Anda di halaman 1dari 11

Process Intensification

in Separation Systems

A case on Scraped Surface Crystallizers

Nony Nwosu
Separation Processes

Separation process is a one that is used

to transform substances with more
than one chemical property into
distinct properties for further use.
These processes usually involve mass
Types of Separation Systems
Depending on the natural (raw) form of the
substances, there are



Crystallization and Recrystallization

 Sieving

 Drying e.t.c
 Crystallization is the process of forming solid
crystals from a solution. The different
methods of Crystallization:
 Tank Crystallizers
 Scraped Surface Crystallizers
 Double Pipe Scraped Surface Crystallizers
 Circulating-Liquid-Evaporator-Crystallizers
 Circulating-magma vacuum Crystallizers
 Continuous oscillatory baffled Crystallizer (COBC)
Scraped Surface Crystallizer

Used mostly for in

food processing
particularly for
products with
high viscosity; ice
cream freezing
and fat making.
Scraped Surface Crystallizers
Process Intensified Scraped Surface
For the common need for greater capacity,
suppliers have developed heat exchangers
that can handle today's type of products and
processes. Companies like Tetra Pak and
OMVE have developed more efficient designs.
· Robust design and reliable/durable system 
· Hygienic design
· Easy to clean and move
· Modular design
· Suitable for a broad range of products 
· For good cleaning performance 
· Suitable for pressures and high viscosity
· Interchange blades
· TFT touch screen
· Suitable for different configurations 
Crystallizer and
Continuous Ice
Cream Freezer 
h t t p : //w w w .g e a -
c r y s t a lliz a t io n .c o m /g e a c r y s t a l/c m s r e s o u r c e s .n s f /f ile n a m e s /c r y s t a lliz a t io n % 2 0 a
n d % 2 0 s e p a r a t io n - s m a ll.p d f /$ f ile /c r y s t a lliz a t io n % 2 0 a n d % 2 0 s e p a r a t io n -
s m a ll.p d f

h t t p : //w w w .d ir e c t in d u s t r y .c o m /p r o d /o m v e - l a b o r a t o r y - p ilo t -
e q u ip m e n t /c r y s t a liz e r - c o n t in u o u s - ic e - c r e a m - m a k e r - 5 0 5 1 4 - 4 1 9 8 1 9 .h t m l

h t t p : //w w w .h y f o m a .c o m /e n /c o n t e n t /p r o c e s s in g - t e c h n o lo g y /s e p a r a t io n -
t e c h n iq u e s /c r y s t a lliz a t io n /

h t t p : //w w w .f o o d s c ie n c e .u o g u e lp h .c a /d a ir y e d u /ic m a n u .h t m l
Thank you!

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