterone and menstruation occurs; when the level
of progesterone drops; anterior lobe of pituitary gland starts
secreting FSH again; and cycle repeats;

2010 Pyramid Projections 013

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)

2010Pyramid Projections©


1 a) M- Chitinous rings / Rings of chitin;
N- Tracheole;
2 marks

b) Keep the trachea lumen open/ prevent trachea from collapsing;

1 mark

c) Tracheole ; trachea; spiracle;

3 marks

d) M- Trachea;
N- Bronchioles;
2 marks

2 i) FSH
- Cause development of graafian follicle;
- Stimulate tissues of ovary to secrete oestrogen;
max. 1 mark

- Cause proliferation/ thickening of the uterine wall (in preparation
for implantation);
- Inhibits production of FSH;
- Increase blood supply into endometrium ;
max 2 marks

iii) Luternising hormone (LH)

- Stimulates corpus luteum to secrete progesterone;
1 mark
- Cause ovulation;

b) Anthers;
2 marks

c) (i) Prophase I- ; (RJ prophase alone)

(ii) Formation of chiasmata / chiasma/ crossing over occurs /
synapsis occurs / homologous chromosomes intertwine/Bivalent is
formed; 2 marks

3 a) (i) Thoracic region;

 Presence of long neural spine for attachment of muscles;
 Presence of neural can al for the passage of spinal cord;
 Transverse process for attachment of muscles;
 Facets for articulation with other vertebral bones / vertebrae;
 Neural arch and Centrum to protect spinal cord;
 Demifacets for attachment of ribs;
4 marks

b) Exoskeleton;
3 marks

4 a) ¼ x 7324; = 1831;

2010Pyramid Projections©

b) Gene for smooth seed coat is recessive/gene for wrinkled seed coat is
dominant over that for smooth seed coat;
1 mark
c) X- insertion;
Y- inversion;
2 marks

d) Deletion;
Non- disjunction;
3 marks

5 a) x 100; = 15%;
2 marks

b) (i) The allele O appears in many blood groups/ blood groups A,B and
O/blood group A and B are heterozygotes; there fore higher chances
of being inherited in a population;

(ii) Allele A and B are co- dorminant hence express themselves only
in blood group AB;

3 marks

c) (i) To increase the surface area for increased supply/ efficient

transport of oxygen ( to tissues );

(ii) At high altitude air is less dense / partial pressure of oxygen is

low / there is low concentration of oxygen hence the number of RBC
s / structure C increases to increase oxygen carrying capacity of

(iii) Phagocytosis
3 marks

2010Pyramid Projections©

6 a) Axes x 2
Scale x 2
Plotting x 2
Curve x 1
Curve identity x 1

Total 8 marks

b) (i) Population increases rapidly because of fewer predators / less


(ii) Population decreases / declines/ reduces due to shortage of food /

inadequate supply of food / few number of prey;

c) (i) 100 ±1;

(ii) 65 ± 1;

d) (i) Population reduces; due to many predators;

(ii) Population reduces; due to competition over the same food


e) Using a sweep net the houseflies were caught, marked using ink that
cannot be erased easily counted and recorded;
The flies were then released to the population. After 48 hours the procedure
was repeated the flies in the second capture counted and recorded;
In the second capture, the marked re captured were also counted and

Population of flies = first marked x second captures;

Marked recaptured

7 a) Describe how insect pollinated flowers are adapted to pollination

14 marks
 Large/ broad / wide flowers /conspicuous flowers;
 Brightly coloured / corolla/ in florescence/florets; to attract insects;
(Rj coloured flowers alone)
 Scented ; to attract insects;
 Have nectary guides/ nectaries ; that secrets nectars ; to direct insects
into the flower;
 Pollen grain have rough / spiky/ sticky surface ; to stick to insect
 Special shaped corolla tube; to enable insects to land;
 Anthers situated inside the flowers; to ensure contact with insects;
 Sticky stigma ; for pollen grain to stick/adhere;
 (award to attract insect once )
Total 15
pts max

b) Explain how a seed is formed in a flowering plant

(6 marks)
One male nuclei; fertilized two polar nuclei; to form a zygote (which
undergoes mitosis) to form embryo ; which have radical and plumule;
cotyledon/endosperm develop; testa develops from intergaments;

2010Pyramid Projections©

8 Discuss the various evidences which show that organic evolution has
taken place (20 marks)


Members of a phylum show similarities; the organisms have similar
structure / organs performing similar functions / e.g. presence of digestive,
urinary, nervous systems;
 Vestigial organs/ coccyl, appendix;
 Pentadactyl / limbs in different animals eg monkey and rats, have
bones arranged in a similar way/Theses are examples of homologous
structures / structure of similar origin but perform different
 Convergent / analogous structures like wings of birds and insects all
these point towards common origin;

Vertebrate embryos are (morphologically) similar; suggesting the organisms
have a common origin / Acc when two embryos of mammals, reptiles and
amphibians are compared they show similarities;

These are remains of organisms preserved naturally occurring materials for
many years; They show morphological changes of organisms over a long
period of time; e.g. skull of man;

Present continents are thought to have been a large land mass joined together
; continental drift lead to isolation that lead to patterns of evolution; e.g.
camels in S America resemble those in Africa / tiger in Asia resemble
Jaguars in S. America;

Occurrence of organelles/ eg mitochondria, cytoplasm, nucleus; point
towards a common origin;
20 marks

2010 Pyramid Projections 014

1. a) Endotherm/ Homeoiotherm (1mk)

b) It ensures that metabolism occurs without being affected by external factor;

c) Sweating; excretion; breathing; defecation; (any 2mks)

c) - Erector filli muscles relax; thus body hair lies flat decreasing insulation and
increasing heat loss;
- Vasodilation occurs; - it increases blood flow in superficial blood vessels,
hence increasing heat loss by convection and radiation;
- Sweat glands secrete more sweat; which evaporates increasing loss of heat
through latent heat of vaporization.
e) To prevent overheating in the body / to prevent heat stroke (1mk)

2. a) A – Gill filament
B – Gill bar (2mks)

2010Pyramid Projections©

b) Filter solid particles/ food particles from inflowing water (1mk)

c) Water in the gill filament flow in opposite direction to the flow of the blood in the
filaments; creating a steep diffusion gradient for faster/ maximum
gaseous exchange;

d) Concentration of O2 in water is higher than its concentration in the protozoa;

O2 diffusises a cross the cell membrane into the protozoa ; concentration of CO2 in
the protozoa is higher than in the water surrounding due to respiration ; CO2
diffuses out into the water across the cell membrane; (Any 3 mks for any 3 points)

3. a) Curve Y; - it starts with a higher population than X, the predator; (2mk)

b) The number of predators dropped due to increase competition for food; as a result
of a decrease in the number of prey; (2mks)

c.i) Prey – predator relationship or predation (1mk)

ii) It maintains the numbers of prey and predators at the carrying capacity of the
It removes weak organism from the population by natural selection;

d) There would be an increase in the herbivorous population due to reduced

Herbivores would feed on a lot of vegetation which would reduce primary
productivity – hence causing soil erosion;
( 2mks)

Normal Normal
4. a) Aa; Aa;

b) Parental phenotype

P. genotype Aa Aa1 ½



Genotype of normal pigmented children :-

AA; Aa; (2mks)
Genotype of albino child – aa; (1mk)
c) 1/5 (1mk)
5. a) Oestrogen
- Heals and repairs uterine wall
- together with progesterone causes prolifenation of the uterine lining in
preparation for implantation;
- Makes uterine muscle more sensitive to oxytocine; (any 1 pint, 1mk)
- Causes prolifenation of the uterine wall;
- Maintains thickening of the uterine wall;
- Prevents miscarriage / maintains pregnancy; ( any 1 pt 1mk)
b)i Umbilical artery; (1mk)
ii) Umbilical vein; (1mk)

c) -Umbilical artery – Co2; Nitrogenous wastes

- Umbilical vein – Oxygen; food nutrients;
- Antibodies; (any 1 pt, 1mk)
d) Oestrogen inhibits the production of FSH, no follide grows;
- Progesterone inhibits the production of FSH and LH. No ovulation can occur;
6. a) Nitric acid; carbonic acid; (2mk)
b) on the graph;
Title - ½ mk
Scale - ½ mk
Correct curves - ( 2mks)
Y axis – mean length in mm
X axis – acid concentration (mol dm x 10)

2010Pyramid Projections©

c)i Growth of shoot – as the acid conc. increases, growth of the shoot decreases; due
to the low pH which is toxic to the cells;
ii) The length of the root increases slightly at the beginning; but as the acid
concentration increase, the growth of the root decreases; low pH is not suitable for
the growth of root;
d) At 5 x 10-3
- Mean shoot length 2.0mm ± 0.1;
- Mean root length 2.0 mm ± o.1; (2mks)
e) - Kills organisms in water and soil;
- Corrodes walls and roofs of buildings;
- Causes leaching of aluminum from soil; (any 2 points 2mks)
f) - Use of substances that extract sulphur from sulphur containing substances;
- Fitting chimneys with scrubbers that dissolve gases like sulphur dioxide and
- More use of electricity instead of fossil fuels;
- Fitting automobiles with filters and catalytic converters in their exhaust pipes
to reduce emission of sulpur oxides; ( any 3 points,


7. In the mouth;
There is mechanical breakdown of food using teeth; to increase the surface arae for enzyme
action; food is moistened; and lubricated by saliva; for easy swallowing;
The enzyme ptyalin; converts starch; to maltose; food is then rolled into bolluses; and
pushed down the gullet by the tongue;
There is no chemical digestion of protein in the mouth; since no protein digesting enzymes
are there;

In the stomach
HCL acid provides a suitable PH; to activate pepsinogen; to pepsin; protein in the egg is
converted by pepsin; to peptides; and peptones; No digestion of starch; because the pH is
not suitable for ptyalin to continue acting on starch;
Food is churned; by rhythmical contraction of the muscular wall of the stomach; to form

In the duodenum;
Bile; provides a suitable PH and neutralizes the acid chime;
Pancreatic amylase; converts starch to maltose;
Trypsin; converts proteins into peptides and peptones;
Bile salts; emulsify the fats in the egg; pancreatic lipase; digests fat to fatty acids and

In the ileum;
Maltase; converts maltose into glucose;
Peptidase; convert peptides into amino acids;
Lipase converts fats to fatty acids and glycerol; ( Any 20 points 20mks)

8. Evidences of evolution
Comparative anatomy/ Taxonomy;
Members of a phylum/ group show similarities; organisms have similar structures/ similar
organs performing the same functions; eg digestive system, urinary system, nervous system/
any correct example; vestigial organs e.g appendix, coccyx tail; vertebrate heart;
The pendactyl limb/ any correct example;
Analogous structures/ different structures performing the same function; e.g wings of
insects bats and birds – show convergent evolution;

2010Pyramid Projections©

Homologous structures/ structures with same origin but performing different functions;
show divergent evolution;

Fossilrecord / palaentology;
These are remains of organisms preserved in naturally occurring materials for many years;
show morphological changes of organisms over a long period of time; e.g skull of man, leg
of horse;
(4 mks)

Comparative embryology;
Vertebrate embryos are morphologically similar; suggesting the organisms have a common
origin / ancestry; ( 3mks)
Geographical distribution;
Present continents are thought to have been a large land mass joined together; and as a
result of continental drift isolation occurred; bringing about different patterns of evolution;
eg kangaroos in Australia, Jaquar in South America, Liama in Amazon; (any
correct example)

Coparative serology/ physiology;

Antigen – antibody reactions/ Rh. Factors blood group/ haemoglobin structure; reveal some
relationship among organisms/ common ancestry; (2mks)
(Total 23 max, 20mks)

2010 Pyramid Projections 015

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)



1 A) Photosynthesis; 1 mk

b) i) Starch test ; 1 mk

ii) plant B - Does not change the colour of iodine solution;/ colour of
iodine solution persists,/ colour remains brown ; 1 mk

– plant C- Stain blue black with iodine solution; 1 mk

c) Sodium hydroxide absorbs carbon (iv) oxide which is a requirement for

photosynthesis, hence no photosynthesis; thus absence of starch 2 mks

d) Plant D withered . The high amount of concentrated sodium chloride made

the soil water/ solution hypertonic; leading to no absorption of water by the
root of the plant; while the rate of transpiration is high;
2 mks

2 a) (i) 8.0; 1 mk

ii) It is the PH value at which the film took the shortest time to clear; 1 mk

b) Use the same volume of trypsin but boiled ; to ensure it is denatured ;1 mk

c) It is the action of the enzyme that is under test;/ to show that the change
was due to trypsin acting enzymatically and that the PH was therefore
affecting trypsin and not the film directly;
1 mk
d) To maintain a constant temperature ; 1 mk
e) To bring them up to the experimental temperature (35 c) , otherwise
temperature would be changing during the experiment; 1 mk

f) The film would not clear ;/ infinite ; 1 mk

2010Pyramid Projections©

Reason- The high temperature (650c) would denature trypsin, and it would
fail to catalyze the breakdown of gelatin; 1 mk

3 a)
Mango tree; sap sacking ants;

Insect eating
Bird carnivorous insect

Herbivorous moths ;

Insect eating bird

Carnivorous insect Correct labeling = 1 mk

Proportionality = 2 mks
Sap- sucking ants
Herbivorous insects

Mango tree

C i) Mango tree; 1 mk

ii) Sap sacki

sap- sucking ants and herbivorous moths ; 1 mk

(Both must be correct
to score full mark)

4 (a) increase in somatic cell/ growth and development / increase in size of

For repair of worn out tissues / regeneration;
For a sexual production / sporulation/ budding/ fission; any one = 1 mks

b) i) E – ureter / Ureter tube;

F- Cervix;

ii) A- Excretion of urea/ excess water/ excess salts ; 1 mk

B- Site for fertilization of ovum by spermatozoons; 1 mk

C- Formulation of Ovum/ Ova;

- Production of hormone s/ Oestrogen/ Progestorone ; any one
= 1 mk

D- Site of implantation of Embryo/ Zygote / Fertilized ovum;

G- Storage of urine / Temporary storage of urine; 1 mk

5 (a) Hairy ears; hairy nose; baldness; porcupine man (or spiny skin);

2010Pyramid Projections©

Any one point =

1 mk

b) i) XH Y; XHXh; = 2 mks

II) Parental phenotypes normal x carrier female

Parental genotypes XHY X XHXh


F1 offspring

F1 offspring :
The genotypes are XHXH, XHXh , XHY and XhY;

II) 2 completely normal: 1 haemophiliac

2: 1;
(Don’t award mark for ratio alone without indicating what the numbers

iv) Haemophilia is sex linked and they chromosome of male is empty , hence
once the recessive gene is present on the X- chromosome , it shows itself ,
unlike females where they are carriers ,
6 (a) Graph

2010Pyramid Projections©

6 (i)

B(i) Bamboo; 1 mk

c) i) The growth cells have maximumly divided hence no further growth; there is
further development resulting into the reproductive parts ; hence an
increase in the dry weight

ii) Dry weight provide more accurate results than fresh weights. This is because
the fresh weight includes the weight of water in the plant which fluctuate
according to the environmental conditions;

iii) Average height: Involves measuring all the heights of plants, then dividing
by the total number of the respective plants;
Average dry weight: cutting the plants and drying them; until a constant
weight is obtained; divide the total dry weight by the total number of the
respective plants;

d) When both height and dry weight are used more accurate results is obtained
1 mk

e) They lack cambium / cambium cells;

1 mk

7(a) In natural setting , the tree trunks are covered by light coloured lichens
which grow on them; light coloured moths blend in well/ camouflaged
against the light coloured lichens ; As a result they are not easily seen and
eaten by predatory birds; The light colour of the moth is a favourable
variation/ beneficial variation to the moth; .
However , the dark coloured moths/ the melanic forms do not blend or
camouflage against the light coloured lichen; As a result the dark coloured
moths / melanic forms were readily seen and eaten by the predatory birds;
The dark colour of the moths is an unfavourable variation / a disadvantage
to their survival ; As a result of this selection, the light coloured moth are
many and the dark coloured moths are few; (OWTTE). This is because the
light coloured moths survive and reproduce more light coloured moths; and
are therefore better adapted to this environment; compared to the melanic
form;/ dark coloured.
As a result of industrialization, a lot of smoke and soot is released to the
natural environment.This kills the light coloured lichen growing on the
trunks and blackens the trunk; and blankness ; In this new environment the
dark form/ melanic form is better adapted; Its colour is a favourable
variation / beneficial variation because it blends well against the black
background; predatory birds do not see it easily and it is not quickly eaten;
The light coloured moth is disadvantaged by its colour which is
unfavourable variation because it does not blend well against the blackened
tree trunks; It is easily seen and eaten by predatory birds; due to this form of
selection caused by change in the environment; more dark coloured moths
survive and reproduce more than the light coloured moths;
Total 18
mks , max = 16 mks
b) Lamark’s Theory
The theory is based on ;

2010Pyramid Projections©

 Influence of environment on development of structure / organs; It stipulates

that when environment demands / requires the use of a particular structure .
Development of structure/ organism the organism develops it in response to
the demands;
 Use and disuse of structures: It postulates that the frequent use/ exercise of
an organ leads to proper development or enlargement of such organs; disuse
of an organ (over an extensive period of time) results in its degeneration;
 Inheritance of acquired characteristics: It suggest that the traits acquired by
an individual due to the environment all pressure are passed on to the
offspring. Total = 4 mks

8 a) Has villi and micro villi, to increase surface area for absorption / digestion of
 Long; to increase surface area for absorption / digestion of food;
 Highly/ extensively folded; to slow down movement of food for
effective digestion/ absorption of food for effective digestion/
absorption of food.
 Has lacteal; for increased surface area for absorption of fats
 Narrow lumen: to allow food to be in close contacts with the walls
for affective digestion/ absorption
 Walls have secretory cells: which secrete mucus which prevents the
digestion of the walls and brings smooth flow of food;
 Secretory cells produce enzymes; for digestion of food; (Acc.
Specific enzymes with their function)
 Thin wall / Epithelium; to increase the rate of diffusion of digested
 Highly vascularised ; for affective transport of digested food;
(Total 18
mks ,
max 12
mks )

 The bile salts from bile emulsify fats to small droplets ; for the action of
pancreatic lipase to change the fats into fatty acids and glycerols ;
 Bile contains sodium bicarbonate; which makes the medium alkaline for the
actions of the pancreatic enzymes ;
 The pancreatic amylase ; breaks down starch to maltose;
 Typsin; breaks down proteins to polypeptides ; Total 8

2010 Pyramid Projections 016

Kenya certificate of Secondary Education



1. a) A – ilium
B- Acetabulum

2010Pyramid Projections©

b) Allows passage of blood vessels /and nerves to the leg.


c) Suture / immovable /fixed joint.

(Any one 1 mark)

d) - The end of the cells are marked with thickened regions /intercalated disc;
that form bridges between fibres hence transmit impulses rapidly
through out the heart.
- Are myogenic: - contract and relax without nervous stimulation.
- Have more mitochondria to sustain their energy demands;
(Any 2 = 4mks)

2. a) To find out the production of the heat by germinating seeds. (1mk)

b) Antiseptic killed micro-organism which could have caused decay; during

which heat could be produced. (2mks)

c) Acts as a control for Y. (1mk)

d) To prevent heat loss or gain. (1mk)

e) Absence of certain wavelength of light;
Freezing of seed during winter; (2mks)
f) Respiration (1mk)

3. a) Sweep nets
- Buckets /container
- Gloves.
- Water proof marking pain + brush.
(½ mk each)

b) Method: capture – recapture

Reason: crabs are highly mobile

c) Wear gloves to avoid stinging by crabs.

Wear protective footwear to prevent infection.

d) - Direct observation.
- Examine gut contents.
- Examine droppings.
- Infer from feeding apparatus/ mouth parts.
(Any 2 points = 2mks)

4. a) i) Pupil becomes smaller

ii)Pupil widens

b) Fovea centralis A cc Retina


c) (i) A condition in which light rays from a distance object are brought to focus
in front of the retina while those near are clearly focused.

d) Cones lack retinal convergence (Each one has its own Bipolar neurone
which links it to optical nerve); Rods show retinal/ convergence (several
rods connected to one bipolar neurone.) (2mks)

2010Pyramid Projections©

e (i) Cochlea
(ii) Vestibular apparatus.
Acc. Semi circular canals and vestibule. RJ. Vestibule alone.


b) A (sudden) change in structure of DNA/gene /chromosome at a particular



c) Radiations / X-rays / gamma /befa /U-V-rays chemical e.g. mustard gas,


(Any two, 2mks)

d) Inversion; deletion; translocation; duplications; non disjunction;

(Any two, 2mk)

e) Result in exchange of genetic material; leading to variation;


23,000 − 1100
6. a) (i) x100 ; = 1990.9%;
400 − 1300
(ii) x100 ;= 69.23%;

b) (i) At rest there is more blood flow through the gut because skeletal muscles
have less physical (metabolic) activity hence less glucose and oxygen
required; more blood available at the gut to carry away digested food.
(2 mks)

(ii) During streneuous exercise, more energy is required in skeletal muscles,

hence more glucose and more oxygen are required by muscles; there is need
for faster removal of metabolic wastes (urea, co2, H2O and heat) hence more
blood required. (2mks)

c) By stronger contractions; faster contractions; increased heart beat.;


d (i) Body temperature normal; hence less blood required at the surface of the


(ii) Body temperature increases hence more blood flow to the skin
/vasodilatation is necessary to take away excess heat.

c) Water; urea/uric acid/ nitrogenous waste/ creatinine/ hormones/ mineral


(Any 3)
7. a) Nature selects those individuals which are sufficiently adapted and allow
them to survive; and reject; those that are poorly adopted;
(3 mks)

2010Pyramid Projections©

b) Individuals of the same species show certain variations/differences; the

differences are caused by genes/mutations; some of the variation confer an
advantage to the individuals while others are disadvantages; Most
organisms produce large number of offspring’s than the parental generation,
however only a few survive to adulthood and are able to reproduce, This is
due to environmental pressures; such as predation / diseases / and
competition for food / and breeding sites; this is referred to us the struggle
for existence; Individuals with advantageous vanations /with desirable
variations; are well adapted for survival; they survive and reach reproductive
maturity; and pass over the favourable characteristics to their offspring;
Those that do not have advantageous variations/ traits/ genes; die while
young /do not reach sexual maturity, and therefore do not pass their genes/
traits to their offsprings; and thus perish /become eliminated; This is called
survival of the fittest;

(17 mks)

8. a) Secondary thickening in flowering plants.

Secondary thickening results into an increase in girths /width; due to the
activity of the cambium. In secondary growth new tissues are formed by
vascular cambium; and cork cambium; the vascular cambium divides
radially to produce new carbrium cells between the vascular bundles. This
forms a continuous cambium ring; The new cells of the cambium
differentiate to become secondary phloem on the outsides; those to the inner
side differentiate to form secondary xylem, more secondary xylem; is
formed than secondary phloem; the interfascular cambium divides to form
secondary parenchyma thereby increasing the growth of medullary rays;
As a result of the increase in volume of the secondary tissue; pressure is
exerted on the outer cells of the stem resulting in rupturing of epidermal
cells; In orders to replace the protective outer cover a new band of cambium
cells are formed in the cortex; The cork cambium/ phellogen differentiate
into secondary cortex on the inner side; and cork cells on the outside; cork
cells are dead with thickened walls which became coated with a water proof
substance called suberin; The cork cells increase in a number and become
the bark of the stem which prevents loss of water; prevents infection from
fungi and is also insulators. Bark is normally impermeable to water and
respiratory gases; periodically the cork cells form a loose mass of cells
known as lenticels which makes gaseous exchange possible;
The rate of secondary growth is stem varies with seasonal changes; e.g
during rainy season xylem vessels and tracheids are formed in large number;
the cells are large thin walled and with wood with light texture; In dry
season xylem and tracheids formed are few in number, are small and their
wood have a dark colour. This leads to development of two distinct layers
within the secondary xylem formed in a year called annual rings; ( Allow
marks on correctly annoted diagrams.)
(14 marks)

Choose /identify a young leaf (just unfolded); use the same leaf throughout;
Measure total length of the whole leaf (accept measurements of any part of
the leaf). Record; repeat at regular intervals until no more change is length
occurs / constant length. OR. Choose /identify a young leaf (just
unfolded); use the same leaf throughout; Trace the outline on a graph paper;
and workout the area; Record; Repeat at regular intervals until constant area;
average rate of growth is equal to total increase in area divided by the period
of time taken to achieve final area; (6 mks)

2010 Pyramid Projections 017

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)


2010Pyramid Projections©



1 a) A - Oesophagus
B - Stomach
C - Pancreas
D- Illeum
(½ x 4 = 2mks)

b) - Destroys bacteria that may come in with food;

- Provides a suitable PH medium for action of (enzyme) pepsin,)
- Unfolds proteins enabling action by pepsin; (3 mks max 2)

c) - Long to increase surface area for digestion / absorption;

- Highly coiled to increase surface area / slow down food
movement allowing more time for complete digestion /
- Inner lining contain villi (& microvilli) to increase surface area
for absorption;
- Lined with cells containing large numbers of mitochondria to
generate energy necessary for active transport ;
(accept any other correct adaptation)
(4mks max 3)

d) Blood sugar level is regulated by (hormones) Glucagon and Insulin;

which flows directly to
blood stream; (Pancreatic juice that contain) digestion ezymes; can not
pass through to the
alimentary canal;
(4 mks max 3)

2. a) i) Yeast ;
ii) Budding;
iii) Cause (plants & animals) diseases;
Causes food spoilage;
Source of food;
Manufacture of antibiotics;
(4mks max 3)

b i) A group of organisms that can naturally freely interbreed & give

rise to fertile / viable offspring;

ii) The first (generic) name starts with a capital letter, the rest are
small letters (inclusive of the specific name) ;
- The two names should be underlined separately when handwritten
or typed and italized when printed.;

3. a) A - Scapula;
B – Humerus;
C - Radius.;
(1x3 =3mks)

b) Ball and socket (joint) ;


c) Synovial fluid; reduces friction / lubricates the joint;.

(1 x 2 =2mks)

2010Pyramid Projections©

d) Ligament;

e) When one contracts the other relaxes and viceversa;


4 a) i) When a person lives in high altitude; OWTTE

( 1mk)
ii) During infection;
(1 mk)

b) i) It will produce carbon (II) oxide, which is a respiratory poison/

combine with haemoglobin to form a stable compound/
carboxy haemoglobin; ( 1X2= 2 mk)
ii) The potted plant respires and uses oxygen/ competes for oxygen
with the occupants of the room;
( 1mk)
c) For pathogens e.g HIV; and compatibility;
(1 x2)= 2 mks

d) They can donate blood to all other groups;

(1 mk)

5 a) RNA; presence of uracil nucleotide ;

(1x2 = 2mks)
Tie function to structure.

b) i) 4–Xc Y ;
5–XC Xc;
7 – XC Y;
ii) ¼;

d) Baldness;
Hairy ears/ (pinna ) / nose;
(1x2 = 2mks)

6. a) - Plotting (All points correctly plotted) –

(1 x2 =2mks)
- Smoothness of the curves
(1x 2 = 2mks)
- Labelling of the curves
(½ x 2= 1mk)
- Scale
(½ x 2 = 1mk)
- Labelling of the axes
(½ x 2 =1mk)


2010Pyramid Projections©

weight (g)

Time in days

Seedling grown in darkness – fresh weight increases up to day II due to absorption
water; then it begins to drop due to lack of photosynthesis; seedlings
grown in light – fresh
weight increases steadily even after day II due to photosynthesis;
(1x 3 =3mks)

c) - In the dark – the dry weight would drop immediately due to lack of
- In the light – the dry weight would drop before the leaves develop;
then increase as leaves
develop to carry out photosynthesis;
(1 x 3 = 3mks)

d) 65.5 ± 1.0g.

e) Optimum temperature; water; oxygen

(1 x 3 = 3mks)

f) Auxins; gibberellins; abscisic acid; ethylene; cytokinins.

(5 mks max 3)

a) (i) Secretion – production of useful substances from the body cells

(e.g enzyme / hormones);
( 1 mk)
(ii) Excretion – elimination of waste products of metabolism from
the body cells/ tissues;
(iii) Egestion - Removal of indigestible / undigested food materials
from the alimentary canal;
(1 mk)

b) Adaptation of the mammalian kidney to its functions.

2010Pyramid Projections©

The renal artery; supply blood to the kidney. The renal vein; carry
away purified blood from the kidney. Afferent arteriole; from the renal
artery supply blood to individual nephron. It is narrower than the
efferent arteriole; creating high pressure in the glomerulus;
That lead to ultra filtration; Glomerular capillaries; are narrow to
create high pressure enhancing ultra-filtration of liquid part of the
blood and dissolved substances to pass through the narrow pores into
the bowman’s capsule/ capsular space;
The proximal convoluted tubule; is highly coiled; to slow down the
rate of flow of filtrate allowing reabsorption; the walls of PCT
contains a large number of mitochondria; to provide sufficient energy
for active reabsorption of useful substances/ glucose/ amino acids;
back into blood stream; The loop of henle; is long and narrow and
surrounded by numerous blood capillaries; for quick uptake of water
and salts; Distal convoluted tubule; and collecting ducts; enhance
further reabsorption of water; the remaining filtrate enters the pelvis;
and into the ureter ; that connects to the bladder;

(22mks max 17)

8 Adaptation of xerophytes to their habitats;

- Some have reduced leaf size/ scaly leaves; reduces the surface area;
over which transpiration occur;
- Some shed their leaves; during drought; minimizing transpiration;
- Some have thick waxy cuticles; minimizing cuticular transpiration;
- Some xerophytes fold their leaves; on hot days; reducing the surface
area exposed to environment; hence reduce transpiration rate;
- Some leaves have sunken stomata; that accumulate moisture;
reducing the rate of diffusion;
- Some xerophytes have a reduced number; and size of the stomata;
lowering the rate of transpiration;
- Some xerophytes have reversed stomatal rhythm; lowering
transpiration rate during day time;
- Some have deep roots; that reach the water table;/ others have
superficial roots; that grow horizontally; absorbing water close to the
ground surface; (soon after rains);
- Some have succulent leaves/ stems / roots; for storage of water;
- Some xerophytes are drought evaders; going through the dry season
in form of seeds/ or underground perenating organs;
( 23 mks mxm 20)

2010 Pyramid Projections 018


Key to marking
; end of marking point.
Rj Reject
Acc Accept answer
OWTE - Other words to that effect.
/ Alternative answer.

Words not important.

2010Pyramid Projections©


a) . (4mks)


grasshopper guinea fowl termites



- Grasshopper, Guinea fowl, termites and gazelle;
(mark as a whole)

c) (2mks)
- They will feed on gazelles which would reduce;
- The leopards will reduce due to starve/migrate;
- Grass will increase;

d) (1mk)
- scavenger;


a) (1mk)
- Potometer;

b) :-
i) Cutting shoot under water. (1mk)
- To prevent the entry of air bubbles in the xylem; Rj vascular
bundle or vessel.
ii) Keeping the system air tight. (1mk)
- Prevent air lock;

i) In a dark room. (1mk)
- Position( of the air bubble )remains constant /no change in position( of air

ii) In an air current created by a fan. (1mk)

- (air bubble) moves towards the shoot;

iii) In the sun with leaves smeared with Vaseline on both sides. (1mk)
- No change in position of (air bubble);

d) . (2mks)
- Stomata remain closed; in the dark, no transpiration;

3.a) (2mks)
- Early death is caused by the fact that the homozygous recessive plants do
not have chlorophyll; and cannot make their own food;

2010Pyramid Projections©

b) (4mks)
NN – Genotype for normal green plant
Nn- Genotype for pale green plant.

Parents genotype NN X Nn

N N N n

F1 generation NN NN Nn Nn

Normal green pale green

Parents genotype NN X Nn

N n

c) (2mks)
Nn – genotype for seeds from heterozygous plant.

Parents Nn x Nn (no mark for working)


Gametes N n N n

NN Nn Nn nn ;
F2 generation

Phenotypes 1 normal green

2 pale green
1 white (will not grow to maturity)
Phenotypic ration 1: 2
Green: pale green;

Or 1 green: 2 pale green

Concentration of sugar solution (%) Diameter of cells (micrometer)
1 5.0
5 4.0
10 3.0
15 2.0
a) . (2mks)
conc. Of average values of 3 µ and 2 µ
= 10+ 15; = 12.5%;

b) (1mk)

2010Pyramid Projections©

- Isotonic;

c) . (3mks)
- 1% sugar solution is hypotonic( to the cell sap); cell gains water by osmosis;
and swelling/ increases in the cells diameter;

- After- Sap vacuole will appear smaller in size;

ii) (1mk)
- Plasmolysis;

a) (1mk)
- Long sight/hypermetropia;

b) (2mks)
- The eye ball is too short;
- weak eye lens;

c) .

d) .
i) (1mk)
- geotropism; acc. Shoot is negatively geotrophic while
Root is positively geotrphic
Rj – if root/shoot alone.

ii) . (2mks)
- High concentration of auxins in the lower part of the root inhibit growth;
while more growth occur on the root upper side; hence the root bend
downwards/show positive geotropism.
Max 2mks

2010Pyramid Projections©


Answer question 6 (compulsory) and either question 7 or 8

Scale 2
Labelling axis 2
plotting 1
Smooth curve 1

b) . (1mk)

2010Pyramid Projections©

- 10 – 15 sec; Rj if no range

ci) (1mk)
- 22mg/100cc of blood;

ii) (1mk)
- Muscle cramps/cell poisoning; raises osmotic pressure of body
cells/lymph/blood; causing fatigue; (mark 1st correct)

iii) . (3mks)
- Liver converts lactic acid into glucose; fast /deep breathing; heart beat
increase/blood circulation rate increases;

i) Occurred (1mk)
- 5 – 15( sec);

ii) (1mk)
- 15th (sec);


anaerobic aerobic
- Oxygen not used Oxygen used;
- Glucose not completely broken down glucose completely broken
- Less ATP energy produced. More ATP energy produced;
- By-Products – lactic acid By-Product- water, CO2;

f)i .
- Heart

ii) .
- Presence of cardiac muscle; that do not get fatigued.


Chewed using teeth;to increase surface area for enzyme action;
- ptyalin/salivary amylase digest starch; into maltose;
- Saliva has water; to moisten/soften food;
- Saliva has mucus; for lubrication;
- Saliva has slightly alkaline – suitable pH for ptyalin/amylase;

pepsin digests protein; into peptides;
No starch digestion due to unsuitable pH/ presence of HCl/Acidic media;
HCL activate pepsinogen into pepsin;
HCL provide suitable pH for action of pepsin;

Trypsin digests proteins; into peptides;
Pancreatic amylase digest starch into maltose;

Sodium bicarbonate : provides suitable pH/neutralize acidic chyle;

2010Pyramid Projections©

Bile juice: provided suitable pH /neutralise acidic chyle;

Peptidase digests peptides into amino acids;

Maltase digest maltose into glucose;

8a). Describe the theory of natural selection by Darwin (15mks)

Organism produce more young ones than can survive; many young ones die
due to environmental resistance,( e.g. diseases/ predators/, competition,/
extreme weather, e.t.c.); this keeps population relatively constant.; This is
called struggle for existence; variations occur; some are unsuitable; These
make organism to die early; without leaving offspring;
These unsuitable characteristics tend too reduce in a population; This is
called survival of the fittest;
Variations occur in a population by chance;
Some variations are suitable;
These make organism survive to reproductive age; and pass the suitable
genes/ variation(s) to their offsprings;
These suitable characteristics tend to increase in a population;

b) Explain how resistance to insecticides support the theory of natural

selection. (5mks)
e.g housefly (can use another insect|) is resistant to DDT;
It has been observed that houseflies are not killed by DDT which used to kill
them previously;
However, a few mutant houseflies were resistant to DDT ; After several
generations only the resistant houseflies were left;
Due to lack of competition these reproduced and their population increased
NB/ DDT does not cause mutation but only kills susceptible flies.

2010Pyramid Projections©

1. (a) Survive malaria attacks.

HbAHbs x HbAHbA


HbAHbA HbAHbA HbAHbs HbAHbS (1mk)

Normal Carriers (1mk)

(ii)HbAHbs (1mk)

Hb Hb



2 1
(iv) /4 = /2 (1mk)
2. .

2010Pyramid Projections©

b) –In A- The seedling grew upwards coleoptiles were covered

with black polythene which does not allow light to
pass through thus no migration of auxins.
- In B – The part where auxins are found was cut off. Thus no
effect on the seedlings Acc. OWTTE (1MK)
- In C – The seedlings bent towards light due to migration of
auxins from the lighted side to the darker side causing
more elongation on the darker side thus bending towards
the light. (1mk)
(c) Phototropism (1mk)
(d) Seeks to maximize light energy absorption thus increase the
rate of photosynthesis. (1mks)

3. a) To Demonstrate respiration by germinating seeds. (1mk)

b) Antiseptic killed micro-organisms which would have caused
decay, during which heat could be produced. (2mk)
c) Acts as a control for Y. (1mk)
d) To prevent heat loss and heat gain. (1mk)
e) – Absence of certain wavelength of light.
- Freezing of seed during winter/unsuitable temperatures (2mk)
f) Respiration (1mk)

4. a) pepsin is produced as pepsinogen by which is the precursor for

pepsin, On inactive form which cannot digest the stomach wall as
would the pepsin do.
b) The medium of the stomach is Acidic which is not condusive
for Amylase activities hence No effect. (1mks)
C) It is converted to casein because pepsin can only act on milk
protein when it is converted to caseins, solid milk stays in the
stomach longer for digestion to take place.
d) – To lubricate the food.
- To protect the elimentary canal wall from being digested by
protein digesting enzymes. (2mk)
(e) Allows the tongue to manipulate vegetation material in such a
way that material being chewed is kept away from that
which is freshly gathered.

2010Pyramid Projections©

5. a) Microscopic algae Mosquito larvae small fish

large fish
b) Acc. 2500 4000 (1mk)
- Should be more than the large fish and fewer than mosquito
larvae. (1mk)
c) i) Capture – recapture method. (1mks)
ii) –Capture a number of fish, mark them and release them back
to the pond having noted their number. (1mk)
-After sometime/a few days, make another capture and out
of them, Note the number marked .
i.e 1 captured and marked = x
2nd Captured = Y. (1mk)
2 Captured with mark = z.
The total population = T= XZ
Y (1mk)
6. a ) graph
b) 41 mg
C(i) food stored in endosperm was utilized by the
growing/germinating prumule and radicle.
(ii) Food from the endosperm was taken to the embryo which
was growing thus increased in weight.
(iii) This is due to the energy lost through respiration ie. Not all
the food from the endosperm is utilized in the growth of the
(iv) The “seedling” has developed foliage leaves thus
photosynthesis has started taking place.
(d) (i) – Immaturity of the embryo
- Absence of enzymes/hormones.
- Presence of Inhibitors.
- Impermeable seed coat.
(ii) –Excess alot/ heat.
- lack of water/oxygen.
(e) – Thin walls
- Dense cytoplasm
- Absence of vacuoles.

7. a)
i) Concentrates/ collects and directs sound waves into the
outer auditory meatus/ear tube. (1mk)
ii) –Transmits vibrations. (1mks)
- Amplifies vibrations (1mk)

iii) – Transmits sound impulse to the brain/CNS. (1MKS)

B) The pinna collects and concentrates sound waves and
directs them into the outer aunditory meatus. The sound waves
strikes the tympanic membrane/ear drum which vibrates.
These vibrations are picked up by ear ossicles, first the
mallens, to the incus and to the stapes. In the ear ossicles, the
vibrations are amplified since the ossicles forms a system of
levers. The vibrations are taken by the oval window/fenestra
ovale and picked up by perilymph of the inner ear vibrations
in the inner ear stimulates the sensory cells, triggering a nerve

2010Pyramid Projections©

impulse which is conducted by the auditory nerve to brain for

interpretation. (16mks)
8. The skin is made up of epidermis and dermis, the epidermis is
made up of three layers.
 The outermost layer known as cornified layer, made of dead
cells that protect against mechanical
 The granular layer, is made up of living cells that give rise to
cornifield layer.
 The malphigian layer, with actively dividing cells that give
rise to a new epidermal cells/granular layer that contain
melanin, that protects the skin against U.V. rays
 Has sweat glands/sudoritic glands, that produce sweat which
evaporates thus reducing body temperature.
 Under cold conditions little/No sweat is produced thus heat is
 The sweat contains water, sodium chloride/uric acid/Urea and
hence the skin acts as an excretory organ
 Has hair, the hair stands erect to trap air to insulate/reduce
heat loss when the temperature is low/lies flat to allow heat
loss when the temperature is high
 Has nerve endings, which are sensitive to
stimuli/heat/cold/pain pressure/touch
 Has subcutaneous fats/Adipose, that insulates the body against
heat loss.
 It has arteries/capillaries/blood vessels, that supply
food/oxygen/remove excretory products.
 Arterioles vasodilate when Temp. are high/loss of heat by
radiation/convection, Vasoconstricts when temperature is low
to conserve heat/minimize heat loss.
 Has sebaceous gland, which secretes sebum on
antiseptic/water repellant that prevents skin drying/ cracking
of skin.

TOTAL 23 (MAX 20)

2010Pyramid Projections©


1(a)Genes controlling other character apart from sex but are located in sex-chromosomes therefore transmitted /inherited together; with sex

(b)(i)XcXc XCY; Xc Xc; XCY

Normal Normal Carrier Color

Daughter son daughter r blind


(ii)0.25 or 25%;
(c)(i)Inversion - The word mothers inverted to thermos;
(ii)insertion - The letter T inserted in the word say to form word stay ;

2.(a)To destarch the leaves ;

(b)C02 is a condition necessary for
(c)Absorbed / remove carbon IV oxide from the air in flask ;
(d)(i)Leaf B - is control experiment;
(ii)l - Boiling leaf to kill the protoplasm/ to stop photosynthesis from taking place
II - to dissolve chlorophyll / remove chlorophyll from leaf ;
(e)(i)Point when rate of photosynthesis is the same as respiration therefore no exchange of carbon IV
oxide and oxygen in stomata ;
(ii)Photosynthesis is controlled by enzymes therefore optimum temperature for enzyme activity is needed for highest rate of photosynthesis;

3.(a)C - Enamel ; D- Blood capillaries; E - Cement ;

(b)C - Non living and hard therefore provides with a very hard surface for biting and grinding food ;
(c)Premolar - two roof system ;
(d)Trapped sugary food between teeth acted on by bacteria to form organic acids that corrodes the tooth enamel hence exposing the dentine and pulp
(e)- Regular visit to dentist ;
- Avoid eating of sugary foods ;
- Eating diet rich in calcium and vitamin D ;

4. (a)

Phytoplankton's Mosquito larva Small fish

Large fish Fish eagle; Phytoplankton Mosquito larva Small fish
Large fish Crocodile;

(b)A lot of energy is lost as the energy flow from one trophic level to another therefore less energy is made available to organisms in quaternary trophic

(c)(i)TheSun ;
(ii)Phytoplankton's absorbs sunlight and uses it to make their own foods through photosynthesis
Some of the foods is stored in phytoplankton'sis fed by mosquito larva or small fish which are
then fed by large fish ;
(d)As the depth increases the intensity ofsunlight decreases therefore decreasing the rate
of photosynthesis hence biomass;
(e)- Overfishing;
- Discharge of untreated sewage;
- Discharge of industrial effluents / with poisonous chemicals;
- Oil spillage from garages ;
- Short hunting of birds / fish eagle ;
- Agricultural activities / fertilizers washed into lake;
5. (a)To investigate the rate of transpiration of the shoot under different environmental conditions;
(b)The shoot should be cut under water to prevent the xylem vessels from being blocked by air;
(c)(i)Rate of transpiration higher - high temperature increases rate of evaporation / by increasing kinetic
energy of diffusing water vapor molecules;

2010Pyramid Projections©

(ii)Low rate of transpiration - polythene bag prevent air currents and provides with humid environment;
(iii)High rate of transpiration - fan provides wi air currents which speeds up transpiration ;
(iv)Low rate of transpiration - plucking off the leaves reduces the surface area for stomata transpiration;

6.(b)(i)134mm + showing on graph ;
(ii)136mm + Extrapolation on graph ;
(c)Shoot A - Removal of apical bud removesource of auxins therefore lateral buds sprouts
and grow faster,
Shoot B - Removal of apical bud stimulate the sprouting of lateral buds, the giberrellic acid stimulate growth of lateral branches.
This explain why lateral branches in B grew faster.; Shoot C - Presence of apical bud inhibits the sprouting of the lateral buds
because it is the source of auxins which inhibits sprouting of lateral buds.;

(d)Shoot C - Control experiment; (e)- Stimulate apical dominance;

- dominance;
- Stimulate tropic responses ;

- Stimulate development of adventitious roots;

- Stimulate secondary growth in dlcot;

Monosaccharide's Polysaccharides

Sweet in taste - Non-sweet

- -crystallizable-non crystallible
- Soluble in water - Insoluble in water

-Reducing property - Does not have reducing property –

-any two

(b)Functions of lipids

- Storage purpose / energy reserve

- Oxidized to release energy

- Source of metabolic water
- Protection of delicate organs e.g. kidneys, eyeballs
(c)- Place a food substrate in a test tube add a few drops of sodium hydroxide solution and shake well;
- Add a few drops of 1% copper
- (II) Sulphate solution shake well and observe the colour change;
- If proteins are present a purple or pink coagulations is formed;
- (d)(i)Pepsin - Breaks down proteins into polypeptides;
(\\)Blle - Contains bile salts whose functions are
- Emulsification fats;
- Neutralize acid in chyme and provide alkaline medium;

2010Pyramid Projections©

(iii)Hydrochloric acid - Kills bacteria in the food ;

- Activates the conversion of pepsinogen to active pepsin

- Provides with acidic medium for pepsin to function

8.(a)Breathing - taking in and out of air into the

respiratory organ e.g. (lungs)

Respiration - Chemical breakdown of foods to

produce energy needed by the cell

(b)- Age - Low aged individuals higher in young

individuals because they require more energy.

- Body size - Small sized Individuals have large SA to volume ratio therefore higher.
- Basal metabolic rate (BMR)
- Health - unhealthy individuals respires more faster to produce energy needed for
- Activity - During physical activities more energy needed therefore faster rate of

(c)Adaptations of red blood cells

- Biconcave in shape - large surface area for exchange of respiratory gases

- Small and numerous in number - Large surface area for transportation of oxygen and
- Enucleated / no nucleus - Large surface area for packing hemoglobin.
- Presence of hemoglobin in cytoplasm - a pigment with high affinity for 02
- Thin cell membrane - short distant for diffusion of gases
- Very short life span 90 days - efficiency in transport of gases.

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