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Alex Munoz

Ricardo Duron
Period 3

Our Symbolic Object

Alex’s symbolic object is a phone and Ricardo’s symbolic object is a shoe. The objects

are always are always with us and they are used everyday by us. The phone and the shoe both

represents what we do. These objects don’t have anything in common but they are both black.

Ricardo’s object is a shoe for many

reasons. One reason why it’s a shoe is that it

shoes that he skates and it shows that

because they are all messed up. That is how its

an object to Ricardo. It also shows that

Ricardo’s favorite color is black because his shoes

are black. That’s about it on how his shoe is his

symbolic object.

Alex’s object is a phone and it represents him by being smart and organized like him. He

keeps all of his stuff organize and the phone as its own sections. The phone is smart because it

has a lot of memory so it must know many things. I know many things and I know how to make

the write decisions.

These are how the objects represent Alex and Ricardo because it shows what we like to

do and know. We will make the background of Alex’s phone Ricardo’s shoe and we will call it DC

Touch instead of Envy Touch. That will make the marriage of these two objects not Alex and

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