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Do the OOAD using UML for all the Case studies given below.( Give Use Case view—Use case Diagram ,
Activity Diagram, Logical/Design view – Class diagram, Object , Sequence/Communication Diagram,
State Diagram, Package diagram, Activity diagram
Process view – Active classes, Processes and Signals and events (Class and sequence)
Implementation view—Component Diagram, Deployment view – Deployment Diagram)
Timing, Composite structure and interaction overview wherever applicable

Case Study 1

ABC library is a public library with a collection of nearly 10000 books, 15000 journals
and 500 magazines. Each member of library is given ID No. Member can take 2 books and 1 journal /
magazine at a time. The book /journal/magazine is to be returned within 15 days from the date of issue.
Members are sent a reminder notice after a period of 10 days. If book/journal/magazine is not returned
within 15 days a fine of Rs. 50 is charged.
If it is lost he has to pay the fine and book amount. A member can reserve only books in advance of 1 week
and only 3 members can reserve a book at a time.
Library also purchases new books/journals/magazines every year depending on the requirement which will
be given by the chief Librarian. Library wishes to generate reports as 1) Books/Journals/ Magazines added
year wise 2) Books/Journals/ Magazines Lost year wise 3) Books/Journals/ Magazines issued and available
in Library.

Case Study 2

A company wishes to automate the inventory system. Inventory database consists of part numbers, names
and quantity of each. Each month certain parts are used in different machines. The database is then updated
each month to show current quantities. the reorder level of each part is also stored in the database. If the
quantity of that item falls below the reorder level, indent is to be raised. The indent will be sent to purchase
department to procure the parts. After parts are received, the inventory is to be updated again. Reports
showing no of parts consumed, their part nos, and names during each month and reports of parts purchased
are generated. Inventory is managed by an administrator.

Case Study 3

A farmer wishes to grow crop in his field giving maximum yield. He has a choice among 5 different crops.
Each crop’s requirement of soil type, temperature, humidity, rainfall is stored in database. Database is also
available showing last 10 year’s yield to the 5 crops.
Database is also available showing last 10 years temperature, rainfall, humidity, soil type in that region.
Depending upon the information, he wants to sow seeds for the crop which will produce maximum yield.

Case Study 4

An activity management system (AMS) for keeping track of an educational institutions schedule for
conducting seminars/workshops/conferences/competitions and student and staff attending
seminars/workshops/conferences/competitions at institution and outside is to be developed. The system is
to be developed as a client server system with the data stored at server.
The administrator can register and update the event conducted or to be conducted at the institutional level
with type of event, duration, start and end date, coordinator, team members and participants.
The Department administrator can register and update the event conducted or to be conducted at the
department level with type of event, duration, start and end date, coordinator, and team members. He also
registers the staff and students attending the events outside the institution only for his department.
The faculty can view the entire schedule of events for an academic year. Only one event can be conducted
at any time in institution. The system can provide the time available for an event to be conducted.
The administrator can generate different reports such as events conducted per academic year, by
department per academic year, events attended by students/staff . The monthly or yearly reports can be
generated. The reports can be printed also.

1. Importance of analysis and design?

2. Is there any difference (design in oo an procedural oriented)
3. What is UML?
4. What is meta model?
5. What is stereotype?
6. What is CRC?
7. What is the need of object diagram?
8. What is Interaction between what?
9. Difference between aggregation and composition?
10. Draw different diagrams for particular application?
11. What is forward engineering?
12. What is reverse engineering?
13. How Uml can be applied to web applications?
14. How the state is different from activity?
15. What are assignments you have done?
16. What you have done as part of term work
17. Give explanation of any one diagram from your assignment
18. What is the tool you are using and its features
19. Will it support UML 2.0
20. Which tools support UML 2.0
21. What are the other tools available for modeling with UML and what version of UML they support
22. What OMG stands for?–Object management Group
23. Name different standards given by OMG and their latest version
24. What is the aim of MDA?-to distinguish between business logic and its actual implementation.
25. When UML became OMG standard-17,Nov 1997
26. Is RUP an evolutionary model?
RUP is an iterative process in which each phase is further divided into iterations. It
involves managing a stream of executable releases. It is an incremental process which
involves the continuous integration of the system’s architecture to produce these releases.
27. Name the phases in RUP and activities in each phase-
1)Inception-understanding business case and scope
2)Elaboration-project plan,specify features,design architecture
3)Construction-Iterative process of analysis,design,coding and testing.
4)Transition-give beta release to end users,make modifications according to feedbacks and
the make production of software.
Can RUP be applied to all projects
It is not applicable to projects in which cost of the process is a significant factor. Ec Small
It does not cover issues such as:

Managing people: hiring, training, etc.

Managing budget: defining, allocating, etc.
Managing contracts: with suppliers, with customers, etc.

What is 4+1 view architecture

1)design view –classes,interfaces,collaboration about functional req. of system.
2)process view –active class
3)deployment view-deployment diagram
4)implementation view-component diagram
5)use case view- usecase diagram
28. What is relation between model and view
The model is used to manage information and notify observers when that information
changes. The model is the domain-specific representation of the data upon which the
application operates. Domain logic adds meaning to raw data (for example, calculating
whether today is the user's birthday, or the totals, taxes, and shipping charges for shopping
cart items). When a model changes its state, it notifies its associated views so they can be

A view is a projection into a model .The view renders the model into a form suitable for
interaction, typically a user interface element. Multiple views can exist for a single model
for different purposes. A viewport typically has a one to one correspondence with a
display surface and knows how to render to it.

29. What is importance of modeling

Models help us understand the system by simplifying some of the details.

Models help us visualize a system as it is or as we want it to be
Models permit us to specify the structure or behavior of a system.
Models gives us a template that guides us in constructing a system
Models document the decisions for the system
30. State modeling principles ?
31. Why more than one view is needed in s/w modeling.
Beacuase there different persons looking at the software for different information. End
user,testers, analyst ,etc look at use case view
While the developer will at different stages of software may need different views Initially
requiring design view and process view to start the wok.
While deploying the software on actual hardware deployment view becomes necessary.
While configuration of running system from components and files implementation view
becomes necessary.
32. Which different notations are unified in UML?
What is latest version of UML- 2.0
33. What is workflow in RUP-
1)buissness modeling
3)analysis and design
Supporting workflows
7)configuration and change management
8)projection management
34. Define---artifact, stakeholder, work product, activity, phase
Artifact-documents produced as a result of software process modeling.
Stakeholder-any one who is related with project.
Work product- result of software engineering –collection documentation,artifacts along
with the working software
Activity-is collection of actions that perform certain operation.activity is composite whose
flow of control is made up other activites,actions.
Phase-it’s the span of time between 2 major milestones of the process in which well
defined objectives are met,artifacts are completed and decision to move to next phase is
35. Why to model the architecture of s/w
Models help us understand the system by simplifying some of the details.
Models help us visualize a system as it is or as we want it to be
Models permit us to specify the structure or behavior of a system.
Models gives us a template that guides us in constructing a system
Models document the decisions for the system
36. Name OO concepts to be applied in modeling
2)classes and objects
3)Encapsulation and information hiding
4)cohesion and coupling
37. Why is it necessary to have variety of diagrams in a model of a system.
38. What is abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Message sending wrt objects
-Inheritance-reusing properties of class in other classes.
-polymorphisms- many forms of same thing eg.overloaded/overriden functions and virtual
-Encapsulation –in class data and operations on it are encapsulated together and
implementation details are kept hidden.
-Message sending –for an object message is send to call a method of that
invocation of method of an object.
39. What are the oo concepts are implemented in C++/Java and how-
-Inheretance, Polymorphism, encapsulation and information hiding, classes and objects
40. How-give code example.
41. Which diagrams give a static view of a system
Class diagram,package diagram,deployment diagram,object diagram,composite
diagram,component diagram,use case diagram.
42. Which diagrams give dynamic view of a system
Interaction overview diagram,activity diagram,state m/c diagram,sequence diagram,timing
43. What are building blocks of UML
things, relationships and Diagrams
44. What are things, relationships and Diagrams in UML
Things-sturctural,behaviourial,grouping, annotational.
45. Diagrams-all 13 diagrams-
communication,package ,state diagrams.
46. What are the main packages of UML meta model
1)behavioral elements package-collaboration,usecases state m/c derived from common
2)foundation packages-axillary elements,extension mechanision derived from core derived
from data types.
3)model management packages

47. What is the superstructure of UML 1.4/2.0?

48. What do you mean by a classifier
Those modeling elements that can have instances are known as classifiers. It can be
class,component,use case
49. How association is different from aggregation
-a plain association between 2 classes represents a structural relations between
peers,meaning both the classes areconceptually at same level, no one more important than aggregation represents has a relationship ,meaning that an obj of whole has
objects the part. Aggregation is a special kind of association and is specified by adorning a
plain association with an open diamond at the whole end.
50. How CRC helps in OO analysis
By identifying classes ,assigning responsibilities and idebtifying collaborations.
51. How to give constraints on association
-In curly brackets{} above the association notation
52. When an association class is designed
-when an association between two classes, itself, has properties.
Eg.association between emp and company can have job attributes as properties in such a
case job association class is created.

53. Differentiate link and association

Link is an instance of association in object diagram.
54. Define qualified and reflexive association Give an example
Qualified association-
Work Desk Jobid:int Returened Item
Reflexive association:

55. What is the need of object diagrams

-to model the static design view of a systemie it shows a set of objects and their
relationships at a point in time.
56. How does an abstract class differ from a class and how it is represented
-Using sterotypes
57. Differentiate interface and abstract class
Interface does implement any operation.abastrct class my give implementation for some
operations and derived clas will have to give implementation for abstract
58. What is a port wrt interface
A port specifies the services provided by the class that implements the interface.
59. Class diagrams model which view of the system.
Design view.
60. Differentiate analysis and design classes
Some of the classes in the analysis class diagram may not show up in the design.We may
introduce classes into the design: controllers.
Objects to implement associations and aggregations. Objects for performance, persistence,
concurrency, interface to other subsystems,etc.
Collections for finding objects based on a key value (that comes from the UI, for
61. What is an actor and a use case
Actor-external entities are referred as actors
Use case-single unit of meaning ful work.
62. How the use case view model the system
It captures the req. use cases are means of communicating with users and other
stakeholders about what the system is intended to do.
63. What is the meaning of association between Actor and a use case
Means actor uses the use case.
64. Why Use Case view is central to all views
Because the specify what system should do loking from outside.other views describe
internals of the system.
65. How do you organize use cases
According to the relationships –generalization,include,extend
66. What do you mean by realization of a use case
Providing group of classes and relationship bet ween them in the form of class diagrams
that will perform operation required to realize a use case
67. How does the interaction overview diagram relate to sequence diagram.
In interaction overview diagram is combination of activity diagram and a=sequence
diagram,in which each action/activity is represented a sequence diagram
68. What are elements in a sequence diagram
-lifelines with actors and instances of classes.
-execution occurrence.
-self message.
-lost/found messages
-lifeline start and end.

69. How to change sequence diagram to communication diagram

-by providing sequence number to the messages
-by introducing path to indicate how one object is linked to another
-by removing lifelines and focus of control

70. What is a signal

-A signal reprents a named object that is dispatched asynchronously by aone object and
revieved by another.
71. Differentiate state and activity
-state is a condition or situation during the life of an object during which it satisfies some
opearition perform some activity ,or waits for an event.
-activity means object is doing some work while it is in a state.
72. What are different type of actions given in a state
Entry,exit and do actions.
73. What is a partition in a state

74. What is a super state-state that has nested substates , sub state-stste that is nested inside another
state, concurrent state-these substates that allow 2 or more state machines that execute in
parallel in context of the enclosing object , History state-a history state is used to
remember the previous state of a state m/c after it was interrupted.
75. What are elements in a component diagram
-dependency,generalization,association and realization.
76. What are elements in a deployment diagram
-dependency and association realtionships
77. What is the necessity of timing diagram
They display change in state / value of one /more elements over can also show
interaction between timed events and the time and duration constraints that govern them.
78. What do you mean by WAE for Uml
It means web Application extension for UML it defines various new icons and sterotypes
for modeling of web application.
79. How does an activity diagram is different in UML 2.0 and what are the features added.
UML 1.x, activity diagrams were a specialized form of state diagrams, in UML 2.0, the
activity diagrams were reformalized to be based on Petri net-like semantics, increasing the
scope of situations that can be modeled using activity diagrams.

80. How does a component differ wrt UML 2 compared to UML1.X

. In UML 1.1, a component represented implementation items, such as files and
executables. in UML 2, components are considered autonomous, encapsulated units within
a system or subsystem that provide one or more interfaces. Although the UML 2
specification does not strictly state it, components are larger design units that represent
things that will typically be implemented using replaceable" modules. But, unlike UML
1.x, components are now strictly logical, design-time constructs.
81. What is artifact and component
Ans: An artifact in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is the specification of a
physical piece of information that is used or produced by a software development process,
or by deployment and operation of a system.
82. How do you model an API component
Ans: An API component is shown as a normal component with interfaces for various
services provided by that API.
83. Summarize UML 2 features
Ans: new things added:
Composite Structure Diagram (New Type of Class Diagram)
2. Package Diagram
3. Interaction Overview Diagram(Special type of Activity Diagram)
4. Communication Diagram(Collaboration Diagrams in 1.x)
5. Notation for expressing Patterns.
6. Behavioral State Diagrams/Machines
7. New Notation for "Transition"
8. Component Diagrams enhanced and redefined(Many new notations
9. Sequence Diagram - new notations defined (Frame).
10.Artifact notation defined to show physical files.
11. Activity Diagrams(New notations introduced).
84. In what situations you use active class
Ans: Active classes(control/boundary classes) initiate and control the flow of activity,
while passive classes store data and serve other classes.
85. What is template class and How do you represent template in UML
Ans: a template class provides a parameterized description of a class, specifying its
attributes and operations. By binding multiple classes to the template you can generate
new classes with the same characteristics as the template.
A template appears as a classifier with a dashed box in the upper right corner.
86. Can RUP be applied without UML
87. Can UML be applied without RUP
88. What is Object constraint language and its notation
Sub lang of uml that allows capturing of constarints rules and attaching them to models
89. How you can extend UML notations
-using sterotypes,tagged valus,constraints, profiles
90. What is profile
-collection of sterotypes,tags and constarints relevant to for specific domain or purpose.

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