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"US006169764B1 cy United States Patent 10) Patent No: US 6,169,764 BL Babanezhad (45) Date of Patent: Jan. 2, 2001 (54) ANALOG ADAPTIVE LINE EQUALIZER (75) Inventor: Joseph N. Bubunezhad, Cupertino, CA, (us) (73) Assigaee: Plato Labs, Ine., * cited by examinee () Notice: Under 35 USC patent shall be extend Primary Examiner—Tesfaldet Bocure (74) Attorney, Agent, oF Firm—Townsend and Townsend 21) Appl. Nos 09/084710 and Crew LLP’ (22) Fi Mar: 19, 1998 on ABSTRACT GI) Inc” A low cost and low power cable equalizer that is 62) U. 375/233, 333) Particularly suitable for fast data communication is 68) Fi earch Aiseloed. Accosing o vari yodimeatsof the present 18,28 R, 69 first and second order adaptive equalizers are ‘sing CMOS continuous-time analog signal (56) References Cited processing, with variable resistors, linear capacitors and high-speed operational amplifies U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS aaa " 4007231 * 811986 Nakayama saya R 13 Claims, § Drawing Sheets S] U.S. Patent Jan. 2, 2001 Sheet 1 of 5 US 6,169,764 BL FIG. 1 304 B servo B+ CONTROL ,- At Vor} 100 HIGH-PASS vw FILTER FIG, 2 US 6,169,764 BL Sheet 2 of 5 Jan. 2, 2001 US. Patent dQ on zany a ay, bon

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