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Dampak Eksploitasi Minyak dan Gas

Imam, Abraham

Rekan-rekan MIGAS,

Saya ingin bertanya, apakah ada dampak eksploitasi minyak dan gas
terhadap penurunan luas daratan bumi ?
Menurut imajinasi saya, minyak dan gas kan termasuk komponen
penyusun lapisan batuan di bawah permukaan bumi. Nah..seandainya
komponen minyak dan gas ini semakin menciut (karena dieksploitasi)
tentu rongga-rongga kosong yg ditinggalkannya sangat bisa jadi akan
terisi oleh komponen yg diatasnya (struktur batuan diatasnya akan
turun), apakah asumsi saya ini benar ?
Atau ada dampak lain seperti menyebabkan gempa bumi misalnya ?

Mohon pencerahan dari rekan-rekan migas.

Terima kasih.

Sucahyo Pratomo

Sdr. Imam Abraham,

Media berpori dalam reservoir yang ditinggalkan oleh fluida gas &
minyak biasanya akan digantikan oleh fluida air formasi. Ini
ditunjukkan jika kita produksikan minyak atau gas atau keduanya,
pada saat tertentu akan terjadi kenaikan produksi air jikalau reservoir
tersebut mempunyai Drive Mechanism : Water Drive. dan juga
biasanya jika kita berproduksi hanya secara Primary and Secondary
Depletion akan masih tertinggal sisa minyak berbentuk Residual untuk
reservoir minyak. Jadi tidak ada hubungannya dengan aktifitas gempa
bumi tektonik dan vulkanik.

Demikian disampaikan dan terimakasih.

Nugroho Wibisono

Dear Pak Sucahyo dan milisers,

Wah saya jadi pengen nanya juga nih. Kalo drive mechanism-nya itu
gas-cap drive apa fenomenanya sama juga ya Pak? Kalo bayangan
saya sih, jika pori2 yg ditnggalkan minyak itu diisi gas maka lama2 si
reservoir itu berongga-rongga. apa tanahnya gak runtuh ya?
Maksud Primary and Secondary Depletion itu apa Pak?
Apakah water drive itu lebih banyak jumlahnya daripada gas-cap drive
dan apakah coning ada kaitannya dengan ini? Saya pernah dapat
kuliah dari Departemen Biologi yang membahas mengenai masalah
coning akibat penyedotan yg berlebihan pada sumur air artesis,
apakah hal yang sama (coning) juga terjadi pada minyak bumi?

patria indrayana

Pak Sucahyo, Pak Imam Abraham, dan rekan-rekan milis,

Saya tidak bermaksud menambahkan lagi dari posting terakhir Pak

Sucahyo dari sisi reservoir engineering. Cuma mungkin saya ingin
berbagi cerita unik, sehubungan dengan imaginasi Pak Imam tentang “
penurunan daratan bumi” akibat memproduksi minyak dan gas.....

Dasar laut lapangan Ekofisk (offshore Norway), turun dua meter

selama 1971 – 1984! Fenomena subsidence sebenarnya normal saja
dalam geologi, tapi itulah yang mencemaskan. Produksi hydrokarbon
menyebabkan penurunan tekanan formasi, sehingga berat batuan
yang di atasnya mulai menyebabkan formasi di tersebut sedikit
‘menciut’. Reservoir Ekofisk yang terbentuk dari limestone dan chalks
yang ber-porositas tinggi membuat situasi menjadi dramatik.

Process Platform dan Living Quarter dilaporkan turun mengikuti

turunnya dasar laut.. sehingga safety margin terancam terlewati (max
gelombang laut 24 meter per 100 tahun). Untuk mengukur penurunan
dasar laut secara akurat, Operator Ekofisk dan Norwegian Petroleum
Directorate memutuskan untuk menggunakan satelit (GPS) buatan
tahun 1983, dengan akurasi 1-2cm, lebih baik daripada bathymetri
konvensional atau dengan radar. NPD menyebutkan bahwa dasar laut
turun 6-7 cm selama tahun 1984, sumber lain menyebutkan
penurunan 2.5 meter selama 1980-1984 (original air gap 2.97m, tahun
1984 menjadi 0.47m). Walaupun data yang diumumkan berbeda-beda,
namun disebutkan bahwa kondisi akan sangat berbahaya mulai tahun
1991, jika tidak dilakukan upaya pencegahan.

Solusi yang diambil adalah dengan mempertahankan tekanan formasi

dengan water injection (expansion in 1988 - optimisation in 1990) dan
gas injection.
Sementara operasi besar menaikkan struktur dilaksanakan tahun
1987. Obyektif: mengangkat struktur secara bersamaan setinggi 6.5
meter. Total struktur yang diangkat seberat 10600 ton, total operation
memakan waktu 4 bulan. Plus protective barrier (beton) yang dipasang
tahun 1987. Total biaya 1 milyar dollar saja…

Namun begitu, disebutkan bahwa ‘compaction of the reservoir rock’

yang sudah menghabiskan sejumlah uang untuk mengangkat platform,
ternyata mempunyai efek yang positif terhadap produksi dari lapangan

Source : RM Sulak, Ekofisk Field The First 20 years, SPE Paper 20773

Imam, Abraham

Dear P'Indrayana,
Deskripsi seperti yang Bapak sampaikan itulah yang menjadi concern
dalam pertanyaan saya.
Kalo dalam kacamata teknik sipil, fenomena itu mungkin mirip kasus
'consolidation settlement' pada tanah, yang dikategorikan sebagai
'long term settlement'.

Oh iya, bisakah rekan2 menceritakan bagaimana prosedur 'water

injection' pada penciutan sebuah reservoir ? soalnya saya awam di
bidang ini.

Terima kasih.

stephanus sulaeman

<From: Dyan Dwistiadi>

Dari milis sebelah

I was in charge for start up of Handil water injection project in 1980,
so, I probably have met pak Jean Michel Attal at that time.
Based on my previous experience of 20 years ago, herebelow is my
answer: AAA. It is correct that the injection pressure must not be
higher than the initial reservoir pressure plus the pressure losses. BBB.
For water deoiling process, we have to design the process based on
the particle size cut-off (not the oil content in the water).
Settling/tank/basin/API unit/basin is usually the primary treatment unit,
while flotation unit is the secondary one. Filtration unit is the 3rd
treatment unit.
Sand bed filter is not good to be used for primary (even secondary)
treatment, because it will be shortly plugged up, thus the operating
time will be much shorter than the regeneration (backflush) time. In
addition, its filtration capacity will decrease by time due to the
increasing oil trapped in the media.
The treatment is needed for both water injection and disposal. For
good water deoiling process, we must maintain continuous constant
flowrate (no slugging, intermittent flow). Please also note that water
deoiling treatment is aimed to remove non-soluble oil in the produced

<From:Nuzrial Wahdi>

Questions :
Is there rule of thumb to determine injection pressure of injecting
produced water for pressure maintenance onto aquafier of bottom-
water drive oil reservoir, Will the number remain the same if the oil
reservoir is edge-water drive reservoir ? Does it correct to say that
water injection pressure on the surface must have not more than initial
reservoir pressure plus friction losses on the system?


Can somebody tell me, in addition of oil skim tank (or oil skimpit)
produced water surge tank), when we should use media bed filter and
when we should use CPI (Corrugated Plated Interceptor) together with
Flotation cell unit for the water treatment plant of the produced water
for water reinjection purpose or disposal purpose? What are the
disadvantages and advantages between the two option above? Thank
you in advance for the information.

From:Jean Michel Attal

Dear Nenny,
Sorry not to have answered earlier I was in central Riau, working on
"our water disposal system".
I agree with Widi, there is no relation between the layer were water
injection is made for reservoir pressure maintenance and water
disposal and the layer utilized for drinking water (called Water Table).
With the amount of water being re-injected, if it had polluted the Water
Table, the first to know about it would have been the company who re-
inject the water, since they are leaving on the top of the re-injection
The Water Table is situated much higher than the water injected layer (
Water Table is between depth of 30 / 70 / 100 meters from surface)
were by the layer were water re-injection is made are much more
deeper than that.( more than 400 to sometimes more than 1000
meters. > Those depths are the oil
producing depths and if the re-injected water was polluting the water
table, the oil bellow the surface would have polluted the Water Table
too since million of years.
Fortunately, the earth is made of sealed geological layers who are not
communicating between each other. However, I can assure you that
the Man made surface pollution has a direct relation with the Water
Table utilized for Man utilized water for life.
The Man made surface pollution is THE most effective and dangerous
Just look around you and see what is going on. (If you are not blind...)
The Jakarta rivers are definitely more polluted (by Man) than the water
re-injected onto the ground by oil companies.
The facts are that in some area of Jakarta, the Water Table has
reached an alarming level of pollution. (Any concern about that???) >
The fact that all cities rubbish are dumped onto the ground and has
polluted (by infiltration) the Water Table (Any concern about that ???)
> The fact that some cities still allows Pig farming in some part of their
town, also pollute tremendously the underground and the rivers (Any
concern about that ???)
Professionally managed oil companies water re-injection systems are
very well monitored both in oil content (Less than 10 ppm) and
chemical content.We are not blind believe me, we are very much
careful on what we do and we open our eyes every minutes.
We care about the local environment much more than some local
industries do.
Another point of your mail attract also my comments:
Why is that every calamities Indonesia has is always put on the back of
foreign companies???
We are spending more money and more time on pollution and
environment control that any other sector of the industries in
We are definitely against pollution in our own country and for sure in
any other countries on earth.
There is in Indonesia more troublesome pollution activities done by
some un-controlled industries who manage to get away with it....(Open
your eyes)...look around you...and report Nenny.
If your own company pollute, report the fact to your management.
Do not only watch.
From: Widi Hartono

We in CPI-Minas has been re-injected 5.2 MMBWPD produced water for

two reasons :
1. Into productive reservoirs to maintain formation pressures (as > >
waterflooding project).
2. Into non-productive reservoirs to make zero water discharge task >
> achieved/maintained.
We did not inject into surface formation to prevent polution to
surrounding > > community which might happened.
I do agree with what mbak Nenny stated that those 25 ppm oil
contained in > > the surface disposed water will polute the
environment due to accumulation > > day by day in long time.

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