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Ancient Greek and Roman Gods

Greek Name Roman Name Role in Mythology

Aphrodite Venus Goddess of beauty and sexual desire (Roman
mythology: Goddess of gardens and fields)
Apollo Apollo God of prophecy, medicine, and archery (late
Greek/Roman mythology: God of the sun)
Ares Mars God of War
Artemis Diana Goddess of the hunt (late Greek/Roman
mythology: Goddess of moon)
Asclepius Aesculapius God of medicine
Athena Minerva Goddess of arts and crafts, and war; Helper
of heroes (late Greek/Roman mythology:
Goddess of wisdom)
Cronus Saturn God of the sky; Ruler of the Titans
(Roman mythology: God of agriculture)
Demeter Ceres Goddess of grain
Dionysus Bacchus God of wine and vegetation
Eros Cupid God of love
Gaea Terra Mother Earth
Hephaestus Vulcan God of fire; Blacksmith of the gods
Hera Juno Goddess of marriage and childbirth;
Protector of married women; Queen of the
Hermes Mercury Messenger of the gods; Protector of
travelers, thieves, and merchants
Hestia Vesta Guardian of the home
Hypnos Somnus God of sleep
Hades Pluto God of the underworld; Lord of the dead
Poseidon Neptune God of the sea and earthquakes
Rhea Ops Wife of Cronus/Saturn; Mother Goddess
Uranus Uranus God of the sky; Father of the Titans
Zeus Jupiter Ruler of the gods

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