Anda di halaman 1dari 32



Fo.r He gas ,u,se I Model1RX415 (TYPE He)

Moo:surtn_g range : HG; Q-1100r%,UEL, 1()..1IClO\.m.I% 02 : 0-25vo~,

For CHili gas use' i Modell RX-4·15 (rV'PE OHt)1

MeaslJli_ng range : CH4 : 11).11 (lOOIoLEL, O~ 100v01% 0.2 : o.25vol.%

• M1a" rea::iigrm, ma'1lJaii~ SiaJ!tkJ~ tiltiIs~

• Koopll!his lmanua!! where to amy ou!l:easily

• VlJihenl tal<e out this manuallby use' of oonsfrudfon wo.rik, be sure to, purI:' ,it ·whereit~.

• 0) oot 'UOO this, ins1rument for no 'o1her' tm)'ghten PUrpo.s€l'.

• VWlenl operate. this, mGUume:n1 w!thw IUSlrlg thls, manual or repair·it by use Of no otiler ,partstlhan the' genuine one, 1he safety. and IQUa]Hy' 'of p~'~ couldl nat be guammeed. When ,any acddenl gnoukUake ,place by those irregular 111IehJd, 'We carulOt asrumel'e respon81b~rtyfcrr rt

I~~~ IRIII(.ENI!KE.~K~ _ ~'O~,!L~~~

.. I!JNIi.· .. · 2"-7-ij~~T~ ~74-6744""'1

Plhotle Tokyo (00) 396-&-11~,]3,

l,el'ell! 2722638 R&<JNii=NE

Fax (03) 3008 9111 n am

E-Mail i'ntodep~e:Ji!I!I'e~icoJp

lt is o,f (lL!~ ,great: ~(lea.$l,ne~:o pu rlChas€l Riken [Oorta:b[e H:CI02gEl!s detector model,15, 1)his. lime!, Thls instrument is an '9:Xpl'oSllon,proof type portable g~as ,detecror whi:cn is designed to, measurelJhe pr,S'seno9 of crude VapOilS fnl an inert gas Of in ,air ~sueh as IHe 'gas, va_pors and meUlane 'gas and 0:2.

This instructionl rnanual liS a 'Qu'ide' oook for opemtiof1l rO'f Riklel1 porl8b!e HOO2 g,as det'ecto:r liI'IodeIIRX-415. It is kindty tiequest:ed to read and ulldeffi!Tanai this, ooinl'em: by @'xperi:enuJedi users ,as well as beginn:ern"The! filliowing headline shall be Sh01M1lto carry ,outlhe saJfeUyand effeCtNe work frill 'this instrudiol"llmaJ1ual

A Danger

This meansli1h:at it gives '~eseri:Ous, narm~o U1Ie' numa_n ~ife;i' body or matel1iaJ diredly such as ~,oU!ohilllg: htgh voll:a:91e.

ill, Warning

Th~s means that it gives 'lihe serious harm~o the numan bodily' Of materieJ if db, not perfo'rnl the opemtiol'l acroroin:Q to 1Ihe insfiru:di(iln manual

A Caution

This m~MS "that it giVes 'the slight harm '~o tue human body or ma1.erta!l if'do not perform the operatioll acoortling 'to 'lIhie! instruction manual.

* Note

Model RX-41i 5 consists, of two type' aDoordTng to 'rile lkJindi of gases below;

For He gas use : Model RX-4115 (rYIPE IHe.)

He : 0-1 OO%LEIJO .. 'WQvo1%

02 : 0-25vol%

For CH4 'gas use: Model RX-4'1l:5 (TYPE CH4;)

C!H,~ : 0·,1 OO%LiEUOc.1100v0f%

{)2 : O~25.vol%

1. Nanna of each part· ., . . .,. . . ,2 '. Operation

IiJ .. .. ,i, • ., !Ii 'i 'i, ill l~ 'i' ., iii '.' '.' ili

- . - - -

:2 - .2. St:[!1't'~'I~ fll'OOeduJ:e 2 - ,3" Chook 0:1' m'Q'I"I' ~'1Qnitol.':;l

:2: - 4 ,. 7~m "dju:rt~tlc:n!: ., •

2 - 5,. Me.a.s,lU1Lll1Umt '. • • •

2: - 'o, 8til,p oflPun~p opem~ron" •

:2 - '1., ,[\,ll!?.aS'lU1:l:tllC'n~ oL'Ompleti'Ol't "' '.'

7 8 8 f)

I.l 12

l~ i

3. Alarm function

oi, !' .. ,i, oi, iii ,i ., ill ,. 'i' .,

4. Maintenance check.

-:1,- 2. (Jr.:!'! ~:Iiibl";itio.u·' • • • •. a. • .,. • • ..'.' • '. .' • '. 16

4 - 3. li"i[~r .l'rei~:~fl'Otl:mei1L' " • '.. • • " '. .' • '. 2 J

1- 4. . o~ ~'I'I[jiQI" ~replilllmil1i1~llt· " '" • • " '. • •• • • •• 2;2

41~ 5. ])~1:i]}i' clu~ek mldi mgn!m..' ~l1Iamt@]l!rul&.' ch~c'k • • • ~~'3,

4~- 6, R:eI):~aO\'lllne'llt ofp;u[$.·· .' •• • ,', ., • " " • " , 2~3,

~i - 7". Sl;Q'rage aad tl~abu~.:mt when rwtW~Y8C rtl'l'" <llQ~ ~~I:ne' 2;'3.

5. Scrap of instrument- '.' .' . - '. " · · ,', . . ,." . :2~ 16. 'Irouble-ehooting .,' . ..,.' . '..' . " '. ., . ,.., 2~, '7 Caution fun operation '. ., - - . . . . ." . ," .. 2tl



'9. Specifications

9'- l, ," .... ~...;;gM;ti,GJ:lS·· ~~,~

f)- 2. J\oOO'SSOrie~· •

1 .0" Detection principle,

I b~




co PO,W€lr!EiI1t:er swooh

Thfsis ll!JlSedrorilhe oonl'imlatbn of p0\IWr ONI' OFF{ilf1lpurt

® PUMP/(+) smlch

This is Ui8:edfor pump SwJtch ONVOFFancl'ti;), iUto~asethe' in"lprn v.alue ..

@ ZlERjOj(-)'~ch

This is used 'tlr zeroad1U:8ilrmanit mdl deoreasethe [nput, vaJue.

I'M ~II"':' '" lilt"' ,~, • .1ii -,~ w .- ~ i;l;¥~~luCi I

® 18ATTIESC sWtilDh

This is used \M:'Ien doo:ijrloolo shO"U'tve baltteny voitag,e EJIrld canoe~lhe Ifrnpul~

® G"ilS outret

Thls i$itI1e oLJJ:s,t to, ,exl1iaustsample gas ,out.

(il Calibration '9185 name! plate

Thf:s sJl"iJo~·1he! ,ca~ib:~tiof'il ~gl:llS, lr1ame"

® Dlsp!ay IUJln1~ {lICD, dls,pllaylNith back ll'i:gh~) 1l11.i~ di$plaiYs ,goo

® AJarml'am,p

This 'mrumand llflghts an at trouble ,a&arml trme.

@l Photo S9ir100r \MFldow

'Thi~, is for aU1ilomaJtiic back~tt[g~tSi of (]~splay IU n:fI: by de!t~ctiifilgllil1!aJt it, g;eits daJkaroUJ !!iICI.

® Gasin~e~

This ,is a measuri~gl gas ~'rnlet.

,Check iitem before opem~I'ron Instru:menI:

• Check that there iiS no damage on 'lihe display unilt

:Fitter tube with'ifIow monitor:

• Check the dirt: of ,cotton and when it gl~ts, dirty; f,eplaoe the, ,ootton ~hl new One,., (See 5-3) "' Wlnen 1he water drops, are depo~iilIed. drain lit out.

.' Check th8il there is. no clack or damagiG'.

· Cneck th8i1 'ith:ere: is, II"I,Q looeeness an i'Hil! nipp~e mOUlrllJi'ng 'Gas, :Sam(pUng hose ,:

'. Oheck 'that 'lhe~' is no tlr1e:aIk or 'Mrist of l

2 - 1. IPreparation

(]) Mount 'the IbaRelY into InSmafflJflnt (See' ,5-1 ), (2) RIJI: the instrumen*: into the'8e.

(;n Conn@',etthe iinstrument ,(gas inlet)1 the j,Lllrlction whe,fi'iter rube with ft'owmonoor aIi1d1 gas samp~irlgl hoSE!' uth liJi'ilstrumsn,t ln tum.

Standard speolficalii'oinll (3as, sam,p~ing relay rose (~Ilm} + Sampling hose Bar type' ,(1 m)

Optional specification Gas, sampling relay Ihose (SOm)' + Sampling hose Fl'oating type! {1 rn)1

C*'Gas SWllJlllng re'lay hose and 'samplingl hose I~Bar type/f'.l.oat type) is optiona~ aocessories)

• ConnRclion bemeen ~ sampling relay hose, and model,RX-415.

By hO!dling knurling paJ1: ~ltIifingern; pull i1: to, tIi'l:i!: arrow Imaril<;, :0$

Plug in to 'the arrow mark'WdJh [s condition. Re~e'ase. tIlefingern, hol:di'nglthe knuri[lnQ pan and press irllihel1l" locked ale,r.tidkiing S01i.:lIld'.

IKnuriing part ,Junction lube


• OO:!l!l1lection beblVeen IgaS samprirngl relay ,nooeand sampling hose 3.

sy holdin:glUi:e 5Od<st of gas, sampling) n9~ay hose and the p!lIglof sampling hose' by fingers ,and plug in to the arrow ma_rk unfj~ it gets a tiokling' sound.


A Warnin,g

., k;: '!his is UOOdI in dangerollS 2OI1e:, lbe ·sure' to lise :~ vmnl camj.lng case,

A 'Caution

• Bel sum to Iplug in ~h:e' gas samplingl hOO€i and .~)Jndon nJoo,

IN' not surelY loonnretedl1he aoouram 1~l1Sment ca!Mot be earned out .. , Be ,SlUrem, n10LJrnihe fitter tutle lIM1!IilbMnonito!':,

If measure lMIhout frillm; l~ will be a cause' of trouble iby suo1<mg ,dtlSt; water andoU etc.

2 - .2 ..Stanit:-il.lIll) procedur;e

HlO!"d press~ng lPo~rer s.~rnlf:or5 SJaOOIl;OO and the' p~r will tum (In. Via bawery on,eok, 'f1'lter prolbe! 'Qonnection ,check ·aI_nd OOirnOOJf ~lI1nectiDn ooock, the g:a_s de~@lcmo.n ~II start The sequenoe pell1o.l11I1ance un~11 ~lhiegas del:edjorl s~aIJ1:s is asf'OlIo\!\l'S: :

Holtl pressing power swffd1 for 5seoonds II ,

* Note

~] '0 0 + 0 v 01 % 2 5.0 % Ail. pumpoornnedkJTilul,

At lpower en, ched<;tIi:~t

~prox. 5, 88C.!. "'-----~~.~ ..... CD

II B A.TT. ; E - - - I - - F AJlbattery powersho.rta_ge,. lie lou!UllEn .ElII1'd pump'

.Ap,!lr:oX". 5 sec. .~ ® sound ..

II_pB-EPA.R.AT[ ON ~~~~~~~~

:mx. S. sec, ~


SENSOR Ci[ECK .At~OOI'1n~O\1I'faill,

Approoc. ,5 sec, ,I· '------,.., CD



,ApproilC 5 sec.. J

~WARMING UP 30sec 30 :SeC.l·



.Approx. 5 sec. 1

I 0, I()'%LEL 2 O. £1%

IDeteCtion $mrts,

@ ID~~, 1~il'fio~'ai1oo al_pOW€iI' wltage ;shorlt~Qe. '(See 3. and 5-1)

.IIR E p t AC E B.~ Tor E RY ~ lamp: 1lg1t:-ot!1l1 IBuzmt:~)

@ Dii's~~ay! perfO'J'rililEmOe at sen1~or oonnedfon 'faj~Ulre.(See $.) In lease Olf He sell'il~o:r OOl!'ill'1:edJion faji~ure

I PA [L SENSOR lie I <Lampl: UWlrt-<lfl, ~:CiontUn~)

In case O'~ 02 00\1'11:80\1' oo!1lil:ediol1l fctillure

11"'·f", [L SEN SOA: 02 :II~' : ~-onJ Buzzer.: rOonlnu:us)

Illn c.a.s€' of IHe 881"1SO.r/02 sensor c(ll'i!'l1!ed~oTlfai~iLJre

~ F A I L SEN S O.R ~ a...arnp: 19'rt-oo. ~ef': OOnmi.JClOSl

2 - 3. Check.of'flo¥m1onito:r

When rum on PQ'wer; Ute pump staRs workingl. Chock 'lihat it wo,rks property by the ftoWimonito.~ {floaJO of fnter 'Wbe 'wWth flbwmonitor~


2 - . :~r() adjustment

Make zero ,adjustment by removing the ,gas sam,plingl hOSB. Afiterthe deteclol1l starts,see the fl:ow monlto:r and' ,check that the' a[r iiS 8ud;:,ed pxoperty. Then, check thaiUhe lreading getrs, stabl€! ,and mak,e: zem ad.!ustment b,y sucking '!he' flresh ,air into instrument

The o,pera'tion procedure i5, s~own fbe:lcM/II.

I~ O. O%LEL 2 O. 9%


I 11'O['D ,2 ERO KEY

APP_L Y FR,ESI1 t\:1 R

,After I~ tiha.t~ air is suc:ked into I1sInrnenI: and then, pTeSS I i~N T E Ii§ :~hr.


Approx. 5 sec.



I' Zem caJ'ibmtion failure'

10.... ---~ .... ~n


Approx. 5 sec.

[ ,0. O%LEL

20. 9%

Display, ,perWrmaJl<le a~: zero calibration fmlun2J (S'ee 3,,) IftI,tase of He ~em cal. m,rul'e

I r"_l.\ I L ZEi~O HC/

I'n {~se of 02 zero call. failure' ~ Fl\ [L ZERO /02

1'111 case of HC/OI.2~ zero oal.fa]lluf'B III F.] L ZERO HC/02 I

A Caution

When U'l'lake ~K.I ,ooIuslrl'1tent do it after having firM ,a:lr suc*oo irrtD mstrumen~ fur over 1 minute',

H mm lpomliis ,adjusted IUoOOr p~noe of gas. 1he'8ccuml:e ootedtion, can lnot be

camedout,e:nd'~ _~ ~ndeooL_aa::iden1 IbrHllllx:urred,

* Note

. ViJhwI,desired 'to,,~1 'lne ,p:r&Operaooli~ i11l$S, l!Ssg ~ lbut after oooomed', ft' can lOO~ 100' ,canooII'ed

2 - 5., Measuremslfl1:

U) Measurement in tan'k'S (Awesoory 30m hose, used)

Fall dowm '~o the $ampling poinlltle ,gas samplingl hose sl'owly Ul( mkingl care' of bending' and ' ,of hese,

This. saJITI,pl'ing! hose snOlNS, 1Jhe' lelll:gln at every 5m and'th:e:nl, Slop !by seeingtl1:e dislance at the, position \iVf1e\1e desired to, measure'.

By the seeing the fltlllNTlll1onito,r" d'liedk that it is sucked property; Afler st:oPiping 'the san1iPlling h-ose' ,at the point where desired' to measure' ,and ov:er ,3, minutes have, lpassed. read ,out lle display re(il1ding',

'Whenever ohange' 'tile place of measuremen~. do< th.e same pl'iooedul'e' ,abovle.

A.. Danser ·6,

.' ihere' may tJellhe 'O)(IIJg:en ,denaimt)' B_t gas 'Met poin.~ due 'to·l!he [11M gas.

Do not breaH1e atSJII.

• 'There may be Ole' emaust of high ,density ,gas, (AOOv.e LEU.

Do not app-'roa;ch me, fi~ to iL

A 1,1:~~·"""~'1n'g.r

A. V V ia..J" . .!l,.I..!LJI.,.J., , ,

-- .

• When the tem,penatJure is c1rastrmtv changed ,at next ,deildan point, in olUer to

make' ,s,"OOIlrate· measummmt" iNalI: 111001 '!he ~ns1.nJmert ~m lilSe'~:to itS tern ~C' - ••. lie -'"ra~ 1 01 mini. I, Then, .sIaI1 meal:W~nt af:!:8r ajr caJib'lalion.

'(2'1' IBaHel)( voltage

By pressing IBAIT smtc'h lIIiIn,i'le' in oPeirat~(lTll, the battery vo!itage at presem can be oonfinmed.

. -

The ltJ.atb,~ry voltage' wllll"etu m to, the gas ·com:::entr:afiion reading if there is 1110 il1,Pilit ofthilEl,

swfl:ch ''ON'' 'for 20 seool1.ds.

Ii Warning

.. WllBfl measufE! ,02 in [oort gas, ,oonfim that CO2 density of wcked ,air is uoo@r 1i5% .. It over '1 S,%' Qf CO:2 is imFoc'l'uood, 'lhat may decrease the sensor Itf,a

(Soo' 8. QruIion in,~ratioo.l)

,A Caution

• lIDo not ret INater 01" 00' sucked! 00 [nwument !if ilshould be' suck:edl;lhe lpump' or-sensor shalilbe faaedl,

· When mee$U1$, ~hed< lf1eo ruru;,ing sound of pump' ,and'!iow monoolS.

It cannot be measured al :stqp of IPU~P opemtion.

• When the mOOSlJJJring gas is ,exce,pt,cafibraOOn 'gBS,m di!sP!ay reading will.Show ,at slightly hig:lnl or' sji9h~;y ~IJW sld'e !)Osmon.

• [)O, ootb1adkltJe gas ooUe,t: because tlhe1dlsplay readmg m~y ~'1he sJig'hrlj h!g~IJKtsillon ..

* Note

• When rudk high density gas, aboi!J\e LEt, the hang-up phe.nomenon lakes place '[roml 'tt1IeadOOrpOOn ,of it·to ~ gas. sam,pfingl hose and 'fi~er rube'.

i ' n ·.··oon usa tJhe· rarg:l .of 'vo1P*" use ~ as H. Is.

®lVhsll ~. zerol adJustme~, remove, ·tae gas ~plr-ng hose and ret·ifiresfI ,arr~1 into fmtltJment

Jl'1en measure try '%.UEL lmnge~ dean tlhe: ,gas. sampfiigl hose, by ail" and by to measure after the' display readingl goes OOVlm zefO.

oCt 0%1. EL .2 Q .. 9% tGasdisp1lilsyl


I B.--\ TT. : F <Battery vottage display)


I 1'1$ - us 2 Rill'\' I. 0

(3) Aead"OtJ~ of' peak va:r~e'

Wlnen ,press PEAK s,w.'itch. in opera~ion! tlis shO\!VS the' peak vatu:e (Max: paint of f,ealiing 'for He, Miinimuml pOil1lt 'oi Wiead'itng fO:Ii'02)fmmUle l~r sViriIDh "ON" IlUpto ~ow;

Then ~.ffi6$ P'EAK slNitch a.g:ajrll. tie ps-®!k mooell is ca!1i1;oelled and 1:'e~"UJms to~he m8:~'liI!('ie.meliit mooe'.Th.en ,nftJ!eoo: lIS no rr'l;Pu~ of peak for ~aoolJl~ .20 seOOl1ldGr tii1iis~hallllB'~U m toUle measut;emern mode. When fioll:d prwsimgl ESC ~witdlifror .3 ~~D:rlidcS· in tlie peak dl~p:I;ay~ the peak Va~tJIie'Nn tJe ,ci@8iroo"

'0. O%L EL 20. 9% (Gasdem~display)


8 (). 0 %LE L 1 9. :5 % (P,ook'~Ue'dr~la¥)i

! lESe. 3sec~



III PO.. 0 ~{L~E~L.~2;C-O~·'.-9~·· , %~J ""9 'F'eak vaUe ,doo;re(£I

l[P EA [~ '-~ (Readingl value '~en ,POOk vaJue ,oI'eaI"OO~1

2: - 6. Sto.p o,f p~mp oiPer,atlon

When~rm1sierthe saHTl,plingljpol:t'll:t or s~op mea'$tJlmmem.~:emporanly, it call .s:tQPl1e running of ,pump o~~y ..

When :!l'~O,p pum'~1 ~:!'1'njnglthe lbatt:ery C(l~~um:p,tion C8_F11 be ClUlt byaoout40% ,as oo:~,edW111h the: pump IliUnnili"l;g~ime. Alii s'xc:ept [PiLIU'IpWOrk and then" Wilowan'l'i!nng·i(j~1 tfme lis r,eqUlined tf lre~;pemate:the pump,

• Wher:tl d:o ootmeasum for rom@,l[m~., tum offf~,€!: I}!j\\ye:r;

foiSaJ] ,except lPU~P vrork, the OO1Lery \Ml~ OO,O'lIlS!Ufflooi n I'eave tile pumpoperaliorl gro~

- --~F-~

0 .. O%LEL 2 O. 9""



IPump': Stop _. OjCletation



O. O%LEL 20. 9~\':

(Pump sID,p opemllioo),

R'G~ease iP~ sVlrild1l, ,alfh~t IPump off.

INS-I·Hl2 It: v Uri

(Plump running)

2 - 7. IMeasurement com:pleluoJ'l ]) Treatment: after measummeJi1~

R(l~1 up '~he sam,pliing hose lin a I\\ound IOiu.fildle' so 1haffi, an,y bent or Mds1 can ,li1ot be made caremflly. Make aIr cleaning for minImum 5,seoonds II1n~il1he! rea dung comes, nearby tolzero point und:9r cond~iol1U1althe sam,pl'ing lOOse is iQonneded! 'lfWitI instroment by suCkkng' fresh arr.,

(2) P,ower OFF

While, pressing Ule power slMtch 'fot about § seooind's; 'lihe, powell' will be, ,oft Whi~e!ll 'the power sMtch off. the buzzer will sound for ebou~ 15 times"

,A Caution

'.' 00 nat IDrg3UO 00 ,air deal"ng.

'\I\Ih.en neg~ed:1hEH3jr ctearning, t:Je'fb!mn~ril!lill take plaoo and ViiiU 00 ,a'C81JOOJ 'for trouble.

Q:1f water. oD and mist are' k::fI, ,and condensed in dust. mudn of mer ,and 'Ojl shaill 00' sucked into. instrument at 1he nIDrt meast.llmment'time.

. = He WJXlf$ may ,00' ,ailscri:led oomplet'sMlhere lIM1! Ibe,al:roub4e for next

'time m~asur,eme!l1t


3 - l , Kind of a1arrn and ,alarm function Trmjbire, ,ruamn ,i!S provided for this, instrument

Each aliarm is pl'O\i\fdedi 'wilihl buzzer, laJl1p and disp~ay:


Battery power~e ON





il lFAJIlSENSOJR: '" '! fAIL SIBt'490R He '" i'l FAJLSENSOR ()2 II

Pump disoonnedion






Aicker InterrniJellt


OFF No sound

Ii FA!LSPAN He! iii "IFAll9I?AN 102 H ii' FAILSRA!N HQ02: II

3 - 2" CoumeJillleaSUlre, at aJa.rnTI

(l)S,ystem error ('SYSTEM IEAAOIR~l

When receive en 'e;;lioessive II'1tO:ige,. 1ll1is enur may ,app9l~n

1(2)When tihe low batt,ery alarm is, gilJlsl1. n~pl'aoo 4pcs of Ibatteriesllri'lh new ones accordingl tll) 1I1e

- -

lP.roc:eduI't8 of "5-1'. Battery ~rep-l~ltOemene,

(3)SensOir ool1ili1:ec1ion efror

\I'1n1en 'givi€l an 'exQessirv,(9!shock or impulse' 10, 'the insbrument su;dh as ijlrop,pil1\Qi or IlhRl'lllli'ngl,etc. and use 'for a Iongl period! such display lmiilJY ~peaJ.

Carry out 1he dally cheek Of regular check (See 5. Maintenance' 'chedk}

(.IJPtlmIP oo:nnedioll error ,r'iFAll PUMP")

When 'gW,ean exos'ssivel shock: er impulse' to the instrument slJdl as d',~opping orthro'wlngJ etc~

- - . -

and r~sefor a lo,rr'l;gI perioo, StJctnr display 1m8lf' a:lJpear.

Carry oill the ,dan:y check or regular meek (See' 5. Mmnt,elM.noo check)

(~)').~ero' ,eal, effOr C'fAJ l ,ZEiR'O HCf02'1r

Under tile condition 'ihat zero gas1(air) is not suckec'OOl1iecuy or lNa~er and oill etc an! suo'kedl into instrumeil':l'~. SlK',ih dis,P~ay may appear: Check ~e!lher therel is W'lY' dama:ge or any sign o~ wa~er or oil etc sudIoJ;t1 in the samp~rril;gl hose or 'fifter tube wllih fiol!Nfil1onitor 'etc. Ilif: ,any 'error ootaliXjl not be fou.nd; fet zero ,gas<{air) sucked into instrumen~, ooliredlly andl ma~e zero adjiusment.

(See pam, 2~4)

~6)SPAN failure, ,rFAIL ,SPAN HCl021

U'nde,lI'tiIii.e! oondition mat: ~€wo gas(ailr) is· notsuoked OOJJiecdy or ~~e·r ,and oil ,etc ilr6:5uckedmlto instrumefllt~ such dts;p!lay may,apprear. Check wheth,er thelle Iisarry damage Of anry g[gn of 'Watell'

. ' -

or ,oil etc suction in the sampling' hose or ii~er 'kine with fioVlmonitor etc, I'f ,any error co'UI'd ,not be'

'fo'U!'1d~ i['e,t cali:b:~ion 'gas sucked into insltrum,e'l'nt ,oomedjfr~yand makE' Sp.M acijusmel1t (Seepam2~)


,A Warning

• l8atleryrnle~entshal~ 100' done atnon.:OOzarcioos zone Iby all rmrans .

• IS€: ru~ to' uooitne 'genuine 'batreri~

(0 Cheo'kthat~he power Off ..

WlhiSrIII1,8, pow,er Is ON,do itaft€ir l~r OFiF.

(3]1 Open the loottery ,COli/elf lo.y~l1Jming tne,scr,ew on Ule Dmtnm' of: instrument: oounml!1iclook\lVise '\Mth m~~uiSsom\i!Jd:rfv·er er ooin rete,


• T'9htt u,p 1lhel oo'lt@~ OO\1€rtol'su[e~

1- 2" Gas caJibra~jon

The meawring I~nge of modellRX~15 we duall expWl<fedl scale of 0-1 OO%IUEL ,aind O .. liOOvo'% for He, and O·25rvcl% for 02. Then! the gas '&aJibra~ionfor all mnges ~s reqlIired.

(2) Remove 11113 filter rube and ga.s. sampling hoses; trom ~e iml'trument. thenj arrang,e to comed: sampling' bag 'from the gi6lS inl;st of instrument.

(I. O%LE L 2 o. 9%

% L EL AD J >- / + 11 ~:tl1e ~ readhgltom,Dalb'afiirJn Wiloo.

By' pressing -.. - switdl adj.usUhe ,gas reading tolna \iia100: of: cannedl ~ andl press IEl\fIE switdtt

8u1l Vilhen press II~NrI'lEij !Nithollt pressing -.. +swtlidil. (i'YMII appear: This moonslha' calibratiOn proceeds vWhoul ,setting the calibration gas'vaiJue,.

When 00 rot lmake gas 'callbraliong press ESC ~"

[0 1

Comptetion of gas real ...

'Gas, 001. erKlr (1)

Supply Calibration gas from the ~ ii!1;;;..:le:..:;',_-----.

WOOl1lpeniorrn gas caJibraliiOJll\, press r-:" . TEl . When, stop gasoolibramn, press @ S .

illDlsplay and runc'lioll ~1f!QaSi !Qa~rtlrati:onerror. (See 3,

[FA. r L SPAN l]C/ I'

,''' Danger

• [)o, 001 ap,pmadltne 1i~ attrm timBof gas caJmrationataU.

fot~ calibratiOn, use·tI1e i"nigh de~ ga$.

* Note

• Be1bre, gas, cajrtxalion, oonmimn ·ttlafl:he '1nclimtiaru value is !\)J)7,oLEl" aftEr fresh air ~.Sl.lcted. Be! ·SllDie b) ~_e ,;reroadjlJ.!lslri!'mnt Vltien '!he value is rot ",!,']i:Ot%tEl:". &:(i MI"I·h:WgfI· '''I10%!18l'' is o]splay.oo, if it is, 'H~eredi zero ,JXlint iis'devJIDedI. IMBe .~ero, ~ustment


" -"- ,_ .,., ... '"" .... "," Eo "," .. "," ~ .... "'" ..

O. 0 %:t E L 2 O. 9 % ~Gas density df.splay) : * 2 ! QaibraJtion gas :

L . i-C1i[ID :

HOLD SPAN KEY ~I 'PfESs.I'PUMij ~IZERg '10-8 (I! v 0 ] % ;:

! Wr3sec. ~il'll''y; I!I A.i'r~baJI'anoe or N:;Hbal III

AlP Pl. Y GAS He I Su~lycaJl,gaafiUm Iheg,as -- ,- -- - ~-- .. "'" ~ "'~ = ~I

I L- inr.euw:i1 iPl~ LENT E ~

l'ES(j ~""SIOP,~S.mfibra.ti@nl' p~ [[[9.

IENTE@ _ _ H_

To 02 ~llbratlol"l.

vo l % ADJ>-/+ Adjl&Ihe,~llI9OOingltoti!e~n.~,

By pmssi~1 -, + mddfn!l,adJ~ 'Ih€! ,~, readi~g!to the wJue of canre:l ~.artI pfesslEN'TIEij~.

IButwn,en press E,N"l'El ml10w pressing -. -It- :S1iMtdhl, lm~; Thfs ~,'lhidcali~ p~~ut selling the calibration ,gas value.

When 00 ootl~e, ~ ,c:aJibralIDn, p:~[BSq S'IMlen.

,[ He s PAN SET 0[": !

Gas ool '6'IiI'Or' ro

T OR8,p~ay Bndfunclio.n in ,- calibration ferrOn"" F.4. I. L SPAN liC/


o, O%LEL 20, 9%


[.ESq 1

To 02 'camOi3iOTn. ' .'

.!-\PPLY GAS 02

,~~ ~ ~_~ ~ ~_~.~ ~ ~ __ ~.~ ~ .. ~ ~ ~I

{Gasd'eMnyd~lay) IV * :1 : Calibration l"ias;

III . --_. _ - ;:;s,

.------------. Iii N2 ; Ov,er '99.5vdli% I

Ress Il)UMij ard IZE.Rq 111- _,_ - - - - - -, ,- - -- - --'

fo:r 3: sec, simultaneously:


Su~pty caJibraoon gaBmm the gru., iin~et aJ"Kl1 press lEN T EN

Viihm, stop"gaiS' ~ib~i:I~~ ~ IE S 4

~ AD J >- / + AqWi:the gas 1~llo·llhe.caJ~ value'.

By pressingl -. +SlIIWd1I~ ,oojW!t the 'gaB ~dlngt()o fle value Qf ~ned ,~,~ ,p:~IEN'ffil~ ~d1.

BUll: vmenpress ]l!~~rTE,~will1outl. pmss111g ~. + S1WiI:dilI, ::11 ,appear. This means IlaJt cai1b:moon Ipi'OOOOO's,~: oottinglthe! caJJibral:ion 'gas vahJl!',

When do not maJke, gas camxation, press ~ESg ~I.

GJaG ¢at ,enlUl" @

0:2 S P."\N SET Or.;;;. GaEtpalib.rcamFlJI§ W1JIpl~m,


G[:D[iB,p1\aand function 'jnas; ,oal'iibm~lon ,el110f.

FA.l L SPAN /0.2


G_a5 inlet

,A, Caution

.' Do no1 SlIpp~tII1e'CSJflJra1K)n ,gas direatry by IpI~ng il"l1he gas nlet~ltI1e, ,~~ gas. ~,.~ itlSDe m inslrurTIeffl may be damaged .

. , Be OOrEl' 'kJ' mN' cammdiol1 by bot! ihjgl1'cJensity 'gas andl w density ,gas.

If wneg~ed: thiS ,calibration" '!he aOO.1rale measil.irement coooot be ess~red.

4 ~ 3. Fi'lter fi~!lacement

ChieCkthil3:fil~er COololII) in the' 'fii~_;ertube INilhl 'A'owmonitO\l" before measurement all1dif rt is dillly, l~p!OO€1 it ~ new lOriS.

I(])' 8y tumingtlle k-rnur:l'irlg pan 'of~~he filWerw'be wi~hflo\MTlanilIDl'. opern '{he '~Iitel"' tube wfilh 11l'owmanitoir.

(3) P,tJIit 1Jl1,e, new CQ,t1on, filter so 'tlha'l rt lOOn be ,ev~n lri: tiii:e: 11ll!ter~!ioo ~flOWll1lonitol"' and dose l~riluli1ing part in~he reverse prooedlLJlfe.



'.' l[)o not pli.rt miJiOO 01ooHoofillEt.

If ,~ fIi irn. 'fi"v' mil ''''+1 'n... .. o!:i.,..,:", 'i""+~ ~, ,..K~, ..... ,""'i'd. JI.. ... ; '.,~ I ~""'I''''''- c "''''''' •• II:C' C C "F ,- - c -cti F" .. ,........, . - .... ~J I, U~,.. '!!i..I!j'lf ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ';::II ....... '!..!'V.",!.~ I! U ~ ~I!..!_,...u~ m~~!;;;Ililt c::anoo,

be earned ow.

* Note

.' Mak].!ihis 'filler mpla.oome;nl lin ,ev@IIY' lmonth.


02' sensor' me ,of R.X"415 r,g: app:rox" 11 yeaJ. 1:1 ~he 'fo110''llVing ,phenomenon '~rotlli'd be OOOlJlToo. flaplaoe '!he sensor wilh new one. Sensor ~e Irs uOS-B3".


<OWhen "'Ca:I~ibrntion ,error' is d'i'S!Jr.l~'ayed, eve-lill thouQlht_ha air calibration is, ,perrOUllMl!tiIOY' fresh air.

_ - _

, . _ hen ilhe indioolti:arill vaJue can root be decreased ENlen tho1J:9,111 humMI e'Xhala~o:n is inrroouoed. W,heniihe indication iiS unstaIJJe". Wh~n it ta_kes, longl'lime to get '~he stable· il1cica1io,lI1i.

4" Caution

• Sensor' 1m depends on uIirnIy ooooiOOfl and utI1ityfEqllellCY.

Refrain to use! the' instrument llIl!d'er'!he 'COnditiOn ttat 1here' is much dust. Prresst.JrB ,altelnalkln, e~ hrg~tem_pei3bJJrehl!umkftly; 'These oondttion may ~',SE!'iIOOf'tlifa

Re.plaoement p:roooo'u:Il!

(ORemOVle the s\lliitol1side CQVe!r by taking off 4 pes of SOIi8:\IVS\. (Sse 1)·1) (2)Pull'OlAthe' oonneC~OIl" fiJiom '0;2 sensor.,

1",)After removal of mountingl screm aIld pla"~e, O~: sensor ·can 100 ~:aken oft. I(See' D<;2) (,l)Take' olJit spare 02 sensor from the case andtalk-:e' ,of!! OllJp,peJ \Ildr;e from oo.nlrteetor.

Then, connea 02 sensor to tilhtl, instrument

Im}Sensof' shailibe installed lin direction as D·2' by'mollnting screw (2,Pcs) and' plate~ (6)PliA lie ·cover Ibaclk and mount. 4 pes of scre1NS. Serrnoolr replacement is comp~:eted.


1 Daitv check

., Are: lne,rB aJIil1y damage on swil:d1es". ~ijm:p, dis.p~~l Mdl panel?'

• Pumip. 6UCtiOJ1lI.¥ol'k. ·check Os. pump suction sound nomnal? Gan any trouble sound be· heard?)

• Batterry. volmge· check. (2)Aegu~ali maintenance oheck

~1 is [reoommended to' rnoeNe the main~ena[flce check a~ [Ileast one in a year. 'Olntact the nearest .agent or [Ri~en Kerki Co.t Ltdl.

4- 6. IRepl'acementofparlS

As, the followingl parts have jffi o"'I!i«llend, it most be replaced regulal1y. When [replace, ,contact the nes/lest ,agent or Ri~en IKeiki Co"' Ud.

Pump : ,Ap,Prooc. 2 ylears (Depends, on lU!5ewequel1ICY)

Int,emaJ ililteii : App:J'iOK 11 year (Depends O,~ uSe' fi':eQuency),

Sensor : Approx. 5, 'Years

.J - '1. S.IDl'ag:e ,md d~sposai when the instrum~mt is not: IIJsoofor long ~me.

Temperature Humidrly Piaee

5,-35 t 30-S0RH

'Gas and solvent: vapor ale' not e~S!1in.g.

Stiorage IDe, irlls.irument fnll,e box whefl® it: WEllS.

When 1here is no storage box, storage in vinvl and ·etc. Starag)9t11:e il1stru'mell'lt indoor lesOOpifil'!;ilfrom direct .sum:3hine. li3Jk,e oifrfllhe batteries. \lYhen do no~ use for over 1 ,month.

Wne'nil$cmp 1he ins~rume:l1l~ after a iong use, do r1: in 'the' :sameitroo'lment as indusUilaJ romp, ~ds (N'OJIl,·ftrunma'ble' goods) because n'O hrumfui ;matelial fer enitAro:nmerrt is IU5'OO except for 02 sernsoJ'. For sersp o~ 02. sensor. conmot U,e m~are$t ag,ent or Rik.en Keikl Col" !ltd.,

I ~S -1-162 Ik~\' I. II

This, tfOubte shooUng' does not menUon the possiible cause o~ ,all the miiliifunctiol1l but siimJJ~y. shows ttto help t~le cause' resea:reh ,of' proiOOble malluncUoll.

Trouble Cause

" lii'me shortage to press PO'Ner ,smtdhi

," Pill ba:lelie5 in mIred !JIl8.II by sooingll:he' battery mpf.acement I(See 5~1.)

, [Hbldl pressing for approx. 5 sec, (Uhti~ displayed)

No, pump running

" No meawtrement and pump stops, 'IUnnmg IPisPlay mrnmenQ

-IMake; r~ of pernp I See2.,ij)'

Zero m:td span adj~;.. melllt: for oe is riOt avaaaJbIe.

• Tilhe' pipe off liNI, our of filter or ruoo etc may 100 removed or

',," "-I

• C~ 1I1e ~ of 'filter ,pt,De'or twist etc and trm1' ft ,oorrq lreee ~ and 2~~

"The vaDd'ily of sensor is e;<pfred.

IReplace' H kI newcn:E!'.

zero 'O.O'%LEL of gas disp~' Isfi1ckernngl

• Zero [point is deviated.

. Check 1hat 'lhem Is ,gas 'free around and mal<e zero ,adjust. {See'24),

• :Zero point or ~ seOOitM'ly is deviated"

.1. Make. ~,UO atiJusnnt ,(See ,24),

2. 'VVhen no': ,adjusted 'to readJFIg' w!j'ue., make 'Qla$ ~jb!'aJUoo. (See&;2j

A Warning

• Do not ,modmy Of' alter n' cfrrutl: iQJstnJoore etc.

,Mer moC~ngl Me ,atltering the IinstrumOO\mliLlnctioo een not: be maintaInedl BlJIi)'Y Iionger .

. ' kJ, '!his ii8~kJslon1Jroof~ fnroumool, l~e1he' OOtlety repwmoot a~ non-nazoJl'GOtiSrzone'. The replaoomoot at: ~s.~~ w[1 be 'OOyo:rnd the ooopeof ,B._xprcl',sI:aI1'"iproof ,concept

.' /4s:lf1is Is. ~€;rofl'1Jnoof\lP€ ~slrulnilefltoo, SlIr!8 '~O operate. \MiI100J1}ing ,case (In'l

A Warning

"Senoor rlfe,cwy, be ~¥ roouced I~nd:er dh.e,ooncf.rtian woore,aoo 'gas, and ~m ,gas af8 l8'ang" !lhJl:ls ,~! maJlic€ mOOSlLJrermml: as q~idkIy' as, poosib~e" Affter ,measurement ~B ·smoor· deaning by inmoooof1gteshafr;

,A, Caution

"!Do rot 'fa~ or masnll

~,th~ is a. fioo ~tlt1e' 'rurdOOI may' not t:N3 maintail'iJied if: highl im,pur~ or $;1'11001{ is ,given.

'. lDo rot spl!ashwater difOOtl¥.

~,Ihis Is riot ooP1JlOOf~f(l. it will be a ~'IDrlroubie if ~tef is sp'~ dirl001l1y.

-Do ~ot grrve 'l!le,~ 'ooise duringl,o;pe~n by stf(;mglmkiel'lt,Wkiie mlilEl etc.

When 'Qivetile ~l noise to the, i~mel'il!t'. iI;~llloo6l, 'Qauseto d'wm~ llhe, irnlrument

• 'When fnemm,perawre In air is ,changed d:rasIicalty. ,~.may',81ffeot.the ,~lngl of instrumerrilt

,. '\Nhen it is '1m dew or oolldeflS€d, ·tn~ IlOrma] me.oouremem can oot be ,tamOOI olA~ ,. For fntemaJ 'rn~er andl~H:er tUoo, be sum~o operate .~. ~tlnem ,00' byaill.mOOllS,

* Note

• Woon moosurelhe gru; OOIlJtaim:Mler~, :sum ~,afrlw r:emo'l.iinlglMlter.

• When lmeasure higl1,'tet11plnarune g.OO,. make ~~riltaler'~ aocustom iJt8elf~D iils t'€miP€(~wm:,


Whenl ,define: tli1~ llOw€:f Ex:p:I~osron Limit: of ,oombuS!Uble gl2l.S a..s100%.

Methane ~ 1 0 0 % L .E L 5. .0 V !) I x

ll!so":butaml' : I 0 0 %L E L = 1,.' V J .1 %,

ThIS is me' IJnit ,showtM lb~y' perceif'llmge rot hoW' Imwl1 a speciej matenaj' 1(01 ,gas) in a volume: is oooupioo wn that 'Volume'.

The lawer Urn'it of ExptOOb\l'~ IUmit (~plosive' Hmit 'll'lihen mixed \.Vith air) i~ to be below , Oo/~, The. difffi'erence between lll.llppe:r andllower limits is '~O lOB abo,ve 20%.

Gene;rall name .of hydrocarbon.

This ins1rument di:sp~lays ~: lby converting 1hrioug'h iiso~bl.rtafL~ gas, d!ID~ny.

The a1mospheri9 of-10"""'-+4iJ.'C, below OO%IRH in GUill ~0113hPa)

Han. ~u:; I c heoomenon This is me pn:Elnome:l'lon ,to show sJJghtly higher li'eading Ulan the' ,aclJuaJ IOlne bl}!' the ~lriffluen:oe residuaJl gas fbr some whi~e tl"tougih '~resh ,air is slIp"pllied afte,r lhi'gh densttygas, was sucked irlto instrument

Il?,henomenon that mal)( cause, human lh;~ dilsord'er,

DS-IU2 II'\' I.. 0


= ~~L-'-1i;II


RX~4 JI. 5 (TYP1!. He)

Deteotion principle

De,t:ectin:nl ,galE.

'CalibraUo:n gas

Measurable range

Of;.2Svol% I(O.1vol%)

Q-1"IJI()Ot&LEL I Q-11100v0l% tDuaI auto r.a:ngeJ (O.5%tEll) II'O.5wfOj~)

5%' ...4'.1; 'II'~_"""'" «'L1"~i Ir:::L\ .....I:... _: .. ~ IV-U I~ J~ \Y' I~IQ~_I

± 61% of fullscaJe' (o..10'lm1%.) (Under samf!',oond'lIianj

1!i:es,pO'.I1001 tim~

Wilhin ±O.7\fOI% (Follow~o JIg.



Over 300mll min.

Am1:fem'~em~ IHumtdlty

Power 00 U lice'

IContinuous, lo,pem.Uurmtirne

&JplosiiDn proof:

Dimension! w'eig!ht

AfJpIOt .200i,VV)1 X ,00 (11) x 1 ,4:2~D)mm I Approx. :2.0k;g (Ball indudOO)

IDe'trecliOni pri'l'lo1ple

o- 1 OO%!RL! o- 11(J('NOM< l!Duai auto ,~Q!eJ (o.S%LEl~ I (O.5voll%)

De1@Cl!ill:l1! 'ga.'8


Ca~i'b'l\EIti:Qn gas,

Me,E'm1Ll1n'El_ble wang@:

IO·:25,vo~,% (0,. 'ffi yol%.)


WlHihrr:1l ±.'Ili'% ±!J~ m 'wUooaIe' (~1 OIJlI%LE1,)

{Follow to .lIS ± 51% off 'ruU ,scaJe. (0.1 ~I%,)

T .,6:201) I (Under same: (xlII1Cfllion)

IlFIDe~po(noo trme


.AlInbienltrernP1 IHumidity

Fow,er SOlUllle

!lJanHl'l~S operamrncme

~elOl'l pfOOff

Drmernsion/ weight

Q)Alk@Jli[rue: batb~ilies, (Sizie q 4pC$;

, --=iR€TtJube,!Wirth flolw mOfili~O:f and conm:~Cition line mth ooupluliiigi 11lPoe @Spirallsamp!ing wbe 1(1 m) 1 poe

i Gas, sampnrfilQI prdbe'1'pce'

@Canrying case with shcuJf,drer stap 1 poe @OiP9i1iatiOr:l m!8li:l'Ul,aJ

(VTeslt report

amplTnglline oomple;te .~ loou,p~iU'1gs (~Om) ~ lpoe ®Aboo:rbent roloJ'I

@M8taJ stolrage box

€£Gas; srunplilfl:g bag

i~ -I tli2 R. "" I. I)

Model RX-415 is boooo on ND~R mei1lod (Nonl-Cliispellisive InhJied) and this slructure lis shown be~ow,

The inf'mrooi beam emitOOdi from the light source pil.l.<sses~hroLlQhtJ:e mOO!_sunil"l1gl'oeill~ and O:Pical band pass filter vvhich: can pass the absollPt'oli 'way,e o:f Imeasuring Igas and attains '~othe inlfr'amcl sensor. The amo'II.llt o~ infrared aftairning,to the infr.aredl sensor tihuIDUgh the measuringl een and \Mil ,decrle-ase acrording to its. dls1.ilsily.

The variableamoum Qlf iUlfi'aNl!d iiS meaf3uJied by 1lhe infrared ~til$Or a;ntjl lt is: displ~ooas, ,gas concentmUo,[l..

Then. '~h'61r.e is no sensiWiily against 002 ,and 00 'etc 'WIi1ILdh !'lave the' different absolption wave 'm-cm 'the m.easuringl gas. Then 'there .is no sensItiVity against: N2 and H2 ale which earn n:o~ ,absorb inITarlelo ... ~ compared INiIili!I 'the co:ni\len~i:o:rneJ catalytic cambustioll1l mehoo, '~here' is no :po:ioor:ling material 1:0' be ab·sorbed and almo~t no ser:1isiitivily drop on this die1scOOn pril'noiple.


£l:I~iI' n~

# .. ·1·· .. · ·· .. ··· .. · · ···· ·· ··· ··· '~ '.'

Ii I! I,tl'll; gas

[ 0 - 2. GALVAN Ie CEllUllffietl100

Ga~anic loelll is ICQll$fsting of a llead anode' 8_nd a gold ca#1oo',el in eledrolyite covered by a membliafle. When o>ry'gen enters into 1Jhe 'go!d cathode, a OUIT&'I1It 'Which is drrectly p:ropornona'lro '~he oqrg8irll OOl1centrattor:l Yliilll be ,produced, and amp'rled OIJJW€Ult mml prodluce' a reaDing on a meter in percent c,xyg~n.


I.· lad Wi.ID

Thermi t r


Anda mungkin juga menyukai