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Here are the main events in Act 3, Scene 1 - but all jumbled up. Put
them into chronological order; the order that they happen in the play.

a) Benvolio takes Mercutio somewhere quiet to die and Romeo blames his love
for Juliet for making him soft.

b) Lady Capulet demands the execution of Romeo. The Prince, with the Capulets
and Montagues, arrives to find two corpses in Verona Square.

c) Mercutio is angry that Romeo won’t fight and takes his place.

d) Mercutio teases Tybalt and Benvolio says they should go somewhere less
open to talk.

e) Romeo professes his love for Tybalt and refuses to fight.

f) Benvolio and Mercutio are discussing one another’s hot tempers and Benvolio
is worried because there seem to be a lot of Capulets about.

g) Romeo arrives fresh from his wedding to Juliet.

h) Lord Montague says Romeo only punished Tybalt for killing Mercutio and
should be allowed to go free.

i) Benvolio returns to tell Romeo that Mercutio is dead. Tybalt insults Romeo and
demands a duel.

j) Romeo tries to stop Tybalt and Mercutio fighting and reminds them of the
Prince’s threat should anyone break the peace.

k) Romeo steps between Tybalt and Mercutio and Tybalt stabs Mercutio under
Romeo’s arms.

l) The Prince decides that Romeo will be banished.

m) Romeo attacks Tybalt and they fight.

n) Tybalt falls dead and Benvolio urges Romeo to flee.

o) Benvolio explains to the Prince what has happened.

p) Tybalt arrives and demands to know where Romeo is.

q) Mercutio, knowing that he is dying, curses both the Montagues and the

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